
Time for Plan B!

Feb 6th, 2014
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  1. [20:02] <~Deedles> It was afternoon when Shen arrived at the Town Hall in his search for Mingxia, and that is also where he found her, in one of the backrooms, a large book placed in front of her as her fingertips trailed over the pages, reading by feeling the symbols that had been pressed onto the paper. She raised her head as she sensed his presence, but neither of them have much time to react
  2. [20:02] <~Deedles> or say anything to one another as the horn in the tower of the town hall suddenly sounds, echoing across the whole village, announcing a new arrival. The blind girl put her hands over her ears to shield them from the loud sound. Meanwhile Yoshihiro would hear the signal from where he is in the Fire Temple, interrupting him and Chiyoko in the middle of baking.
  3. [20:02] <~Deedles> Jian and Reisuki heard it too, interrupting their conversation with Ziulong in his medical office. The Water Mentor rises to his feet. "We should go." he stated before making his way out of the room.
  4. [20:04] <Earthflame> Jian frowns at that, and glances to Reisuki. "Will you be alright? I should hurry on ahead..."
  5. [20:04] <~Deedles> "I'll come along." Rei said as she rose to her feet and smiled at him. "It's just my arm." she added with a grin
  6. [20:05] <Earthflame> He smirks. "Then keep up."
  7. [20:06] <~Deedles> "Eat my dust, slowpoke." Reisuki smirked in return
  8. [20:07] <Shen> Shen lifts his head, his mouth half open as he was just about to say something. He had heard the horn many times before, but it felt much louder. He growled quietly in his throat at the annoying interruption. "There's a new arrival." he said to her after the horn silenced and he awkwardly turned around. "Should probably check it out."
  9. [20:08] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro was in the middle of mixing batter into a large bowl when the sound of the horn blares out in the distance, he'd have to set that aside for now. "Well, well, looks like we've got a new face coming to town!" he grins, turning towards Chiyoko. "Lets go see who it is!"
  10. [20:09] <~Deedles> "Oh?" Blossom slid off her seat as she got to her feet, slowly moving over to him, her ears aching faintly.
  11. [20:10] <~Deedles> Chiyoko grinned in return "Alright!" she said as she followed Yoshihiro out of the kitchen and Fire Temple.
  12. [20:11] <Shen> "C'mon." he said as he partially turned back to her. "Its not everyday someone new shows up. Though lately..." he shook his head a little as he held out his arm. "I'll escort you, so it'll be fine."
  13. [20:12] <~Deedles> Ming parted her lips as if to say something, but in the end she just nodded, hooking her arm with his "I know it will be." she replied with a faint smile.
  14. [20:19] <~Deedles> As Shen and Blossom got outside they would be met by the scene of two Storm Dragons escorting a young woman. The Elders, along with Satzu and and Tsula (the only Mentors who had arrived yet), and Sanru the Storm Dragon Clan Leader were there to meet her. Shen would recognice one of the escorts as being Huan Lau as he spoke to the Elders. He gestured to the girl "She says she's here to see the Emperor."
  15. [20:19] <~Deedles> he stated with an expression that revealed that he wasn't quite sure what to make of that, it was a mix between amused and confused.
  16. [20:20] <Earthflame> Seeing the strange party ahead in the distance, Jian slows down a tad, hoping Rei is smart enough to do the same... This situation looks complicated, and it would not do to rush into it...
  17. [20:21] <~Deedles> Reisuki did come to a slow, her sprint becoming a walk as her eyes shifted between everyone gathered ahead.
  18. [20:23] <Shen> "The Emperor?..." Shen mouthed quietly as he overheard, he turned slightly to Blossom. "Are you not telling me something?" Shen jested with a faint smile that he couldn't resist.
  19. [20:23] <Feldion> Xi Feng sweeps her gaze along the assembled group. "My name is Xi Feng of the Red Phoenix Society! I was blessed with a vision," she announces, "revealing the location of this hidden village and that the Emperor is hidden here! I am here," she tucks her hands into her sleeves and smiles serenely, "to become his wife!"
  20. [20:23] <~Deedles> Blossom went deep red "D-don't be stupid..." she muttered, though she looked confused
  21. [20:25] <Shen> Shen immediately put a hand over his mouth trying hard not to laugh.
  22. [20:26] <~Deedles> Ming just looked blown away, and lost, her jaw dropped as she tried to think of something to say to this. The Elders exchanged a couple of glances. One of them, a dwarven man with long white hair and beard, stepped forward as he cleared his throat. "I think there's been a misunderstanding, miss." he told Xi calmly.
  23. [20:28] <Feldion> "If you seek to hide the Emperor from me, it won't work. I will find my way to him one way or another," Xi replies calmly, "as is destined."
  24. [20:29] <Zero_Atma> "HEY YOU GUUUUYS!" Yoshi calls to his friends, arms waving over his head to get their attention, running straight toward them with Chiyoko tailing him.
  25. [20:29] <Earthflame> Jian had tried to approach with subtlety... But then sighs as Yoshi shouts, moving up beside Shen. "...What's going on?"
  26. [20:31] <Feldion> Xi looks over at the growing group to the side, raising an eyebrow.
  27. [20:32] <Shen> "Looks like the new visitor is a little misinformed..." he replied to Jian, rubbing his eyes as he spoke with a stifled laugh. "She's looking for the Emperor."
  28. [20:32] <Earthflame> ...His eyebrow rises. "...Indeed?"
  29. [20:33] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi finally catches up with the others, panting a bit. "So, what's going on?" he asks, looking around at the others before his gaze settles on the new face. "Who's this?"
  30. [20:39] <Shen> "Blossom's future wife."
  31. [20:41] <~Deedles> "Don't be stupid...!" Blossom repeated with an embarrassed expression, her cheeks bright red. The elder shook his head as he gave Xi Feng a sympathetic look "You are correct that the Imperial heir is here, but..." he, the other Elders and the Mentors stepped aside to open a path to the group in the back, with Shen and Mingxia in the middle. "It's an Empress, not an Emperor." he said, gesturing towards the blind girl.
  32. [20:41] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi cocks his head to one side, obviously confused by that response, his expression mirrored that of Jian.
  33. [20:44] <Earthflame> Jian fixes his eyes on the newcomer... He speaks quietly, for only those nearby to hear. "...But the mists let her through. Why would they do that, if she was on a fools errand? What could have let her pass them by otherwise?"
  34. [20:45] <Feldion> Xi glances over at Blossom and then back to the Elder with no obvious change in expression. Her hands descend from her sleeves to stand by her sides, however. "I do not like to think ill of people I have just been introduced to, but I will not suffer through a lie. The Red Phoenix oracles have long foretold of an Emperor, not an Empress!"
  35. [20:47] <Shen> "Maybe the Mists have a sense of humour." Shen shrugged as he replied to Jian quietly. "That or there's more to this." he rubbed his chin with his free hand.
  36. [20:48] <~Deedles> Mingxia stiffened as everyone's attention suddenly turned to her, still not fond of being in the spotlight... especially in this awkward situation. Still she cleared her throat as she stood straight "It's not a lie. I am Mingxia Mingyulong." she said, keeping her voice calm as she introduced herself.
  37. [20:52] <Feldion> Xi looks between the Elder and this woman once and then twice before settling her gaze on the girl. "S-so you claim to the Empress?"
  38. [20:54] <~Deedles> Ming felt her stomach turn as she'd never been asked that so bluntly before, but she answered without hesitation. "Yes, I am."
  39. [20:57] <Feldion> To those with chi awareness, where one's chi should be kept tightly to the body unless released, Xi's chi seems to waver away from her body as if walking about of its volition. "That's..." She seems to start to vibrate. "That's not how things are supposed to be!"
  40. [20:59] <~Deedles> "I don't know how you thought things were meant to be, but this is how things are." Blossom said softly as she clasped her hands in front of herself, bowing at the waist. "I'm sorry that you're disappointed."
  41. [21:02] <Shen> "You have nothing to apologise for." Shen interjected stubbornly, folding his arms.
  42. [21:02] <Feldion> Far away, birds nest peacefully in trees. All run for cover as an almighty scream smashes into their ears. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-"
  43. [21:04] <Earthflame> ...Jian sways back a little at that.
  44. [21:04] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro covers his ears until the screaming stops, reluctantly moving his hands from his ears when it was all over.
  45. [21:05] <Shen> Shen plugs his ears with his fingers.
  46. [21:06] <~Deedles> Blossom tried to keep herself from covering her ears, but failed.
  47. [21:06] <~Deedles> Skip forward a couple of hours and the group has relocated to the Storm Dragon estate, more specifically to the tea room where everyone were sat around a low table made of polished ebony. The floor is of polished, dark wood, the walls made of the same material. Blossom was in the middle of pouring everyone a cup of newly brewed tea before she had a seat between Shen and Sanru.
  48. [21:08] <Feldion> "Thank you," Xi mumbles into the table before she lifts the freshly brewed tea to her lips.
  49. [21:09] <~Deedles> "You're welcome." Ming said with a sweet smile
  50. [21:09] <Earthflame> Jian still keeps an eye on the newcomer... But she seems so defeated he can't really see her being any threat. He sips at his own tea.
  51. [21:10] <Zero_Atma> "Thanks you, Blossom." Yoshi smiles once his cup is filled, deciding to leave his gourd of wine untouched for the time being, sipping from it lightly while looking across the table at their guest. "You have to admit, it is kind of a funny mix up." at least they all got a laugh out of it, aside from Ming that is...
  52. [21:11] <Shen> Shen almost chokes on his tea.
  53. [21:12] <~Deedles> Reisuki slapped the back of Yoshi's head "Excuse him, he's an imbecile." she said to Xi Feng with a cordial smile.
  54. [21:13] <~Deedles> Blossom stiffened, but quickly leaned over to Shen to pat his back to ensure he didn't choke on his tea.
  55. [21:13] <Shen> "This is good tea." he wheezed in a smoky voice as he swiftly recovered. "Thank you."
  56. [21:13] <Earthflame> Jian winces at the off colour comment, and gives a thankful nod to Rei.
  57. [21:13] <Feldion> Xi sets her tea cup down slowly before turning to Reisuki with a faint smile. "I'll keep that in mind. And this is good tea. Is it a local blend?" She asks.
  58. [21:14] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi grumbles while rubbing the back of his head. "That's not nice..." he says before turning to Xi, bowing his head lightly. "Sorry"
  59. [21:15] <~Deedles> "No, it's my own recipe." Blossom said with a soft smile as she slowly turned back to her own tea. Sanru in the mean time had lifted his black mask just enough to be able to sip at his tea, but remained silent.
  60. [21:16] <~Deedles> "I'm glad you like it." She added as her smile widened
  61. [21:17] <Earthflame> ...Jian looks between the newcomer and those around the table, feeling the situation to be highly awkward.
  62. [21:18] <Feldion> "If skill isn't recognized by others, what use is it?" Xi replies. Then turns to Yoshi, "I'll forgive you. For now."
  63. [21:20] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi rubs the back of his head with a small, nervous laugh and a stupid grin that told them he knew he had done something wrong but was trying to be good by not opening his mouth...for the moment anyway.
  64. [21:22] <Shen> "So..." Shen piped up as he too felt the awkwardness as he placed his tea down on the table with a sigh. "I don't believe we've introduced ourselves yet."
  65. [21:24] <~Deedles> Blossom nodded to Xi Feng before Shen got her attention, the blind girl smiling as she gestured to herself "That's true. As you already know I am Mingxia Mingyulong." Sanru pulled his mask back into place as he stared down at Xi Feng sternly "Sanru Huang, the Rending Thunder. I am the Storm Dragon Clan Leader." he spoke calmly, and somewhat coolly.
  66. [21:28] <Shen> "Shen Huang, the Wayward Thunder." Shen nodded after his father. "I'm also a Storm Dragon and son of Rending Thunder."
  67. [21:29] <Earthflame> "Jian, The Yin Yang Blade." He gives her a nod, fixing his steel grey eyes upon her and saying nothing more.
  68. [21:30] <Zero_Atma> "Yoshihiro Matsumoto, the Ebbing Sprits!" Yoshi announces a bit too proudly, though he quickly goes back to awkwardly drinking tea once he had introduced himself.
  69. [21:31] <~Deedles> "Reisuki Tatsuro. Princess of the former nation of Opheria." Rei introduced herself calmly as she looked at Xi. Chiyoko grinned slightly as she rubbed the back of her head "I'm Chiyoko Ryoru, I'm just a small town girl."
  70. [21:34] <Feldion> "Xi Feng of the Red Phoenix Society." Xi introduces herself again. "You certainly are a varied company." She understates.
  71. [21:35] <Shen> "The Red Phoenix society?" Shen furrows his brow in question. "What is that?"
  72. [21:37] <~Deedles> "A society made up mostly of females who wish to get women of their organization into positions of power." Sanru answered as he peered down at Xi Feng, his eyes narrowed.
  73. [21:39] <Feldion> Xi bristles at that. "It is a society dedicated to improving the lives of all women in Mei Lifa regardless of place and birth. To do that, yes, we do have to take positions of power. From men." Xi glances at Sanru and then to Reisuki and Blossom. "How does a Princess and an Empress end up in such a place as this?"
  74. [21:41] <Earthflame> "We brought them here."
  75. [21:41] <~Deedles> Sanru emitted a dry laugh at Xi's reply.
  76. [21:42] <~Deedles> "Long story short? I hitched a ride with these losers." Reisuki replied as she pointed at Yoshi, Jian and Shen with a playful grin. "This was the safest place for me in all of Mei Lifa, so they brought me here to study and train for my role as Empress." Blossom explained softly.
  77. [21:43] <Zero_Atma> "That's not how I remember it..." Yoshi mutters at Rei's explanation under the rim of his tea cup.
  78. [21:43] <Feldion> Xi ignores Sanru. "And how are they teaching you?" She asks Blossom.
  79. [21:45] <~Deedles> "I study under the Elders. Even though I've already studied a lot myself they're expanding my knowledge in politics, economics, history, court etiquette and martial arts." The blind girl replied with a smile "It's hard work, but I'm enjoying it."
  80. [21:48] <Feldion> Xi nods slowly. "As this is a hidden village and I have not heard of a representative of your interests in court, how are you able to learn about current politics and etiquette?"
  81. [21:49] <~Deedles> "We have our sources..." Sanru replied vaguely as he eyed Xi Feng with something that can only be described as suspicion.
  82. [21:52] <Feldion> "As good as the Phoenix's sources?" Xi challenges.
  83. [21:53] <~Deedles> "Better." The Storm Dragon sniped calmly as he folded his arms
  84. [21:56] <Feldion> "While I respect that your village has its own ways to gain information on its enemies, sitting on tree branches outside their bedrooms perhaps?" Xi takes a sip of her tea and lets out a sigh of appreciation. "The Phoenix are already in those bedrooms and they have something more important to gain information from targets. The ability to gain trust."
  85. [21:56] <Feldion> "And reputation."
  86. [21:56] <Feldion> "Or are you saying your clan can be everywhere at once?"
  87. [22:00] <Earthflame> Jian frowns. "What worth is there to be found in a corrupt court? All you will hear is lies from their silver tongues."
  88. [22:02] <~Deedles> Sanru nodded in agreement "There are few things of value to learn from the etiquette and politics of the current Imperial court."
  89. [22:04] <Feldion> "There is plenty to learn from the mouths of liars if you can find the truth behind it. Troop movements, loopholes for corrupt laws, which village will be made example of next! Not everyone has the option of retreating to a village cowering in mist."
  90. [22:05] <~Deedles> Blossom smiled softly as she placed her hands on the table "I think you all make good points, but it's important to remember that soon there won't be a need for mists anymore."
  91. [22:07] <Shen> "We do what we can, because we must." Shen spoke up after listening for a while. "The village is our home, yes, but we do not hide in it... I can assure you that."
  92. [22:09] <Feldion> "Maybe I'll see the truth of that with my own eyes," Xi replies then sips her tea again. "This is very good tea."
  93. [22:09] <Zero_Atma> ", are you still gonna marry Blossom?" Yoshi pipes up, still a bit confused about all this.
  94. [22:10] <~Deedles> Blossom went red as Yoshi brought that up again.
  95. [22:10] <Feldion> Xi chokes on her tea.
  96. [22:13] <Feldion> Coughing, she replies, "W-while that was my-the Phoenix's plan, I don't think that is possible anymore. But I-the Phoenix can't let others have undue influence on the Empress."
  97. [22:16] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi just nods in response. "Well, that being the case, what are you gonna do now?"
  98. [22:16] <Shen> "Not others, but only yourselves?" Shen narrowed his dead eyes at her. "I will not leave her side." He replied calmly. "Especially to vultures."
  99. [22:17] <~Deedles> Blossom blinked as Shen spoke, turning towards him slightly as she couldn't stop her lips from quirking into a small smile.
  100. [22:21] <~Deedles> Sanru slowly stood up, nodding to Shen as he uttered a quiet "Son.." before he turned to leave, having to see to other matters.
  101. [22:23] <Feldion> "I'm sure that you'll be able to see all dangers that might threaten the Empress," Xi responds as Sanru leaves. "As her bodyguard, I would expect nothing less. And as a member of the Storm Dragon's, I would expect you to only have your clan's interests at heart. Just as you accuse me of the same."
  102. [22:24] <~Deedles> Blossom shook her head as she smiled "Shen isn't like that." she stated calmly, her voice holding a hint of warmth.
  103. [22:25] <Zero_Atma> "None of us are!" Yoshi chimes in once more.
  104. [22:26] <Shen> "I, with my clan, serve the Empress. We want nothing in return except peace restored to the nation and her happiness." he quietened slightly as he finished the sentence. "The whole village sacrifices all that we are in order to help her, not jsut my clan." he said as he nodded to the others in the room.
  105. [23:45] <Feldion> "So, why do you accuse me of being a vulture?" Xi asks.
  106. [23:51] <Shen> "You came here seeking to become the wife of someone you don't even know, because they were supposed to be the Emperor." he answered. "And just now claimed it was part of some sort of plan. What would you think in such a situation?"
  107. [00:13] <Feldion> "Would you have preferred me to be less honest? To have hidden my intentions?" Xi replies. She turns to Blossom with a smile. "Could I have some more tea?"
  108. [00:16] <~Deedles> Xi Feng brought Blossom out of her thoughtfulness when she addressed her, the blind girl nodding as she smiled faintly. "Of course." she grabbed the empty teapot as she got to her feet to head to the kitchen.
  109. [00:16] <Shen> "An honest vulture is still a vulture." he replied, but he didn't hold malice in his voice. "Even if I do respect such honesty."
  110. [00:18] <Zero_Atma> "At least that is out in the open." Yoshi points out.
  111. [00:21] <Earthflame> "But, what now?" Jian asks, his words cutting through the polite conversation like a blade. "Your mission had failed before it ever begun. Where will you go from here?"
  112. [00:26] <~Deedles> Reisuki leaned forward slightly as she peered at Xi, rather curious about that herself. Chiyoko was just hiding behind her teacup, staying quiet as to not reveal how ignorant she was to politics.
  113. [00:28] <Feldion> Xi blinks at Jian and then laughs. "I won't be going anywhere. Even if the Phoenix can't marry an Emperor, there are still ways we can help an Empress."
  114. [00:35] <Shen> "I had a feeling you would say that." Shen scratched his chin. "Like what?"
  115. [00:39] <Earthflame> Jian frowns at her in contemplative silence.
  116. [00:39] <~Deedles> Reisuki looked a bit amused about it all, but stayed quiet.
  117. [00:43] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi is still getting over the fact that Xi was sent here to marry Blossom! ...well, that's not exactly what happened, at least that's how it turned out. He started to think about how that would even work...then shakes his head and sips his tea quietly.
  118. [00:43] <Feldion> "Personally," Xi gestures at herself, "I have a comprehensive knowledge of politics, etiquette, and the arts of public speech and presentation and would be able to fill in whatever gaps the Empress's education here has left."
  119. [00:45] <Earthflame> "...I can only speak for myself. But I would be loath to leave Blossom in the care of a mysterious stranger, turned up out of nowhere."
  120. [00:48] <Feldion> "Strange," Xi replies with a grin, "I had heard people saying something about how I wouldn't have been able to find this place unless I was considered worthy? Is that not the case?"
  121. [00:52] <Shen> "Especially when we know so little about the usurper's influence." he nodded slightly as he agreed with Jian then turning to Xi as she spoke. "Maybe so." he was obviously conflicted and confused by this.
  122. [00:53] <Earthflame> "The Mists have been fooled before... And Corruption may hide in plain sight."
  123. [00:54] <~Deedles> Chiyoko spoke up at this point "Yeah, even in those you think you can trust..." she added quietly, fiddling with her teacup
  124. [00:54] <Feldion> Xi looks around the table with a frown. "Is there a way I can prove myself then?"
  125. [00:55] <Zero_Atma> "Everybody deserves a fair chance, I think." yoshi pipes up.
  126. [00:55] <Shen> Shen nodded, he truly did agree with the others. "If we constantly fear such things, we have already lost."
  127. [00:55] <Feldion> "Thank you both." Xi turns her smile on Yoshi. "You are completely forgiven."
  128. [00:56] <Earthflame> "If she proves herself, my concerns will be disproved." Jian nods.
  129. [00:57] <~Deedles> "I don't think she's corrupt." Reisuki stated, still wearing a slightly amused smile.
  130. [00:58] <Shen> "I think she's a lot of things." Shen said, closing his eyes stubbornly with a frown. "But Yoshi is right."
  131. [01:03] <Feldion> "In addition to all I said I could offer the Empress, I am also a capable fighter." Xi volunteers. "If you have need for another of those, I would be happy to volunteer. As it seems I still need to prove myself to some."
  132. [01:05] <Zero_Atma> "I'd say that's a pretty good start." Yoshi speaks up. "We do need more of those."
  133. [01:06] <~Deedles> They all hear a dull thump from somewhere in the house, followed by a muted 'ow'.
  134. [01:06] <Earthflame> "A real battle is not like a courtroom duel. There are no rules, there is no etiquette, and there are no second chances. Did the Red Phoenix train you for that?" Jian gives her a cynical look... And then glances around.
  135. [01:08] <Feldion> "A well-timed word can be as deadly as a well-aimed sword," Xi responds. "I can handle myself. Do you wish to test my skill?"
  136. [01:10] <Earthflame> "I would be glad to... But I cannot, at the moment. I am not a safe opponent for a spar, these days."
  137. [01:10] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi turns around to call out for Blossom. "You alright in there?" he asks before facing the others again.
  138. [01:11] <~Deedles> "Y-yeah!" Blossom called in return, just her tone revealed that she must be blushing.
  139. [01:12] <Feldion> "Not safe?"
  140. [01:13] <Earthflame> "You could die, even if I did not wish to kill you."
  141. [01:13] <~Deedles> Reisuki gestured to the bandage on her arm, which was stained red from the large wound underneath. "We went a couple of rounds and I got this."
  142. [01:16] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi's eyes widen at the sight of the wond, then toward Jian as if to ask if he had really done it.
  143. [01:17] <Shen> Shen frowned slightly, but he could not see the wound.
  144. [01:17] <Earthflame> An expression of bitter shame crosses Jian's face, and he nods.
  145. [01:18] <~Deedles> Blossom finally returned to the room, carrying the new filled teapot, which she carefully placed on the table. "Hope you didn't have too much fun without me." she giggled softly as she sat down beside Shen again.
  146. [01:21] <Feldion> Xi pours herself a cup of tea. "I'm learning quite a lot about everyone," she says with a smile."
  147. [01:21] <Earthflame> "And we still know relatively little about you."
  148. [01:23] <Feldion> "What would you like to know?" Xi takes a sip of tea.
  149. [01:26] <~Deedles> "Where are you from?" Blossom asked with a smile
  150. [01:28] <Feldion> "Rhuyun, the village in the shadow of the Vermilion Phoenix Mountain. I was born and raised there."
  151. [01:29] <Zero_Atma> "See? we're making progress." Yoshi says with a smile of her own. "At least she's not out to kill anyone, that's a refreshing change."
  152. [01:30] <Shen> "What is it like there?" Shen asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.
  153. [01:37] <Feldion> Xi smiles. "Rhuyun receives goods from the countries to the South, spices mostly, silk and rice from the fields, and mushrooms from the mountain caves. The marketplace is always bustling and full of so much exotic food. You won't find spicier, hotter food in all of Mei Lifa."
  154. [01:42] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro's eyes light up as Xi mentions all the food, and the spices! He would definitely have to visit Rhuyun and bring back something to cook the Devil Chef that would set his mouth ablaze!
  155. [01:50] <~Deedles> Blossom was quiet for a little while as she listened to Xi, a thoughtful expression creeping onto her face before she suddenly asked "Are you alright, Xi? You seem tense."
  156. [01:55] <Feldion> "I seem tense?" Xi giggles. "Well, this is the first time I've been so far away from Rhuyun. That must be why. The farthest I've ever been away before this was....Jinlong three years ago now."
  157. [01:58] <~Deedles> "Ah, yeah... I can understand that feeling." Blossom nodded as she smiled softly "But, this is a nice place, with nice people." she assured the courtier.
  158. [02:02] <Zero_Atma> "What were you in Jinlong for?" Yoshi wonders, it was a particularly hot topic at the time.
  159. [02:09] <Feldion> Xi seems relieved at Blossom's words. "That's good." At Yoshi's questions, she turns to him, thinking back. "It was to give us, the other Brides and myself experience in the Imperial Court. We followed around senior courtiers as attendants for a year there."
  160. [02:09] <~Deedles> Blossom planted her hands on the table as she leaned forward, a big smile on her face. "Then you must of met Taishin!"
  161. [02:13] <Feldion> "A few times," Xi grins. "I only saw him from a distance mostly. The courtier I was under didn't have many dealings with the Imperial family directly."
  162. [02:13] <Shen> "How much did you learn of the imperial family?" Shen asked, she obviously had his attention.
  163. [02:13] <Zero_Atma> "Hmm..." Yoshi sits back in his chair, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
  164. [02:26] <Feldion> "While the Emperor is in control of the court and the army, Taishin is the one who travels throughout the country on his orders, attending ceremonies and inspecting the towns and villages in his path. Taishin barely spends one or two days in Jinlong these days."
  165. [02:30] <Shen> Shen nodded in recognition. "Do you know how loyal the court is to the usurper?"
  166. [02:30] <~Deedles> Blossom nodded slowly as she listened; That was pretty much what Shin had told her.
  167. [02:36] <Feldion> "While most of the nobles act respectfully toward the Emperor," Xi's smile turns into a smirk and she leans forward, "they're all afraid of him. Well, except for one."
  168. [02:39] <Shen> "One?" he furrowed his brow in question. "Who is that?"
  169. [02:39] <Zero_Atma> "I guess that makes sense, he is the most poserful man in the contry." Yoshihiro points out.
  170. [02:43] <Feldion> "The Daizen family. They quickly rose to be the most powerful noble family in the court after Takeshi ratted out his uncle, Matsumoto, as a member of the White Peony and got him imprisoned. After that Takeshi married the daughter of another noble family, Tatsuo, forming the most powerful group at court."
  171. [02:44] <Zero_Atma> Now it was Yoshi's turn to choke on his tea...
  172. [02:44] <Shen> Shen remained silent at that, his head turning to Yoshi.
  173. [02:44] <Feldion> "They're powerful enough and give enough support to the Emperor that no one will oppose them. Not even the Emperor himself."
  174. [02:44] <~Deedles> Blossom sat quiet, shifting her attention towards Yoshi.
  175. [02:45] <Feldion> "And Yoshi has some connection to them?" Xi asks.
  176. [02:47] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro wipes the tea off of himself and places the cup on the table before he finally spoke up. "Yeah, that's my family." he explains. "My rat of a cousin sold out my uncle and married one of my best friends while I was away."
  177. [02:48] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro slams an open hand into a closed fist. "You know where I can find him so I can rearrange his face?"
  178. [02:50] <Feldion> "I know the estate he lives in."
  179. [02:54] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi's mouth twists into a devilish grin when Xi tells him this, followed by an unsteady and a bit unsettling laugh. "Where is it...?" he asks in a dead serious tone.
  180. [02:58] <Feldion> "In the Southern wing of the Jade City." Xi seems unruffled by his laugh.
  181. [02:59] <Earthflame> "Jinlong is beyond our grasp for now, Yoshi." ...There is a certain bitterness in his voice as he says this. And then he turns to Xi. "...Did you see much of the Dancing Sword Clan?"
  182. [03:05] <Feldion> "Only once or twice. Few of their members come to court as you can imagine especially if you take account of the rumors that they're internally divided. Many wouldn't be allowed at Court in case of sabotage attempts."
  183. [03:05] <Earthflame> "...Internal division?"
  184. [03:06] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi grumbles as he slumps back into his chair, shaking his fist. 'Soon, Takeshi, soon..."
  185. [03:10] <Feldion> "I think they've been internally divided ever since Yamato Takatora took over as leader. Or it could be something which they've recently been unable to contain that's been with them for decades."
  186. [03:11] <Earthflame> ...Jian Grins.
  187. [03:14] <Feldion> "And now you know something, Jian?"
  188. [03:15] <Earthflame> "I am the rightful heir to the Dancing Sword Clan. If there is division, then there are those left who might flock to my banner."
  189. [03:17] <Feldion> "You're the rightful heir to the Dancing Sword Clan."
  190. [03:19] <Earthflame> Jian gestures. A floating disc of metal moves into the room, a perfect resemblance of the Clans crest. It unfolds to reveal two wickedly sharp blades as he simply answers "Yes."
  191. [03:21] <Shen> "Fate is not a stranger to any of us here." Shen chimed after his long silence.
  192. [03:22] <Feldion> "I'm sitting at a table with the Empress, who served me tea, the heir to the Dancing Sword Clan, the brother to patriarch of the currently most powerful family at Court, a Princess of a foreign land, the brother of the leader of the Storm Dragons...."
  193. [03:22] <Earthflame> "The Spirits guide and protect us."
  194. [03:23] <Feldion> Xi looks over at the final member of the group. "So are you really just someone normal?" Xi asks the final member of the group.
  195. [03:23] <~Deedles> Blossom giggled softly "It does sound odd when you put it like that." she confessed
  196. [03:23] <~Deedles> Chiyoko nodded "Yeah, well... my cousin is a Lieutenant in the White Peony, but that's about it." she replied while pouring herself some more tea.
  197. [03:26] <Shen> "Not to mention an extremely capable prodigy of fire that will likely overtake us all soon enough." Shen added to Chiyoko.
  198. [03:27] <Earthflame> "Natural Kung-fu genius is said to only be present in one in a million." He gives her a smile.
  199. [03:27] <Feldion> "I look forward to the day you become an avatar of the Phoenix herself." Xi says to Chiyoko
  200. [03:28] <~Deedles> Chiyoko blushed as she rubbed the back of her head, smiling broadly "I'll continue to do my best."
  201. [03:30] <Feldion> Xi laughs. "We should spar together. It will be interesting to see the styles of the rest of Mei Lifa."
  202. [03:31] <~Deedles> "I would like that!" Chiyoko said happily
  203. [03:32] <Earthflame> "I will wish to spar with you when I have trained myself better, to control my strength."
  204. [03:33] <~Deedles> "I'd like that too." Chiyoko smiled before drinking some of her tea.
  205. [03:35] <Zero_Atma> "I think you're going to like the improvements she's made." Yoshi chimes in, winking at Chitoko.
  206. [03:36] <Feldion> Xi nods at Jain, taking the invitation that was probably for her.
  207. [03:37] <Shen> "At least I get a free ticket out of that." he says as he stretches, putting his hands behind his head. "...For now."
  208. [03:41] <~Deedles> Blossom laid a hand on one of Shen's shoulders "Yeah, it won't be long now." she said with a bright smile.
  209. [03:44] <Feldion> "Until he gets used to being blind?" Xi asks as she sips her tea.
  210. [03:48] <Shen> "We'll see." he sighs faintly back at Blossom before turning towards Xi. "I don't think I'll ever get used to it." he answered honestly. "But this one has taught me that even blindness does not mean I'm broken."
  211. [03:49] <~Deedles> Blossom's smile softened at that, giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze before her hand came to rest on her lap again.
  212. [03:52] <Feldion> Xi watches the interaction carefully. "How are you learning to cope?"
  213. [03:55] <Shen> "I am already trained well with my hearing and sense of smell, but they have grown more acute since I lost my sight." he shrugged, "Beyond that I am training my chi perception amongst other things. It's not perfect, but I 'see' some things more clearly now."
  214. [03:57] <Feldion> "I'll warn you now: Trusting chi perception when fighting me will do you no good."
  215. [03:58] <Earthflame> Jian smirks. "We'll see anout that."
  216. [03:58] <~Deedles> "Really?" Blossom smiled at that, looking curious as she leaned forward slightly.
  217. [04:00] <Feldion> "One of the styles I use interferes with chi perception." Xi smirks. "For a few moments, I can make myself invisible completely."
  218. [04:01] <Earthflame> "Even from the eyes of the spirits?"
  219. [04:01] <~Deedles> The Empress looked thoughtful as her curiousity seemed to grow "I'd... like to see that." she confessed slowly
  220. [04:02] <Feldion> "I've yet to meet a spirit, Jian, who could see me." She says as she stands taking in breath. "Then I will show you."
  221. [04:04] <Feldion> There's a subtle flaring of chi then, to Blossom and Shen, there simply isn't anything there, not even a tell-tale absence. For the others, she remains in their sight but becomes oddly hard to notice as if there wasn't anything there of note.
  222. [04:04] <Feldion> She flares back into being after two seconds.
  223. [04:04] <~Deedles> Blossom straightened herself as she peered up at Xi, blinking as she disappeared...
  224. [04:05] <Feldion> "Well?" Xi asks as she seats herself.
  225. [04:05] * Jian closes his eyes, testing his own senses...
  226. [04:05] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro sits up and leans forward a bit, anxious to see what this newcomer was going to do...and ends up not really noticing her in the end...huh.
  227. [04:06] <~Deedles> "You really vanished!" Blossom clasped her hands as she smiled, looking impressed.
  228. [04:06] <Earthflame> He opens them in surprise. "Impressive."
  229. [04:07] <Shen> Shen nodded in agreement, a faint smile on his face.
  230. [04:08] <Feldion> "Thank you. It is one of the most powerful techniques I know," she admits with grin.
  231. [04:09] <Shen> "How long can you hold it for?" Shen questioned curiously.
  232. [04:12] <Feldion> "Only a few seconds if I make myself completely imperceptible. It takes a lot of chi to perform."
  233. [04:14] <Shen> He nodded. "Its very powerful, I will have to train hard." he mused out loud, though his voice was appreciative.
  234. [04:15] <~Deedles> Blossom nodded in agreement "So shall I." she echoed
  235. [04:16] <Earthflame> "I wonder..." Jian muses.
  236. [04:16] <Feldion> Xi looks over at Jian.
  237. [04:19] <Earthflame> "My sword is guided not by my senses, but by my faith."
  238. [04:21] <Feldion> "If you want to test your faith against my style, just ask. When you're ready." Xi glances at the bandage on the Princess's arm.
  239. [04:22] <~Deedles> It probably came as a surprise when Blossom chimed, with a smile. "I would like to spar against you sometime."
  240. [04:24] <Zero_Atma> "Now that's something I didn't expect to hear." Yoshi admits.
  241. [04:25] <Feldion> Xi coughs in surprise but recovers quickly. "Well, if the Empress wants to spar, it is my duty to oblige."
  242. [04:30] <Shen> "Only if I am present." Shen insisted.
  243. [04:31] <~Deedles> Blossom's smile widened faintly "I wouldn't want it any other way."
  244. [04:32] <Feldion> Xi looks between the two and raises an eyebrow at the Princess in question.
  245. [04:43] <~Deedles> Reisuki shrugged in reply, an honest look of 'no idea' on her face.
  246. [04:46] <Feldion> Xi pours herself some more tea. "Does anyone else want some?"
  247. [04:51] <~Deedles> "Maybe a bit later." Blossom said as she slowly began to stand "I need some fresh air." she smiled slightly as she looked down at Shen "Want to come, Shen?" she wondered
  248. [04:56] <Shen> Shen looked up at her voice in slight surprise. "Uh, yeah... Sure." he nodded as he got to his feet.
  249. [05:02] <~Deedles> Her smile wavered as she went to take his hand, but hesitated and instead lead the way out of the tea room and towards the door leading to the large garden.
  250. [05:04] <Shen> Shen followed behind her in silence, mirroring her walking and the steps she took. He had become accustomed to using this pseudo-technique in his day-to-day 'training'
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