
Lukin goes on record (Trump investigation)

Jan 5th, 2018
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  1. 11:21:36 AM+SimdI don't engage in almost any social conflict battles.
  2. 11:21:42 AM→ hiker_ has joined
  3. 11:21:50 AM+Simd1. Social conflict battles make humans very emotional -- emotion is a mind killer.
  4. 11:22:12 AMⓘ Ekko set mode +v hiker_
  5. 11:22:14 AM+Simd2. Domestic oligarchs use trivial social conflict to split their opposition while looting the country.
  6. 11:22:34 AM+Simd3. Foreign propagandists involve themselves in trivial social conflict to wedge apart our republic.
  7. 11:23:40 AM+Gumbieprobabaly /ignore <nick>
  8. 11:23:41 AM+SimdFor example, Russian agents helped organize several anti-Muslim movements in Texas a few years ago.
  9. 11:23:50 AM+Gumbiebut i am sure /help works too
  10. 11:24:05 AM+SimdFor example, Russian agents have helped inflame the emotions around the Black Lives Matter movement.
  11. 11:24:17 AM+SimdVladimir Putin would kill every person in this room, if he felt he needed to.
  12. 11:24:39 AM+Gumbieyour a moron if you don't use a resource ment to help inform you of something that you fail to know or remeber
  13. 11:25:03 AM+LukinSimd: the likelihood of you getting wiped by Putin is probably hundred times the way you talk about his country in this room
  14. 11:25:24 AM+Gumbiepeople that dislike docs and man pages, and ask others every step of the way, just want whatever done FOR them
  15. 11:25:26 AM+SimdLukin: Vladimir Putin is a despot, a thief, a terrorist, and a war criminal.
  16. 11:25:34 AM+SimdHe is an enemy of truth and all free people across this globe.
  17. 11:25:43 AM← hiker_ has quit (Client Quit)
  18. 11:27:00 AM+SimdDonald Trump is one of the most broken human beings I've ever had the chance to observe.
  19. 11:27:20 AM+SimdThe ease with which he conned GOP voters is embarrassing.
  20. 11:27:50 AM+LukinSimd is playing Simon Says game
  21. 11:28:30 AM Ignoring Lukin!*@*
  22. 11:28:39 AM Stopped ignoring Lukin!*@*
  23. 11:28:40 AM+_Forbin
  24. 11:28:48 AM+_ForbinStyx speaks....a new background
  25. 11:28:50 AM+_Forbinspiffy
  26. 11:28:53 AM+SimdLukin: Would you like to go on record over the Trump investigation by Mueller?
  27. 11:29:02 AM+SimdI'll repost your position back into this room when Trump is indicted.
  28. 11:29:03 AM+_ForbinFBI Reopens Clinton Foundation Investigation Over Pay to Play: My Take
  29. 11:29:08 AM Ignoring _Forbin!*@*
  30. 11:29:30 AM+SimdI don't know why _Forbin is so propagandized.
  31. 11:29:43 AM+SimdI would guess constant exposure to right-wing media has played a central role.
  32. 11:29:50 AM← lotec has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
  33. 11:29:59 AM+LukinSimd: it's an inside job. Dems plot every time a Repub wins election. nothing new there.
  34. 11:30:22 AM+SimdOkay.
  35. 11:30:24 AM+SimdYou are on record.
  36. 11:30:31 AM+LukinSimd: look closer on 9/11 investigations. Clinton investigations.
  37. 11:30:43 AM+LukinSimd: And?
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