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a guest
Oct 17th, 2019
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text 15.75 KB | None | 0 0
  1. !This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
  2. Rich
  3. .text
  4. `.rdata
  6. .rsrc
  7. SGJ
  8. SSShL@A
  9. ~lhh
  10. tDh
  11. QRP
  12. QhP
  13. QRP
  14. "pSF
  15. Eij
  16. QRh
  17. xQh
  18. gfff
  19. G@ht
  20. PhTg@
  21. Phl
  22. H@Agj
  23. QhH
  24. HGA
  25. D@A|PPRQ
  26. VRQ
  27. Q?_ln
  28. |pMp
  29. uPh
  30. jxQ\>
  31. uxP
  32. -uEd
  33. QnP
  34. Mrq&
  35. apA
  36. jxPV
  37. Juy
  38. HQh
  39. QFPhd`@
  40. PQh
  41. RPh
  42. QRhO
  43. PQh
  44. %VhP
  45. MBF
  46. Ytq'
  47. lQR
  48. PPQ
  49. SWRP'*/
  50. imi
  51. @cj BR
  52. RQU
  53. j WS
  54. PaHP
  55. RQF2
  56. j QS
  57. AKX
  58. jsj
  59. PP3P
  60. pgQ
  61. Exj_
  62. QRPh
  63. lxf
  64. 1QPH
  65. RP)x
  66. QhH:@
  67. QVz
  68. hhB@
  69. PQfh|
  70. RQha
  71. QRPWS/4
  72. RPh
  73. HRPWhd
  74. RPVh
  75. PQh
  76. SVW
  77. AxP
  78. QPPRhP
  79. PPQh
  80. RPP
  81. Ph<v@
  82. RhX
  83. AsPPQh
  84. TRPP
  85. PRh
  86. PPQh
  87. Qhh
  88. A}RP
  89. $PPRhh
  90. $PP,h
  91. $PPQhh
  92. UBlU
  93. uU#OU
  94. PPPQ
  95. RPR
  96. LWRPW
  97. WQR
  98. WRS
  99. PRQPP
  100. WRSWWPh
  101. SmQVz
  102. =qJT
  103. t`bh
  104. tQPx
  105. Phk
  106. A`GN
  107. KMWPh
  108. QKE2
  109. AItX
  110. C eh
  111. RP9M
  112. t|hh
  113. hXu@RVW
  114. Ghh
  115. VWSPO
  116. jx_V
  117. jxPV
  118. UEj
  119. QPR>;P
  120. jxPV
  121. SVW
  122. Pj{Q
  123. SVW
  124. Ofv2
  125. SVW
  126. EdVW
  127. XEP
  128. ;OrW
  129. POU
  130. QRh@S
  131. SVW
  132. tIt
  133. Ut=vF
  134. UwHH
  135. CVWP
  136. tuK
  137. jbj
  138. qjFj
  139. $SVWW}
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  141. RPQ
  142. Jj0V"
  143. QVW
  144. RVP
  145. +ZVP
  146. rsPPP
  147. Bhpt
  148. bDR
  149. GJp
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  155. hws2_ThLw&
  156. TPh)
  157. PPPP@P@Ph
  158. VWh
  159. VWh
  160. VSWh
  161. WhunMa
  162. V(QRB
  163. nLW
  164. gKw
  165. QRP
  166. E5RP
  167. PQFX|
  168. AVW
  169. upW
  170. PVR
  171. t-;E^n
  172. LJe
  173. LGcLJ
  174. tK"m
  175. RQj
  176. RQj
  177. VQj
  178. RaU
  179. RQj
  180. VQj
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  182. jeV
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  186. AFO
  187. MOI;
  188. pR}x@
  189. RWPQ
  190. F@Ou
  191. Eyj
  192. PQR
  193. WRQS
  194. fbPS
  195. PQVE
  196. RQj
  197. RWPQ
  198. PcE
  199. dful:E
  200. qh|t
  201. fth
  202. RYj
  203. PQRpnA
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  205. M,NE
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  208. EuRPh
  209. hTJ@
  210. PQV
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  213. jwPR5E
  214. VIt
  215. Q\aF
  216. Fqj
  217. jDh
  218. jsR
  219. FOW
  220. unj
  221. Bzh
  222. RzH
  223. VWg
  224. Ap:A
  225. gUff_
  226. </t'E\u
  227. PVQS
  228. U4PWVP
  229. WVj
  230. RPa
  231. URj`RV
  232. tuW
  233. PhN
  234. PQj
  235. uFW
  236. PjQ
  237. @?J/KH@?
  238. KKI'
  239. QtH
  240. Phh
  241. QZj
  242. BSD
  243. RhP
  244. >qXY
  245. VSj
  246. PlW
  247. tUA
  248. u9Ph
  249. ;SSSSSS
  250. KWo
  251. uESh
  252. UTQ
  253. F<l0u
  254. NLI
  255. J;FH
  256. NHv
  257. VF@eN@
  258. QPV
  259. }lj$W
  260. VPu
  261. U7VR
  262. FVP
  263. PQR
  264. WWi
  265. PQS
  266. sPo~Tl
  267. QNyS
  268. VVu
  269. uqWFw
  270. j;Qj
  271. QWRP
  272. PQR
  273. lPu
  274. NTCM
  275. Na3~S
  276. N6wt
  277. NTu
  278. VUUU
  279. PFR
  280. YlhT@A
  281. WVS3
  282. EzP
  283. MbP?
  284. (null)
  285. 0123456789abcdef
  286. 0123456789ABCDEF
  287. 0123456789abcdef
  288. 0123456789ABCDEF
  289. Jan
  290. Feb
  291. Mar
  292. Apr
  293. May
  294. Jun
  295. Jul
  296. Aug
  297. Sep
  298. Oct
  299. Nov
  300. Dec
  301. Sun
  302. Mon
  303. Tue
  304. Wed
  305. Thu
  306. Fri
  307. Sat
  308. !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/
  309. _iob
  310. fprintf
  311. strchr
  312. _pctype
  313. __mb_cur_max
  314. exit
  315. atoi
  316. _isctype
  317. printf
  318. signal
  319. malloc
  320. calloc
  321. fflush
  322. fclose
  323. perror
  324. fopen
  325. qsort
  326. _ftol
  327. strncpy
  328. strstr
  329. strncmp
  330. free
  331. _errno
  332. __p__wenviron
  333. __p__environ
  334. realloc
  335. strspn
  336. modf
  337. strerror
  338. wcscpy
  339. wcslen
  340. _close
  341. wcsncmp
  342. strrchr
  343. MSVCRT.dll
  344. __dllonexit
  345. _onexit
  346. _exit
  347. _XcptFilter
  348. __p___initenv
  349. __getmainargs
  350. _initterm
  351. __setusermatherr
  352. _adjust_fdiv
  353. __p__commode
  354. __p__fmode
  355. __set_app_type
  356. _except_handler3
  357. _controlfp
  358. SetLastError
  359. FreeEnvironmentStringsW
  360. GetEnvironmentStringsW
  361. GlobalFree
  362. GetCommandLineW
  363. TlsAlloc
  364. TlsFree
  365. DuplicateHandle
  366. GetCurrentProcess
  367. SetHandleInformation
  368. CloseHandle
  369. GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
  370. FileTimeToSystemTime
  371. GetTimeZoneInformation
  372. FileTimeToLocalFileTime
  373. SystemTimeToFileTime
  374. SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime
  375. Sleep
  376. FormatMessageA
  377. GetLastError
  378. WaitForSingleObject
  379. CreateEventA
  380. SetStdHandle
  381. SetFilePointer
  382. CreateFileA
  383. CreateFileW
  384. GetOverlappedResult
  385. DeviceIoControl
  386. GetFileInformationByHandle
  387. LocalFree
  388. GetFileType
  389. CreateMutexA
  390. InitializeCriticalSection
  391. DeleteCriticalSection
  392. EnterCriticalSection
  393. ReleaseMutex
  394. SetEvent
  395. LeaveCriticalSection
  396. TerminateProcess
  397. GetExitCodeProcess
  398. GetVersionExA
  399. GetProcAddress
  400. LoadLibraryA
  401. WriteFile
  402. ReadFile
  403. PeekNamedPipe
  404. KERNEL32.dll
  405. AllocateAndInitializeSid
  406. FreeSid
  407. ADVAPI32.dll
  408. WSOCK32.dll
  409. WSASend
  410. WSARecv
  411. WS2_32.dll
  412. _strnicmp
  413. _strdup
  414. %s: Cannot use concurrency level greater than total number of requests
  415. %s: Invalid Concurrency [Range 0..%d]
  416. %s: invalid URL
  417. %s: wrong number of arguments
  418. User-Agent:
  419. Accept:
  420. Host:
  421. Proxy-Authorization: Basic
  422. Proxy credentials too long
  423. Authorization: Basic
  424. Authentication credentials too long
  425. Cookie:
  426. Cannot mix PUT and HEAD
  427. Cannot mix POST and HEAD
  428. Cannot mix POST/PUT and HEAD
  429. Invalid number of requests
  430. n:c:t:b:T:p:u:v:rkVhwix:y:z:C:H:P:A:g:X:de:Sq
  431. bgcolor=white
  432. Total of %d requests completed
  433. ..done
  434. Finished %d requests
  435. apr_socket_connect()
  436. Test aborted after 10 failures
  437. Server timed out
  438. apr_poll
  439. apr_sockaddr_info_get() for %s
  440. error creating request buffer: out of memory
  441. INFO: %s header ==
  442. Request too long
  443. %s %s HTTP/1.0
  444. %s%s%sContent-length: %u
  445. Content-type: %s
  446. PUT
  447. POST
  448. text/plain
  449. %s %s HTTP/1.0
  450. %s%s%s%s
  451. HEAD
  452. GET
  453. Connection: Keep-Alive
  454. Accept: */*
  455. User-Agent: ApacheBench/
  456. Host:
  457. apr_pollset_create failed
  458. (be patient)%s
  459. [through %s:%d]
  460. Benchmarking %s
  461. %s: %s (%d)
  462. Send request failed!
  463. Send request timed out!
  464. starttime
  465. seconds
  466. ctime
  467. dtime
  468. ttime
  469. wait
  470. Cannot open gnuplot output file
  471. Percentage served,Time in ms
  472. Cannot open CSV output file
  473. %d%% %5I64d
  474. 100%% %5I64d (longest request)
  475. 0%% <0> (never)
  476. Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
  477. Total: %5I64d %5I64d%5I64d
  478. Processing: %5I64d %5I64d%5I64d
  479. Connect: %5I64d %5I64d%5I64d
  480. min avg max
  481. WARNING: The median and mean for the total time are not within a normal deviation
  482. These results are probably not that reliable.
  483. ERROR: The median and mean for the total time are more than twice the standard
  484. deviation apart. These results are NOT reliable.
  485. WARNING: The median and mean for the waiting time are not within a normal deviation
  486. These results are probably not that reliable.
  487. ERROR: The median and mean for the waiting time are more than twice the standard
  488. deviation apart. These results are NOT reliable.
  489. WARNING: The median and mean for the processing time are not within a normal deviation
  490. These results are probably not that reliable.
  491. ERROR: The median and mean for the processing time are more than twice the standard
  492. deviation apart. These results are NOT reliable.
  493. WARNING: The median and mean for the initial connection time are not within a normal deviation
  494. These results are probably not that reliable.
  495. ERROR: The median and mean for the initial connection time are more than twice the standard
  496. deviation apart. These results are NOT reliable.
  497. Total: %5I64d %4I64d %5.1f %6I64d %7I64d
  498. Waiting: %5I64d %4I64d %5.1f %6I64d %7I64d
  499. Processing: %5I64d %4I64d %5.1f %6I64d %7I64d
  500. Connect: %5I64d %4I64d %5.1f %6I64d %7I64d
  501. min mean[+/-sd] median max
  502. Connection Times (ms)
  503. %.2f kb/s total
  504. %.2f kb/s sent
  505. Transfer rate: %.2f [Kbytes/sec] received
  506. Time per request: %.3f [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
  507. Time per request: %.3f [ms] (mean)
  508. Requests per second: %.2f [#/sec] (mean)
  509. HTML transferred: %I64d bytes
  510. Total PUT: %I64d
  511. Total POSTed: %I64d
  512. Total transferred: %I64d bytes
  513. Keep-Alive requests: %d
  514. Non-2xx responses: %d
  515. Write errors: %d
  516. (Connect: %d, Receive: %d, Length: %d, Exceptions: %d)
  517. Failed requests: %d
  518. Complete requests: %d
  519. Time taken for tests: %.3f seconds
  520. Concurrency Level: %d
  521. Document Length: %u bytes
  522. Document Path: %s
  523. Server Port: %hu
  524. Server Hostname: %s
  525. Server Software: %s
  526. </table>
  527. <tr %s><th %s>Total:</th><td %s>%5I64d</td><td %s>%5I64d</td><td %s>%5I64d</td></tr>
  528. <tr %s><th %s>Processing:</th><td %s>%5I64d</td><td %s>%5I64d</td><td %s>%5I64d</td></tr>
  529. <tr %s><th %s>Connect:</th><td %s>%5I64d</td><td %s>%5I64d</td><td %s>%5I64d</td></tr>
  530. <tr %s><th %s>&nbsp;</th> <th %s>min</th> <th %s>avg</th> <th %s>max</th></tr>
  531. <tr %s><th %s colspan=4>Connnection Times (ms)</th></tr>
  532. <tr %s><td colspan=2 %s>&nbsp;</td><td colspan=2 %s>%.2f kb/s total</td></tr>
  533. <tr %s><td colspan=2 %s>&nbsp;</td><td colspan=2 %s>%.2f kb/s sent</td></tr>
  534. <tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Transfer rate:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%.2f kb/s received</td></tr>
  535. <tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Requests per second:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%.2f</td></tr>
  536. <tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>HTML transferred:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%I64d bytes</td></tr>
  537. <tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Total PUT:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%I64d</td></tr>
  538. <tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Total POSTed:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%I64d</td></tr>
  539. <tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Total transferred:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%I64d bytes</td></tr>
  540. <tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Keep-Alive requests:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%d</td></tr>
  541. <tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Non-2xx responses:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%d</td></tr>
  542. <tr %s><td colspan=4 %s > (Connect: %d, Length: %d, Exceptions: %d)</td></tr>
  543. <tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Failed requests:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%d</td></tr>
  544. <tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Complete requests:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%d</td></tr>
  545. <tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Time taken for tests:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%.3f seconds</td></tr>
  546. <tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Concurrency Level:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%d</td></tr>
  547. <tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Document Length:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%u bytes</td></tr>
  548. <tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Document Path:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%s</td></tr>
  549. <tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Server Port:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%hu</td></tr>
  550. <tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Server Hostname:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%s</td></tr>
  551. <tr %s><th colspan=2 %s>Server Software:</th><td colspan=2 %s>%s</td></tr>
  552. <table %s>
  553. socket receive buffer
  554. socket send buffer
  555. socket nonblock
  556. socket
  557. Completed %d requests
  558. Content-length:
  559. Content-Length:
  560. keep-alive
  561. Keep-Alive
  562. LOG: Response code = %s
  563. WARNING: Response code not 2xx (%s)
  564. HTTP
  565. Server:
  566. LOG: header received:
  567. apr_socket_recv
  568. Licensed to The Apache Software Foundation,<br>
  569. Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd,<br>
  570. This is ApacheBench, Version %s <i>&lt;%s&gt;</i><br>
  571. $Revision: 655654 $
  572. Licensed to The Apache Software Foundation,
  573. Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd,
  574. This is ApacheBench, Version %s
  575. 2.3 <$Revision: 655654 $>
  576. -h Display usage information (this message)
  577. -r Don't exit on socket receive errors.
  578. -e filename Output CSV file with percentages served
  579. -g filename Output collected data to gnuplot format file.
  580. -S Do not show confidence estimators and warnings.
  581. -d Do not show percentiles served table.
  582. -k Use HTTP KeepAlive feature
  583. -V Print version number and exit
  584. -X proxy:port Proxyserver and port number to use
  585. -P attribute Add Basic Proxy Authentication, the attributes
  586. are a colon separated username and password.
  587. -A attribute Add Basic WWW Authentication, the attributes
  588. Inserted after all normal header lines. (repeatable)
  589. -H attribute Add Arbitrary header line, eg. 'Accept-Encoding: gzip'
  590. -C attribute Add cookie, eg. 'Apache=1234. (repeatable)
  591. -z attributes String to insert as td or th attributes
  592. -y attributes String to insert as tr attributes
  593. -x attributes String to insert as table attributes
  594. -i Use HEAD instead of GET
  595. -w Print out results in HTML tables
  596. -v verbosity How much troubleshooting info to print
  597. Default is 'text/plain'
  598. 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
  599. -T content-type Content-type header for POSTing, eg.
  600. -u putfile File containing data to PUT. Remember also to set -T
  601. -p postfile File containing data to POST. Remember also to set -T
  602. -b windowsize Size of TCP send/receive buffer, in bytes
  603. -t timelimit Seconds to max. wait for responses
  604. -c concurrency Number of multiple requests to make
  605. -n requests Number of requests to perform
  606. Options are:
  607. Usage: %s [options] [http://]hostname[:port]/path
  608. SSL not compiled in; no https support
  609. https://
  610. http://
  611. ab: Could not read POST data file: %s
  612. ab: Could not allocate POST data buffer
  613. ab: Could not stat POST data file (%s): %s
  614. ab: Could not open POST data file (%s): %s
  615. apr_global_pool
  616. %d.%d%c
  617. KMGTPE
  618. %s: illegal option -- %c
  619. %s: option requires an argument -- %c
  620. CommandLineToArgvW
  621. apr_initialize
  622. bogus %p
  623. No host data of that type was found
  624. Host not found
  625. Graceful shutdown in progress
  626. WSAStartup not yet called
  627. Winsock version out of range
  628. Network system is unavailable
  629. Too many levels of remote in path
  630. Stale NFS file handle
  631. Disc quota exceeded
  632. Too many users
  633. Too many processes
  634. Directory not empty
  635. No route to host
  636. Host is down
  637. File name too long
  638. Too many levels of symbolic links
  639. Connection refused
  640. Connection timed out
  641. Too many references, can't splice
  642. Can't send after socket shutdown
  643. Socket is not connected
  644. Socket is already connected
  645. No buffer space available
  646. Connection reset by peer
  647. Software caused connection abort
  648. Net connection reset
  649. Network is unreachable
  650. Network is down
  651. Can't assign requested address
  652. Address already in use
  653. Address family not supported
  654. Protocol family not supported
  655. Operation not supported on socket
  656. Socket type not supported
  657. Protocol not supported
  658. Bad protocol option
  659. Protocol wrong type for socket
  660. Message too long
  661. Destination address required
  662. Socket operation on non-socket
  663. Operation already in progress
  664. Operation now in progress
  665. Operation would block
  666. Too many open sockets
  667. Invalid argument
  668. Bad address
  669. Permission denied
  670. Bad file number
  671. Interrupted system call
  672. APR does not understand this error code
  673. Error string not specified yet
  674. passwords do not match
  675. This function has not been implemented on this platform
  676. There is no error, this value signifies an initialized error code
  677. Shared memory is implemented using a key system
  678. Shared memory is implemented using files
  679. Shared memory is implemented anonymously
  680. Could not find specified socket in poll list.
  681. End of file found
  682. Missing parameter for the specified command line option
  683. Bad character specified on command line
  684. Partial results are valid but processing is incomplete
  685. The timeout specified has expired
  686. The specified child process is not done executing
  687. The specified child process is done executing
  688. The specified thread is not detached
  689. The specified thread is detached
  690. Your code just forked, and you are currently executing in the parent process
  691. Your code just forked, and you are currently executing in the child process
  692. Internal error
  693. The process is not recognized.
  694. The given path contained wildcard characters
  695. The given path is misformatted or contained invalid characters
  696. The given path was above the root path
  697. The given path is incomplete
  698. The given path is relative
  699. The given path is absolute
  700. The specified network mask is invalid.
  701. The specified IP address is invalid.
  702. DSO load failed
  703. No shared memory is currently available
  704. No thread key structure was provided and one was required.
  705. No thread was provided and one was required.
  706. No socket was provided and one was required.
  707. No poll structure was provided and one was required.
  708. No lock was provided and one was required.
  709. No directory was provided and one was required.
  710. \\?\UNC\
  711. UNC\
  713. StringFileInfo
  715. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
  717. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  718. CompanyName
  719. Apache Software Foundation
  720. FileDescription
  721. ApacheBench command line utility
  722. FileVersion
  723. InternalName
  724. ab.exe
  725. LegalCopyright
  726. Copyright 2009 The Apache Software Foundation.
  727. OriginalFilename
  728. ab.exe
  729. ProductName
  730. Apache HTTP Server
  731. ProductVersion
  732. VarFileInfo
  733. Translation
  734. equired.
  735. No process was provided and one was required.
  736. An invalid socket was returned
  737. An invalid date has been provided
  738. A new pool could not be created.
  739. Unrecognized Win32 error code %d
  740. CancelIo
  741. GetCompressedFileSizeA
  742. GetCompressedFileSizeW
  743. ZwQueryInformationFile
  744. GetSecurityInfo
  745. GetNamedSecurityInfoA
  746. GetNamedSecurityInfoW
  747. GetEffectiveRightsFromAclW
  748. ntdll.dll
  749. shell32
  750. mswsock
  751. advapi32
  752. kernel32
  753. C:\local0\asf\release\build-2.2.14\support\Release\ab.pd
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