
Text Adventure Chapter 82 Log

Sep 10th, 2014
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  1. IRC: #TextAdventureAnonymous
  4. Commands:
  5. >Help - Shows command list
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  8. >Look - Look around the current room/setting, adds additional information
  9. >Go - Go to x (Direction/item/person etc.)
  10. >Search - Search for x
  11. >Grab/give - Grab x and add it to inventory, or give something from it.
  12. >Drop - Remove x from your inventory.
  13. >Use - Use x from inventory or environment
  14. >Attack/Defend - Attack x, or defend from it
  15. >Equip - Equip x to you or others
  16. >Status - Shows status of Anon and other party members
  17. >Recipes - Shows known recipes
  18. >Inspect - Inspects x, adds additional information
  19. >Check/Add to Quest Log - Checks or adds something to your quest log
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  22. >Change - Changes perspective of narration between party members (Limit 3 per thread)
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  29. “You’re always free to ask me any questions if you want, you might like to know some knowledge from my universe.”
  30. >Five doesn’t give you any acknowledgement to this statement.
  31. >It’s apparent she’s not very interested in things outside of her well being and her hive.
  32. >It makes it hard to talk to you, but you feel like you need to at least try.
  33. “So what do you normally do for fun? I'm curious about the average day for a Changeling.”
  34. >”We do not have time to do anything other than build our civilization or scavenge for love. Some larvae may engage in minor play, but they are reprimanded by their guardians.”
  35. “Guardians?”
  36. >”The changelings responsible for overseeing their loyalty and transition into adulthood.”
  37. “So, you don’t have parents?”
  38. >”Our only parent is our mother, Queen Chrysalis.”
  39. >That sounds about right from what you’ve learned, so far.
  40. >You attempt to strike up more idle conversation, but she doesn’t seem to be very talkative, and chatting is a two-way street.
  41. >With nothing else left to say, you walk down with your party to leave Five be.
  42. >But then, you get a sudden idea that pops into your head, and you take out the writing kit that Sunwhirl gave you.
  43. >You levitate the paper up and the quill, but you think better of trying to write with magic until you learn better control.
  44. >Grasping the quill between your fingers, you begin to write a letter.
  47. ‘To Charm Rose:
  49. This is an update in regards to the situation with your brother. My apologies in advance, both for reiterating information that you likely are already aware of, and for not delivering this news in person. However, my time is unfortunately scarce and our previous discussions brief, so this will have to do.
  51. First of all, to assuage your most pressing concerns, I have spoken to Princess Cadence following her recent recovery, and she has agreed to do what she can to reduce the financial burden of the medical bills associated with care for your brother. While I cannot promise with absolute certainty that every charge will be completely covered, I hope that it will be satisfactory.
  53. Now, on to the subject of your brother's health: The curse he's been afflicted with feeds off of his mana, as you may know. Several venues of mana manipulation and management have been explored, including sealing, siphoning, and transplantation. According to Celestia, the only surefire way to remove the curse is a complete removal of the victim's magic source; while she does possess the ability to do this in theory, the recent attacks by the shadow have made this prospect difficult. I have currently been absorbed in research to find everything I can about Curses, mana drain and a way to heal steel and with it I managed to come out with a healing spell that I learned and taught Princess Cadence. However, even with all this studying and learning the healing spell, they proved useless against the Jovius Curse.
  55. Another possibility has arisen, however, in the form of information leading to a magic user stationed in the White Tail Island vicinity. Current information is scant, but they are at least theoretically well-versed in Dark Magic and thus may be able to provide unique insight into removing the curse. While the current demands of my task lead me away from the White Tail area, I have plans to journey there at my earliest convenience.
  57. I will do my best to keep you abreast of any new information I obtain pertinent to this situation. My prayers and best wishes are with you in the meantime.
  59. From the desk of Dr. Anonymous’
  62. >You make sure that it’s clean and ship-shape, and you roll it up, tying it off with a little white ribbon.
  64. >Keeping it in a safe place, you then hustle down to the hospital.
  65. >...
  66. >You arrive at the doors and let everyone in before stepping in last.
  67. >Taking a quick glance at the clock, you see it’s now 4:10 P.M.
  68. >That gives you about 1 hour and 50 minutes to be at the Train Station.
  69. >Keeping the time in your mind, you walk up to the receptionist’s desk as she greets you.
  70. >It’s the mare from the first time you were here, so she recognizes you and smiles.
  71. >”Welcome back, champ! I see your little possè is getting bigger by the day.”
  72. >Most of you turn your eyes towards Five, trying to be composed.
  73. “Anyways, I’m here for a few errands before we leave the city. Can you deliver this letter to Charm Rose? She’s Steel Magnolias’ brother, and I’m pretty sure she’s here.”
  74. >The nursemare takes the letter with a confident affirmation.
  75. >”She’s been here for quite a while, indeed. If you had time, you could go see her in the waiting room. Right now the pony in question’s being examined for further study.”
  76. >That’s interesting.
  77. >Would you like to go see Charm Rose, or simply have the letter delivered to her?
  81. >You think it’d be nice to talk to her again, even if she might not take kindly to seeing you at first.
  82. >There’s something else you need to attend to in the meantime.
  83. “I think I would like to see her, actually. But first, I would like to talk about something with the hospital. I heard about Cadence not being able to perform the healing spell I taught her, and-”
  84. >”Wait, you taught her?”
  85. “Er, yeah?”
  86. >”The last time Princess Cadance came in, she simply asked to see one of our patients, and left soon after. Wait, so she knows healing magic?! And -you- taught her?”
  87. >Cadance probably didn’t want to say anything unless she was successful.
  88. >Well, looks like you threw a monkey wrench in that plan.
  89. >You continue on regardless.
  90. “... Well, rest assured that we are both studying hard to be able to cast it and help those that are injured. Now, the problem is that me and my party are going on a very dangerous journey through the Badlands, and I was hoping on buying that Doctor’s kit, but unfortunately it's incredibly expensive. So, I was hoping we could do a trade of sorts. I have on me a copy of the healing notes from Starswirl the Bearded that I’ve managed to unlock the healing spell from. Could I possibly give these to you in exchange for any sort of discount on that kit?”
  91. >The receptionist looks at you closely.
  92. >”...Can I see the notes?”
  93. >You open your pack and fish out a copy of the healing notes, setting it in front of her and she reads it thouroughly.
  94. >”...Is this a copy?”
  95. “It is, yes. The real set with the charm lays with Sunwhirl, the owner of Fortuna Potions.”
  96. >She shakes her head with a sympathetic look.
  97. >”I’m sorry. We’re not really a business and are technically not supposed to give anyone that kit. I’m sure that this copy is accurate, but without the actual thing we can’t do any discounts or trades. Sorry!”
  98. “Are you sure?”
  99. >”Miracle Shine would have my head if I took a few pieces of paper like this. If it was the actual things, we’d probably just do a trade. I guess you’ll have to pay the full amount for the kit, unless you have something else beneficial to the hospital?”
  100. “...Are you absolutely sure you can’t give me anything for this?”
  101. >Now she looks a bit annoyed.
  102. >”...No.”
  103. >Oh, goyim…
  104. >...Good goy!
  105. [Hidden Bonus: The Jewish Singularity unlocked!]
  106. [ACQUIRED YARMULKE (One time use: reduce price of single item in a purchase by 20%)!]
  107. >At least she’s doing her best to help you out.
  108. >From that point, you turn around to your party.
  109. “Would you guys like to wait for me and Redheart at the Train Station? I have no idea how long this is going to take.”
  110. >They look at each other to see if anyone cares.
  111. >Applejack speaks for them.
  112. >”No, not really. Were ya gonna go see her, though?”
  113. “Yeah, I think I will. So you guys are okay with that?”
  114. >”Sure. Just don’t be too long, wanna get there a bit early so it doesn’t roll out without ya.”
  115. >Your party says goodbye to you and Redheart and they split from you, heading off to the station.
  116. >You and Redheart excuse yourselves from the receptionist, and you both walk into the waiting room a few moments later.
  117. >There’s a few ponies here and there, varying degrees of emotional turmoil on display.
  118. >Charm Rose is sitting in the corner, without her robes or armor.
  119. >She’s a rather elegant crystal pony, a sleek midnight blue body and rock-hard azure eyes, with a mane splitting into three Rarity-esque curls with a short tail to match.
  120. >Her cutie mark is of a magical trail that leads into a set of eyes.
  121. >She seems to be resting, but the flicker of her ears gives away that she’s awake.
  122. >What would you like to do?
  126. >You give Redheart a supporting glance, and she nods as you walk forward, staying behind you as you go over to Charm Rose.
  127. >You sit down next to her and she slightly flinches, opening one eye to see who’s invading her personal space.
  128. >When she sees you, she groans through her teeth.
  129. >”Why couldn’t I knock your skull in at that tournament.”
  130. “So how’s he doing?”
  131. >She looks right up at you, aware you weren’t going to go anywhere anytime soon.
  132. >She sits up and flicks her mane out of her eyes.
  133. >”How do you think? They haven’t found anything and won’t anytime soon. Too bad he doesn’t have much longer than soon.”
  134. >Charm’s tone suggest she’s had grief for a long time, but has become too accustomed to the feeling to care.
  135. “I’m sorry about that… Look, I didn’t know if you were here or not, so I wrote you a letter to give you a few updates. Please read it?”
  136. >You offer the letter to her, and you stare back.
  137. >Finally, she takes it with her magic and rips off the ribbon, unrolling it and speed reads it.
  138. >About halfway through, however, she blinks and starts from the top, going at a much more reasonable pace.
  139. >It takes her a minute to finish the letter, but when she does she lets out a sigh of disbelief.
  140. >”So it’s called the Jovius Curse, huh?... And you’ve actually talked not only to Princess Cadance, but Celestia too?”
  141. “That’s right. We’ve been burying our heads in study to help your brother, and even though we managed to find a healing spell, we already know it won’t work on the curse.”
  142. >The letter is suddenly thrown right into your face, and Charm gets out of her seat.
  143. >”I bet you found a spell to be an ass too, right?”
  144. >Redheart steps in at this point.
  145. >”Charm? He isn’t lying. I can tell you firsthoof that we’ve been through more than you could ever believe, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Please know we’re not lying. We can go get Princess Cadance right now.”
  146. >Charm Rose regards Red carefully, looking at her nurse’s signature and cutie mark, and the sincerity of her words.
  147. >Her horn shimmers slightly, and her eyes widen in sudden shock.
  148. >”...Oh Celestia… It’s true, isn’t it?”
  149. >”It is. We wouldn’t ever lie about something like this.”
  150. [ ]
  151. >She looks back at you, and tears instantly begin to well in her eyes.
  152. >”Y-you… actually did all of this for us?...”
  153. “I told you before didn’t I? I’d prove to you I could help. I set out to do just that, and… well, I didn’t help that much, but I tried.”
  154. >Her tears start falling like a coursing river, her lips trembling and her composure shattering.
  155. >”...B-but… W-why? Why help us?”
  156. >You try to keep yourself composed as you talk to her, with debatable levels of success.
  157. “You deserve better than what’s happened to you, and him. ...I’ll be damned if I’m going to sit here and let an innocent pony die and watch any of you suffer such pain. No way.”
  158. >She suddenly runs over to you and throws herself around you, crying into your chest.
  159. >She’s far too choked up to say anything in gratitude, her emotions flooding her after all this time of being repressed.
  160. >Her subtle vibrations as she pours everything out to you rock you to your very soul, and she finally speaks.
  161. >”...I… I… I’m s-s-so sorry about b-before…! P-please… I’m sorry!...”
  162. >What do you do?
  166. >Without any hesitation, you embrace Charm and hug her back, patting her very softly.
  167. “It’s alright…. It’s alright, I’m here for you…”
  168. >Redheart lets the two of you be, a look of love and respect and sorrow flowing through her own emotions, biting back her tears at the sight.
  169. >You don’t know how long you sit here with her, rocking her slowly, feeling every bit of sorrow that’s been chaining her up these past weeks, nothing but pure despair for her loved one seeping from her in this very moment.
  170. >But eventually, it subsides, she grows weary of the relief to have finally let it go, and her red, puffy eyes open and watch you.
  171. “If you need anything at all, just ask and I’ll be here to help you. I'm sorry, but we’ll have to leave for the Badlands soon, where I have to enter the Changeling’s Hive and stop something that threatens the world right now. But, the second I'm done I will travel to White Tail Island and follow a lead to somepony who might know a cure. I promise you.”
  172. >”T-thank you… Nopony’s ever been so… thoughtful..”
  173. “It's fine, after everything you've been through. It must have been tough on you, going through all this misfortune and not being able to see a way out. But you have my word that we're going to do everything we can to help him. In order to do that, though, we need as much information as we can get. If it's not too hard to talk about, do you remember anything about when he first began to grow ill? Had he gone anyplace or spoken to anyone unusual around that time?”
  174. >She rubs her cheeks with her hooves, trying to clean herself as she sits on your lap.
  175. >”...I don’t know… He left home one day, a-a while back… a-and I went looking for him during the night, but it was really cold for some reason and I couldn’t stay out long… I had to stop searching b-because I didn’t have any clothes and I couldn’t freeze to death out there… I went home, and a… a few hours later, a stallion came to the door and brought my brother to us, but he was already in the coma, and… I… I don’t know what happened!”
  176. “Who was the stallion?”
  177. >”I… I was too scared for Steel and I didn’t really catch what he looked like…”
  178. “Can you remember anything at all?”
  179. >Charm closes her eyes, rubbing her head in attempts to remember.
  180. >”Uh… I… Gh, I can’t remember… It’s so blurry, I just…”
  181. >She takes a second to catch her breath, and looks at you with sadness in her eyes.
  182. >”He was a unicorn, and… I remember dark colors… maybe robes? It was very cold out, so he was probably keeping himself warm…”
  183. “Do you remember when, and what happened to make Steel leave home?”
  184. >”It was four weeks ago, today… He… He just went to go get us some groceries…”
  185. >Fresh tears begin to brew as her memories begin to surface, so you decide to stop.
  186. “It’s okay, it’s okay… Thank you for telling us.”
  187. >You give her one more hug to make sure she’s alright, and she steps down from your lap to the seat she was in, and you stand, a small wet spot on your chest.
  188. >”I’m… I’m sorry I couldn’t remember more… I’m sorry I was such a jerk, and I’m so sorry-”
  189. “Charm, it’s okay. You had and have every right.”
  190. >She nods slowly, sniffling and trying to dry her face again.
  191. >Is there anything else you’d like to ask Charm Rose?
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