

Jan 11th, 2023
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  1. log.txt for X-Plane 12.00r6 (build 120057 Intel 64-bit, Vulkan 305b9431c7c9cacba19b72fa8d362b364767e7ed)
  2. Compiled on Dec 15 2022 18:27:03
  3. X-Plane Started on Wed Jan 11 17:44:21 2023
  5. This log file is generated automatically by Laminar Research applications and contains diagnostics about your graphics hardware, installation, and any error conditions.
  6. If you need to contact tech support or file a bug, please send us this file. NOTE: this file is rewritten every time you start ANY of your X-System applications.
  8. Windows 10.0 (build 22621/2)
  9. This is a 64-bit version of Windows.
  10. CPU type: 8664
  11. Physical Memory (total for computer): 34281377792
  12. Maximum Virtual Memory (for X-Plane only): 140737488224256
  13. CPU 0: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D 8-Core Processor Speed (mhz): 3400
  14. CPU 0: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D 8-Core Processor Speed (mhz): 3400
  15. CPU 0: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D 8-Core Processor Speed (mhz): 3400
  16. CPU 0: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D 8-Core Processor Speed (mhz): 3400
  17. CPU 0: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D 8-Core Processor Speed (mhz): 3400
  18. CPU 0: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D 8-Core Processor Speed (mhz): 3400
  19. CPU 0: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D 8-Core Processor Speed (mhz): 3400
  20. CPU 0: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D 8-Core Processor Speed (mhz): 3400
  21. CPU 0: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D 8-Core Processor Speed (mhz): 3400
  22. CPU 0: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D 8-Core Processor Speed (mhz): 3400
  23. CPU 0: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D 8-Core Processor Speed (mhz): 3400
  24. CPU 0: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D 8-Core Processor Speed (mhz): 3400
  25. CPU 0: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D 8-Core Processor Speed (mhz): 3400
  26. CPU 0: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D 8-Core Processor Speed (mhz): 3400
  27. CPU 0: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D 8-Core Processor Speed (mhz): 3400
  28. CPU 0: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D 8-Core Processor Speed (mhz): 3400
  30. X-System folder:'E:\X-PlaneVanilla/', case sensitive=0
  32. Bypassing glViewport for AMD drivers.
  33. Vulkan Layers : VK_LAYER_AMD_switchable_graphics (1)
  34. Vulkan Device : AMD Radeon RX 6800 (c0c4000000)
  35. Vulkan Version : 1.3.217
  36. Vulkan Driver : 2.0.233
  37. Vulkan Extensions : VK_KHR_16bit_storage VK_KHR_8bit_storage VK_KHR_acceleration_structure VK_KHR_bind_memory2 VK_KHR_buffer_device_address VK_KHR_copy_commands2 VK_KHR_create_renderpass2 VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation VK_KHR_deferred_host_operations VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve VK_KHR_descriptor_update_template VK_KHR_device_group VK_KHR_draw_indirect_count VK_KHR_driver_properties VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering VK_KHR_external_fence VK_KHR_external_fence_win32 VK_KHR_external_memory VK_KHR_external_memory_win32 VK_KHR_external_semaphore VK_KHR_external_semaphore_win32 VK_KHR_format_feature_flags2 VK_KHR_fragment_shading_rate VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2 VK_KHR_global_priority VK_KHR_imageless_framebuffer VK_KHR_image_format_list VK_KHR_maintenance1 VK_KHR_maintenance2 VK_KHR_maintenance3 VK_KHR_maintenance4 VK_KHR_multiview VK_KHR_pipeline_executable_properties VK_KHR_pipeline_library VK_KHR_push_descriptor VK_KHR_ray_query VK_KHR_ray_tracing_maintenance1 VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline VK_KHR_relaxed_block_layout VK_KHR_sampler_mirror_clamp_to_edge VK_KHR_sampler_ycbcr_conversion VK_KHR_separate_depth_stencil_layouts VK_KHR_shader_atomic_int64 VK_KHR_shader_clock VK_KHR_shader_draw_parameters VK_KHR_shader_float16_int8 VK_KHR_shader_float_controls VK_KHR_shader_integer_dot_product VK_KHR_shader_non_semantic_info VK_KHR_shader_subgroup_extended_types VK_KHR_shader_subgroup_uniform_control_flow VK_KHR_shader_terminate_invocation VK_KHR_spirv_1_4 VK_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class VK_KHR_swapchain VK_KHR_swapchain_mutable_format VK_KHR_synchronization2 VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore VK_KHR_uniform_buffer_standard_layout VK_KHR_variable_pointers VK_KHR_vulkan_memory_model VK_KHR_win32_keyed_mutex VK_KHR_workgroup_memory_explicit_layout VK_KHR_zero_initialize_workgroup_memory VK_EXT_4444_formats VK_EXT_border_color_swizzle VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps VK_EXT_color_write_enable VK_EXT_conditional_rendering VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization VK_EXT_custom_border_color VK_EXT_depth_clip_control VK_EXT_depth_clip_enable VK_EXT_depth_range_unrestricted VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state2 VK_EXT_external_memory_host VK_EXT_full_screen_exclusive VK_EXT_global_priority VK_EXT_global_priority_query VK_EXT_hdr_metadata VK_EXT_host_query_reset VK_EXT_image_robustness VK_EXT_image_view_min_lod VK_EXT_index_type_uint8 VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block VK_EXT_line_rasterization VK_EXT_load_store_op_none VK_EXT_memory_budget VK_EXT_memory_priority VK_EXT_non_seamless_cube_map VK_EXT_pageable_device_local_memory VK_EXT_pipeline_creation_cache_control VK_EXT_pipeline_creation_feedback VK_EXT_post_depth_coverage VK_EXT_primitive_topology_list_restart VK_EXT_private_data VK_EXT_provoking_vertex VK_EXT_queue_family_foreign VK_EXT_robustness2 VK_EXT_sampler_filter_minmax VK_EXT_sample_locations VK_EXT_scalar_block_layout VK_EXT_separate_stencil_usage VK_EXT_shader_atomic_float VK_EXT_shader_atomic_float2 VK_EXT_shader_demote_to_helper_invocation VK_EXT_shader_image_atomic_int64 VK_EXT_shader_stencil_export VK_EXT_shader_subgroup_ballot VK_EXT_shader_subgroup_vote VK_EXT_shader_viewport_index_layer VK_EXT_subgroup_size_control VK_EXT_texel_buffer_alignment VK_EXT_tooling_info VK_EXT_transform_feedback VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor VK_EXT_ycbcr_image_arrays VK_AMD_buffer_marker VK_AMD_calibrated_timestamps VK_AMD_device_coherent_memory VK_AMD_display_native_hdr VK_AMD_draw_indirect_count VK_AMD_gcn_shader VK_AMD_gpa_interface VK_AMD_gpu_shader_half_float VK_AMD_gpu_shader_int16 VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior VK_AMD_mixed_attachment_samples VK_AMD_pipeline_compiler_control VK_AMD_shader_ballot VK_AMD_shader_core_properties VK_AMD_shader_core_properties2 VK_AMD_shader_early_and_late_fragment_tests VK_AMD_shader_explicit_vertex_parameter VK_AMD_shader_fragment_mask VK_AMD_shader_image_load_store_lod VK_AMD_shader_info VK_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax VK_AMD_texture_gather_bias_lod VK_AMD_wave_limits VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1 VK_GOOGLE_user_type
  38. Vulkan Instance Extensions: VK_KHR_device_group_creation VK_KHR_external_fence_capabilities VK_KHR_external_memory_capabilities VK_KHR_external_semaphore_capabilities VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2 VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2 VK_KHR_surface VK_KHR_win32_surface VK_EXT_debug_report VK_EXT_debug_utils VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace
  39. checkpoints : 0 aftermath : 0
  40. anisotropic_avail : 1 coarse_timer_avail : 1 precise_timer_avail : 1 tess_avail : 0 geom_avail : 0
  41. viewport_arr : 1 layer_arr : 1 native_reverse_z : 1 has_reverse_z : 1
  42. max iso filtering : 16
  43. max samples : 3
  44. max texture size : 16384 (hardware limit)
  45. max tex units : 4294967295
  47. persistent map : 1
  48. msaa shader write : 1
  50. This video card is bucketed as: Vulkan
  51. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: Surface formats for surface:
  52. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM
  53. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SRGB
  54. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: VK_FORMAT_A2R10G10B10_UNORM_PACK32
  55. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT
  56. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM
  57. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SRGB
  58. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: VK_FORMAT_A2R10G10B10_UNORM_PACK32
  59. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT
  60. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT
  61. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: VK_FORMAT_R4G4B4A4_UNORM_PACK16
  62. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: VK_FORMAT_B4G4R4A4_UNORM_PACK16
  63. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: VK_FORMAT_R5G6B5_UNORM_PACK16
  64. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: VK_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM_PACK16
  65. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: VK_FORMAT_A1R5G5B5_UNORM_PACK16
  66. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM
  67. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SNORM
  68. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SRGB
  69. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SNORM
  70. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: VK_FORMAT_A8B8G8R8_UNORM_PACK32
  71. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: VK_FORMAT_A8B8G8R8_SNORM_PACK32
  72. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: VK_FORMAT_A8B8G8R8_SRGB_PACK32
  73. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: VK_FORMAT_A2B10G10R10_UNORM_PACK32
  74. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UNORM
  75. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SNORM
  76. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: VK_FORMAT_B10G11R11_UFLOAT_PACK32
  77. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: Picked VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SRGB as the common window surface format
  78. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: Surface 000001C0DD440DD0:
  79. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: minImageCount 1:
  80. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: maxImageCount 16:
  81. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: supportedUsageFlags 9f:
  82. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: supported modes:
  84. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: VK_PRESENT_MODE_FIFO_KHR:
  86. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: Disabling fullscreen exclusive mode for swapchain 000001C0CC8366B0
  87. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: Created swapchain for 000001C0CC8366B0 with size { 2560x1080x3 }. Mode: VK_PRESENT_MODE_IMMEDIATE_KHR
  91. Heap info ( 2 heaps)
  92. Heap 0 - Flags: Unhandled VkMemoryHeapFlagBits, Size: 16871587840
  94. Memory type info (8 types)
  103. Diagnostics : memory
  104. Device memory : 16325500928
  105. Host memory : 16335382528
  108. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/depth_resolve_mapping.xsv with hash: d6c3436c407b5eebb7a81d3fd02e861e
  109. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/depth_resolve.xsa with hash: 3398dabbeb8dbb552cfbb757925923
  110. OpenGL bridge device:
  111. Bypassing glViewport for AMD drivers.
  112. OpenGL Vendor : ATI Technologies Inc.
  113. OpenGL Render : AMD Radeon RX 6800
  114. OpenGL Version : 4.6.0 Compatibility Profile Context (460/0)
  115. OpenGL Extensions : GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_lod GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_NV_blend_square WGL_EXT_swap_control GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_shadow_ambient GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_S3_s3tc GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_OES_draw_texture GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_ATI_shader_texture_lod GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_texture_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_compression_latc GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_EXT_transform_feedback GL_OES_EGL_image GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_transform_feedback GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_EXT_direct_state_access GL_EXT_texture_snorm GL_ARB_compatibility GL_ARB_copy_buffer GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions GL_ARB_sample_shading GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array GL_ARB_texture_gather GL_ARB_texture_multisample GL_ARB_texture_multisample_no_array GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object GL_ATI_meminfo GL_EXT_texture_storage GL_NV_copy_image GL_AMD_blend_minmax_factor GL_AMD_depth_clamp_separate GL_AMD_sample_positions GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility GL_ARB_base_instance GL_ARB_blend_func_extended GL_ARB_debug_output GL_ARB_draw_indirect GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_get_program_binary GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 GL_ARB_occlusion_query2 GL_ARB_robustness GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding GL_ARB_shader_precision GL_ARB_shader_stencil_export GL_ARB_shader_subroutine GL_ARB_tessellation_shader GL_ARB_texture_compression_bptc GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui GL_ARB_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_timer_query GL_ARB_transform_feedback2 GL_ARB_transform_feedback3 GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_ARB_viewport_array GL_EXT_shader_image_load_store GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_AMD_bus_addressable_memory GL_AMD_pinned_memory GL_ARB_conservative_depth GL_ARB_internalformat_query GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counters GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack GL_ARB_texture_storage GL_ARB_transform_feedback_instanced GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float GL_EXT_debug_label GL_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object GL_ARB_compute_shader GL_ARB_copy_image GL_ARB_explicit_uniform_location GL_ARB_fragment_layer_viewport GL_ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments GL_ARB_internalformat_query2 GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata GL_ARB_multi_draw_indirect GL_ARB_program_interface_query GL_ARB_shader_image_size GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object GL_ARB_stencil_texturing GL_ARB_texture_buffer_range GL_ARB_texture_storage_multisample GL_ARB_texture_view GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_binding GL_EXT_copy_buffer GL_KHR_debug GL_AMD_gpu_shader_half_float GL_AMD_gpu_shader_int64 GL_ARB_bindless_texture GL_ARB_buffer_storage GL_ARB_clear_texture GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts GL_ARB_indirect_parameters GL_ARB_multi_bind GL_ARB_query_buffer_object GL_ARB_shader_draw_parameters GL_ARB_shader_group_vote GL_ARB_sparse_texture GL_ARB_texture_stencil8 GL_EXT_copy_image GL_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed GL_EXT_geometry_point_size GL_EXT_gpu_shader5 GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control GL_EXT_shader_integer_mix GL_EXT_shader_io_blocks GL_EXT_tessellation_point_size GL_EXT_tessellation_shader GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp GL_EXT_texture_buffer GL_EXT_timer_query GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent GL_NV_shader_atomic_int64 GL_ARB_clip_control GL_ARB_conditional_render_inverted GL_ARB_cull_distance GL_ARB_derivative_control GL_ARB_direct_state_access GL_ARB_get_texture_sub_image GL_ARB_pipeline_statistics_query GL_ARB_shader_texture_image_samples GL_ARB_sparse_buffer GL_ARB_texture_barrier GL_ARB_transform_feedback_overflow_query GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp GL_EXT_render_snorm GL_KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_KHR_robustness GL_OVR_multiview GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 GL_ARB_parallel_shader_compile GL_ARB_post_depth_coverage GL_ARB_shader_ballot GL_ARB_shader_clock GL_ARB_shader_viewport_layer_array GL_ARB_texture_filter_minmax GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8 GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_RG8 GL_KHR_no_error GL_OVR_multiview2 GL_OVR_multiview_multisampled_render_to_texture GL_ARB_gl_spirv GL_EXT_clip_cull_distance GL_EXT_memory_object GL_EXT_memory_object_win32 GL_EXT_semaphore GL_EXT_semaphore_win32 GL_AMD_gpu_shader_int16 GL_ARB_polygon_offset_clamp GL_ARB_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_compression_bptc GL_KHR_parallel_shader_compile GL_EXT_nonuniform_qualifier
  117. sync/fence : 1
  118. pbo_avail : 1 frameblit_avail : 1 framebuffer_msaa : 1
  119. gpu_shad4_avail : 1 shad_lod_avail : 1 array_tex_avail : 1 texture_rg : 1
  120. tex_float_avail : 1 seamless_avail : 1 drawbuf2_avail : 1 packed_stencil : 1
  121. framebuffer_srgb : 1 copy_buf_avail : 1 ubo_avail : 1 gshader_avail : 1
  122. base_vert_avail : 1 tex_multi_avail : 1 depth_float_avail : 1
  123. instance_avail : 1 tess_avail : 1 viewport_arr : 1 tex_storage : 1
  124. buf_storage : 1 multi_bind : 1 clip_control : 1 program_binary : 1
  125. idx in vram : 1
  126. GLSL version : 4.60/460
  127. (32/4000/64/160/32/4000/4000/131072)
  129. anisotropic_avail : 1 coarse_timer_avail : 1 precise_timer_avail : 1 tess_avail : 1 geom_avail : 1
  130. viewport_arr : 1 layer_arr : 1 native_reverse_z : 0 has_reverse_z : 1
  131. max iso filtering : 16
  132. max samples : 3
  133. max texture size : 16384 (hardware limit)
  134. max tex units : 32
  136. persistent map : 1
  137. msaa shader write : 0
  139. This video card is bucketed as: Vulkan
  140. CPU count : 16
  141. 0:00:00.000 I/wmgr: Monitor 0: { 0, 0, 2560, 1080 }
  142. 0:00:00.000 I/WXR: wxr cache: (window 000001C0D6B73270) 640 x 270
  143. 0:00:00.000 I/wmgr: Re-building fbos for window 000001C0D6B73270 using pool 5
  144. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/legacy_flat_mapping.xsv with hash: 2bf71c83df75c515ed55da5c046e5d2
  145. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/legacy_flat.xsa with hash: 3ac8ea5bfc47121dba80acebdbcd132
  146. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/legacy_depth_mapping.xsv with hash: a1d82618b9a11fc710785317e4a063c3
  147. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/legacy_depth.xsa with hash: 785ae5d0a642ed86d364f9fb2a6299
  148. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/blit_mapping.xsv with hash: 635da81bce30e6ee2b7fb650dbfa93a4
  149. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/blit.xsa with hash: 314124f5dc839a3e4665d7f3b3ea9812
  150. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/font_mapping.xsv with hash: b9fee3b23fc95985975582a159db33d
  151. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/font.xsa with hash: 707d652b055d4328292599e53dc6378
  152. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/minify_mapping.xsv with hash: fef9e8a33f6fcff058a4bd7822211f
  153. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/minify.xsa with hash: fd96eb240f372642487ea79b7bc811
  154. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/gstack_mapping.xsv with hash: 6c795f867e72d8dd748df1071602fca
  155. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/gstack.xsa with hash: ffd2b94dd49dbbca4c7dff02c6227c7
  156. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/in_place_blur_mapping.xsv with hash: f0a48b80151b2c1fc44cba6de485323
  157. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/in_place_blur.xsa with hash: dba380599bb624f5a1559271a4283da
  158. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/single_pass_blur_mapping.xsv with hash: 65376dbae5af6bdeb2a83736777aeaf
  159. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/single_pass_blur.xsa with hash: f162fd4f8b04395cc59f3e122cbb17e
  160. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/background_blur_mapping.xsv with hash: a46d4f72b854e957cbf4d7f1de8e9c
  161. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/background_blur.xsa with hash: efe58b5fec962d8f1019b9a135fec78
  162. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/resolve_mapping.xsv with hash: ce9f3078c89c4dbd190e449c5b7910
  163. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/resolve.xsa with hash: 4286f19ebaffa7efd4ef258243b835e9
  164. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/fake_terrain_mapping.xsv with hash: 50f2c53b45813aad2bda1875cbf43694
  165. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/fake_terrain.xsa with hash: b8ac23632069a7ca35bb8872279e7cf6
  166. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/line3d_mapping.xsv with hash: b272cb73c22d98f8f960e7ebb26e83
  167. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/line3d.xsa with hash: 66119195eed73b6cc529673abe96051
  168. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/terrain_mapping.xsv with hash: bb2e056132493cac1120c49a8eae9
  169. 0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/terrain.xsa with hash: 5297f0d72dda451addbbe1e862fa7b
  170. 0:00:00.000 I/FMOD: Initial Sample rate: 48000 speaker mode: 0 (0 speakers)
  171. Fetching plugins for E:\X-PlaneVanilla/Resources/plugins
  173. Loaded: E:\X-PlaneVanilla/Resources/plugins/PluginAdmin/64/win.xpl (xpsdk.examples.pluginadmin).
  175. WARNING: two datarefs in datarefs.txt have the same name: sim/weather/aircraft/wind_direction_degt. Please remove the duplicate datare from datarefs.txt.
  176. I found the following scenery packages (prioritized in this order):
  177. 0 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Airports - KBTV Burlington/
  178. 1 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Berlin and Frankfurt/
  179. 2 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Budapest/
  180. 3 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Chicago/
  181. 4 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Dubai/
  182. 5 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Las Vegas/
  183. 6 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - London/
  184. 7 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Los Angeles/
  185. 8 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - New York/
  186. 9 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Paris/
  187. 10 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Portland/
  188. 11 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Rio De Janeiro/
  189. 12 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Saint Louis/
  190. 13 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - San Francisco/
  191. 14 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Sydney/
  192. 15 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Washington DC/
  193. 16 Global Scenery/Global Airports/
  194. 17 Global Scenery/X-Plane 12 Demo Areas/
  195. 18 Global Scenery/X-Plane 12 Global Scenery/
  196. 19 Resources/default scenery/1000 autogen/
  197. 20 Resources/default scenery/1000 decals/
  198. 21 Resources/default scenery/1000 roads/
  199. 22 Resources/default scenery/1000 world terrain/
  200. 23 Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/
  201. 24 Resources/default scenery/1200 beaches/
  202. 25 Resources/default scenery/1200 forests/
  203. 26 Resources/default scenery/700 roads/
  204. 27 Resources/default scenery/900 beaches/
  205. 28 Resources/default scenery/900 europe objects/
  206. 29 Resources/default scenery/900 forests/
  207. 30 Resources/default scenery/900 roads/
  208. 31 Resources/default scenery/900 us objects/
  209. 32 Resources/default scenery/900 world object placeholders/
  210. 33 Resources/default scenery/airport scenery/
  211. 34 Resources/default scenery/sim objects/
  212. 35 Resources/tutorials/tutorials_Alaska/
  213. 36 Resources/tutorials/tutorials_Hawaii/
  214. 37 Resources/tutorials/tutorials_Portland/
  215. 38 Resources/tutorials/tutorials_Seattle/
  217. 0:00:00.000 D/HID: HID Bridge Running
  218. 0:00:01.872 E/APT: The airport KAFW (Fort Worth Alliance) has lost some controllers due to bad frequencies. Each controller needs at least one frequency in the range of 118.00 to 136.990 mhz.
  219. 0:00:01.872 E/APT: The airport KAGC (ALLEGHENY CO) has lost some controllers due to bad frequencies. Each controller needs at least one frequency in the range of 118.00 to 136.990 mhz.
  220. 0:00:01.872 I/NAVT: Airspaces are done loading async...
  221. 0:00:01.872 E/APT: The airport KPSM (PORTSMOUTH INTL AT PEASE) has lost some controllers due to bad frequencies. Each controller needs at least one frequency in the range of 118.00 to 136.990 mhz.
  222. 0:00:01.872 E/APT: The airport KTRI (Tri Cities Rgnl Tn Va) has lost some controllers due to bad frequencies. Each controller needs at least one frequency in the range of 118.00 to 136.990 mhz.
  223. 0:00:01.872 E/APT: The airport EBCV (Chievres Air Base) has lost some controllers due to bad frequencies. Each controller needs at least one frequency in the range of 118.00 to 136.990 mhz.
  224. 0:00:01.872 E/APT: The airport EEEI (Ämari Military Aerodrome) has lost some controllers due to bad frequencies. Each controller needs at least one frequency in the range of 118.00 to 136.990 mhz.
  225. 0:00:01.872 E/APT: The airport ETOU (Wiesbaden Erbenheim AAF) has lost some controllers due to bad frequencies. Each controller needs at least one frequency in the range of 118.00 to 136.990 mhz.
  226. 0:00:01.872 E/APT: The airport LERT (Cadiz Rota) has lost some controllers due to bad frequencies. Each controller needs at least one frequency in the range of 118.00 to 136.990 mhz.
  227. 0:00:01.872 E/APT: Found a bad frequency for the AWOS controller at LFOE: 138.225. It should be between 118.000 and 136.990.
  228. 0:00:01.872 E/APT: Found a bad frequency for the AWOS controller at LFRL: 143.470. It should be between 118.000 and 136.990.
  229. 0:00:01.872 E/APT: The airport RCFG (NANGAN) has lost some controllers due to bad frequencies. Each controller needs at least one frequency in the range of 118.00 to 136.990 mhz.
  230. 0:00:01.872 E/APT: The airport RCFN (Taitung Fongnian) has lost some controllers due to bad frequencies. Each controller needs at least one frequency in the range of 118.00 to 136.990 mhz.
  231. 0:00:01.872 E/APT: The airport RCKH (Kaohsiung Intl) has lost some controllers due to bad frequencies. Each controller needs at least one frequency in the range of 118.00 to 136.990 mhz.
  232. 0:00:01.872 E/APT: The airport RCKW (HENGCHUN) has lost some controllers due to bad frequencies. Each controller needs at least one frequency in the range of 118.00 to 136.990 mhz.
  233. 0:00:01.872 E/APT: The airport RJOP ([H] Komatsushima AB) has lost some controllers due to bad frequencies. Each controller needs at least one frequency in the range of 118.00 to 136.990 mhz.
  234. 0:00:01.872 W/APT: WARNING: airport Stony Creek (ID XY000M) overrides code AU999 but it has already been overridden by Bunurong Field (ID XY000G)
  235. 0:00:01.872 W/APT: WARNING: airport Ustinovo (ID XU002D) overrides code ZAQ8 but it has already been overridden by Temryuk (ID XU000I)
  236. 0:00:01.872 W/APT: WARNING: airport Washington Island (ID XK2P2) overrides code WI47 but it has already been overridden by Timberline (ID XKWI47)
  237. 0:00:01.872 W/APT: WARNING: airport [H] Grace Hospital Emergency Medical (ID 5NC3) overrides code BQ1 but it has already been overridden by Gilliam-McConnell (ID XK002J)
  238. 0:00:01.872 W/APT: WARNING: airport [X] Stockton Muni (ID SN07) overrides code 07S but it has already been overridden by Beaumont Hotel (ID 7K9)
  239. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport '[H] Kewanee Hospital' (ID 14IL, code 0IL5) overrides '[H] City of Pontiac' (ID 0IL5).
  240. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport '[H] Mendota Community Hospital' (ID 74IL, code 14IL) overrides '[H] Kewanee Hospital' (ID 14IL).
  241. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Ickes' (ID XK006G, code 1PS0) overrides '[H] Southern Adams County' (ID 1PS0).
  242. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Pela 15' (ID XK007J, code 1TN1) overrides '[H] Clayton' (ID 1TN1).
  243. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Flying Hare Field' (ID XK009C, code 34XS) overrides 'Kenley Ranch' (ID 34XS).
  244. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Philadelphia Gliderport' (ID 0PA0, code 3PA2) overrides 'Neeb' (ID 3PA2).
  245. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Middle Bass Island' (ID XK0033, code 3T7) overrides 'Pavlat' (ID 3T7).
  246. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Gerald Weidner' (ID H33, code 4IS9) overrides '[H] Doctors Hospital' (ID 4IS9).
  247. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Catoctin Crosswind' (ID XK005S, code 4MD7) overrides 'Wood' (ID 4MD7).
  248. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport '[H] Meritus Hospital' (ID XK005Q, code 5MD3) overrides '[H] Sinai Hospital' (ID 5MD3).
  249. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Old Hoppe Place' (ID 67TX, code 67T) overrides 'Fisher Ranch' (ID 67T).
  250. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'American Creek' (ID AK80, code 80A) overrides 'McLean Brothers' (ID 80A).
  251. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'CD-3 Airstrip' (ID XPA000D, code AK20) overrides 'Quail Creek' (ID AK20).
  252. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Snowy Range' (ID XY000K, code AU53) overrides 'Mundrabilla Road' (ID AU53).
  253. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Hidden Valley' (ID XK0011, code AZ43) overrides 'Solair Estates' (ID AZ43).
  254. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Lower Loon Creek' (ID ID67, code C53) overrides 'John Deere Dubuque Works' (ID C53).
  255. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Cayuse Creek USFS' (ID S74, code C64) overrides 'Wawasee' (ID C64).
  256. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Colorado Springs East' (ID A50, code CO49) overrides 'Flying Lazy D Ranch' (ID CO49).
  257. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Pakuba Airfield' (ID HUKF, code HUPA) overrides 'Bugungu Airstrip' (ID HUPA).
  258. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Foster Field' (ID 7A4, code IL28) overrides 'Werries' (ID IL28).
  259. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Harrold' (ID 2IN6, code IN16) overrides 'Wilkins Strip' (ID IN16).
  260. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Astorga' (ID XLE000K, code LEAT) overrides 'Lleida - Alfes' (ID LEAT).
  261. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport '[H] Kantonsspital St.Gallen' (ID XLS0010, code LSHG) overrides '[H] Gampel' (ID LSHG).
  262. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Mountainair Muni' (ID Q04, code M10) overrides 'Hunter' (ID M10).
  263. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Bel-Voir Acres' (ID MO61, code MO04) overrides 'Lyell' (ID MO04).
  264. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Table Rock' (ID 36M, code MO32) overrides 'Princeton-Kauffman Meml' (ID MO32).
  265. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport '[H] Red River Heliport' (ID XK006N, code N02) overrides '[H] Keystone' (ID N02).
  266. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Harvey Point Defense Test Act' (ID XK008A, code NC01) overrides 'May' (ID NC01).
  267. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Deck Airpark' (ID 02W, code NC11) overrides 'Bear Creek' (ID NC11).
  268. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Cielo Dorado Estates' (ID TA50, code NM05) overrides 'Williams' (ID NM05).
  269. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Kingsdale Air Park' (ID 76W, code PA23) overrides 'Mifflintown' (ID PA23).
  270. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Cloudbound' (ID XK006F, code PA47) overrides 'Jim Shearer' (ID PA47).
  271. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Flying R.N.' (ID KS10, code S10) overrides 'Lake Chelan' (ID S10).
  272. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Fazenda Sao Miguel' (ID SJOY, code SDTV) overrides '[H] Tivoli Center' (ID SDTV).
  273. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Irmãos Gonçalves' (ID XSB0008, code SIDG) overrides 'Fazenda Jotabasso' (ID SIDG).
  274. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Rio Negrinho' (ID SSRN, code SILN) overrides 'Fazenda Rio Capim' (ID SILN).
  275. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Jorge Luiz Stocco' (ID XSB000C, code SJOY) overrides 'Fazenda Sao Miguel' (ID SJOY).
  276. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Tancredo Thomas de Faria' (ID SBGU, code SSGG) overrides 'Fazenda Jacare de Chifre' (ID SSGG).
  277. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Sao Joao dos Patos' (ID XSB0003, code SSYR) overrides 'Fazenda Santa Maria' (ID SSYR).
  278. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Zirondi' (ID XSB0009, code SSZD) overrides '[H] Aficel' (ID SSZD).
  279. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Luis Eduardo Magalhaes' (ID XSB000G, code SWNB) overrides 'Nobres' (ID SWNB).
  280. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Aero Estates' (ID TS96, code T25) overrides 'Jennings Ranch' (ID T25).
  281. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Goldthwaite Muni' (ID XK007O, code T37) overrides 'Locker Brothers' (ID T37).
  282. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Flying B Ranch' (ID XK009L, code TA12) overrides '[H] Petroleum Helicopters Inc' (ID TA12).
  283. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'West Liberty' (ID XK009G, code TS35) overrides '[H] Marriott Astrodome' (ID TS35).
  284. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Hammer Airfield' (ID XK009K, code TS75) overrides 'Mitchell Nr One' (ID TS75).
  285. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Fair Weather Field' (ID XK009I, code TX42) overrides 'Bransom Farm' (ID TX42).
  286. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Eberly Ranch' (ID XK008Z, code TX70) overrides 'Hess' (ID TX70).
  287. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Turkmenabat' (ID XUT0003, code UTAV) overrides 'TURKMENABAT' (ID UTAV).
  288. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Mundaring Weir' (ID YMWR, code YMDW) overrides 'MAITLAND DOWNS' (ID YMDW).
  289. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Port Hedland/Wodgina' (ID XY001Z, code YWGA) overrides 'Wonga Beach' (ID YWGA).
  290. 0:00:01.872 I/APT: Airport 'Qingdao Jiaodong Intl' (ID XZ001I, code ZSQD) overrides 'Qingdao Jiaodong Intl' (ID ZSQD).
  291. 0:00:01.872 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/cube_filter_compute_mapping.xsv with hash: 4435d967b5c9bf24201f5310d8c34d6c
  292. 0:00:01.872 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/cube_filter_compute.xsa with hash: b970e81c1e2de7dbb12f252c39ba2bac
  293. 0:00:01.872 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/cube_filter_raster_mapping.xsv with hash: a23e87eca3821a1a6859236b74b1374
  294. 0:00:01.872 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/cube_filter_raster.xsa with hash: 9f8484fce26cea42f132d19692f931b
  295. 0:00:01.872 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/ssr_deferred_mapping.xsv with hash: fcee2f7f3138a87aa014afcdf32ef2
  296. 0:00:01.872 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/ssr_deferred.xsa with hash: 8466a3513fe699f8805eaf9734a261d6
  297. 0:00:01.872 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/ssr_mesh_mapping.xsv with hash: b64dadb668bc39487ef2dff0327cb173
  298. 0:00:01.872 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/ssr_mesh.xsa with hash: 341d493f9583854f0c9b380f4b8696c
  299. 0:00:01.872 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/ground_lights_mapping.xsv with hash: 3ba7d53caa96dd79ae8686a6f1
  300. 0:00:01.872 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/ground_lights.xsa with hash: f676c8adcf60fb812abad8aa61e71a
  301. 0:00:01.872 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/light_mapping.xsv with hash: f2bf1d88ff58abcf32e01ec3405d9df
  302. 0:00:01.872 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/light.xsa with hash: 5d48b16976ef9bd0bee0d0281651879f
  303. 0:00:01.872 I/REN: Setting texture resolution read from prefs as 5
  304. 0:00:01.872 I/REN: Setting |dim under high G-load or hypoxia read from prefs as 1.
  305. 0:00:01.872 I/REN: Setting |3-d drawing detail read from prefs as 4.
  306. 0:00:01.872 I/REN: Setting |drawing range read from prefs as 3.
  307. 0:00:01.872 I/REN: Setting |draw parked aircraft at airports read from prefs as 0.
  308. 0:00:01.872 I/REN: Setting |Cloud quality read from prefs as 2.
  309. 0:00:01.872 I/REN: Setting |FSR quality level read from prefs as 0.
  310. 0:00:01.872 I/REN: Setting |SSAO quality level read from prefs as 4.
  311. 0:00:01.872 I/REN: Setting |Enable 3D trees read from prefs as 1.
  312. 0:00:01.872 I/REN: Setting |3-d shadows read from prefs as 4.
  313. 0:00:01.872 I/REN: Setting |Tree quality level read from prefs as 4.
  314. 0:00:01.872 I/REN: Setting |HDR anti-aliasing read from prefs as 1.
  315. 0:00:01.872 I/REN: Setting |Texture Resolution read from prefs as 4.
  316. 0:00:07.824 I/gfx: Max budget for managed buffers changed to 1073741824
  317. 0:00:07.824 I/NET: OS has RFC 4941 Privacy Extensions for IPv6 *enabled*, using TEMPORARY IPv6 addresses
  318. 0:00:07.824 I/NET: Ethernet (Realtek Gaming GbE Family Controller)
  319. 0:00:07.824 I/NET: Tailscale (Tailscale Tunnel)
  320. 0:00:07.824 I/NET: Ethernet (Realtek Gaming GbE Family Controller) 2a02:2f0d:2214:d00:dd9:a150:248f:7b21
  321. 0:00:07.824 I/NET: Ethernet (Realtek Gaming GbE Family Controller) fd27:6485:6756:0:dd9:a150:248f:7b21
  322. 0:00:07.824 I/NET: Ethernet (Realtek Gaming GbE Family Controller) fdbf:7574:f422:0:dd9:a150:248f:7b21
  323. 0:00:07.824 I/NET: (RakNet) Init: Successful!
  324. 0:00:08.112 I/TEX: Target scale moved to 16.000000
  325. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: Hardware ADDED(044f, 0407) - TCA Q-Eng 1&2 at path \\?\hid#vid_044f&pid_0407#7&123c20af&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
  326. 0:00:08.131 I/JOY: REGISTER Joystick device: TCA Q-Eng 1&2 - VID:1103PID:1031, this is a familiar device.
  327. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 0 (HID_Page_Button/01) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0
  328. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 1 (HID_Page_Button/02) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0
  329. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 2 (HID_Page_Button/03) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0
  330. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 3 (HID_Page_Button/04) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0
  331. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 4 (HID_Page_Button/05) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0
  332. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 5 (HID_Page_Button/06) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0
  333. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 6 (HID_Page_Button/07) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0
  334. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 7 (HID_Page_Button/08) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0
  335. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 8 (HID_Page_Button/09) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0
  336. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 9 (HID_Page_Button/0a) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0
  337. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 10 (HID_Page_Button/0b) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0
  338. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 11 (HID_Page_Button/0c) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0
  339. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 12 (HID_Page_Button/0d) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0
  340. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 13 (HID_Page_Button/0e) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0
  341. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 14 (HID_Page_Button/0f) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0
  342. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 15 (HID_Page_Button/10) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0
  343. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 16 (HID_Page_Button/11) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0
  344. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 17 (HID_Page_Button/12) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0
  345. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 18 (HID_Page_Button/13) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0
  346. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 19 (HID_Page_Button/14) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0
  347. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 20 (HID_Page_Button/15) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0
  348. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 21 (HID_Page_Button/16) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0
  349. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 22 (HID_Page_Button/17) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0
  350. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 23 (HID_Page_Button/18) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0
  351. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 24 (HID_Page_Button/19) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0
  352. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 25 (HID_Page_Button/1a) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0
  353. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 26 (HID_Page_Button/1b) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0
  354. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 27 (HID_Page_Button/1c) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0
  355. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 28 (HID_Page_Button/1d) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0
  356. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 29 (HID_Page_Button/1e) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0
  357. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 30 (HID_Page_Button/1f) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0
  358. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: AXIS Added Index: 0 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Z) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0. Min/Max 0 - 65535
  359. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: AXIS Added Index: 1 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Y) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0. Min/Max 0 - 65535
  360. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: AXIS Added Index: 2 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_X) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0. Min/Max 0 - 65535
  361. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: AXIS Added Index: 3 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Rz) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0. Min/Max 0 - 65535
  362. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: AXIS Added Index: 4 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Slider) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0. Min/Max 0 - 65535
  363. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: AXIS Added Index: 5 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Rx) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0. Min/Max 0 - 65535
  364. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: AXIS Added Index: 6 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Ry) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0. Min/Max 0 - 65535
  365. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0 because of usage page.
  366. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0 because of usage page.
  367. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0 because of usage page.
  368. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0 because of usage page.
  369. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0 because of usage page.
  370. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0 because of usage page.
  371. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0 because of usage page.
  372. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0 because of usage page.
  373. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0 because of usage page.
  374. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0 because of usage page.
  375. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0 because of usage page.
  376. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2EE0 because of usage page.
  377. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: END HARDWARE
  378. 0:00:08.131 E/JOY: UNCALIBRATED AXIS DETECTED: TCA Q-Eng 1&2 (VID:1103PID:1031) Axis #0, assigned to joy_use_flap, has an expected min/max range of [0.000000, 65535.000000], but is calibrated for [1.000000, 1.000000]. You should recalibrate the device in the Settings menu.
  379. 0:00:08.131 E/JOY: UNCALIBRATED AXIS DETECTED: TCA Q-Eng 1&2 (VID:1103PID:1031) Axis #1, assigned to joy_use_thro1, has an expected min/max range of [0.000000, 65535.000000], but is calibrated for [0.742306, 0.742306]. You should recalibrate the device in the Settings menu.
  380. 0:00:08.131 E/JOY: UNCALIBRATED AXIS DETECTED: TCA Q-Eng 1&2 (VID:1103PID:1031) Axis #2, assigned to joy_use_thro2, has an expected min/max range of [0.000000, 65535.000000], but is calibrated for [0.736110, 0.736110]. You should recalibrate the device in the Settings menu.
  381. 0:00:08.131 E/JOY: UNCALIBRATED AXIS DETECTED: TCA Q-Eng 1&2 (VID:1103PID:1031) Axis #3, assigned to joy_use_sbrk, has an expected min/max range of [0.000000, 65535.000000], but is calibrated for [1.000000, 1.000000]. You should recalibrate the device in the Settings menu.
  382. 0:00:08.131 E/JOY: UNCALIBRATED AXIS DETECTED: TCA Q-Eng 1&2 (VID:1103PID:1031) Axis #4, assigned to joy_use_hdng, has an expected min/max range of [0.000000, 65535.000000], but is calibrated for [0.500008, 0.500008]. You should recalibrate the device in the Settings menu.
  383. 0:00:08.131 E/JOY: UNCALIBRATED AXIS DETECTED: TCA Q-Eng 1&2 (VID:1103PID:1031) Axis #5, assigned to joy_use_rbrk, has an expected min/max range of [0.000000, 65535.000000], but is calibrated for [1.000000, 1.000000]. You should recalibrate the device in the Settings menu.
  384. 0:00:08.131 E/JOY: UNCALIBRATED AXIS DETECTED: TCA Q-Eng 1&2 (VID:1103PID:1031) Axis #6, assigned to joy_use_lbrk, has an expected min/max range of [0.000000, 65535.000000], but is calibrated for [1.000000, 1.000000]. You should recalibrate the device in the Settings menu.
  385. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: Hardware ADDED(044f, 0405) - T.A320 Pilot at path \\?\hid#vid_044f&pid_0405#7&e7c901f&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
  386. 0:00:08.131 I/JOY: REGISTER Joystick device: T.A320 Pilot - VID:1103PID:1029, this is a familiar device.
  387. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 0 (HID_Page_Button/01) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0
  388. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 1 (HID_Page_Button/02) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0
  389. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 2 (HID_Page_Button/03) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0
  390. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 3 (HID_Page_Button/04) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0
  391. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 4 (HID_Page_Button/05) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0
  392. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 5 (HID_Page_Button/06) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0
  393. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 6 (HID_Page_Button/07) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0
  394. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 7 (HID_Page_Button/08) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0
  395. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 8 (HID_Page_Button/09) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0
  396. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 9 (HID_Page_Button/0a) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0
  397. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 10 (HID_Page_Button/0b) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0
  398. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 11 (HID_Page_Button/0c) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0
  399. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 12 (HID_Page_Button/0d) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0
  400. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 13 (HID_Page_Button/0e) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0
  401. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 14 (HID_Page_Button/0f) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0
  402. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 15 (HID_Page_Button/10) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0
  403. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 16 (HID_Page_Button/11) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0
  404. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: AXIS Added Index: 0 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Y) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0. Min/Max 0 - 16383
  405. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: AXIS Added Index: 1 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_X) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0. Min/Max 0 - 16383
  406. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: AXIS Added Index: 2 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Slider) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0. Min/Max 0 - 255
  407. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: AXIS Added Index: 3 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Rz) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0. Min/Max 0 - 255
  408. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: HATSWITCH Added Index: 0 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Hatswitch) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0. It has 8 positions.
  409. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  410. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  411. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  412. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  413. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  414. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  415. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  416. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  417. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  418. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  419. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  420. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  421. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  422. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  423. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  424. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  425. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  426. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  427. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  428. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  429. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  430. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  431. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  432. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  433. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  434. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  435. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  436. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  437. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  438. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  439. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  440. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  441. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  442. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  443. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  444. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  445. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  446. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  447. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  448. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  449. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  450. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  451. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  452. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  453. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  454. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  455. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  456. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  457. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  458. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  459. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  460. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  461. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 000001C0B73E2FA0 because of usage page.
  462. 0:00:08.131 D/HID: END HARDWARE
  463. 0:00:08.131 E/JOY: UNCALIBRATED AXIS DETECTED: T.A320 Pilot (VID:1103PID:1029) Axis #0, assigned to joy_use_ptch, has an expected min/max range of [0.000000, 16383.000000], but is calibrated for [0.498016, 0.498199]. You should recalibrate the device in the Settings menu.
  464. 0:00:08.131 E/JOY: UNCALIBRATED AXIS DETECTED: T.A320 Pilot (VID:1103PID:1029) Axis #1, assigned to joy_use_roll, has an expected min/max range of [0.000000, 16383.000000], but is calibrated for [0.490386, 0.490753]. You should recalibrate the device in the Settings menu.
  465. 0:00:08.131 E/JOY: UNCALIBRATED AXIS DETECTED: T.A320 Pilot (VID:1103PID:1029) Axis #2, assigned to joy_use_thro, has an expected min/max range of [0.000000, 255.000000], but is calibrated for [1.000000, 1.000000]. You should recalibrate the device in the Settings menu.
  466. 0:00:08.131 E/JOY: UNCALIBRATED AXIS DETECTED: T.A320 Pilot (VID:1103PID:1029) Axis #3, assigned to joy_use_hdng, has an expected min/max range of [0.000000, 255.000000], but is calibrated for [0.501961, 0.501961]. You should recalibrate the device in the Settings menu.
  467. 0:00:08.131 D/STM: Transitioning from state state_InitialLoading to state_QuickFlightWizard
  468. 0:00:08.131 I/WIN: Showing subscreen Main Menu
  469. 0:00:08.131 I/OVR: User is entering the holodeck.
  470. 0:00:08.131 I/WIN: Opened window Primary V11 UI
  471. 0:00:11.192 I/NAVT: NavData is done loading async...
  472. 0:00:11.302 I/NAVT: Navaids are done loading async...
  473. 0:00:11.546 I/NAVT: Fixes are done loading async...
  474. 0:00:12.026 I/NAVT: Airways are done loading async...
  475. 0:00:12.026 I/NAVT: All navt data is done loading async...
  476. 0:00:37.264 I/WIN: Showing subscreen Freeflight
  477. 0:00:47.035 I/WIN: Showing subscreen Settings
  478. 0:00:57.213 I/FCG: Applying changes from Flight Configuration screen
  479. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Duplicate FREQ: 135975 at position 175250 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  480. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Duplicate FREQ: 135975 at position 469390 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  481. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Duplicate FREQ: 135975 at position 469401 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  482. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Duplicate FREQ: 135975 at position 481372 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  483. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Duplicate FREQ: 135975 at position 481383 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  484. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Duplicate FREQ: 135975 at position 481394 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  485. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Duplicate FREQ: 135975 at position 481405 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  486. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Duplicate FREQ: 135975 at position 532500 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  487. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Duplicate FREQ: 135975 at position 532511 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  488. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Duplicate FREQ: 135975 at position 536645 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  489. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Duplicate FREQ: 135975 at position 536656 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  490. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Duplicate FREQ: 135975 at position 679448 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  491. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'DAAA' found at position 1196956 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  492. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'DATG' found at position 1224665 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  493. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'DNBC' found at position 1271469 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  494. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'DNBK' found at position 1273611 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  495. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'DNBY' found at position 1274724 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  496. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'DNDS' found at position 1278341 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  497. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'DNFB' found at position 1280095 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  498. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'DNKT' found at position 1291279 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  499. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'DNSU' found at position 1303007 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  500. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'EETT' found at position 1553817 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  501. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'EPWW' found at position 1815472 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  502. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'EVGA' found at position 1869083 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  503. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'EVRR' found at position 1874568 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  504. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'EYVL' found at position 1882830 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  505. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'FBPM' found at position 2058874 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  506. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'FZAM' found at position 2290643 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  507. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'GAKD' found at position 2327291 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  508. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'GUOK' found at position 2412566 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  509. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'HCGR' found at position 2466365 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  510. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'HECP' found at position 2508738 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  511. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'HKEM' found at position 2536377 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  512. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'HLMS' found at position 2561185 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  513. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'HLTQ' found at position 2563381 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  514. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'HLUB' found at position 2564495 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  515. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'KZBW' found at position 4277566 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  516. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'LAAA' found at position 4279753 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  517. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'LBSR' found at position 4296048 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  518. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'LDZO' found at position 4326783 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  519. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'LFFF' found at position 4634509 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  520. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Duplicate FREQ: 135975 at position 4636452 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  521. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Duplicate FREQ: 135975 at position 4636463 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  522. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'LFMM' found at position 4782011 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  523. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'LFOJ' found at position 4856638 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  524. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'LHCC' found at position 5060116 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  525. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'LJLA' found at position 5209763 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  526. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'LQSB' found at position 5375395 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  527. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'LRBB' found at position 5381637 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  528. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'LTFN' found at position 5577319 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  529. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'LUUU' found at position 5588183 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  530. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'LWSS' found at position 5594617 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  531. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'LYBA' found at position 5596006 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  532. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'LZBB' found at position 5616743 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  533. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'OADY' found at position 6018308 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  534. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'OBKH' found at position 6046089 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  535. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'RJCA' found at position 6390112 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  536. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'RJOE' found at position 6532371 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  537. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'SUAG' found at position 7583664 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  538. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'UBBQ' found at position 7714933 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  539. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'UBBY' found at position 7715359 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  540. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'UBEE' found at position 7715821 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  541. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'UCFO' found at position 7718120 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  542. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'UHEK' found at position 7772471 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  543. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'UHKD' found at position 7779111 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  544. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'UHNB' found at position 7781473 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  545. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'UKBU' found at position 7809117 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  546. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'UKKT' found at position 7825561 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  547. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'UMMV' found at position 7863240 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  548. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'UNIP' found at position 7874810 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  549. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'UOTT' found at position 7891848 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  550. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'UTSA' found at position 7937913 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  551. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'VCCH' found at position 8127580 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  552. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'VCCV' found at position 8132619 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  553. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'VECX' found at position 8152437 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  554. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'VEKO' found at position 8159676 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  555. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'VLXK' found at position 8236306 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  556. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'VOBM' found at position 8280136 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  557. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'VOJV' found at position 8292669 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  558. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'VOND' found at position 8301446 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  559. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'VOTK' found at position 8305205 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  560. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'VYFS' found at position 8470477 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  561. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'VYMW' found at position 8489072 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  562. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'VYPP' found at position 8494679 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  563. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'WAGI' found at position 8520416 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  564. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'WIKK' found at position 8603504 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  565. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'WIRR' found at position 8619060 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  566. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'ZSYW' found at position 8857145 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  567. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Unknown ICAO code 'ZUTF' found at position 8867518 in Resources/default scenery/1200 atc data/Earth nav data/atc.dat
  568. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Adjusting EDHI:Tower airspace lower bound from 2500 to 0 because it does not reach the ground
  569. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Ignoring controller EDHI:Tower airspace because it does not cover the airport (10.03 NM away).
  570. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Adjusting HSPN:Tower airspace lower bound from 2500 to 100 because it does not reach the ground
  571. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Adjusting MGMM:Tower airspace lower bound from 3000 to 400 because it does not reach the ground
  572. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Ignoring controller SARE:Tower airspace because it does not cover the airport (11.61 NM away).
  573. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Adjusting VTPI:Tower airspace lower bound from 2000 to 100 because it does not reach the ground
  574. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Ignoring controller VTSY:Tower airspace because it does not cover the airport (45.20 NM away).
  575. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Adjusting VVDN:Tower airspace lower bound from 2000 to 0 because it does not reach the ground
  576. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Adjusting WICC:Tower airspace lower bound from 4000 to 2400 because it does not reach the ground
  577. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Adjusting WIII:Tower airspace lower bound from 3500 to 0 because it does not reach the ground
  578. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Adjusting WILL:Tower airspace lower bound from 4000 to 200 because it does not reach the ground
  579. 0:00:57.219 W/ATC: Ignoring controller ZSQD:Tower airspace because it does not cover the airport (15.41 NM away).
  580. 0:00:57.219 I/ATC: Rewrote 351 facilities' frequencies to avoid collisions
  581. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/lit_mapping.xsv with hash: f490e74126c850d96d1a2ce38731fdc7
  582. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/lit.xsa with hash: 1a74d46bf809710acaeb8ef4901645
  583. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/rain_mapping.xsv with hash: 4567b95b2b5cad35c768fbe593438df8
  584. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/rain.xsa with hash: 734d4efae3d6eed6b20a5d95b589bb2
  585. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/shadow_rect_mapping.xsv with hash: e5892c6cc46649ff565c9c37871e8292
  586. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/shadow_rect.xsa with hash: b6a64f2883a140ce1ad854135e54ece2
  587. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/debug_mapping.xsv with hash: 70a937748d67c1142d3cff6eddf63cfa
  588. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/debug.xsa with hash: 82834154e8217620783ad4336aaccc61
  589. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/z_minmax_mapping.xsv with hash: 7ff547b9686b9a457b5a26a6d295636b
  590. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/z_minmax.xsa with hash: ca5e324b16b5571dd7d7deb69e1875c
  591. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/lumi_histo_mapping.xsv with hash: 3deeb2dcd54aad8895ad82113a5a6a3
  592. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/lumi_histo.xsa with hash: e77bb6c7368653fac03dd1451ee8ad84
  593. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/histo_debug_mapping.xsv with hash: 19dd108efcf68f6e3a59e2813a341a0
  594. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/histo_debug.xsa with hash: f08cdd91f26f63f2db8f93f8dfea88a3
  595. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/vegetation_data_mapping.xsv with hash: f1c8c36595d6bd8d5bcb22b2e696c45
  596. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/vegetation_data.xsa with hash: 2a7aac88a0c7e3e279d2f9e316977726
  597. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/vegetation_cull_mapping.xsv with hash: 1d84ee6651c94c27839465f2e1fee92
  598. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/vegetation_cull.xsa with hash: b87f1db75cc27ea24dbf919de2c179
  599. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/weather_apply_compute_mapping.xsv with hash: 25e4df72caa50de676027206875436e
  600. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/weather_apply_compute.xsa with hash: 43bd9e98d9ad1d4fba3657d265f62
  601. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/weather_apply_raster_mapping.xsv with hash: e0991113de16be1579ded591c9c61
  602. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/weather_apply_raster.xsa with hash: f0ba4d1c944d3d287181a995a33b3d7
  603. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/cloud_render_raster_mapping.xsv with hash: 97dbe11cb9225f7de787c812164bced
  604. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/cloud_render_raster.xsa with hash: fa9a61e899c2fcd231428349b6137fe
  605. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/cloud_render_compute_mapping.xsv with hash: bb11e526de1413d6c7e442ab73164690
  606. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/cloud_render_compute.xsa with hash: ed97d728f5bde3d10c8addb0549c2d
  607. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/cloud_upscale_mapping.xsv with hash: dc81a9bf80ff4ef96bfee9ad3a6de2b
  608. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/cloud_upscale.xsa with hash: f5c483ccbae83df57b112a19849f673
  609. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/cloud_update_mapping.xsv with hash: 213d76d613b8eef4d0623edec3ad48
  610. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/cloud_update.xsa with hash: d3b452918ad72eb6e5ce73c65bda3f
  611. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/cloud_minify_mapping.xsv with hash: ae2f3aa58176597433a59dfb307d38e3
  612. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/cloud_minify.xsa with hash: 50eb77371a38ff8d9fba5c8a2bfa8f1b
  613. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/cloud_map_mapping.xsv with hash: 45ed1a4746501f8ec9da3df9842112a3
  614. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/cloud_map.xsa with hash: 3c113c9aa2e2c67188b816c8c7f5f558
  615. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/cloud_shadows_mapping.xsv with hash: f6f47f5564ef85cad3bb468ec0cd6d2
  616. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/cloud_shadows.xsa with hash: ac669ed880c058db2eb8253ea538294b
  617. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/cloud_categorize_mapping.xsv with hash: cd2e54cd4333f25959fb9d9634588d45
  618. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/cloud_categorize.xsa with hash: 2e7128456fdefd59276d1d5f547e45
  619. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/cloud_opacity_mapping.xsv with hash: f82487ebc06fb799236c1ff89c95edf7
  620. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/cloud_opacity.xsa with hash: 23cef15af29edc5da177bd902dc430b3
  621. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/ripple_mapping.xsv with hash: faa02b26a215b918ec1b8acc59b0c770
  622. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/ripple.xsa with hash: f5c990d9d79ba8e8eec4c31b88eeaa
  623. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/rain_surface_mapping.xsv with hash: ab9639413115734ad824566018a66054
  624. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/rain_surface.xsa with hash: 5c6c74867a215d3b38c8382e77b4
  625. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/rain_forces_mapping.xsv with hash: a946bcf4c49c1258666867f581a711c
  626. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/rain_forces.xsa with hash: 30f67bacbcd572ce42c6a976c417a72
  627. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/rain_visualize_mapping.xsv with hash: 6fa5c37ca88f5f9af89d7fbd399be95d
  628. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/rain_visualize.xsa with hash: f684f01f74db16b04e74856525c4b628
  629. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/rain_forces_visualize_mapping.xsv with hash: 5286116438994c566980a32d5a88387d
  630. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/rain_forces_visualize.xsa with hash: ac89c63b9697a3819c8266321a9c0d
  631. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/rain_temperature_mapping.xsv with hash: 2d73bfa1f61e75915e247a1ddff927b
  632. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/rain_temperature.xsa with hash: ce5c6515fcddb47f053b345ddffccbd
  633. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/rain_normals_mapping.xsv with hash: f2e1ba5ead4cd6149a34e6e8eab4f4df
  634. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/rain_normals.xsa with hash: fe4ecab7adbaa8f8e3a38074998838
  635. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/rain_droplets_compute_mapping.xsv with hash: 6bf6ed817ee3fa52170dbdad3ac8538
  636. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/rain_droplets_compute.xsa with hash: 9d182a217b8f7d20deb3817a4d75e569
  637. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/rain_draw_mapping.xsv with hash: dab5bbbcd7fa8db36afbeab5bf6189
  638. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/rain_draw.xsa with hash: d5c0978611b0573942d744723b448ead
  639. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/compute_fft_mapping.xsv with hash: f9c841e7d15c922f5d5452763c1cbb7
  640. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/compute_fft.xsa with hash: 36783959638635c2ccea3150c824
  641. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/cacao_mapping.xsv with hash: d2b28dc49c3591d541897d92c6de789e
  642. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/cacao.xsa with hash: 71676d923c70328bf6559c593d8fdf5
  643. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/fsr_mapping.xsv with hash: c24b80eab51b522985043a9991cbcc
  644. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/fsr.xsa with hash: 6ef1a5bc206d6d72c32a5f4b37c324
  645. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/sectional2_mapping.xsv with hash: a2d5c555dde0391625ccd719fa6fade4
  646. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/sectional2.xsa with hash: 5c422aa013c73fd1b6528ffc67144b6
  647. Initializing off screen memory.
  648. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/scatter_compute_t_mapping.xsv with hash: 3fc6896834fbc54bbd1dc13c7b920ba
  649. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/scatter_compute_t.xsa with hash: efd422c1436a63ca3a884753b917688
  650. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/scatter_compute_multi_mapping.xsv with hash: b7cc6ebb3d462b9bd6f91f0a4317260
  651. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/scatter_compute_multi.xsa with hash: 985acde3ed91ecf42a7d0445f2098f4
  652. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/scatter_compute_skydome_mapping.xsv with hash: 29b733f7b9762d4ba5b612ff4c82d9b
  653. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/scatter_compute_skydome.xsa with hash: f5c6c7de36d6c1c5fb53b8a636c767
  654. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/scatter_compute_scattering_mapping.xsv with hash: 17ce7330ae9fef7fa3a5ec1a4cdbc48
  655. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/scatter_compute_scattering.xsa with hash: 7a34c61b1ad085f0ab2557604e48a186
  656. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/deferred_ssao_mapping.xsv with hash: b2e53785812eede0fea1b131c69ad23
  657. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/deferred_ssao.xsa with hash: 47d5c81a4f8e64a94ee40e566a25c66
  658. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/ssao_blur_mapping.xsv with hash: bb23deb48d7b32fb1809a12a3566a8f
  659. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/ssao_blur.xsa with hash: ad716f5593ed2c5550422d3ffe9fda98
  660. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/deferred_gbuf_mapping.xsv with hash: 804d41293c3912a4a0f1449863262ff6
  661. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/deferred_gbuf.xsa with hash: b85915e35c4aa0e25d504d725e11525
  662. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/msaa_categorize_mapping.xsv with hash: e37f71b35b9ddffbaa15f0bbb9bd4ced
  663. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/msaa_categorize.xsa with hash: ad196f9fa27beffdddc6ef5c1e7a82
  664. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/hdr_mapping.xsv with hash: a97e49a3e983b145ed7fb44e902584
  665. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/hdr.xsa with hash: 7e92b7624384550361d1914f872be1c
  666. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/blur_mapping.xsv with hash: 23f593210ff167ac3a138a26311a9ce
  667. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/blur.xsa with hash: 89ccfa63e9442a882e1c746465f05f4f
  668. Initializing off screen memory complete.
  669. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/planet_mapping.xsv with hash: efea2c53c588e2bc292885a48c954d5
  670. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/planet.xsa with hash: 6253a91312af3f4eed942f4e3e2a4e82
  671. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/dome_mapping.xsv with hash: 4776e997bf60b1cd38409c68ec6a1992
  672. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/dome.xsa with hash: 811abbc029759341c7167bf74a53966
  673. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/stars_mapping.xsv with hash: 55d067daab90adca4689ea6c54b552ac
  674. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/stars.xsa with hash: 9eb95241ccedc4ed28cff972e767046
  675. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/particle_mapping.xsv with hash: ecf42b362f61803916b6572b5b89743
  676. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/particle.xsa with hash: f4713ff2af27df677e46cd3b93b6883f
  677. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/manip3d_mapping.xsv with hash: 9c8284a727446724a2a331bec1fe29eb
  678. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/manip3d.xsa with hash: 561b8844b0b2b0b796f2e8b54a1f1fb6
  679. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/puff_mapping.xsv with hash: 78b08957f9c54ef68869f31148d5095
  680. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/puff.xsa with hash: 83bb4d72acbf6cf1c9353b2a84b3afd6
  681. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/ocean_spectrum_mapping.xsv with hash: 50e8426648872704ca5d5531b8ca
  682. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/ocean_spectrum.xsa with hash: 4bf285a1dd6b3480c294b91f93e06830
  683. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/ocean_bake_textures_mapping.xsv with hash: e923eb793c5d94d553d1496688d28a3d
  684. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/ocean_bake_textures.xsa with hash: 81d812823f568cc461f0e1f3879169a1
  685. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/ocean_variance_mapping.xsv with hash: 1ce6a106faaba5b4c4edb8feb3cce6
  686. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/ocean_variance.xsa with hash: ca1c1337208a2215a8b5063d42166ea
  687. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/ocean_mesh_data_mapping.xsv with hash: 68ddc44c3f26daec99834b534ef5fb
  688. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/ocean_mesh_data.xsa with hash: 59886c9d7cfb7ffe1212007af0daf2
  689. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/ocean_mesh_bake_mapping.xsv with hash: f4bad4dff79778680eebf5344e2238
  690. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/ocean_mesh_bake.xsa with hash: fbb73586c0975d4b22d43ffb5b31d8
  691. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/ocean_shading_mapping.xsv with hash: d77e59b03e721becfc345f2e7851df57
  692. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/ocean_shading.xsa with hash: 2a164c67dbc4be25fbf25a6173bf6
  693. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/ocean_meta_data_mapping.xsv with hash: 13a5e48fcaff8e92fb8baaaa8cd714
  694. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/ocean_meta_data.xsa with hash: c6528a21d060dcf17f73e84b04d18fc
  695. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/ocean_readback_mapping.xsv with hash: 86ac8cfe205e7c5bf26a1d6b26007c
  696. 0:01:04.577 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/ocean_readback.xsa with hash: 7e8f717b435136543d319e22d207e7
  697. 0:01:04.577 I/FCG: Starting new flight in Aircraft/B737-800X/b738.acf at Ramp 9
  698. 0:01:04.577 D/STM: Transitioning from state state_QuickFlightWizard to state_NormalLoading
  699. 0:01:04.577 I/ACF: Loading airplane number 0 with Aircraft/B737-800X/b738.acf
  700. Fetching plugins for E:\X-PlaneVanilla/Aircraft/B737-800X/plugins
  702. [xlua/win_x64/xlua.xpl]: Dataref 'sim/weather/precipitation_on_aircraft_ratio' has been replaced. Please use the new name.
  703. [xlua/win_x64/xlua.xpl]: Dataref 'sim/weather/rain_percent' has been replaced. Please use the new name.
  704. [xlua/win_x64/xlua.xpl]: Dataref 'sim/cockpit2/controls/flap_ratio' has been replaced. Please use the new name.
  705. [xlua/win_x64/xlua.xpl]: Dataref 'sim/flightmodel/misc/cgz_ref_to_default' has been replaced. Please use the new name.
  706. [xlua/win_x64/xlua.xpl]: Dataref 'sim/weather/barometer_current_inhg' has been replaced. Please use the new name.
  707. [xlua/win_x64/xlua.xpl]: Dataref 'sim/weather/barometer_sealevel_inhg' has been replaced. Please use the new name.
  708. [xlua/win_x64/xlua.xpl]: Dataref 'sim/cockpit/switches/EFIS_map_mode' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
  709. load moduleLoaded: E:\X-PlaneVanilla/Aircraft/B737-800X/plugins/xlua/win_x64/xlua.xpl (com.x-plane.xlua.1.2.0r1).
  711. [zibomod/win_x64/zibomod.xpl]: Dataref 'sim/cockpit2/controls/flap_ratio' has been replaced. Please use the new name.
  712. [zibomod/win_x64/zibomod.xpl]: Dataref 'sim/flightmodel/misc/cgz_ref_to_default' has been replaced. Please use the new name.
  713. [zibomod/win_x64/zibomod.xpl]: Dataref 'sim/weather/barometer_current_inhg' has been replaced. Please use the new name.
  714. [zibomod/win_x64/zibomod.xpl]: Dataref 'sim/weather/barometer_sealevel_inhg' has been replaced. Please use the new name.
  715. [zibomod/win_x64/zibomod.xpl]: Dataref 'sim/operation/failures/rel_antice' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
  716. [zibomod/win_x64/zibomod.xpl]: Dataref 'sim/weather/speed_sound_ms' has been replaced. Please use the new name.
  717. [zibomod/win_x64/zibomod.xpl]: Dataref 'sim/weather/runway_friction' has been replaced. Please use the new name.
  718. [zibomod/win_x64/zibomod.xpl]: Dataref 'sim/weather/temperature_sealevel_c' has been replaced. Please use the new name.
  719. [zibomod/win_x64/zibomod.xpl]: Dataref 'sim/weather/dewpoi_sealevel_c' has been replaced. Please use the new name.
  720. [zibomod/win_x64/zibomod.xpl]: Dataref 'sim/weather/temperature_ambient_c' has been replaced. Please use the new name.
  721. [zibomod/win_x64/zibomod.xpl]: Dataref 'sim/weather/precipitation_on_aircraft_ratio' has been replaced. Please use the new name.
  722. [zibomod/win_x64/zibomod.xpl]: Dataref 'sim/weather/temperature_le_c' has been replaced. Please use the new name.
  723. [zibomod/win_x64/zibomod.xpl]: Dataref 'sim/weather/wind_speed_kt' has been replaced. Please use the new name.
  724. [zibomod/win_x64/zibomod.xpl]: Dataref 'sim/weather/rain_percent' has been replaced. Please use the new name.
  725. Zibomod plugin running.
  726. Zibomod plugin: Reading navigation data...
  727. Zibomod plugin: WARNING - I didn't find file >E:\X-PlaneVanilla/Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/earth_nav.dat< !!!
  728. Zibomod plugin: Loaded file >E:\X-PlaneVanilla/Resources/default data/earth_nav.dat<
  729. Zibomod plugin: WARNING - I didn't find file >E:\X-PlaneVanilla/Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/earth_fix.dat< !!!
  730. Zibomod plugin: Loaded file >E:\X-PlaneVanilla/Resources/default data/earth_fix.dat<
  731. Zibomod plugin: Loaded file >E:\X-PlaneVanilla/Aircraft/B737-800X/B738X_apt.dat<
  732. Zibomod plugin: Loaded file >E:\X-PlaneVanilla/Aircraft/B737-800X/B738X_rnw.dat<
  733. Zibomod plugin: Loaded file >E:\X-PlaneVanilla/Aircraft/B737-800X/B738X_gate.dat<
  734. Loaded: E:\X-PlaneVanilla/Aircraft/B737-800X/plugins/zibomod/win_x64/zibomod.xpl (
  736. 0:01:08.210 I/FMOD: Master bank Aircraft/B737-800X/fmod/ Sample rate: 48000 speaker mode: 3 (2 speakers)
  737. 0:01:08.210 I/SND: This aircraft is using FMOD in FULL mode.
  738. 0:01:08.210 I/FLT: Init dat_p0 type:loc_ram apt:LOWI start at:Ramp 9
  739. 0:01:40.690 I/SCN: DSF load time: 57995 for file Global Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+40+000/+46+009.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
  740. 0:01:40.690 I/SCN: DSF load time: 73339 for file Global Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+40+010/+46+011.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
  741. 0:01:40.690 I/SCN: DSF load time: 103052 for file Global Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+40+000/+48+009.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
  742. 0:01:40.690 E/SCN: Failed to find resource 'lib/airport/Common_Elements/Water_Towers/com_WT_1960.obj', referenced from scenery package 'Global Scenery/Global Airports/'.
  743. 0:01:40.690 E/SCN: Global Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+40+010/+48+011.dsf:
  744. 0:01:40.690 E/SCN: Unable to locate object: lib/airport/Common_Elements/Water_Towers/com_WT_1960.obj
  745. 0:01:40.690 E/SCN: Failed to find resource 'lib/airport/Common_Elements/Water_Towers/com_WT_1960.obj', referenced from scenery package 'Global Scenery/Global Airports/'.
  746. 0:01:40.690 E/SCN: Global Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+40+010/+48+011.dsf:
  747. 0:01:40.690 E/SCN: Unable to locate object: lib/airport/Common_Elements/Water_Towers/com_WT_1960.obj
  748. 0:01:40.690 E/SCN: Failed to find resource 'lib/airport/Common_Elements/Water_Towers/com_WT_1960.obj', referenced from scenery package 'Global Scenery/Global Airports/'.
  749. 0:01:40.690 E/SCN: Global Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+40+010/+48+011.dsf:
  750. 0:01:40.690 E/SCN: Unable to locate object: lib/airport/Common_Elements/Water_Towers/com_WT_1960.obj
  751. 0:01:40.690 E/SCN: Failed to find resource 'lib/airport/Common_Elements/Water_Towers/com_WT_1960.obj', referenced from scenery package 'Global Scenery/Global Airports/'.
  752. 0:01:40.690 E/SCN: Global Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+40+010/+48+011.dsf:
  753. 0:01:40.690 E/SCN: Unable to locate object: lib/airport/Common_Elements/Water_Towers/com_WT_1960.obj
  754. 0:01:40.690 I/SCN: DSF load time: 140582 for file Global Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+40+010/+48+011.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
  755. 0:01:40.690 W/TEX: Resources/default scenery/1000 world terrain/textures12/apt/ compressed texture used as material source
  756. 0:01:40.690 I/SCN: DSF load time: 39852 for file Global Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+40+010/+46+012.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
  757. 0:01:40.690 I/SCN: DSF load time: 5063672 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 12 Global Scenery/Earth nav data/+40+010/+46+011.dsf (311492 tris, 6 skipped for -3.5 m^2)
  758. 0:01:40.690 I/SCN: DSF load time: 5254600 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 12 Global Scenery/Earth nav data/+40+000/+46+009.dsf (327235 tris, 4 skipped for -0.7 m^2)
  759. 0:01:40.690 I/SCN: DSF load time: 5249638 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 12 Global Scenery/Earth nav data/+40+010/+48+011.dsf (326255 tris, 22 skipped for -47.4 m^2)
  760. 0:01:40.690 I/SCN: DSF load time: 5446205 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 12 Global Scenery/Earth nav data/+40+000/+48+009.dsf (304413 tris, 24 skipped for -44.2 m^2)
  761. 0:01:40.690 I/SCN: DSF load time: 42697 for file Global Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+40+010/+48+012.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
  762. 0:01:40.690 I/SCN: DSF load time: 84507 for file Global Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+40+010/+48+010.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
  763. 0:01:40.690 I/SCN: DSF load time: 2983301 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 12 Global Scenery/Earth nav data/+40+010/+46+012.dsf (341732 tris, 12 skipped for -18.3 m^2)
  764. 0:01:40.690 I/SCN: DSF load time: 49400 for file Global Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+40+010/+47+012.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
  765. 0:01:40.690 I/SCN: DSF load time: 2036316 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 12 Global Scenery/Earth nav data/+40+010/+48+012.dsf (268501 tris, 13 skipped for -13.8 m^2)
  766. 0:01:40.690 I/SCN: DSF load time: 2096425 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 12 Global Scenery/Earth nav data/+40+010/+46+010.dsf (280945 tris, 3 skipped for -7.2 m^2)
  767. 0:01:40.690 I/SCN: DSF load time: 74895 for file Global Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+40+000/+47+009.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
  768. 0:01:40.690 I/SCN: DSF load time: 2501326 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 12 Global Scenery/Earth nav data/+40+010/+48+010.dsf (299402 tris, 19 skipped for -21.2 m^2)
  769. 0:01:40.690 I/SCN: DSF load time: 59569 for file Global Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+40+010/+47+011.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
  770. 0:01:40.690 I/SCN: DSF load time: 2271950 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 12 Global Scenery/Earth nav data/+40+010/+47+012.dsf (321903 tris, 21 skipped for -39.1 m^2)
  771. 0:01:40.690 I/SCN: DSF load time: 2407565 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 12 Global Scenery/Earth nav data/+40+000/+47+009.dsf (353293 tris, 15 skipped for -7324.5 m^2)
  772. 0:01:40.690 I/SCN: DSF load time: 45356 for file Global Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+40+010/+47+010.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
  773. 0:01:40.690 I/SCN: DSF load time: 8367976 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 12 Global Scenery/Earth nav data/+40+010/+47+011.dsf (341168 tris, 12 skipped for -999.5 m^2)
  774. 0:01:40.690 I/SCN: DSF load time: 2149830 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 12 Global Scenery/Earth nav data/+40+010/+47+010.dsf (338848 tris, 10 skipped for -4329.4 m^2)
  775. 0:02:11.365 I/SCN: Preload time: 376665
  776. 0:02:11.365 E/GFX: Rebuilding offscreens for window resize: x=2560 y=1080 hdrx=2560 hdry=1080
  777. 0:02:11.365 E/CACAO: Rebuilding cacao surfaces for intput size (2560x1080) and ssao size of (1280x540)
  778. 0:02:11.365 I/WXR: wxr cache: (window 000001C0D6B73270) 1280 x 540
  779. 0:02:14.432 I/SCN: Preload time: 3024326
  780. 0:02:14.432 I/REPLAY: Registered birth event for flt 0, entity id: 5
  781. 0:02:14.432 I/REPLAY: Creating flt entity with entity id 5 and p_index 0
  782. 0:02:18.450 I/SCN: Preload time: 141846
  783. 0:02:18.450 D/ATC: (): ClearForReuse
  784. 0:02:18.450 I/ATC: Created aircraft 000001C2830D8390 as p=0 ()
  785. 0:02:18.450 I/OVR: Reading VR conf file: Aircraft/B737-800X/b738_vrconfig.txt
  786. 0:02:18.450 D/STM: Transitioning from state state_NormalLoading to state_Normal
  787. 0:02:18.450 W/ATC: Limiting LSAS Area Control Center (119.175, 119.225, 119.925, 120.880, 124.225, 124.700, 125.550, 126.050, 126.225, 126.350, 126.805, 127.205, 128.050, 128.155, 128.785, 128.905, 132.615, 132.815, 132.835, 133.050, 133.405, 133.630, 133.660, 133.690, 133.905, 134.030, 134.315, 134.605, 134.850, 135.015, 135.680, 136.015, 136.155) to 5 radio channels, dropping 28
  788. 0:02:18.450 W/ATC: Limiting LIMM Area Control Center (118.675, 122.730, 123.175, 124.250, 126.300, 126.600, 127.450, 128.400, 128.925, 129.075, 129.375, 129.825, 130.180, 130.730, 132.705, 132.905, 133.180, 133.740, 133.940, 134.050, 134.175, 134.425, 134.530, 135.075, 135.130, 135.455, 135.900, 136.035, 136.205) to 5 radio channels, dropping 24
  789. 0:02:18.450 W/ATC: ETSK Tower (122.200) at ED08 specifies -2147483648 for transition altitude - must be between 2000 and 30000 .
  790. 0:02:18.450 W/ATC: Limiting LOVV Area Control Center (118.730, 119.880, 122.280, 122.555, 126.005, 126.280, 128.700, 129.125, 129.200, 130.480, 131.350, 132.160, 132.190, 132.600, 132.765, 132.950, 133.600, 133.800, 133.965, 133.985, 134.350, 134.440, 134.625, 135.635, 136.390) to 5 radio channels, dropping 20
  791. 0:02:18.450 W/ATC: Limiting EDGG Area Control Center (118.750, 119.110, 119.150, 120.650, 121.050, 123.280, 123.525, 124.430, 124.730, 124.900, 125.200, 125.225, 125.405, 125.600, 125.680, 127.050, 127.365, 127.500, 127.605, 127.625, 127.725, 128.525, 128.540, 129.175, 129.300, 129.355, 129.675, 129.875, 131.300, 132.155, 133.435, 134.800, 135.350, 135.650, 135.725) to 5 radio channels, dropping 30
  792. 0:02:18.450 W/ATC: Limiting EDMM Area Control Center (118.235, 124.830, 125.875, 126.065, 126.175, 128.630, 129.100, 129.450, 129.525, 129.555, 131.055, 132.455, 132.555, 132.635, 133.230, 133.550, 133.565, 133.615, 133.680, 134.150, 136.230) to 5 radio channels, dropping 16
  793. 0:02:18.450 W/ATC: Limiting EDUU Area Control Center (118.215, 120.930, 121.440, 122.635, 124.035, 126.785, 127.310, 127.605, 128.235, 128.405, 128.815, 128.830, 131.365, 131.385, 132.080, 132.140, 132.330, 132.405, 132.730, 133.035, 133.280, 133.285, 133.340, 133.360, 133.640, 133.655, 133.815, 133.835, 133.840, 133.860, 134.065, 134.085, 134.690, 135.030, 135.310, 135.780, 135.835, 135.955, 136.315, 136.335, 136.405, 136.480) to 5 radio channels, dropping 37
  794. 0:02:21.504 D/FCG: MTBF set to 5000.0 hours
  795. 0:02:21.504 I/OVR: User is leaving the holodeck.
  796. 0:02:21.529 I/TEX: Pre-warming paging cache
  797. 0:02:21.531 E/ATC: Runway 04L at EDMO is not accessible by any taxiway. Dropping it from flow rule [04L (121275) for (0..0) dep (0..0) flags=255].
  798. 0:02:21.531 E/ATC: Runway 08 at EDMO is not accessible by any taxiway. Dropping it from flow rule [08 (121275) for (0..0) dep (0..0) flags=255].
  799. 0:02:21.531 E/ATC: Runway 22R at EDMO is not accessible by any taxiway. Dropping it from flow rule [22R (121275) for (0..0) dep (0..0) flags=255].
  800. 0:02:21.531 E/ATC: Runway 26 at EDMO is not accessible by any taxiway. Dropping it from flow rule [26 (121275) for (0..0) dep (0..0) flags=255].
  801. 0:02:21.531 E/ATC: Erasing flow 'AUTOGEN: East Visual' at EDMO because it has no usable runways.
  802. 0:02:21.531 E/ATC: Erasing flow 'AUTOGEN: West Visual' at EDMO because it has no usable runways.
  803. 0:02:21.531 I/TEX: Target scale moved to 1.000000
  804. 0:02:21.531 I/TEX: Pager pre-warm status: Stable evaluation: false. Stable collection: false. Execution queue: 0. Retirement queue: 3
  805. 0:02:21.531 W/TEX: Resources/default scenery/1000 world terrain/textures12/apt/ compressed texture used as material source
  806. 0:02:21.531 I/TEX: Pager pre-warm status: Stable evaluation: false. Stable collection: false. Execution queue: 1. Retirement queue: 6
  807. 0:02:21.531 I/TEX: Finished pre-warming paging cache. Time taken: 6.246s
  808. 0:02:21.531 I/TEX: Target scale moved to 16.000000
  809. 0:02:21.531 I/TEX: Pager pre-warm status: Stable evaluation: false. Stable collection: false. Execution queue: 1. Retirement queue: 2
  810. 0:02:21.531 I/WIN: Opened window menu bar
  811. 0:02:21.531 E/ATC: Radio transmission required but no voice loaded!
  812. 0:02:29.499 I/TEX: Pager pre-warm status: Stable evaluation: false. Stable collection: false. Execution queue: 1. Retirement queue: 2
  813. 0:02:32.961 I/TEX: Pager pre-warm status: Stable evaluation: false. Stable collection: false. Execution queue: 1. Retirement queue: 2
  814. 0:02:34.946 I/TEX: Pager pre-warm status: Stable evaluation: false. Stable collection: false. Execution queue: 1. Retirement queue: 2
  815. 0:02:36.990 I/TEX: Pager pre-warm status: Stable evaluation: true. Stable collection: true. Execution queue: 0. Retirement queue: 1
  816. 0:03:06.312 I/OVR: User is entering the holodeck.
  817. 0:03:06.312 I/WIN: Opened window Settings
  818. 0:03:08.287 I/OVR: User is leaving the holodeck.
  819. 0:03:09.481 I/OVR: User is entering the holodeck.
  820. 0:03:10.312 I/OVR: User is leaving the holodeck.
  821. 0:03:10.312 I/SIM: User confirmed they want to quit
  822. 0:03:10.351 D/STM: Transitioning from state state_Normal to state_ShuttingDown
  823. Zibomod plugin unloaded.
  824. Clean exit from threads.
  825. 0:03:10.351 I/JOY: Control response for axis joy_use_ptch: 0.000000
  826. 0:03:10.351 I/JOY: Control response for axis joy_use_roll: 0.000000
  827. 0:03:10.351 I/JOY: Control response for axis joy_use_hdng: 0.000000
  828. 0:03:10.351 I/JOY: Control response for axis joy_use_hdng: 0.000000
  829. 0:03:10.351 I/JOY: Control response for axis joy_use_thro: 0.000000
  830. 0:03:10.351 I/JOY: Control response for axis joy_use_lbrk: 0.000000
  831. 0:03:10.351 I/JOY: Control response for axis joy_use_rbrk: 0.000000
  832. 0:03:10.351 I/JOY: Control response for axis joy_use_flap: 0.000000
  833. 0:03:10.351 I/JOY: Control response for axis joy_use_sbrk: 0.000000
  834. 0:03:10.351 I/JOY: Control response for axis joy_use_thro1: 0.000000
  835. 0:03:10.351 I/JOY: Control response for axis joy_use_thro2: 0.000000
  836. 0:03:10.351 W/JOY: Multiple axes assigned to joy_use_hdng:
  837. 0:03:10.351 W/JOY: TCA Q-Eng 1&2 (000001C0B73E2EE0) Axis 4
  838. 0:03:10.351 W/JOY: T.A320 Pilot (000001C0B73E2FA0) Axis 3
  839. 0:03:10.351 W/JOY: Multiple axes assigned to joy_use_thro:
  840. 0:03:10.351 W/JOY: T.A320 Pilot (000001C0B73E2FA0) Axis 2
  841. 0:03:10.351 W/JOY: TCA Q-Eng 1&2 (000001C0B73E2EE0) Axis 1
  842. 0:03:10.351 W/JOY: TCA Q-Eng 1&2 (000001C0B73E2EE0) Axis 2
  843. 0:03:10.351 I/JOY: UNREGISTER Joystick device: TCA Q-Eng 1&2 - VID:1103PID:1031
  844. 0:03:10.351 I/JOY: UNREGISTER Joystick device: T.A320 Pilot - VID:1103PID:1029
  845. 0:03:10.351 D/HID: HID Bridge Shutdown
  846. ----- X-Plane has shut down -----
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