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Nov 17th, 2023
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  1. PS C:\Users\S\downloads> .\subspace-node-windows-x86_64-skylake-gemini-3g-2023-nov-16.exe `
  2. >> --chain gemini-3g `
  3. >> --blocks-pruning 256 `
  4. >> --state-pruning archive-canonical `
  5. >> --no-private-ipv4 `
  6. >> --validator `
  7. >> --name PowerFarm `
  8. >> --timekeeper
  9. 2023-11-17T18:52:49.001190Z Subspace
  10. 2023-11-17T18:52:49.001275Z ✌️ version 0.1.0-76e2cd9e6d2
  11. 2023-11-17T18:52:49.001313Z ❤️ by Subspace Labs <>, 2021-2023
  12. 2023-11-17T18:52:49.001315Z 📋 Chain specification: Subspace Gemini 3g
  13. 2023-11-17T18:52:49.001316Z 🏷 Node name: PowerFarm
  14. 2023-11-17T18:52:49.001319Z 👤 Role: AUTHORITY
  15. 2023-11-17T18:52:49.001322Z 💾 Database: ParityDb at C:\Users\S\AppData\Local\subspace-node\data\chains\subspace_gemini_3g\paritydb\full
  16. 2023-11-17T18:52:55.840418Z [Consensus] DSN instance configured. allow_non_global_addresses_in_dht=false peer_id=12D3KooWEULe44SRvgfsKMAJMWjDiuWdX1RaX1vNkUMrLGgBSeVa protocol_version=/subspace/2/418040fc282f5e5ddd432c46d05297636f6f75ce68d66499ff4cbda69ccd180b
  17. 2023-11-17T18:52:55.845337Z [Consensus] local_peer_id=12D3KooWEULe44SRvgfsKMAJMWjDiuWdX1RaX1vNkUMrLGgBSeVa
  18. 2023-11-17T18:52:55.851847Z [Consensus] Subspace networking initialized: Node ID is 12D3KooWEULe44SRvgfsKMAJMWjDiuWdX1RaX1vNkUMrLGgBSeVa
  19. 2023-11-17T18:52:55.861200Z [Consensus] DSN listening on /ip4/
  20. 2023-11-17T18:52:55.861246Z [Consensus] DSN listening on /ip4/
  21. 2023-11-17T18:52:55.861738Z [Consensus] relay::consensus block server: starting
  22. 2023-11-17T18:52:55.863415Z [Consensus] DSN listening on /ip4/
  23. 2023-11-17T18:52:55.863430Z [Consensus] DSN listening on /ip4/
  24. 2023-11-17T18:52:55.866178Z [Consensus] 🏷 Local node identity is: 12D3KooWEULe44SRvgfsKMAJMWjDiuWdX1RaX1vNkUMrLGgBSeVa
  25. 2023-11-17T18:52:55.880682Z [Consensus] Last archived block 259480
  26. 2023-11-17T18:52:55.881009Z [Consensus] Archiving already produced blocks 259481..=263298
  27. 2023-11-17T18:52:56.859919Z [Consensus] 🧑‍🌾 Starting Subspace Authorship worker
  28. 2023-11-17T18:52:56.860450Z [Consensus] Metrics server started. endpoints=[]
  29. 2023-11-17T18:52:56.860460Z [Consensus] starting 24 workers
  30. 2023-11-17T18:52:56.860503Z [Consensus] Tokio runtime found; starting in existing Tokio runtime
  31. 2023-11-17T18:52:56.860955Z [Consensus] 💻 Operating system: windows
  32. 2023-11-17T18:52:56.860957Z [Consensus] 💻 CPU architecture: x86_64
  33. 2023-11-17T18:52:56.860958Z [Consensus] 💻 Target environment: msvc
  34. 2023-11-17T18:52:56.861265Z [Consensus] 📦 Highest known block at #263398
  35. 2023-11-17T18:52:56.865455Z [Consensus] Running JSON-RPC server: addr=, allowed origins=["http://localhost:*", "*", "https://localhost:*", "*", ""]
  36. 2023-11-17T18:52:56.874470Z [Consensus] discovered: 12D3KooWEfgF4BVFdm55nCoUAuw2KYbuAC72hSw6UgRBUSRDbLFq /ip4/
  37. 2023-11-17T18:52:56.874960Z [Consensus] discovered: 12D3KooWAkdRucDctxYyhmpadfB2NyGKCVSHDUtihGNYkZxDeTWP /ip4/
  38. 2023-11-17T18:52:56.937880Z [Consensus] discovered: 12D3KooWHbxkgu7bTGMAPbAZ4iUfvMzrW3J62BHQYebnu8Db9bHL /ip4/
  39. 2023-11-17T18:52:57.423725Z [Consensus] Received notification to sync from DSN reason=WentOnlineSubspace
  40. 2023-11-17T18:52:57.499577Z [Consensus] 🔍 Discovered new external address for our node: /ip4/
  41. 2023-11-17T18:53:01.867764Z [Consensus] ⚙️ Preparing, target=#263404 (3 peers), best: #263398 (0xc2ee…0809), finalized #93729 (0xabd4…f73a), ⬇ 64.2kiB/s ⬆ 2.1kiB/s
  42. 2023-11-17T18:53:06.871011Z [Consensus] ⚙️ Preparing 0.0 bps, target=#263405 (4 peers), best: #263398 (0xc2ee…0809), finalized #93729 (0xabd4…f73a), ⬇ 6.4kiB/s ⬆ 0.5kiB/s
  43. 2023-11-17T18:53:08.233516Z [Consensus] ✨ Imported #263399 (0x3c78…8c85)
  44. 2023-11-17T18:53:08.315120Z [Consensus] ✨ Imported #263400 (0x5cbf…db13)
  45. 2023-11-17T18:53:08.315313Z [Consensus] Proof of time chain reorg happened from_next_slot=1474244 to_next_slot=1474268
  46. 2023-11-17T18:53:08.385169Z [Consensus] ✨ Imported #263401 (0x9f68…d683)
  47. 2023-11-17T18:53:08.551787Z [Consensus] ✨ Imported #263402 (0xfb39…6ad0)
  48. 2023-11-17T18:53:08.595441Z [Consensus] ✨ Imported #263403 (0x7886…8e7c)
  49. 2023-11-17T18:53:10.706971Z [Consensus] Proof of time chain was extended from block import from_next_slot=1474276 to_next_slot=1474280
  50. 2023-11-17T18:53:10.707033Z [Consensus] ✨ Imported #263407 (0x3529…0969)
  51. 2023-11-17T18:53:11.883035Z [Consensus] 💤 Idle (4 peers), best: #263407 (0x3529…0969), finalized #93729 (0xabd4…f73a), ⬇ 11.5kiB/s ⬆ 2.7kiB/s
  52. 2023-11-17T18:53:16.889852Z [Consensus] 💤 Idle (4 peers), best: #263407 (0x3529…0969), finalized #93729 (0xabd4…f73a), ⬇ 4.7kiB/s ⬆ 2.1kiB/s
  53. 2023-11-17T18:53:17.872278Z [Consensus] ✨ Imported #263408 (0x635f…3e62)
  54. 2023-11-17T18:53:18.615911Z [Consensus] ✨ Imported #263409 (0x062c…10ce)
  55. 2023-11-17T18:53:19.383474Z [Consensus] ✨ Imported #263410 (0xb6d9…6b3e)
  56. 2023-11-17T18:53:20.362020Z [Consensus] ✨ Imported #263411 (0xe1c7…08f7)
  57. 2023-11-17T18:53:21.902031Z [Consensus] 💤 Idle (4 peers), best: #263411 (0xe1c7…08f7), finalized #93729 (0xabd4…f73a), ⬇ 7.5kiB/s ⬆ 3.1kiB/s
  58. 2023-11-17T18:53:26.915287Z [Consensus] 💤 Idle (4 peers), best: #263411 (0xe1c7…08f7), finalized #93729 (0xabd4…f73a), ⬇ 3.4kiB/s ⬆ 1.5kiB/s
  59. 2023-11-17T18:53:31.916875Z [Consensus] 💤 Idle (6 peers), best: #263411 (0xe1c7…08f7), finalized #93729 (0xabd4…f73a), ⬇ 7.0kiB/s ⬆ 3.4kiB/s
  60. 2023-11-17T18:53:32.174314Z Accepting new connection 1/100
  61. 2023-11-17T18:53:32.543938Z Accepting new connection 2/100
  62. 2023-11-17T18:53:32.606546Z Accepting new connection 3/100
  63. 2023-11-17T18:53:36.927923Z [Consensus] 💤 Idle (7 peers), best: #263411 (0xe1c7…08f7), finalized #93729 (0xabd4…f73a), ⬇ 6.0kiB/s ⬆ 3.0kiB/s
  64. 2023-11-17T18:53:40.679191Z [Consensus] ✨ Imported #263412 (0xd364…d61b)
  65. 2023-11-17T18:53:41.929940Z [Consensus] 💤 Idle (7 peers), best: #263412 (0xd364…d61b), finalized #93729 (0xabd4…f73a), ⬇ 8.0kiB/s ⬆ 3.3kiB/s
  66. 2023-11-17T18:53:42.483181Z [Consensus] ✨ Imported #263413 (0x75e6…52f5)
  67. 2023-11-17T18:53:44.909599Z [Consensus] ✨ Imported #263414 (0x475d…a979)
  68. 2023-11-17T18:53:46.935992Z [Consensus] 💤 Idle (8 peers), best: #263414 (0x475d…a979), finalized #93729 (0xabd4…f73a), ⬇ 7.9kiB/s ⬆ 4.2kiB/s
  69. 2023-11-17T18:53:51.945874Z [Consensus] 💤 Idle (8 peers), best: #263414 (0x475d…a979), finalized #93729 (0xabd4…f73a), ⬇ 6.2kiB/s ⬆ 3.7kiB/s
  70. 2023-11-17T18:53:52.836628Z [Consensus] ✨ Imported #263415 (0x981b…96ee)
  71. 2023-11-17T18:53:56.950934Z [Consensus] 💤 Idle (8 peers), best: #263415 (0x981b…96ee), finalized #93729 (0xabd4…f73a), ⬇ 10.4kiB/s ⬆ 5.8kiB/s
  72. 2023-11-17T18:53:59.852659Z [Consensus] ✨ Imported #263416 (0xcd5f…0f63)
  73. 2023-11-17T18:54:01.959625Z [Consensus] 💤 Idle (8 peers), best: #263416 (0xcd5f…0f63), finalized #93729 (0xabd4…f73a), ⬇ 8.0kiB/s ⬆ 3.6kiB/s
  74. 2023-11-17T18:54:04.546248Z [Consensus] ✨ Imported #263417 (0x0589…297c)
  75. 2023-11-17T18:54:05.943720Z [Consensus] ✨ Imported #263417 (0x77b5…6a4e)
  76. 2023-11-17T18:54:06.964918Z [Consensus] 💤 Idle (8 peers), best: #263417 (0x0589…297c), finalized #93729 (0xabd4…f73a), ⬇ 10.2kiB/s ⬆ 6.9kiB/s
  77. 2023-11-17T18:54:11.887549Z [Consensus] ✨ Imported #263418 (0x5184…cb9a)
  78. 2023-11-17T18:54:11.978052Z [Consensus] 💤 Idle (3 peers), best: #263418 (0x5184…cb9a), finalized #93729 (0xabd4…f73a), ⬇ 8.5kiB/s ⬆ 4.2kiB/s
  79. 2023-11-17T18:54:16.229558Z [Consensus] ✨ Imported #263419 (0x9d07…7f5a)
  80. 2023-11-17T18:54:16.984975Z [Consensus] 💤 Idle (8 peers), best: #263419 (0x9d07…7f5a), finalized #93729 (0xabd4…f73a), ⬇ 7.6kiB/s ⬆ 4.5kiB/s
  81. 2023-11-17T18:54:17.335237Z [Consensus] ✨ Imported #263420 (0x0b33…5d29)
  82. 2023-11-17T18:54:22.000491Z [Consensus] 💤 Idle (7 peers), best: #263420 (0x0b33…5d29), finalized #93729 (0xabd4…f73a), ⬇ 6.9kiB/s ⬆ 4.2kiB/s
  83. 2023-11-17T18:54:27.003370Z [Consensus] 💤 Idle (8 peers), best: #263420 (0x0b33…5d29), finalized #93729 (0xabd4…f73a), ⬇ 7.7kiB/s ⬆ 4.6kiB/s
  84. 2023-11-17T18:54:28.170197Z [Consensus] ✨ Imported #263421 (0x484e…9659)
  85. 2023-11-17T18:54:32.007825Z [Consensus] 💤 Idle (8 peers), best: #263421 (0x484e…9659), finalized #93729 (0xabd4…f73a), ⬇ 13.2kiB/s ⬆ 7.6kiB/s
  86. 2023-11-17T18:54:33.354277Z [Consensus] ✨ Imported #263422 (0xd61a…8a65)
  87. 2023-11-17T18:54:37.010359Z [Consensus] 💤 Idle (8 peers), best: #263422 (0xd61a…8a65), finalized #93729 (0xabd4…f73a), ⬇ 11.7kiB/s ⬆ 7.9kiB/s
  88. 2023-11-17T18:54:39.652968Z [Consensus] ✨ Imported #263423 (0x685d…bf4a)
  89. 2023-11-17T18:54:42.011830Z [Consensus] 💤 Idle (8 peers), best: #263423 (0x685d…bf4a), finalized #93729 (0xabd4…f73a), ⬇ 7.4kiB/s ⬆ 3.7kiB/s
  90. 2023-11-17T18:54:43.346010Z [Consensus] ✨ Imported #263424 (0x3665…0944)
  91. 2023-11-17T18:54:44.306110Z [Consensus] ✨ Imported #263425 (0xade7…141f)
  92. 2023-11-17T18:54:47.026918Z [Consensus] 💤 Idle (8 peers), best: #263425 (0xade7…141f), finalized #93729 (0xabd4…f73a), ⬇ 9.9kiB/s ⬆ 8.9kiB/s
  93. 2023-11-17T18:54:50.531246Z [Consensus] ✨ Imported #263426 (0x24b2…a43a)
  94. 2023-11-17T18:54:52.027972Z [Consensus] 💤 Idle (8 peers), best: #263426 (0x24b2…a43a), finalized #93729 (0xabd4…f73a), ⬇ 8.3kiB/s ⬆ 4.6kiB/s
  95. 2023-11-17T18:54:57.038552Z [Consensus] 💤 Idle (8 peers), best: #263426 (0x24b2…a43a), finalized #93729 (0xabd4…f73a), ⬇ 4.5kiB/s ⬆ 2.7kiB/s
  96. 2023-11-17T18:54:59.839278Z [Consensus] ✨ Imported #263427 (0xce1e…a713)
  97. 2023-11-17T18:55:02.048003Z [Consensus] 💤 Idle (8 peers), best: #263427 (0xce1e…a713), finalized #93729 (0xabd4…f73a), ⬇ 7.5kiB/s ⬆ 4.3kiB/s
  98. 2023-11-17T18:55:04.532259Z [Consensus] ✨ Imported #263428 (0xc840…471c)
  99. 2023-11-17T18:55:07.050871Z [Consensus] 💤 Idle (8 peers), best: #263428 (0xc840…471c), finalized #93729 (0xabd4…f73a), ⬇ 9.1kiB/s ⬆ 5.9kiB/s
  100. 2023-11-17T18:55:12.058061Z [Consensus] 💤 Idle (8 peers), best: #263428 (0xc840…471c), finalized #93729 (0xabd4…f73a), ⬇ 7.7kiB/s ⬆ 5.3kiB/s
  101. 2023-11-17T18:55:13.948944Z [Consensus] ✨ Imported #263429 (0xc9ab…08ad)
  102. 2023-11-17T18:55:16.013118Z [Consensus] ✨ Imported #263430 (0xd087…442b)
  103. 2023-11-17T18:55:17.059074Z [Consensus] 💤 Idle (7 peers), best: #263430 (0xd087…442b), finalized #93729 (0xabd4…f73a), ⬇ 7.4kiB/s ⬆ 5.2kiB/s
  104. 2023-11-17T18:55:18.779822Z [Consensus] ✨ Imported #263431 (0xd497…1152)
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