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a guest
Jul 27th, 2017
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  1. [16:01:50.555] [Info] Root: Preparing Root...
  2. [16:01:50.557] [Info] Root: Done preparing Root.
  3. [16:01:50.557] [Info] Client Version 1.3.2 (linux x86_64) Source ID: 4d70cfed23093a8e5abe06d662c6a5610fefc596 Protocol: 743
  4. [16:01:50.557] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory '../assets/'
  5. [16:01:50.715] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory '../mods/'
  6. [16:01:50.716] [Warn] Root: Unrecognized file in asset directory 'mods_go_here', skipping
  7. [16:01:50.716] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'base' at '../assets/packed.pak'
  8. [16:01:50.716] [Info] Root: Detected unnamed asset source at '../assets/user'
  9. [16:01:50.716] [Info] Loading assets from: '../assets/packed.pak'
  10. [16:01:51.003] [Info] Loading assets from: '../assets/user'
  11. [16:01:51.996] [Info] Assets digest is 563ff626b877e7d080472517395bc6c4eda613eaf6ac1576e95136a4ca9b3d64
  12. [16:01:51.997] [Info] Root: Loaded Assets in 1.43994 seconds
  13. [16:01:52.000] [Info] Application: Initializing SDL Video
  14. [16:01:52.201] [Info] Application: Initializing SDL Joystick
  15. [16:01:52.212] [Info] Application: Initializing SDL Sound
  16. [16:01:52.235] [Info] Initialized Steam services
  17. [16:01:52.237] [Info] Application: Creating SDL Window
  18. [16:01:52.266] [Info] Application: Enabling VSync with late swap tearing
  19. [16:01:52.349] [Info] Application: Opened default audio device with 44.1khz / 16 bit stereo audio, 1024 sample size buffer
  20. [16:01:52.357] [Info] OpenGL version: '4.5.0 NVIDIA 375.66' vendor: 'NVIDIA Corporation' renderer: 'GeForce GTX 650 Ti/PCIe/SSE2' shader: '4.50 NVIDIA'
  21. [16:01:52.358] [Info] Application: initialization...
  22. [16:01:52.365] [Info] Root: Loaded Configuration in 0.000758045 seconds
  23. [16:01:52.409] [Info] Application: renderer initialization...
  24. [16:01:52.410] [Info] detected supported OpenGL texture size 16384, using atlasNumCells 128
  25. [16:01:52.410] [Info] detected supported OpenGL texture size 16384, using atlasNumCells 64
  26. [16:01:52.411] [Info] Root: Loaded ImageMetadataDatabase in 1.13901e-06 seconds
  27. [16:01:52.430] [Info] Application: main update loop...
  28. [16:01:52.432] [Info] No subscribed user generated content
  29. [16:01:52.470] [Info] Root: Loaded NameGenerator in 0.034741 seconds
  30. [16:01:52.616] [Info] Root: Loaded PlantDatabase in 0.144502 seconds
  31. [16:01:52.732] [Info] Root: Loaded ObjectDatabase in 0.296676 seconds
  32. [16:01:52.864] [Info] Root: Loaded MonsterDatabase in 0.132037 seconds
  33. [16:01:52.894] [Info] Root: Loaded NpcDatabase in 0.0296334 seconds
  34. [16:01:52.895] [Info] Root: Loaded StagehandDatabase in 0.000744529 seconds
  35. [16:01:52.897] [Info] Root: Loaded VehicleDatabase in 0.0021741 seconds
  36. [16:01:52.900] [Info] Root: Loaded PlayerFactory in 0.00325936 seconds
  37. [16:01:52.953] [Info] Root: Loaded ProjectileDatabase in 0.336692 seconds
  38. [16:01:52.953] [Info] Root: Loaded VersioningDatabase in 0.000496451 seconds
  39. [16:01:52.953] [Info] Root: Loaded EntityFactory in 0.0530774 seconds
  40. [16:01:52.993] [Info] Root: Loaded ParticleDatabase in 0.0397236 seconds
  41. [16:01:53.272] [Info] Root: Loaded MaterialDatabase in 0.318211 seconds
  42. [16:01:53.283] [Info] Root: Loaded TerrainDatabase in 0.0111454 seconds
  43. [16:01:53.315] [Info] Root: Loaded BiomeDatabase in 0.0317077 seconds
  44. [16:01:53.315] [Info] Root: Loaded LiquidsDatabase in 0.000710154 seconds
  45. [16:01:53.322] [Info] Root: Loaded StatusEffectDatabase in 0.00667709 seconds
  46. [16:01:53.590] [Info] Root: Loaded DamageDatabase in 0.268371 seconds
  47. [16:01:53.594] [Info] Root: Loaded EffectSourceDatabase in 0.00374803 seconds
  48. [16:01:53.598] [Info] Root: Loaded FunctionDatabase in 0.00351664 seconds
  49. [16:01:53.621] [Info] Root: Loaded TreasureDatabase in 0.0234457 seconds
  50. [16:01:53.851] [Info] Root: Loaded DungeonDefinitions in 0.229461 seconds
  51. [16:01:53.851] [Info] Root: Loaded TilesetDatabase in 7.94698e-06 seconds
  52. [16:01:53.854] [Info] Root: Loaded StatisticsDatabase in 0.00269483 seconds
  53. [16:01:53.854] [Info] Root: Loaded EmoteProcessor in 5.8503e-05 seconds
  54. [16:01:53.862] [Info] Root: Loaded SpeciesDatabase in 0.00790251 seconds
  55. [16:01:53.874] [Info] Root: Loaded QuestTemplateDatabase in 0.0120575 seconds
  56. [16:01:53.875] [Info] Root: Loaded AiDatabase in 0.00105273 seconds
  57. [16:01:53.876] [Info] Root: Loaded TechDatabase in 0.000883027 seconds
  58. [16:01:53.880] [Info] Root: Loaded CodexDatabase in 0.00356215 seconds
  59. [16:01:54.132] [Info] Root: Loaded BehaviorDatabase in 0.251833 seconds
  60. [16:01:54.134] [Info] Root: Loaded DanceDatabase in 0.00195656 seconds
  61. [16:01:54.139] [Info] Root: Loaded SpawnTypeDatabase in 0.00528651 seconds
  62. [16:01:54.141] [Info] Root: Loaded RadioMessageDatabase in 0.00260625 seconds
  63. [16:01:55.564] [Info] Root: Writing runtime configuration to '../storage/starbound.config'
  64. [16:01:55.833] [Info] Root: Loaded ItemDatabase in 2.87994 seconds
  65. [16:01:55.938] [Info] Root: Loaded CollectionDatabase in 1.79636 seconds
  66. [16:01:56.166] [Error] Could not instantiate item '[avaliset5chest, 1, {"colorIndex":2223769120}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'avaliset5chest'
  67. [16:01:56.168] [Error] Could not instantiate item '[avaliset5pants, 1, {"colorIndex":1228197882}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'avaliset5pants'
  68. [16:01:56.174] [Error] Could not instantiate item '[ffguide-codex, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'ffguide-codex'
  69. [16:01:56.174] [Error] Could not instantiate item '[ffguide2-codex, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'ffguide2-codex'
  70. [16:01:56.174] [Error] Could not instantiate item '[ffguide3-codex, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'ffguide3-codex'
  71. [16:01:56.174] [Error] Could not instantiate item '[ffguide5-codex, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'ffguide5-codex'
  72. [16:01:56.175] [Error] Could not instantiate item '[networkguide2-codex, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'networkguide2-codex'
  73. [16:01:56.175] [Error] Could not instantiate item '[networkguide-codex, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'networkguide-codex'
  74. [16:01:56.179] [Error] Failed to valid player with uuid 3d529e1f32ac8f96e731832a4d9fc3da : (StatusEffectDatabaseException) No such unique stat effect 'raceavali'
  75. ./starbound(_ZN4Star13StarExceptionC2EPKcNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE+0x66) [0xaa85d6]
  76. ./starbound(_ZNK4Star20StatusEffectDatabase18uniqueEffectConfigERKNS_6StringE+0x16f3) [0x100c0c3]
  77. ./starbound(_ZN4Star16StatusController19addEphemeralEffectsERKNS_4ListINS_21EphemeralStatusEffectESaIS2_EEENS_5MaybeIiEE+0x104) [0xff5464]
  78. ./starbound(_ZN4Star16StatusController8diskLoadERKNS_4JsonE+0x4b7) [0xff7da7]
  79. ./starbound(_ZN4Star6PlayerC1ESt10shared_ptrINS_12PlayerConfigEERKNS_4JsonE+0x88c) [0xe8cc3c]
  80. ./starbound(_ZNK4Star13PlayerFactory14diskLoadPlayerERKNS_4JsonE+0x79) [0xeb4f89]
  81. ./starbound(_ZNK4Star13EntityFactory14diskLoadEntityENS_10EntityTypeERKNS_4JsonE+0x119) [0xc50bf9]
  82. ./starbound(_ZN4Star13PlayerStorageC1ERKNS_6StringE+0xa02) [0xedcd42]
  83. ./starbound(_ZN4Star17ClientApplication11changeStateENS0_12MainAppStateE+0xb1a) [0x98b82a]
  84. ./starbound(_ZN4Star17ClientApplication6updateEv+0x1a0) [0x9908b0]
  85. ./starbound(_ZN4Star18runMainApplicationESt10unique_ptrINS_11ApplicationESt14default_deleteIS1_EENS_10StringListE+0x336) [0x13b7066]
  86. ./starbound(main+0x457) [0x979947]
  87. /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fa4a361c830]
  88. ./starbound() [0x9875ec]
  89. [16:01:56.186] [Error] Could not instantiate item '[fu_growingtray, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'fu_growingtray'
  90. [16:01:56.187] [Error] Could not instantiate item '[eggincubator, 2, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'eggincubator'
  91. [16:01:56.187] [Error] Could not instantiate item '[farmwell, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'farmwell'
  92. [16:01:56.187] [Error] Could not instantiate item '[fu_grassbed, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'fu_grassbed'
  93. [16:01:56.193] [Error] Could not instantiate item '[enhancedstoragematerial, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'enhancedstoragematerial'
  94. [16:01:56.195] [Error] Could not instantiate item '[stonespear, 1, {"primaryAbilityType":"spearstab","altAbilityType":"flurry"}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'stonespear'
  95. [16:01:56.195] [Error] Could not instantiate item '[woodenkatana, 1, {"primaryAbilityType":"broadswordcombo"}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'woodenkatana'
  96. [16:01:56.195] [Error] Could not instantiate item '[beamaxehylotl, 1, {"upgrades":["liquidcollection","liquidcollection","liquidcollection","liquidcollection"],"canCollectLiquid":true}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'beamaxehylotl'
  97. [16:01:56.199] [Error] Failed to valid player with uuid fcb549077a25323700bdf1c66075b049 : (StatusEffectDatabaseException) No such unique stat effect 'racehylotl'
  98. ./starbound(_ZN4Star13StarExceptionC2EPKcNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE+0x66) [0xaa85d6]
  99. ./starbound(_ZNK4Star20StatusEffectDatabase18uniqueEffectConfigERKNS_6StringE+0x16f3) [0x100c0c3]
  100. ./starbound(_ZN4Star16StatusController19addEphemeralEffectsERKNS_4ListINS_21EphemeralStatusEffectESaIS2_EEENS_5MaybeIiEE+0x104) [0xff5464]
  101. ./starbound(_ZN4Star16StatusController8diskLoadERKNS_4JsonE+0x4b7) [0xff7da7]
  102. ./starbound(_ZN4Star6PlayerC1ESt10shared_ptrINS_12PlayerConfigEERKNS_4JsonE+0x88c) [0xe8cc3c]
  103. ./starbound(_ZNK4Star13PlayerFactory14diskLoadPlayerERKNS_4JsonE+0x79) [0xeb4f89]
  104. ./starbound(_ZNK4Star13EntityFactory14diskLoadEntityENS_10EntityTypeERKNS_4JsonE+0x119) [0xc50bf9]
  105. ./starbound(_ZN4Star13PlayerStorageC1ERKNS_6StringE+0xa02) [0xedcd42]
  106. ./starbound(_ZN4Star17ClientApplication11changeStateENS0_12MainAppStateE+0xb1a) [0x98b82a]
  107. ./starbound(_ZN4Star17ClientApplication6updateEv+0x1a0) [0x9908b0]
  108. ./starbound(_ZN4Star18runMainApplicationESt10unique_ptrINS_11ApplicationESt14default_deleteIS1_EENS_10StringListE+0x336) [0x13b7066]
  109. ./starbound(main+0x457) [0x979947]
  110. /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fa4a361c830]
  111. ./starbound() [0x9875ec]
  112. [16:01:56.288] [Error] Could not instantiate item '[uncommonassaultrifle, 1, {"seed":-1846470078660445809,"shortdescription":"CroEx Fluxexpeller","altAbilityType":"bouncingshot","level":2,"elementalType":"radioactive","animationPartVariants":{"middle":8,"barrel":22,"butt":14},"primaryAbility":{"fireTimeFactor":0.664897,"baseDpsFactor":0.827389,"energyUsageFactor":0.761754}}]'. (LuaException) Error code 2, [string "/scripts/util.lua"]:553: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
  113. stack traceback:
  114. [C]: in ?
  115. [C]: in function '_ENV.pairs'
  116. [string "/scripts/util.lua"]:553: in field 'mergeTable'
  117. [string "/items/buildscripts/buildweapon.lua"]:52: in function <[string "/items/buildscripts/buildweapon.lua"]:7>
  118. [16:01:56.292] [Warn] Unique status effect 'lowgrav_fallspeed' not found in status effect database
  119. [16:01:56.296] [Error] Failed to valid player with uuid 46ccd9b4bba548541a9bfc550f5a18f7 : (StatusEffectDatabaseException) No such unique stat effect 'swimboost2'
  120. ./starbound(_ZN4Star13StarExceptionC2EPKcNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE+0x66) [0xaa85d6]
  121. ./starbound(_ZNK4Star20StatusEffectDatabase18uniqueEffectConfigERKNS_6StringE+0x16f3) [0x100c0c3]
  122. ./starbound(_ZN4Star16StatusController19addEphemeralEffectsERKNS_4ListINS_21EphemeralStatusEffectESaIS2_EEENS_5MaybeIiEE+0x104) [0xff5464]
  123. ./starbound(_ZN4Star16StatusController8diskLoadERKNS_4JsonE+0x4b7) [0xff7da7]
  124. ./starbound(_ZN4Star6PlayerC1ESt10shared_ptrINS_12PlayerConfigEERKNS_4JsonE+0x88c) [0xe8cc3c]
  125. ./starbound(_ZNK4Star13PlayerFactory14diskLoadPlayerERKNS_4JsonE+0x79) [0xeb4f89]
  126. ./starbound(_ZNK4Star13EntityFactory14diskLoadEntityENS_10EntityTypeERKNS_4JsonE+0x119) [0xc50bf9]
  127. ./starbound(_ZN4Star13PlayerStorageC1ERKNS_6StringE+0xa02) [0xedcd42]
  128. ./starbound(_ZN4Star17ClientApplication11changeStateENS0_12MainAppStateE+0xb1a) [0x98b82a]
  129. ./starbound(_ZN4Star17ClientApplication6updateEv+0x1a0) [0x9908b0]
  130. ./starbound(_ZN4Star18runMainApplicationESt10unique_ptrINS_11ApplicationESt14default_deleteIS1_EENS_10StringListE+0x336) [0x13b7066]
  131. ./starbound(main+0x457) [0x979947]
  132. /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fa4a361c830]
  133. ./starbound() [0x9875ec]
  134. [16:01:56.502] [Info] detected supported OpenGL texture size 16384, using atlasNumCells 256
  135. [16:02:00.567] [Info] Root: Writing runtime configuration to '../storage/starbound.config'
  136. [16:02:05.583] [Info] Root: Writing runtime configuration to '../storage/starbound.config'
  137. [16:02:13.631] [Info] UniverseClient: Joined server as client 1694
  138. [16:02:13.837] [Info] detected supported OpenGL texture size 16384, using atlasNumCells 64
  139. [16:02:13.837] [Info] detected supported OpenGL texture size 16384, using atlasNumCells 128
  140. [16:02:13.845] [Info] detected supported OpenGL texture size 16384, using atlasNumCells 256
  141. [16:02:13.845] [Info] detected supported OpenGL texture size 16384, using atlasNumCells 256
  142. [16:02:13.863] [Info] Setting steam rich presence connection as address
  143. [16:02:20.656] [Info] Chat: <Kilick> well thats fine
  144. [16:02:22.974] [Info] Chat: <Rhaegar> b o r e d
  145. [16:02:24.826] [Info] Chat: <Rhaegar> jk
  146. [16:02:26.077] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> what are you trying to reskin?
  147. [16:02:31.648] [Info] Chat: <Rhaegar> Finally found the Star I want
  148. [16:02:31.648] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Nightheart' connected
  149. [16:02:35.618] [Info] Root: Writing runtime configuration to '../storage/starbound.config'
  150. [16:02:37.369] [Info] Chat: <Ebia> get ready
  151. [16:02:37.652] [Info] Chat: <Nightheart> neutron
  152. [16:02:40.287] [Info] Chat: <Ebia> that monster 1 shots you
  153. [16:02:40.621] [Info] Root: Writing runtime configuration to '../storage/starbound.config'
  154. [16:02:49.391] [Info] Chat: <Kilick> well ive been making them from scratch
  155. [16:02:53.331] [Info] Chat: <server> Player '^#00FFFF;Skipper' connected
  156. [16:02:59.419] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Nightheart' disconnected
  157. [16:03:00.370] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Green cloud' disconnected
  158. [16:03:03.594] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> nice
  159. [16:03:04.846] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Nightheart' connected
  160. [16:03:07.849] [Info] Chat: <Ebia> are your eady
  161. [16:03:10.847] [Info] Chat: <Ebia> the boss is soon
  162. [16:03:11.566] [Info] Chat: <Tabemono> yep
  163. [16:03:13.250] [Info] Chat: <Kilick> i just dunno how to add em
  164. [16:03:16.502] [Info] Chat: <Ebia> you cant shoot it
  165. [16:03:17.787] [Info] Chat: <Ebia> you need lasers
  166. [16:03:19.539] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Barnabas' disconnected
  167. [16:03:22.524] [Info] Chat: <Nightheart> moin
  168. [16:03:22.524] [Info] Chat: <Ebia> its complicated
  169. [16:03:22.958] [Info] Chat: <Neutron> hallo chiburak
  170. [16:03:29.575] [Info] Chat: <Ebia> how about you dont do it
  171. [16:03:36.170] [Info] Chat: <Ebia> oh ok
  172. [16:03:37.789] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> when you get the single texture directive code from the drawables generator
  173. [16:03:45.278] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Jonseon' disconnected
  174. [16:03:49.103] [Info] Chat: <Ebia> you can wait outside the door
  175. [16:03:50.648] [Info] Chat: <Blue> haha
  176. [16:03:51.354] [Info] Chat: <server> Player '^#0ac9ff;Malachi^reset;' connected
  177. [16:04:02.374] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> you copy that code and paste it next to /assetmissing.png on something like notepad
  178. [16:04:11.975] [Info] Chat: <Nightheart> Neutronbanger
  179. [16:04:14.360] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
  180. [16:04:17.617] [Info] Chat: <Kilick> you do discord right?
  181. [16:04:23.421] [Info] Chat: <Ebia> okay
  182. [16:04:24.086] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> yup
  183. [16:04:25.136] [Info] Chat: <Ebia> you wait outside
  184. [16:04:26.906] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Barracuda' disconnected
  185. [16:04:30.374] [Info] Chat: <Ebia> dont go through the keydoor
  186. [16:04:32.326] [Info] Chat: <Ebia> until i tell you
  187. [16:04:34.044] [Info] Chat: <Ebia> here
  188. [16:04:34.044] [Info] Chat: <Kilick> uhh do you talk?
  189. [16:04:41.533] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'SpaceWaffle' disconnected
  190. [16:04:50.240] [Info] Chat: <server> Player '^#606060;Ignis^reset;' disconnected
  191. [16:04:53.326] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
  192. [16:04:53.924] [Info] Chat: <Blue> How do you get staff?
  193. [16:04:53.924] [Info] Chat: <Ebia> have a banana while im gone
  194. [16:04:53.924] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Storm' connected
  195. [16:04:54.292] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> nope i dont do voice chat on anything outside my guild in MMOs
  196. [16:04:55.876] [Info] Chat: <server> Player '^red;kat' connected
  197. [16:05:00.697] [Info] Root: Writing runtime configuration to '../storage/starbound.config'
  198. [16:05:05.699] [Info] Root: Writing runtime configuration to '../storage/starbound.config'
  199. [16:05:10.487] [Info] Chat: <^red;kat> i crashed
  200. [16:05:11.889] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Storm' disconnected
  201. [16:05:13.957] [Info] Chat: <Alvin> how did you get that mask?
  202. [16:05:14.174] [Info] Chat: <Nightheart> how do i play this game
  203. [16:05:15.707] [Info] Root: Writing runtime configuration to '../storage/starbound.config'
  204. [16:05:15.992] [Info] Chat: <ReaVe> anybody helpme for erchius mining ...
  205. [16:05:17.311] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Guy' connected
  206. [16:05:19.961] [Info] Chat: <Nightheart> Patrick Uthe
  207. [16:05:23.456] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Barnabas' connected
  208. [16:05:27.825] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> its a recolor of the plaguemaster mask
  209. [16:05:39.687] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> I just made it more defined with the colors
  210. [16:05:39.967] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Snow' connected
  211. [16:05:48.957] [Info] Chat: <Alvin> cool
  212. [16:05:55.062] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Ebia' disconnected
  213. [16:06:00.666] [Info] Chat: <Kilick> so you dont really voice chat right?
  214. [16:06:08.302] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Barnabas' disconnected
  215. [16:06:08.715] [Info] Chat: <server> Player '^#FFFFFF;[^#9d1919;F^#ab1616;e^#b91212;n^#c70f0f;n^#d50b0b;i^#e30808;x^#f10404;i^#ff0000;s^#FFFFFF;]' connected
  216. [16:06:09.016] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> cause in vanilla the black part is faded black and the mask is more beige
  217. [16:06:11.985] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
  218. [16:06:12.283] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> nope
  219. [16:06:17.106] [Info] Chat: <Kilick> hmm
  220. [16:06:17.674] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Sino' connected
  221. [16:06:18.007] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> i dont voice chat
  222. [16:06:27.031] [Info] Chat: <Alvin> where do you find it?
  223. [16:06:34.397] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Ebia' connected
  224. [16:06:36.206] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Storm' connected
  225. [16:06:39.659] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Storm' disconnected
  226. [16:06:42.829] [Info] Chat: <Ebia> mog
  227. [16:06:44.387] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> its usually random in chests like every other legendary hat
  228. [16:06:45.313] [Info] Chat: <Ebia> i crashed
  229. [16:06:50.828] [Info] Chat: <Ebia> who was i helping?
  230. [16:06:52.052] [Info] Chat: <Alvin> thabnks
  231. [16:06:54.155] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> np
  232. [16:06:56.155] [Info] Chat: <Alvin> thanks*
  233. [16:06:58.257] [Info] Chat: <Tabemono> tabemono
  234. [16:07:01.476] [Info] Chat: <Ebia> sorry
  235. [16:07:06.335] [Info] Chat: <Tabemono> np
  236. [16:07:16.004] [Info] Chat: <Kilick> are you in discord right now cuz if you give me the directions in there i can see it right on top and i dont have to find it
  237. [16:07:35.268] [Info] Chat: <Tabemono> can you tele to me?
  238. [16:07:39.056] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Lichi' connected
  239. [16:07:40.357] [Info] Chat: <^#FFFFFF;[^#9d1919;F^#ab1616;e^#b91212;n^#c70f0f;n^#d50b0b;i^#e30808;x^#f10404;i^#ff0000;s^#FFFFFF;]> i need ur poke cuz on mine the sfx doesnt work
  240. [16:07:43.503] [Info] Chat: <Blue> WTC
  241. [16:07:43.503] [Info] Chat: <Tabemono> if not mb I can handle the boss
  242. [16:07:44.810] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Ebia' disconnected
  243. [16:07:53.316] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Lichi' disconnected
  244. [16:07:57.286] [Info] Chat: <^#00fff4;S^#05d5f6;t^#09aaf8;e^#0d80fa;p^#1255fc;h^#162bfe;e^#1a00ff;n^reset;> maybe
  245. [16:08:01.705] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Lichi' connected
  246. [16:08:06.825] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> not on atm currently busy
  247. [16:08:07.776] [Info] Chat: <^#00fff4;S^#05d5f6;t^#09aaf8;e^#0d80fa;p^#1255fc;h^#162bfe;e^#1a00ff;n^reset;> ill try to find the noise once more
  248. [16:08:11.480] [Info] Chat: <Kilick> ok
  249. [16:08:12.503] [Info] Chat: <Blue> how do you sit in air?
  250. [16:08:18.768] [Info] Chat: <^#FFFFFF;[^#9d1919;F^#ab1616;e^#b91212;n^#c70f0f;n^#d50b0b;i^#e30808;x^#f10404;i^#ff0000;s^#FFFFFF;]> Magic
  251. [16:08:20.336] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Lichi' disconnected
  252. [16:08:21.805] [Info] Chat: <Alvin> a feranox?
  253. [16:08:26.691] [Info] Chat: <Blue> i hate that answer
  254. [16:08:26.691] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Lichi' connected
  255. [16:08:29.759] [Info] Chat: <Alvin> feranox
  256. [16:08:33.964] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Snow' disconnected
  257. [16:08:34.564] [Info] Chat: <^#FFFFFF;[^#9d1919;F^#ab1616;e^#b91212;n^#c70f0f;n^#d50b0b;i^#e30808;x^#f10404;i^#ff0000;s^#FFFFFF;]> it a mod oc
  258. [16:08:36.432] [Info] Chat: <Kilick> im not typeing in looking throgh chat
  259. [16:08:37.566] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Ebia' connected
  260. [16:08:39.272] [Info] Chat: <Alvin> fopnox
  261. [16:08:40.202] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
  262. [16:08:40.968] [Info] Chat: <Blue> i figured that :P
  263. [16:08:49.674] [Info] Chat: <Alvin> how do you say it?
  264. [16:08:57.230] [Info] Chat: <Ebia> tabemon i keep crashing when i enter that room for some reason
  265. [16:09:03.585] [Info] Chat: <Blue> what mod?
  266. [16:09:04.952] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Sino' disconnected
  267. [16:09:04.952] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Lichi' disconnected
  268. [16:09:05.619] [Info] Chat: <Kilick> dammit
  269. [16:09:16.728] [Info] Chat: <^#FFFFFF;[^#9d1919;F^#ab1616;e^#b91212;n^#c70f0f;n^#d50b0b;i^#e30808;x^#f10404;i^#ff0000;s^#FFFFFF;]> i use Aurora sb 1.3
  270. [16:09:21.882] [Info] Chat: <Blue> ah
  271. [16:09:26.535] [Info] Chat: <Blue> i see
  272. [16:09:27.520] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Metahn' disconnected
  273. [16:09:29.988] [Info] Chat: <^#00fff4;S^#05d5f6;t^#09aaf8;e^#0d80fa;p^#1255fc;h^#162bfe;e^#1a00ff;n^reset;> got it
  274. [16:09:41.730] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Snow' connected
  275. [16:09:41.932] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'ReaVe' disconnected
  276. [16:09:44.400] [Info] Chat: <^#00fff4;S^#05d5f6;t^#09aaf8;e^#0d80fa;p^#1255fc;h^#162bfe;e^#1a00ff;n^reset;> there was one letter that caused the crash
  277. [16:09:48.486] [Info] Chat: <^#00fff4;S^#05d5f6;t^#09aaf8;e^#0d80fa;p^#1255fc;h^#162bfe;e^#1a00ff;n^reset;> i tis /sfx/npc/monster/monster_hop.ogg
  278. [16:09:50.571] [Info] Chat: <^#FFFFFF;[^#9d1919;F^#ab1616;e^#b91212;n^#c70f0f;n^#d50b0b;i^#e30808;x^#f10404;i^#ff0000;s^#FFFFFF;]> :/
  279. [16:09:51.305] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Snow' disconnected
  280. [16:09:56.742] [Info] Chat: <^#FFFFFF;[^#9d1919;F^#ab1616;e^#b91212;n^#c70f0f;n^#d50b0b;i^#e30808;x^#f10404;i^#ff0000;s^#FFFFFF;]> ah
  281. [16:10:04.531] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Storm' connected
  282. [16:10:24.713] [Info] Chat: <Alvin> well thats creepy...
  283. [16:10:41.728] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Storm' disconnected
  284. [16:10:56.505] [Info] Chat: <Kilick> brb
  285. [16:10:58.291] [Info] Chat: <^#00fff4;S^#05d5f6;t^#09aaf8;e^#0d80fa;p^#1255fc;h^#162bfe;e^#1a00ff;n^reset;> nothing?
  286. [16:11:01.893] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Snow' connected
  287. [16:11:02.177] [Info] Chat: <^#FFFFFF;[^#9d1919;F^#ab1616;e^#b91212;n^#c70f0f;n^#d50b0b;i^#e30808;x^#f10404;i^#ff0000;s^#FFFFFF;]> nope
  288. [16:11:04.430] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Guy' disconnected
  289. [16:11:12.068] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Snow' disconnected
  290. [16:11:15.988] [Info] Chat: <^#00fff4;S^#05d5f6;t^#09aaf8;e^#0d80fa;p^#1255fc;h^#162bfe;e^#1a00ff;n^reset;> can i have it and try to add it?
  291. [16:11:32.334] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'King' disconnected
  292. [16:11:40.256] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'King' connected
  293. [16:11:41.107] [Info] Chat: <Alvin> wut
  294. [16:11:51.485] [Info] Chat: <Alvin> it turned into a gun
  295. [16:11:51.485] [Info] Chat: <server> Player '^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;' connected
  296. [16:11:54.901] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Snow' connected
  297. [16:11:55.920] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> ???
  298. [16:12:01.091] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> ur instrument?
  299. [16:12:05.477] [Info] Chat: <Alvin> YES
  300. [16:12:08.729] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> wdf lol
  301. [16:12:21.239] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> eyy nice
  302. [16:12:22.440] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> Clock
  303. [16:12:22.924] [Info] Chat: <^#FFFFFF;[^#9d1919;F^#ab1616;e^#b91212;n^#c70f0f;n^#d50b0b;i^#e30808;x^#f10404;i^#ff0000;s^#FFFFFF;]> strange
  304. [16:12:31.630] [Info] Chat: <Blue> Is there a way i can disguise as a girl? (i just wanted to be silly) xD
  305. [16:12:37.217] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> lol
  306. [16:12:39.687] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Neutron' disconnected
  307. [16:12:41.654] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Nightheart' disconnected
  308. [16:12:46.241] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> I made it earlier today :P
  309. [16:12:51.295] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> haha awesome
  310. [16:12:55.349] [Info] Chat: <Blue> How do i get it?
  311. [16:13:05.806] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> I like the combo
  312. [16:13:09.776] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> it just works for it xD
  313. [16:13:13.162] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> yeah fits the theme of the sword
  314. [16:13:18.634] [Info] Chat: <Alvin> FEEL MY POWER
  315. [16:13:19.034] [Info] Chat: <Kilick> deadeye
  316. [16:13:23.355] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> ?
  317. [16:13:29.292] [Info] Chat: <Alvin> wrong one
  318. [16:13:34.780] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> Ay
  319. [16:13:36.014] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> Nice
  320. [16:13:39.116] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> xD
  321. [16:13:43.220] [Info] Chat: <Alvin> thats it
  322. [16:13:44.070] [Info] Chat: <^#00fff4;S^#05d5f6;t^#09aaf8;e^#0d80fa;p^#1255fc;h^#162bfe;e^#1a00ff;n^reset;> strange
  323. [16:13:45.554] [Info] Chat: <Blue> So can i disguise as one?
  324. [16:13:45.855] [Info] Chat: <Kilick> to remove the white backround do u use magic wand?
  325. [16:13:50.241] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> its supposed to buff you but ti dosent work here
  326. [16:13:55.579] [Info] Chat: <^#FFFFFF;[^#9d1919;F^#ab1616;e^#b91212;n^#c70f0f;n^#d50b0b;i^#e30808;x^#f10404;i^#ff0000;s^#FFFFFF;]> ye right
  327. [16:13:59.800] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> lol
  328. [16:14:00.700] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Guy' connected
  329. [16:14:04.752] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Derco' connected
  330. [16:14:07.688] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> oh i dont work with a white background to begin with
  331. [16:14:11.407] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> I made another mod :P
  332. [16:14:11.408] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> i usually remove that first
  333. [16:14:16.112] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> then sprite
  334. [16:14:25.035] [Info] Chat: <Kilick> ye well i forgot to :l
  335. [16:14:25.302] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> another mod?
  336. [16:14:25.719] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> Don
  337. [16:14:31.724] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> use magic wand then
  338. [16:14:41.466] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> You know the new mod that spawnable items uses?
  339. [16:14:42.816] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> select the background then delete
  340. [16:14:45.469] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> Quickbar mini
  341. [16:14:46.753] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> yes
  342. [16:14:49.004] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Annice' connected
  343. [16:14:51.506] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> Well....
  344. [16:14:56.176] [Info] Chat: <server> Player '^#0ac9ff;Malachi^reset;' disconnected
  345. [16:14:59.463] [Info] Chat: <Kilick> ye its not picking up all the sprites doa
  346. [16:15:05.716] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> It doesn't allow for Manipulated UI
  347. [16:15:13.062] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> So I can't use Rexmecks with it
  348. [16:15:13.062] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> yeah
  349. [16:15:13.694] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Ebia' disconnected
  350. [16:15:16.807] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> i had to unsubscribe
  351. [16:15:21.358] [Info] Chat: <Blue> I am a programmer
  352. [16:15:21.358] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> So I made Chaotic UI
  353. [16:15:24.891] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> oh?
  354. [16:15:25.622] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Derco' disconnected
  355. [16:15:27.307] [Info] Chat: <Blue> I program with java and c#
  356. [16:15:30.086] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Эдвин' connected
  357. [16:15:34.023] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Guy' disconnected
  358. [16:15:34.023] [Info] Chat: <Blue> i make plugins for minecraft
  359. [16:15:36.793] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Annice' disconnected
  360. [16:15:38.376] [Info] Chat: <^#00fff4;S^#05d5f6;t^#09aaf8;e^#0d80fa;p^#1255fc;h^#162bfe;e^#1a00ff;n^reset;> i have no idea
  361. [16:15:42.247] [Info] Chat: <Blue> i haven't made a sb mod yet...
  362. [16:15:47.422] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> It changes the manipulator of the quickbar mini
  363. [16:15:51.040] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> change the tolerence btw
  364. [16:15:59.397] [Info] Chat: <Alvin> there we go
  365. [16:16:09.503] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> into a a new version of Manipulated UI
  366. [16:16:13.525] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Эдвин' disconnected
  367. [16:16:16.459] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> niice
  368. [16:16:18.943] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> Which I called Chaotic UI
  369. [16:16:21.015] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Derco' connected
  370. [16:16:29.371] [Info] Chat: <^#FFFFFF;[^#9d1919;F^#ab1616;e^#b91212;n^#c70f0f;n^#d50b0b;i^#e30808;x^#f10404;i^#ff0000;s^#FFFFFF;]> just gimme ur poke
  371. [16:16:29.667] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> I modified Rexmecks also :P
  372. [16:16:37.309] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> So that it would work with Chaotic
  373. [16:16:38.059] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Atomica-X-45-Gol' connected
  374. [16:16:40.658] [Info] Chat: <^#00fff4;S^#05d5f6;t^#09aaf8;e^#0d80fa;p^#1255fc;h^#162bfe;e^#1a00ff;n^reset;> its there
  375. [16:16:47.635] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Atomica-X-45-Gol' disconnected
  376. [16:16:47.635] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> haha thats awesome
  377. [16:16:49.067] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> Also I made it purple
  378. [16:16:49.067] [Info] Chat: <server> Player '^#0ac9ff;Malachi^reset;' connected
  379. [16:16:50.468] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> xD
  380. [16:16:53.722] [Info] Chat: <^#FFFFFF;[^#9d1919;F^#ab1616;e^#b91212;n^#c70f0f;n^#d50b0b;i^#e30808;x^#f10404;i^#ff0000;s^#FFFFFF;]> kay thanks
  381. [16:16:54.805] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> figured lmao
  382. [16:16:54.805] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'puzzle' connected
  383. [16:16:56.106] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> all of it :P
  384. [16:16:57.891] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> xD
  385. [16:17:05.230] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'yu' connected
  386. [16:17:07.178] [Info] Chat: <puzzle> hello Andras.
  387. [16:17:11.281] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
  388. [16:17:17.954] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> if you want i could send you both of them over discord
  389. [16:17:18.029] [Error] Could not load image asset '/humanoid/novakid/hair/ns12.png', using placeholder default.
  390. (AssetException) No such asset '/humanoid/novakid/hair/ns12.png'
  391. [16:17:18.029] [Error] Could not load image asset '/humanoid/novakid/hair/ns12.png:normal', using placeholder default.
  392. (AssetException) No associated frames file found for image '/humanoid/novakid/hair/ns12.png' while resolving image frame '/humanoid/novakid/hair/ns12.png:normal'
  393. [16:17:31.795] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> im waiting for the change from rexmeck to use quickbar mini
  394. [16:17:37.722] [Info] Chat: <puzzle> yeah..
  395. [16:17:39.236] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> Ye
  396. [16:17:42.602] [Info] Chat: <Alvin> awwwww
  397. [16:17:45.955] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> I couldn't wait xD
  398. [16:17:45.955] [Info] Chat: <puzzle> same deadass don
  399. [16:17:47.587] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> lol
  400. [16:17:50.456] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Derco' disconnected
  401. [16:17:53.918] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> So I just did this myself :P
  402. [16:17:59.109] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> xD
  403. [16:18:00.859] [Error] Could not load audio asset '/sfx/npc/monster/monster_hop.ogg', using placeholder default.
  404. (AssetException) No such asset '/sfx/npc/monster/monster_hop.ogg'
  405. [16:18:10.473] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> thats awesome you managed to do it tho
  406. [16:18:12.526] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> and make it work
  407. [16:18:18.336] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> In 1 day btw
  408. [16:18:22.322] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> yesterday
  409. [16:18:22.989] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> xD
  410. [16:18:26.528] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> good shit lol
  411. [16:18:36.792] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> I got tired of not having rexmecks
  412. [16:18:43.669] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> and no sign of an update...
  413. [16:18:47.137] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> So I did it myself :P
  414. [16:18:47.138] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> i did the opposite
  415. [16:18:49.374] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> xD
  416. [16:18:49.888] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'King' disconnected
  417. [16:18:52.245] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> ?
  418. [16:18:53.142] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> i kept rexmeck and got rid of spawnable items
  419. [16:18:58.125] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> Ye?
  420. [16:18:58.125] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'King' connected
  421. [16:19:03.220] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> I got an old version
  422. [16:19:04.752] [Info] Chat: <Blue> Stephen how are you sitting on air?
  423. [16:19:09.124] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'Somsnosa' connected
  424. [16:19:13.150] [Info] Chat: <Blue> is the item from the mall?
  425. [16:19:14.080] [Error] Could not load audio asset '/sfx/npc/monster/monster_hop.ogg', using placeholder default.
  426. (AssetException) No such asset '/sfx/npc/monster/monster_hop.ogg'
  427. [16:19:14.081] [Info] Chat: <^#00fff4;S^#05d5f6;t^#09aaf8;e^#0d80fa;p^#1255fc;h^#162bfe;e^#1a00ff;n^reset;> hax
  428. [16:19:15.048] [Info] Chat: <Alvin> its a mod
  429. [16:19:19.738] [Info] Chat: <Blue> is the item from the mall?
  430. [16:19:20.088] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> I could give it to you if you want :P
  431. [16:19:22.917] [Info] Chat: <Alvin> its a mod
  432. [16:19:24.865] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> the old one
  433. [16:19:27.373] [Info] Chat: <Blue> is the item from the mall?
  434. [16:19:29.620] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> lol sure why not
  435. [16:19:33.330] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> k
  436. [16:19:40.230] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> Spawnable items?
  437. [16:19:43.527] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> right? xD
  438. [16:19:43.681] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> yes
  439. [16:19:46.114] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> k
  440. [16:19:54.019] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> ok
  441. [16:19:55.172] [Info] Chat: <Blue> are ya'll admins?
  442. [16:20:00.816] [Error] Could not load audio asset '/sfx/npc/monster/monster_hop.ogg', using placeholder default.
  443. (AssetException) No such asset '/sfx/npc/monster/monster_hop.ogg'
  444. [16:20:00.952] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> Nope
  445. [16:20:05.973] [Info] Chat: <Blue> wen i say admin, i mean staff
  446. [16:20:09.634] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
  447. [16:20:11.336] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> not at all
  448. [16:20:11.337] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> did you change the tolerence of the magic wand?
  449. [16:20:21.579] [Info] Chat: <^#00fff4;S^#05d5f6;t^#09aaf8;e^#0d80fa;p^#1255fc;h^#162bfe;e^#1a00ff;n^reset;> ayy chaos
  450. [16:20:23.365] [Info] Chat: <Blue> Can i use outside mods?
  451. [16:20:27.118] [Info] Chat: <Somsnosa> whats up yall i think dogs should vote
  452. [16:20:35.208] [Info] Chat: <Alvin> no.
  453. [16:20:39.461] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> no singleplayer/race mods
  454. [16:20:44.983] [Info] Chat: <Alvin> birds should
  455. [16:20:46.850] [Info] Chat: <server> Player 'puzzle' disconnected
  456. [16:20:47.818] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
  457. [16:20:49.218] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> they need to be multiplayer friendly
  458. [16:20:51.670] [Info] Chat: <Somsnosa> true!
  459. [16:20:52.854] [Info] Chat: <Blue> ah
  460. [16:20:56.584] [Info] Chat: <Alvin> :D
  461. [16:20:59.458] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
  462. [16:21:02.718] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> k
  463. [16:21:02.766] [Info] Chat: <Somsnosa> birds should vote as well
  464. [16:21:02.766] [Info] Chat: <Blue> kk
  465. [16:21:04.889] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> In discord Don
  466. [16:21:07.823] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> kk
  467. [16:21:11.560] [Info] Chat: <^#F40E0E;Dead^#F21010;eye ^#FCF9F9;Don^reset;> ty
  468. [16:21:12.165] [Info] Chat: <Alvin> yes
  469. [16:21:14.148] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
  470. [16:21:14.927] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> Jowdy Fennix
  471. [16:21:18.772] [Info] Chat: <^#FFFFFF;[^#9d1919;F^#ab1616;e^#b91212;n^#c70f0f;n^#d50b0b;i^#e30808;x^#f10404;i^#ff0000;s^#FFFFFF;]> heyo
  472. [16:21:23.926] [Info] Chat: <Somsnosa> wait what would we vote for is there like an intergalactic president
  473. [16:21:28.063] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
  474. [16:21:36.689] [Info] Chat: <^#FFFFFF;[^#9d1919;F^#ab1616;e^#b91212;n^#c70f0f;n^#d50b0b;i^#e30808;x^#f10404;i^#ff0000;s^#FFFFFF;]> i have an ask how do ya color ur distortion sphere?
  475. [16:21:38.289] [Info] Chat: <Alvin> erm... a new earth?
  476. [16:21:44.644] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> Hm?
  477. [16:21:45.979] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> Oh
  478. [16:21:46.985] [Info] Chat: <Somsnosa> good idea!
  479. [16:21:49.354] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> With a mod
  480. [16:21:50.803] [Info] Chat: <^#FFFFFF;[^#9d1919;F^#ab1616;e^#b91212;n^#c70f0f;n^#d50b0b;i^#e30808;x^#f10404;i^#ff0000;s^#FFFFFF;]> yeah
  481. [16:21:58.721] [Info] Chat: <^#FFFFFF;[^#9d1919;F^#ab1616;e^#b91212;n^#c70f0f;n^#d50b0b;i^#e30808;x^#f10404;i^#ff0000;s^#FFFFFF;]> wich?
  482. [16:21:59.475] [Info] UniverseClient: Client disconnecting...
  483. [16:21:59.926] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
  484. [16:22:00.115] [Info] Clearing steam rich presence connection
  485. [16:22:02.814] [Info] UniverseServer: Acquiring universe lock file
  486. [16:22:02.859] [Info] UniverseServer: Loading settings
  487. [16:22:02.865] [Info] UniverseServer: Starting UniverseServer with UUID: 9b88aa58f1af81531647508f2efcf2f3
  488. [16:22:02.884] [Info] UniverseServer: Logged in player 'Shinji Ikari' locally
  489. [16:22:02.884] [Info] UniverseServer: Logged in account '<anonymous>' as player 'Shinji Ikari' from address local
  490. [16:22:02.886] [Info] UniverseServer: Loading system world (-552134028, -319970362, -177986828) from disk storage
  491. [16:22:02.891] [Info] UniverseClient: Joined server as client 1
  492. [16:22:02.946] [Info] UniverseServer: Reviving player at ClientShipWorld:2cd74bd511a4e088d9f37d2351bc5807
  493. [16:22:02.946] [Info] UniverseServer: Client 'Shinji Ikari' <1> (local) connected
  494. [16:22:02.977] [Info] UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:2cd74bd511a4e088d9f37d2351bc5807
  495. [16:22:03.094] [Info] detected supported OpenGL texture size 16384, using atlasNumCells 64
  496. [16:22:03.094] [Info] detected supported OpenGL texture size 16384, using atlasNumCells 128
  497. [16:22:03.102] [Info] detected supported OpenGL texture size 16384, using atlasNumCells 256
  498. [16:22:03.102] [Info] detected supported OpenGL texture size 16384, using atlasNumCells 256
  499. [16:22:03.102] [Info] Setting steam rich presence connection as steam id 76561198051190569
  500. [16:22:03.103] [Info] Chat: <^#e467ff;C^#dc3bff;h^#ca0af3;a^#ab04cf;o^#9002af;s ^#ffaf51;A^#fb961f;n^#df7900;d^#b66200;r^#884a00;a^#5c3200;s^reset;> You want a red one? :P
  501. [16:22:03.168] [Info] Protected dungeonIds for world set to (65524)
  502. [16:22:03.647] [Info] UniverseServer: Warping player 1 to ClientShipWorld:2cd74bd511a4e088d9f37d2351bc5807=1030.41.1036
  503. [16:22:16.210] [Info] Flying ship for player 1 to -552134028:-319970362:-177986828
  504. [16:22:37.041] [Info] UniverseServer: Arriving ship for player 1 at -552134028:-319970362:-177986828
  505. [16:22:47.099] [Info] UniverseServer: Creating temporary instance world 'InstanceWorld:researchship:631e1c370ccfbe883259609c134acf56:1' with expiry time 600000
  506. [16:22:47.241] [Info] Protected dungeonIds for world set to (65524)
  507. [16:22:47.241] [Info] Placing dungeon researchship
  508. [16:22:47.241] [Info] Forcing generation of dungeon researchship
  509. [16:22:47.241] [Info] Placing dungeon at (0, 150)
  510. [16:22:47.506] [Info] Protected dungeonIds for world set to (0, 65524)
  511. [16:22:47.796] [Info] UniverseServer: Warping player 1 to InstanceWorld:researchship:631e1c370ccfbe883259609c134acf56:1
  512. [16:22:47.804] [Info] UniverseServer: Stopping idle world ClientShipWorld:2cd74bd511a4e088d9f37d2351bc5807
  513. [16:22:47.809] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
  514. [16:23:38.619] [Info] UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:2cd74bd511a4e088d9f37d2351bc5807
  515. [16:23:38.781] [Info] Protected dungeonIds for world set to (65524)
  516. [16:23:39.193] [Info] UniverseServer: Warping player 1 to ClientShipWorld:2cd74bd511a4e088d9f37d2351bc5807
  517. [16:23:39.202] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
  518. [16:23:39.272] [Info] UniverseServer: Stopping idle world InstanceWorld:researchship:631e1c370ccfbe883259609c134acf56:1
  519. [16:24:34.017] [Info] Flying ship for player 1 to -552134028:-319970362:-177986828
  520. [16:24:40.540] [Info] UniverseServer: Arriving ship for player 1 at -552134028:-319970362:-177986828
  521. [16:24:48.106] [Info] UniverseServer: Creating temporary instance world 'InstanceWorld:merchantindustrialship:7112587ab4bfaad6281806f21f31e038:1' with expiry time 600000
  522. [16:24:48.204] [Info] Protected dungeonIds for world set to (65524)
  523. [16:24:48.204] [Info] Placing dungeon merchantindustrialship
  524. [16:24:48.204] [Info] Forcing generation of dungeon merchantindustrialship
  525. [16:24:48.204] [Info] Placing dungeon at (0, 150)
  526. [16:24:48.425] [Info] Protected dungeonIds for world set to (0, 65524)
  527. [16:24:48.759] [Info] UniverseServer: Warping player 1 to InstanceWorld:merchantindustrialship:7112587ab4bfaad6281806f21f31e038:1
  528. [16:24:48.775] [Info] UniverseServer: Stopping idle world ClientShipWorld:2cd74bd511a4e088d9f37d2351bc5807
  529. [16:24:48.787] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
  530. [16:27:33.832] [Info] UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:2cd74bd511a4e088d9f37d2351bc5807
  531. [16:27:33.995] [Info] Protected dungeonIds for world set to (65524)
  532. [16:27:34.426] [Info] UniverseServer: Warping player 1 to ClientShipWorld:2cd74bd511a4e088d9f37d2351bc5807
  533. [16:27:34.434] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
  534. [16:27:34.442] [Info] UniverseServer: Stopping idle world InstanceWorld:merchantindustrialship:7112587ab4bfaad6281806f21f31e038:1
  535. [16:30:24.650] [Info] Flying ship for player 1 to -552134038:-319970345:-111080775
  536. [16:30:24.651] [Info] UniverseServer: Creating new system world at location (-552134038, -319970345, -111080775)
  537. [16:30:24.652] [Info] UniverseServer: Arriving ship for player 1 at -552134038:-319970345:-111080775
  538. [16:31:06.655] [Info] Flying ship for player 1 to -552134038:-319970345:-111080775
  539. [16:31:09.167] [Info] UniverseServer: Arriving ship for player 1 at -552134038:-319970345:-111080775
  540. [16:31:16.685] [Info] UniverseServer: Creating celestial world -552134038:-319970345:-111080775:11
  541. [16:31:16.861] [Info] Protected dungeonIds for world set to (65524)
  542. [16:31:17.393] [Info] UniverseServer: Warping player 1 to CelestialWorld:-552134038:-319970345:-111080775:11=427.918
  543. [16:31:17.406] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
  544. [16:31:17.886] [Info] UniverseServer: Stopping idle world ClientShipWorld:2cd74bd511a4e088d9f37d2351bc5807
  545. [16:33:11.822] [Info] Root: Writing runtime configuration to '../storage/starbound.config'
  546. [16:34:06.841] [Info] Root: Writing runtime configuration to '../storage/starbound.config'
  547. [16:34:08.453] [Info] UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:2cd74bd511a4e088d9f37d2351bc5807
  548. [16:34:08.605] [Info] Protected dungeonIds for world set to (65524)
  549. [16:34:09.034] [Info] UniverseServer: Warping player 1 to ClientShipWorld:2cd74bd511a4e088d9f37d2351bc5807
  550. [16:34:09.041] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
  551. [16:34:09.050] [Info] UniverseServer: Stopping idle world CelestialWorld:-552134038:-319970345:-111080775:11
  552. [16:34:39.128] [Info] UniverseServer: Expiring temporary world InstanceWorld:researchship:631e1c370ccfbe883259609c134acf56:1
  553. [16:35:30.773] [Info] Flying ship for player 1 to -552134038:-319970345:-111080775
  554. [16:35:37.795] [Info] UniverseServer: Arriving ship for player 1 at -552134038:-319970345:-111080775
  555. [16:35:50.405] [Info] Flying ship for player 1 to -552134038:-319970345:-111080775
  556. [16:35:57.226] [Info] UniverseServer: Arriving ship for player 1 at -552134038:-319970345:-111080775
  557. [16:36:01.901] [Info] Root: Writing runtime configuration to '../storage/starbound.config'
  558. [16:36:21.911] [Info] Root: Writing runtime configuration to '../storage/starbound.config'
  559. [16:36:24.617] [Info] Flying ship for player 1 to -552134038:-319970345:-111080775
  560. [16:36:27.122] [Info] UniverseServer: Arriving ship for player 1 at -552134038:-319970345:-111080775
  561. [16:36:37.214] [Info] UniverseServer: Creating temporary instance world 'InstanceWorld:spaceencounter:49088764fdc4328b749ce509fecacd52:3' with expiry time 600000
  562. [16:36:37.326] [Info] Protected dungeonIds for world set to (65524)
  563. [16:36:37.326] [Info] Placing dungeon spaceencounter
  564. [16:36:37.326] [Info] Forcing generation of dungeon spaceencounter
  565. [16:36:37.327] [Info] Placing dungeon at (0, 150)
  566. [16:36:38.365] [Info] Protected dungeonIds for world set to (0, 65524)
  567. [16:36:39.704] [Info] UniverseServer: Warping player 1 to InstanceWorld:spaceencounter:49088764fdc4328b749ce509fecacd52:3
  568. [16:36:40.205] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
  569. [16:36:40.207] [Info] UniverseServer: Stopping idle world ClientShipWorld:2cd74bd511a4e088d9f37d2351bc5807
  570. [16:38:34.123] [Info] UniverseServer: Expiring temporary world InstanceWorld:merchantindustrialship:7112587ab4bfaad6281806f21f31e038:1
  571. [16:38:59.918] [Info] UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:2cd74bd511a4e088d9f37d2351bc5807
  572. [16:39:00.073] [Info] Protected dungeonIds for world set to (65524)
  573. [16:39:00.496] [Info] UniverseServer: Warping player 1 to ClientShipWorld:2cd74bd511a4e088d9f37d2351bc5807
  574. [16:39:00.500] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
  575. [16:39:00.558] [Info] UniverseServer: Stopping idle world InstanceWorld:spaceencounter:49088764fdc4328b749ce509fecacd52:3
  576. [16:40:16.077] [Info] Flying ship for player 1 to -552134038:-319970345:-111080775
  577. [16:40:20.489] [Info] UniverseServer: Arriving ship for player 1 at -552134038:-319970345:-111080775
  578. [16:40:26.818] [Info] UniverseServer: Creating temporary instance world 'InstanceWorld:spaceencounter:d99f355cb5e460916bf50f8f381f8515:3' with expiry time 600000
  579. [16:40:26.944] [Info] Protected dungeonIds for world set to (65524)
  580. [16:40:26.944] [Info] Placing dungeon spaceencounter
  581. [16:40:26.944] [Info] Forcing generation of dungeon spaceencounter
  582. [16:40:26.945] [Info] Placing dungeon at (0, 150)
  583. [16:40:27.776] [Info] Protected dungeonIds for world set to (0, 65524)
  584. [16:40:28.991] [Info] UniverseServer: Warping player 1 to InstanceWorld:spaceencounter:d99f355cb5e460916bf50f8f381f8515:3
  585. [16:40:29.101] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
  586. [16:40:29.108] [Info] UniverseServer: Stopping idle world ClientShipWorld:2cd74bd511a4e088d9f37d2351bc5807
  587. [16:41:15.974] [Info] UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:2cd74bd511a4e088d9f37d2351bc5807
  588. [16:41:16.129] [Info] Protected dungeonIds for world set to (65524)
  589. [16:41:16.553] [Info] UniverseServer: Warping player 1 to ClientShipWorld:2cd74bd511a4e088d9f37d2351bc5807
  590. [16:41:16.570] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
  591. [16:41:16.579] [Info] UniverseServer: Stopping idle world InstanceWorld:spaceencounter:d99f355cb5e460916bf50f8f381f8515:3
  592. [16:41:23.302] [Info] UniverseServer: Loading temporary instance world InstanceWorld:spaceencounter:d99f355cb5e460916bf50f8f381f8515:3 from storage
  593. [16:41:23.302] [Info] Protected dungeonIds for world set to (0, 65524)
  594. [16:41:23.440] [Info] UniverseServer: Warping player 1 to InstanceWorld:spaceencounter:d99f355cb5e460916bf50f8f381f8515:3
  595. [16:41:23.442] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
  596. [16:41:23.442] [Info] UniverseServer: Stopping idle world ClientShipWorld:2cd74bd511a4e088d9f37d2351bc5807
  597. [16:42:58.450] [Info] UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:2cd74bd511a4e088d9f37d2351bc5807
  598. [16:42:58.597] [Info] Protected dungeonIds for world set to (65524)
  599. [16:42:59.025] [Info] UniverseServer: Warping player 1 to ClientShipWorld:2cd74bd511a4e088d9f37d2351bc5807
  600. [16:42:59.033] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
  601. [16:42:59.041] [Info] UniverseServer: Stopping idle world InstanceWorld:spaceencounter:d99f355cb5e460916bf50f8f381f8515:3
  602. [16:43:18.344] [Info] Flying ship for player 1 to -552134038:-319970345:-111080775:4
  603. [16:43:22.162] [Info] Root: Writing runtime configuration to '../storage/starbound.config'
  604. [16:43:23.455] [Info] UniverseServer: Creating celestial world -552134038:-319970345:-111080775:4
  605. [16:43:23.890] [Info] Protected dungeonIds for world set to (65524)
  606. [16:43:23.890] [Info] Placing dungeon apexbase
  607. [16:43:23.967] [Info] Generating dungeon apexbase
  608. [16:43:23.968] [Info] Placing dungeon at (125, 1000)
  609. [16:43:25.178] [Info] Placing dungeon floranhutvillage
  610. [16:43:25.277] [Info] Generating dungeon floranhutvillage
  611. [16:43:25.277] [Info] Placing dungeon at (1891, 1000)
  612. [16:43:25.717] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: florantanningrack direction: 1 position: (2160, 1002)
  613. [16:43:25.743] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: floranceilingbones2 direction: 1 position: (1609, 1006)
  614. [16:43:25.750] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: floranceilingbones1 direction: 1 position: (2131, 1007)
  615. [16:43:26.478] [Info] Placing dungeon glitchsewer
  616. [16:43:26.630] [Info] Generating dungeon glitchsewer
  617. [16:43:26.632] [Info] Placing dungeon at (4093, 1000)
  618. [16:43:31.272] [Info] UniverseServer: Arriving ship for player 1 at -552134038:-319970345:-111080775:4
  619. [16:43:31.292] [Info] UniverseServer: Stopping idle world CelestialWorld:-552134038:-319970345:-111080775:4
  620. [16:43:47.193] [Info] Root: Writing runtime configuration to '../storage/starbound.config'
  621. [16:43:48.808] [Info] UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -552134038:-319970345:-111080775:4
  622. [16:43:48.972] [Info] Protected dungeonIds for world set to (65524)
  623. [16:43:49.114] [Info] UniverseServer: Warping player 1 to CelestialWorld:-552134038:-319970345:-111080775:4
  624. [16:43:49.121] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
  625. [16:43:49.122] [Info] UniverseServer: Stopping idle world ClientShipWorld:2cd74bd511a4e088d9f37d2351bc5807
  626. [16:43:55.807] [Info] UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:2cd74bd511a4e088d9f37d2351bc5807
  627. [16:43:55.949] [Info] Protected dungeonIds for world set to (65524)
  628. [16:43:56.349] [Info] UniverseServer: Warping player 1 to ClientShipWorld:2cd74bd511a4e088d9f37d2351bc5807
  629. [16:43:56.360] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
  630. [16:43:56.373] [Info] UniverseServer: Stopping idle world CelestialWorld:-552134038:-319970345:-111080775:4
  631. [16:45:00.117] [Info] UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -552134038:-319970345:-111080775:4
  632. [16:45:00.284] [Info] Protected dungeonIds for world set to (65524)
  633. [16:45:00.428] [Info] UniverseServer: Warping player 1 to CelestialWorld:-552134038:-319970345:-111080775:4
  634. [16:45:00.438] [Info] UniverseServer: Stopping idle world ClientShipWorld:2cd74bd511a4e088d9f37d2351bc5807
  635. [16:45:00.444] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
  636. [16:49:00.587] [Info] UniverseServer: Expiring temporary world InstanceWorld:spaceencounter:49088764fdc4328b749ce509fecacd52:3
  637. [16:50:36.887] [Info] UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:2cd74bd511a4e088d9f37d2351bc5807
  638. [16:50:37.048] [Info] Protected dungeonIds for world set to (65524)
  639. [16:50:37.430] [Info] UniverseServer: Warping player 1 to ClientShipWorld:2cd74bd511a4e088d9f37d2351bc5807
  640. [16:50:37.456] [Info] UniverseServer: Stopping idle world CelestialWorld:-552134038:-319970345:-111080775:4
  641. [16:50:37.458] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
  642. [16:51:07.190] [Error] WorldServerThread exception caught handling incoming packets for client 1: (EofException) Failed to read full buffer in readFull, eof reached.
  643. ./starbound(_ZN4Star13StarExceptionC2EPKcNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE+0x66) [0xaa85d6]
  644. ./starbound(_ZN4Star8IODevice8readFullEPcm+0x195) [0x9f9155]
  645. ./starbound(_ZN4Star10DataStreamrsERNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE+0xc9) [0x9ec6b9]
  646. ./starbound(_ZN4Star10DataStreamrsERNS_6StringE+0x2b) [0x9ec74b]
  647. ./starbound(_ZNSt17_Function_handlerIFvRN4Star10DataStreamERNS0_10StringListEEZNS0_14NetElementDataIS3_EC4EvEUlS2_S4_E_E9_M_invokeERKSt9_Any_dataS2_S4_+0xa3) [0xda3403]
  648. ./starbound(_ZN4Star20NetElementBasicFieldINS_10StringListEE7netLoadERNS_10DataStreamE+0x44) [0xd076a4]
  649. ./starbound(_ZN4Star15NetElementGroup7netLoadERNS_10DataStreamE+0x2f0) [0xa6c0b0]
  650. ./starbound(_ZN4Star19NetElementSyncGroup7netLoadERNS_10DataStreamE+0x9) [0xa6cf59]
  651. ./starbound(_ZN4Star15NetElementGroup7netLoadERNS_10DataStreamE+0x2f0) [0xa6c0b0]
  652. ./starbound(_ZN4Star8ToolUser7NetItem12readNetDeltaERNS_10DataStreamEf+0x10c) [0x109a33c]
  653. ./starbound(_ZN4Star15NetElementGroup12readNetDeltaERNS_10DataStreamEf+0x91) [0xa6ca01]
  654. ./starbound(_ZN4Star19NetElementSyncGroup12readNetDeltaERNS_10DataStreamEf+0x13) [0xa6cfb3]
  655. ./starbound(_ZN4Star15NetElementGroup12readNetDeltaERNS_10DataStreamEf+0x91) [0xa6ca01]
  656. ./starbound(_ZN4Star19NetElementSyncGroup12readNetDeltaERNS_10DataStreamEf+0x13) [0xa6cfb3]
  657. ./starbound(_ZN4Star6Player12readNetStateENS_9ByteArrayEf+0x79) [0xe7afb9]
  658. ./starbound() [0x11b76bf]
  659. ./starbound(_ZNK4Star9EntityMap14forAllEntitiesERKSt8functionIFvRKSt10shared_ptrINS_6EntityEEEES1_IFbS6_S6_EE+0x1a8) [0xc55308]
  660. ./starbound(_ZN4Star11WorldServer21handleIncomingPacketsEtRKNS_4ListISt10shared_ptrINS_6PacketEESaIS4_EEE+0x1a66) [0x11ccab6]
  661. ./starbound(_ZN4Star17WorldServerThread6updateENS_19WorldServerFidelityE+0x122) [0x11f48d2]
  662. ./starbound(_ZN4Star17WorldServerThread3runEv+0xd50) [0x11f5d70]
  663. ./starbound(_ZN4Star10ThreadImpl9runThreadEPv+0x15) [0xab2365]
  664. /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fa4a40e26ba]
  665. /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fa4a37033dd]
  666. [16:51:07.197] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
  667. [16:51:07.301] [Info] UniverseServer: Client 'Shinji Ikari' <1> (local) disconnected for reason: Incoming client packet has caused exception
  668. [16:51:07.301] [Info] UniverseServer: Stopping idle world ClientShipWorld:2cd74bd511a4e088d9f37d2351bc5807
  669. [16:51:07.401] [Error] You were disconnected from the server for the following reason:
  670. Incoming client packet has caused exception
  671. [16:51:07.415] [Error] Fatal Error: Segfault Encountered!
  672. ./starbound(_ZN4Star10fatalErrorEPKcb+0x43) [0xaaa7e3]
  673. /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fa4a36314b0]
  674. ./starbound(_ZN4Star6Player9clearSwapEv+0xb) [0xe7a4eb]
  675. ./starbound() [0x151971f]
  676. ./starbound(_ZN4Star11PaneManager7dismissERKSt10shared_ptrINS_4PaneEE+0x483) [0x1448003]
  677. ./starbound(_ZN4Star11PaneManager15dismissAllPanesEv+0x17c) [0x1449fbc]
  678. ./starbound(_ZN4Star13MainInterfaceD1Ev+0x10) [0x151c060]
  679. ./starbound() [0x98796a]
  680. ./starbound(_ZN4Star17ClientApplication11changeStateENS0_12MainAppStateE+0x5f7) [0x98b307]
  681. ./starbound() [0x98f086]
  682. ./starbound(_ZN4Star17ClientApplication13updateRunningEv+0x314) [0x98f4c4]
  683. ./starbound(_ZN4Star17ClientApplication6updateEv+0x70) [0x990780]
  684. ./starbound(_ZN4Star18runMainApplicationESt10unique_ptrINS_11ApplicationESt14default_deleteIS1_EENS_10StringListE+0x336) [0x13b7066]
  685. ./starbound(main+0x457) [0x979947]
  686. /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fa4a361c830]
  687. ./starbound() [0x9875ec]
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