
Lily & Anon

Jan 4th, 2015
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  1. >You are anon, the Grinch among the land of candy colored ponies.
  2. >You tend to avoid other ponies, except one of your favorite fillies, Little League, whom you affectionately call Lily.
  3. >Lily has had a deep admiration for you ever since her cousin Lyra told her about you.
  4. >You've been short of God Father for the growing filly for many years now, since her real father is an abusive piece of... excrement.
  5. >Lily now wants to move in with you, which you are actually quite delighted by.
  6. >However, recently her admiration for you has turned into and obsession, after she laced your breakfast this morning with Aphrodisiacs.
  7. > Heck right now the sleepy little filly is soaking your leg with her juices right now, while you sit on your coach.
  8. >Yet you still want to make this work, you want her to be happy.
  9. >You run your hand up and down her neck.
  10. >She makes coos to your touch. It is actually quite adorable. This goes on for some time.
  11. >Then it dawns on you, couldn’t her folks come to take her away from you?
  12. ”Little League?”
  13. >“Yes, Anon?” She mumbles, as she rubs her head on your leg.
  14. ” Do your parents know that you came here to live with me?”
  15. >“…” She opens up her eyes, with a blank expression across her face.
  16. ”Little League, it’s important that you tell me. I need to know.”
  17. >“I told them I was moving out this morning, to go with you. They didn’t seem to care.”
  18. >Why’s that?”
  19. >She looks to her left, “I’ve been telling them that for a while.”
  20. >“They never seem to bat an eye no matter what I do.”
  21. ”I know Lily, but..”
  23. >“Anon, I can’t do it anymore.”
  24. > She sits up from the couch and looks at you.
  25. >“I can’t go back there. My mother never pays attention to me, and my dad…” She starts to tear up
  26. ”Lily..”
  27. > “I don’t want to get hit with that thing anymore!” Tears begin to form in her eyes.
  28. ” I know Lily but we have to address this problem. I can’t just take you, I could get in trouble.”
  29. >She sniffs “I know that… ”
  30. >She sniffs again “ I got a paper today from Twilight the other day.”
  31. >She hands you a paper from her saddlesack
  32. >It’s an unfilled adoption form.
  33. “We’ll fill this out first thing tomorrow, but we need to get some sleep…”
  34. >The sniffling filly jumps back on the couch, and wraps her forelegs around you
  35. > You pat her on the head, and wrap your hand around her.
  36. >“Thank you, Anon. I love you so, much”
  37. ” I know.”
  38. “I love you too, Lily.”
  40. >You are Lily.
  41. >You awake up to the smell of… Pancakes!
  42. >Anon is in his apron, cooking breakfast.
  43. >” Good morning, sleepy-head.”
  44. >” You better spruce up, we’ve got a big day today.”
  45. “Alright, Anon.”
  47. >You go to bathroom, and then take your hat off.
  48. >You wash yourself up in the shower.
  49. >You think of Anon as you clean your nether region, but the thought doesn’t linger for long.
  50. >”Breakfast is ready!” Anon yells from in the kitchen.
  51. “Be right there!”
  52. >You grab a towel from the wrack to dry off.
  53. >You look in the mirror as you brush your hair.
  54. >Good thing you don’t have school today, it will make this whole adoption thing easier.
  55. >Not like you want another sex ed class this week anyway with Ms. Cheerlie anyway.
  56. >You pounce out of the bathroom, and take a seat at the kitchen table.
  57. >Anon comes over with two plates of Blueberry Pancakes.
  58. > ”Bon Appetite.”
  59. You immediately slam your face into the plate.
  60. >” Eat up, Lily.”
  61. …………………………………………………………
  62. >You are now Anon.
  63. >That girl can eat.
  64. ”Glad you are enjoying it Lily.”
  65. ” According to this piece of paper we have to get your parents’ signatures and I have to pass a background check.”
  66. >Lily keeps slamming.
  67. “The background check comes first. I need to talk to Princess Twilight today about scheduling it.”
  68. >Lily finishes, but looks troubled.
  69. >“What about my parents?”
  70. “Yeah, about that...”
  72. “You have their permission to be here right?”
  73. >“Yes. “
  74. >” Why do you care so much my parents anyway?”
  75. “I don’t, but the law is a funny thing. If I’m not careful I won’t be able to adopt you.”
  76. >“But, Ano-“
  77. ”Lily, I won’t let those people hurt you anymore, I promise. I should have done this a long time ago.”
  78. >Lily smiles “So, when do we go?”
  79. ”Right after I get dressed, these pants will need to be washed.”
  80. >Lily blushes “S-sorry about that.”
  81. > You finish your pancakes (damn you can cook).
  82. > You then you go to your room to get on your pant, suit and tie.
  83. Later…
  84. > You and Lily arrive at Princess Twilight’s Treehou—I mean castle.
  85. R.I.P 2010-2014. Never forget.
  86. > You knock on the door of the atrocious looking castle.
  87. “>Be right down!” Twilight yells.
  88. > You hear her trot down the stairs, before opening the door.
  89. >“Oh, good morning Anonymous, and… Little League.
  90. >“What brings you two here?”
  91. ” Good Morning, Princess Twilight”
  92. “I wanted to talk to you about scheduling a background check for an adoption.”
  93. >“That sounds fantastic, Anon.”
  94. >“Please come on in, and have a seat at my desk.”
  95. >You and Little League enter the door.
  96. >You both have a seat at a small white Desk.
  97. >The desk has Newton’s Cradle on it, and Twilight’s Title on it.
  98. >Twilight sits behind the desk.
  99. >”So, Anon, who are you wishing to adopt?”
  100. “I was wishing to adopt Little League.”
  101. >Twilight raises an Eyebrow.
  102. >“Interesting, have you filled paper work with her parents yet?”
  103. ” No we we’re on our way to do that.”
  104. >“Lily, are you okay with this?”
  105. >“Yes, Princess Twilight. Anon is so caring, and has been like a second father.”
  106. >“Sounds good; however I can only schedule you for the appointment”
  107. >“To adopt Little League you will need to fill out additional paperwork after your appointment.”
  108. >“When would you like to schedule the appointment?”
  109. ”As soon as possible”
  110. >“Let me check the schedule...”
  111. > “You’re in luck; we have an opening tomorrow at 7:00pm.
  112. >“Would that work for you?”
  113. “Yes, that sounds great.”
  114. >Maybe this will be easier than you thought
  115. >“Great. Please make sure that you have a copy of your passport, and..”
  116. >THUMP!
  117. >Twilight places a huge stack of paper work on the desk.
  118. >“Make sure all the paper work is completed.”
  119. > Your eyes glare at the god forsaken pile of papers.
  120. >There had to be at least 300 pages there!
  121. > “Our background checker, Ms. Heartstrings will show up at your house to assess you.”
  122. >Wait, Ms. Heartstrings… LYRA?
  123. You gulp ” Ms. Heartstrings…as in Lyra Heartstrings?”
  124. >“Yes, Anon, that is correct. Why do you ask? “
  125. > Great you get to have a background check by your own stalker
  126. >and coincidently Lily’s cousin.,
  127. > You and Little League let out a collective sigh.
  128. “Is there anybody else that can give me a background check?”
  129. >“No, Anon. She is the only one doing background checks in Ponyville as of late.”
  130. “… Alright, tomorrow at 7 it is then.”
  131. “.Very good, is there anything else you need?”
  132. ” No, that will be all for today.”
  133. > All three of you stand up
  134. “Thanks for the help, Princess Twilight. We’ll be heading out.”
  135. > You pick up the paper work.
  136. > You and little league bow out to the Princess, and head out the door.
  137. >“Let me know if you have anything else!” Twilight shouts, as she waves.
  138. >You drop off your paper work at the house
  139. ………………………………………………………………………………………
  140. > You and Lily walk through Ponyville.
  141. >“Anon, how are we going to get Lyra to like us?”
  142. ” I’m not sure, Lily. I have a feeling she’s going to feel funny about me adopting you.”
  143. >“She is jealous of you and me, Anon.”
  144. > “We can do this, Anon. No problem right?”
  145. You smile, “Yeah, I suppose so.”
  146. ” I still remember when you told her how we were going to married, and have many of foals.”
  147. >Little League blushes, then looks up at you slyly. “We can start now, Nonny.”
  148. You laugh, “First we got to teach you about proper anatomy later tonight”
  149. >She blushes “Don’t tease me.”
  150. “ Me tease you? Never.”
  151. >She rubs her head against your leg, and you scratch her behind the ears.
  152. >She leans into you
  153. > She’s just so adorable
  155. > It is such a nice day
  156. > The sun is shining
  157. > Lovely shaped clouds float in the sky
  158. >Lily Walks alongside you, with a radiant smile..
  159. “Say, Lily are you Hungry?”
  160. >“Yeah, Anon. I’m a little hungry”
  161. >Lily’s stomach growls like a Sarlacc pit.
  162. You raise an Eyebrow. ” Only a little hungry?”
  163. >Lily Laughs, and a blush sweeps across your face
  164. >“Okay, maybe a lot.”
  165. > You notice a Hayburgers up ahead.
  166. “How about we go to Hayburgers, Lily?”
  167. >“That sounds delicious”
  168. >You both head into the Hayburger’s
  169. >It smells just like the ones on earth, except with hay
  170. >You both look up at the menu trying to decide what eat.
  171. “What looks good to you Little League?”
  172. >“I don’t know…”
  173. > Then out of nowhere, Pinkie Pie
  174. >“Hi, Nonny!”
  175. ” Oh! Hi Pinkie, I forgot you worked here.”
  176. >“Yes, sir indeed-ie!”
  177. >“I work here part time, when I’m not working for the Cakes”
  178. >“What would like?”
  179. “I’m not sure, what would do you have?”
  180. >“We’ve got Hay-nuggets, Hay-tacos, Hayburgers, and Mc Weenies!
  181. ” Wait, what was that last one?”
  182. >“ Hayburgers.”
  183. > Lily speaks up, “That sounds good.”
  184. “We’ll take two Hay Burgers with medium fries and one Milkshake”
  185. > “Two number nines with fries & a milkshake. That will be three bits.”
  186. > You throw the bits up on the table, and take your receipt.
  187. >“I’ll come by your table with your food when it’s ready!” Pinkie Pie exclaims,
  188. > You and Little league get some soda, and then have a seat.
  189. ” So, Lily when’s the last time you’ve been in a Hay Burger?”
  190. >“Actually, this is my first time”
  191. > I understand keeping your kids healthy, but you got to treat them every once in a while
  192. ” Wait, you’ve never been to one before. Not even once?
  193. >“No, Mommy never really took me anywhere.”
  194. >“She’d always cooked something one night, and then re-use it for the rest of the week.”
  195. ” That sounds… economical.”
  196. >“ Is that what you call? It doesn’t sound too tasty.”
  197. “I’m sure eating the same left overs seven days in a row wasn’t either”
  198. >“ It wasn’t. Mom always spent her spare money on drinks.”
  199. >You’ve been aware of Little League’s abusive father for only a couple of weeks now,
  200. >but this is the first time you’ve heard about her alcoholic mother.
  201. > You’ve been taking photos of Little League
  202. > Whenever she came to your house with a bruise from one of ‘Daddies Accidents’
  203. >You’ve dated each one and put them in a file.
  204. > After which you would took care of her wounds,
  205. > If you play your cards right you can get these people incarcerated.
  206. > And, hopefully get Lily signed over to you.
  207. >Pinkie Pie comes to the table with your food.
  208. >“ Here you go! Dig in!”
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