

Dec 28th, 2013
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  1. [15:30] * GoldenTouch is dribbling his soccer ball
  2. [15:30] * Curiosity stares amused to the agressive zigger stabbing the air
  3. [15:31] * Phoenix_Down floats over to the fire pone unicorn "yo, whoooo are you?"
  4. [15:31] * Foxius walks into the scene.
  5. [15:31] <Curiosity> [how is foxius?Idon't know her/him]
  6. [15:31] * GoldenTouch dribbles like a dribbler
  7. [15:31] <Phoenix_Down> *Lucyne da kitty sits on Phoenix's head making :3 face*
  8. [15:31] <Foxius> [U wot?]
  9. [15:31] * Curious gets open "cross, gold!"
  10. [15:32] <Curiosity> [that I don't know how your hors is]
  11. [15:32] <Foxius> [I am pretty sure I have met everyone here.]
  12. [15:32] <GreenLightGM> Snow litters the ground, and adorably oval-like hoof-marks cover the majority of the square. No wind, the weather is actually... not drab!
  13. [15:32] * Phoenix_Down is floating in front of the unicorn who he has never met IC before
  14. [15:32] <Curiosity> [I am pretty sure I have not met you, honey]
  15. [15:32] * GoldenTouch dribbles it forward a step and chips the ball to curious
  16. [15:33] * Foxius looks at the Pegasus.
  17. [15:33] * Curious traps it and dribbles through imaginary defenders
  18. [15:33] <Phoenix_Down> [Now we need Hearth to complete the triad of fire]
  19. [15:34] * Curiosity glances to the unknown unicorn, but the odd change in weather catches her attention
  20. [15:35] * GoldenTouch flies over between two trees like a goalie "Shoot it curi!"
  21. [15:35] * Phoenix_Down smiles at the firecorn "hey there... new in town?"
  22. [15:35] <Foxius> "No, but I just got back. You?"
  23. [15:35] == GreenLightGM has changed nick to GL|Catnip
  24. [15:36] * Curious gives a fiery grin and takes a shot towards the impormptu goalposts
  25. [15:36] <Curious> !roll d20 top left
  26. [15:36] <GameServ> 9 == 9
  27. [15:36] * GL|Catnip hums a delightful tune, having a nice walk before- "ACK!"
  28. [15:37] * GL|Catnip sputters, a snowball landing directly on her muzzle.
  29. [15:37] <GoldenTouch> !roll 1d20 block it
  30. [15:37] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  31. [15:37] == FoxTrot [] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  32. [15:37] * GoldenTouch dives into the air and catches the ball "SAFEST HOOVES!!"
  33. [15:38] <Phoenix_Down> "Just got back? Oh well... Ive been here a good few months now... names Phoenix! How about you?"
  34. [15:38] <Foxius> "Call me Foxius."
  35. [15:38] <Curious> "bollocks! the derpy is too strong with this one"
  36. [15:38] * CaptGreenHoof trots into townsquare, looking tipsy as usual, but concerned. "Shit! Niggas be stealin my food again!!!"
  37. [15:38] * GoldenTouch laughs and moves back toward the center "Wut?! again!?"
  38. [15:38] <GoldenTouch> "shieeeeeet"
  39. [15:39] * CaptGreenHoof sits on his haunches and sighs, fumbling his front hooves nervously. "Yeah.... L-last time this happened..." Green Hoof gulps.
  40. [15:39] * Curiosity is still lost in her own thoughts
  41. [15:39] <CaptGreenHoof> "Any of you faggots want to come help solve this?"
  42. [15:39] * Foxius idly hoofs the snow.
  43. [15:40] <Foxius> "What reward is included?"
  44. [15:40] * GoldenTouch moves over to hoof "I gotcha, i helped last time right?":
  45. [15:40] * Phoenix_Down catches sight of the drunken earth farmer "ahh, nice to meet you foxius, but it looks like I am needed..." as he flies over to hoof "what happened... oh Im down!"
  46. [15:40] * CaptGreenHoof nods to GoldenTouch. "Lets just hope it goes better than last time..."
  47. [15:40] * Curiosity glares to hoof with a raised brow and trots to his side
  48. [15:41] * GL|Catnip circles around in the woods, coming from the *opposite* direction of the farm to the group of ponies. "My word, what happened?" She asks in perhaps an airhead-like manner
  49. [15:41] <GoldenTouch> "Y-yeah"
  50. [15:41] <Curiosity> "Solve what?"
  51. [15:41] * Foxius walks to the group. "Food is being stolen."
  52. [15:41] * CaptGreenHoof looks at the unfamiliar Catnip. "U-uh... Someone's stealin' food from my farm again, ma'am."
  53. [15:41] * Phoenix_Down catches the interaction between the two of them, putting Lucyne on the ground "scurry home Lu Lu..."
  54. [15:41] * GoldenTouch looks at the pony he's never seen before but will now share all his problems with "Yeah, people be stealing food"
  55. [15:42] * CaptGreenHoof pulls out a jar of pruno and takes a few gulps before hiccupping.
  56. [15:42] * Curiosity smirks faintly
  57. [15:42] * GL|Catnip pouts "Well, that simply won't do, now will it? Do you have any idea who or what is responisble?"
  58. [15:42] <Curiosity> "Such irony... anyways, I assume you want us to find whois doing so, right?"
  59. [15:42] <GoldenTouch> "Sounds like a cat burgler!"
  60. [15:43] <Foxius> "No, a food burgler."
  61. [15:43] * CaptGreenHoof shakes his head. "Uh... no, I don't know who's responsible. If any of you wanna come with me, we can go check it out."
  62. [15:43] * GoldenTouch pets lucyance before she runs away
  63. [15:43] * Phoenix_Down nods "well with Golden and me in the air, we will catch this their post haste"
  64. [15:43] * GL|Catnip giggles, pointing to Lucyne "I guess our culprit is right here then!~"
  65. [15:43] * GoldenTouch chuckles "Yep!"
  66. [15:43] * Curiosity nods
  67. [15:43] * Curious enjoys the wordplay "sure, I guess. the game is afoot!"
  68. [15:43] <Phoenix_Down> *Lucyne the kitty makes :3 face at Golden and Catnip
  69. [15:44] <Foxius> "Count me in, please. I need entertainment."
  70. [15:44] <Curiosity> "Not like I have something else to do"
  71. [15:44] * Phoenix_Down looks over "oh, good to have you with is Foxius!"
  72. [15:44] * GoldenTouch nods and smiles
  73. [15:44] <GL|Catnip> "If it's for the good of the town, I'd love to help!~" She trips over her own hooves, walking to Hoof "...O-oof."
  74. [15:45] * CaptGreenHoof offers a hoof to help Catnip up with a warm smile. "Y'alright?"
  75. [15:45] * GoldenTouch daws at the catnip "Say? whats your name miss?"
  76. [15:46] == FoxTrot [] has quit [Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
  77. [15:46] * Curiosity looks over catnip with a smile
  78. [15:46] == Mary_ONette_ has changed nick to Mary_ONette
  79. [15:46] * Phoenix_Down chuckles at the clumsy pone "hah, careful mis...."
  80. [15:46] <Curiosity> "You are the second person here I don't know, misses"
  81. [15:47] * GL|Catnip gets up clumsily, taking the hoof, still wavering "O-oh, well, you can call me Rose, darling~"
  82. [15:47] <CaptGreenHoof> "Alright, Miss Rose. I'm Green Hoof. Local farmer."
  83. [15:47] <GoldenTouch> "Rose, nice to meet you, GoldenTouch, spa owner"
  84. [15:47] * Phoenix_Down smiles "miss Rose and Foxius, meeting all sorts of new pones today!"
  85. [15:48] * Foxius grunts.
  86. [15:48] <GL|Catnip> "A pleasure, to all of you! Now, let's see if we can't catch whoever did all this, hmmm?~"
  87. [15:48] * Curiosity nods silently and takes a few steps towards Hoof
  88. [15:48] <CaptGreenHoof> "What d'yall say we head on over to the farm and take a look? There's been some suspicious activity, but this is the first... er, second... time I've actually had food stolen. Maybe some fresh eyes will help."
  89. [15:49] <Curiosity> "Let's hope so"
  90. [15:49] * Curious does a lovely rendition of singing in the rain using her spear as a lamppost while the pleasentries are had
  91. [15:49] * Phoenix_Down smiles "woah... Ive never been invited to Hoof's farm before!"
  92. [15:49] * GL|Catnip giggles "Well, hopefully mine will offer some help!~"
  93. [15:49] <GL|Catnip> [>Not Waughing in the Rain]
  94. [15:49] * Foxius looks as Curiosity. "I think I know you."
  95. [15:50] * CaptGreenHoof starts walking towards his farm, letting whoever wants to follow.
  96. [15:50] <GL|Catnip> *Batman-Like Transition*
  97. [15:51] <GL|Catnip> Oh shit niggas, now you're at Hoof's farm! A storage shack of some sort, Hoof's discretion, is the site of the wrongdoing. Investigate?
  98. [15:51] <Curiosity> "I think not, darling, but I'm always up to know more people~" *she replies to Foxius with a melodious voice* "So, who are you?"
  99. [15:52] * Phoenix_Down floats behind Hoof "so is this the place?"
  100. [15:52] * Foxius smiles grimly and offers his hoof. "Name is Foxius."
  101. [15:52] * Curious immediatly begins searching for clues
  102. [15:52] <GL|Catnip> Pony tracks litter the farm, but on the outskirts.... What? Those aren't pony tracks...
  103. [15:52] * CaptGreenHoof nods to Pheonix. "Mhmm. This is it. I keep a lot of the town's food in here. Been moving some over from Rain Drop's too, since she dissapeared."
  104. [15:52] <GL|Catnip> Curious, roll
  105. [15:53] <Curious> !roll d20
  106. [15:53] <GameServ> 13 == 13
  107. [15:53] * GoldenTouch looks around at the tracks
  108. [15:53] <GL|Catnip> Yep, near the edges of the farm, gryphon tracks can be seen. However, they don't appear to be anywhere near the scene of the crime.
  109. [15:53] * Phoenix_Down nods, floating up higher into the air to investigate with a bird's eye view
  110. [15:54] <Foxius> [Inb4 Recon gets raped]
  111. [15:54] * Curiosity shakes Foxious' hoof with her own, cream colored one. She looks over the stallion and offers him a confident but kind smile while releasing his limb and then fixing her purple mane to reveal both golden eyes
  112. [15:54] <GL|Catnip> [hueee]
  113. [15:54] * Foxius looks away, focusing on the tracks.
  114. [15:54] * GoldenTouch goes to the scene of the crime
  115. [15:55] <GL|Catnip> Nick, you just get an aerial view of Hoof's farm. It's pretty neat, but no new clues can be deciphered, other than the fact that the gryphon tracks weren't anywhere near.
  116. [15:55] <Curiosity> "Pleased to meet you, honey, I'm Curiosity, but call me Cury if you want" *she glances to rest of the ponies and giggles a bit* "Time to work, then"
  117. [15:55] * GL|Catnip follows Golden "My word, this place simply looks like it's in complete disarray!!"
  118. [15:55] * CaptGreenHoof starts sniffing around.
  119. [15:55] * Curiosity investigates
  120. [15:55] * Curious looks at the gryphon tracks "huh. thats strange"
  121. [15:56] <GL|Catnip> *To Hoof's dismay, nothing was moved, only a little bit of food was taken
  122. [15:56] * GL|Catnip scrunches her nose "Indeed, whomever did this must've really crashed the place!"
  123. [15:56] * GoldenTouch nods wearily at the helper, he starts looking around for any prints "Yep"
  124. [15:56] <Foxius> "Any sign of break in?"
  125. [15:56] * Phoenix_Down flies back down because Light never lets him scout from the air, looking over at the griffon tracks "huh... what do you suppose left these?"
  126. [15:57] <CaptGreenHoof> "I suspect Gryphons..."
  127. [15:57] <GL|Catnip> Fox, roll.
  128. [15:57] <Foxius> [I was asking, not checking.]
  129. [15:57] <Curiosity> [I'm checking]
  130. [15:57] <GL|Catnip> Curi, roll
  131. [15:57] <Curiosity> !roll d20
  132. [15:57] <GameServ> 16 == 16
  133. [15:58] <GL|Catnip> The door seems to be left unlocked at the moment.
  134. [15:58] * GoldenTouch looks at the door he was obviously at near the crime scene
  135. [15:58] <CaptGreenHoof> "This... I've seen thievery here before, but not like this. This is different..."
  136. [15:59] <Curiosity> "Well,this kind of explains it, but something is still not right. Have anybody found something interesting?"
  137. [15:59] * Foxius walks next to GreenHoof. "Maybe it was vermin?"
  138. [15:59] * GL|Catnip tssks "Well, this is one good catburglar ya got here."
  139. [15:59] * Curiosity swears to herself that if this was the work of diamonddoge she'll go apeshit
  140. [15:59] * Phoenix_Down meets up with the others "Gryphons... Ive never met one before, wonder if they can be trusted..."
  141. [15:59] * Curious follows the gryphon tracks a bit
  142. [16:00] <CaptGreenHoof> "The Griffin tracks have been here since before food started to go missing. And no, I don't think it's vermin. Something with higher reasoning had to do this. Too organized."
  143. [16:00] * GoldenTouch opens the door
  144. [16:00] * GL|Catnip puts on her best scrunched-nose "Not to mention that shady pony that bumped into me on the way here totally wasn't suspicious."
  145. [16:00] <Curiosity> [gryphon tracks do not come from the scene?]]
  146. [16:00] <GoldenTouch> "Wait pony that bumped into you?"
  147. [16:00] <GL|Catnip> [No, they do not]
  148. [16:00] * CaptGreenHoof swings his head to look at Catnip. "What? What pony?"
  149. [16:01] * GL|Catnip nods "Mhmm! Left for the Town Square, oh, about..." She looks down before glancing back up "Right before we arrived here~"
  150. [16:01] * Curiosity rolls her eyes
  151. [16:01] <GL|Catnip> "Really, you should pay more attention!"
  152. [16:01] == GL|Catnip has changed nick to Brutus_Squadicus
  153. [16:01] * Foxius hums a really bad tune whilst thinking.
  154. [16:02] * CaptGreenHoof mutters. "Ugh.... Fuck me..."
  155. [16:02] * Brutus_Squadicus books it to the Town Square, he's late, he's late!!
  156. [16:02] == Brutus_Squadicus has changed nick to GL|Catnip
  157. [16:02] <Foxius> "If you want me too... a bit forward though."
  158. [16:02] * Curious goes back to the crime scene "so what've we found?"
  159. [16:02] <Curiosity> "Somehow I'm not in the mood for this..." *she mutters in a very low tone and then trots to Catnip still wearing a smile* "How about you describe him to us, darling?"
  160. [16:03] * CaptGreenHoof takes another swig of pruno.
  161. [16:03] <GoldenTouch> "Yeah, what did he look like?"
  162. [16:03] * Phoenix_Down sits down near Catnip
  163. [16:04] * GL|Catnip huffs a tiny bit before answering "Well, he was big, mean, and wore a smile that'd make you shiver!"
  164. [16:04] <Phoenix_Down> *Lucyne the kitty sees a strange hurried pone in town square, but is a cat and does not care :3*
  165. [16:04] <CaptGreenHoof> "Sounds like /b/."
  166. [16:04] <GL|Catnip> *Lucyne sees jack shit*
  167. [16:05] <Curiosity> "Alright, that does not tell much. What color is his mane and fur?"
  168. [16:05] <Phoenix_Down> *:3*
  169. [16:05] <GL|Catnip> "Muttered something about being late, but you guys were all unaware, paid him no heed! I tell ya, though, he seems miiighty suspicious."
  170. [16:05] <GoldenTouch> *Lucyne the kitty sees lola the kitty pawing at the spa window*
  171. [16:05] <CaptGreenHoof> "Uh... well I guess we could go check."
  172. [16:06] <CaptGreenHoof> "...again..."
  173. [16:06] * GL|Catnip looks around "...Yellow coat, Brown mane. Like half of these stallions."
  174. [16:06] * GL|Catnip nods "Yeap. I could point you to his tracks!~"
  175. [16:06] <Foxius> "Just because a pony is odd, that doesn't mean anything."
  176. [16:06] <CaptGreenHoof> "Alright, Miss Rose, please do."
  177. [16:06] * Phoenix_Down huffs "alright, I guess its our only lead..."
  178. [16:06] <CaptGreenHoof> "Well, if he was running from here, might lead to something."
  179. [16:06] * GL|Catnip gets up, trotting away to the entrance of Hoof's farm "...What's this?"
  180. [16:06] * Curious checks the crimescene again
  181. [16:07] * Curiosity sighs and nods. Right now she despises the day she was thrown into Equestria along a bunch of bad OC's
  182. [16:07] * CaptGreenHoof trots next to Catnip
  183. [16:07] * GL|Catnip hops up and down excitedly "Oh my!~"
  184. [16:07] <CaptGreenHoof> "Huh?"
  185. [16:07] <Curiosity> "What did you find, Cat?"
  186. [16:07] * GoldenTouch isn't that bad...r-right curiosity?
  187. [16:07] * GL|Catnip points to the hoofprints "See, big and brutish!" *Not that Hoof can tell, but they were in fact his prints from the townsquare
  188. [16:07] <GL|Catnip> "And it leads to the townsquare!"
  189. [16:07] * GoldenTouch follows the tracks
  190. [16:08] * Curiosity shrugs. Not all of them are terrible OC's
  191. [16:08] * GoldenTouch gets hit by a train
  192. [16:08] * Curiosity chuckled OOCishly
  193. [16:08] * Foxius should of been aware. Think.
  194. [16:08] * CaptGreenHoof follows the tracks
  195. [16:08] <Curious> "hold on, we've bearly checked the crimescene yet"
  196. [16:08] <GL|Catnip> "I'll be right with you, must attend the ladies room for a sec, this has gotten me all excited!~"
  197. [16:08] * GoldenTouch kinda wants to watch this
  198. [16:08] * GL|Catnip trots quickly away from the group [LEWD]
  199. [16:08] <Curiosity> "I'll keep on checking the scene with you, Curious"
  200. [16:09] <GL|Catnip> Curi, Curious, roll for perception
  201. [16:09] * Foxius sighs. "Maybe clever bears?"
  202. [16:09] <Curiosity> !roll d20
  203. [16:09] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  204. [16:09] <Curious> !roll d20
  205. [16:09] <GameServ> 15 == 15
  206. [16:09] * Curiosity is blind
  207. [16:09] <GL|Catnip> Curi's too enamoured with the thought of pegging Boris. Too bad all she is is an honorary unicorn...
  208. [16:10] * Curiosity waggles her hips a bit
  209. [16:10] * GL|Catnip hops once onto a box, climbing onto the roof of the scene of the crime and swinging her way inside, landing without a sound
  210. [16:10] == Hidden_Glimmer [] has quit []
  211. [16:10] <Boris[Happening]> [Not until she gets something that isn't made of lumber]
  212. [16:10] <GL|Catnip> Curious, however, sees a trace of orange flash in the upper-right corner of the door
  213. [16:11] <GL|Catnip> [hue. And *Opening
  214. [16:11] <Curiosity> [I'm on it, honey~]
  215. [16:11] <Curious> "what was that?" goes to investigate
  216. [16:11] * Curiosity muffles a lewd sigh and follows Curi
  217. [16:11] <GL|Catnip> Curious, you enter the scene of the crime. Everything looks normal from what you can see...
  218. [16:12] <Curiosity> "Did you see something?"
  219. [16:12] * GL|Catnip silently pants, hooves outstretched as she balances between two balance beams near the ceiling
  220. [16:13] <Curious> "yeah, a tiny flash from inside" paces about the space looking about
  221. [16:13] * GoldenTouch foolows the tracks back to the townsquare
  222. [16:13] <GL|Catnip> *The tracks lead back to the farm*
  223. [16:14] * Phoenix_Down waits for the others "wait... what are we waiting on again?"
  224. [16:14] <Curiosity> "Weird" *she says while checking the scene with the zebra* "Any idea on what it is?"
  225. [16:14] * GL|Catnip looks in relief, having obtained that single, long orange strand of hair she so foolishly accidentally left at the very back.
  226. [16:15] <GL|Catnip> !roll 1d20 Cat's balance
  227. [16:15] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  228. [16:15] * Curious freezes "ohgod! maybe it was predator!" looks for aliens crawling on the cieling
  229. [16:15] * GoldenTouch goes back to the farm
  230. [16:15] * GL|Catnip falls down on top of Curious with a "MROWR!"
  231. [16:15] * Phoenix_Down stretches "Ill take another look around..." before taking to the air again
  232. [16:15] * GL|Catnip gasps "D-DARLINGS! Why aren't you checking those tracks?"
  233. [16:16] * GoldenTouch nods and joins him
  234. [16:16] * Curiosity eeps! and smakcs the thing on Curiou's head
  235. [16:16] * Foxius sits on the ground again. "I am too old for this."
  236. [16:16] <GoldenTouch> *with a strappon*
  237. [16:16] <Curiosity> [hue]
  238. [16:16] <Curiosity> [/me adds strapon to inventory]
  239. [16:16] * GL|Catnip breaks character, dropping her accent "Now if you excuse me, I must go."
  240. [16:16] <CaptGreenHoof> "Y'know what? Fuck this. I don't give a shit about some fag in town square. Let's go look back at the farm."
  241. [16:16] * Curious scrambles out from under her attacker "hold it!"
  242. [16:17] <Curious> "the hell were you doing in the rafters? I thought you were in town square"
  243. [16:17] <Curiosity> "Wh-what the... Wait!" *she yells to what seems to be Catnip and tries to catch her with a fore leg* "What are you doing here?"
  244. [16:17] <GL|Catnip> Curi, roll.
  245. [16:17] <Curiosity> !roll d20
  246. [16:17] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  247. [16:17] <Curious> !roll d20
  248. [16:17] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  249. [16:18] * Curiosity is crippled
  250. [16:18] * Foxius yells into the shack. "What is going on in there?"
  251. [16:18] <GL|Catnip> Hue, the Catburglar is too nimble for you~ She laughs, running- straight into a short firecorn
  252. [16:18] <GL|Catnip> Fox, roll
  253. [16:18] <Foxius> !roll 1d20
  254. [16:18] <GameServ> 12 == 12
  255. [16:18] * CaptGreenHoof trots back to the storage house
  256. [16:18] * GoldenTouch attempts to see her like overwatch in the air with phoenix
  257. [16:18] == Aoleton_Jelly has changed nick to Aoyin
  258. [16:19] * Phoenix_Down sees a commotion down below "Golden, should we check itbout?"
  259. [16:19] * GL|Catnip rolls around, having stumbled on the short stallion, landing underneath him and squirming "U-unhand me, you ruffian!"
  260. [16:19] <Curiosity> [forgot muh +2 to hazards, not like it had changed anything]
  261. [16:19] * Curious points her spear at cats throat "I would suggest staying put"
  262. [16:19] * Foxius grins. "Stop squirming."
  263. [16:19] * GoldenTouch sees the scene and swoops down like a jet while danger zone plays in the background
  264. [16:19] <GoldenTouch> ["it only makes me harder"]
  265. [16:20] * CaptGreenHoof bursts into the building. "Hey, what the fuck?!?"
  266. [16:20] * Curiosity hastily takes out her rope and gets closer to Catnip
  267. [16:20] * GL|Catnip blinks "A-assaulting a civilian? Harumph!"
  268. [16:20] <Foxius> [>inb4 "Foxius, what are we going to do on the floor?"]
  269. [16:20] <Curiosity> [hue]
  270. [16:20] <CaptGreenHoof> "Hey, Rose, quit that! Everyone, just calm down!"
  271. [16:20] <CaptGreenHoof> "Don't hurt Rose!"
  272. [16:20] * Foxius frowns. "I do not plan to."
  273. [16:21] * Phoenix_Down stays in the air, lower to the ground in case somebody tries somethin' dumb"
  274. [16:21] * Curious is more demanding this time "what were you doing here? who are you?"
  275. [16:21] * GL|Catnip puts the accent back on, pleading at Hoof "D-darling, these... brutes are holding me against my own will!~"
  276. [16:21] * Foxius frowns more. "This isn't even my final form."
  277. [16:22] <Curiosity> "Sorry darling~" *she says while attempting to tie Catnip's legs together* "I'm no guard, either, so is of no use to plea"
  278. [16:22] * GL|Catnip drops the accent, muttering "Hush, shorty" to Fox
  279. [16:22] * GL|Catnip eyes widen "W-what the... what are you DOING?"
  280. [16:22] * CaptGreenHoof slowly walks up to Rose, being held to the ground, and kneels down to her, looking her in the eye with a soft smile. "Let's just talk this out. We're not gonna hurt you. Why are you stealing my food?"
  281. [16:22] * GoldenTouch lands next to everyone
  282. [16:23] * Curiosity leans closer to Catnip's and whispers
  283. [16:23] <GL|Catnip> "L-look, I never stole any food! Where's your proof?"
  284. [16:23] * Phoenix_Down stays in the air
  285. [16:23] <Curiosity> "having fun~"
  286. [16:23] * Curious searches the restrained cat
  287. [16:23] <GoldenTouch> "Ah yes, the proof, you see my dear its elementary, a not guilty person doesn't run for one~"
  288. [16:24] * Curiosity makes a knot around the burglar's front legs and then proceeds to repeat the process with the other ones
  289. [16:24] <GL|Catnip> Curious sees nothing but a loose hair in her mane
  290. [16:24] <CaptGreenHoof> "Well, you snuck into here, and tried to run away. That's pretty incriminating. Plus, I'm not a cop. I don't have to press charges on you. We can just talk this out, and I'll just let you go."
  291. [16:24] <Foxius> "This does not add up. Why would a pony steal some food, then offer to help find the crime commiter?"
  292. [16:24] <Curiosity> "Why don't we all calm down and interrogate her properly? ~"
  293. [16:24] * CaptGreenHoof glaces at Foxius. "I dunno, that's what we're gonna find out."
  294. [16:24] * Curious is dismayed theres no evil doers certificate
  295. [16:25] * Foxius slowly ponders. "Maybe she is giving it to the Griffins?"
  296. [16:25] <GL|Catnip> "H-hey, now listen here, you can't indict me with no evidence, treating me like-" She hushes, looking at Hoof, rolling her eyes "...Fine, we discuss like *refined* ponies."
  297. [16:25] * GL|Catnip twitches at the word Gryphon
  298. [16:25] <GoldenTouch> "I'll take that as a yes"
  299. [16:25] * Foxius clambers off Catnip and wipes himself down.
  300. [16:26] <CaptGreenHoof> "Good. Now... can I get you a drink?"
  301. [16:26] * Curiosity chuckles
  302. [16:26] <Foxius> "I'll take some vodka, if you have any."
  303. [16:26] <Curiosity> "Let's take her inside"
  304. [16:26] <CaptGreenHoof> "I uh, I meant for Miss Rose here."
  305. [16:27] <GoldenTouch> "Hoof please, you already have a ship"
  306. [16:27] * GL|Catnip drops the accent "Please, I'm the one who gets others drunk. Now, if I tell you my name, will you *please* untie me?" She harumphs "This can't be good for my hoovesies, Dah-ling!"
  307. [16:27] <CaptGreenHoof> "No, we'll untie you once you tell us everything we need to know to keep this from happening again. Explain yourself."
  308. [16:27] * Curiosity finishes tying the crimina scum and pats its head
  309. [16:27] * Phoenix_Down sees the scene calm down, gliding down to the ground but still hovering a bit above them
  310. [16:27] <GoldenTouch> "Genius! lets just untie the theif! its almost like, we're stupid"
  311. [16:27] <GL|Catnip> "Well, you did follow your own tracks to the Townsquare~"
  312. [16:27] * GL|Catnip coughs
  313. [16:28] <Curious> "pfft, alright now youre guilty for sure. spill it or i'll spill yours"
  314. [16:28] <Curiosity> "You look so nice like this~ Now be a good girl and tell us everything clearly, ok?"
  315. [16:28] <GL|Catnip> "W-whoa there!"
  316. [16:28] * Curiosity glances to Curious with a relaxed expression
  317. [16:28] * Curious feels like playing bad cop
  318. [16:28] * Foxius just stares at the Curious(ity) pair. "Woah guys."
  319. [16:28] <GL|Catnip> "Do you really think I'd do this if I didn't- Mmph *Struggle* - Have a choice?"
  320. [16:28] <Curiosity> "Go easy,she'll talk"
  321. [16:29] <CaptGreenHoof> "Who's forcing you?"
  322. [16:29] * Curious harumphs convincingly and lowers her spear
  323. [16:29] * Curiosity is kind of tired of having to deal with shitty villains stealing for big bosses
  324. [16:29] <GoldenTouch> ["IS IT SARGE, HE'S THE ONLY ONE WHO FORCES"]
  325. [16:29] <Curiosity> "Who's your boss, honey?"
  326. [16:29] <GL|Catnip> !roll 1d20
  327. [16:29] <GameServ> 15 == 15
  328. [16:29] <CaptGreenHoof> [huehueheuheuheue GOLDEN PLS]
  329. [16:30] * Curiosity moves a hoof inside her saddlebags and takes out one of her jars
  330. [16:30] * GL|Catnip struggles a bit more, hiding a small smile "Heh... I wish I could tell you, sweetie."
  331. [16:30] <GoldenTouch> "And why can't you..."
  332. [16:31] <GL|Catnip> "Now, to be truthful..."
  333. [16:31] <Foxius> "I sense bad things coming."
  334. [16:31] * CaptGreenHoof moves to stand right over Catnip. "Come on. If someone's threatening you, we'll take em down."
  335. [16:31] <GL|Catnip> "My name's Catnip. Not Rose, Christ almighty I came up with that on the spot."
  336. [16:31] <GoldenTouch> [thats rape]
  337. [16:31] <CaptGreenHoof> "Catnip. Got it."
  338. [16:31] <Foxius> [I said bad things.]
  339. [16:31] * Curious stomps next to her head "I would advise you THINK HARDER. loose ends dont live long"
  340. [16:31] * GL|Catnip hmphs "Oh pls, you can't take them down."
  341. [16:31] <GL|Catnip> [hue]
  342. [16:31] <CaptGreenHoof> "Really? What makes you say that?"
  343. [16:32] <GL|Catnip> "*Exactly*, darling! ...You really wanna know?~"
  344. [16:32] <Curiosity> "Mmmhhmmm" *says cury while taking out a bandage as well and dampening it on the liquid thatis contained on the jar* "Oh, I bet they are a terrible gang of diamond dogs or gryphons"
  345. [16:32] * Foxius tenses. "They are behind us, are they not?"
  346. [16:33] * GoldenTouch looks at foxius and slowly turns around
  347. [16:33] <GL|Catnip> "Y-yes, look! Right behind you!"
  348. [16:33] <GL|Catnip> !roll 1d20
  349. [16:33] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  350. [16:33] * Curiosity hums softly as she closes the jar and pckets it back on her saddlebags
  351. [16:33] * Curious holds her spear at cat again
  352. [16:33] <Curiosity> "Not working on me,darling"
  353. [16:34] * CaptGreenHoof continues standing over Cat, not looking behind.
  354. [16:34] * GL|Catnip is 3fast5u, shirking off the ropes.... But looking straight at a spear "...Fuck."
  355. [16:34] * GoldenTouch turns around because he's stupi- he turns back around seeing nothing
  356. [16:35] * Curiosity moves the dampened bandage near to Cat's face, not minding the fact that she untied herself
  357. [16:35] * Foxius untenses at Golden Touch's reaction.
  358. [16:35] <CaptGreenHoof> "Look, lady, just spill it already. We'll protect you from any harm from whoever the hell it is you're working for. Who is it, Griffins? Lions? Eagles?"
  359. [16:35] * GL|Catnip eyes widen, pawing away that bandage "You get that away from me!"
  360. [16:35] <GL|Catnip> "...Well, Lion Eagles."
  361. [16:35] * CaptGreenHoof holds a hoof to Curiousity. "Relax."
  362. [16:35] <GoldenTouch> "So gryphons..."
  363. [16:35] * Curiosity looks upto Hoof with a smile
  364. [16:35] <CaptGreenHoof> "So they *are* Griffins."
  365. [16:36] <Curious> "names, numbers! keep going or shes going to have a field day"
  366. [16:36] <Curiosity> "You see, she only needed motivation?"
  367. [16:36] * GL|Catnip quivers, showing genuine nervousness "L-look, I'm sorry, I-I had no choice... They're going to... If I don't..."
  368. [16:36] <CaptGreenHoof> "They're going to what?"
  369. [16:36] <GoldenTouch> "They're going to what...attack the town?"
  370. [16:36] * Curiosity still holds the bandage closer to Cat
  371. [16:36] * Foxius looks around him. "Anyone seen my bag?"
  372. [16:37] <Curiosity> "Honey, once I met someone like you, I really liked her,but she had to left the town... You see, she was in a positionvery similar to yours"
  373. [16:38] <GL|Catnip> "...Just quit the banter, knock me out and keep me behind bars where I'm safe... *DAR-ling*
  374. [16:38] <GL|Catnip> "
  375. [16:38] <Foxius> "I say we leave her tied to a tree."
  376. [16:38] <GoldenTouch> "Oh yes!"
  377. [16:38] <Curiosity> "Holding such secrets is bad for everyone, and I don't really need another case like that one again. Speak now and I'll get you into a cell"
  378. [16:38] <Curious> "yeah, let her employers take care of her"
  379. [16:38] * GL|Catnip eyes widen "D-don't you dare!!"
  380. [16:38] <GL|Catnip> "N-no, PLEASE!!!"
  381. [16:39] <CaptGreenHoof> "Lady, from what you're saying, information you might have might be very valuable, and if these Griffins are stealing food from us..." Green Hoof sighs. "Look... it's my job to make sure Four Cannonites are safe. Please. Just help me and I'll help you."
  382. [16:39] * Foxius holds up a hoof. "Hush, all."
  383. [16:39] * Curiosity glances to Fox
  384. [16:39] * GoldenTouch looks at foxius and lets him talk
  385. [16:39] <CaptGreenHoof> "Everyone, calm the fuck down."
  386. [16:39] <Curious> "i'd answer the lady's questions then"
  387. [16:39] <Foxius> "We leave her tied to a tree, and watch what happens. If we see some Griffins, we batter them."
  388. [16:40] <Curiosity> "What if there are too many of them? Let's keep talking with our friend a bit more to know how we can get rid of them"
  389. [16:40] <GL|Catnip> "W-what the fuck, are you MENTAL?"
  390. [16:40] * Curiosity rolls her eyes
  391. [16:40] * CaptGreenHoof shakes his head and looks down at Catnip. "Look, Catnip... I can get you protection. You don't have to go to jail, you can be safe, here, with us. But I need to know the danger these Griffins pose, who they are, and what they are doing. Can we work together on this?"
  392. [16:40] * Foxius smiles. "Yes, yes I am."
  393. [16:41] * GoldenTouch stands in the background, maybe quick was right
  394. [16:41] <Curiosity> "Sometimes I do believe half this town, is, Cat" *giggles* "But hey, how about you tell us what worries you so much about them?"
  395. [16:41] * GL|Catnip nods to Hoof "J-just... keep me out of *THOSE* Pony's hooves, hmmm?" She gestures to Curi, Curi and Fox
  396. [16:41] * Curious parties internally that someone is playing good cop correctly
  397. [16:42] * Foxius frowns. "I am not evil. I just don't have morals."
  398. [16:42] * CaptGreenHoof smirks down at Catnip. "Relaaax~. Don't worry about them, they're just... enthusiastic."
  399. [16:42] * Curiosity makes some mental notes about Hoof
  400. [16:42] <CaptGreenHoof> [PANIC INTENSIFIES]
  401. [16:42] <Curiosity> [:3]
  402. [16:43] * GoldenTouch makes mental notes about hoof
  403. [16:43] * Curious grins mischeviously "he cant help you if you dont talk~"
  404. [16:43] <GoldenTouch> [>Rape intensifies]
  405. [16:43] <GL|Catnip> "...S-six gryphons."
  406. [16:43] * CaptGreenHoof nods. "Six. Okay. We've faced worse. Tell us more."
  407. [16:43] <Foxius> [Time to revenge Recon?]
  408. [16:43] * Curiosity nods and slowly puts the bandage away
  409. [16:43] <Curious> "when are they scheduled to meet you next?"
  410. [16:43] <CaptGreenHoof> [These are quite different Gryphons, Fox~]
  411. [16:44] <GL|Catnip> "Each seemingly twice as big as any pony... I-I don't know, they just nabbed me, and told me to get them food o-or else... Y-yeah..."
  412. [16:44] <Foxius> [Damn.]
  413. [16:44] <CaptGreenHoof> "Do you know what they're planning?"
  414. [16:44] <GL|Catnip> "S-soon, I give them food once every week... Sorry, Darling."
  415. [16:44] <GoldenTouch> "Maybe....we should let her keep giving the good..."
  416. [16:45] <GL|Catnip> "No, I-I'm just the food delivery."
  417. [16:45] <GoldenTouch> *food
  418. [16:45] <GoldenTouch> "She'll be able to learn what they're up to before we are..."
  419. [16:45] <GoldenTouch> "And it doesn't hurt to have an inside man..."
  420. [16:45] * Curiosity sighs
  421. [16:45] <GoldenTouch> "Ahem, female"
  422. [16:46] <CaptGreenHoof> "This... I have a bad feeling about this... No, we need to take care of this as soon as possible..."
  423. [16:46] * Curious asides to golden "shes not an inside man, shes a hostage"
  424. [16:46] * GL|Catnip eyes widen further "Y-you can't mean, darling... I'm just a catburglar, I'm not strong... And besides, they don't tell me anything, I swear!"
  425. [16:46] <CaptGreenHoof> "Where are they?"
  426. [16:46] <Curious> "yeah where do they meet you for the dropoffs"
  427. [16:47] * GoldenTouch has an idea
  428. [16:47] <GoldenTouch> [What race/colors is catnip?]
  429. [16:47] * Curiosity stashes the bandage inside her saddlebags along the rope
  430. [16:48] <GL|Catnip> [Female mudpone, orange tabby colors]
  431. [16:48] == Liven [] has quit [Ping timeout: 194 seconds]
  432. [16:48] <GL|Catnip> "A-at their camp..."
  433. [16:48] == Sad_Sun_Liven [] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  434. [16:48] * GL|Catnip giggles "They're strong, but not smart, darling~"
  435. [16:48] <Curious> "which is...?"
  436. [16:48] * Phoenix_Down occasionally casts a glance over where the gryphon tracks were, keeping a slightly aerial eye of the situation
  437. [16:49] * CaptGreenHoof gets rid of the ropes and picks Catnip up, offering her a jar of pruno. "You're safe and free now, lady. Hell, you could run away. But anything you can tell us might save lives."
  438. [16:49] * Curiosity keeps silence, standing at Hoff's side
  439. [16:49] <Curiosity> Hoof*
  440. [16:49] * CaptGreenHoof smiles at Catnip with bright green eyes, despite his increasingly frail, stressed, and aged appearance.
  441. [16:50] * GL|Catnip gulps "Y-you're too kind."
  442. [16:50] <GL|Catnip> "I-I'll tell you before I make my next drop-off... It can be a sting... okay, *darling*?"
  443. [16:50] <CaptGreenHoof> "Y-you can't tell us where their camp is now...?"
  444. [16:50] <Curious> "how bout you tell us now, and we get you a nice safe cell to hide in"
  445. [16:51] <GoldenTouch> "Guys...someone still needs to make the delivery..."
  446. [16:51] <CaptGreenHoof> "We could take them out tomorrow. You won't have that danger hanging over your head anymore."
  447. [16:51] <GL|Catnip> "...R-really, now? These are *bruutes*, darling... You and what army, to be made in one day?"
  448. [16:51] <Curious> "let us worry about that, you worry about getting out of this with all bones intact"
  449. [16:52] <CaptGreenHoof> "My friends."
  450. [16:52] * Foxius smiles. "They are dumb, right?"
  451. [16:52] * Curiosity looks away
  452. [16:52] <CaptGreenHoof> "My friends and I have overcome worse odds than this before."
  453. [16:52] <Curiosity> "It's getting cold..."
  454. [16:52] <Curious> [dammit hoof you dont have to goodcop /that/ hard]
  455. [16:52] * GL|Catnip groans "Well, alright. First thing tomorrow, I'll come over here... Alright? A-and if this doesn't work... I. Don't. Know. You."
  456. [16:53] <GoldenTouch> ""The power of friendship, who are you again?"
  457. [16:53] * Phoenix_Down wonders breifly what the progress on his secret project is "if they are dumb we will just outsmart them!"
  458. [16:53] * Curiosity contains a laugh
  459. [16:54] <Curiosity> "This is going to be fun, at least"
  460. [16:54] * CaptGreenHoof nods. "Alright. We meet here, first thing tomorrow... Do you have somewhere to sleep?"
  461. [16:54] <Curious> "yeah she does. a cell"
  462. [16:54] <Foxius> "We build many bear traps. Just like hunting in Russia."
  463. [16:54] * Curiosity puts a hoof on Curious's shoulder andshakes her head slightly
  464. [16:54] <GL|Catnip> "...C-cell works just fine for tonight, *darling*."
  465. [16:54] <Mary_ONette> [I heard traps]
  466. [16:54] <Curiosity> "Hoof's field, Hoof's rules. Let him take care of this"
  467. [16:55] * Curious asides "and if she runs to the gryphons? its the safest place for her and us"
  468. [16:55] * GL|Catnip motions to the gryphon tracks "Yeah, not safe here for me, hun."
  469. [16:55] <Curiosity> "That's Hoof problem"
  470. [16:55] * CaptGreenHoof nods. "I'll take full responsibility if things go wrong. Hell, they probably will. But we'll deal with it."
  471. [16:56] * Curiosity puts a hoof on her saddlebags and produces the same jar of sedativee she used to dampen the bandage
  472. [16:56] <GL|Catnip> "And, one final thing, Greenie..."
  473. [16:56] * CaptGreenHoof looks up at Catnip. "Hm?"
  474. [16:56] * GL|Catnip trails a hoof ove his cheek "Chivalry and longevity don't go hand-in-hand~"
  475. [16:57] * CaptGreenHoof smirks. "I don't expect to live long, *darling*."
  476. [16:57] * Curiosity giggles softly and handles the jar to Hoof
  477. [16:58] <Curiosity> "Use it on her before sleeping, -darling-~"
  478. [16:58] <Curiosity> "Just a tiny bit, you don't want to kill her"
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