
Rebels in Equestria 15.5 - Preparations

Jul 24th, 2013
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  1. > The night air is calm and verdant.
  2. > Stars dance in the heavens above.
  3. > The castle halls are quiet as it's denizens rest for the night.
  5. > All except you, of course.
  7. > It's just simply impossible to get comfortable tonight.
  8. > You've been tossing and turning in bed for what seems like hours.
  9. > Finally, you give up.
  11. > You hop out of bed.
  12. > Your hooves make a small sound as they hit against the marble floor.
  14. > You step towards a small desk in the corner of the room.
  15. > A small stack of drawings sit a top of it.
  16. > You pick up the first one and give a toothy grin.
  18. > It's a rough sketch of Anonymous in some trendy outerwear.
  19. > You designed it yourself on the train ride here.
  20. > The Equestrian winters were harsh, and it would be a tragedy is your friend Anonymous didn't have any proper attire.
  22. > A lot's been on your mind recently.
  23. > Perhaps a late night walk will help ease away your troubles.
  25. > You make your way towards the door and step out into the hall.
  27. > “Miss Rarity?” A young voice whispers
  28. > You turn to see one of the Luna's Night Guards standing by your door.
  29. > He stands tall before you, his gaze steady and true.
  30. > He turns his head ever so slightly to make eye contact.
  31. > “It's a bit late for you to be heading out, isn't it? Shouldn't you be asleep right now?”
  32. > You give him a soft poke in the ribs
  33. “Oh, come now. A mare like me? I live for the night life!”
  34. > He blushes for a moment.
  35. > “Will you be leaving the castle grounds? Would you like for me to dispatch an escort?”
  36. > You smile for a moment.
  37. > Despite their stoic appearance, the night guards were incredibly thoughtful.
  38. > They've always shown you nothing but kindness whenever you visit the castle grounds at night.
  39. > It was something about their naivete that just plucked at your heart strings.
  41. “No thank you, dear. That won't be necessary.”
  42. > You tussle his hair with your hoof before heading on your way.
  44. > Save for the sound of the wind, the night halls are mostly quiet.
  45. > You make your way through the castle with no real destination in mind.
  46. > You've been here a thousand times.
  47. > It's practically become a second home to you.
  49. > You step into the grand dining hall.
  50. > Much to your surprise, it's nearly packed to the brim.
  51. > Most of it's patrons are actually the castle night guards.
  52. > You glance at the clock on the wall.
  53. > Midnight.
  55. > You hear loud cheers and laughter as the guards enjoy their late night drinks.
  56. > It must be lunch hour for the night guards.
  58. > You slip away from all the commotion and continue down the castle halls.
  60. > There's a full moon outside.
  61. > It's cool blue light shines through the stained glass windows of the castle.
  62. > Their light paints the walls in color.
  64. > You stare down the hall.
  65. > Dozens of scenes are reflected onto the walls aside you.
  66. > Many of them are of you and the girls.
  67. > They leave a warm smile on your face as you remember your past adventures.
  69. > As you reach the end of memory lane, you notice a relatively new stained glass window.
  71. > You step closer.
  72. > And your mouth drops in realization.
  73. > The glass.
  75. > There's a city.
  76. > There's humans.
  77. > And they're in the middle of a birdge, in the midst of a battlefield.
  78. > You recognize what Anonymous described as “Molotov Cocktails.”
  79. > One of them is waving a flag.
  81. > It's Blue and White with a small Star embroidered in the middle.
  82. > You recognize this Flag.
  83. > Anonymous has a small patch of it on one of his old coats.
  85. > There's a small plaque underneath.
  86. “Lest we forget those burned in the Fires of Liberation : Emmeria’s finest.”
  88. > You pull yourself away from the window.
  90. > Everything is just as he described it.
  91. > The bridge.
  92. > Explosives.
  93. > The men.
  94. > Everything was there.
  96. > A cold shiver runs down your spine as you continue down the halls.
  98. > When did was that installed?
  99. > Do the others know about it?
  100. > What would they think?
  102. > Your mind races to produce answers.
  103. > And you lose yourself to your thoughts once more.
  105. > Your body is almost travels the halls atonomously as you travel up and down various corriders.
  107. > A cold metallic sound rings through the air.
  108. > And your snap back to attention.
  109. > It's a familiar sound that makes your ears perk on up.
  110. > You follow it to the source.
  111. > Your ears lead you to the end of a corridor.
  113. > A single door sits before you.
  114. > Soft golden light leaks from it's edges.
  115. > You press your ear against it.
  116. > And sure enough, you hear it again.
  119. ---
  121. > Scrubbing the last bit of shampoo out of your hair, you step out of the shower.
  122. > You head out from the bathroom and into your bed chambers.
  123. > A cold gust of wind from the open window sends a shiver down your spine.
  125. > You shuffle over to your dresser and find a warmer change of clothes.
  127. > The wind picks up again.
  129. > You step over to the window and glance outside.
  131. > You stare down to the ground below.
  132. > It's easily a hundred foot drop.
  133. > A fall from this height would probably instantly kill you.
  134. > Perhaps it would be a swift and painless death.
  135. > You get an un-easy feeling as you find yourself drawn to the edge of the window.
  136. > With a steady grip on the windowsill you poke your head out.
  138. > The cool updraft hits against your face.
  139. > The stars dance effortlessly in the night sky.
  140. > And above all, a easy going silence fills the air.
  141. > It's relaxing.
  143. > You climb back inside and check your watch.
  144. > Midnight.
  146. > Rarity took the liberty of bringing your belongings here with her.
  147. > Your red chest sits at the foot of your bed.
  148. .> And with it, your rifle wrapped neatly on top.
  149. > You unwrap it and carefully place it on your bed.
  150. > As you dig through your chest, you find an array of small magazine.
  151. > You pull one out, along with some tools.
  153. > You give your rifle a quick inspection before loading a magazine inside of it.
  154. > It's familiar heft brings you comfort.
  155. > Picking the rifle up, you aim down the barrel.
  156. > But you find something off.
  158. > The iron sights have been re-adjusted since the last time you've used the weapon.
  160. > Strange.
  162. > You readjust your sights to your previous setting and aim down the barrel again.
  163. > Perhaps you've just lost track of your settings?
  164. > You try to ponder the possibilities, but ultimately dismiss the whole ordeal as a minor detail.
  165. > It's nothing to get worked up about.
  168. > You take a moment to fully disassemble it, clean it and re-assemble it.
  169. > The cold metal shines in the dim light.
  170. > Content with your work, you put your tools away.
  171. > Finally, you engage the safety and place it underneath the bed.
  173. > There's a cold knock at your door.
  175. > You freeze for a moment before shuffling to the nightstand nearby.
  176. > Opening the top drawer, you pull out your revolver.
  177. > You hold it down your side.
  179. > There's another rap at your door.
  181. “Come in.”
  183. > You pull the hammer back of your firearm and stand at the ready.
  185. > A purple tuft of hair pokes through the door.
  186. > “Anonymous?”
  188. > You sigh in relief, concealing the weapon.
  190. “Rarity?” you ask. “Shouldn't you be asleep by now?”
  191. > “As if you're one to talk.”
  193. > You take a seat at your bedside.
  194. > Rarity trots and sits by your side.
  196. “But I was just heading to bed.”
  197. > She gives you a look of disbelief.
  198. > One which you chuckle off.
  200. > “And you expect me to believe that, dear?”
  201. “Honest!”
  203. > She pokes your chest with her hoof.
  204. > “You're starting to worry me, you know?”
  205. “Whaat!?” you scoff.
  207. > “I've noticed. You don't sleep much, do you?”
  208. “I-I get enough sleep.”
  209. > “Don't lie to me, Anon.”
  210. “But I do! Honest!”
  212. > “How much sleep does a human usually need?”
  213. “Just a few hours!”
  214. > “Really?”
  216. “Of course! Where I'm from, people stay up all the time! We're practically nocturnal.”
  217. > “Then why do you seem to tired all the time? You know Anon. I may not be an expert, but I can tell this isn't good for you.”
  218. “Riiight.”
  219. > “You know, and while we're at it, we should address your other issues!”
  220. “W-What?”
  222. > She pokes at your chest playfully.
  223. > “Let's see..” she mumbles, placing one hoof on her chin in thought.
  224. > “You're a chain smoker... Practically a borderline alcoholic... You're an insomniac... And you don't exercise much, do you?”
  225. > She pokes your stomach and giggles.
  226. “What? Hey!” you reply. “What's the supposed to mean!”
  227. > She lets out a hearty laugh.
  228. > “Oh, settle down. I'm only teasing.”
  230. > You chuckle for a bit before pointing to the clock.
  231. “But don't try to change the subject here!”
  232. > “What?”
  233. “What are you doing up to late?”
  234. > “I was just going out for a walk!”
  236. > You notice the wrinkles starting to form under her eyes.
  237. > Her eyes say it all.
  239. “Can't sleep, can you?”
  240. > Rarity chuckles for a bit.
  241. > “Nothing gets by you, Anonymous.”
  243. > She laughs for a moment before staring blankly off into the distance.
  244. > Her eyes shift back and forth as she loses herself in thought,
  246. “Rarity?” you ask. “What's on your mind?”
  247. > “Oh. It's just...Nothing.”
  248. > You chuckle for a bit.
  249. “You know, you mares aren't too different from the girls back home.”
  251. > “Oh?”
  252. “Definitely.”
  253. > “W-Well what makes you say that?”
  255. > You look her deep in the eye.
  256. “You don't honestly expect me to believe you came all the way out here in the middle of the night, just to tell me you have nothing on your mind. Do you?”
  258. > “Gah- It's just. I have a lot on my mind right now. It's unnerving. And frankly, I honestly don't care.” she pauses before letting out a hearty yawn. “Right now? I'm tired. I just want to sleep.”
  260. “Hah!” you belt. “Why didn't you say so!?”
  261. > You hop off the bed and dig through your back pack.
  262. “I've got just the cure for your troubles! A secret Emmerian recipe!”
  264. > “You do!?” she eagerly asks.
  266. > You produce a small silver flask and throw it her way.
  267. > She catches it mid air with her magic and opens it up.
  268. > She takes a sniff and looks back to you.
  269. > “W-What it is?” she asks.
  271. “Moonshine. Straight from the war!” you state as a matter-of-factly.
  272. > “Moonshine?”
  273. “Made it myself.”
  274. > “I-Is it any good?”
  275. “It'll cure your insomnia.”
  277. > Rarity gives you a stern look.
  278. > You irk her on.
  279. > She shrugs before taking a drink.
  280. > Her face turns to disgust as she starts coughing and hacking.
  282. “Easy now. It's strong.”
  283. > “Now you tell me!”
  284. > She hands you the flask as you take a swig.
  285. > The dry taste is nostalgic to say the least.
  287. > You hand the flask back to her.
  288. > This time she sips in moderation.
  290. “So, Rarity? Tell me.”
  291. > “Hmm?”
  292. “What did I miss in that little mini-coma of mine?”
  294. > “Oh?”
  295. > She presses her hoof against her temples and rubs them.
  296. > “Hmm, nothing really. Recently, I've been up to my neck in orders. So I've been busy with work. You know how it is, dear.”
  297. “Orders, eh? So I take it the boutique is doing well?”
  298. > “Oh it's more that well. Business has been... Well, it's been phenomenal! I've been getting cleints from all over Equestria!”
  300. “Really?”
  301. > “Yes! My work is finally starting to get the limelight I've only dreamed about.”
  302. “Hey hey! That's great news! I should take you to celebrate! My treat!”
  303. > “Oh no. Dear, I can't allow you to do that.”
  304. “What? Why not?”
  305. > “If anything, I should be treating you!”
  307. > Rarity takes another hit of the flask before turning to you./
  308. > Her face turning a bright red.
  310. > You give her a mixed look of confusion.
  311. > “You do recall those clothes I made for you, right?”
  312. “Of course! Some of the finest clothing I've ever have. I've still gotta find a way to show my thanks, you know.”
  314. > She blushes for a bit.
  315. > “Well, can't you see the publicity you've given me?” she whelps “You! A royal! Wearing my clothes!? Heavens! Once word got out, I had a line of customers stretching out my door!”
  316. “It wasn't that big of a deal.”
  317. > “Oh, but it was! And I have to find a way to repay you!”
  318. “That's not necessary. Honest!”
  320. > She finishes the flask and hands it to you.
  322. “How about the rest of them?” you ask. “How about Sweetie Belle?”
  323. > “Sweetie Belle?”
  324. “Yeah. I remember promising to hang out with her before I got sidetracked.”
  325. > “Oh. Well you know her. She was simply crushed when she learned what happened to you. She's still looking forward to that play date, you know.”
  326. “Well. I'm a man of my word, Rarity.”
  328. > “That's good. Just make sure you let her know you're still up to it.”
  329. “Oh?”
  330. > “She's been pestering me every day about you.”
  331. “Really?”
  332. > “Oh yes. As soon as she found out my sudden trip to Canterlot wasn't strictly for business, she's been pestering me day in and out.”
  333. “Wow. I didn't know.”
  335. > A cold silence fills the room.
  337. > “I just... I didn't know what to tell her.”
  338. > You hear soft weeps.
  339. > “You weren't waking up... And no one knew what to do...”
  340. “Rarity?” you whisper.
  342. > “Anonymous?” she whimpers.
  343. > Her tears softly drop against the bed sheets.
  344. > “I just... Ever since that day, I-I haven't felt safe.”
  346. > You pause for a moment.
  348. “Safe?” you ask.
  349. > Your voice full of confusion and concern.
  351. > “Maybe I'm just being paranoid.”
  352. “No. No. Go on.”
  354. > She wipes her tears.
  355. > “I feel like I'm being watched by somepony.”
  357. > Your heart skips a beat as the cold realization sets in.
  359. “W-What do you mean? Watched?”
  361. > “I don't know. But watch day since the incident, I've had the unmistakable feeling that somepony's been watching me.
  362. > She buries her head in her hoofs.
  364. > As she reveals this to you, the hairs on your neck stand on edge.
  366. > “Anon... It's all my fault, isn't it?”
  367. > She breaks into tears once more, and falls onto your shoulder.
  368. > You run your fingers through her hair.
  369. “What?”
  370. > “That day. I took your rifle! Don't you remember?”
  372. “Yeah? So?”
  373. > “None of this would have happened if I hadn't taken it away! You could have done something. You could have protected yourself!...Y-You wouldn't have gotten hurt!”
  374. > She quietly sobs against your chest.
  375. > “Please forgive me.” she whimpers. “The guilt.... It's been killing me.”
  377. > You pull her close.
  378. “Don't you dare put yourself in that mindset. I've lost too many friends because of attitudes like that, and I'm not going lose you.”
  379. > You feel her cold tears run down your chest.
  380. “It's not your fault. Don't you even dare to think that. No one could have seen it coming.”
  382. > “B-But.”
  383. “But nothing.” you belt. “Hell. If anyone's to blame, it should be me.”
  384. > “W-What?”
  385. “Shit. I led that bastard here in the first place, didn't I?”
  387. > Rarity's eyes open wide in shock.
  388. > “Y-You what? You led him here!? You know who did this to you!?”
  390. “Fluttershy didn't tell you?”
  391. > “Anon... Fluttershy hasn't said a word to anypony. Poor girl probably doesn't remember a thing anymore.”
  393. > Your hear drops.
  395. “Rarity.” you mutter. “I think somebody followed me here.”
  396. > “W-What? Here? To the castle!?”
  397. “No. No. I mean here. As in Equestria.”
  398. > “What do you mean?”
  400. “I mean, I saw someone else at Fluttershy's cottage.”
  402. > She stares at you blankly.
  404. > “What happened that night, Anonymous?”
  406. “Gahh..”
  408. > You rub your temples as you try to jog your memory.
  410. “We were at the cottage. It was late. Fluttershy left the fetch firewood. And I remember it taking an awfully long time.”
  412. “Then I remember hearing her scream. Loud. It sounded terrible, and it's giving me goose bumps just thinking about it.”
  414. > “Yes?” Rarity insists. “Go on...”
  416. “I went out. To check up on her, and that's when I saw him.”
  417. > “Who?”
  418. “A fucking Stovie.”
  420. > “Another human!?” she asks.
  421. > You nodd.
  422. “We exchanged glances for a split second, and before I before it? He had his knife drawn and was charging at me.”
  424. > “Y-You don't think he's here? Do you?”
  425. “I-uhh...I sure as hell hope not.”
  426. > You let out an awkward laugh in an attempt to cut the tension.
  427. > But she doesn't buy it.
  429. > “Anonymous! This is serious!”
  430. “I...I'm sorry okay!? I'm just...nervous.”
  432. > “Nervous?”
  434. “I thought I was done with this. Emmeria. The war! Fighting!... I thought I had finally gotten away from it all.”
  436. > You clench your fist.
  438. “I just... I just can't help to think what I'd do if something would happen to you guys...”
  439. > “Anon...”
  440. “You don't get it Rarity. These guys... They're savages. They've taken everyone from me.”
  443. “Rarity...I... I don't have anyone else. My friends? Family? They're gone...
  444. > She runs her hoof along your shoulder.
  445. “Luna, Twilight and Fluttershy... You guys are all I have left, and I'm sure as hell not going to lose you to them...Not again.”
  447. > “B-But what will you do if he comes back?”
  449. > You reach for the small of your back and pull out your revolver.
  450. > It's silver finish shines in the light.
  452. “Then I'll be ready.”
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