
You Wouldn't Pirate a Merbitch

Nov 15th, 2013
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  1. [19:00:29] <~Aori_Radidjiu> The rain splatters audibly on the domed ceiling above Mako and Kalili as she begins speaking. The two of them are sitting at the edge of a little wooden plank, Kalili idly kicking her feet in the water and staring off into space. "You and your brother, you don't get along, right?"
  2. [19:00:53] <Mako> "Not really, no."
  3. [19:01:40] * castfromhp ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  4. [19:02:49] * Mako looks over at her, still a little nervous. "Why are you asking?"
  5. [19:03:15] * Roara is now known as Med
  6. [19:03:20] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "He was the first man I dated, you know. Back at the end of middle school, I was like, 14." She's not even looking at you, her gaze not focused on anything.
  7. [19:03:42] <Mako> "Wow, really? I'm sorry."
  8. [19:08:14] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "...wasn't really a man, I guess, although he sure acted like one. That's what I thought, anyway." She gives an idle smile that slowly fades. "He was rough, you know. Always had to have his way, it was smothering, painful, even. I had to relent sooner or later, but at the same time, despite all his flaws, there was something perfect about him. Not in his entirety, but a perfection
  9. [19:08:14] <~Aori_Radidjiu> in one area. I couldn't tell you what it was, was it his muscles, his voice, his stance..."
  10. [19:09:00] * Lysandre (popeperfid@6F32479D.B7BD9F68.760B5D8.IP) has joined #YouAreAPirate
  11. [19:09:06] <Lysandre> ( didn't realize I wasn't in here WHOOPS )
  12. [19:09:14] <Lysandre> ( did things happen )
  13. [19:09:23] * Vandaeron is now known as Mackenzie
  14. [19:09:31] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (shit, we've got no DM)
  15. [19:09:53] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (it wasn't something your character SAW or HEARD, but if you want it I can PM you it)
  16. [19:10:02] * DiceMaid-9001 (DiceMaid-9@sux-EADD5C74) has joined #YouAreAPirate
  17. [19:10:04] <Lysandre> ( nah )
  18. [19:10:18] <Mako> "Please don't tell me you're still in love with him or something."
  19. [19:17:20] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Mmmmmm..." she puts her finger to her lips. "Not him exactly, it's just, something he has, I'd say. Something most people don't have, I don't know how to put it. Regardless, you have it too." She smiles a bit, her mouth opening and her teeth almost sharpening, her body somewhat smoothing over somehow, slightly, imperceptably, but still there, her pupils and irises running together
  20. [19:17:20] <~Aori_Radidjiu> and expanding. "Just you. No one else." Her smile fades, back into a frown. " had to have something else, too, something that made me just a hunk of meat...I guess I shouldn't be upset, I know it's not something I can blame you for, but it gnaws at my mind, it eats and eats away the more I try to put it out. It's...have you ever wanted something very badly but had to deny
  21. [19:17:21] <~Aori_Radidjiu> it? Probably something like cookies or sweets, something minor." She grins. "Something delicious."
  22. [19:18:47] * Mako squints at her.
  23. [19:19:49] <Mako> "Oh. I should probably talk to him about tha-" he starts scooting away from her, "Kalili, everyone knows I'm not into girls, especially not monster girls!"
  24. [19:21:53] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "You sure?" Her pupils increase in size, the blackness from them spilling over into the whites of her eyes, slowly combining into a blue, as she turns her head to face you. "You've never actually met a monster girl, have you?"
  25. [19:22:28] <Mako> "Between my crew and this right now, I'm thinking probably."
  26. [19:23:01] * Melons draws her scarf tight and prepares to pounce should the fucking monster girl be anything other than vivacious and adorable. Which is what one expects of monster girls.
  27. [19:23:47] * castfromhp ( has joined #YouAreAPirate
  28. [19:29:50] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She puts a hand over one of one of her eyes, closing them. "Growing up, every full moon I always questioned having to go away, having to restrain myself from the wonderful, delicious magic that I had, but it always wanted to run wild, the sea god's nature is rather wild itself, after all. And...and..." She shakes her head. "I-I can't take it anymore. I don't care if you don't
  29. [19:29:50] <~Aori_Radidjiu> like girls, I need you, I'm sure there's some magic or another that I can use to change your mind!" She's visibly trembling, but hasn't actually moved yet. Her voice shifts in tone, a bit more vulnerable and shakey. "...right?" She quivers more intensely, a few tears dripping down her face. "Oh it hurts...I'm going insane and it hurts and I can't....nnnngh..." Her head shake
  30. [19:29:51] <~Aori_Radidjiu> s as she opens one of her eyes, the blue replacing her whites now being replaced by red. "It''s your fault, isn't it?"
  31. [19:30:01] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Isn't it?"
  32. [19:32:15] <Mako> "Kalili, I know we're not really friends, but I'd be happy to help you. But this isn't really a solution." He stands up on the plank as sparks of electricity roll over his shoulders. "A-and if you want to blame me and do something stupid, I'll protect myself."
  33. [19:33:56] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Her one visible pupil turns to a slit. "Of course it is, why wouldn't it be?" She doesn't seem to have heard you at all, and only seems to be talking to herself at this point. "Of course, of course...why did I think talking would do anything...?" She slowly gets up, grinning. "It's perfect, this is perfect, it's all perfect..."
  34. [19:34:25] * Melons straps her goggles on and looks to Lesieli, whom Mel is presumably Stealth embezzling, with a nod of the head. She holds up a hand in whatever the fuck universal military gesture system that means get ready.
  35. [19:34:55] <Mako> "I really hope you stuck around to spy cause I think she's going to eat me or something!"
  36. [19:35:15] * castfromhp ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  37. [19:37:53] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She starts giggling, then laughing, throwing her head back, then her arms extend, smacking the plank with a THUMP, propelling herself to the top tier of the weird playground construction under the dome, two Pokeballs falling from her as she does so.
  38. [19:38:51] * Ramiel is now known as Lesieli
  39. [19:40:27] * Melons drops her hand which of course indicates 'go' in this nonsense system that's probably only ever used in movies the moment she notices the pokeballs and sprints in to help Mako, recalling Sleight as she moves.
  40. [19:40:50] <~Aori_Radidjiu> speeeds~
  41. [19:41:40] <Mako> Mako 20, Volt 25
  42. [19:41:51] <Melons> Mel 21, the impending Reeve is 20+10...also can I start riding on him?
  43. [19:42:00] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You can, sure!
  44. [19:42:19] * Mako releases a Rotot out of his phone. "Whatever's wrong, I can fix it later."
  45. [19:43:23] * castfromhp ( has joined #YouAreAPirate
  46. [19:44:10] * Melons releases Reeve and jumps onto the phantom dragon. "Mako, you have the nicest friends!"
  47. [19:44:36] <Mako> "I do, she's not really one of them."
  48. [19:45:39] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Lesieli?
  49. [19:48:01] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to 'Sharpedo > Volt > Mel > Kalili = Mako = Reeve > Ludicolo > Kalili > Kalili'
  50. [19:50:53] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Sharpedo and Reeve are tied, soooooo, Sharpedo goes first. And btw
  51. [19:51:49] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Shapedo sees the incoming ghost dragon and naturally goes to fight it!
  52. [19:51:55] * Mako grits his teeth at the appearance of Kalili's Pokemon. "I forgot that she knows my style. We might need to retreat and find everyone else, Mel."
  53. [19:52:48] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Oh wait I forgot to mention
  54. [19:52:52] <~Aori_Radidjiu> That dome over your heads?
  55. [19:52:53] <~Aori_Radidjiu> yeah uh
  56. [19:53:00] <~Aori_Radidjiu> rain starts pouring from it
  57. [19:53:13] <~Aori_Radidjiu> I forgot, Ludicolo goes first '-'
  58. [19:53:31] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to 'Ludicolo > Sharpedo > Volt > Mel > Kalili = Mako = Reeve > Kalili > Kalili'
  59. [19:54:14] <Melons> "Then take Lesieli and find them, I'll stall!...or...try to..."
  60. [19:54:35] <Lesieli> Uh, so, Lesi spd 20, Mareep spd 4
  61. [19:54:38] <Mako> "She's here? Les, call the others!"
  62. [19:55:00] <Lesieli> And doesn't matter, since I'm out the door! Assuming we're not locked in by the crazy lady
  63. [19:55:23] <Lesieli> Going out since I assume the raining dome makes for bad cell coverage
  64. [19:55:32] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Okay wait wait wait let's bee clear, WHO'S RUNNING AND WHO'S STAYING
  65. [19:55:36] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Let's get that out there.
  66. [19:55:39] <~Aori_Radidjiu> beeee
  67. [19:55:57] <Mako> Les is the only one leaving.
  68. [19:56:32] <Lesieli> ^^
  69. [19:56:44] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Gotcha'
  70. [19:56:44] <Lesieli> (Gives me time to put these numbers on my sheet too)
  71. [19:56:51] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Let me edit turn order accordingly, then~
  72. [19:57:00] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to 'Ludicolo > Sharpedo > Volt > Mel > Kalili = Mako = Reeve > Kalili'
  73. [19:57:12] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She only gets a number of turns equal to the number of PCs fighting her~
  74. [19:57:32] <~Aori_Radidjiu> OKAY THEN
  75. [19:58:00] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 Leech Seed Mako
  76. [19:58:01] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, Leech Seed Mako: 11 [1d20=11]
  77. [19:58:09] <~Aori_Radidjiu> AC 4
  78. [19:58:17] * Mako is covered in seeds.
  79. [19:58:24] <Mako> "Of course, here we go."
  80. [19:58:28] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Preeeetty sure that hits, okay. Sharpedo~
  81. [19:58:51] <~Aori_Radidjiu> He runs in and crunches..actually let's go for the Rotom, that's more tactically sound.
  82. [20:00:00] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20
  83. [20:00:01] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 1d20: 18 [1d20=18]
  84. [20:00:08] <~Aori_Radidjiu> W e l p
  85. [20:00:22] <Mako> Hits, but Volt releases a jolt of electricity. Static triggers.
  86. [20:00:52] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 4d10+10+30+7+5 Black Glasses Twisted Power Crushing Jaws
  87. [20:00:53] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, Black Glasses Twisted Power Crushing Jaws: 66 [4d10=3,2,4,5]
  88. [20:01:03] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Paralyzed~
  89. [20:01:14] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to 'Ludicolo > Volt > Mel > Kalili = Mako = Reeve > Sharpedo > Kalili'
  90. [20:01:18] <Mako> Volt lets out an electronic wail and collapses.
  91. [20:01:23] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mel!
  92. [20:01:27] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to 'Ludicolo > Mel > Kalili = Mako = Reeve > Sharpedo > Kalili'
  93. [20:01:29] <Melons> *Reeve
  94. [20:01:35] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Oh right
  95. [20:01:36] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Reeve
  96. [20:01:41] <~Aori_Radidjiu> quick switch etc etc
  97. [20:02:13] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Kalili, by the by, is way up high, on Tier 3 of the playground thing
  98. [20:02:27] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You're on Tier 1 right now~
  99. [20:02:54] <Melons> Reeve gives a bellowing roar at Sharpedo. Intimidate! He follows with a Black Fang on Ludicolo if close enough.
  100. [20:03:46] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You are close enough! For the record, Ludicolo is on the planks, dancing near you and Mako, whereas Sharpedo is in the water, it jumped up at volt from the water and landed back in~
  101. [20:04:00] <Melons> 1d20 AC3
  102. [20:04:01] <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, AC3: 7 [1d20=7]
  103. [20:04:46] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Coooonsidering he effectively has 36 Spd from Swift Swim...hahaha yeah no.
  104. [20:06:17] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mel?
  105. [20:06:32] <Melons> 7d6+3 Mel leaps off of her dragon towards the side of the...plank jungle. However the fuck we're supposed to climb this. She also becomes a little blurry as she leaps.
  106. [20:06:33] <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Mel leaps off of her dragon towards the side of the...plank jungle. However the fuck we're supposed to climb this. She also becomes a little blurry as she leaps.: 27 [7d6=1,5,6,2,1,3,6]
  107. [20:06:52] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Thaaat's your shift, annnnd....
  108. [20:08:06] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You hit all the way up to Tier 3 of the plank jungle! Not bad! You manage to grab some bars and polevault up the whole thing. Whoa.
  109. [20:08:23] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Kalili!
  110. [20:08:39] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Her body emits a blue, gentle aura. Aqua Ring!
  111. [20:10:00] * Mako recalls Volt, his eyes glowing white as he almost growls up at Kalili. He pulls his arm back and hurls a Pokeball up towards her, releasing Kaha'i as far up as he can manage.
  112. [20:10:09] <Mako> "I don't care what you do, take that bitch down!"
  113. [20:10:17] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mel, now that you are closer to her, you see that her arms are becoming like giant fins, and her legs have fused together, along with her body getting a bluish tinge and her hair elongating in a braid from her normal bobcut, resembling
  114. [20:10:17] <Mako> Kahai speed 5
  115. [20:10:36] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to 'Ludicolo > Mel > Kalili = Mako = Reeve > Sharpedo > Kalili > Kaha'i'
  116. [20:10:58] <Mako> The seeds sap some of his energy though~
  117. [20:13:49] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Kalili! She faces mel and spits out a concentrated barrage of bubbles. Bubblebeam!
  118. [20:14:35] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20
  119. [20:14:35] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 1d20: 8 [1d20=8]
  120. [20:14:47] <Melons> AC2?
  121. [20:14:53] <~Aori_Radidjiu> AC2
  122. [20:15:10] <Melons> Hits
  123. [20:15:36] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 3d12+10+25
  124. [20:15:37] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 3d12+10+25: 55 [3d12=9,6,5]
  125. [20:15:53] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Oh, Rain Dance works different
  126. [20:15:55] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Sec
  127. [20:16:10] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 5d12+25+25 There~
  128. [20:16:11] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, There~: 71 [5d12=3,1,9,1,7]
  129. [20:16:51] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Kaha'i!
  130. [20:16:54] <Melons> 4d6+4 Mel is totally not dead. But she can pretend?
  131. [20:16:55] <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Mel is totally not dead. But she can pretend?: 18 [4d6=6,4,2,2]
  132. [20:17:21] <Mako> The Jigglypuff hops up to where Mel and Kalili are and Shadow Rushes that water girl.
  133. [20:17:25] <Mako> 1d20-2 AC4
  134. [20:17:25] <DiceMaid-9001> Mako, AC4: 15 [1d20=17]
  135. [20:17:35] * castfromhp_ ( has joined #YouAreAPirate
  136. [20:17:42] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Hits!
  137. [20:17:53] <Mako> 3d12++10+12+15 Shadow
  138. [20:17:54] <DiceMaid-9001> Mako, Shadow: 60 [3d12=4,9,10]
  139. [20:19:12] * castfromhp ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  140. [20:19:18] * castfromhp_ is now known as castfromhp
  141. [20:19:28] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She glares at it, getting a visible bruise on her stomach, although she herslef looks unphased
  142. [20:19:52] <~Aori_Radidjiu> End of first round!
  143. [20:20:50] <Mako> Mako is losing 12 hp a round from Leech Seed, btw
  144. [20:21:19] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Lesieli! You run around in a panic and run smack dab into Mackenzie
  145. [20:21:40] <~Aori_Radidjiu> ...or dial his number
  146. [20:22:09] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Ahem
  147. [20:22:21] <Mako> Also, how much recoil from Shadow Rush?
  148. [20:22:23] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You run into Mackenzie while trying to dial his number. He's with Med, both of them freaking out over shadow rain
  149. [20:22:54] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Oh, recoil? right, that's half, so...25!
  150. [20:23:20] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Anyway, Les, you've got Mack and Med, gonna' inform them?
  151. [20:25:17] <Lesieli> "Finally got ahold of someone! So yeah, Mako and Mel kinda need help at the gym FAST"
  152. [20:25:38] * Med is trembling. She manages to resist breaking down and running away, but only because there's nowhere to run!
  153. [20:25:49] <Lesieli> ". . . what do you two think you're doing?"
  154. [20:27:35] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Meanwhile, Lysandr is chilling at his sister's house. Man, the rain sure is pouring! (nothing yet for you Dox, although Im' gonna' say that Lesieli gets ahold of Lysandr at the end of round 2)
  155. [20:30:30] <~Aori_Radidjiu> ...while we're waiting on that group, let's continue the battle. Ludicolo!
  156. [20:33:00] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Dance dance dance~! He runs over to the edge of the plank and tosses an Energy Ball up at Mel, up above!
  157. [20:33:09] <Melons> So much for feigning death.
  158. [20:33:25] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Oh, herp derp
  159. [20:33:29] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Wait a minut durrr
  160. [20:33:40] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Reeve is down on Tier 1 with him, so...
  161. [20:33:53] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 Bubblebeam on Reeve
  162. [20:33:54] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, Bubblebeam on Reeve: 1 [1d20=1]
  163. [20:33:57] <~Aori_Radidjiu> miss!
  164. [20:34:00] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mel!
  165. [20:34:35] <Melons> 3d6+9 Stealth roll off the side and hide within the planks somewhere.
  166. [20:34:37] <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Stealth roll off the side and hide within the planks somewhere.: 23 [3d6=4,5,5]
  167. [20:34:46] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mel bravely runs away
  168. [20:34:48] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Kalili
  169. [20:34:49] <~Aori_Radidjiu> ...
  170. [20:34:59] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Sees that Mel is gone and uses Acid Armor.
  171. [20:35:07] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Also restores HP from Aqua Ring and Rain Dish
  172. [20:35:59] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mako!
  173. [20:36:01] * Mako grabs onto a ladder and starts climbing up towards Kalili, away from the fish and the dancing flower.
  174. [20:36:09] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Up you go onto Tier 2
  175. [20:36:20] <~Aori_Radidjiu> That's your shift, anything else?
  176. [20:36:32] <Med> "I-it's everywhere," she finally manages to explain to the Lesieli. "Th-the water itself is tainted... I don't wanna stay here anymore..."
  177. [20:37:49] <~Aori_Radidjiu> If not...Reeve!
  178. [20:37:53] <Lesieli> "Tainted water? Looks clear as the sky to me."
  179. [20:38:08] <Melons> 1d20 Lick the duck/penguin!
  180. [20:38:09] <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Lick the duck/penguin!: 15 [1d20=15]
  181. [20:38:26] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Hits!
  182. [20:38:32] <Lesieli> "But who cares about that, the crazy monster fish lady's trying to EAT OUR FRIENDS ALIVE"
  183. [20:38:33] <Melons> 1d8+5+25 Guess who doesn't even have to Tingly Tongue? :D
  184. [20:38:35] <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Guess who doesn't even have to Tingly Tongue? :D: 33 [1d8=3]
  185. [20:39:08] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to ' Mel > Kalili = Mako = Reeve > Ludicolo > Sharpedo > Kalili > Kaha'i'
  186. [20:40:14] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Sharpedo! paralyzed, let's roll!
  187. [20:40:15] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20
  188. [20:40:16] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 1d20: 11 [1d20=11]
  189. [20:40:27] <~Aori_Radidjiu> It can act!
  190. [20:40:31] <~Aori_Radidjiu> It goes for Reeve!
  191. [20:40:48] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 Dark Pulse
  192. [20:40:49] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, Dark Pulse: 15 [1d20=15]
  193. [20:41:13] * castfromhp ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  194. [20:41:32] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 3d12+10+15+15+5 Twisted Power Blackglasses
  195. [20:41:33] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, Twisted Power Blackglasses: 61 [3d12=7,4,5]
  196. [20:42:04] <Melons> Reeve just BARELY remains up and active!
  197. [20:42:11] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Kalili!
  198. [20:42:15] * Mackenzie has his sunglasses on. "I can see through my aura glasses, some of it is kinda... reddish? It's uh, not-good colored." He puts his arm around Med's shoulders. "It's alright, Med. Listen, everyone needs us right now. We need to group up and get this figured out."
  199. [20:42:41] * castfromhp ( has joined #YouAreAPirate
  200. [20:43:10] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She looks at Kaha'i
  201. [20:43:53] <~Aori_Radidjiu> And then spits out a swirling beam of water! Water Pulse!
  202. [20:43:55] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20
  203. [20:43:56] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 1d20: 19 [1d20=19]
  204. [20:44:37] * Lesieli counts those assembled "One, two, me, two back at the gym . . . where's the police guy?"
  205. [20:44:52] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 3d6+10+25 Water, and Confuse. Special, of course~
  206. [20:44:53] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, Water, and Confuse. Special, of course~: 45 [3d6=3,5,2]
  207. [20:45:11] <Mackenzie> "...Where IS the police guy?"
  208. [20:45:36] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She also regains some health~! Now then, Kaha'i!
  209. [20:45:44] <Mako> 1d20 Confused
  210. [20:45:45] <DiceMaid-9001> Mako, Confused: 10 [1d20=10]
  211. [20:46:00] <~Aori_Radidjiu> NOTBAD
  212. [20:46:06] <~Aori_Radidjiu> watchu gonna' do?
  213. [20:46:18] <Mako> "Put her down for a bit!"
  214. [20:46:28] <Mako> 3d6+3 Command for Sing
  215. [20:46:29] <DiceMaid-9001> Mako, Command for Sing: 10 [3d6=1,1,5]
  216. [20:46:59] <~Aori_Radidjiu> It doesn't seem to first, but Kaha'i reluctantly sings for you.
  217. [20:47:02] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20
  218. [20:47:03] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 1d20: 12 [1d20=12]
  219. [20:47:16] <Mako> I was going to burn AP on that :x
  220. [20:47:41] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Oh you
  221. [20:47:43] <~Aori_Radidjiu> right
  222. [20:47:45] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Uh
  223. [20:47:47] <~Aori_Radidjiu> you should roll it anyway
  224. [20:47:49] <Mako> 1d20+5 AP Specifically
  225. [20:47:49] <DiceMaid-9001> Mako, AP Specifically: 10 [1d20=5]
  226. [20:47:53] <~Aori_Radidjiu> AHEM
  227. [20:47:55] <~Aori_Radidjiu> ...
  228. [20:48:10] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Well that flops.
  229. [20:48:47] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Take a reroll
  230. [20:49:16] <Mako> 1d20+5 Mistral where
  231. [20:49:17] <DiceMaid-9001> Mako, Mistral where: 17 [1d20=12]
  232. [20:49:29] <~Aori_Radidjiu> who knows
  233. [20:49:32] <~Aori_Radidjiu> But you manage to hit!
  234. [20:51:44] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Anyway, Kalili's eyes close for a bit.
  235. [20:51:49] <~Aori_Radidjiu> End of round!
  236. [20:51:52] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mack, what are you doing?
  237. [20:51:55] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Along with med.
  238. [20:53:18] <Med> 1d2 i can't decide so dice will for me!
  239. [20:53:22] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, i can't decide so dice will for me!: 2 [1d2=2]
  240. [20:53:30] <~Aori_Radidjiu> If you guys want to join the fight and help, you come in at the beginning of this new round
  241. [20:54:35] <Med> "He's here," she gets out her phone and shows them the address she still totally received. if they can actually see it when it's pouring out.
  242. [20:56:46] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She did, didn't she.
  243. [20:56:58] <~Aori_Radidjiu> So yeah, Lesieli has the address now!
  244. [21:00:00] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Anyway, courses of action for you all?
  245. [21:01:23] * Med goes to the gym. There's a zero percent chance she hasn't looked it up at some point in her life, and it's presumably pretty obvious in the boardwalk city, so she can probably find her way!
  246. [21:01:35] <~Aori_Radidjiu> It's a big dome thing, yeah
  247. [21:02:04] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Med manages to get there right as the round starts! Speeds?
  248. [21:02:07] * Med isn't trembling anymore. Maybe Mack cheered her up? She still seems pretty solemn though!
  249. [21:02:20] <Mackenzie> "Lesieli. Can you go get Lysandr? We need to get to the others."
  250. [21:03:03] <Lesieli> Address, not phone? Ah well, as the biggest liability on the crew, guess I should be the one to go grab him.
  251. [21:03:30] <Med> [Blues,] she lets out the Azumarill.
  252. [21:03:37] * Med Speed 25, Blues Speed 10
  253. [21:03:42] <Lesieli> You know, you'd think it'd be smarter to go grab the police or something for an incident like this, not just my teammates
  254. [21:03:49] <Lesieli> . . . wait a minute
  255. [21:04:22] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to 'Med > Mel > Kalili = Mako = Reeve > Ludicolo > Kalili = Sharpedo > Kalili = Blues > Kaha'i'
  256. [21:05:00] * Mackenzie gets the fuck over there, and Rosses it up.
  257. [21:05:04] <Lysandre> ( but you all already HAD my phone )
  258. [21:05:15] <Lysandre> ( I-I think. I mean I'm sure I've texted various people at various time. )
  259. [21:05:19] <Lysandre> (s* )
  260. [21:05:21] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Lesieli, it occurs to you to call the fucking policeman
  261. [21:05:37] <Lesieli> (. . . did I? I don't know much about cellphones~)
  262. [21:05:55] * Lesieli realizes and does just that, halfway to the listed address
  263. [21:06:10] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Ring ring, Lysphone!
  264. [21:06:13] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mack, speeds?
  265. [21:06:20] <Lysandre> "Hello?"
  266. [21:06:34] <Mackenzie> Mack 16, Ross 19
  267. [21:06:51] <Lesieli> "Hey, this is the police guy, right?"
  268. [21:06:56] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to 'Med = Kalili > Mel > Kalili = Mako = Reeve > Ross > Ludicolo > Mack > Kalili = Sharpedo > Kalili = Blues > Kaha'i'
  269. [21:07:09] <Lysandre> "Uh. Hi Les. Yeah, what's up?"
  270. [21:07:12] <Lesieli> "Oh good, I got it right for once"
  271. [21:07:43] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Med! You come in on the scene! Mako is covered in seeds, there's a fishish lady up top with a swirling whirlpool of an aura, spliced with blackishreddishness, and Mel is hanging from a plank up above, seeming to be dead.
  272. [21:07:52] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Or at least pretending to be doing nothing
  273. [21:08:20] <Lesieli> "Yeah, so, there's a crazy mutant fish lady trying to eat everyone else at the gym. Could really use all the help we can get. Now that I've got ahold of you . . . that's everyone, guess I'll be heading back myself too"
  274. [21:09:27] <Med> How high is "up top"?
  275. [21:09:46] <Lysandre> "... of course."
  276. [21:10:09] * Lysandre calls the actual Police, grabs a raincoat, and runs out
  277. [21:10:23] <Lesieli> "So yeah, hope to see you there soon!"
  278. [21:10:25] * Lesieli click
  279. [21:10:32] <Lesieli> Aand back to the Gym
  280. [21:10:46] <~Aori_Radidjiu> There's a sharpedo looking like it wants to take a bite out a Reeve, and a Ludicolo dancing as it DRAINS OUT MAKO'S LIFE. The fish lady is up like 8 meters up.
  281. [21:12:21] <~Aori_Radidjiu>, actually mor elike 5 meters up, but you have to do diagonals and shit and bluuuh
  282. [21:13:00] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Anyway, move, Med?
  283. [21:13:50] <Med> [What are you doing?] she just asks the fish woman.
  284. [21:13:59] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Fish woman is asleep, zzzz
  285. [21:14:06] <Med> o-oh
  286. [21:14:17] <Mako> "Can you just get up here and help me?"
  287. [21:14:34] <Mackenzie> "Mako, are you okay? We got here as soon as Lesieli told us." Mack says as he charges in, weapon drawn.
  288. [21:14:34] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (Lysandr and Lesieli are coming in at the end of this round)
  289. [21:14:51] <~Aori_Radidjiu> It takes a shift action to go up 1 tier and meet up with Mako.
  290. [21:14:52] <Mackenzie> "Considering the circumstances, at least."
  291. [21:14:55] * Med dark pulses the Ludicolo!
  292. [21:15:02] <~Aori_Radidjiu> rolll iiiit
  293. [21:15:18] <Mackenzie> (I can't even talk upward? D: )
  294. [21:15:28] <Med> 1d20 ac2
  295. [21:15:30] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, ac2: 3 [1d20=3]
  296. [21:15:36] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (You can talk upward, I meant for if you want to come up with Mako)
  297. [21:16:23] * Med begins the climbing. Her ultimate destination is the fish woman.
  298. [21:16:31] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Thaaaat misses.
  299. [21:16:34] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Kalili!
  300. [21:16:36] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Zzzzzz...
  301. [21:16:39] <Melons> Fine, skip me.
  302. [21:16:45] <Melons> Oh wait, nevermind.
  303. [21:16:53] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20
  304. [21:16:54] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 1d20: 12 [1d20=12]
  305. [21:17:00] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She doesn't wake up this turn
  306. [21:17:09] <~Aori_Radidjiu> ...instead Hydration activates and she wakes up at the END of the turn.
  307. [21:17:15] <Mako> "I'm not hurt, but she's out to steal my spark."
  308. [21:17:28] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (...that's why I gave the sing to Mako, because it's not as good as it'd usually be)
  309. [21:17:32] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mel!
  310. [21:18:06] * Melons Plots most Nastily. And decides to spam Juggler skills.
  311. [21:18:16] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Plotplotplot~
  312. [21:18:45] <Melons> First, Quick Switch to Koa, whom has 15 Speed +10 (don't put it up, she's not staying out for long), and would act immediately
  313. [21:18:50] <Melons> 1d20 Force Palm Sharpedo
  314. [21:18:51] <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Force Palm Sharpedo: 15 [1d20=15]
  315. [21:18:56] <~Aori_Radidjiu> WHAM
  316. [21:19:06] <Melons> 3d6+10+20 Super effeeeeeective
  317. [21:19:08] <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Super effeeeeeective: 41 [3d6=3,4,4]
  318. [21:19:34] <~Aori_Radidjiu> it flops over.
  319. [21:19:40] <~Aori_Radidjiu> and goes belly up
  320. [21:19:40] <~Aori_Radidjiu> HOWEVER
  321. [21:19:44] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Rough Skin activates
  322. [21:19:54] <Melons> But that's not all, Round Trip + First Blood to Ado! Ado takes its turn as an Interrupt!
  323. [21:19:56] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Koa loses 1/8th of its H- wait a minute
  324. [21:20:05] <~Aori_Radidjiu> It doesnt' have Roguht skin
  325. [21:20:06] <~Aori_Radidjiu> NEVER MIND
  326. [21:20:09] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Ado
  327. [21:20:31] <Melons> 1d20 Bug Bite the grass-skirt wearing motherfucker.
  328. [21:20:34] <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Bug Bite the grass-skirt wearing motherfucker.: 13 [1d20=13]
  329. [21:20:54] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You hit the dancing king
  330. [21:20:55] <Melons> 3d6+8+16 Also super effective
  331. [21:20:57] <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Also super effective: 29 [3d6=2,1,2]
  332. [21:21:30] <Melons> Also any consumables are devoured.
  333. [21:21:39] <Melons> And so ends my combo.
  334. [21:21:41] <~Aori_Radidjiu> It's still up, but that tore a big hole in its pancho thing, and...
  335. [21:21:42] <~Aori_Radidjiu> ...
  336. [21:21:48] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Ado gains Leftovers!
  337. [21:22:14] <~Aori_Radidjiu> End of turn. Ado's speed in the turn list?
  338. [21:22:35] <Melons> 11
  339. [21:23:05] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to 'Med = Kalili > Mel > Kalili = Mako > Ross > Ludicolo > Mack > Kalili = Sharpedo > Ado > Kalili = Blues > Kaha'i'
  340. [21:23:08] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Kalili!
  341. [21:23:44] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She turns to Kaha'i and spits out a bubblebeam!
  342. [21:23:46] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20
  343. [21:23:47] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 1d20: 11 [1d20=11]
  344. [21:24:36] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 3d12+10+25
  345. [21:24:37] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 3d12+10+25: 52 [3d12=3,8,6]
  346. [21:24:43] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Oh right
  347. [21:24:44] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Rain
  348. [21:24:47] <~Aori_Radidjiu> sec
  349. [21:25:01] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 5d12+25+25 there.
  350. [21:25:01] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, there.: 78 [5d12=1,10,11,2,4]
  351. [21:25:09] <Mako> That's enough to take her out.
  352. [21:25:23] <Mako> But not before she hobbles forward for one last Shadow Rush, for free.
  353. [21:25:24] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Down she goes!
  354. [21:25:25] <Mako> 1d20-2
  355. [21:25:25] <DiceMaid-9001> Mako, 1d20-2: 15 [1d20=17]
  356. [21:25:28] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Hit!
  357. [21:25:34] <Mako> 3d12+10+15 Not Yet!
  358. [21:25:36] <DiceMaid-9001> Mako, Not Yet!: 39 [3d12=2,7,5]
  359. [21:26:13] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Bam!
  360. [21:26:17] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mako!
  361. [21:26:50] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Oh, and she returns the Sharpedo
  362. [21:26:58] * Mako recalls Kaha'i and lets out Gennai (20) while staying on Tier 2.
  363. [21:27:03] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to 'Med = Kalili > Mel > Kalili = Mako > Ross > Ludicolo > Mack > Kalili > Ado > Kalili = Blues > Kaha'i'
  364. [21:27:19] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to 'Med = Kalili > Mel > Kalili = Mako = Gennai > Ross > Ludicolo > Mack > Kalili > Ado > Kalili = Blues'
  365. [21:27:40] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Gennai!
  366. [21:27:41] <Mako> Gennai will take the chance to jump up off Tier 2 and towards the top of the dome. Set-up for Bounce~
  367. [21:27:49] <~Aori_Radidjiu> VOOP
  368. [21:27:52] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Ross!
  369. [21:29:46] <Mackenzie> "Ross, hurry up there as far as you can. Can you hit the Ludicolo with a Magical Leaf?"
  370. [21:30:11] * castfromhp ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  371. [21:30:22] * castfromhp ( has joined #YouAreAPirate
  372. [21:30:37] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Ross nods. "Rose!" It carefully (and purposefully) climbs up to Tier 2, and then fires off a Magical Leaf at the Ludicolo!
  373. [21:30:52] <Mackenzie> 1d20 can't miss
  374. [21:30:52] <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, can't miss: 15 [1d20=15]
  375. [21:31:10] <Mackenzie> 3d6+10+21
  376. [21:31:10] <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, 3d6+10+21: 39 [3d6=3,1,4]
  377. [21:31:31] <~Aori_Radidjiu> It seems...almost down...
  378. [21:32:03] <~Aori_Radidjiu> But not out for the count!
  379. [21:32:05] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Ludicolo!
  380. [21:33:41] <~Aori_Radidjiu> It concentrates a bit, then spits out a ball of glowing energy at Mackenzie!
  381. [21:33:45] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 Energy Ball
  382. [21:33:45] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, Energy Ball: 14 [1d20=14]
  383. [21:33:55] <Mackenzie> Easily a hit
  384. [21:34:14] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 3d12+10+25
  385. [21:34:15] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 3d12+10+25: 61 [3d12=3,12,11]
  386. [21:34:43] <~Aori_Radidjiu> It regained some health wtih Aqua Ring!
  387. [21:34:47] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mackenzie!
  388. [21:35:35] <Melons> (Wait, Kalili used Aqua Ring, when did Ludicolo?)
  389. [21:35:49] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (Er)
  390. [21:35:59] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (...Ludicolo has Rain Dish, I was confusing the two)
  391. [21:36:03] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (They give the smae regen)
  392. [21:36:07] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (And Kalili has both)
  393. [21:36:26] * Mackenzie withstands the impact, but that definitely smarted, muttering "Dastard!" under his breath as he follows Ross up. Can he also reach the Ludicolo?!
  394. [21:36:40] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (Thankfully the 1/16ths don't apply to her total total HP after boss bonus, and only to what her HP would normally be)
  395. [21:36:47] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You sure can, Mack!
  396. [21:37:33] <Mackenzie> "That's quite enough!" Slash!
  397. [21:37:36] <Mackenzie> 1d20 AC2
  398. [21:37:37] <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, AC2: 19 [1d20=19]
  399. [21:37:43] <~Aori_Radidjiu> crit!
  400. [21:37:44] <Mackenzie> That's a crit, motherfucker
  401. [21:37:52] <Mackenzie> How do I do crits again?
  402. [21:38:24] <Lesieli> Double Damage Roll
  403. [21:39:01] <Mackenzie> So just, roll with twice the damage base, or double the damage?
  404. [21:39:02] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Double the dice, double the static +# with the dice
  405. [21:39:28] <Lesieli> The first one
  406. [21:39:29] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Slash is 2d6+10+whatever, critslash is 4d6+20
  407. [21:39:34] <~Aori_Radidjiu> plus whatever
  408. [21:39:38] <Lesieli> ^^
  409. [21:39:46] <Mackenzie> 4d6+20+15
  410. [21:39:47] <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, 4d6+20+15: 51 [4d6=1,6,4,5]
  411. [21:39:57] <~Aori_Radidjiu> DOWN THE DANCING DUCK GOES
  412. [21:40:11] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mako is no longer getting his health drained!
  413. [21:40:42] * Mako rips the lifeless vines off him. "Thanks!"
  414. [21:40:55] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Kalili!
  415. [21:41:29] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She returns the Ludicolo, and sends out Lapras and Empoleon, blocking the way to get her!
  416. [21:41:43] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mel can still direclty get to her, though.
  417. [21:42:07] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to 'Med = Kalili > Mel > Kalili = Mako = Gennai > Ross > Ludicolo > Mack > Kalili > Ado > Kalili = Blues > Lapras = Empoleon'
  418. [21:43:10] <~Aori_Radidjiu> That takes up her current turn. She doesn't normally get shift actions
  419. [21:43:24] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Ado already moved...
  420. [21:43:27] <~Aori_Radidjiu> kalili again!
  421. [21:43:43] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She uses another Acid Armor on herself! +2 Defense stages (4 total)
  422. [21:44:17] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Blues!
  423. [21:45:22] <Med> too bad blues is at the bottom, and all the enemies are at the top?!
  424. [21:46:07] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Yeah, they're all at Tier 3. You can shift to get to Tier 2, or use up a Sprint action to get to Tier 3, or make a really good acrobatics roll to get to Tier 3 with just a Shift
  425. [21:46:49] <Melons> (Silly Lapras, not being in the water)
  426. [21:47:14] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (yep, it's not. Normally she'd put it in water)
  427. [21:47:24] <Med> can Blues climb while Defense Curled? he does have Rollout!
  428. [21:47:25] <Med> but
  429. [21:47:36] <Med> i think they're ladders? :(
  430. [21:48:12] <~Aori_Radidjiu> They're ladders, buuuut, since you have Rollout you can climb them while Defense Curled
  431. [21:48:18] <Med> sweet
  432. [21:48:24] <Med> he does that, then, sticking close to Med to guard her!
  433. [21:48:45] <~Aori_Radidjiu> kalili only used one command action so far this turn, soooooooooo
  434. [21:49:09] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Empoleon uses Swords Dance!
  435. [21:49:18] <~Aori_Radidjiu> End of Round!
  436. [21:49:25] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Lesieli and Lysandr come in, now!
  437. [21:49:46] <Lysandre> Lys speed 15, Ivy Speed 11!
  438. [21:49:54] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You both start at Tier 1. You may toss a pokeball up at Tier 2 if you wnat.
  439. [21:50:14] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mel's the only one who can toss one up all the way to Tier 3 from Tier 1. Anyway~
  440. [21:50:22] * Lysandre will do just that once it's his turn
  441. [21:50:37] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to 'Med = Kalili > Mel > Kalili = Mako = Gennai > Ross > Ludicolo > Mack > Kalili = Lys > Ado > Ivy > Kalili = Blues > Lapras = Empoleon'
  442. [21:50:42] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Lesieli?
  443. [21:51:04] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Actually wait
  444. [21:51:08] <Lesieli> Wheee Lesi 20, Isis (Fabular) 6
  445. [21:51:10] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to 'Med = Kalili > Mel > Kalili = Mako = Gennai > Ross > Ludicolo > Mack > Kalili = Lys > Ado = Ivy > Kalili = Blues > Lapras = Empoleon'
  446. [21:51:13] <~Aori_Radidjiu> They're equal~
  447. [21:51:54] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to 'Med = Kalili > Mel >Les = Kalili = Mako = Gennai > Ross > Ludicolo > Mack > Kalili = Lys > Ado = Ivy > Kalili = Blues > Isis = Lapras = Empoleon'
  448. [21:52:46] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Med! You're up at Tier 2! You can climb to Tier 3 with a shift!
  449. [21:53:05] <Med> What tier's Kalili on?
  450. [21:53:37] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 3
  451. [21:54:02] * Med climbs up!~
  452. [21:54:14] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Her Pokemon are also on 3 and blocking the way to a clear shot, HOWEVER, with a move with range 5 or higher, you can hit kalili from a range at Tier 2, with a bit of finagling of position
  453. [21:54:42] * Med just wants to be on her level!
  454. [21:54:51] <~Aori_Radidjiu> GET ON HER LEVEL
  455. [21:55:07] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You manage to do that~
  456. [21:56:26] * Med attempts to talk with her! With spooky aura magic!
  457. [21:56:35] <~Aori_Radidjiu> CONNECTION ESTABLISHED, WHAT SAY?
  458. [21:56:38] <Med> [Why are you doing this?]
  460. [21:57:14] <~Aori_Radidjiu> ]
  461. [21:58:11] <Mackenzie> "Med, what are you doing up there?!"
  462. [21:58:19] <Mackenzie> "It isn't safe!"
  463. [21:58:30] <Med> [No it's not. You're cursed.]
  464. [21:59:22] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Her mind is...twisted. She sort of responds, but still seems to be out of it. [MYCURSEITHURTSMYCURSEITHURTSMYCURSE]
  465. [22:01:09] <~Aori_Radidjiu> These aren't coherent thoughts in the least, unfortunately
  466. [22:03:18] <Med> [Calm doowwnn! Everything will be okay! You're not even that badly cursed! We can fix this!]
  467. [22:03:24] * Med tries to calm her down o/~
  468. [22:04:45] <~Aori_Radidjiu> [It...hurts...] She starts to calm down, seeming to listen, when all of a sudden a pair of EYES intrude into your mind, and her negative thoughts flare up again. [MYCURSEITHURTS] and then you're forcefully disconnected. Take 3 Heart damage. The eyes were the eyes on with red instead of yellow
  469. [22:06:43] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Anyway
  470. [22:06:50] <~Aori_Radidjiu> That took up BOTH Med and Kalili's turns
  471. [22:06:55] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mel!
  472. [22:07:03] * Melons flips the bird to the rain and does nothing.
  473. [22:07:46] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Kalili spends her next turn staring off into space, distraught
  474. [22:07:47] * Med clutches her head. donotwantdonotwantdonotwant!!
  475. [22:07:50] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mako!
  476. [22:07:59] <Lesieli> Hey
  477. [22:08:02] <Lesieli> ;_;
  478. [22:08:05] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Oh
  479. [22:08:07] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Lesieli
  480. [22:08:07] <~Aori_Radidjiu> HERP
  481. [22:08:12] <~Aori_Radidjiu> LES GO GO GO
  482. [22:08:30] * Mako looks over and attempts to run and jump up to where Kalili is.
  483. [22:08:35] <Mako> 4d6+2 Athletics yo
  484. [22:08:35] <DiceMaid-9001> Mako, Athletics yo: 11 [4d6=2,1,2,4]
  485. [22:08:36] * Lesieli uses her newfound coaching talents. After You, Isis~
  486. [22:08:53] <Lesieli> And she uses Reflect, so there's that for everyone
  487. [22:09:29] <~Aori_Radidjiu> It takes a instead, you jump up to Tier 3, and still have your shift in landspeed, although you have to move around Empoleon and Lapras
  488. [22:09:50] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Reflect!
  489. [22:09:56] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to 'Reflect x3 | Med = Kalili > Mel >Les = Kalili = Mako = Gennai > Ross > Ludicolo > Mack > Kalili = Lys > Ado = Ivy > Kalili = Blues > Isis = Lapras = Empoleon'
  490. [22:10:04] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Gennai!
  491. [22:10:11] <~Aori_Radidjiu> ...unless Mako wants to try something else
  492. [22:10:15] <Mako> 1d20 Bounce Kalili
  493. [22:10:15] <DiceMaid-9001> Mako, Bounce Kalili: 6 [1d20=6]
  494. [22:10:17] <~Aori_Radidjiu> He DOES have his standard
  495. [22:10:26] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Ooooh, that...actually hits.
  496. [22:10:41] <Mako> 4d10+10+15 Flying Physical
  497. [22:10:50] <DiceMaid-9001> Mako, Flying Physical: 44 [4d10=1,5,6,7]
  498. [22:10:58] <~Aori_Radidjiu> ...wait no it has AC 4, but...take a reroll
  499. [22:11:06] <Mako> 1d20 goddamn
  500. [22:11:07] <DiceMaid-9001> Mako, goddamn: 8 [1d20=8]
  501. [22:11:10] <~Aori_Radidjiu> that hits
  502. [22:11:16] <~Aori_Radidjiu> perfectly
  503. [22:11:34] <Mako> He lands with a crash between Kalili and the Lapras.
  504. [22:11:45] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You now have an insider there~
  505. [22:11:46] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Ross!
  506. [22:12:20] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Ross can hit the Lapras or Empoleon with Magical Leaf from where he stands, I believe, let me check the range on that
  507. [22:12:33] <~Aori_Radidjiu> ...and he can even hit Kalili!
  508. [22:13:06] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Buuut that's EoT, so
  509. [22:13:37] <Mackenzie> "Ross..."
  510. [22:13:44] <Mackenzie> "Use Growth!"
  511. [22:13:47] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mega Drain can hit all of them, Extrasensory can only hit the 'mons, Worry Seed ca-
  512. [22:13:49] <~Aori_Radidjiu> WELL OKAY
  513. [22:13:59] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Ross grows in size, nodding. "Rose!"
  514. [22:14:19] <Mackenzie> "And stay at a safe distance at all costs."
  515. [22:14:20] <~Aori_Radidjiu> ...Ludicolo is out of the fight
  516. [22:14:30] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to 'Reflect x3 | Med = Kalili > Mel >Les = Kalili = Mako = Gennai > Ross > Mack > Kalili = Lys > Ado = Ivy > Kalili = Blues > Isis = Lapras = Empoleon'
  517. [22:15:09] <Mackenzie> Actually can I make him go to the bottom?
  518. [22:15:20] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Sure! That's just a shift.
  519. [22:15:26] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mack?
  520. [22:15:55] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Reminder that you have Fighting-type moves now~
  521. [22:15:59] <Mackenzie> What do I do with double strike again?
  522. [22:16:06] <Mackenzie> Yeah I was planning a double kick
  523. [22:16:09] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Roll accuracy twice
  524. [22:16:26] <Mackenzie> 1d20; 1d20
  525. [22:16:27] <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, 1d20: 20 [1d20=20]; 1d20: 10 [1d20=10]
  526. [22:16:40] <~Aori_Radidjiu> CRIT, HIT
  527. [22:16:50] <Mackenzie> Then I just roll the damage twice?
  528. [22:17:03] <~Aori_Radidjiu> What you do is uh
  529. [22:17:05] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Let's see
  530. [22:17:38] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Hm
  531. [22:18:02] <Mako> (2d6+10+1d6+5+Atk)
  532. [22:18:19] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (...that is what I was about to say, actually)
  533. [22:18:53] <Melons> (Double strike keyword says +1d8+5)
  534. [22:19:18] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (oh)
  535. [22:19:26] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (EVEN BETTER)
  536. [22:19:34] <Med> (that's an example for double kick though)
  537. [22:19:55] <Med> (whihch is what he's using!)
  538. [22:20:03] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (HYUP)
  539. [22:20:06] <Med> (weird)
  540. [22:20:15] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (ROLL IT, MACK. 2d6+10+1d8+5+atk)
  541. [22:20:16] <Mackenzie> I'm more confused now
  542. [22:20:18] <Lesieli> (That's as an example Mel. YOu add the DB of the two together, and one of those is doubled for the Crit. So DB x 3
  543. [22:20:41] <Lesieli> (Er wait, that's not right
  544. [22:20:44] <Lysandre> ( oh I think that's because )
  545. [22:20:52] <Lysandre> ( I forgot to change the example after bases were lowered more )
  546. [22:20:58] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (~confusion~)
  547. [22:21:04] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (So 2d6+10+1d6+5, then?)
  548. [22:21:10] <Lysandre> ( yes )
  549. [22:21:11] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (THANKS DOX!)
  550. [22:21:17] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (GO GOGO MACK)
  551. [22:21:17] <Lesieli> (. . . yeah, it is DB x 3)
  552. [22:21:43] <Lesieli> (And 3d6 + 15 = 2d6 + 10 + 1d6 + 5)
  553. [22:22:32] <Mackenzie> 2d6+10+1d6+5+15 Super Effective on Empoleon
  554. [22:22:33] <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, Super Effective on Empoleon: 36 [2d6=3,1; 1d6=2]
  555. [22:22:42] <Mackenzie> Hold on
  556. [22:22:50] <~Aori_Radidjiu> That was correct
  557. [22:22:58] <Mackenzie> I'm gonna try to use my EX class to use Coordinator on that
  558. [22:23:04] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Go for it!
  559. [22:23:09] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Roll Charm~
  560. [22:23:15] <Mackenzie> 6d6+2
  561. [22:23:15] <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, 6d6+2: 21 [6d6=5,1,3,2,2,6]
  562. [22:23:29] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Success~
  563. [22:23:38] <Mackenzie> 2d6+10+1d6+5+15 Super Effective on Empoleon
  564. [22:23:39] <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, Super Effective on Empoleon: 39 [2d6=5,1; 1d6=3]
  565. [22:23:48] <Mackenzie> Relatively higher!
  566. [22:24:21] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mackenzie Frazier goes into action hero mode and jumps up on to Tier 3, kicking the Empoleon in the face veritcally once and then horizontally into Kalili! WHAM
  567. [22:25:14] <~Aori_Radidjiu> It looks pretty annoyed, a big DENT in its armor.
  568. [22:25:22] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Kalili!
  569. [22:25:32] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She finally wakes up after getting an Empoleon kicked into her
  570. [22:25:39] <Melons> (She changed pokemon while sleeping?)
  571. [22:26:04] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (She wasn't asleep, I use "wake up" in respect to her spacing out since Med talked to her)
  572. [22:26:49] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She takes a look at everyone, and then sends a Bubblebeam at Mack, the guy who kicked an Empoleon into her
  573. [22:26:54] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20
  574. [22:26:54] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 1d20: 11 [1d20=11]
  575. [22:27:11] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 5d12+25+25
  576. [22:27:12] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 5d12+25+25: 72 [5d12=5,3,1,3,10]
  577. [22:27:15] <~Aori_Radidjiu> KABLAM
  578. [22:27:35] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Lysandr!
  579. [22:28:01] * Lysandre has been assessing the situation since he got in, and let's out Ivy on tier 2!
  580. [22:28:18] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Out she goes!
  581. [22:28:23] <Mackenzie> (That's a pretty big damage base!)
  582. [22:28:25] <Lysandre> "Ivy! Get up there and attack that.. thing, if you can. If not; the Pokemon."
  583. [22:28:35] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (DB 10 from STAB, then +5 from Rain)
  584. [22:28:49] * Lysandre is using Constructive Criticism + Poised Criticism btw!
  585. [22:29:04] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Ivy can't reach Kalili, but she can reach the Lapras or Empoleon
  586. [22:30:07] <Lysandre> Well, Ado's turn and then Ivy's!
  587. [22:30:22] <Melons> Ado contemplates his environment with a level of joy a bit creepy to find in a crawly. He took his turn last round.
  588. [22:30:25] * Mackenzie gets knocked right the hell out after that. Definitely not dead, but he's not getting up after that one.
  589. [22:31:07] <Mackenzie> (-29)
  590. [22:31:13] * castfromhp ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  591. [22:32:12] <~Aori_Radidjiu> The bubbles pop in Mackenzie's face just right so that they seem like brilliant sparkles
  592. [22:33:23] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Ivy?
  593. [22:33:44] <Lysandre> Ivy heads right for the Lapras, and swings its tail around viciously!
  594. [22:33:53] <Lysandre> 1d20+1 TAIL
  595. [22:33:54] <DiceMaid-9001> Lysandre, TAIL: 6 [1d20=5]
  596. [22:34:00] <Lysandre> pfft
  597. [22:34:18] <~Aori_Radidjiu> AC is...?
  598. [22:34:25] <~Aori_Radidjiu> If it's 2, you hit
  599. [22:34:38] <Lysandre> yeah it's Poison Tail
  600. [22:34:56] <Lysandre> 2d6+10+35
  601. [22:34:56] <DiceMaid-9001> Lysandre, 2d6+10+35: 51 [2d6=4,2]
  602. [22:34:56] <~Aori_Radidjiu> roll your damage~
  603. [22:35:02] <~Aori_Radidjiu> WHAM
  604. [22:35:44] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Kalili!
  605. [22:36:44] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She takes in a deep breath and then pelts Gennai with a Water Gun
  606. [22:36:46] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20
  607. [22:36:47] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 1d20: 12 [1d20=12]
  608. [22:37:19] <Mako> Hits
  609. [22:37:22] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 3d8+10+25
  610. [22:37:22] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 3d8+10+25: 56 [3d8=7,7,7]
  611. [22:37:27] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (>7,7,7)
  612. [22:37:34] <~Aori_Radidjiu> ALL LUCKY SEVENS
  613. [22:37:56] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Everyone gets +1 combat stage to all their stats on the PC side.
  614. [22:38:02] <~Aori_Radidjiu> except for speed
  615. [22:38:12] <Melons> But...that was the enemy's lucky 7's...
  616. [22:38:36] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Blues!
  617. [22:39:17] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Blues can reach Tier 3 and attack with ROLLOUT
  618. [22:40:35] <Med> does that include accuracy?
  619. [22:40:50] <Med> also that's what Blues will do!
  620. [22:41:04] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (naw, just normal stats)
  621. [22:41:18] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (Rollout doesn't get an accuracy penalty from Defense curl, though)
  622. [22:42:00] <Med> iknow~
  623. [22:42:20] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You can hit any two fo the enemies, got a preference?
  624. [22:42:24] <Med> Blues will target Lapras and Kalili! assuming i haven't missed something that makes it impossible!
  625. [22:42:38] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Nope, didn't miss anything!
  626. [22:42:43] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Roll!
  627. [22:42:49] <~Aori_Radidjiu> TO ROLLOUT
  628. [22:43:17] <Med> 2d20 out! topic order ;D
  629. [22:43:18] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, out! topic order: 22 [2d20=2,20]
  630. [22:43:31] <Med> i dont think he hit the gym leader
  631. [22:43:33] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 last Mistral reroll
  632. [22:43:33] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, last Mistral reroll: 20 [1d20=20]
  633. [22:43:37] <~Aori_Radidjiu> WELP
  634. [22:43:37] <Med> welp
  635. [22:43:40] <Mako> >20 20
  636. [22:43:42] <Mako> BASED BLUES
  637. [22:43:51] <Lesieli> Just need one more
  638. [22:43:52] <Med> too bad rollout damage starts slow
  639. [22:44:01] * castfromhp ( has joined #YouAreAPirate
  640. [22:44:08] <Med> does the +10 damage from defense curl get doubled too?
  641. [22:44:14] <~Aori_Radidjiu> I'll say yes.
  642. [22:44:16] <Med> also do i roll damage for each or just once?
  643. [22:44:27] <~Aori_Radidjiu> just once
  644. [22:44:32] <Med> okay
  645. [22:45:31] <Med> 2d6+10+20+28 and he can use it again next round for even more damage!
  646. [22:45:31] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, and he can use it again next round for even more damage!: 65 [2d6=4,3]
  647. [22:45:34] <Med> rock type yo
  648. [22:46:27] <~Aori_Radidjiu> The Lapras is down
  649. [22:46:39] <Med> DID HE GET A STRIKE?!
  650. [22:46:56] <~Aori_Radidjiu> ...even though in actualitty Lapras is immune to crits from Shell armor, it still takes supereffective damage, so
  651. [22:47:15] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d6+5+10+28 eh doublecheck
  652. [22:47:15] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, eh doublecheck: 47 [1d6=4]
  653. [22:47:20] <Med> ah. presumably that'd be 65-3-5-10=47?
  654. [22:47:26] <Med> or you can do it that way!
  655. [22:47:44] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Oh wait, Lapras has more health than I thought
  656. [22:47:59] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You still did a lot of damage, the Lapras has a big bruise on it and it whines a bit
  657. [22:48:20] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Kalili take the whole damage, not supereffective
  658. [22:48:56] <~Aori_Radidjiu> It looks like that hurt, but she's still going.
  659. [22:48:57] <Melons> (By the way, you did Acid ARmor totally incorrectly)
  660. [22:49:24] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (...whoa Acid Armor is weird)
  661. [22:49:56] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (She has +2 Defense, then, which means she takes a little more damage)
  662. [22:50:19] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Next is...Isis, who already moved with Reflect
  663. [22:50:24] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Lapras!
  664. [22:51:18] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Let's see, who all is on Tier 3
  665. [22:51:32] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Blues, Ivy, Gennai, Mack (who's down), technically Mel.
  666. [22:51:49] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Lapras uses Sing, targeting all of them, and activates Wistful Melody!
  667. [22:52:20] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Regardless of whether Sing hits or not, everyone targeted gets -2 Atk -2 Sp. Atk stages
  668. [22:52:33] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 AC 10
  669. [22:52:33] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, AC 10: 18 [1d20=18]
  670. [22:52:37] <~Aori_Radidjiu> WELP
  671. [22:52:54] <Melons> Double Team, you are so useless.
  672. [22:53:22] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mel, Gennai, Ivy, and Blues all fall asleep, I believe
  673. [22:53:26] * Med is on tier 3 too.
  674. [22:53:34] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Med is soundproof
  675. [22:53:44] <Melons> Can I use multiple charges of Double Team at once?
  676. [22:53:44] <Med> yes but if you don't target her how can i go
  677. [22:53:46] * Med soundproof
  678. [22:53:57] <~Aori_Radidjiu> you just did
  679. [22:54:00] <Med> :3
  680. [22:54:03] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Empoleon!
  681. [22:54:59] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 Empoleon uses Metal Claw on Gennai!
  682. [22:55:00] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, Empoleon uses Metal Claw on Gennai!: 17 [1d20=17]
  683. [22:55:15] <Mako> Hits and probably KOs him.
  684. [22:55:20] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1 away from spirit surge
  685. [22:56:34] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 2d6+10+51 dat Atk
  686. [22:56:34] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, dat Atk: 68 [2d6=5,2]
  687. [22:56:41] <~Aori_Radidjiu> It's also pass, hrm
  688. [22:56:54] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 attack Blues as well (Blues resists, at least)
  689. [22:56:55] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, attack Blues as well (Blues resists, at least): 20 [1d20=20]
  690. [22:57:00] <~Aori_Radidjiu> WHOA
  691. [22:57:08] <Melons> Blues doesn't resist
  692. [22:57:11] <Melons> Water/Fairy
  693. [22:57:17] <~Aori_Radidjiu> oh right
  694. [22:57:17] <~Aori_Radidjiu> fairy
  695. [22:57:38] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 4d6+20+51 and then +1 Atk stage
  696. [22:57:39] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, and then +1 Atk stage: 87 [4d6=5,2,3,6]
  697. [22:57:56] <Mako> Gennai collapses, nearly dead.
  698. [22:58:35] * Melons uses all 3 charges of blurriness to not sleep!
  699. [22:59:04] <~Aori_Radidjiu> New Round!
  700. [22:59:06] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Med!
  701. [22:59:37] <~Aori_Radidjiu> The rain stops.
  702. [23:01:20] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Kalili's Aqua Ring wears off.
  703. [23:01:30] <Med> hey guess what? Blues is still up!
  704. [23:01:31] <Med> 2/77!
  705. [23:03:01] <~Aori_Radidjiu> That's great~
  706. [23:07:19] <Mako> Is Med taking her turn or what
  707. [23:07:54] <Med> shh
  708. [23:07:54] <Med> shhhh
  709. [23:09:24] <Med> "Don't touch my things!"
  710. [23:09:51] * Med vacuum punches the empoleon. Except literally punching it. Sword of Body and Soul and shit yo.
  711. [23:10:21] <Med> 1d20 ac2
  712. [23:10:21] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, ac2: 7 [1d20=7]
  713. [23:10:30] <~Aori_Radidjiu> whompf
  714. [23:10:43] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You punch the penguin in the dick
  715. [23:11:49] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Roll your damage~
  716. [23:11:50] <Med> 1d8+5+26 counts as a physical attack except i get to use spatk anyway because AURAS
  717. [23:11:50] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, counts as a physical attack except i get to use spatk anyway because AURAS: 38 [1d8=7]
  718. [23:12:37] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You punch a hole in its armor, hitting the blubber underneath, but the penguin still glares down at you, barely holding on to consciousness. (it has 2 HP, JUST LIKE BLUES)
  719. [23:13:07] * Mackenzie is either unconscious or snoring.
  720. [23:13:08] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Kalili!
  721. [23:13:33] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She takes stock of her surroundings and ACID ARMOR. She temporarily turns to jelly.
  722. [23:13:49] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mel!
  723. [23:13:55] <Med> hey wait
  724. [23:14:01] <Med> aori
  725. [23:14:02] <Med> isn't
  726. [23:14:06] <Med> vacuum wave an interrupt?
  727. [23:14:12] <Melons> priority
  728. [23:14:13] <~Aori_Radidjiu> It is.
  729. [23:14:16] <~Aori_Radidjiu> priority
  730. [23:14:17] <Med> oh priority
  731. [23:14:22] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Also ACID ARMOR IS BATTLE WHOOPS
  732. [23:14:26] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She doesn't use it
  733. [23:14:28] <Med> shit why does med have so much speed?!
  734. [23:14:29] <~Aori_Radidjiu> and instead
  735. [23:14:51] <~Aori_Radidjiu> uses ancient power on Med!
  736. [23:15:02] <Med> also
  737. [23:15:11] <Med> you like totally kept me from recalling blues :(
  738. [23:15:24] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Did you
  739. [23:15:28] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Wnat to recall blues?
  740. [23:15:29] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Blues is still up
  741. [23:15:31] <Med> yes :(
  742. [23:15:38] <Med> it'll cost me my shift but that's ok i have plans!
  743. [23:15:50] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You can recall him as a shift
  744. [23:15:56] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Okay, Blues is recalled
  745. [23:15:59] <Med> yay
  746. [23:16:04] <Med> okay carry on with the attack~
  747. [23:16:10] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to 'Reflect x3 | Med = Kalili > Mel >Les = Kalili = Mako = Gennai > Ross > Mack > Kalili = Lys > Ado = Ivy > Kalili> Isis = Lapras = Empoleon'
  748. [23:16:11] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Also
  749. [23:16:13] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Ahem
  750. [23:16:13] <~Aori_Radidjiu> uh
  751. [23:16:15] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Hey Mako
  752. [23:16:25] <Mako> Yes
  753. [23:16:40] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You see those Reflects? Actually wait Gennai would've still been KOed, wouldn'tve he
  754. [23:16:47] <Mako> Yes
  755. [23:16:52] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Anyway you guys can activate those if you want
  756. [23:16:54] <~Aori_Radidjiu> when you're hit
  757. [23:16:54] <~Aori_Radidjiu> um
  758. [23:16:55] <~Aori_Radidjiu> anyway
  759. [23:17:02] <Lesieli> YEAH GUYS
  760. [23:17:04] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 Ancientpower on med
  761. [23:17:05] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, Ancientpower on med: 19 [1d20=19]
  762. [23:17:09] <~Aori_Radidjiu> WHOA
  763. [23:17:10] <Melons> ...
  764. [23:17:19] <~Aori_Radidjiu> +1 combat stages to Kalili, her turns don't shift
  765. [23:17:38] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 2d6+8
  766. [23:17:39] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 2d6+8: 12 [2d6=2,2]
  767. [23:17:45] <~Aori_Radidjiu> +25
  768. [23:17:48] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Is 37
  769. [23:17:50] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Rock damage
  770. [23:17:51] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Special
  771. [23:18:04] <Med> hey, that is exactly one too few to cause an injury!
  772. [23:18:17] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Ahem.
  773. [23:18:18] <~Aori_Radidjiu> MEL
  774. [23:19:06] * Melons hops up by the ENEMIES finally as she Quick Switch + Tag In swaps Ado for Sleight, dropping the Zoroark up near her.
  775. [23:19:11] <Melons> 1d20 Confusion the penguin.
  776. [23:19:13] <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Confusion the penguin.: 5 [1d20=5]
  777. [23:19:20] <Melons> AC2 D:
  778. [23:19:23] <~Aori_Radidjiu> That's AC2, right
  779. [23:19:24] <~Aori_Radidjiu> ...welp
  780. [23:19:29] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Miss.
  781. [23:19:43] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Lesieli.
  782. [23:19:45] <Melons> Poop, oh well, Sleight speed 20+10 goes NOW
  783. [23:19:54] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Oho
  784. [23:19:56] <~Aori_Radidjiu> SLEIGHT?
  785. [23:20:11] <Lesieli> Whoops, I'm her- all righty then
  786. [23:20:20] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Yeah, just wait a sec Rammy.
  787. [23:20:31] <Melons> Sleight pops Hone Claws alongside Vicious and Night Slashes the Lapras and Kalili.
  788. [23:20:39] <~Aori_Radidjiu> roll it
  789. [23:20:40] <Melons> 2#1d20+1 Lapras; Kalili
  790. [23:20:42] <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Lapras: 21 [1d20=20], 15 [1d20=14]
  791. [23:20:51] <Melons> Oh sure, be backwards
  792. [23:20:52] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Lapras is unfortunately immune to crits
  793. [23:21:02] <~Aori_Radidjiu> And also
  794. [23:21:05] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 Ice Shard
  795. [23:21:05] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, Ice Shard: 11 [1d20=11]
  796. [23:21:36] <Melons> Hits
  797. [23:21:45] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 2d6+8+7
  798. [23:21:45] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 2d6+8+7: 21 [2d6=1,5]
  799. [23:22:02] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Carry on.
  800. [23:22:09] <Med> oh i almost forgot
  801. [23:22:13] <Med> after getting hit by ROCKS
  802. [23:22:17] <Med> Med totes taunts the merbitch.
  803. [23:22:40] <Med> "Is that it?" good thing she didn't get an injury, or she'd have to like, hold her arm as if it were broken or something cliche like that! "My woobat hits harder than you!"
  804. [23:22:47] <Melons> 2#3d8+10+30
  805. [23:22:48] <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, 2#3d8+10+30: 47 [3d8=4,2,1], 63 [3d8=8,7,8]
  806. [23:22:48] <~Aori_Radidjiu> B-but you used a standard and a shift already on your turn :/
  807. [23:22:54] <Med> i
  808. [23:22:58] <Med> TALKING IS A FREE ACTION >:o
  809. [23:23:02] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Oh okay.
  810. [23:23:03] <~Aori_Radidjiu> carry on.
  811. [23:23:17] <Med> that's it~
  812. [23:23:39] <Melons> After the attack, Sleight is Round Trip + Tag In swapped to Koa.
  813. [23:23:47] <~Aori_Radidjiu> The Lapras gets a HUGE GASH cut into it, but still seems up
  814. [23:23:47] <Med> med is just going to compare a daughter of the sea lord to a woobat~
  815. [23:24:10] <Melons> (15 Speed for Koa)
  816. [23:24:15] * castfromhp ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  817. [23:24:39] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to 'Reflect x3 | Med = Kalili > Mel >Les = Kalili = Mako = Gennai > Ross > Mack > Koa = Kalili = Lys > Ivy > Kalili> Isis = Lapras = Empoleon'
  818. [23:24:45] <~Aori_Radidjiu> NOW Lesieli
  819. [23:24:47] <Lesieli> Well gee, here we are, the two of us, stuck down here on the floor while all the action's taking place upstairs
  820. [23:24:56] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Shift to move on up~
  821. [23:25:29] * Lesieli tries to toss Isis closer to the action. Probably'd be more effective to just let it run on its own
  822. [23:25:46] <~Aori_Radidjiu> If you want to do that, roll Athletics.
  823. [23:26:01] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (I'd advise not to)
  824. [23:26:18] <Lesieli> Naaah, we'll just After You and run together up to . . .T2 I assume?
  825. [23:26:42] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Sure thing.
  826. [23:26:47] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Gonna' set up another shield?
  827. [23:27:11] <Lesieli> Don't have any more on this one yet - that put me in range for a Range 8 on Empoleon?
  828. [23:27:21] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Yes.
  829. [23:27:50] <Lesieli> . . . wait, I meant Lapras. WHoops
  830. [23:27:57] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You can hit both of them
  831. [23:27:59] <Melons> Empoleon is basically a free kill.
  832. [23:28:01] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Well
  833. [23:28:04] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Either or
  834. [23:28:09] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (they're both basically free kills)
  835. [23:28:20] <Med> ks >:o
  836. [23:28:48] <Lesieli> Oh, that's true too. Eh, I'll go with Lapras to be safe
  837. [23:28:57] <Lesieli> 3d6+10+6 Magical Leaf
  838. [23:28:58] <DiceMaid-9001> Lesieli, Magical Leaf: 24 [3d6=3,2,3]
  839. [23:29:16] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Crit check?
  840. [23:29:18] <Lesieli> SE Physical, of course
  841. [23:29:21] <Lesieli> 1d20 oh yeah
  842. [23:29:21] <DiceMaid-9001> Lesieli, oh yeah: 17 [1d20=17]
  843. [23:29:28] <~Aori_Radidjiu> CLOSE
  844. [23:29:33] <Lesieli> Eh, whatevs
  845. [23:29:55] <~Aori_Radidjiu> But yeah that pushes the Lapras over (and it can't use a priority move to nullify your attack)
  846. [23:29:59] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Kalili!
  847. [23:30:03] * castfromhp ( has joined #YouAreAPirate
  848. [23:30:12] * Med TOTES JUST TAUNTED KALILI, YO
  849. [23:30:18] * Med IS SHE GONNA TAKE THAT
  850. [23:30:26] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 Water Pulse on Med >O
  851. [23:30:31] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, Water Pulse on Med >O: 13 [1d20=13]
  852. [23:30:35] <~Aori_Radidjiu> whap
  853. [23:30:54] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She spits otu a swirling blast of water, which leeaves a ringing noise in your head
  854. [23:31:15] <Med> :c still kind of terrible but it'll do!
  855. [23:31:15] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 3d6+10+31
  856. [23:31:15] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 3d6+10+31: 48 [3d6=1,4,2]
  857. [23:31:24] <Med> especially since that'd ko her
  858. [23:31:28] * Med DETECT
  859. [23:31:28] * Med CHOMPS, GO
  860. [23:31:42] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Oic
  861. [23:31:55] <~Aori_Radidjiu> noice
  862. [23:31:55] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Speed?
  863. [23:31:55] <Med> wtf is speed
  864. [23:32:37] <Melons> (Technically he shouldn't come out until your next turn...but there's only one penguin between now and then)
  865. [23:32:49] <Med> do you think dragons give a fuck about
  866. [23:32:49] <Med> turn order
  867. [23:32:50] <Med> (5)
  868. [23:33:01] <Melons> (Jugglers do)
  869. [23:33:06] <Med> (howso?)
  870. [23:33:40] <Melons> (It's a shift action)
  871. [23:34:10] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to 'Reflect x3 | Med = Kalili > Mel >Les = Kalili = Mako = Gennai > Ross > Mack > Koa = Kalili = Lys > Ivy > Kalili> Isis = Empoleon > Chomps'
  872. [23:34:10] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mako!
  873. [23:34:11] * Mako climbs up to the third tier, recalling Gennai as he gets up there. Then he pulls back a fist and punches at Kalili.
  874. [23:34:11] <Mako> 1d20 Zapper
  875. [23:34:11] <DiceMaid-9001> Mako, Zapper: 7 [1d20=7]
  876. [23:34:11] <~Aori_Radidjiu> There's a ringing in your head, Mako, and then suddenly Raijin speaks up. {Having trouble}?
  877. [23:34:22] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Roll Electro Ball instead
  878. [23:34:31] <Mako> 1d20 Electro Ball
  879. [23:34:32] <DiceMaid-9001> Mako, Electro Ball: 1 [1d20=1]
  880. [23:34:40] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Naw you hit
  881. [23:34:40] <Lesieli> (Pfffffffff)
  882. [23:34:45] <~Aori_Radidjiu> That accuracy from before counts
  883. [23:34:51] <~Aori_Radidjiu> shhhhhh
  884. [23:35:01] <~Aori_Radidjiu> I meant roll Electro ball damage instead
  885. [23:35:07] <Mako> 2d8+6+28
  886. [23:35:08] <DiceMaid-9001> Mako, 2d8+6+28: 43 [2d8=3,6]
  887. [23:35:09] <Lesieli> (GM Fiat is a wonderful thing)
  888. [23:35:32] * Mako snarls as his punch releases a blast of electricity instead.
  889. [23:35:58] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (Her speed is 10, so...)
  890. [23:36:18] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She shrieks as you, without realizing it, pull out your Critz Ball and WHACK HER IN THE FACE WITH IT
  891. [23:37:15] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mako learned Electro Ball and Water Ball (special Water Shuriken)
  892. [23:38:51] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Gennai! down
  893. [23:38:57] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to 'Reflect x3 | Med = Kalili > Mel >Les = Kalili = Mako > Ross > Mack > Koa = Kalili = Lys > Ivy > Kalili> Isis = Empoleon > Chomps'
  894. [23:38:59] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Ross!
  895. [23:39:09] <Mackenzie> Can I even command him?
  896. [23:39:19] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You sure can
  897. [23:39:36] <Mackenzie> Kay, he's gonna come back up to level 2 and... what can he hit?
  898. [23:39:47] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Empoleon
  899. [23:39:49] <~Aori_Radidjiu> And kalili
  900. [23:40:46] <Mackenzie> 1d20 REVENGE MAGICAL LEAF ON KALILI
  901. [23:40:47] <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, REVENGE MAGICAL LEAF ON KALILI: 1 [1d20=1]
  902. [23:40:56] <Mackenzie> Good thing it can't miss!
  903. [23:40:57] <Melons> Good thing friendship is magic.
  904. [23:41:05] <~Aori_Radidjiu> DAMAGE?
  905. [23:41:45] <Mackenzie> 3d6+10+31
  906. [23:41:45] <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, 3d6+10+31: 53 [3d6=6,1,5]
  907. [23:42:10] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Let's seeeeee
  908. [23:42:19] <~Aori_Radidjiu> That would knock it out, yes, but
  909. [23:42:31] <Melons> Kalili is not an it
  910. [23:42:34] <Med> but he targeted kalili
  911. [23:42:38] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Oh
  912. [23:42:44] <~Aori_Radidjiu> fuck
  913. [23:42:46] <Lecia-PKMNY> oh
  914. [23:42:47] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Uh
  915. [23:42:48] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Let's see
  916. [23:43:15] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She's still up
  917. [23:43:15] <~Aori_Radidjiu> But
  918. [23:43:16] <~Aori_Radidjiu> very
  919. [23:43:17] <~Aori_Radidjiu> wobbly
  920. [23:44:03] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mack is KOed
  921. [23:44:09] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Koa...Mel used her command action
  922. [23:44:10] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Kalili!
  923. [23:44:38] * Mackenzie is proud of Ross in his unconscious dream!
  924. [23:45:01] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She considers her options, and then...
  925. [23:45:07] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 HYDRO PUMP ON MED
  926. [23:45:08] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, HYDRO PUMP ON MED: 16 [1d20=16]
  927. [23:45:36] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Lets out a terrifyingly huge spout of water from her mouth, completely engulfing Med's body
  928. [23:45:44] <Med> gross
  929. [23:46:11] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 5d10+20+31 WHAM
  930. [23:46:12] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, WHAM: 78 [5d10=4,6,3,7,7]
  931. [23:46:31] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Med is unceremoniously BLASTED OFF THE PLANKS OF TIER 3 and lands in the water on Tier 1.
  932. [23:46:48] <Mackenzie> (Does she have a pokemon that can intercept that?)
  933. [23:46:57] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (Chomps, technically)
  934. [23:47:07] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (If you wish to try that, go ahead)
  935. [23:47:16] <Melons> (Chomps is loyal?)
  936. [23:47:52] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (if Med wants to try it, she'll have to roll Charm)
  937. [23:48:17] <Med> wait
  938. [23:48:18] <Med> wait
  939. [23:48:25] <Med> are you suggesting charm is useful?
  940. [23:48:32] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Yes?
  941. [23:48:47] <Med> wtf
  942. [23:48:51] <~Aori_Radidjiu> However
  943. [23:48:57] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You'll have to roll 30 or higher
  944. [23:49:02] <~Aori_Radidjiu> or roll a command check instead
  945. [23:49:05] <~Aori_Radidjiu> With a much lower DC
  946. [23:49:42] <Med> 6d6+6+2 well i'll try, but, like... you know... maybe i didnt actually want chomps to block the attack :c maybe he has more important things to do!
  947. [23:49:43] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, well i'll try, but, like... you know... maybe i didnt actually want chomps to block the attack :c maybe he has more important things to do!: 29 [6d6=2,3,6,3,2,5]
  948. [23:50:02] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Chomps watches you get blasted off the planks
  949. [23:50:30] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Lysandr!
  950. [23:50:37] <Med> 5d6+6 also command because that was obviously an inclusive or. even though i dont actually want the dragon to guard her.
  951. [23:50:38] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, also command because that was obviously an inclusive or. even though i dont actually want the dragon to guard her.: 23 [5d6=6,4,2,2,3]
  952. [23:50:57] * Lysandre climbs up onto Tier 2! And keeps telling Ivy to fuck some shit up! FORCEFUL COMMANDING his Poised Criticism, even
  953. [23:51:05] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Psst, Roara
  954. [23:51:17] <~Aori_Radidjiu> [00:47:48] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (if Med wants to try it, she'll have to roll Charm)
  955. [23:51:26] <Med> maybe i wanted to earn dragon friendship points!
  956. [23:51:27] <Med> ok!?
  957. [23:51:33] <~Aori_Radidjiu> o-okay
  958. [23:51:37] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Chomps blocks it, then.
  959. [23:51:43] <~Aori_Radidjiu> if you wnat him to
  960. [23:51:49] <~Aori_Radidjiu> *her
  961. [23:51:50] <~Aori_Radidjiu> fuck
  962. [23:51:54] <~Aori_Radidjiu> And if you don't wnat her to
  963. [23:51:55] <Med> no
  964. [23:51:59] <Med> i'm taking this one >:o
  965. [23:52:03] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She watches and feels sad
  967. [23:52:27] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Ivy is asleep from that goddamned Lapras
  968. [23:52:45] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Roll a sleep check
  969. [23:52:51] <Lysandre> 1d20 sreepy
  970. [23:52:51] <DiceMaid-9001> Lysandre, sreepy: 15 [1d20=15]
  971. [23:52:55] <Lysandre> hrmph
  972. [23:53:06] * Lysandre is yelling for nothing then
  973. [23:53:14] <~Aori_Radidjiu> well dicks
  974. [23:53:22] <~Aori_Radidjiu> zzzzz
  975. [23:53:32] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Kalili!
  976. [23:53:52] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She notices the policeguy yelling at Ivy
  977. [23:53:56] <~Aori_Radidjiu> And decides to blow up Ivy
  978. [23:54:09] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 bubblebeam
  979. [23:54:10] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, bubblebeam: 3 [1d20=3]
  980. [23:54:14] <~Aori_Radidjiu> missu
  981. [23:54:16] <~Aori_Radidjiu> right?
  982. [23:54:20] <Lysandre> yeah
  983. [23:54:28] <~Aori_Radidjiu> whoosh
  984. [23:54:34] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Isis! ...already moved
  985. [23:54:40] <Lysandre> although only because I yelled at her
  986. [23:54:45] <Lysandre> so ... yelling helped!
  987. [23:54:46] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Empoleon!
  988. [23:54:56] <Mako> 1d20 Water Shuriken before it does water
  989. [23:54:56] <DiceMaid-9001> Mako, Water Shuriken before it does water: 2 [1d20=2]
  990. [23:55:00] <Lysandre> except that getting hit woulda probably been worth waking up :V
  991. [23:55:10] <~Aori_Radidjiu> missu
  992. [23:56:20] <~Aori_Radidjiu> The Penguin waddles over and jumps down to Tier 2, the impact creating an EARTHQUAKE. This should hit Ross, Lesieli, Isis, and Lysandr, I believe
  993. [23:56:38] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 earthquake
  994. [23:56:39] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, earthquake: 10 [1d20=10]
  995. [23:56:48] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You guys
  996. [23:56:52] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Might wnat to use the reflects
  997. [23:57:08] * Lysandre uses one~
  998. [23:57:33] <Lesieli> Sure, why not. Isis already resists Ground, so I'll save the third for Ross?
  999. [23:57:38] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 3d12+10+59 WHAM
  1000. [23:57:38] <Lesieli> But one for me
  1001. [23:57:38] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, WHAM: 87 [3d12=8,8,2]
  1002. [23:58:48] <~Aori_Radidjiu> New round!
  1003. [23:58:52] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to ' Med = Kalili > Mel >Les = Kalili = Mako > Ross > Mack > Koa = Kalili = Lys > Ivy > Kalili> Isis = Empoleon > Chomps'
  1004. [23:59:01] <Med> no it's not!
  1005. [23:59:06] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Oh right
  1006. [23:59:06] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Chomps
  1007. [23:59:10] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You haven't used your command action
  1008. [23:59:12] <~Aori_Radidjiu> GOGO CHOMPS
  1009. [23:59:14] <Med> nope!
  1010. [23:59:26] <Med> 1d20 Dragon Rage! at Kalili
  1011. [23:59:27] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, Dragon Rage! at Kalili: 5 [1d20=5]
  1012. [23:59:35] <Melons> AC2
  1013. [23:59:36] <Med> oh well
  1014. [23:59:37] <Med> carry on
  1015. [23:59:50] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Well, thanks to Kalili not having 20 spd anymore from swift swim
  1016. [23:59:51] <~Aori_Radidjiu> That
  1017. [23:59:51] <~Aori_Radidjiu> hits
  1018. Session Time: Thu Oct 24 00:00:00 2013
  1019. [00:00:01] <Med> oh wow
  1020. [00:00:04] <Med> it deals 40 damage!
  1021. [00:00:08] <Melons> Not 39?
  1022. [00:00:18] <Med> actually no it doesnt, she just loses 40 hp!
  1023. [00:00:21] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She wobbles and flops over, her body reverting to a human shape.
  1024. [00:01:03] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to ' Mel >Les = Mako > Ross > Koa = Lys > Ivy > Isis = Empoleon > Chomps'
  1025. [00:01:09] <~Aori_Radidjiu> EMPOLEON IS STILL UP
  1026. [00:01:10] <Melons> Oh...
  1027. [00:01:13] <Melons> Chomps has Hustle
  1028. [00:01:18] <~Aori_Radidjiu> oh
  1029. [00:01:19] <~Aori_Radidjiu> ...
  1030. [00:01:19] <~Aori_Radidjiu> oh
  1031. [00:01:19] <Med> yes
  1032. [00:01:27] <Med> yes she does
  1033. [00:01:28] <~Aori_Radidjiu> ...then that means it misses
  1034. [00:01:30] <~Aori_Radidjiu> well fuck
  1035. [00:01:33] <Med> yup
  1036. [00:01:46] <Med> i was like how the fuck does that hit
  1037. [00:01:58] <Med> good thing hustle gives a bit of extra attack, right? ..right?
  1038. [00:02:01] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to ' Mel > Les = Kalili = Mako > Ross > Kalili = Koa = Lys > Ivy > Kalili > Isis = Empoleon > Chomps'
  1039. [00:02:04] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mel!
  1040. [00:02:46] <Melons> Mel leans over the side of Tier 3 to Fling bits of wood or something at Empoleon.
  1041. [00:02:49] <Melons> 1d20 AC 2
  1042. [00:02:50] <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, AC 2: 4 [1d20=4]
  1043. [00:02:54] <~Aori_Radidjiu> That uh
  1044. [00:02:57] * ~Aori_Radidjiu squints
  1045. [00:03:00] <Melons> physical
  1046. [00:03:07] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Misses.
  1047. [00:03:19] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Lesieli?
  1048. [00:03:37] <Melons> (Did the positioning take my shift action or can I dive into the water after Med?)
  1049. [00:03:53] <Melons> (Or I suppose my shift could have been into an aerial Fling?)
  1050. [00:03:57] * Lesieli shakes of that . . . shake, and together they counter
  1051. [00:04:10] <Lesieli> After You, shift closer and Razor Leaf
  1052. [00:04:23] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (You can shift after Med to make sure she doesn't drown, sure)
  1053. [00:04:46] <Lesieli> 1d20 I suppose
  1054. [00:04:47] <DiceMaid-9001> Lesieli, I suppose: 19 [1d20=19]
  1055. [00:04:50] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Roll a crit check for razor WHOA
  1056. [00:05:10] <~Aori_Radidjiu> WAIT RAZOR LEAF CRITS 18-20
  1057. [00:05:11] <Lesieli> 6d6+20+6 Ohhh yeah, fabulous finish
  1058. [00:05:12] <DiceMaid-9001> Lesieli, Ohhh yeah, fabulous finish: 49 [6d6=6,4,5,2,2,4]
  1059. [00:05:12] <~Aori_Radidjiu> GOGOGO
  1060. [00:05:24] <~Aori_Radidjiu> ohbbby
  1061. [00:05:28] <~Aori_Radidjiu> That was on the Empoleon?
  1062. [00:05:36] <Lesieli> Yeah. Which means it resists
  1063. [00:05:41] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 Aqua Jet to the face, then
  1064. [00:05:42] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, Aqua Jet to the face, then: 5 [1d20=5]
  1065. [00:05:42] <Melons> Nope, normal damage.
  1066. [00:05:44] <Lesieli> But still.
  1067. [00:05:58] <~Aori_Radidjiu> It's neutral, grass is se on water and resisted by steel, so neut
  1068. [00:06:04] <Lesieli> (Er wait, yeah. Resists one step more I should say)
  1069. [00:06:18] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Does a 5 hit?
  1070. [00:06:47] <Lesieli> Uhh, 4 evade, so . . .
  1071. [00:06:51] <~Aori_Radidjiu> missu
  1072. [00:06:51] <Lesieli> Nope I suppose
  1073. [00:06:57] <~Aori_Radidjiu> roll your damage
  1074. [00:07:04] <Melons> He already did
  1075. [00:07:08] <Lesieli> I did, remember?
  1076. [00:07:10] <~Aori_Radidjiu> oh herp
  1077. [00:07:13] <~Aori_Radidjiu> yeah you did
  1078. [00:07:16] <~Aori_Radidjiu> EMPOLEON IS DOWN
  1079. [00:07:31] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to ' Mel > Les = Kalili = Mako > Ross > Kalili = Koa = Lys > Ivy > Kalili > Isis > Chomps'
  1080. [00:07:43] * Lesieli victory dances, subtly. Kinda.
  1081. [00:07:44] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Kalili!
  1082. [00:08:09] * Lesieli Who KO'd the two pokemon? That's right we did~
  1083. [00:08:26] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 Surf on Ivy
  1084. [00:08:27] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, Surf on Ivy: 20 [1d20=20]
  1085. [00:08:31] <~Aori_Radidjiu> WHOA
  1086. [00:08:36] <Mackenzie> DUN NUN
  1087. [00:08:38] <Melons> So then she's going down to T2?
  1088. [00:08:47] <Melons> Or is Ivy up top?
  1089. [00:09:08] <Melons> ...Also doesn't that hit a lot more than Ivy?
  1090. [00:09:16] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Ivy is up top
  1091. [00:09:55] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 4d10+15+31
  1092. [00:09:56] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 4d10+15+31: 74 [4d10=10,2,6,10]
  1093. [00:10:01] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Wait hurp
  1094. [00:10:05] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 8d10+30+31
  1095. [00:10:06] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 8d10+30+31: 107 [8d10=4,2,5,7,6,9,10,3]
  1096. [00:10:09] <~Aori_Radidjiu> FUCKIN' CRITS
  1097. [00:10:32] <~Aori_Radidjiu> oh wait, that's movement
  1098. [00:10:35] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 hit chomps too
  1099. [00:10:36] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, hit chomps too: 7 [1d20=7]
  1100. [00:10:44] <Med> AC?
  1101. [00:10:45] <Lysandre> Ivy wakes up!
  1102. [00:10:49] <Lysandre> Ivy wonders why she's wet
  1103. [00:10:55] <Med> chomps has 3 evade~
  1104. [00:11:02] <Med> oh only 2 AC. hit~
  1105. [00:11:06] <~Aori_Radidjiu> AC 2
  1106. [00:11:17] <~Aori_Radidjiu> That hits chomps
  1107. [00:11:20] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 4d10+15+31
  1108. [00:11:20] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 4d10+15+31: 65 [4d10=1,4,10,4]
  1109. [00:11:39] <Med> 27 damage~
  1110. [00:11:54] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mako!
  1111. [00:12:23] <Mako> Sacrificed his action this round for a fail shuriken.
  1112. [00:12:30] <~Aori_Radidjiu> right
  1113. [00:12:32] <~Aori_Radidjiu> ROSS!
  1114. [00:12:35] <~Aori_Radidjiu> If he's still up
  1115. [00:14:51] <~Aori_Radidjiu> If not oh god Kalili again
  1116. [00:15:22] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 bubblebeam Ivy if so
  1117. [00:15:23] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, bubblebeam Ivy if so: 7 [1d20=7]
  1118. [00:15:27] <~Aori_Radidjiu> AC 2
  1119. [00:17:08] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Uh, moving on
  1120. [00:17:11] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Koa?
  1121. [00:17:25] <Melons> (Can she position herself to Copycat Earthquake from the fainted Empoleon and only hit Kalili?)
  1122. [00:17:53] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (Earthquake will hit an entire Tier, essentially)
  1123. [00:18:04] <Melons> 1d20 Then Force Palm Kalili
  1124. [00:18:05] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (Ivy and Chomps are on Tier 3 as well)
  1125. [00:18:06] <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Then Force Palm Kalili: 19 [1d20=19]
  1126. [00:18:16] <~Aori_Radidjiu> WELL OKAY
  1127. [00:18:31] <Melons> Oh, technically +1, let's seee... damage
  1128. [00:18:37] <Melons> 3d6+10+30 And Paralyzed
  1129. [00:18:38] <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, And Paralyzed: 55 [3d6=5,4,6]
  1130. [00:18:42] <~Aori_Radidjiu> DOWN SHE GOES
  1131. [00:19:43] <Melons> And Koa CELEBRATES THAT!...Which has no purpose right now.
  1132. [00:19:54] <~Aori_Radidjiu> OKAY
  1133. [00:20:12] <~Aori_Radidjiu> All baddies are down
  1134. [00:20:12] <~Aori_Radidjiu> let's
  1135. [00:20:16] <~Aori_Radidjiu> conclude for now D:
  1136. [00:21:39] <Mackenzie> My computer just did a bunch of wacky shit
  1137. [00:21:40] <Mackenzie> Did something happen to him?
  1138. [00:21:40] <Mackenzie> Cuz ross is totally gonna hop up to the third level and Extrasensory if he's up
  1139. [00:21:45] <Mackenzie> I'm confused.
  1140. [00:21:45] <Mackenzie> Oh, that was pretty far up
  1141. [00:23:51] <~Aori_Radidjiu> We can rp the aftermath later
  1142. [00:24:11] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Because I'm sure some people want to go to bed
  1143. [00:24:17] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Yeah, Dave, Kalili's down
  1144. [00:24:47] <Mackenzie> I know, I was just looking for the earthquake stuff.
  1145. [00:24:58] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Ah, okay
  1146. [00:25:07] <Mackenzie> Been working since most of the time in battles I can't do anything
  1147. [00:25:36] <Mackenzie> Yeah, he's fine if he's allowed to use a reflect
  1148. [00:35:41] * castfromhp_ ( has joined #YouAreAPirate
  1149. [00:35:57] * castfromhp ( Quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by castfromhp_))
  1150. [00:36:01] * castfromhp_ is now known as castfromhp
  1151. [00:36:28] <~Aori_Radidjiu> OKAY
  1152. [00:37:29] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Kalili wobbles back and forth, before her body uncontorts into normal (beautiful) proportions and she faints on tier 3. her lapras and empoleon are also flopped over, wounds and gashes all over, and the sun finally breaks out of the clouds.
  1153. [00:38:20] * Med is apparently saved from drowning?!
  1154. [00:38:41] <Melons> Quite saved! Although the moment the rain stops, Mel apparently has a harder time swimming. That seems backwards. Oh well.
  1155. [00:38:54] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mel dives into the water after Med, who is slowly sinking into the water, and manages to get her arms around Med.
  1156. [00:38:55] <~Aori_Radidjiu> PHEW
  1157. [00:39:02] * Lesieli is quite giddy, moreso than she probably should be given the circumstances. But hey, she actually helped in combat this time!
  1158. [00:39:15] <Med> Good thing! Chomps would never have been able to spot her in that pool!
  1159. [00:39:16] <Med> Or ever!
  1160. [00:39:16] <Med> ;-;
  1161. [00:39:28] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 attack on Med and Mel
  1162. [00:39:29] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, attack on Med and Mel: 19 [1d20=19]
  1163. [00:39:30] * Mako is breathing heavy, electricity coming off him in random arcs. He stares down at Kalli, his eyes still white. "You could have killed them."
  1164. [00:39:33] <~Aori_Radidjiu> BIND
  1165. [00:39:54] * Med DETECT oh wait she's unconscious
  1166. [00:40:06] * Melons can only infiltrate, no exfiltrating!
  1167. [00:40:07] <~Aori_Radidjiu> A Milotic swims out of the depths, apparently roused by its master's death cry, and wraps itself around both Med and mel, deciding to drag these fuckers down to the depths
  1168. [00:40:25] <Med> 6d6+6+2 does Chomps come to her rescue?!
  1169. [00:40:25] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, does Chomps come to her rescue?!: 33 [6d6=4,5,3,1,6,6]
  1170. [00:40:31] <Med> IS THAT ABOVE 30 ENOUGH FOR YOU, AORI
  1171. [00:40:33] <Lesieli> Noice
  1172. [00:40:49] <Melons> Can Chomps even swim?
  1173. [00:41:01] <Lesieli> Can he even tell she's in danger?
  1174. [00:41:35] * Melons struggles not to release all of her small amount of oxygen with the surprise attack.
  1175. [00:42:24] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Chomps and Koa, upon noticing this, both dive into the water, both flashing white as they do so! Unfortunately, Chomps' blindsight doesn't really work in water, but
  1176. [00:42:46] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 Head Smash
  1177. [00:42:47] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, Head Smash: 1 [1d20=1]
  1178. [00:43:28] <~Aori_Radidjiu> It TRIES REALLY HARD TO headbutt the Milotic but fails
  1179. [00:43:31] <~Aori_Radidjiu> MEANWHILE
  1180. [00:44:04] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 BONE RUSH
  1181. [00:44:05] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, BONE RUSH: 8 [1d20=8]
  1182. [00:44:10] <~Aori_Radidjiu> GOOD THAT HITS
  1183. [00:44:27] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d8
  1184. [00:44:28] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 1d8: 4 [1d8=4]
  1185. [00:45:05] <~Aori_Radidjiu> *Sky Uppercut shut up
  1186. [00:45:10] <~Aori_Radidjiu> ROLL SKY UPPERCUT DAMAGE MEL
  1187. [00:46:02] <~Aori_Radidjiu> It'd be DB11
  1188. [00:47:40] <Melons> Now I have to look it uup
  1189. [00:48:05] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 4d10+10 and attack
  1190. [00:48:05] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, and attack: 36 [4d10=10,7,4,5]
  1191. [00:48:31] <Melons> 20 for now
  1192. [00:48:39] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 56 DAMAGE
  1193. [00:48:43] <~Aori_Radidjiu> PUSHING UP
  1194. [00:48:45] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Hey
  1195. [00:48:47] <~Aori_Radidjiu> hey everyone else
  1196. [00:49:07] * Mako dives off tier 3 and into the water to give the Milotic a zap.
  1197. [00:49:11] <Mako> 1d20 Zapper
  1198. [00:49:12] <DiceMaid-9001> Mako, Zapper: 12 [1d20=12]
  1199. [00:49:15] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You see Koa burst out of the water, evolved, punching up into the air like a motherfucking SHORYUKEN, sending a Milotic FLYING ONTO TIER 3
  1200. [00:49:29] <Mako> OR
  1201. [00:49:32] <~Aori_Radidjiu> At which point Mako catches it with his fist
  1202. [00:49:36] * Mako instead stays where he is.
  1203. [00:49:38] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Or Critz ball
  1204. [00:49:50] <Mako> 1d8+5+8 Electric Special Punch
  1205. [00:49:51] <DiceMaid-9001> Mako, Electric Special Punch: 17 [1d8=4]
  1206. [00:50:53] * Lysandre is now known as Dox
  1207. [00:53:09] <~Aori_Radidjiu> And then Mako's phone jumps out of his shorts and suddenly turns into a motherfucking jetplane because ~triple rotom magic~ and tackles the Milotic
  1208. [00:53:18] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 VOLT TACKLE (what do you mean they don't have it)
  1209. [00:53:19] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, VOLT TACKLE (what do you mean they don't have it): 18 [1d20=18]
  1210. [00:54:13] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 5d10+20 plus like all three of their attack stats. Why is Volt contributing? Evolution, I don't need to explain shit.
  1211. [00:54:14] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, plus like all three of their attack stats. Why is Volt contributing? Evolution, I don't need to explain shit.: 48 [5d10=5,6,4,7,6]
  1212. [00:55:32] <~Aori_Radidjiu> And then the Milotic flies into the sky and disappears as a star.
  1213. [00:56:37] * Melons breaches the surface of the water with Med, having hastily strapped her own Rebreather on the unconscious girl at some point, confused as all fuck.
  1214. [00:57:15] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Chomps dogpaddles with both of its heads onto the plank
  1215. [00:58:50] * Mako considers picking up Kalili but decides to leave her where she is for now as he climbs back down to the lowest level. "Is everyone alive?"
  1216. [00:58:52] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Koa grabs Mel's arm and drags her to the planks. Chomps would help but it'd only bite an arm off.
  1217. [00:59:04] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mack is zzz
  1218. [00:59:10] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Med is zzzz being pulled out of the water
  1219. [00:59:14] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Lys is ???
  1220. [00:59:18] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Les is ???
  1221. [00:59:19] <Melons> "OHGODWH-...oh...OH.....KOOOOOOA~!"
  1222. [00:59:27] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mel is fangirling
  1223. [00:59:31] <Dox> ?
  1224. [00:59:45] <Melons> Maximum fangirling.
  1225. [00:59:51] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (I...did a quick after scene, dox)
  1226. [00:59:52] * Mako catches his plane-phone and dials 911, then. Medical help incoming.
  1227. [00:59:59] <~Aori_Radidjiu> And
  1228. [01:00:00] <Melons> Fangrills with proprane.
  1229. [01:00:04] <~Aori_Radidjiu> the medical help comes
  1230. [01:00:17] <Dox> Lysandr is probably dealing with the Police that he called if they got there
  1231. [01:00:23] <Dox> but his player is going to go do dishes
  1232. [01:00:55] * zoofman ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  1233. [01:01:07] <~Aori_Radidjiu> But not until after Koa snatches Med's sunglasses from her satchel/purse/shwatever, puts them on, and gives a double thumbs up to the camera.
  1234. [01:01:21] <~Aori_Radidjiu> ...and then puts them back because it'd be STEALING otherwise.
  1235. [01:01:48] <Melons> That doesn't sound like the actions of a pokemon with a Lonely nature.
  1236. [01:01:55] <~Aori_Radidjiu> shhhh
  1237. [01:01:59] <~Aori_Radidjiu> right
  1238. [01:02:03] <~Aori_Radidjiu> instead it just
  1239. [01:02:06] <~Aori_Radidjiu> pretends it didn't save you
  1240. [01:02:08] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Sort of
  1241. [01:02:17] * Melons hugs it anyways, after making sure Med is breathing and not dying.
  1242. [01:02:31] <~Aori_Radidjiu> by looking away while you're hugging it and being like [D-don't hug me.]
  1243. [01:03:25] * Mako takes a few more breaths and splashes some water from the pool over his face. He starts to calm down and get back to normal.
  1244. [01:03:29] <~Aori_Radidjiu> It tries really hard not to uguu and manages to succeed.
  1245. [01:03:34] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mako
  1246. [01:03:43] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Your phone turns back into a phone from being a jet
  1247. [01:03:46] <~Aori_Radidjiu> and just
  1248. [01:03:49] <~Aori_Radidjiu> sits in your pocket.
  1249. [01:04:20] <~Aori_Radidjiu> after flying back into it
  1250. [01:04:37] <~Aori_Radidjiu> toms are totally pretending they never did anything whistle whistle whistle
  1251. [01:05:09] * Med IS DEAD OH NOOO- oh wait nevermind. totes still breathing.
  1252. [01:06:53] * Mako looks around at all the unconscious crewmates. "They're alright, right? I didn't get anyone almost killed again?"
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