

Mar 26th, 2018
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text 55.24 KB | None | 0 0
  1. sub "sign-status":
  2. set {_sign.line1} to coloured value "title" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/sign.yml"
  3. set {_line3} to "%parameter 1%"
  5. set line 1 of block at {HypeDuels.Sign.Location.%{_line3}%} to "%{_sign.line1}%"
  6. set line 2 of block at {HypeDuels.Sign.Location.%{_line3}%} to "%{_line3}%"
  7. set line 3 of block at {HypeDuels.Sign.Location.%{_line3}%} to "%{HypeDuels.status.%{_line3}%}%"
  8. set line 4 of block at {HypeDuels.Sign.Location.%{_line3}%} to "&8( %{HypeDuels.players.%{_line3}%}%/%{HypeDuels.arena.maxplayers.%{_line3}%}% )"
  9. if {HypeDuels.status.%{_line3}%} is "&aWaiting":
  10. set block 1 behind the block at {HypeDuels.Sign.Location.%{_line3}%} to stained clay:5
  11. else if {HypeDuels.status.%{_line3}%} is "&cPlaying":
  12. set block 1 behind the block at {HypeDuels.Sign.Location.%{_line3}%} to stained clay:14
  13. else if {HypeDuels.status.%{_line3}%} is "&bFinishing":
  14. set block 1 behind the block at {HypeDuels.Sign.Location.%{_line3}%} to stained clay:4
  15. else if {HypeDuels.status.%{_line3}%} is "&eStarting":
  16. set block 1 behind the block at {HypeDuels.Sign.Location.%{_line3}%} to stained clay:9
  17. else if {HypeDuels.status.%{_line3}%} is "&c&lConfig..":
  18. set block 1 behind the block at {HypeDuels.Sign.Location.%{_line3}%} to stained clay:3
  21. on sign change:
  22. set {_sign.line1} to coloured value "title" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/sign.yml"
  23. set {_sign.invalid1} to coloured value "sign.invalid1" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/sign.yml"
  24. set {_sign.invalid2} to coloured value "sign.invalid2" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/sign.yml"
  25. set {_sign.invalid3} to coloured value "sign.invalid3" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/sign.yml"
  26. if player has permission "HypeDuels.admin" or "HypeDuels.*":
  27. if line 1 is "[HD]" or "[HypeDuels]":
  28. if line 2 is "join" or "Join":
  29. set {_line3} to "%line 3%"
  30. if { line 3%} is set:
  31. set line 1 to "%{_sign.line1}%"
  32. set line 2 to "%uncolored line 3%"
  33. set line 3 to "%{HypeDuels.status.%{_line3}%}%"
  34. set line 4 to "&8( %{HypeDuels.players.%{_line3}%}%/%{HypeDuels.arena.maxplayers.%{_line3}%}% )"
  35. set {HypeDuels.Sign.Location.%{_line3}%} to event-block
  36. invoke "sign-status" from {_line3}
  37. send "&7Sign &aAdded&7!"
  38. else:
  39. set line 1 to "%{_sign.line1}%"
  40. set line 2 to "%{_sign.invalid1}%"
  41. set line 3 to "%{_sign.invalid2}%"
  42. set line 4 to "%{_sign.invalid3}%"
  43. send "&cArena doesn't exist"
  44. every 3 seconds: # ---> Dont Change this
  45. loop all players:
  46. if {HypeDuels.option.Scoreboard} is "true":
  47. if {HypeDuels.scoreboard.wait.%loop-player%} is "true":
  48. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  50. set {_line1} to coloured value "line1" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/scoreboards/waiting.yml"
  51. set {_line2} to coloured value "line2" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/scoreboards/waiting.yml"
  52. set {_line3} to coloured value "line3" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/scoreboards/waiting.yml"
  53. set {_line4} to coloured value "line4" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/scoreboards/waiting.yml"
  54. set {_line5} to coloured value "line5" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/scoreboards/waiting.yml"
  55. set {_line6} to coloured value "line6" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/scoreboards/waiting.yml"
  56. set {_line7} to coloured value "line7" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/scoreboards/waiting.yml"
  57. set {_line8} to coloured value "line8" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/scoreboards/waiting.yml"
  58. set {_line9} to coloured value "line9" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/scoreboards/waiting.yml"
  59. replace all "[players]" with "%{HypeDuels.players.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%}%" in {_line1}
  60. replace all "[maxplayers]" with "%{HypeDuels.arena.maxplayers.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%}%" in {_line1}
  61. replace all "[playername]" with "%loop-player%" in {_line1}
  62. replace all "[status]" with "%{HypeDuels.status.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%}%" in {_line1}
  63. replace all "[playerping]" with "%loop-player's ping%" in {_line1}
  64. replace all "[arena]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%" in {_line1}
  66. replace all "[players]" with "%{HypeDuels.players.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%}%" in {_line2}
  67. replace all "[maxplayers]" with "%{HypeDuels.arena.maxplayers.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%}%" in {_line2}
  68. replace all "[playername]" with "%loop-player%" in {_line2}
  69. replace all "[status]" with "%{HypeDuels.status.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%}%" in {_line2}
  70. replace all "[playerping]" with "%loop-player's ping%" in {_line2}
  71. replace all "[arena]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%" in {_line2}
  73. replace all "[players]" with "%{HypeDuels.players.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%}%" in {_line3}
  74. replace all "[maxplayers]" with "%{HypeDuels.arena.maxplayers.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%}%" in {_line3}
  75. replace all "[playername]" with "%loop-player%" in {_line3}
  76. replace all "[status]" with "%{HypeDuels.status.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%}%" in {_line3}
  77. replace all "[playerping]" with "%loop-player's ping%" in {_line3}
  78. replace all "[arena]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%" in {_line3}
  80. replace all "[players]" with "%{HypeDuels.players.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%}%" in {_line4}
  81. replace all "[maxplayers]" with "%{HypeDuels.arena.maxplayers.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%}%" in {_line4}
  82. replace all "[playername]" with "%loop-player%" in {_line4}
  83. replace all "[status]" with "%{HypeDuels.status.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%}%" in {_line4}
  84. replace all "[playerping]" with "%loop-player's ping%" in {_line4}
  85. replace all "[arena]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%" in {_line4}
  87. replace all "[players]" with "%{HypeDuels.players.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%}%" in {_line5}
  88. replace all "[maxplayers]" with "%{HypeDuels.arena.maxplayers.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%}%" in {_line5}
  89. replace all "[playername]" with "%loop-player%" in {_line5}
  90. replace all "[status]" with "%{HypeDuels.status.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%}%" in {_line5}
  91. replace all "[playerping]" with "%loop-player's ping%" in {_line5}
  92. replace all "[arena]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%" in {_line5}
  94. replace all "[players]" with "%{HypeDuels.players.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%}%" in {_line6}
  95. replace all "[maxplayers]" with "%{HypeDuels.arena.maxplayers.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%}%" in {_line6}
  96. replace all "[playername]" with "%loop-player%" in {_line6}
  97. replace all "[status]" with "%{HypeDuels.status.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%}%" in {_line6}
  98. replace all "[playerping]" with "%loop-player's ping%" in {_line6}
  99. replace all "[arena]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%" in {_line6}
  101. replace all "[players]" with "%{HypeDuels.players.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%}%" in {_line7}
  102. replace all "[maxplayers]" with "%{HypeDuels.arena.maxplayers.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%}%" in {_line7}
  103. replace all "[playername]" with "%loop-player%" in {_line7}
  104. replace all "[status]" with "%{HypeDuels.status.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%}%" in {_line7}
  105. replace all "[playerping]" with "%loop-player's ping%" in {_line7}
  106. replace all "[arena]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%" in {_line7}
  108. replace all "[players]" with "%{HypeDuels.players.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%}%" in {_line8}
  109. replace all "[maxplayers]" with "%{HypeDuels.arena.maxplayers.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%}%" in {_line8}
  110. replace all "[playername]" with "%loop-player%" in {_line8}
  111. replace all "[status]" with "%{HypeDuels.status.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%}%" in {_line8}
  112. replace all "[playerping]" with "%loop-player's ping%" in {_line8}
  113. replace all "[arena]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%" in {_line8}
  115. replace all "[players]" with "%{HypeDuels.players.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%}%" in {_line9}
  116. replace all "[maxplayers]" with "%{HypeDuels.arena.maxplayers.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%}%" in {_line9}
  117. replace all "[playername]" with "%loop-player%" in {_line9}
  118. replace all "[status]" with "%{HypeDuels.status.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%}%" in {_line9}
  119. replace all "[playerping]" with "%loop-player's ping%" in {_line9}
  120. replace all "[arena]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%" in {_line9}
  121. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&e&l%{HypeDuels.option.ServerName}%"
  122. set score "%{_line1}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 10
  123. set score "%{_line2}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 9
  124. set score "%{_line3}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 8
  125. set score "%{_line4}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
  126. set score "%{_line5}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
  127. set score "%{_line6}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
  128. set score "%{_line7}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
  129. set score "%{_line8}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
  130. set score "%{_line9}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
  131. set score "%{HypeDuels.option.ServerIP}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
  136. else if {HypeDuels.scoreboard.playing.%loop-player%} is "true":
  138. set {_line1} to coloured value "line1" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/scoreboards/playing.yml"
  139. set {_line2} to coloured value "line2" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/scoreboards/playing.yml"
  140. set {_line3} to coloured value "line3" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/scoreboards/playing.yml"
  141. set {_line4} to coloured value "line4" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/scoreboards/playing.yml"
  142. set {_line5} to coloured value "line5" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/scoreboards/playing.yml"
  143. set {_line6} to coloured value "line6" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/scoreboards/playing.yml"
  144. set {_line7} to coloured value "line7" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/scoreboards/playing.yml"
  145. set {_line8} to coloured value "line8" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/scoreboards/playing.yml"
  146. set {_line9} to coloured value "line9" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/scoreboards/playing.yml"
  148. replace all "[kills]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.kills.%loop-player%}%" in {_line1}
  149. replace all "[deaths]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.deaths.%loop-player%}%" in {_line1}
  150. replace all "[wins]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.wins.%loop-player%}%" in {_line1}
  151. replace all "[playername]" with "%loop-player%" in {_line1}
  152. replace all "[arena]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%" in {_line1}
  154. replace all "[kills]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.kills.%loop-player%}%" in {_line8}
  155. replace all "[deaths]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.deaths.%loop-player%}%" in {_line8}
  156. replace all "[wins]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.wins.%loop-player%}%" in {_line8}
  157. replace all "[playername]" with "%loop-player%" in {_line8}
  158. replace all "[arena]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%" in {_line8}
  160. replace all "[kills]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.kills.%loop-player%}%" in {_line2}
  161. replace all "[deaths]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.deaths.%loop-player%}%" in {_line2}
  162. replace all "[wins]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.wins.%loop-player%}%" in {_line2}
  163. replace all "[playername]" with "%loop-player%" in {_line2}
  164. replace all "[arena]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%" in {_line2}
  166. replace all "[kills]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.kills.%loop-player%}%" in {_line3}
  167. replace all "[deaths]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.deaths.%loop-player%}%" in {_line3}
  168. replace all "[wins]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.wins.%loop-player%}%" in {_line3}
  169. replace all "[playername]" with "%loop-player%" in {_line3}
  170. replace all "[arena]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%" in {_line3}
  172. replace all "[kills]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.kills.%loop-player%}%" in {_line4}
  173. replace all "[deaths]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.deaths.%loop-player%}%" in {_line4}
  174. replace all "[wins]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.wins.%loop-player%}%" in {_line4}
  175. replace all "[playername]" with "%loop-player%" in {_line4}
  176. replace all "[arena]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%" in {_line4}
  178. replace all "[kills]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.kills.%loop-player%}%" in {_line5}
  179. replace all "[deaths]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.deaths.%loop-player%}%" in {_line5}
  180. replace all "[wins]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.wins.%loop-player%}%" in {_line5}
  181. replace all "[playername]" with "%loop-player%" in {_line5}
  182. replace all "[arena]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%" in {_line5}
  184. replace all "[kills]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.kills.%loop-player%}%" in {_line9}
  185. replace all "[deaths]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.deaths.%loop-player%}%" in {_line9}
  186. replace all "[wins]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.wins.%loop-player%}%" in {_line9}
  187. replace all "[playername]" with "%loop-player%" in {_line9}
  188. replace all "[arena]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%" in {_line9}
  190. replace all "[kills]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.kills.%loop-player%}%" in {_line6}
  191. replace all "[deaths]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.deaths.%loop-player%}%" in {_line6}
  192. replace all "[wins]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.wins.%loop-player%}%" in {_line6}
  193. replace all "[playername]" with "%loop-player%" in {_line6}
  194. replace all "[arena]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%" in {_line6}
  196. replace all "[kills]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.kills.%loop-player%}%" in {_line7}
  197. replace all "[deaths]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.deaths.%loop-player%}%" in {_line7}
  198. replace all "[wins]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.wins.%loop-player%}%" in {_line7}
  199. replace all "[playername]" with "%loop-player%" in {_line7}
  200. replace all "[arena]" with "%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%}%" in {_line7}
  202. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&e&l%{HypeDuels.option.ServerName}%"
  203. set score "%{_line1}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 10
  204. set score "%{_line2}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 9
  205. set score "%{_line3}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 8
  206. set score "%{_line4}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
  207. set score "%{_line5}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
  208. set score "%{_line6}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
  209. set score "%{_line7}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
  210. set score "%{_line8}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
  211. set score "%{_line9}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
  212. set score "%{HypeDuels.option.ServerIP}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
  214. every minute:
  215. set {_holo} to coloured value "Hologram" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/Hologram.yml"
  216. replace all "<newline>" with ";" in {_holo}
  217. replace all "<nl>" with ";" in {_holo}
  218. replace all "<newl>" with ";" in {_holo}
  219. replace all "<nline>" with ";" in {_holo}
  220. replace all "<placeholder-nl>" with ";" in {_holo}
  221. loop all players:
  222. if {HypeDuels.option.holo.location} is set:
  223. replace all "<kills>" with "%{HypeDuels.player.kills.%loop-player%}%" in {_holo}
  224. replace all "<deaths>" with "%{HypeDuels.player.deaths.%loop-player%}%" in {_holo}
  225. replace all "<wins>" with "%{HypeDuels.player.wins.%loop-player%}%" in {_holo}
  226. replace all "<rank>" with "%loop-player's prefix%" in {_holo}
  227. create hologram "%{_holo}%" at {HypeDuels.option.holo.location} for 59 seconds
  228. else:
  229. send "%{HypeDuels.Prefix}% &cSet holo location" to console
  233. on join:
  234. if {HypeDuels.player.kills.%player%} is not set:
  235. set {HypeDuels.player.kills.%player%} to 0
  236. if {HypeDuels.player.wins.%player%} is not set:
  237. set {HypeDuels.player.wins.%player%} to 0
  238. if {HypeDuels.player.deaths.%player%} is not set:
  239. set {HypeDuels.player.deaths.%player%} to 0
  242. on death of a player:
  243. attacker is a player
  244. victim is a player
  245. clear drops
  246. if {HypeDuels.player.playing.%victim%} is "true":
  247. launch creeper firework colored green at attacker timed 1
  248. wait 0.35 seconds
  249. launch creeper firework colored red at attacker timed 2
  250. wait 0.35 seconds
  251. launch creeper firework colored blue at attacker timed 3
  252. add 1 to {HypeDuels.player.deaths.%victim%}
  253. add 1 to {HypeDuels.player.kills.%attacker%}
  254. add 1 to {HypeDuels.player.wins.%attacker%}
  256. on teleport:
  257. if {HypeDuels.option.pwtl} is true:
  258. loop all players:
  259. if loop-player's world is player's world:
  260. reveal player from loop-player
  261. else:
  262. hide player from loop-player
  263. hide loop-player from player
  265. on right-click on sign:
  266. if line 1 is "&lHypeDuels":
  267. make player execute the command "/hypeduels join %line 2%"
  268. stop
  269. else:
  270. stop
  271. on load:
  272. if file "plugins/HypeDuels/scoreboards/waiting.yml" doesn't exists:
  273. create file "plugins/HypeDuels/waiting.yml"
  274. send "&9[HypeDuels]&a Creating waiting configuration File" to console
  275. wf "##=====================================================================##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/waiting.yml"
  276. wf "## ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/waiting.yml"
  277. wf "##=====================================================================##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/waiting.yml"
  278. wf "## ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/waiting.yml"
  279. wf "## HypeDuels ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/waiting.yml"
  280. wf "## Version 1.0.9 ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/waiting.yml"
  281. wf "## Stats , Scoreboard and more ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/waiting.yml"
  282. wf "## ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/waiting.yml"
  283. wf "##=====================================================================##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/waiting.yml"
  284. wf "## ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/waiting.yml"
  285. wf "##=====================================================================##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/waiting.yml"
  286. wf " " to "plugins/HypeDuels/waiting.yml"
  287. set "Line1" to "&a" in yaml file "plugins/HypeDuels/waiting.yml"
  288. set "Line2" to "&fMap:" in yaml file "plugins/HypeDuels/waiting.yml"
  289. set "Line3" to "&c [arena]" in yaml file "plugins/HypeDuels/waiting.yml"
  290. set "Line4" to "&a" in yaml file "plugins/HypeDuels/waiting.yml"
  291. set "Line5" to "&fPlayers:" in yaml file "plugins/HypeDuels/waiting.yml"
  292. set "Line6" to "&b( &e[players] &b/ &e[maxplayers]&b)" in yaml file "plugins/HypeDuels/waiting.yml"
  293. set "Line7" to "&a" in yaml file "plugins/HypeDuels/waiting.yml"
  294. set "Line8" to "&fYour Name: &a[playername]" in yaml file "plugins/HypeDuels/waiting.yml"
  295. set "Line9" to "&a" in yaml file "plugins/HypeDuels/waiting.yml"
  296. wf " " to "plugins/HypeDuels/waiting.yml"
  297. if file "plugins/HypeDuels/playing.yml" doesn't exists:
  298. create file "plugins/HypeDuels/playing.yml"
  299. send "&9[HypeDuels]&a Creating playing configuration File" to console
  300. wf "##=====================================================================##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/playing.yml"
  301. wf "## ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/playing.yml"
  302. wf "##=====================================================================##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/playing.yml"
  303. wf "## ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/playing.yml"
  304. wf "## HypeDuels ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/playing.yml"
  305. wf "## Version 1.0.9 ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/playing.yml"
  306. wf "## Stats , Scoreboard and more ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/playing.yml"
  307. wf "## ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/playing.yml"
  308. wf "##=====================================================================##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/playing.yml"
  309. wf "## ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/playing.yml"
  310. wf "##=====================================================================##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/playing.yml"
  311. wf " " to "plugins/HypeDuels/playing.yml"
  312. set "Line1" to "&a" in yaml file "plugins/HypeDuels/playing.yml"
  313. set "Line2" to "&fMap:" in yaml file "plugins/HypeDuels/playing.yml"
  314. set "Line3" to "&b [arena]" in yaml file "plugins/HypeDuels/playing.yml"
  315. set "Line4" to "&a" in yaml file "plugins/HypeDuels/playing.yml"
  316. set "Line5" to "&fWins: &e[wins]" in yaml file "plugins/HypeDuels/playing.yml"
  317. set "Line6" to "&fDeaths: &c[deaths]" in yaml file "plugins/HypeDuels/playing.yml"
  318. set "Line7" to "&a" in yaml file "plugins/HypeDuels/playing.yml"
  319. set "Line8" to "&fKills: &a[kills]" in yaml file "plugins/HypeDuels/playing.yml"
  320. set "Line9" to "&a" in yaml file "plugins/HypeDuels/playing.yml"
  321. wf " " to "plugins/HypeDuels/playing.yml"
  322. if file "plugins/HypeDuels/Hologram.yml" doesn't exists:
  323. create file "plugins/HypeDuels/Hologram.yml"
  324. send "&9[HypeDuels]&a Creating playing configuration File" to console
  325. wf "##=====================================================================##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/Hologram.yml"
  326. wf "## ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/Hologram.yml"
  327. wf "##=====================================================================##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/Hologram.yml"
  328. wf "## ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/Hologram.yml"
  329. wf "## HypeDuels ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/Hologram.yml"
  330. wf "## Version 1.0.9 ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/Hologram.yml"
  331. wf "## Stats , Scoreboard and more ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/Hologram.yml"
  332. wf "## ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/Hologram.yml"
  333. wf "##=====================================================================##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/Hologram.yml"
  334. wf "## ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/Hologram.yml"
  335. wf "##=====================================================================##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/Hologram.yml"
  336. wf " " to "plugins/HypeDuels/Hologram.yml"
  337. wf "Hologram: '&e&lHYPEDUELS<nl>&a<nl>&eKills &f<kills> <nl>&eDeaths <deaths> <nl>&eWins &f<wins> <nl> &eYour Rank &f<rank> <nl> &'" to "plugins/HypeDuels/Hologram.yml"
  338. wf " " to "plugins/HypeDuels/Hologram.yml"
  339. if file "plugins/HypeDuels/sign.yml" doesn't exists:
  340. create file "plugins/HypeDuels/sign.yml"
  341. send "&9[HypeDuels]&a Creating playing configuration File" to console
  342. wf "##=====================================================================##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/sign.yml"
  343. wf "## ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/sign.yml"
  344. wf "##=====================================================================##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/sign.yml"
  345. wf "## ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/sign.yml"
  346. wf "## HypeDuels ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/sign.yml"
  347. wf "## Version 1.0.9 ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/sign.yml"
  348. wf "## Stats , Scoreboard and more ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/sign.yml"
  349. wf "## ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/sign.yml"
  350. wf "##=====================================================================##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/sign.yml"
  351. wf "## ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/sign.yml"
  352. wf "##=====================================================================##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/sign.yml"
  353. wf " " to "plugins/HypeDuels/sign.yml"
  354. wf "Title: '&0&lHYPE DUELS'" to "plugins/HypeDuels/sign.yml"
  355. wf "sign.invalid1: '&cThis Map'" to "plugins/HypeDuels/sign.yml"
  356. wf "sign.invalid2: '&cDont Exist'" to "plugins/HypeDuels/sign.yml"
  357. wf "sign.invalid3: '&4( 0 / 0 )'" to "plugins/HypeDuels/sign.yml"
  358. wf " " to "plugins/HypeDuels/sign.yml"
  359. if file "plugins/HypeDuels/config.yml" doesn't exists:
  360. create file "plugins/HypeDuels/config.yml"
  361. send "&9[HypeDuels]&a Creating Configuration File" to console
  362. wf "##=====================================================================##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/config.yml"
  363. wf "## ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/config.yml"
  364. wf "##=====================================================================##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/config.yml"
  365. wf "## ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/config.yml"
  366. wf "## HypeDuels ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/config.yml"
  367. wf "## Version 1.0.9 ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/config.yml"
  368. wf "## Stats , Scoreboard and more ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/config.yml"
  369. wf "## ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/config.yml"
  370. wf "##=====================================================================##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/config.yml"
  371. wf "## ##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/config.yml"
  372. wf "##=====================================================================##" to "plugins/HypeDuels/config.yml"
  373. wf " " to "plugins/HypeDuels/config.yml"
  374. wf "Scoreboard: true" to "plugins/HypeDuels/config.yml"
  375. wf "ServerName: 'HypeDuels'" to "plugins/HypeDuels/config.yml"
  376. wf "ServerIP: ''" to "plugins/HypeDuels/config.yml"
  377. wf "Prefix: '&a[HypeDuels] &r'" to "plugins/HypeDuels/config.yml"
  378. wf "PerWorldTabList: true" to "plugins/HypeDuels/config.yml"
  379. wf " " to "plugins/HypeDuels/config.yml"
  380. if file "plugins/HypeDuels/Game-messages.yml" doesn't exists:
  381. create file "plugins/HypeDuels/Game-messages.yml"
  382. send "&9[HypeDuels]&a Creating Game Messages File" to console
  384. set "Join" to "&7<player> &ejoined the game (&b<players>&e/&b<max>&e)" in yaml file "plugins/HypeDuels/messages/messages.yml"
  385. set "Leave" to "&7<player> &equit the game (&b<players>&e/&b<max>&e)" in yaml file "plugins/HypeDuels/messages/messages.yml"
  386. set "LeaveInGame" to "&7<player> &equit the game" in yaml file "plugins/HypeDuels/messages/messages.yml"
  387. set "StartingGame" to "&eThe game starting in &6<time>&e seconds" in yaml file "plugins/HypeDuels/messages/messages.yml"
  388. set "Players" to "&cNeed more players for start game" in yaml file "plugins/HypeDuels/messages/messages.yml"
  389. add " &a&l[x][x][x] &e&lHypeDuels &a&l[x][x][x]" to yaml list "Win" from file "../../HypeDuels/Game-messages.yml"
  390. add " &a" to yaml list "Messages.Win" from file "../../HypeDuels/Game-messages.yml"
  391. add " &b - &6&lWinner &7<first>" to yaml list "Messages.Win" from file "../../HypeDuels/Game-messages.yml"
  392. add " &b - &c&lLoser &7<second>" to yaml list "Messages.Win" from file "../../HypeDuels/Game-messages.yml"
  393. add " &a" to yaml list "Messages.Win" from file "../../HypeDuels/Game-messages.yml"
  394. add " &b - &a+<coins> coins" to yaml list "Messages.Win" from file "../../HypeDuels/Game-messages.yml"
  395. add " &a" to yaml list "Messages.Win" from file "../../HypeDuels/Game-messages.yml"
  396. add " &a&l[x][x][x] &e&lHypeDuels &a&l[x][x][x]" to yaml list "Messages.Win" from file "../../HypeDuels/Game-messages.yml"
  397. add " &a&lVICTORY" to yaml list "Title.Title" from file "../../HypeDuels/Game-messages.yml"
  398. add " &fThanks for play" to yaml list "Title.Subtitle" from file "../../HypeDuels/Game-messages.yml"
  400. set {HypeDuels.option.Title::*} to yaml list "Title.Title" from file "../../HypeDuels/Game-messages.yml"
  401. set {HypeDuels.option.SubTitle::*} to yaml list "Title.Subtitle" from file "../../HypeDuels/Game-messages.yml"
  402. set {HypeDuels.option.WinMsg::*} to yaml list "Messages.Win" from file "../../HypeDuels/Game-messages.yml"
  403. set {HypeDuels.option.ServerName} to coloured value "ServerName" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/config.yml"
  404. set {HypeDuels.option.ServerIP} to coloured value "ServerIP" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/config.yml"
  405. set {HypeDuels.option.Scoreboard} to coloured value "Scoreboard" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/config.yml"
  406. set {HypeDuels.option.pwtl} to coloured value "PerWorldTabList" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/config.yml"
  408. on load:
  409. set {_prefix} to coloured value "Prefix" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/config.yml"
  410. send "%{_prefix}% &bLoaded in version &e1.0.9" to console
  412. command /HypeDuels [<text>] [<text>]:
  413. Aliases: /hd
  414. trigger:
  415. if arg-1 is not set:
  416. if player has permission "hypeduels.admin":
  417. send " "
  418. send " "
  419. send "&6&m------------------"
  420. send "&cAdmin Commands&5:"
  421. send " &e/HypeDuels create <arena>&7 add a map" #finished
  422. send " &e/HypeDuels delete <arena>&7 remove a map" #do not finished
  423. send " &e/HypeDuels addspawn <arena>&7 Add Player Spawns" #finished
  424. send " &e/HypeDuels setpost1 <arena>&7 Set arena post1" #finished
  425. send " &e/HypeDuels setpost2 <arena>&7 Set arena post2" #finished
  426. send " &e/HypeDuels save <arena>&7 Enable and save arena" #finished
  427. send " &e/HypeDuels list&7 List of maps" #finished
  428. send " &e/HypeDuels Reload&7 List of reload commands" #finished
  429. send " &e/HypeDuels options&7 View all options" #finished
  430. send "&e /HypeDuels info <arena>&7 View arena info" #semifinished
  431. send "&6&m------------------"
  432. send " "
  433. else:
  434. send " "
  435. send " "
  436. send "&6&m------------------"
  437. send "&cAdmin Commands&5:"
  438. send " &e/HypeDuels join <arena>&7 add a map"
  439. send " &e/HypeDuels leave Leave from a map"
  440. send " &e/HypeDuels list&7 List of maps"
  441. send " &e/HypeDuels stats <player>&7 Player Stats"
  442. send "&6&m------------------"
  443. send " "
  445. if arg-1 is "info":
  446. if arg-2 is set:
  447. if player has permission "hypeduels.admin":
  448. send "%{HypeDuels.Prefix}% &fSoon in version&8: &6&l2.0"
  449. if arg-1 is "options":
  450. if player has permission "hypeduels.admin":
  451. send "%{HypeDuels.Prefix}% &fSoon in version&8: &6&l2.0"
  452. if arg-1 is "create":
  453. if arg-2 is set:
  454. if player has permission "hypeduels.admin":
  455. if {} is not set:
  456. send "&6&m------------------"
  457. send " &eCreating arena &725%%"
  458. set {} to false
  459. wait 1 second
  460. send " &eCreating arena &750%%"
  461. set {HypeDuels.arena.status.%arg-2%} to "Config"
  462. set {} to 2
  463. wait 1 second
  464. send " &eCreating arena &775%%"
  465. set {HypeDuels.arena.creator.%arg-2%} to "%player%"
  466. set {HypeDuels.arena.maxplayers.%arg-2%} to 2
  467. wait 1 second
  468. send " &eCreating arena &7100%%"
  469. set {} to "%now%"
  470. add arg-2 to {HypeDuels-Arenas::*}
  471. send " &eFinished"
  472. send "&6&m------------------"
  473. else:
  474. send "&6&m------------------"
  475. send " &eArena Already &7Created"
  476. send "&6&m------------------"
  477. else:
  478. send "&6&m------------------"
  479. send " &eNeed Permission &7hypeduels.admin"
  480. send "&6&m------------------"
  481. else:
  482. send "&6&m------------------"
  483. send " &eType &7/hypeduels create (arena name)"
  484. send "&6&m------------------"
  485. if arg-1 is "addspawn":
  486. if arg-2 is set:
  487. if player has permission "hypeduels.admin":
  488. if {} is false:
  489. add 1 to {}
  490. send "&6&m------------------"
  491. send " &eSpawn Added NΒΊ&7%{}%"
  492. send "&6&m------------------"
  493. set {HypeDuels.player.spawn.%{}%.%arg-2%} to location of player
  494. else:
  495. send "&6&m------------------"
  496. send " &eSet EditMode to &ATrue&e or arena doesn't exist"
  497. send "&6&m------------------"
  498. else:
  499. send "&6&m------------------"
  500. send " &eNeed Permission &7hypeduels.admin"
  501. send "&6&m------------------"
  502. else:
  503. send "&6&m------------------"
  504. send " &eType &7/hypeduels addspawn (arena name)"
  505. send "&6&m------------------"
  507. if arg-1 is "setpost1":
  508. if arg-2 is set:
  509. if player has permission "hypeduels.admin":
  510. if {} is false:
  511. set {HypeDuels.positions.1.%arg-2%} to location of player
  512. send "&6&m------------------"
  513. send " &ePost1 Seted in &f%{HypeDuels.positions.1.%arg-2%}%"
  514. send "&6&m------------------"
  515. if arg-1 is "setpost2":
  516. if arg-2 is set:
  517. if player has permission "hypeduels.admin":
  518. if {} is false:
  519. set {HypeDuels.positions.2.%arg-2%} to location of player
  520. send "&6&m------------------"
  521. send " &ePost2 Seted in &f%{HypeDuels.positions.2.%arg-2%}%"
  522. send "&6&m------------------"
  524. if arg-1 is "setlobby":
  525. if arg-2 is set:
  526. if player has permission "hypeduels.admin":
  527. if {} is false:
  528. set {HypeDuels.lobby.%arg-2%} to location of player
  529. send "&6&m------------------"
  530. send " &eLobby Seted in &f%{HypeDuels.positions.2.%arg-2%}%"
  531. send "&6&m------------------"
  532. if arg-1 is "delete":
  533. if arg-2 is set:
  534. if player has permission "hypeduels.admin":
  535. if {} is set:
  536. clear {HypeDuels.arena.maxplayers.%arg-2%}
  537. clear {HypeDuels.lobby.%arg-2%}
  538. clear {HypeDuels.positions.1.%arg-2%}
  539. clear {HypeDuels.positions.2.%arg-2%}
  540. clear { 2%.saved}
  541. clear {HypeDuels.status.%arg 2%}
  542. Clear {HypeDuels.players.%arg-2%}
  543. clear {}
  544. clear { 2%.seconds.1}
  545. clear { 2%.seconds.2}
  546. clear { 2%.saving}
  547. set {} to 0
  548. send "&aArena Removed"
  549. if arg-1 is "save":
  550. if arg-2 is set:
  551. if player has permission "hypeduels.admin":
  552. if {} is false:
  553. send "&6&m------------------"
  554. send " &eSaving arena &f%arg-2%"
  555. send "&6&m------------------"
  556. if {HypeDuels.lobby.%arg-2%} is set:
  557. if {HypeDuels.arena.maxplayers.%arg-2%} is set:
  558. if {HypeDuels.positions.1.%arg-2%} is set:
  559. if {HypeDuels.positions.2.%arg-2%} is set:
  560. set { 2%.saving} to true
  561. set { 2%.saved} to true
  562. send "&7Saving &a%arg-2%&7.. &d&lENABLING SAVING MODE"
  563. set { 2%.lag} to 0
  564. set {} to 0
  565. set { 2%.blocks} to 0
  566. wait 10 ticks
  567. loop blocks within {HypeDuels.positions.1.%arg 2%} to {HypeDuels.positions.2.%arg 2%}:
  568. if loop-block is not air:
  569. add 1 to {HypeDuels.%arg}
  570. loop blocks within {HypeDuels.positions.1.%arg 2%} to {HypeDuels.positions.2.%arg 2%}:
  571. if loop-block is not air:
  572. set { 2%.blocks::%location of loop-block%} to type of block at loop-block
  573. add 1 to {HypeDuels.%arg 2%.blocks}
  574. add 1 to {HypeDuels.%arg 2%.lag}
  575. set action bar of player to "&6&m---&f Saving &e&l%arg 2% &b(&e%{HypeDuels.%arg 2%.blocks}%&b/&e%{HypeDuels.%arg}%&b)"
  576. if { 2%.lag} = 500:
  577. set { 2%.lag} to 0
  578. wait 2 seconds
  579. chance of 50%:
  580. wait 1 second
  581. else:
  582. wait 0.5 second
  583. send "&7Arena of 1vs1 Saved &a%arg 2%&6! &d&lDISABLING SAVING MODE"
  584. set { 2%.saved} to true
  585. set {HypeDuels.status.%arg 2%} to "&aWaiting"
  586. set {HypeDuels.players.%arg-2%} to 0
  587. set {} to false
  588. set { 2%.seconds.1} to 5
  589. set { 2%.seconds.2} to 20
  590. set { 2%.saving} to false
  591. invoke "sign-status" from arg-2
  592. stop
  593. else:
  594. send "&eNeed Position 2"
  595. else:
  596. send "&eNeed Position 1"
  597. else:
  598. send "&eNeed MaxPlayers"
  599. else:
  600. send "&eNeed Lobby"
  601. if arg-1 is "join":
  602. if arg-2 is set:
  603. if {HypeDuels.player.playing.%player%} is false:
  604. if {} is set:
  605. if {HypeDuels.status.%arg-2%} is "&aWaiting":
  606. add player to {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%arg-2%::*}
  607. set {HypeDuels.scoreboard.wait.%player%} to true
  608. set {HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%} to "%arg-2%"
  609. set {HypeDuels.player.playing.%player%} to true
  610. add 1 to {HypeDuels.players.%arg-2%}
  611. teleport player to {HypeDuels.lobby.%arg-2%}
  612. invoke "sign-status" from arg-2
  613. set player's gamemode to survival
  614. clear player's inventory
  615. set slot 0 of player to diamond sword of sharpness 3 named "&a&lHype Sword"
  616. set slot 1 of player to bow of power 3
  617. set slot 2 of player to fishing rod
  618. set slot 3 of player to 6 golden apple named "&e&lHypeDuels"
  619. set slot 4 of player to 3 golden apple named "&e&lGood Lucky"
  620. set slot 5 of player to 64 cooked beef
  621. set slot 8 of player to 64 arrow
  622. set helmet of player to diamond helmet of protection 3
  623. set chestplate of player to diamond chestplate of projectile protection 3
  624. set leggings of player to diamond leggings of projectile protection 3
  625. set boots of player to diamond boots of protection 3
  626. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 10
  628. set {_jarena} to coloured value "Join" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/messages/messages.yml"
  629. set {_joincmd} to "%{_jarena}%"
  630. replace all "<player>" with "%player%" in {_joincmd}
  631. replace all "<rank>" with "%player's prefix%" in {_joincmd}
  632. replace all "<players>" with "%{HypeDuels.players.%arg-2%}%" in {_joincmd}
  633. replace all "<max>" with "2" in {_joincmd}
  634. send "%coloured {_joincmd}%" to {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%arg-2%::*}
  635. if {HypeDuels.players.%arg-2%} is 2:
  636. set {HypeDuels.status.%arg-2%} to "&eStarting"
  637. invoke "sign-status" from arg-2
  638. set {HypeDuels.scoreboard.wait.%player%} to true
  639. loop all players:
  640. if {HypeDuels.player.arena.%loop-player%} is "%arg-2%":
  641. make loop-player execute command "/hypeduels jtpdldedasd"
  642. set {HypeDuels.movehere.%loop-player%} to true
  643. loop {HypeDuels.option.TimeStarting::*}:
  644. set {_timestart} to "%loop-value%"
  645. replace all "<time>" with "%{HypeDuels.TimeStarting.arena.%arg-2%}%" in {_timestart}
  646. set {HypeDuels.TimeStarting.arena.%arg-2%} to 10
  647. send " %{_timestart}%" to {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%arg-2%::*}
  648. send {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%arg-2%::*} title "&e&lStarting in" with subtitle "&f10 Second(s)" for 1 seconds
  649. remove 5 from {HypeDuels.TimeStarting.arena.%arg-2%}
  650. wait 5 seconds
  651. send {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%arg-2%::*} title "&a&l5" with subtitle "&f" for 1 seconds
  652. send " %{_timestart}%" to {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%arg-2%::*}
  653. remove 1 from {HypeDuels.TimeStarting.arena.%arg-2%}
  654. wait 1 seconds
  655. send {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%arg-2%::*} title "&2&l4" with subtitle "&f" for 1 seconds
  656. send " %{_timestart}%" to {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%arg-2%::*}
  657. remove 1 from {HypeDuels.TimeStarting.arena.%arg-2%}
  658. wait 1 seconds
  659. send {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%arg-2%::*} title "&f&l3" with subtitle "&f" for 1 seconds
  660. send " %{_timestart}%" to {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%arg-2%::*}
  661. remove 1 from {HypeDuels.TimeStarting.arena.%arg-2%}
  662. wait 1 seconds
  663. send {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%arg-2%::*} title "&5&l2" with subtitle "&f" for 1 seconds
  664. send " %{_timestart}%" to {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%arg-2%::*}
  665. remove 1 from {HypeDuels.TimeStarting.arena.%arg-2%}
  666. wait 1 seconds
  667. send {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%arg-2%::*} title "&4&l1" with subtitle "&f" for 1 seconds
  668. send " %{_timestart}%" to {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%arg-2%::*}
  669. remove 1 from {HypeDuels.TimeStarting.arena.%arg-2%}
  670. wait 1 seconds
  671. send {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%arg-2%::*} title "&e&lGood Lucky" with subtitle "&f%{HypeDuels.option.ServerName}%" for 1 seconds
  672. set {HypeDuels.scoreboard.playing.%player%} to true
  673. set {HypeDuels.scoreboard.wait.%player%} to false
  674. loop {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%arg-2%::*}:
  676. set {HypeDuels.movehere.%loop-value%} to false
  677. else:
  678. loop {HypeDuels.option.NeedPlayers::*}:
  679. send "%{HypeDuels.Prefix}%%coloured loop-value%"
  680. send "%{HypeDuels.Prefix}% &aMin Players &6= &f2"
  681. else:
  682. send "&fGame Status: &a%{HypeDuels.status.%arg-2%}%"
  684. else:
  685. send "&cArena Inexistente &b(Arena No Found with this name)"
  687. else:
  688. send "&a%{HypeDuels.Prefix}% &cAlready in game!"
  689. if arg-1 is "jtpdldedasd":
  690. add 1 to {HypeDuels.jointp.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%}
  691. teleport player to {HypeDuels.player.spawn.%{HypeDuels.jointp.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%}%.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%}
  692. if {HypeDuels.jointp.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%} is 2:
  693. set {HypeDuels.jointp.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%} to 0
  694. if arg-1 is "stats":
  695. if arg-2 is not set:
  696. send "%{HypeDuels.Prefix}% &aYour's Stats"
  697. send " "
  698. send "&aKills: &6%{HypeDuels.player.kills.%player%}%"
  699. send "&aWins: &6%{HypeDuels.player.wins.%player%}%"
  700. send "&aDeaths: &6%{HypeDuels.player.Deaths.%player%}%"
  701. send " "
  702. else:
  703. send "%{HypeDuels.Prefix}% &aStats of %arg-2%"
  704. send " "
  705. send "&aKills: &6%{HypeDuels.player.kills.%arg-2%}%"
  706. send "&aWins: &6%{HypeDuels.player.wins.%arg-2%}%"
  707. send "&aDeaths: &6%{HypeDuels.player.Deaths.%arg-2%}%"
  708. send " "
  710. if arg-1 is "reload":
  711. if player has permission "hypeduels.admin":
  712. make console execute command "/sk reload %script%"
  713. send "&aReload Completed &fView Bugs or error's in &bconsole"
  715. if arg-1 is "leave":
  716. if {HypeDuels.player.playing.%player%} is true:
  717. if {HypeDuels.players.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%} is 2:
  718. remove 1 from {HypeDuels.players.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%}
  719. loop {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%::*}:
  720. set {_sender} to "%loop-value%"
  721. send "%{HypeDuels.Prefix}% &fThanks for play" to {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%arg-2%::*}
  722. set {_quitcmds} to coloured value "LeaveInGame" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/messages/messages.yml"
  723. set {_quitcmd} to "%{_quitcmds}%"
  724. replace all "<rank>" with "%player's prefix%" in {_quitcmd}
  725. replace all "<player>" with "%player%" in {_quitcmd}
  726. replace all "<players>" with "%{HypeDuels.players.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%}%" in {_quitcmd}
  727. replace all "<max>" with "2" in {_quitcmd}
  728. send "%coloured {_quitcmd}%" to {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%::*}
  729. remove player from {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%::*}
  730. loop {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%::*}:
  731. set {_senderdos} to "%loop-value%"
  732. loop {HypeDuels.option.WinMsg::*}:
  733. wait 0.35 seconds
  734. set {_lv} to "%loop-value%"
  735. replace all "<first>" with "&f%{_senderdos}%" in {_lv}
  736. replace all "[x]" with "β– " in {_lv}
  737. replace all "<second>" with "&f%player%" in {_lv}
  738. replace all "<coins>" with "15" in {_lv}
  739. send "%colored {_lv}%" to {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%::*}
  740. loop {HypeDuels.option.Title::*}:
  741. set {_actiontitle} to "%loop-value%"
  743. loop {HypeDuels.option.SubTitle::*}:
  744. set {_actionsubtitle} to "%loop-value%"
  745. send {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%::*} title "%{_actiontitle}%" with subtitle "%{_actionsubtitle}%" for 4 seconds
  746. loop {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%::*}:
  747. set {HypeDuels.scoreboard.wait.%loop-value%} to false
  748. set {HypeDuels.scoreboard.playing.%loop-value%} to false
  749. set {HypeDuels.player.playing.%loop-value%} to false
  750. remove loop-value from {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%::*}
  751. set {HypeDuels.scoreboard.wait.%player%} to false
  752. set {HypeDuels.scoreboard.playing.%player%} to false
  753. clear player's inventory
  754. set {HypeDuels.status.%{Hypeduels.player.arena.%player%}%} to "&bFinishing"
  755. strike lightning effect at player
  756. invoke "sign-status" from arg-2
  757. loop blocks within {HypeDuels.positions.1.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%} to {HypeDuels.positions.2.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%}:
  758. if {HypeDuels.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%.lag} > 100:
  759. wait 1.5 seconds
  760. set {HypeDuels.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%.lag} to 0
  764. if {{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%.blocks::%location of loop-block%} is not set:
  765. if loop-block is not air:
  766. add 1 to {HypeDuels.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%.lag}
  767. set loop-block to air
  771. else:
  772. if type of loop-block is not {{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%.blocks::%location of loop-block%}:
  773. add 1 to {HypeDuels.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%.lag}
  774. set block at loop-block to {{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%.blocks::%location of loop-block%}
  775. set {HypeDuels.status.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%} to "&aWaiting"
  776. set {HypeDuels.players.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%} to 0
  777. set {{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}} to false
  778. set {{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%.seconds.1} to 5
  779. set {{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%.seconds.2} to 20
  780. invoke "sign-status" from {HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}
  781. remove player from {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%::*}
  782. clear {HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}
  783. set {HypeDuels.player.playing.%player%} to false
  784. delete player's sidebar
  785. else if {HypeDuels.players.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%} is 1:
  786. set {_quitcmds} to coloured value "Leave" get of "plugins/HypeDuels/messages/messages.yml"
  787. set {_quitcmd} to "%{_quitcmds}%"
  788. replace all "<player>" with "%player%" in {_quitcmd}
  789. replace all "<rank>" with "%player's prefix%" in {_quitcmd}
  790. replace all "<players>" with "%{HypeDuels.players.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%}%" in {_quitcmd}
  791. replace all "<max>" with "2" in {_quitcmd}
  792. send "%coloured {_quitcmd}%" to {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%::*}
  793. set {HypeDuels.player.playing.%player%} to false
  795. remove 1 from {HypeDuels.players.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%}
  796. clear player's inventory
  797. delete player's sidebar
  798. set {HypeDuels.player.playing.%player%} to false
  799. set {HypeDuels.scoreboard.wait.%player%} to false
  800. set {HypeDuels.scoreboard.playing.%player%} to false
  801. invoke "sign-status" from {HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}
  802. remove player from {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%::*}
  803. clear {HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}
  804. send "%{HypeDuels.Prefix}% &6You left the game!"
  805. on death of a player:
  806. set death message to ""
  807. if {HypeDuels.player.playing.%victim%} is "true":
  808. if {HypeDuels.players.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%victim%}%} is 2:
  809. remove 1 from {HypeDuels.players.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%victim%}%}
  810. loop {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%victim%}%::*}:
  811. set {_sender} to "%loop-value%"
  812. send "%{HypeDuels.Prefix}% &fThanks for play" to {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%victim%}%::*}
  813. send "%{HypeDuels.Prefix}% &6%victim% &edeath" to {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%victim%}%::*}
  814. remove victim from {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%victim%}%::*}
  815. remove attacker from {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%victim%}%::*}
  816. loop {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%victim%}%::*}:
  817. set {_senderdos} to "%loop-value%"
  818. loop {HypeDuels.option.WinMsg::*}:
  819. wait 0.35 seconds
  820. set {_lv} to "%loop-value%"
  821. replace all "<first>" with "&f%{_senderdos}%" in {_lv}
  822. replace all "[x]" with "β– " in {_lv}
  823. replace all "<second>" with "&f%victim%" in {_lv}
  824. replace all "<coins>" with "15" in {_lv}
  825. send "%colored {_lv}%" to {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%victim%}%::*}
  826. loop {HypeDuels.option.Title::*}:
  827. set {_actiontitle} to "%loop-value%"
  829. loop {HypeDuels.option.SubTitle::*}:
  830. set {_actionsubtitle} to "%loop-value%"
  831. send {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%victim%}%::*} title "%{_actiontitle}%" with subtitle "%{_actionsubtitle}%" for 4 seconds
  832. loop {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%victim%}%::*}:
  833. set {HypeDuels.scoreboard.wait.%loop-value%} to false
  834. set {HypeDuels.scoreboard.playing.%loop-value%} to false
  835. set {HypeDuels.player.playing.%loop-value%} to false
  836. remove loop-value from {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%victim%}%::*}
  837. set {HypeDuels.scoreboard.wait.%victim%} to false
  838. set {HypeDuels.scoreboard.playing.%victim%} to false
  839. set {HypeDuels.status.%{Hypeduels.player.arena.%victim%}%} to "&bFinishing"
  840. strike lightning effect at victim
  841. invoke "sign-status" from {HypeDuels.player.arena.%victim%}
  842. clear drops
  843. clear attacker's inventory
  844. loop blocks within {HypeDuels.positions.1.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%victim%}%} to {HypeDuels.positions.2.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%victim%}%}:
  845. if {HypeDuels.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%victim%}%.lag} > 100:
  846. wait 1.5 seconds
  847. set {HypeDuels.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%victim%}%.lag} to 0
  851. if {{HypeDuels.player.arena.%victim%}%.blocks::%location of loop-block%} is not set:
  852. if loop-block is not air:
  853. add 1 to {HypeDuels.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%victim%}%.lag}
  854. set loop-block to air
  858. else:
  859. if type of loop-block is not {{HypeDuels.player.arena.%victim%}%.blocks::%location of loop-block%}:
  860. add 1 to {HypeDuels.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%victim%}%.lag}
  861. set block at loop-block to {{HypeDuels.player.arena.%victim%}%.blocks::%location of loop-block%}
  862. set {HypeDuels.status.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%victim%}%} to "&aWaiting"
  863. set {HypeDuels.players.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%victim%}%} to 0
  864. set {{HypeDuels.player.arena.%victim%}} to false
  865. set {{HypeDuels.player.arena.%victim%}%.seconds.1} to 5
  866. set {{HypeDuels.player.arena.%victim%}%.seconds.2} to 20
  867. invoke "sign-status" from {HypeDuels.player.arena.%victim%}
  868. remove victim from {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%victim%}%::*}
  869. clear {HypeDuels.player.arena.%victim%}
  870. set {HypeDuels.player.playing.%victim%} to false
  871. set {HypeDuels.player.playing.%attacker%} to false
  873. on quit:
  874. if {HypeDuels.player.playing.%player%} is "true":
  875. if {HypeDuels.players.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%} is 2:
  876. remove 1 from {HypeDuels.players.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%}
  877. loop {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%::*}:
  878. set {_sender} to "%loop-value%"
  879. send "%{HypeDuels.Prefix}% &fThanks for play" to {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%::*}
  880. send "%{HypeDuels.Prefix}% &6%player% &equit"
  881. remove player from {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%::*}
  882. loop {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%::*}:
  883. set {_senderdos} to "%loop-value%"
  884. loop {HypeDuels.option.WinMsg::*}:
  885. wait 0.35 seconds
  886. set {_lv} to "%loop-value%"
  887. replace all "<first>" with "&f%{_senderdos}%" in {_lv}
  888. replace all "[x]" with "β– " in {_lv}
  889. replace all "<second>" with "&f%player%" in {_lv}
  890. replace all "<coins>" with "15" in {_lv}
  891. send "%colored {_lv}%" to {_sender}
  892. loop {HypeDuels.option.Title::*}:
  893. set {_actiontitle} to "%loop-value%"
  895. loop {HypeDuels.option.SubTitle::*}:
  896. set {_actionsubtitle} to "%loop-value%"
  897. send {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%::*} title "%{_actiontitle}%" with subtitle "%{_actionsubtitle}%" for 4 seconds
  898. loop {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%::*}:
  899. set {HypeDuels.scoreboard.wait.%loop-value%} to false
  900. set {HypeDuels.scoreboard.playing.%loop-value%} to false
  901. set {HypeDuels.player.playing.%loop-value%} to false
  902. remove loop-value from {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%::*}
  903. set {HypeDuels.scoreboard.wait.%player%} to false
  904. set {HypeDuels.scoreboard.playing.%player%} to false
  905. clear player's inventory
  906. send {_sender} title "%{_actiontitle}%" with subtitle "%{_actionsubtitle}%" for 4 seconds
  907. set {HypeDuels.status.%{Hypeduels.player.arena.%player%}%} to "&c&lFinishing"
  908. strike lightning effect at player
  909. invoke "sign-status" from {HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}
  910. loop blocks within {HypeDuels.positions.1.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%} to {HypeDuels.positions.2.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%}:
  911. if {HypeDuels.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%.lag} > 100:
  912. wait 1.5 seconds
  913. set {HypeDuels.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%.lag} to 0
  917. if {{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%.blocks::%location of loop-block%} is not set:
  918. if loop-block is not air:
  919. add 1 to {HypeDuels.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%.lag}
  920. set loop-block to air
  924. else:
  925. if type of loop-block is not {{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%.blocks::%location of loop-block%}:
  926. add 1 to {HypeDuels.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%.lag}
  927. set block at loop-block to {{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%.blocks::%location of loop-block%}
  928. set {HypeDuels.status.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%} to "&aWaiting"
  929. set {HypeDuels.players.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%} to 0
  930. set {{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}} to false
  931. set {{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%.seconds.1} to 5
  932. set {{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%.seconds.2} to 20
  933. invoke "sign-status" from {HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}
  934. remove player from {HypeDuels.arena.lives.%{HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}%::*}
  935. clear {HypeDuels.player.arena.%player%}
  936. set {HypeDuels.player.playing.%player%} to false
  938. on join:
  939. if {HypeDuels.player.playing.%player%} is not set:
  940. set {HypeDuels.player.playing.%player%} to false
  941. else:
  942. set {HypeDuels.player.playing.%player%} to false
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