Racist Jokes

Jun 30th, 2016
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  1. Q: What was the 4 year old African child crying? A: He was going through a mid-life crisis forsenC
  2. Q: What have pizza and parents got in common? A: If they are black you have nothing to eat cmonBruh
  3. Q: What have black people and bikes in common? A: Without chains they can't work TriHard
  4. Q: How many jews can fit in a fiat 500? A: It depends on the size of the ashtrey ANELE
  5. Q: How black women fight against crime? A: Abortion cmonBruh
  6. Q: In a building lives 4 people. Muhammed, Ali, Jafar and Jeff. One day the building collapses. One survives, who? A: Jeff. He was at work 4Head
  7. Q: How do you call when jew is digging in ash tray? A: Family gathering LUL
  8. Q: What's the difference between a Mexican dad and a bench? A: One can support a family LUL
  9. Q: What's the difference between Batman and a black man? A: Batman can go to the store without robbing TriHard
  10. Q: What happens if you bomb Pakistan? A: Nothing, they are all in Sweden ANELE
  11. Q: Why black guys are so fast? Slow ones are in jail TriHard
  12. Q: How does a German soldier pick up a Jewish girl? A: With an ash shovel haHAA
  13. Q: What is the difference between a scout and a Jew? A: The scout returns from his camp forsenWut
  14. Q: What do you call a black priest? A: Holy SHIT cmonBruh
  15. Q:What did God say when he made the first black man? A: "Damn, I burnt one" 4Head
  16. Q: Why are most pills white? A: Because they work 4Head
  17. Q: What would Martin Luther King be if he was white? A: Alive LUL
  18. Q: There is a black guy and a mexican in a car. Who is driving? A: A cop forsenSheffy 7
  19. Q: What do you call a flying Jew? A: A smoke ANELE
  20. Q: Why don't black people celebrate thanksgiving? A: KFC isnt open on holidays BasedGod
  21. Q: How do Chinese people give their baby names? A: They throw a pan down the stairs and see what sound it makes MingLee
  22. Q: A black guy and a white guy are playing a basketball game in jail. The white guy lost. Why? The black guy had a home advatage TriHard
  23. Q: What do you call a Chinese billionaire? A: Cha Ching forsenMoney
  24. Q: What do you call 2 black guys in a red sleeping bag? A: Kitkat cmonBruh
  25. Q: What do you call a Chinese prostitute? A: SumYungHo MingLee
  26. Q: What does a little kid crying like? Asian porn forsenGASM
  27. If Japanese pop is Jpop, is Chinese rap Crap? D:
  28. Q: What did Asian parents name their retarded baby? A: Sum Ting Wong MingLee
  29. Q: What do Nike and the KKK have in common? A: They both make black guys run faster TriHard
  30. Q: What is long and black? A: The line at KFC TriHard
  31. Q: What do you call a Chinese man who likes to eat soup with chopsticks? A: Yuan Dum Fuk MingLee
  32. Q: What do you call a Lada on a hill? A: A bloody miracle KKomrade
  33. Q: What's the best thing about having an Ethiopian girlfriend? A: You know she'll swallow forsenGASM
  34. Q: Why is chess racist? A: Because the white chess pieces always go first cmonBruh
  35. Q: Why do Indian women have a red dot on their forehead? A: it helps with aiming 4Head
  36. Q: How do you keep black people out of your back yard? A: Hang one in the front WutFace
  37. School is like a boner, long and hard. Unless you are Asian LUL
  38. Q: Why are black people's eyes red after sex? A: A pepper spray cmonBruh
  39. Q: What has two wings and a halo? A: A Chinese telephone. Wing, Wing, Halo MingLee
  40. Q: What do you call two black people on one bike? A: Organized crime TriHard
  41. Q: Why don't black kids play in sandboxes? A: Because they are affraid the cats will try to cover them up cmonBruh
  42. God made everyone different because he got tired when he made china MingLee
  43. Q: Basketball is the perfect game for a black person. All you do is run, shoot and steal TriHard
  44. The world is like a jar of jelly beans. Everyone hates the black ones cmonBruh
  45. Q: How to tell who is Jewish in your class? A: Drop a penny and see who gets there first ANELE
  46. Q: How do you know if an Asian robbed you? Your homework is done and cats gone MingLee
  47. Q: What occupies the last 6 pages of the Lada User's Manual? A: The bus and train timetables nymnXAXA
  48. Q: Where do Russians get their electricity? A: From Moscow Dynamo KKomrade
  49. Q: What do you call 32 hillbillies standing in line? A: A full set of teeth KKona
  50. Who needs a pickup line when you have a pick-up truck KKona
  51. Muslim walks into a gay ba... ResidentSleeper
  52. Q: What happens to Chinese people when they are high? A: They start seeing things D:
  53. Q: Whats the difference between a black guy and a elevator? A: An elevator can raise a child cmonBruh
  54. Q: What do you call a bunch of Nazis running after Jews? A: Temple Run forsenSheffy 7
  55. Q: How do you tell if a guy is Jewish? A: If his nose is longer than his dick LUL
  56. Q: How do you get a Jewish girl's number? A: Ask her to role up her sleeve LUL
  57. Q: What has more brains than a group of Jewish scientists? A: The wall behind them ANELE
  58. Q: What does Pontiac really stand for? A: Poor old N****r thinks its a Cadilac cmonBruh
  59. Q: Why did the Black woman marry the Asian Man? A: She liked Fried Rice On her Chicken MingLee /
  60. Q: Why do people hit things when they don't work? A: It worked with the slaves forsenGASM
  61. Q: Where does the Jewish person sleep in a sleepover? A: In the oven OpieOP
  62. Q: What do you call a family of black people swimming? A: Oil Spill cmonBruh
  63. Q: Why don't you see black people smoking cigarettes? A: They had too much contact with tobacco when collecting it a few centuries ago cmonBruh
  64. Q: What's the difference between a muffin and a Jew? A: The muffin actually got out of the oven nymnXD
  65. Q: Why did the black man go left? A: Because he has no rights FeelsBadMan
  66. Q: What do you call a Mexican, who does the chores and picks the cotton? A: Nobody, that's black man's job cmonBruh
  67. Q: What do you call a black and a white sitting together? A: A zebra TriHard / \ 4Head
  68. Russia is red, Poland is screwed. I will not kill you, unless you are a Jew haHAA
  69. Q: Why do black people stink? A: So the blind can hate them cmonBruh
  70. Q: What do you call a guy from India that has done everything? A: Bundar Dundat (been there, done that) haHAA
  71. Q: What is the difference between a monkey and a black man? A: Nothing TriHard
  72. Q: What is Mexican's favorite sport? A: Cross the country haHAA
  73. Q: What do you call black people in yellow bus? A: A rotten banana nymnXD
  74. Q: What is connection between a black man and a tree? A: A rope forsenRope FeelsBadMan
  75. Q: Do you know why Jesus was born in Jerusalem not in US? A: Because they could not find 3 wise men KKona
  76. Q: What is the name of the movie made about black people? A: Planet Of The Apes TriHard
  77. Q: What is the difference between a black man, and a white man? A: Evolution LUL
  78. Q: Why doesn't Africa have foor or water? A: God is trying to fix his mistakes haHAA
  79. Q: Why do Asian girls have small boobs? A: Because only A's are acceptable haHAA
  80. Q: Why a black man on a bike is not funny? A: Because that bike is probably yours TriHard
  81. Q: What is Adolf's favourite drink? A: Mountain Jew ANELE
  82. Q: Why do decent white people shop at black people's yard sales? A: To get all their stuff back TriHard
  83. Q: What do you call a black man in a three-piece suit? A: The defendant FeelsBadMan
  84. Q: How was the Grand Canyon made? A: A jew dropped a penny in a small hole nymnXD
  85. Q: What do you call a black man with an IQ of 15? A: Gifted BasedGod
  86. Q: Do you know why newspapers don't print the pictures of all the crime suspects? A: They would run out of black ink TriHard
  87. Q: Why did black guy carry a piece of shit in his wallet? A: ID
  88. Q: What is faster than a black guy with a TV? A: His brother on a bike TriHard
  89. Q: What did the Muslim say to the prostitute A: Blow up my cock ANELE
  90. Q: What did black guy get for his birthday? A: Your bike TriHard
  91. Q: What do you call a black guy on a bike? A: Thief TriHard
  92. Q: Why don't sharks eat black people? A: Because theu think they are whale shit cmonBruh
  93. Q: What do you call an arab on the plane? A: 9/11 ANELE
  94. Q: Whats the difference between an asian and an ant? A: The ant has bigger eyes MingLee
  95. Q: What do you call a dead black guy? A: Justice haHAA
  96. Q: Why do black people never get cold? A: Their skin absorbes all the light cmonBruh
  97. Q: How do you start the Israel Civil War? A. Drop a 5$ bill ANELE
  98. Q: What do black people and tornadoes have in common? A: It only takes one to ruing a neighborhood BasedGod
  99. Q: Do you know how copper wire was invented? A: Two Jews fighting over a penny nymnXD
  100. Q: What is Osama's favourite football team? A: New York Jets ANELE
  101. Q: How does a Muslim open a door? A: Islam's it ANELE
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