

Dec 28th, 2020
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  1. The Eliz­a­beth smile looks at this scene, looks at the Miya vi­sion, has grat­i­fied, there is an ad­mi­ra­tion.
  2. Bravely what Miya said her to want was any­thing, and dared to in­sist.
  3. She does not have this courage.
  4. Since child­hood, her body was placed oth­ers' nu­mer­ous great ex­pec­ta­tions.
  5. They hope that she turns into that ap­pear­ance, never has the per­son to ask her to be re­ally will­ing to turn into that ap­pear­ance.
  6. „I...... I also want to re­main.” Eliz­a­beth said.
  7. Miya and Lan­caster turn head si­mul­ta­ne­ously to her look like.
  8. Miya eyes shone, as if knew any­thing.
  9. Some Lan­caster doubts, look at Eliz­a­beth say­ing: „Eliz­a­beth, can you also keep Chaos City?”
  10. „No, I meant, I also want to keep Mamy Restau­rant.” Eliz­a­beth looks at Lan­caster eyes, sim­i­larly fa­cial ex­pres­sion earnest say­ing.
  11. This time, she also wants to say the real idea.
  12. Then was one's turn Lan­caster to be dumb­founded.
  13. His two trea­sure daugh­ters, must keep Mamy Restau­rant, when waiter?
  14. The Lan­caster daugh­ter, frost giant dragon clan Princess, must keep Mamy Restau­rant un­ex­pect­edly, when waiter?
  15. „Good, Elder sis­ter, after that you live with me.” Miya has run over, happy pulling arm of Eliz­a­beth, dim­ple like flower.
  16. Eliz­a­beth pat­ted her hand, the vi­sion looks at Lan­caster as be­fore.
  17. Fox died in her hand, she is the frost giant dragon clan next pa­tri­arch can­di­date.
  18. On com­ing the Chaos City road, Lan­caster with her had been dis­cussing that lets mat­ter that she suc­ceeds, in­tends to cul­ti­vate her to be­come pa­tri­arch in these two years, and holds on to this po­si­tion.
  19. Yes, no one cares about her as be­fore whether wants, but thought that she should sit in that po­si­tion.
  20. There­fore today she wants to tell the fa­ther, she does not want, at least she does not want now.
  21. Com­pares in that ice-cold Frost Throne, she likes the Mamy Restau­rant warm com­fort­able at­mos­phere.
  22. These are cov­et­ing the vi­sion of that ice-cold throne, mak­ing one sleep on pins and nee­dles, but here, can ac­tu­ally open wide the in­ten­tion, waits sin­cerely.
  23. This is the life that she yearns for and fondly re­mem­bers.
  24. Her goal was to once find the fa­ther, now this goal has been re­al­ized, she wanted to stop some time, stayed here, and all cared about her per­son with Miya in the same place.
  25. Lan­caster looks at Eliz­a­beth, this lets his proud daugh­ter, in­her­ited the daugh­ter of his pow­er­ful tal­ent and com­bat ca­pa­bil­ity, he has not as if un­der­stood her truly.
  26. „You , if will­ing to stay be­hind, that then stays be­hind.” Lan­caster nods, even­tu­ally along her in­tent.
  27. Com­ing back of a nar­row es­cape from Ex­treme North's Ice­field, knew Eliz­a­beth to look for her had many pain, un­der­went many tribu­la­tions, his ruth­less under heart does not let her car­ry­ing/sus­tain­ing own will and am­bi­tion even­tu­ally again.
  28. Mamy Restau­rant, but also is re­ally a strange place, can not want to go home his two daugh­ter fans un­ex­pect­edly.
  29. „Fa­ther, do your one­self have the place to live? If any, I first slept with the elder sis­ter, to­mor­row sees.” Miya is hold­ing the hand of Eliz­a­beth, looks at Lan­caster to say.
  30. „Has.” Lan­caster nods, just wants to say any­thing again.
  31. „That to­mor­row saw......” has not waited for his words say­ing that pulls the two girls of hand to walk away, turned nearby lane.
  32. „These two girls......” Lan­caster laugh in spite of try­ing not , the lifted hand puts down slowly, looks in the palm that ring, talked to one­self in a soft voice: „Relax, then, I will pro­tect with the life her.”
  33. In­serts one, 【App】 The sin­cer­ity is good, is worth in­stalling, after all can the buffer read, the off-line read aloud!
  34. „Ring is mother leaves my, I take away.” Miya wind in gen­eral runs, seized the ring from the hand of Lan­caster, then hugged Lan­caster gen­tly, is say­ing with a smile: „Good night, fa­ther.” Then ran far.
  35. Lan­caster looks at the Miya back, can­not help laugh­ing, the per­son­al­ity of this girl com­pared the Eliz­a­beth bracelet, makes him a lit­tle not adapt ac­tu­ally.
  36. How­ever this feel­ing...... also good, were all of a sud­den many feel­ing of mis­chie­vous sweet­heart.
  37. ......
  38. „Elder sis­ter, for serveral days I may be wor­ried about you.” Miya tight, say­ing that in a soft voice the arm of Eliz­a­beth hugs.
  39. „I am all right, I was only look for the fa­ther.” Eliz­a­beth shakes the head with a smile, but felt the Miya in­ten­tion, felt warm.
  40. Miya puts out the key to open the dor­mi­tory front door, opens the door, an ex­plo­sive, the fire­works painted eggshell four shoot.
  41. „Wel­come Eliz­a­beth to go home!!!”
  42. Eliz­a­beth and Yabe­miya stand in the en­trance, looks to carry cake, peo­ple of stand­ing of smil­ing in liv­ing room, gawked star­ing.
  43. „woah, pleas­antly sur­prised!” Miya eyes slightly bright.
  44. „Every­one......” in the eye of Eliz­a­beth is flash­ing the glim­mer, sud­denly feels like a lit­tle cold, the nose some­what blocked.
  45. Orig­i­nally be­sides Miya, so many peo­ple cares her, is fa­vor­ing her, cares about her.
  46. „Out­side is cold, comes in quickly.” Gina goes for­ward, holds the hand of Eliz­a­beth to enter the room.
  47. Miya closes the door, in liv­ing room re­main­ing warm.
  48. „Leav­ing was so long, thinks you.” Gina first gave her a hug, soft body, hug­ging is warm and com­fort­able.
  49. „Al­though I am not good at ex­press­ing with this way, but...... holds.” Bar­bara walks to go for­ward, face slightly red say/way.
  50. Eliz­a­beth hugged her with a smile, said in her ear in a soft voice: „Thanks.”
  51. „Elder Sis­ter Eliz­a­beth, meets me to ask you to drink, I have the best rum.” Han­nah went for­ward to hug, said with a laugh.
  52. „Good.” Eliz­a­beth nods.
  53. „Elder Sis­ter Eliz­a­beth, you came back, re­ally good.” Jane/sim­ple goes for­ward, held Eliz­a­beth, the smile is sin­cere.
  54. „Clever.” Eliz­a­beth touches Jane’s head with a smile, al­though Lit­tle Golden Horn the words are not many, but has been very clever.
  55. An­gela last goes for­ward, sim­i­larly gave a Eliz­a­beth hug, but after grasp­ing, whis­pered low voice: „Seem­ingly icy, but hugs soft warm, is very com­fort­able big............!”
  56. Eliz­a­beth body slightly stiff.
  57. An­gela steps back, looks that she and Miya smiles say­ing: „Miya, I alone sleep to fear in the evening, do I come not to have a good sleep to­gether with you well?”
  58. „Good.” Miya pure nod.
  59. „It is not good!” Eliz­a­beth de­ci­sive re­jec­tion.
  60. „Good, that has the op­por­tu­nity to sleep to­gether.” An­gela shrugs, has not forced.
  61. „We eat cake.” Gina said.
  62. „This does cake, where come?” Miya sur­prised say/way.
  63. She re­cently had in study makes cake, but did not have learn, who that this is cake does?
  64. „I.” Gina raises hand, is say­ing with a smile: „I use ice cream to do, en­tire ice cream cake.”
  65. „Time is quite tight, there­fore we thought of this means.” An­gela in­ter­rupted.
  66. „Seem­ing like should is very de­li­cious.” Han­nah swal­lows the saliva.
  67. Miya is en­dur­ing the happy ex­pres­sion: „Boss lis­tened to hit the per­son......”
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