
RPG Style Battle Game

Oct 3rd, 2017
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  3. ::Welcome to my RPG Battle Game!
  4. ::It's not too big of a deal, but I spent a while on it.
  5. ::There are currently 2 monsters.
  6. ::Also please don't edit the code; all that will do is break the game.
  7. ::Last Update: October 19, 2017 (v2.1)
  9. :start
  10. @echo off
  11. title RPG Battle!
  12. color a
  13. cd c:/
  14. cls
  15. goto monchoose
  17. ::#############################################
  19. :monchoose
  20. set /a health=100
  21. set /a magic=50
  22. set /a br=0
  23. set /a brw=0
  24. cls
  25. echo.
  26. echo Please choose an option below:
  27. echo.
  28. echo Boss Rush will have you fight random monsters until you run out
  29. echo of health, regardless of ending.
  30. echo.
  31. echo Pressing enter without typing anything will bring you to the
  32. echo previous monster you fought without closing the game.
  33. echo.
  34. echo Choose [SLIME (S)] [SKELETON (K)] [Random (R)] [Boss Rush (BR)]
  35. echo.
  36. set /p monchoose=">>"
  37. if not defined monchoose goto monchoose
  38. if /i "%monchoose%"=="slime" goto sencounter
  39. if /i "%monchoose%"=="s" goto sencounter
  40. if /i "%monchoose%"=="skeleton" goto kencounter
  41. if /i "%monchoose%"=="k" goto kencounter
  42. if /i "%monchoose%"=="random" goto r
  43. if /i "%monchoose%"=="r" goto r
  44. if /i "%monchoose%"=="boss rush" goto br
  45. if /i "%monchoose%"=="br" goto br
  46. goto what
  48. :what
  49. cls
  50. echo.
  51. echo Whatever you just typed is not in the game yet.
  52. echo Try again.
  53. echo.
  54. pause
  55. cls
  56. goto monchoose
  58. :r
  59. set /a rand=%random% %% 2
  60. if /i %rand%==0 goto sencounter
  61. if /i %rand%==1 goto kencounter
  62. cls
  63. goto monchoose
  65. :br
  66. cls
  67. set /a br=1
  68. goto r
  71. ::#########################################################################################
  72. ::#########################################################################################
  73. ::#########################################################################################
  74. ::#########################################################################################
  75. ::#########################################################################################
  76. ::The SLIME is represented by a "s"
  79. :sencounter
  80. title SLIME Battle!
  81. cls
  82. if %br%==0 (
  83. set /a health=100
  84. set /a magic=50
  85. )
  86. set /a enemy=80
  87. set /a nice=0
  88. set /a give=0
  89. set /a promise=0
  90. cls
  91. echo.
  92. echo You have encountered a SLIME!
  93. echo He wants to battle!
  94. if "%sending%"=="1" echo He seems somewhat familiar to you...
  95. echo.
  96. pause
  97. set /a sending=1
  98. cls
  99. goto battscr
  101. ::#################################################
  103. :battscr
  104. cls
  105. if %health% leq 0 goto lose
  106. if %enemy% gtr 80 set /a enemy=80
  107. if %enemy% leq 0 goto win
  108. if %health% gtr 100 set /a health=100
  109. if %magic% gtr 50 set /a magic=50
  110. if "%magic%" leq "0" set /a magic=0
  111. cls
  112. echo.
  113. echo Your health is %health%.
  114. echo Your magic is %magic%.
  115. echo The SLIME has %enemy% health.
  116. echo.
  117. echo Choose [Fight] [Magic (20)] [Heal (30H)(20M)] [Spare] [Give Up] [Suicide]
  118. echo.
  119. set action=
  120. set /p action=">>"
  121. if %give% geq 1 (
  122. if not defined action goto give
  123. if /i "%action%"=="heal" goto fakeheal
  124. if /i "%action%"=="fight" goto no
  125. if /i "%action%"=="magic" goto no
  126. if /i "%action%"=="die" goto suicide
  127. if /i "%action%"=="suicide" goto suicide
  128. goto battscr
  129. )
  130. if not defined action goto oops
  131. if /i "%action%"=="fight" goto fight
  132. if /i "%action%"=="magic" goto magic
  133. if /i "%action%"=="heal" goto heal
  134. if /i "%action%"=="spare" goto nothing
  135. if /i "%action%"=="give up" goto give
  136. if /i "%action%"=="die" goto suicide
  137. if /i "%action%"=="suicide" goto suicide
  138. goto battscr
  140. ::##########################################################
  142. :oops
  143. cls
  144. echo.
  145. echo You forgot to do anything!
  146. echo But the SLIME understands and gives you another chance.
  147. echo.
  148. pause
  149. cls
  150. goto battscr
  152. ::#####################################################
  154. :fight
  155. set /a miss=%random% %% 10
  156. set /a crit=%random% %% 10
  157. cls
  158. echo.
  159. echo You swing your sword at the SLIME!
  160. echo.
  161. pause
  162. if %miss%==5 goto miss
  163. if %crit%==5 (
  164. cls
  165. echo.
  166. echo It was a critical hit!
  167. echo You did double the damage!
  168. echo.
  169. pause
  170. cls
  171. )
  172. set /a chance=%random% %% 3
  173. if %chance%==0 (
  174. set /a damage=10
  175. )
  176. if %chance%==1 (
  177. set /a damage=10
  178. )
  179. if %chance%==2 (
  180. set /a damage=15
  181. )
  182. if %crit%==5 (
  183. set /a damage=%damage% * 2
  184. )
  185. cls
  186. echo.
  187. echo The SLIME took %damage% damage!
  188. echo.
  189. pause
  190. set /a enemy=%enemy% - %damage%
  191. cls
  192. goto turn
  194. ::###########################################################
  196. :magic
  197. if "%magic%" leq "19" (
  198. cls
  199. echo.
  200. echo You don't have enough magic to perform this action right now!
  201. echo.
  202. pause
  203. cls
  204. goto battscr
  205. )
  206. set /a miss=%random% %% 10
  207. set /a magic=%magic% - 20
  208. cls
  209. echo.
  210. echo You cast a damaging spell upon the SLIME!
  211. echo.
  212. pause
  213. if %miss%==5 goto miss
  214. set /a chance=%random% %% 3
  215. if %chance%==0 (
  216. set /a mdamage=10
  217. )
  218. if %chance%==1 (
  219. set /a mdamage=15
  220. )
  221. if %chance%==2 (
  222. set /a mdamage=20
  223. )
  224. cls
  225. echo.
  226. echo The SLIME took %mdamage% damage!
  227. echo.
  228. pause
  229. set /a enemy=%enemy% - %mdamage%
  230. cls
  231. goto turn
  234. ::#############################################################
  236. :heal
  237. if %br%==1 goto sbrheal
  238. set /a hmiss=%random% %% 15
  239. set /a hmax=0
  240. set /a mmax=0
  241. cls
  242. echo.
  243. echo You begin to meditate...
  244. echo.
  245. pause
  246. cls
  247. timeout 1 >nul
  248. echo.
  249. echo ...
  250. timeout 1 >nul
  251. cls
  252. echo.
  253. echo ...  ...
  254. timeout 1 >nul
  255. cls
  256. echo.
  257. echo ...  ...  ...
  258. timeout 1 >nul
  259. if %hmiss%==5 goto hmiss
  260. cls
  261. if %health% geq 100 (
  262. cls
  263. echo.
  264. echo Your health is already at it's max!
  265. echo.
  266. pause
  267. set /a hmax=1
  268. cls
  269. )
  270. if %magic% geq 50 (
  271. cls
  272. echo.
  273. echo Your magic is already at it's max!
  274. echo.
  275. pause
  276. set /a mmax=1
  277. cls
  278. )
  279. if %hmax%==1 if %mmax%==1 goto hmiss
  280. echo.
  281. echo You've been healed:
  282. if %hmax%==0 echo 30 health!
  283. if %hmax%==0 if %mmax%==0 echo AND
  284. if %mmax%==0 echo 20 magic!
  285. echo.
  286. pause
  287. set /a health=%health% + 30
  288. set /a magic=%magic% + 20
  289. cls
  290. goto turn
  292. ::##########################################################
  294. :fakeheal
  295. set /a hmiss=%random% %% 7
  296. set /a hmax=0
  297. set /a mmax=0
  298. cls
  299. echo.
  300. echo You try to heal but your lack of determination
  301. echo weakens your heal significantly!
  302. echo.
  303. pause
  304. cls
  305. timeout 1 >nul
  306. echo.
  307. echo ...
  308. timeout 1 >nul
  309. cls
  310. echo.
  311. echo ...  ...
  312. timeout 1 >nul
  313. cls
  314. echo.
  315. echo ...  ...  ...
  316. timeout 1 >nul
  317. if %hmiss%==5 goto hmiss
  318. cls
  319. if %health% geq 100 (
  320. cls
  321. echo.
  322. echo Your health is already at it's max!
  323. echo.
  324. pause
  325. set /a hmax=1
  326. cls
  327. )
  328. if %magic% geq 50 (
  329. cls
  330. echo.
  331. echo Your magic is already at it's max!
  332. echo.
  333. pause
  334. set /a mmax=1
  335. cls
  336. )
  337. if %hmax%==1 if %mmax%==1 goto hmiss
  338. echo.
  339. echo You managed to heal:
  340. if %hmax%==0 echo 10 health!
  341. if %hmax%==0 if %mmax%==0 echo AND
  342. if %mmax%==0 echo 5 magic!
  343. echo.
  344. pause
  345. set /a health=%health% + 10
  346. set /a magic=%magic% + 5
  347. cls
  348. goto turn
  350. ::########################################################
  352. :sbrheal
  353. set /a hmiss=%random% %% 8
  354. set /a hmax=0
  355. set /a mmax=0
  356. cls
  357. echo.
  358. echo You try to heal, but Boss Rush mode makes it more difficult!
  359. echo Your heal weakens significantly!
  360. echo.
  361. pause
  362. cls
  363. timeout 1 >nul
  364. echo.
  365. echo ...
  366. timeout 1 >nul
  367. cls
  368. echo.
  369. echo ...  ...
  370. timeout 1 >nul
  371. cls
  372. echo.
  373. echo ...  ...  ...
  374. timeout 1 >nul
  375. if %hmiss%==5 goto hmiss
  376. cls
  377. if %health% geq 100 (
  378. cls
  379. echo.
  380. echo Your health is already at it's max!
  381. echo.
  382. pause
  383. set /a hmax=1
  384. cls
  385. )
  386. if %magic% geq 50 (
  387. cls
  388. echo.
  389. echo Your magic is already at it's max!
  390. echo.
  391. pause
  392. set /a mmax=1
  393. cls
  394. )
  395. if %hmax%==1 if %mmax%==1 goto hmiss
  396. echo.
  397. echo You managed to heal:
  398. if %hmax%==0 echo 20 health!
  399. if %hmax%==0 if %mmax%==0 echo AND
  400. if %mmax%==0 echo 10 magic!
  401. echo.
  402. pause
  403. set /a health=%health% + 20
  404. set /a magic=%magic% + 10
  405. cls
  406. goto turn
  408. ::################################################################################
  410. :nothing
  411. cls
  412. if %nice%==0 (
  413. cls
  414. echo.
  415. echo You decided it would be best to not fight the SLIME this time.
  416. echo It seems confused for a second, but then continues to attack.
  417. if %br%==0 echo It seems like the SLIME will need more convincing to stop fighting.
  418. if %br%==1 echo The SLIME warns you that it can't be spared in Boss Rush mode!
  419. echo.
  420. pause
  421. set /a nice=1
  422. cls
  423. goto turn
  424. )
  425. if %nice%==1 (
  426. cls
  427. echo.
  428. echo You try to reason with the SLIME.
  429. echo It stops for a second before attacking.
  430. echo.
  431. pause
  432. set /a nice=2
  433. cls
  434. goto turn
  435. )
  436. if %nice%==2 (
  437. cls
  438. echo.
  439. echo You tell the SLIME that this can be settled without fighting.
  440. echo It considers it's options before attacking again.
  441. echo.
  442. pause
  443. set /a nice=3
  444. cls
  445. goto turn
  446. )
  447. if %nice%==3 (
  448. cls
  449. echo.
  450. echo You flash the SLIME a smile and tell it that you don't want to kill it.
  451. echo The SLIME suddenly seems less willing to fight.
  452. echo.
  453. pause
  454. set /a nice=4
  455. set /a promise=1
  456. cls
  457. goto turn
  458. )
  459. if %nice%==4 (
  460. cls
  461. echo.
  462. echo You plead with the SLIME to stop fighting.
  463. echo The SLIME thinks for a minute before slowly starting to back
  464. echo out of the room.
  465. echo.
  466. pause
  467. cls
  468. if %br%==1 goto sbrnope
  469. goto pacifist
  470. )
  473. ::###########################################################
  475. :sbrnope
  476. cls
  477. echo.
  478. echo The SLIME was just about to leave, but then it remembered
  479. echo that you were in Boss Rush mode and it couldn't leave.
  480. echo.
  481. pause
  482. cls
  483. goto turn
  485. ::###########################################################
  487. :no
  488. cls
  489. echo.
  490. echo You were going to attack, but then you didn't feel like it.
  491. echo.
  492. pause
  493. cls
  494. goto give
  496. ::##############################################################
  498. :give
  499. cls
  500. if %br%==1 (
  501. cls
  502. echo.
  503. echo You were just about to throw your sword away and
  504. echo give up, but then you remembered that you were in
  505. echo Boss Rush mode and you couldn't give up.
  506. echo.
  507. pause
  508. cls
  509. goto battscr
  510. )
  511. if %give%==0 (
  512. set /a give=1
  513. echo.
  514. echo You throw your sword away and give up.
  515. echo The SLIME jolts in surprise before maintaining it's composure.
  516. echo.
  517. pause
  518. cls
  519. goto turn
  520. )
  521. if %give%==1 (
  522. set /a give=2
  523. echo.
  524. echo You continue to stand around aimlessly.
  525. echo The SLIME is confused at your lack of care towards his attacks.
  526. echo.
  527. pause
  528. cls
  529. goto turn
  530. )
  531. if %give%==2 (
  532. set /a give=3
  533. echo.
  534. echo You ball up in the corner.
  535. echo The SLIME thinks you're pathetic.
  536. echo.
  537. pause
  538. cls
  539. goto turn
  540. )
  541. if %give%==3 (
  542. set /a give=4
  543. echo.
  544. echo You begin to rock yourself while still in a ball.
  545. echo The SLIME starts to feel guilty for attacking someone so useless.
  546. echo.
  547. pause
  548. cls
  549. goto turn
  550. )
  551. if %give%==4 (
  552. set /a give=5
  553. if %promise%==1 (
  554. cls
  555. echo.
  556. echo You look uncaringly at the SLIME.
  557. echo The SLIME comes to the conclusion that your word means nothing.
  558. echo.
  559. pause
  560. cls
  561. )
  562. echo.
  563. echo The SLIME looks around before deciding it should probably
  564. echo leave you to your self-pity.
  565. echo.
  566. pause
  567. cls
  568. goto pacifist2
  569. )
  572. ::##############################################################
  574. :miss
  575. cls
  576. echo.
  577. echo YOU MISSED! The SLIME took 0 damage.
  578. echo.
  579. pause
  580. cls
  581. goto turn
  583. ::#######################################################
  585. :hmiss
  586. cls
  587. echo.
  588. echo The healing failed!
  589. echo Your health and magic remain the same!
  590. echo.
  591. pause
  592. cls
  593. goto turn
  595. ::#######################################################
  597. :turn
  598. if %enemy% leq 0 goto win
  599. cls
  600. set /a satt=%random% %% 5
  601. if %satt%==0 (
  602. cls
  603. echo.
  604. echo The SLIME does a little jiggle dance!
  605. echo.
  606. pause
  607. if %enemy%==80 (
  608. cls
  609. echo.
  610. echo But the SLIME already has full health!
  611. echo.
  612. pause
  613. cls
  614. goto battscr
  615. )
  616. set /a enemy=%enemy% + 10
  617. cls
  618. echo.
  619. echo The SLIME gained 10 health!
  620. echo.
  621. pause
  622. cls
  623. goto battscr
  624. )
  625. set /a smiss=%random% %% 9
  626. cls
  627. echo.
  628. echo The SLIME lunges towards you!
  629. echo.
  630. pause
  631. if %smiss%==5 goto smiss
  632. set /a chance=%random% %% 5
  633. if %chance%==0 (
  634. set /a hurt=10
  635. )
  636. if %chance%==1 (
  637. set /a hurt=15
  638. )
  639. if %chance%==2 (
  640. set /a hurt=20
  641. )
  642. if %chance%==3 (
  643. set /a hurt=10
  644. )
  645. if %chance%==4 (
  646. set /a hurt=15
  647. )
  648. cls
  649. echo.
  650. echo You took %hurt% damage!
  651. echo.
  652. pause
  653. set /a health=%health% - %hurt%
  654. goto battscr
  657. ::######################################################
  659. :smiss
  660. cls
  661. echo.
  662. echo The SLIME missed! You took 0 damage.
  663. echo.
  664. pause
  665. cls
  666. goto battscr
  668. ::########################################################
  670. :lose
  671. color 0a
  672. title GAME OVER!
  673. cls
  674. echo.
  675. echo You have died!
  676. echo GAME OVER!
  677. if %br%==1 echo You have beaten %brw% monster(s).
  678. echo.
  679. pause
  680. goto again
  682. ::#####################################################################
  684. :again
  685. color 0a
  686. cls
  687. echo.
  688. echo TRY AGAIN?
  689. echo.
  690. echo Choose [Y] [N]
  691. echo.
  692. set /p again=">>"
  693. if not defined again goto again
  694. if /i "%again%"=="y" goto start
  695. if /i "%again%"=="n" exit
  696. goto again
  698. ::#########################################################
  700. :win
  701. title SLIME Defeat!
  702. if %promise%==1 (
  703. cls
  704. echo.
  705. echo Suddenly the SLIME falls to the ground.
  706. echo The SLIME has an expression of complete betrayal before it dies.
  707. echo You're overcome with a feeling of guilt.
  708. echo.
  709. pause
  710. )
  711. cls
  712. echo.
  713. echo The SLIME has been defeated!
  714. echo YOU WIN!
  715. echo.
  716. pause
  717. if %promise%==1 goto broken
  718. if %promise%==0 goto victory
  719. cls
  720. goto end
  722. ::##########################################################
  724. :pacifist
  725. title SLIME Friendship!
  726. cls
  727. echo.
  728. echo The SLIME ran away!
  729. echo YOU WIN!
  730. echo.
  731. pause
  732. cls
  733. echo.
  734. echo A few days later, you find a single letter on your doorstep.
  735. echo.
  736. pause
  737. cls
  738. echo.
  739. echo    "Thank you.
  740. echo.
  741. echo         ~SLIME"
  742. echo.
  743. pause
  744. cls
  745. goto end
  747. ::##############################################################
  749. :pacifist2
  750. title SLIME Pity!
  751. cls
  752. echo.
  753. echo The SLIME ran away!
  754. echo YOU WIN!
  755. echo.
  756. pause
  757. cls
  758. echo.
  759. echo A few days later, you find a single letter on your doorstep.
  760. echo.
  761. pause
  762. cls
  763. echo.
  764. echo    "You should really learn to fight before
  765. echo     attempting to fight monsters such as myself.
  766. echo.
  767. echo                                          ~SLIME"
  768. echo.
  769. pause
  770. cls
  771. goto end
  773. ::###############################################################
  775. :victory
  776. title SLIME Victory!
  777. cls
  778. echo.
  779. echo A few days later, you are hailed by the village to be a hero.
  780. echo You are the one who defeated the evil monster!
  781. echo You become the official monster hunter and will continue to
  782. echo hunt monsters until the day you die.
  783. echo.
  784. pause
  785. cls
  786. goto end
  789. ::#############################################################
  791. :broken
  792. title SLIME Guilt
  793. cls
  794. echo.
  795. echo A few days later, you decide to quit monster hunting and
  796. echo settle down. You feel only guilt for killing a monster whom
  797. echo you've offered mercy to. You only see yourself as a murderer now.
  798. echo.
  799. pause
  800. cls
  801. goto end
  803. ::################################################################
  805. :suicide
  806. cls
  807. echo.
  808. echo You suddenly feel the need to die.
  809. echo It's an overwhelming urge that you can't seem to deny.
  810. echo.
  811. pause
  812. if "%magic%" lss "20" goto cantdie
  813. cls
  814. echo.
  815. echo You immediately begin to use your magic to stop your heart.
  816. echo You can feel the beat slow down as you continue to hold your hands onto
  817. echo your chest.
  818. echo.
  819. pause
  820. if %promise%==1 (
  821. cls
  822. echo.
  823. echo Suddenly you feel really weird.
  824. echo You notice that the SLIME has completely enveloped you up to your neck.
  825. echo It starts to force you to move your hands away from your chest.
  826. echo You feel your heart start to return to it's regular rhythm.
  827. echo.
  828. pause
  829. goto option
  830. )
  831. if %give% geq 3 goto unbothered
  832. goto regdeath
  834. ::###############################################################################
  836. :regdeath
  837. cls
  838. echo.
  839. echo The SLIME looks extremely confused and worried about this whole situation and
  840. echo decides it would be better to leave itself out of this.
  841. echo.
  842. pause
  843. cls
  844. goto dead
  846. ::#################################################################################################
  848. :cantdie
  849. cls
  850. echo.
  851. echo You don't have enough magic to stop your heart so you
  852. echo reach for your sword.
  853. echo.
  854. pause
  855. if %give% geq 1 (
  856. cls
  857. echo.
  858. echo But it isn't there!
  859. echo Your only choice is to grab a dull stick on the ground.
  860. echo You begin to attempt to lower your health by repeatedly hitting
  861. echo yourself with the stick.
  862. echo.
  863. pause
  864. if %promise%==1 goto nomagic
  865. if %give% lss 3 goto regdeath
  866. if %give% geq 3 goto unbothered
  867. cls
  868. )
  869. cls
  870. echo.
  871. echo You pull out your sword and hold the blade to your chest.
  872. echo You inhale in preparation before...
  873. echo.
  874. pause
  875. if %promise%==1 goto nomagic
  876. cls
  877. echo.
  878. echo The blade immediately impales your body, going directly through your heart.
  879. echo The SLIME looks repulsed.
  880. echo.
  881. pause
  882. cls
  883. goto regdeath
  886. ::##########################################################################
  888. :nomagic
  889. cls
  890. echo.
  891. echo Suddenly you feel really weird.
  892. echo You notice that the SLIME has completely enveloped you up to your neck.
  893. echo It starts to force you to move your hands to your side.
  894. echo.
  895. pause
  896. cls
  897. echo.
  898. echo With no way to fight back, you try to think of a way to escape.
  899. echo But after some time you realize that the SLIME isn't attempting to hurt you.
  900. echo.
  901. pause
  902. cls
  903. goto saved
  905. ::################################################################
  907. :dead
  908. cls
  909. echo.
  910. echo As the SLIME leaves, your world begins to fade to black...
  911. echo Slowly your vision blurs, until suddenly...
  912. echo.
  913. pause
  914. cls
  915. goto lose
  917. ::################################################################
  919. :option
  920. cls
  921. echo.
  922. echo You realize that you have the SLIME at an incredibly weak spot and
  923. echo could probably kill him with one burst of Magic.
  924. echo.
  925. echo Choose [Kill (Y)] [Don't (N)]
  926. echo.
  927. set /p option=">>"
  928. if not defined option goto option
  929. if /i "%option%"=="kill" goto betray
  930. if /i "%option%"=="y" goto betray
  931. if /i "%option%"=="don't" goto saved
  932. if /i "%option%"=="n" goto saved
  933. if /i "%option%"=="dont" goto saved
  934. goto option
  936. ::#####################################################################
  938. :betray
  939. color 0c
  940. cls
  941. echo.
  942. echo You realize that you mustn't let this SLIME hinder your desire.
  943. echo You begin to charge your Magic Burst.
  944. echo.
  945. pause
  946. cls
  947. echo.
  948. echo You feel your Magic reach full charge and then...
  949. echo A huge blast covers the room with SLIME.
  950. echo.
  951. pause
  952. cls
  953. echo.
  954. echo Time to continue where you left off.
  955. echo.
  956. echo As you start to die, your world begins to fade to black...
  957. echo Slowly your vision blurs, until suddenly...
  958. pause
  959. cls
  960. goto lose
  962. ::###################################################################
  964. :saved
  965. cls
  966. echo.
  967. echo You realize that the SLIME is just trying to help.
  968. echo You tell the SLIME that it can stop now.
  969. echo.
  970. pause
  971. cls
  972. if %give% geq 3 (
  973. cls
  974. echo.
  975. echo The SLIME agrees to release you.
  976. echo It gives you a confused look before
  977. echo deciding it should probably leave.
  978. echo.
  979. pause
  980. cls
  981. goto favor
  982. )
  983. cls
  984. echo.
  985. echo The SLIME looks extremely worried but agrees to release you.
  986. echo After you are free, the SLIME gives you a SLIME hug and then
  987. echo hesitantly leaves the room.
  988. echo.
  989. pause
  990. cls
  991. goto rehab
  993. ::##################################################################
  995. :unbothered
  996. cls
  997. echo.
  998. echo The SLIME seems unsurprised at this point and leaves
  999. echo looking a bit frustrated.
  1000. echo.
  1001. pause
  1002. cls
  1003. goto dead
  1005. ::###############################################################
  1007. :rehab
  1008. title SLIME Rehab!
  1009. cls
  1010. echo.
  1011. echo YOU WIN!
  1012. echo.
  1013. pause
  1014. cls
  1015. echo.
  1016. echo A few days later, you find a single letter on your doorstep.
  1017. echo.
  1018. pause
  1019. cls
  1020. echo.
  1021. echo    "If you ever need help again, I'll be there.
  1022. echo.
  1023. echo                                        ~SLIME"
  1024. echo.
  1025. pause
  1026. cls
  1027. goto end
  1029. ::###############################################################
  1031. :favor
  1032. title SLIME Favor!
  1033. cls
  1034. echo.
  1035. echo The SLIME ran away!
  1036. echo YOU WIN!
  1037. echo.
  1038. pause
  1039. cls
  1040. echo.
  1041. echo A few days later, you find a single letter on your doorstep.
  1042. echo.
  1043. pause
  1044. cls
  1045. echo.
  1046. echo    "You should probably just let the adults handle
  1047. echo     all the monster fighting from now on.
  1048. echo.
  1049. echo                                             ~SLIME"
  1050. echo.
  1051. pause
  1052. cls
  1053. goto end
  1055. ::##########################################################################
  1057. :end
  1058. if %br%==1 goto sbrw
  1059. title THE END
  1060. cls
  1061. echo.
  1062. echo THE END
  1063. echo.
  1064. pause
  1065. cls
  1066. goto again
  1068. ::#############################################################################
  1070. :sbrw
  1071. set /a brw=%brw% + 1
  1072. set /a health=%health% +20
  1073. cls
  1074. echo.
  1075. echo You have beaten %brw% monster(s).
  1076. echo You have also gained 20 health from the defeated monster!
  1077. echo.
  1078. pause
  1079. if %brw%==10 (
  1080. cls
  1081. echo.
  1082. echo Wow! I'm impressed. %brw% monsters is pretty good!
  1083. echo Keep going!
  1084. echo.
  1085. pause
  1086. )
  1087. cls
  1088. goto kencounter
  1090. ::##################################################################################
  1094. ::################################################################################################################
  1095. ::################################################################################################################
  1096. ::################################################################################################################
  1097. ::################################################################################################################
  1098. ::The SKELETON Battle is represented by a "k"
  1101. :kencounter
  1102. title SKELETON Battle!
  1103. cls
  1104. if %br%==0 (
  1105. set /a health=100
  1106. set /a magic=50
  1107. )
  1108. set /a enemy=80
  1109. set /a nice=0
  1110. set /a give=0
  1111. set /a promise=0
  1112. cls
  1113. echo.
  1114. echo You have encountered a SKELETON!
  1115. echo He wants to battle!
  1116. if "%kending%"=="1" echo He seems even more spooky than last time...
  1117. echo.
  1118. pause
  1119. set /a kending=1
  1120. cls
  1121. goto kbattscr
  1123. ::#################################################
  1125. :kbattscr
  1126. cls
  1127. if %health% leq 0 goto klose
  1128. if %enemy% gtr 80 set /a enemy=80
  1129. if %enemy% leq 0 goto kwin
  1130. if %health% gtr 100 set /a health=100
  1131. if %magic% gtr 50 set /a magic=50
  1132. if "%magic%" leq "0" set /a magic=0
  1133. cls
  1134. echo.
  1135. echo Your health is %health%.
  1136. echo Your magic is %magic%.
  1137. echo SKELETON has %enemy% health.
  1138. echo.
  1139. echo Choose [Fight] [Magic (20)] [Heal (30H)(20M)] [Spare] [Give Up] [Suicide]
  1140. echo.
  1141. set action=
  1142. set /p action=">>"
  1143. if %give% geq 1 (
  1144. if not defined action goto kgive
  1145. if /i "%action%"=="heal" goto kfakeheal
  1146. if /i "%action%"=="fight" goto kno
  1147. if /i "%action%"=="magic" goto kno
  1148. if /i "%action%"=="die" goto ksuicide
  1149. if /i "%action%"=="suicide" goto ksuicide
  1150. goto kbattscr
  1151. )
  1152. if not defined action goto koops
  1153. if /i "%action%"=="fight" goto kfight
  1154. if /i "%action%"=="magic" goto kmagic
  1155. if /i "%action%"=="heal" goto kheal
  1156. if /i "%action%"=="spare" goto knothing
  1157. if /i "%action%"=="give up" goto kgive
  1158. if /i "%action%"=="die" goto ksuicide
  1159. if /i "%action%"=="suicide" goto ksuicide
  1160. goto kbattscr
  1162. ::##########################################################
  1164. :koops
  1165. cls
  1166. echo.
  1167. echo You forgot to do anything!
  1168. echo The SKELETON pretends not to notice.
  1169. echo.
  1170. pause
  1171. cls
  1172. goto kbattscr
  1174. ::#####################################################
  1176. :kfight
  1177. set /a miss=%random% %% 10
  1178. set /a crit=%random% %% 10
  1179. cls
  1180. echo.
  1181. echo You clang your sword against the SKELETON!
  1182. echo.
  1183. pause
  1184. if %miss%==5 goto kmiss
  1185. if %crit%==5 (
  1186. cls
  1187. echo.
  1188. echo You see the SKELETON's ribcage crack!
  1189. echo You did double the damage!
  1190. echo.
  1191. pause
  1192. cls
  1193. )
  1194. set /a chance=%random% %% 3
  1195. if %chance%==0 (
  1196. set /a damage=10
  1197. )
  1198. if %chance%==1 (
  1199. set /a damage=10
  1200. )
  1201. if %chance%==2 (
  1202. set /a damage=15
  1203. )
  1204. if %crit%==5 (
  1205. set /a damage=%damage% * 2
  1206. )
  1207. cls
  1208. echo.
  1209. echo The SKELETON took %damage% damage!
  1210. echo.
  1211. pause
  1212. set /a enemy=%enemy% - %damage%
  1213. cls
  1214. goto kturn
  1216. ::###########################################################
  1218. :kmagic
  1219. if "%magic%" leq "19" (
  1220. cls
  1221. echo.
  1222. echo You don't have enough magic to perform this action right now!
  1223. echo The SKELETON's bones rattle as he laughs at you.
  1224. echo.
  1225. pause
  1226. cls
  1227. goto kbattscr
  1228. )
  1229. set /a miss=%random% %% 10
  1230. set /a magic=%magic% - 20
  1231. cls
  1232. echo.
  1233. echo You cast a spook-repelling spell!
  1234. echo.
  1235. pause
  1236. if %miss%==5 goto kmiss
  1237. set /a chance=%random% %% 3
  1238. if %chance%==0 (
  1239. set /a mdamage=10
  1240. )
  1241. if %chance%==1 (
  1242. set /a mdamage=15
  1243. )
  1244. if %chance%==2 (
  1245. set /a mdamage=20
  1246. )
  1247. cls
  1248. echo.
  1249. echo The SKELETON took %mdamage% damage!
  1250. echo It's trying extra hard to be spooky.
  1251. echo.
  1252. pause
  1253. set /a enemy=%enemy% - %mdamage%
  1254. cls
  1255. goto kturn
  1258. ::#############################################################
  1260. :kheal
  1261. if %br%==1 goto kbrheal
  1262. set /a hmiss=%random% %% 15
  1263. set /a hmax=0
  1264. set /a mmax=0
  1265. cls
  1266. echo.
  1267. echo You begin to meditate...
  1268. echo.
  1269. pause
  1270. cls
  1271. timeout 1 >nul
  1272. echo.
  1273. echo ...
  1274. timeout 1 >nul
  1275. cls
  1276. echo.
  1277. echo ...  ...
  1278. timeout 1 >nul
  1279. cls
  1280. echo.
  1281. echo ...  ...  ...
  1282. timeout 1 >nul
  1283. if %hmiss%==5 goto khmiss
  1284. cls
  1285. if %health% geq 100 (
  1286. cls
  1287. echo.
  1288. echo Your health is already at it's max!
  1289. echo.
  1290. pause
  1291. set /a hmax=1
  1292. cls
  1293. )
  1294. if %magic% geq 50 (
  1295. cls
  1296. echo.
  1297. echo Your magic is already at it's max!
  1298. echo.
  1299. pause
  1300. set /a mmax=1
  1301. cls
  1302. )
  1303. if %hmax%==1 if %mmax%==1 goto khmiss
  1304. echo.
  1305. echo You've been healed:
  1306. if %hmax%==0 echo 30 health!
  1307. if %hmax%==0 if %mmax%==0 echo AND
  1308. if %mmax%==0 echo 20 magic!
  1309. echo.
  1310. pause
  1311. set /a health=%health% + 30
  1312. set /a magic=%magic% + 20
  1313. cls
  1314. goto kturn
  1316. ::##########################################################
  1318. :kfakeheal
  1319. set /a hmiss=%random% %% 7
  1320. set /a hmax=0
  1321. set /a mmax=0
  1322. cls
  1323. echo.
  1324. echo You try to heal but your lack of determination
  1325. echo weakens your heal significantly!
  1326. echo.
  1327. pause
  1328. cls
  1329. timeout 1 >nul
  1330. echo.
  1331. echo ...
  1332. timeout 1 >nul
  1333. cls
  1334. echo.
  1335. echo ...  ...
  1336. timeout 1 >nul
  1337. cls
  1338. echo.
  1339. echo ...  ...  ...
  1340. timeout 1 >nul
  1341. if %hmiss%==5 goto khmiss
  1342. cls
  1343. if %health% geq 100 (
  1344. cls
  1345. echo.
  1346. echo Your health is already at it's max!
  1347. echo.
  1348. pause
  1349. set /a hmax=1
  1350. cls
  1351. )
  1352. if %magic% geq 50 (
  1353. cls
  1354. echo.
  1355. echo Your magic is already at it's max!
  1356. echo.
  1357. pause
  1358. set /a mmax=1
  1359. cls
  1360. )
  1361. if %hmax%==1 if %mmax%==1 goto khmiss
  1362. echo.
  1363. echo You managed to heal:
  1364. if %hmax%==0 echo 10 health!
  1365. if %hmax%==0 if %mmax%==0 echo AND
  1366. if %mmax%==0 echo 5 magic!
  1367. echo.
  1368. pause
  1369. set /a health=%health% + 10
  1370. set /a magic=%magic% + 5
  1371. cls
  1372. goto kturn
  1374. ::########################################################
  1376. :kbrheal
  1377. set /a hmiss=%random% %% 8
  1378. set /a hmax=0
  1379. set /a mmax=0
  1380. cls
  1381. echo.
  1382. echo You try to heal, but Boss Rush mode makes it more difficult!
  1383. echo Your heal weakens significantly!
  1384. echo.
  1385. pause
  1386. cls
  1387. timeout 1 >nul
  1388. echo.
  1389. echo ...
  1390. timeout 1 >nul
  1391. cls
  1392. echo.
  1393. echo ...  ...
  1394. timeout 1 >nul
  1395. cls
  1396. echo.
  1397. echo ...  ...  ...
  1398. timeout 1 >nul
  1399. if %hmiss%==5 goto khmiss
  1400. cls
  1401. if %health% geq 100 (
  1402. cls
  1403. echo.
  1404. echo Your health is already at it's max!
  1405. echo.
  1406. pause
  1407. set /a hmax=1
  1408. cls
  1409. )
  1410. if %magic% geq 50 (
  1411. cls
  1412. echo.
  1413. echo Your magic is already at it's max!
  1414. echo.
  1415. pause
  1416. set /a mmax=1
  1417. cls
  1418. )
  1419. if %hmax%==1 if %mmax%==1 goto khmiss
  1420. echo.
  1421. echo You managed to heal:
  1422. if %hmax%==0 echo 20 health!
  1423. if %hmax%==0 if %mmax%==0 echo AND
  1424. if %mmax%==0 echo 10 magic!
  1425. echo.
  1426. pause
  1427. set /a health=%health% + 20
  1428. set /a magic=%magic% + 10
  1429. cls
  1430. goto kturn
  1432. ::########################################################################################
  1434. :knothing
  1435. cls
  1436. if %nice%==0 (
  1437. cls
  1438. echo.
  1439. echo You decided you shouldn't attack the SKELETON.
  1440. echo It acts as if it expected you to do that.
  1441. if %br%==0 echo It's gonna take a bit more convincing for it to stop fighting!
  1442. if %br%==1 echo The SKELETON warns you that it can't be spared in Boss Rush mode!
  1443. echo.
  1444. pause
  1445. set /a nice=1
  1446. cls
  1447. goto kturn
  1448. )
  1449. if %nice%==1 (
  1450. cls
  1451. echo.
  1452. echo You pretend to be spooked by the SKELETON.
  1453. echo It looks pleased but continues to attack.
  1454. echo.
  1455. pause
  1456. set /a nice=2
  1457. cls
  1458. goto kturn
  1459. )
  1460. if %nice%==2 (
  1461. cls
  1462. echo.
  1463. echo You tell the SKELETON that you've never been this spooked.
  1464. echo It seems surprised for a second, before maintaining its fighting stance.
  1465. echo.
  1466. pause
  1467. set /a nice=3
  1468. cls
  1469. goto kturn
  1470. )
  1471. if %nice%==3 (
  1472. cls
  1473. echo.
  1474. echo You tell the SKELETON that it's too cool and spooky for you
  1475. echo to want to kill it.
  1476. echo The SKELETON suddenly seems less willing to fight.
  1477. echo.
  1478. pause
  1479. set /a nice=4
  1480. set /a promise=1
  1481. cls
  1482. goto kturn
  1483. )
  1484. if %nice%==4 (
  1485. cls
  1486. echo.
  1487. echo You pretend to be shaking in fear.
  1488. echo You plead with the SKELETON to spare you.
  1489. echo The SKELETON, looking extremely pleased, agrees
  1490. echo and leaves the room. The SKELETON seems to have
  1491. echo completed his purpose.
  1492. echo.
  1493. pause
  1494. cls
  1495. if %br%==1 goto kbrnope
  1496. goto kpacifist
  1497. )
  1500. ::###########################################################
  1502. :kbrnope
  1503. cls
  1504. echo.
  1505. echo The SKELETON was just about to rattle off, but then it remembered
  1506. echo that you were in Boss Rush mode and it couldn't leave.
  1507. echo.
  1508. pause
  1509. cls
  1510. goto kturn
  1512. ::###########################################################
  1514. :kno
  1515. cls
  1516. echo.
  1517. echo You were going to attack, but then you didn't feel like it.
  1518. echo.
  1519. pause
  1520. cls
  1521. goto kgive
  1523. ::##############################################################
  1525. :kgive
  1526. cls
  1527. if %br%==1 (
  1528. cls
  1529. echo.
  1530. echo You were going to throw your sword away and give
  1531. echo up, but then you remembered you can't do that in
  1532. echo Boss Rush mode.
  1533. echo.
  1534. pause
  1535. cls
  1536. goto kbattscr
  1537. )
  1538. if %give%==0 (
  1539. set /a give=1
  1540. echo.
  1541. echo You throw your sword away and give up.
  1542. echo The SKELETON grins before attacking again.
  1543. echo.
  1544. pause
  1545. cls
  1546. goto kturn
  1547. )
  1548. if %give%==1 (
  1549. set /a give=2
  1550. echo.
  1551. echo You continue to stand around aimlessly.
  1552. echo The SKELETON begins to wonder if you think it is spooky.
  1553. echo.
  1554. pause
  1555. cls
  1556. goto kturn
  1557. )
  1558. if %give%==2 (
  1559. set /a give=3
  1560. echo.
  1561. echo You ball up in the corner.
  1562. echo The SKELETON thinks you're the least spooky person
  1563. echo it's ever seen.
  1564. echo.
  1565. pause
  1566. cls
  1567. goto kturn
  1568. )
  1569. if %give%==3 (
  1570. set /a give=4
  1571. echo.
  1572. echo You begin to rock yourself while still in a ball.
  1573. echo The SKELETON is trying to see if you actually care about him.
  1574. echo.
  1575. pause
  1576. cls
  1577. goto kturn
  1578. )
  1579. if %give%==4 (
  1580. set /a give=5
  1581. if %promise%==1 (
  1582. cls
  1583. echo.
  1584. echo You look uncaringly at the SKELETON.
  1585. echo The SKELETON decides it's too spooky to deal with you.
  1586. echo.
  1587. pause
  1588. goto kpacifist2
  1589. cls
  1590. )
  1591. echo.
  1592. echo The SKELETON decides that you're not worth spooking
  1593. echo and moves on.
  1594. echo.
  1595. pause
  1596. cls
  1597. goto kpacifist2
  1598. )
  1601. ::##############################################################_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+
  1603. :ksuicide
  1604. cls
  1605. echo.
  1606. echo You suddenly feel the need to die.
  1607. echo It's an overwhelming urge that you can't seem to deny.
  1608. echo.
  1609. pause
  1610. cls
  1611. echo.
  1612. echo You immediately decide that the easiest way to die would
  1613. echo be to focus on the SKELETON's spookiness. Your heartbeat starts to increase
  1614. echo as you begin to fear the SKELETON's spookiness.
  1615. echo.
  1616. pause
  1617. if %promise%==1 (
  1618. cls
  1619. echo.
  1620. echo Suddenly, the SKELETON looks ashamed.
  1621. echo It immediately pulls out a paper bag and puts it
  1622. echo on it's head. You feel your heartbeat begin to return
  1623. echo to normal
  1624. echo.
  1625. pause
  1626. goto koption
  1627. )
  1628. if %give% geq 3 goto kunbothered
  1629. goto kregdeath
  1631. ::###############################################################################
  1633. :kregdeath
  1634. cls
  1635. echo.
  1636. echo The SKELETON begins to enjoy how spooky he is, until he realizes that your
  1637. echo heartbeat is so fast that you're beginning to die. He decides it would probably
  1638. echo be best to leave.
  1639. echo.
  1640. pause
  1641. cls
  1642. goto kdead
  1644. ::################################################################################################
  1646. :kdead
  1647. cls
  1648. echo.
  1649. echo As the SKELETON leaves, your world begins to fade to black...
  1650. echo You're so scared. Slowly your vision blurs, until suddenly...
  1651. echo.
  1652. pause
  1653. cls
  1654. goto klose
  1656. ::################################################################
  1658. :koption
  1659. cls
  1660. echo.
  1661. echo You realize that the SKELETON would not notice a lethal attack
  1662. echo with a bag over his skull. You remember you have a bag of sugar
  1663. echo with you.
  1664. echo.
  1665. echo Choose [Kill (Y)] [Don't (N)]
  1666. echo.
  1667. set /p option=">>"
  1668. if not defined option goto koption
  1669. if /i "%option%"=="kill" goto kbetray
  1670. if /i "%option%"=="y" goto kbetray
  1671. if /i "%option%"=="don't" goto ksaved
  1672. if /i "%option%"=="n" goto ksaved
  1673. if /i "%option%"=="dont" goto ksaved
  1674. goto koption
  1676. ::#####################################################################
  1678. :kbetray
  1679. color 0c
  1680. cls
  1681. echo.
  1682. echo You realize that you must take this oppurtunity to end him.
  1683. echo You pull out your bag of sugar.
  1684. echo.
  1685. pause
  1686. cls
  1687. echo.
  1688. echo You sneak over to the SKELETON and then...
  1689. echo Shrieks echo throughout the room as the SKELETON
  1690. echo deteriorates to nothing but a pile of dust.
  1691. echo.
  1692. pause
  1693. cls
  1694. echo.
  1695. echo Time to continue where you left off.
  1696. echo.
  1697. echo But then you realize that you killed your only source of
  1698. echo spookiness. You become desperate, until you remember your magic.
  1699. echo.
  1700. pause
  1701. cls
  1702. echo.
  1703. echo You absorb the magic from the SKELETON corpse and begin
  1704. echo to use it to increase your heartbeat.
  1705. echo.
  1706. pause
  1707. cls
  1708. echo.
  1709. echo As you start to die, your world begins to fade to black...
  1710. echo Slowly your vision blurs, until suddenly...
  1711. echo.
  1712. pause
  1713. cls
  1714. goto klose
  1716. ::###################################################################
  1718. :ksaved
  1719. cls
  1720. echo.
  1721. echo You realize how much the SKELETON is sacrificing by
  1722. echo covering his spookiness.
  1723. echo You tell the SKELETON that it can stop now.
  1724. echo.
  1725. pause
  1726. cls
  1727. if %give% geq 3 (
  1728. cls
  1729. echo.
  1730. echo The SKELETON takes off the bag.
  1731. echo It looks at you dissapointedly before
  1732. echo deciding it would probably be best to leave.
  1733. echo.
  1734. pause
  1735. cls
  1736. goto kfavor
  1737. )
  1738. cls
  1739. echo.
  1740. echo The SKELETON hesitantly takes off the bag.
  1741. echo It looks worried, until it seems to remember something.
  1742. echo The SKELETON then promptly leaves the room.
  1743. echo.
  1744. pause
  1745. cls
  1746. goto krehab
  1748. ::##################################################################
  1750. :kunbothered
  1751. cls
  1752. echo.
  1753. echo The SKELETON seems unsurprised and frustrated at this
  1754. echo point. It's no fun to spook if there's no challenge to it.
  1755. echo It decides it would just be best to leave.
  1756. echo.
  1757. pause
  1758. cls
  1759. goto kdead
  1761. ::###############################################################
  1763. :krehab
  1764. title SKELETON Training!
  1765. cls
  1766. echo.
  1767. echo YOU WIN!
  1768. echo.
  1769. pause
  1770. cls
  1771. echo.
  1772. echo A few days later, you find a single letter on your doorstep.
  1773. echo.
  1774. pause
  1775. cls
  1776. echo.
  1777. echo    "If you ever need spook lessons, I'll help ya out.
  1778. echo.
  1779. echo                                            ~SKELETON"
  1780. echo.
  1781. pause
  1782. cls
  1783. goto kend
  1785. ::###############################################################
  1787. :kfavor
  1788. title SKELETON Favor!
  1789. cls
  1790. echo.
  1791. echo The SKELETON rattled off!
  1792. echo YOU WIN!
  1793. echo.
  1794. pause
  1795. cls
  1796. echo.
  1797. echo A few days later, you find a single letter on your doorstep.
  1798. echo.
  1799. pause
  1800. cls
  1801. echo.
  1802. echo    "You're lucky that someone as spooky as me
  1803. echo     spared someone as unspooky as you.
  1804. echo.
  1805. echo                                     ~SKELETON"
  1806. echo.
  1807. pause
  1808. cls
  1809. goto kend
  1811. ::#############################################################_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_++_+_+_
  1813. :kmiss
  1814. cls
  1815. echo.
  1816. echo YOU MISSED! Your attack went straight through him!
  1817. echo The SKELETON took 0 damage.
  1818. echo.
  1819. pause
  1820. cls
  1821. goto kturn
  1823. ::#######################################################
  1825. :khmiss
  1826. cls
  1827. echo.
  1828. echo The healing failed!
  1829. echo Your health and magic remain the same!
  1830. echo.
  1831. pause
  1832. cls
  1833. goto kturn
  1835. ::#######################################################
  1837. :kturn
  1838. if %enemy% leq 0 goto kwin
  1839. cls
  1840. set /a satt=%random% %% 5
  1841. if %satt%==0 (
  1842. cls
  1843. echo.
  1844. echo The SKELETON pours himself a glass of milk!
  1845. echo.
  1846. pause
  1847. if %enemy%==80 (
  1848. cls
  1849. echo.
  1850. echo But the SKELETON already has full health!
  1851. echo.
  1852. pause
  1853. cls
  1854. goto kbattscr
  1855. )
  1856. set /a enemy=%enemy% + 10
  1857. cls
  1858. echo.
  1859. echo The SKELETON gained 10 health!
  1860. echo.
  1861. pause
  1862. cls
  1863. goto kbattscr
  1864. )
  1865. set /a kemiss=%random% %% 9
  1866. cls
  1867. echo.
  1868. echo The SKELETON throws a bone at you!
  1869. echo.
  1870. pause
  1871. if %kemiss%==5 goto kemiss
  1872. set /a chance=%random% %% 5
  1873. if %chance%==0 (
  1874. set /a hurt=10
  1875. )
  1876. if %chance%==1 (
  1877. set /a hurt=15
  1878. )
  1879. if %chance%==2 (
  1880. set /a hurt=20
  1881. )
  1882. if %chance%==3 (
  1883. set /a hurt=10
  1884. )
  1885. if %chance%==4 (
  1886. set /a hurt=15
  1887. )
  1888. cls
  1889. echo.
  1890. echo You took %hurt% damage!
  1891. echo.
  1892. pause
  1893. set /a health=%health% - %hurt%
  1894. goto kbattscr
  1897. ::######################################################
  1899. :kemiss
  1900. cls
  1901. echo.
  1902. echo The SKELETON missed! It looks defeated.
  1903. echo You took 0 damage.
  1904. echo.
  1905. pause
  1906. cls
  1907. goto kbattscr
  1909. ::########################################################
  1911. :klose
  1912. color 0a
  1913. title GAME OVER!
  1914. cls
  1915. echo.
  1916. echo You have died!
  1917. echo GAME OVER!
  1918. if %br%==1 echo You have beaten %brw% monster(s).
  1919. echo.
  1920. pause
  1921. goto kagain
  1923. ::#####################################################################
  1925. :kagain
  1926. cls
  1927. echo.
  1928. echo TRY AGAIN?
  1929. echo.
  1930. echo Choose [Y] [N]
  1931. echo.
  1932. set /p again=">>"
  1933. if not defined again goto kagain
  1934. if /i "%again%"=="y" goto start
  1935. if /i "%again%"=="n" exit
  1936. goto kagain
  1938. ::#########################################################
  1940. :kwin
  1941. title SKELETON Defeat!
  1942. if %promise%==1 (
  1943. cls
  1944. echo.
  1945. echo Suddenly the SKELETON begins to crack.
  1946. echo It seems scared by its own death.
  1947. echo It also seems to be disgusted at its own fear as well.
  1948. echo.
  1949. pause
  1950. )
  1951. cls
  1952. echo.
  1953. echo Suddenly the SKELETON falls apart!
  1954. echo YOU WIN!
  1955. echo.
  1956. pause
  1957. if %promise%==1 goto kbroken
  1958. if %promise%==0 goto kvictory
  1959. cls
  1960. goto kend
  1962. ::######################################################################################
  1964. :kpacifist
  1965. title SKELETON Friendship!
  1966. cls
  1967. echo.
  1968. echo The SKELETON rattled off!
  1969. echo YOU WIN!
  1970. echo.
  1971. pause
  1972. cls
  1973. echo.
  1974. echo A few days later, you find a single letter on your doorstep.
  1975. echo.
  1976. pause
  1977. cls
  1978. echo.
  1979. echo    "Thanks for helping me
  1980. echo     understand my purpose.
  1981. echo.
  1982. echo                 ~SKELETON"
  1983. echo.
  1984. pause
  1985. cls
  1986. goto end
  1988. ::####################################################################################
  1990. :kend
  1991. if %br%==1 goto kbrw
  1992. title THE END
  1993. cls
  1994. echo.
  1995. echo THE END
  1996. echo.
  1997. pause
  1998. cls
  1999. goto kagain
  2001. ::##################################################################################
  2003. :kbrw
  2004. set /a brw=%brw% + 1
  2005. set /a health=%health% + 15
  2006. set /a magic=%magic% + 10
  2007. cls
  2008. echo.
  2009. echo You have beaten %brw% monster(s).
  2010. echo You have also gained 15 health and 10 magic from the defeated monster!
  2011. echo.
  2012. pause
  2013. if %brw%==10 (
  2014. cls
  2015. echo.
  2016. echo Wow! I'm impressed. %brw% monsters is pretty good!
  2017. echo Keep going!
  2018. echo.
  2019. pause
  2020. )
  2021. cls
  2022. goto sencounter
  2024. ::####################################################################################
  2026. :kvictory
  2027. cls
  2028. echo.
  2029. echo A few days later, the town commends you for defeating the
  2030. echo monster which spooked the whole town.
  2031. echo You become the official monster hunter and will continue to
  2032. echo hunt monsters until the day you die.
  2033. echo.
  2034. pause
  2035. cls
  2036. goto kend
  2038. ::####################################################################################
  2040. :kbroken
  2041. title SKELETON Guilt
  2042. cls
  2043. echo.
  2044. echo A few days later, you decide to quit monster hunting and
  2045. echo settle down. You feel only guilt for calling a SKELETON spooky
  2046. echo promptly before killing him. You see yourself as a murderer now.
  2047. echo.
  2048. pause
  2049. cls
  2050. goto kend
  2052. ::####################################################################################
  2054. :kpacifist2
  2055. title SKELETON Pity!
  2056. cls
  2057. echo.
  2058. echo The SKELETON rattled off!
  2059. echo YOU WIN!
  2060. echo.
  2061. pause
  2062. cls
  2063. echo.
  2064. echo A few days later, you find a single letter on your doorstep.
  2065. echo.
  2066. pause
  2067. cls
  2068. echo.
  2069. echo    "You should really learn to fight before
  2070. echo     attempting to fight spooks such as myself.
  2071. echo.
  2072. echo                                        ~SKELETON"
  2073. echo.
  2074. pause
  2075. cls
  2076. goto end
  2078. ::####################################################################################
  2080. ::####################################################################################
  2082. ::####################################################################################
  2084. ::####################################################################################
  2086. ::####################################################################################
  2087. ::Later on, I might add a difficult boss to the end of boss rush mode.
  2095. ::##########################################################################################
  2097. ::UPDATE LOG
  2099. ::----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2101. ::Version 2.1
  2102. ::
  2103. ::-Slight statistic changes to Boss Rush mode
  2105. ::----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2107. ::Version 2.0
  2108. ::
  2109. ::-Added dialogue when you restart a game without closing the game
  2110. ::-Added a 10% chance of a critical hit when you "fight"
  2111. ::-Added dialogue to the first spare to give the player a hint for that ending
  2112. ::-Improved SLIME code overall
  2113. ::-Added the SKELETON
  2114. ::-Changed "enemy" on the battlescreen to the current monster
  2115. ::-Inputting nothing after giving up now does not automatically "give up" again
  2116. ::-Added monster choice at the beginning
  2117. ::-Added Boss Rush mode
  2118. ::-Removed any "Spare" or "Give Up" endings from Boss Rush mode
  2119. ::-Added strength to "Heal"
  2120. ::-Made strong monster attacks less likely
  2122. ::----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2124. ::Version 1.2
  2125. ::
  2126. ::-Changed "Do Nothing" to "Spare"
  2127. ::-Fixed typo's
  2128. ::-Added different dialogues for when you suicide without enough magic
  2129. ::-Added another ending when you spare enough times, give up enough times, then suicide
  2130. ::-Inputting nothing on the battle screen no longer repeats your previous move but gives you new dialogue
  2132. ::---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2134. ::Version 1.1
  2135. ::
  2136. ::-Added most of the dialogue and alternate endings for the SLIME
  2137. ::-Tons and tons of other stuff
  2139. ::---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2141. ::Version 1.0
  2142. ::
  2143. ::-Formed the basic combat system
  2144. ::-Added an ending for winning and losing
  2145. ::-Everything else
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