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Jul 28th, 2015
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  3. 1) Lvl 2 Advantage
  4. It takes 7 minions (in a sololane) to hit level 2. Use that to your advantage and strategically position yourself for when you hit 2 and the opponent is still lvl 1. The moment you hit 2, all in them to exert your dominance as that's a huge advantage (extra ability, increased stats). For some champions, like maokai, riven, sion, they do a jungle camp, recall, and tp back to top lane for that extra gold/xp so they ensure they hit lvl 2 first.
  6. 2) Pink behind enemy red buff
  7. Use a pink ward on the bush behind enemy red buff. People rarely walk through that bush early in the game, yet it offres so much value as it helps spot out enemy jungler way in advance.
  9. 3) Matchups & Counterpicks
  10. So many times I see people instalock their favorite champion and then get horribly counterpicked and destroyed in lane. It often pays off to have similar champions as the rest of your team so yu can trade to secure counterpicks (for ranked 5v5s). The order is usually Jungle > Support > Adc > Mid / Top. Have your team pick in that order to avoid counterpicks.
  12. 4) Positive Attitude!
  13. Stay calm, never shout at your teammates for feeding or making a mistake. Being a dick doesn't help them do/feel better nor does it help you do/feel better. And remember the mute tool. Imo it is incredibly useful. Just silence the trolls and if you can't hear them, your mood can't be ruined.
  15. 5) Winning as Mid-Lane
  16. If you're mid lane and you're winning, shove the lane, deep ward enemy jungle (preferably by their wraiths) and kill them while they're doing a camp. Or roam top/bot to provide presence, even if you won't get a kill. You can also farm off of your own jungle's wraiths.
  18. 6) Crab Value
  19. If you're jungler, kill the crab early. It has MUCH less armor/health on its first life. If you get it before the enemy jungler, that's a major bonus as the ward is invaluable. Especially for top lane. Also if you're a tanky jungler, knockups reduce the crab's armor by a lot, so it's not impossible for you to kill it. Helpful for j4, maokai, riven, etc.
  21. 7) Timers
  22. Keep timers on your/their buffs (5 minutes), dragon (6 minutes), baron (7 minutes). Start prepping those fights with wards and team presence about 30-45 seconds in advance. The team presence is insanely important as whoever gets control of the area gets control of the fight. If you're doing the dragon dance, it pays off to have someone pushing mid lane while your team is doing the dance as you pressure two objectives at once (drag and mid turr). Buy pinks if you plan on soloing drag or if its respawning soon.
  24. 8) Enemy Items / Pink Wards
  25. Look at your opponent's items a lot. If you're a tanky top, figure out if you need to prioritize health (vs. champs like irelia/olaf) or armor (vs. champs like riven/fiora). If you're bot, see if the enemy has bought a pink ward, watch their movements, and check often to see if it's still there or not. Then you have a better guess on where they put it.
  27. 9) Red Trinket on Support
  28. If you're support, consider getting red trinket early so you can scan sidebrush to help your jungler do a lane-gank if their support is warding river/jungle really well
  30. 10) Enemy Jungler Positioning
  31. If you see enemy jungler gank top lane, run into his bottom-side jungle and steal camps/drop wards or possibly tank dragon if your bottom lane is cooperating/winning. Vice versa for if enemy jungler is ganking bot. Invade/ward their topside jungle.
  33. 11) Counterjungling
  34. Only do this on champions with fast clears and good esacpes like Vi, Lee Sin, Warwick, Shyvana. Junglers like Maokai have bad escape and will easily die if spotted out. If your lanes are recalling, DO NOT COUNTERJUNGLE. They can't support you in case you get caught out and their lanes will get their before yours. Clear entire buffs so you can get timers to come back again later. Clear only the big monsters in camps as they are worth the most gold/xp and it wastes enemy jungler time.
  36. 12) Baiting Jungler
  37. If you're a laner and you've warded the river/brush and you see the enemy jungler about to come, don't immediately run away unless you're in huge danger. Pretend that it's not warded and stay a little bit close, but not enough to let them engage on you. Keep your finger on your flash in case they try to flash+initiate. Waste the jungler's time. He'll sit there thinking you're about to move close enough, thus wasting time/experience/gold etc.
  39. 13) Skillshot Jungle/Support
  40. If you're playing a skillshot champion like morgana/nidalee support, position yourself so that you throw a skillshot at a low health minion and then auto the minion so it dies and your skillshot goes through the dead body. Example: I play morgana support a lot, and the enemy tries to hide behind minions. I position myself so they're hiding behind a low health minion. I know my adc is going to last hit it really soon, so I fire off my snare just as my adc autos. The enemy will think they're safe behind the minion and laugh at your snare, but the minion will die and the snare will land. This also works as jungler where you can launch your skillshot and then smite minions in front of it.
  42. 14) Upgrading trinkets
  43. Upgraded trinkets are insanely helpful. First yellow path is essentially a sightstone for laners. Extremely useful for splitpushing. Second yellow path is the pink ward. 250 gold = 2.5 pink wards normally. That's definitely worth it. Red trinket lets you clear out an entire area like baron or dragon. Try to upgrade your trinkets around lvl 9.
  45. 15) Bans
  46. If you know the enemy mid plays an insane amount of mid-lane champions and is good on all of them (IE: Chris Chueh on Ziggs, Zed, Ahri, Katarina, etc), don't bother trying to ban him out. Focus on banning people who play fewer champions so you put them in a bad situation. Ban things that you personally hate or counter the champion you plan on playing. For example, I play morgana support so I tell my first pick to ban fizz because it's really hard to peel against fizz. Or when I play shyvana jungle, I tell my first pick to ban Thresh because his flay and ult interrupts my ult. Prioritize banning things that counter the champion you plan on playing, not just banning the OP stuff like Sejuani.
  48. 16) Power spikes
  49. Plan on fighting when your team hits its powerspikes. When your teammate completes their zhonya, triforce, frozen heart, etc, that's a huge gain. Kennen/Fizz/Vlad+Zhonya is insane. Triforce is massive on everyone, adc or top lane. Frozen heart's effect is huge. Try to fight when you've completed these kinds of items. This will give you an advantage in the teamfight.
  51. 17) Trading Objectives
  52. If you're playing a late-game comp, instead of contesting objectives like dragon, try trading objectives. IE: If the enemy team is taking drag, try pushing top/mid really hard. The turret gold gets you closer to the late-game you need and early dragons aren't very useful (3rd and 5th dragons are the most dangerous/worth contesting).
  54. 18) Don't Always Take Turret
  55. If you're winning lane hard and your team is also doing fine in lane, you don't have to end the laning phase so quickly! If you kill the enemy laner, let the turret stay alive and bully/deny them cs longer! You have no reason to take the turret. Your team is doing fine. Just continue kicking their ass! Taking tower would give them a lot more room to farm/freeze lane in to catch up and would put you at a higher risk of being ganked.
  57. 19) Sometimes Take Turret
  58. On the other hand, if your team is not doing well, it could pay off to push hard and take that turret so that you can roam and help out your team.
  60. 20) Time Your Sieges
  61. when you're winning and you're sieging the enemy turrets (as baron/dragon may be down), check how long you've been sieging for. If it's been at least 3 minutes, then you know the enemy's wards and vision coverage has timed out so they have 0 vision and you can force them into a bad fight by baiting baron or dragon.
  63. 21) Champion Synergy / Teamcomps
  64. Usually the only positions that go tank are top, jungle, and support. It's important to have 1-2 tanks, but no more. If you have 1 tank, the rest of your team should be fairly tanky (like Swain mid or bruisers like irelia/jax top). If you have 2 tanks (like jungle/supp or top/supp), then it's important to have the third position (top or jungle) be somewhat damage intensive (like running shyvana jungle with tank top/supp) to give your team a sufficient amount of damage with a triple threat rather than just ap/ad carries.
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