
???? who knows??

Feb 26th, 2016
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  1. mortis arc, in which Darth Revan confronts the brooding, alone Anakin Skywalker
  3. This was bad, this was really bad. As if being separated from Ahsoka and Obi-Wan wasn't bad enough, Anakin had been left alone, the one thing he tries his hardest not to be. Because when he's alone, the bad feelings and the emotions have nothing to stop them from flooding in. Fighting back the darkness, his emotions, he feels hate, anger, frustration, he feels Obi-Wan should of been able to find him by now, but he hadn't. Has his former Master simply forgotten about him? No, he wouldn't, he thinks.
  5. "You can't fight the darkness." A voice suddenly cuts in, sending shivers down Anakin's back. He glances around the room, looking for anything that may of made the noise.
  7. "The light can't save you." The voice speaks again, Anakin looks around again, still not seeing anything, he thinks maybe it's just another trick, it isn't real, he's just imagining this. But it's too real, he knows something is there, and he's going to find out what it is.
  9. "Reveal yourself, I won't fall for such a petty Sith trick!" Anakin speaks assertively, but his voice trembles in the process, he feels fear, and frustration that he can't find the voice he's looking for.
  11. "Oh, but I've been here the whole time." The voice suddenly appears infront of Anakin in the form of a tall figure. Standing easily at 6'2 the figure easily towers over Anakin. They wear a mask, and no skin appears to be visible. The figure is like something out of nightmares, menacing with a cloud of darkness surrounding them.
  13. "Sith- What do you want with me." Anakin finally asks, after observing the figure for some time, in the time he noticed two lightsabers clipped to their belt, impressive armor with many dents and obvious signs of wear and the mask, he couldn't take his eyes of the mask, it was that of a Mandalorian, but this person wasn't a Mandalorian, they were a Sith lord.
  15. A low laugh rumbles from the Sith, sinister yet sincere. Anakin pulls an uneasy face, waiting for them to speak, but the figure doesn't speak, instead they remove their mask, taking their time and doing it so gracefully, pulling off their hood with their mask they reveal their identity. Underneath is the soft face of a woman, with only deep imprints from long time wearing of her mask, and quite a severe eye scar. Her hair flows freely, and suddenly Anakin feels a lot calmer.
  17. "Sith is an insult to me Jedi, I am neither light nor dark. But what I am doesn't matter, what you are does. You are the chosen one, foretold to bring balance to the force, but if anything you will lead it into darkness, you selfishness and anger builds up in your, you only think for yourself and it will be your downfall." She speaks in a monotone voice, showing no signs of emotions whatsoever, however Anakin is quite the opposite, already enraged from her words.
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