
The Calling part 1

Jun 28th, 2014
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  1. [01:24] * Baku|Haku looks at the Author with his eyes glowing.
  2. [01:24] <Baku|Haku> "You are being called author..."
  3. [01:24] <TheQuietAuthor> ....
  4. [01:25] <Baku|Haku> "We are all being called"
  5. [01:25] <Baku|Haku> "When you arrive look for me"
  6. [01:25] <TheQuietAuthor> If you plan to horrible things to me...
  7. [01:25] * Baku|Haku turns into a dog and dissapears
  8. [01:25] * TheQuietAuthor pulled out a painting
  9. [01:25] <Baku|Haku> ( Nope~ )
  10. [01:25] * Baku|Haku the painting has a man that looks similar to the author
  11. [01:26] <TheQuietAuthor> (...a man who look similar like me?)
  12. [01:28] <Baku|Haku> ( It get's weirder )
  13. [01:28] <TheQuietAuthor> (...I turned into a man?)
  14. [01:29] <Baku|Haku> *The Auhtor wakes up. On a time different than his own. The painting has banished. The female author who dresses herself as a man woke up on the victorian era. An era much different than her own
  15. [01:30] * TheQuietAuthor wakes up from her sleep..
  16. [01:30] <TheQuietAuthor> (This is me in the New World, yes?)
  17. [01:30] <Baku|Haku> ( Yes )
  18. [01:30] <TheQuietAuthor> (The Chronicler?)
  19. [01:30] <Baku|Haku> ( ^w^ Nods )
  20. [01:31] <TheQuietAuthor> "...."
  21. [01:31] * TheQuietAuthor turns around and sigh to herself
  22. [01:32] <Baku|Haku> *Even her room was different. four walls all made of wood. A bed where she was with rather confy sheet. All made of natural wool. A little itchy tough. A mirror across her bed and half a ton of books scattered around the book. Some of them with anotations with her own letter. Others were just books of legends and folk tales
  23. [01:32] <TheQuietAuthor> "...another weird dream?"
  24. [01:32] <TheQuietAuthor> Others were just books of legends and folk tales-- (anything missing?)
  25. [01:32] * TheQuietAuthor shook her head a bit
  26. [01:32] <TheQuietAuthor> Last time it was a pale man with hallow sockets where his eyes should be...
  27. [01:33] <TheQuietAuthor> ...and now this?
  28. [01:33] <Baku|Haku> *She could see herself on the mirror she hasn't changed at all. However in front of the mirror there was two sets of victorian like clothing. It wasnt new but neither that old.
  29. [01:33] * TheQuietAuthor stood up from her bed and look at the strap on her....
  30. [01:33] <TheQuietAuthor> she still have her handgun with her?
  31. [01:35] <Baku|Haku> *Yes she does. It's one of those vic tirian ones tough. Only one shoot
  32. [01:35] <TheQuietAuthor> "...."
  33. [01:35] <Baku|Haku> *It's underneat the pillow in chase she needs it
  34. [01:35] <TheQuietAuthor> "...what happened to my gun?"
  35. [01:35] <TheQuietAuthor> She look at her pistol...nay...
  36. [01:35] <TheQuietAuthor> ...a revolver...
  37. [01:36] * TheQuietAuthor picked up the old musket and sigh
  38. [01:36] <TheQuietAuthor> "I wonder whether I can carry this with me?"
  39. [01:38] <Baku|Haku> *The place had a single window that directed to the street. It wasn't a particuarly interestin street. The people would walk around it and don't even bat an eye to it. Hell if it wasn't beacuse she lived there she would forget even getting there. There where other four buildings on the street. Three more where dormitories similar to the one the author reside and a cafe.
  40. [01:39] <TheQuietAuthor> (Can she hide the pistol anywhere on her?)
  41. [01:39] <Baku|Haku> ( With the strap? Yes )
  42. [01:39] <Baku|Haku> ( Since the clothing was heavier back then it's easier to hide it )
  43. [01:40] <TheQuietAuthor> (Got it...even if it a man's costume?)
  44. [01:41] <Baku|Haku> ( Yep~ More layers of clothing better hidding spots )
  45. [01:41] <TheQuietAuthor> (Understood)
  46. [01:41] * TheQuietAuthor pick up her pistol and hid it in her clothes
  47. [01:42] <Baku|Haku> *The cafe was closed at the moment only a young man was cleaning up the place. There was wine bottle uptied on the place even the man cleaning up looked a bit anoyed by the sun's rising
  48. [01:42] <TheQuietAuthor> (How much time do you have? I wouldn't mind making this as canon's as Pucchito's ominous 'Outsider')
  49. [01:42] <Baku|Haku> ( Two hours~ )
  50. [01:42] <TheQuietAuthor> (Got it)
  51. [01:43] <Baku|Haku> *There was a loud bangging on the door. A rather deep woman's voice came out from the other side "Mister! Mister! Are you awake yet?"
  52. [01:44] <TheQuietAuthor> "....uhh..."
  53. [01:44] <TheQuietAuthor> She stood up and said, "....yes I am."
  54. [01:44] <Baku|Haku> "Get up already! No wonder you are such an airhead mister. With all those books and reading it mades weird to the mind"
  55. [01:44] <TheQuietAuthor> She opens the door and looked at the person right outside
  56. [01:45] <Baku|Haku> "The landlord is comming, You better have a good excuse this time" A girl that looked no more than 15 but still had a voice that could raise up the death showed at her door. She was dressed on a rather simply if nor raggy green dress
  57. [01:46] <TheQuietAuthor> "...thank you..."
  58. [01:46] <Baku|Haku> *Her eyes where wide, The ten layers of make up made her look more like a doll than anything. She had a towel on her black hair and silly slippers on her feet. Still for some reason she was wearing pink legging
  59. [01:46] <Baku|Haku> "Did you hear the boys last night mister? Such s scandall"
  60. [01:47] <Baku|Haku> "Why aren't the men like you mister" the girl slided slowly towards the author and hugged her "So kind...and soft..."
  61. [01:47] <TheQuietAuthor> "...what happened?"
  62. [01:47] <Baku|Haku> "I'd hate to see you go away..."
  63. [01:47] * TheQuietAuthor smiled and give her a dashing smile as she patted on her head
  64. [01:49] <Baku|Haku> *The gir's eyes iluminated as she was patted on the head. Someone called her from across the hall. She turned around and yelled "Comming"
  65. [01:50] <Baku|Haku> "I hope to se you at the festival mister, Have a nice one"
  66. [01:50] * TheQuietAuthor smiled
  67. [01:50] <TheQuietAuthor> "Then see you next time..."
  68. [01:51] <Baku|Haku> *The girl ran towards her family. There lived a family of three on the other side across the hall from the Author's. Two kids but no mother. The father looked rather tired. he looked at the author and smiled at her.
  69. [01:51] * TheQuietAuthor smiled and waved back at them
  70. [01:52] <Baku|Haku> *The hall was had only three doors and it wasn't very wide. Two rooms one bigger than the other and a broom closet. In front of the Author's door was the stairs.
  71. [01:53] * TheQuietAuthor looked around and try to stay in her room
  72. [01:54] <TheQuietAuthor> Maybe there is something that tells her more about what she have or what she has?
  73. [01:54] <Baku|Haku> ( [nods] )
  74. [01:54] <Baku|Haku> ( Maaaybe the books~ )
  75. [01:54] <TheQuietAuthor> Maybe clues...or ideas about her status or goals?
  76. [01:55] <TheQuietAuthor> (What is available or inside her room?)
  77. [01:56] <Baku|Haku> *There was a piece of paper that was highlited behind the mirror, Three books on the table the rest were piled up in three sort of mountains but not far from each others. Only three were opened.
  78. [01:57] <TheQuietAuthor> "Hmmm..."
  79. [01:57] * TheQuietAuthor looked at the piece of paper first
  80. [01:59] <Baku|Haku> * It was a drawing of a man with a very familiar scarf. With a bag of trinkets and glowing eyes.
  81. [01:59] <TheQuietAuthor> "...."
  82. [02:00] * TheQuietAuthor shakes her head
  83. [02:01] <TheQuietAuthor> "Maybe I should check the books..."
  84. [02:01] * TheQuietAuthor looked at the books instead
  85. [02:02] <Baku|Haku> *One book was a diary. The other was a folk tale book with some pages highligted. The third was a book about physics and engines
  86. [02:02] <TheQuietAuthor> "Hmm..."
  87. [02:03] <TheQuietAuthor> Then she looked at the folk tale book and see what is highlighted...
  88. [02:05] <Baku|Haku> * Werewolfs, A passagues on how to kill them. It had something written on it too. "To kill the wolf with it's own tooth". Other passagues had witches, demons, ghost some had anotations like "Can't exist" or "Possible"
  89. [02:06] <TheQuietAuthor> "...."
  90. [02:06] * TheQuietAuthor shakes her head
  91. [02:06] <Baku|Haku> *The physicas had sever passagues about "Ricocheting" a bullet to bounce on certian objects, Trajectories, "Trick" bullets and other discoveries by a scientist named Giorgio
  92. [02:06] <TheQuietAuthor> "....what about the diary?"
  93. [02:07] <Baku|Haku> *The diary narrates as follows "I woke up again, He looked at me and told me we would be called soon. But not me. At least not me from here. I was not worthy"
  94. [02:08] <Baku|Haku> "He told me I needed to prepare the place for her, I hope she can understand what I am telling her....This is insane..."
  95. [02:08] <Baku|Haku> "I am just a writter, An author...."
  96. [02:09] <Baku|Haku> "I had to disgusse myself to even be able to get my poems to get published...It's just not fair...."
  97. [02:09] * TheQuietAuthor picks up the diary and sat on the chair...
  98. [02:09] <Baku|Haku> "I'm scared of him specially since he never tells me his name and turns into a dog. I remeber the first times I threw salt at him. I didn't burned him but I kept doing it anyway..."
  99. [02:10] <Baku|Haku> "It burned his eyes, So I know he is organic at least"
  100. [02:10] * TheQuietAuthor began to take time to read as much of the diary as possible...checking the latest one to try and see what she needs to do today
  101. [02:10] <TheQuietAuthor> Maybe a calender of sorts
  102. [02:10] <TheQuietAuthor> If there isn't anything she needs to do soon, she would take her time reading the whole diary
  103. [02:11] <TheQuietAuthor> Since she is a Chronicler...
  104. [02:11] <Baku|Haku> 28 of June. The last entry
  105. [02:11] <TheQuietAuthor> ...she wants to read and record as much as she can of this dream, like she did of her last vivid dream
  106. [02:11] <Baku|Haku> "I'm sorry...I'm sorry that I have to ask you this and to not be strong enough..."
  107. [02:12] <Baku|Haku> "The calling is an even that will happen soon during the moon. It calls all what is not supposed to be here on this earth and gives it a place"
  108. [02:12] <Baku|Haku> "However, I was asked to chronicle this but something happened"
  109. [02:12] <TheQuietAuthor> "...."
  110. [02:13] * TheQuietAuthor reads om
  111. [02:13] <Baku|Haku> "It was interrupted and all those on the callling were killed...."
  112. [02:13] <Baku|Haku> "I'm supposed to tell you to get a jewel from here so it won't happen again"
  113. [02:14] <Baku|Haku> "I researched as much as I could, It's on an old house guarded by evil forces....I don't understand it completly but you are borrowing my body"
  114. [02:14] <TheQuietAuthor> " in someone else's body?"
  115. [02:14] <Baku|Haku> "You must get this before them...For them it's only a tresure a trhphy but for us it's much more important"
  116. [02:15] <TheQuietAuthor> ( sister is calling again...what's going on...)
  117. [02:15] <Baku|Haku> "He told me if you die only I die...You'll return to th...." the pages has tears on it. It erases some of the parts
  118. [02:15] <Baku|Haku> ( Ok~ )
  119. [02:15] <Baku|Haku> ( I waits )
  120. [02:15] <TheQuietAuthor> (...can you play Ib for a while?)
  121. [02:16] <TheQuietAuthor> (Or something?)
  122. [02:16] <TheQuietAuthor> (My instinct says this might take a while?)
  123. [02:21] <Baku|Haku> ( [Pulls out manga] )
  124. [02:21] == No such nick/channel: TheQuietAuthor
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