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Nov 4th, 2020
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  1. <u><b><size=20><color=orange>[</color><color=red>CA</color><color=orange>/</color><color=blue>US</color><color=orange>-East]</color><color=#ff69b4><b> Kognity's Playhouse</b></color><color=#00ffffff> [FF OFF]</color></size></b></u>
  3. <u><b><size=30><color=orange>Server Location:</size></b></u><b><color=red><size=30>Toronto</size></color></b>
  5. <u><b><size=20><color=orange>Discord</color></size></b></u>
  6. <size=15><color=#FFFFFF>Invite: </color><link=""><color=#6E85D3></color></link> (click the link)</size>
  8. <u><b><size=20><color=orange>Basic Server Rules</size></b></u>
  9. <size=15><color=orange>1.</color><color=#FFFFFF> Be a Decent Human Being (blanket term)</color></size>
  10. <size=15><color=orange>1a.</color><color=#FFFFFF> No slurs or any "isms" (eg. Racism, Sexism etc). Strictly 0 tolerance, severe punishments are to be expected.</color></size>
  11. <size=15><color=orange>1b.</color><color=#FFFFFF> Harrasment towards an individual or groups of individuals</color></size>
  12. <size=15><color=orange>1c.</color><color=#FFFFFF> Targeting of a specific individual or groups of individuals</color></size>
  13. <size=15><color=orange>1d.</color><color=#FFFFFF> Being Toxic/Obnoxious</color></size>
  14. <size=15><color=orange>1e.</color><color=#FFFFFF> Finding ways to evade or play around the rules (it will be treated equal to as if you've broken the original rule itself)</color></size>
  15. <size=15><color=orange>2.</color><color=#FFFFFF> No Advertising, only allowed in some cases</color></size>
  16. <size=15><color=orange>3.</color><color=#FFFFFF> English Only</color></size>
  17. <size=15><color=orange>4.</color><color=#FFFFFF> No Cheating/Exploiting</color></size>
  19. <u><b><size=20><color=orange>Gameplay Rules</size></b></u>
  20. <size=15><color=orange>1.</color><color=#FFFFFF> No teaming/passive between Guard/MTF and Chaos, unless they are fighting an SCP in which case it would be a temporary truce or one of them wishes to be detained.</color></size>
  21. <size=15><color=orange>2.</color><color=#FFFFFF> No passive/teaming between Guard/MTF and SCP.</color></size>
  22. <size=15><color=orange>3.</color><color=#FFFFFF> No Team Killing (includes Tesla-ing SCP as 079)..</color></size>
  23. <size=15><color=orange>4.</color><color=#FFFFFF> No killing of <b>ANY</b> detained/cuffed individuals who are following orders.</color></size>
  24. <size=15><color=orange>5.</color><color=#FFFFFF> No micspam allowed in Radio, Spectator Chat, SCP Chat or Intercom. The only place allowed is in proximity chat (when you're alive), at the start and end of rounds.</color></size>
  25. <size=15><color=orange>6.</color><color=#FFFFFF>No abusing of 939's smaller size.</color></size>
  26. <size=15><color=orange>7.</color><color=#FFFFFF> Camping/Stalling the game is not allowed</color></size>
  27. <size=15><color=orange>8.</color><color=#FFFFFF> No closing doors/elevators/gates on teammates</color></size>
  28. <size=15><color=orange>9.</color><color=#FFFFFF> No uncuffing a detained individual before they escape</color></size>
  29. <size=15><color=orange>10.</color><color=#FFFFFF> No uncuffing a detained individual with the sole purpose of killing them</color></size>
  30. <size=15><color=orange>11.</color><color=#FFFFFF> No Team Sabotage</color></size>
  32. <u><b><size=20><color=orange>Custom Plugins/Gameplay Changes</size></b></u>
  33. <size=15><color=#FFFFFF>(For a full list of complete custom plugins and gameplay settings join the discord server!)</color></size>
  34. <size=15><color=orange>1.</color><color=#FFFFFF> Latejoin: If you join within the first 3 minutes of the game starting you will be spawned in with these chances:<color=#FFFFFF>
  35. - <color=#ffa500ff>50% Class D</color>
  36. - <color=#FCFF8F>30% Scientist</color>
  37. - <color=#c0c0c0ff>20% Facility Guard</color></color></size>
  39. <size=15><color=orange>2.</color><color=#FFFFFF> Better939 is enabled</color></size>
  40. <size=15><color=orange>3.</color><color=#FFFFFF> Maximum of 7 SCPs will spawn</color></size>
  41. <size=15><color=orange>4.</color><color=#FFFFFF> Teslas will not trigger with Scientists, Guards/NTF and detained individuals.</color></size>
  42. <size=15><color=orange>5.</color><color=#FFFFFF> Detaining Guard/MTF will and letting them escape will convert them to Chaos and Chaos to NTF Lieutenant conversely.</color></size>
  44. <size=15><color=#FFFFFF>Custom <color=#52ACF7>NTF</color> Classes:</color><color=#FFFFFF>
  45. - <color=#52ACF7>NTF Containment Specialist</color>
  46. - <color=#52ACF7>NTF Demolitions Expert</color>
  47. - <color=#52ACF7>NTF Medic</color>
  48. - <color=#52ACF7>NTF Scout</color>
  49. - <color=#52ACF7>NTF Ammunition Carrier</color>
  50. - <color=#52ACF7>NTF Heavy</color></size>
  52. <size=15><color=#FFFFFF>Custom <color=#008000ff>Chaos</color> Classes:</color><color=#FFFFFF>
  53. - <color=#008000ff>Chaos Commander</color>
  54. - <color=#008000ff>Chaos Demolitions Expert</color>
  55. - <color=#008000ff>Chaos Heavy</color>
  57. <size=15><color=#FFFFFF>Custom Starting Classes:</color><color=#FFFFFF>
  58. - <size=15><color=#FCFF8F>Major Scientist Jr.</color>
  59. - <color=#c0c0c0ff>Guard Manager</color>
  60. - <color=#c0c0c0ff>Senior Guard</color>
  61. - <color=#ffa500ff>Chad Class D</color></size>
  63. <size=15><color=#FFFFFF>Custom HP:
  64. - <color=#52ACF7>NTF Commander</color>: 200 HP
  65. - <color=#52ACF7>NTF Lieutenant</color>: 150 HP
  66. - <color=#52ACF7>NTF Cadet</color>: 120 HP
  67. - <color=#52ACF7>NTF Medic</color>: 140 HP
  68. - <color=#52ACF7>NTF Scout</color>: 100 HP
  69. - <color=#52ACF7>NTF Ammunition Carrier</color>: 140 HP
  70. - <color=#52ACF7>NTF Heavy</color>: 300 HP
  71. - <color=#008000ff>Chaos Commander</color>: 200 HP
  72. - <color=#008000ff>Chaos Demolitions Expert</color>: 175 HP
  73. - <color=#008000ff>Chaos Heavy</color>: 300 HP
  74. - <color=#FF0000>SCP-173</color>: 3500 HP </color>
  75. - <color=#ffa500ff>Chad Class D</color>: 150 HP </color></size>
  76. - <color=#FCFF8F>Major Scientist Jr.</color>: 150 HP </color></size>
  77. - <color=#c0c0c0ff>Guard Manager</color>: 150 HP </color></size>
  78. - <color=#c0c0c0ff>SeniorGuard</color>: 120 HP </color></size>
  80. <u><b><size=20><color=orange>Things to note</size></b></u>
  81. <size=15><color=orange>1.</color><color=#FFFFFF> In general if staff tell you not to do something, you should stop.</color></size>
  82. <size=15><color=orange>2.</color><color=#FFFFFF> Staff reserve the right to issue punishments for actions deemed against the rules even if they are not explicitly stated above.</color></size>
  83. <size=15><color=orange>3.</color><color=#FFFFFF> All in all, the rules are meant to serve as guidelines of non-tolerated behavior, it is your responsibility to read the rules and follow them.</color></size>
  84. <size=15><color=orange>4.</color><color=#FFFFFF> Staff are always allowed to ban if someone is being a general ass (breaking rule #1)</color></size>
  85. <size=15><color=orange>5.</color><color=#FFFFFF> As Chaos you **CAN** convert Scientists/Guards/NTF to your team by detaining them and escaping, recommended since Logicer is much more powerful than NTF Rifle in close range</color></size>
  86. <size=15><color=orange>6.</color><color=#FFFFFF> Detaining Class D or Scientists aren't required but encouraged, makes the game more fun for everyone.</color></size>
  87. <size=15><color=orange>7.</color><color=#FFFFFF> Detained personnel will <b>NOT</b> trigger tesla gates.</color></size>
  88. <size=15><color=orange>8.</color><color=#FFFFFF> Scientists, NTF and Guards will never trigger tesla gates.</color></size>
  89. <size=15><color=orange>9.</color><color=#FFFFFF> Class D can spawn with a Coin which can be upgraded to a Janitor Card with "Fine" in 914.</color></size>
  91. <size=15><color=orange>Get the most updated plugin list and rules join the discord (click-able link above!)</color></size>
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