

May 6th, 2018
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  1. Guest_Lookforgiggles has left the chat
  2. MicahEvelynnRyzu: (I'm done)
  3. MicahEvelynnRyzu: -.- I'm thinking of learning European.
  4. FuzMysticBloodskullz: eastern or western, XD
  5. MicahEvelynnRyzu: Bonjour Mein Amiga.
  6. QnDebShadow: Shai
  7. MicahEvelynnRyzu: Deb, I'm not sure if I'm going to stay on. Just... I can laugh at this, but at the same time it kinda pisses me off.
  8. QnDebShadow: what, that shes still learning?
  9. MicahEvelynnRyzu: No
  10. MicahEvelynnRyzu: I'm learning Native American = I'm learning European.
  11. QnDebShadow: Not everyone knows as much as others
  12. FuzMysticBloodskullz: if im not mistaken, no 2 tribes spoke the same language, correct?
  13. MicahEvelynnRyzu: Correct
  14. MicahEvelynnRyzu: The language is usually the name of the tribe.
  15. MicahEvelynnRyzu: IE Cherokee speak Cherokee.
  16. FuzMysticBloodskullz: some did share simillar diolect though right?
  17. MicahEvelynnRyzu: But Eastern and Wester Cherokee even changed.
  18. MicahEvelynnRyzu: Much like the Spanish and Mexicans.
  19. MicahEvelynnRyzu: Two different languages, but there are some common words between them.
  20. FuzMysticBloodskullz: yes
  21. MicahEvelynnRyzu: Even the Irish and Scotish had similar words.
  22. MicahEvelynnRyzu: And that was thanks to the Vikings mostly...
  23. FuzMysticBloodskullz: i have some native american in me. my great great great grandmother came from a tribe that inhabited New York
  24. FuzMysticBloodskullz: which one i do not know
  25. MicahEvelynnRyzu: My ancestors managed to hide with my Scot and Irish background to avoid the Trail of Tears.
  26. MicahEvelynnRyzu: Mom took a DNA test and found out we even have Inuit in our blood.
  27. FuzMysticBloodskullz: cool
  28. MicahEvelynnRyzu: Do you see where I'm coming from, though, Deb?
  29. QnDebShadow: no, because its like you expect people to know as much as you do and get upset when they dont
  30. QnDebShadow: i dont know any of this stuff either
  31. MicahEvelynnRyzu: No, I expect for someone to know the name of the language they're learning.
  32. MicahEvelynnRyzu: I'm trying to learn ASL. My girlfriend's dad is completely deaf. She's helping me a lot, but the first thing she told me--that I didn't know--is that ASL has it's own dialect from state to state.
  33. MicahEvelynnRyzu: I don't say I'm learning Sign Language. I say I'm learning American Sign Language.
  34. QnDebShadow: so instead of making fun, couldnt you try to help her like your friend is helping you?
  35. MicahEvelynnRyzu: The difference between her and I... is that I don't look at language as a joke. I wasn't making fun, I honestly wanted to know what tribe she was learning. And then she didn't care enough about the tribe to know which she was using.
  36. MicahEvelynnRyzu: Language is scary, powerful, and dangerous. In some parts of Native American heavy states like Nevada and Oklahoma, you can get seriously hurt if you use the wrong language.
  37. MicahEvelynnRyzu: Old tribe wars still continue, Deb
  38. MicahEvelynnRyzu: You use the wrong language and they'll think you're just mocking them and shoot.
  39. MicahEvelynnRyzu: And they DO know how to hide a body.
  40. QnDebShadow: well, like we all know that, i sure didnt. Look, she may not be native american, she may be just learning, at least she admits it
  41. MicahEvelynnRyzu: If she's learning then she'll know the name of the language she's learning.
  42. MicahEvelynnRyzu: You don't go into a spanish class and not know the name of the language.
  43. QnDebShadow: maybe its self taught, maybe she doesnt know the exact tribe....yet. There could be many reasons. It sounds like she is just starting out with this chara. Maybe a little help is what she needs
  44. MicahEvelynnRyzu: Fuz, how many languages do you speak?
  45. FuzMysticBloodskullz: just english
  46. MicahEvelynnRyzu: Deb, how many do you speak?
  47. QnDebShadow: 1
  48. MicahEvelynnRyzu: Did either of you take a language class in school?
  49. QnDebShadow: no
  50. FuzMysticBloodskullz: all they offerd was spanish, and my dad basicly said he would pull me out of school if i took it
  51. MicahEvelynnRyzu: Ouch.
  52. MicahEvelynnRyzu: Deb, you're over 50, right?
  53. QnDebShadow: mhm
  54. MicahEvelynnRyzu: And you're telling me that your school didn't make you take French or Spanish?
  55. QnDebShadow: was not a requirement
  56. MicahEvelynnRyzu: Which state did you attend high school?
  57. QnDebShadow: WI
  58. MicahEvelynnRyzu: You needed english, math, and what other credits to graduate?
  59. QnDebShadow: history, science, chemistry
  60. QnDebShadow: language was an elective like home ec
  61. MicahEvelynnRyzu: Science in general?
  62. MicahEvelynnRyzu: Or did you have to take seperate classes for things like Biology and whatnot?
  63. QnDebShadow: mhm like biology
  64. QnDebShadow: biology wasnt a year long course
  65. MicahEvelynnRyzu: When you took a Biology class, did you mistaken it for Chemistry?
  66. QnDebShadow: i always thought they were all a part of science
  67. MicahEvelynnRyzu: When you took a biology class did you mistaken it for chemistry?
  68. MicahEvelynnRyzu: Mistake it*
  69. QnDebShadow: Micah, i know what you are doing, and what i said before still stands. Some of us, me mainly, are not as smart as you. I feel like you are looking down at me, at her, and quite frankly its pissing me off
  70. MicahEvelynnRyzu: I'm not, I have a point that I don't think you quite see yet.
  71. QnDebShadow: and you dont see mine.
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