

Jul 6th, 2015
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  1. [url=""]Owen and Foley[/url] vs [url=""Austin and Michaels[/url] started off with Foley and Michaels in the ring. Foley came in swinging, surprising the Heartbreak Kid with a barrage of elbows and kicks. Heartbreak was thrown for a loop by Foley's high-impact offense, but still had enough of his wits about him to duck when Foley went for his spinning elbow smash and hook him into a backslide.
  3. 1...2, Foley kicked out, and went back on the offensive. Foley was out for blood tonight, and Heartbreak was shook. Cactus whipped Heartbreak into Owen's corner, tagged him in, and motioned him up to the top rope. As Owen climbed up, Foley got HBK into position for a piledriver, but HBK reversed it into a backdrop, tossing Foley into the turnbuckles and knocking Owen off his feet, before running to Austin and tagging him in. Austin got into the ring as Foley exited, and made a beeline for Owen, who was still aching from falling groin-first onto the turnbuckles. Austin took advantage and hooked Owen in for a suplex, lifting him off the turnbuckle. Austin followed that up with knee drops and elbow drops, working over Owen's gut before tagging in HBK. Heartbreak scaled the ropes as Owen struggled to his feet, before hitting a crossbody and knocking Owen to the mat. However, Owen used Shawn's momentum to roll through and get Shawn into position for the K-Driller! Before Owen could spike Shawn to the mat, Austin started arguing with the ref, allowing HHH to grab Owen's leg, throwing him off balance just long enough for Shawn to wriggle out, land a low blow on Owen, and nail the Falcon Arrow just as the ref turned back to the action.
  5. 1...2, Owen hooked Shawn into a triangle choke! Shawn immediately hoisted Owen back up, but he was still stuck in the hold! Heartbreak flailed around the ring, his vision impaired by the Hart immediately in front of him, but he found his way to his corner, slamming Owen onto the turnbuckle as Austin tagged himself in. Owen still had the hold locked in, so Austin scaled the ropes, hooked Owen's neck, and DROPPED OWEN TO THE MAT WITH A SOMERSAULT ACE CRUSHER! Shawn was down and out, and Owen wasn't doing much better, so Austin whipped the near-catatonic Owen into Foley's corner, taunting the champ to come and get him. Foley tagged himself in as Shawn and Owen slumped their way out of the ring, and made his way over to Austin, who was putting out his face, basically offering Foley a free shot.
  9. Foley gave him what he wanted, with a hard elbow strike, and Austin responded with one of his own. They traded elbow strikes, chops, and kicks before Foley hit Austin with a headbutt you could hear from the cheap seats and sent him reeling to the ropes. Cactus followed up with a Cactus Clothesline that sent the both of them to the floor, and dragged Austin over to the commentary desk. HHH got in the ring and started arguing with the ref, so Austin and Foley weren't at risk of being counted out or disqualified as Foley set Austin up for a piledriver into the announce table. Foley started to lift, but Austin blocked it and picked Foley up FOR A SPINEBUSTER RIGHT THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE! Austin gave Foley a few good old double birds for good measure before dragging him into the ring and going for the cover.
  11. 1...2...2.9, Foley just barely kicked out. Austin was apoplectic, arguing with the ref about the count as Foley got to his feet, let out a bellow of rage, and hit Austin square in the forehead with a spinning elbow smash. Austin scrambled to the ropes, his forehead bleeding, before bounding out and leaping into the Thesz Press! Foley caught him in midair, though, and was able to reverse him into position for the sheer drop double arm DDT, but right outside the ref's field of vision, HHH grabbed Foley's shirt, knocking him off balance just enough for Austin to squirm out and hit the Stunner, hooking the leg as HHH walked away, whistling and holding his hands behind his back.
  13. [b]1...2...3. Austin and HBK win.[/b]
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