
Ultimate Chip 5 Level Updates

Feb 8th, 2016
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  1. NEW? | 1.0# | 2.0# Level Name
  2. NEW | 125 | 1 The Grid
  3. OLD | 1 | 2 Pesky Pink Ball
  4. OLD | 6 | 3 Village
  5. OLD | 7 | 4 Geode
  6. OLD | 4 | 5 Walkers are Arsonists
  7. OLD | 3 | 6 Tearing at the Seams
  8. OLD | 11 | 7 Cemetery of Onbashira
  9. OLD | 13 | 8 Treasure Quest
  10. NEW | 92 | 9 Fortress of Force
  11. NEW | 94 | 10 Pink Diamond
  12. NEW | 117 | 11 Anomalous Aberration
  13. NEW | 86 | 12 Contemplation
  14. NEW | 110 | 13 Fossilized Snow
  15. OLD | 16 | 14 Gravel Realm
  16. OLD | 2 | 15 Butter Sword
  17. OLD | 17 | 16 Cell-Locked
  18. NEW | 106 | 17 Minimalism
  19. OLD | 5 | 18 Crystallized Silver
  20. OLD | 12 | 19 Adventure
  21. NEW | 140 | 20 Non-Dimensional Layer
  22. OLD | 9 | 21 Starburst
  23. NEW | 120 | 22 Erode
  24. NEW | 108 | 23 Blobs in a Tin Can
  25. OLD | 27 | 24 Zero Space
  26. NEW | 88 | 25 Key Insight
  27. OLD | 19 | 26 Surrounded by the End
  28. OLD | 20 | 27 Soft Swerve Swirl
  29. OLD | 26 | 28 Narrow Passage
  30. OLD | 21 | 29 Frozen Waffle
  31. NEW | 85 | 30 Connections
  32. NEW | 135 | 31 Blazing Jungle
  33. OLD | 38 | 32 Conveyor Crypt
  34. OLD | 22 | 33 Dihydrogen Monoxide Encompassed Compass
  35. OLD | 34 | 34 Fluster, Luster and Bluster
  36. OLD | 24 | 35 Bluebells
  37. OLD | 8 | 36 Skating in the Streets
  38. NEW | 132 | 37 Elude
  39. NEW | 122 | 38 Funambulism
  40. NEW | 126 | 39 Downtown Disturbance
  41. OLD | 59 | 40 Honey, I Shrunk the Chip!
  42. NEW | 111 | 41 Scarab
  43. OLD | 44 | 42 Sinking Plaza
  44. OLD | 10 | 43 Disentanglement
  45. NEW | 142 | 44 Hexagon Force
  46. NEW | 98 | 45 Twisty Little Passages
  47. OLD | 40 | 46 Donkey Kong
  48. OLD | 36 | 47 Pragmatism
  49. OLD | 37 | 48 Four Block Sokoban
  50. OLD | 58 | 49 Just 9 Minutes!!
  51. NEW | 89 | 50 Diametric Opposition
  52. OLD | 43 | 51 Infested Mines
  53. NEW | 145 | 52 Gosper Glider Gun
  54. OLD | 42 | 53 Coil
  55. OLD | 77 | 54 Ravenous
  56. NEW | 136 | 55 Green Light District II
  57. NEW | 129 | 56 Cell Station
  58. NEW | 83 | 57 Off the Beaten Path
  59. NEW | 82 | 58 Volatility
  60. OLD | 23 | 59 Bomb Disposal Director
  61. NEW | 87 | 60 Deep Dive
  62. OLD | 25 | 61 Intuitive Inuit
  63. OLD | 49 | 62 Voyage 1971
  64. OLD | 28 | 63 Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy
  65. OLD | 33 | 64 Lab Basement
  66. NEW | 93 | 65 Phantom Bracer
  67. NEW | 102 | 66 Seeing Red
  68. OLD | 68 | 67 Infernal Sokoban
  69. OLD | 30 | 68 Charcoal Cove
  70. OLD | 29 | 69 Blended Brussels Sprouts
  71. NEW | 101 | 70 Your Best Nightmare
  72. OLD | 15 | 71 Braving the Blizzard
  73. NEW | 97 | 72 Snow Big Deal
  74. OLD | 32 | 73 Realm of Azure Dreams
  75. NEW | 118 | 74 Snowy Mammoth
  76. NEW | 90 | 75 Miasma
  77. NEW | 100 | 76 Flooded Field
  78. NEW | 121 | 77 Space Oddity
  79. OLD | 51 | 78 Blistering Caves
  80. NEW | 131 | 79 Octobomb Blast
  81. OLD | 31 | 80 Satellite Array
  82. NEW | 133 | 81 District 13
  83. NEW | 114 | 82 Flaming Fortress
  84. OLD | 35 | 83 Silicon Mine
  85. OLD | 57 | 84 Island Shrine
  86. OLD | 46 | 85 A Brief Tour of Prehistory
  87. OLD | 48 | 86 Restrictive Argyle
  88. NEW | 81 | 87 Warehouse 2007
  89. OLD | 47 | 88 Blast Radius
  90. OLD | 71 | 89 Gallium Isle
  91. OLD | 76 | 90 Somebody Get Marginally Unsafe
  92. NEW | 130 | 91 Aquatic Ruins
  93. OLD | 65 | 92 Bumper 2.0
  94. NEW | 116 | 93 Undefined Fantastic Object
  95. OLD | 78 | 94 Chip's Tour
  96. OLD | 72 | 95 Plastic in the Ocean
  97. NEW | 138 | 96 Hysteria
  98. OLD | 18 | 97 Compact
  99. OLD | 45 | 98 Bathing in Battery Acid
  100. OLD | 41 | 99 Chemical Fire
  101. NEW | 91 | 100 Pyrite Factory
  102. OLD | 14 | 101 Tower of Terror
  103. NEW | 141 | 102 Three Color Problem
  104. OLD | 60 | 103 Zipper
  105. OLD | 52 | 104 Amorphous
  106. NEW | 146 | 105 The Salt Mines
  107. NEW | 96 | 106 Flow State
  108. OLD | 39 | 107 Altered Altar to Apollo
  109. OLD | 61 | 108 Ruminations
  110. NEW | 99 | 109 Hardware Store
  111. OLD | 75 | 110 Counting Binary
  112. NEW | 84 | 111 Lapse of Judgment
  113. OLD | 67 | 112 Diamond Encrusted Pearl
  114. NEW | 115 | 113 Hairline Fracture
  115. NEW | 123 | 114 Casted Colony
  116. OLD | 50 | 115 Data Corrupted
  117. OLD | 55 | 116 MarshelkATxhrhuex
  118. NEW | 107 | 117 Materialism
  119. NEW | 113 | 118 Midtown Mayhem
  120. OLD | 54 | 119 The End Is In Sight
  121. OLD | 64 | 120 Wetland Rainforest
  122. OLD | 62 | 121 Defrosted Retreat
  123. OLD | 70 | 122 Air Bubble
  124. NEW | 149 | 123 Another Medium
  125. NEW | 139 | 124 Way of the Paramecium
  126. OLD | 69 | 125 Studio 15, Lot 2
  127. OLD | 73 | 126 Pack Attack
  128. OLD | 53 | 127 The Clock Strikes Two Thirty
  129. NEW | 127 | 128 In the Right Place at the Right Time
  130. NEW | 147 | 129 Solitary Refinement
  131. OLD | 56 | 130 Crumbling Jumbled Bramble
  132. NEW | 109 | 131 Manual Override
  133. NEW | 128 | 132 Breeze Harbor
  134. OLD | 66 | 133 Slime Fortress
  135. NEW | 144 | 134 Room to Maneuver
  136. NEW | 124 | 135 Tanking Performance in the Tank of Tanks
  137. NEW | 134 | 136 Quintuple Maze
  138. NEW | 95 | 137 Incredibly Inefficient Infrastructure
  139. NEW | 143 | 138 Limited Time Offer: Only 12 Left in Stock!
  140. NEW | 137 | 139 Broken Bridge Bonanza
  141. NEW | 103 | 140 347 Uses for a Block
  142. NEW | 112 | 141 A Bug's Life
  143. NEW | 119 | 142 Wastelands of Tabora
  144. OLD | 74 | 143 Cloudy Domain
  145. NEW | 105 | 144 Vignettes
  146. NEW | 104 | 145 Vignettes II
  147. OLD | 79 | 146 Tragic Laughters
  148. NEW | 148 | 147 Mathematical Mastermind
  149. OLD | 63 | 148 Vermin
  150. OLD | 80 | 149 Paradigm Shift
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