Guest User


a guest
Dec 4th, 2017
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  1. root:root
  2. root:rootroot
  3. root:centos
  4. root:ubuntu
  5. root:root123
  6. root:qwerty
  7. root:123456
  8. root:1qaz2wsx
  9. jetty:jetty
  10. toot:toot
  11. admin:carding
  12. sammy:sammy
  13. cftp:cftp
  14. sshvpn:passw0rd
  15. sshvpn:welc0me
  16. ftp:ftp
  17. ftpuser:ftpuser
  18. elasticsearch:elasticsearch
  19. root:!QAZ2wsx
  20. root:1qaz@WSX
  21. sshvpn:sshvpn
  22. sshvpn:123456
  23. sshvpn:debian
  24. user3:user
  25. root:abcd1234
  26. hadoop:nJgt437Hccx87#3^%$
  27. root:nJgt437Hccx87#3^%$
  28. root:1234567
  29. root:debian
  30. oracle:oracle
  31. root:123456
  32. root:1234567890
  33. root:123qwe
  34. root:qwertyuiop
  35. test:test
  36. root:password
  37. root:password123
  38. test1:test1
  39. git:git
  40. hadoop:hadoop
  41. postgres:postgres
  42. admin:admin
  43. redhat:redhat
  44. root:redhat
  45. deploy:deploy
  46. leslie:leslie
  47. server:server
  48. tomcat:tomcat
  49. packer:packer
  50. packer:packer123
  51. packer:123456
  52. packer:password
  53. sentry:sentry
  54. 1:1
  55. a:a
  56. test2:test2
  57. www-data:www-data
  58. wp:wp
  59. vagrant:vagrant
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