
What the hell does Rhetorical mean?

Nov 8th, 2017
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  1. Alexithymiaa: Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, I couldnt remember if I didnt change the sticker." He said with a laugh, adjusting his beanie on his head and taking another sip of his soda.-
  2. Smokeless: She nodded her head to Brad. she looked at KElsey and then down at her hands whic hher fingers were a tad fidgety at the question."I wasn't feeling to good. Really sick."she brushed some hair behind her ear slightly and smiled paying for her pie as it was sat infront of her."I know couch is really mad at me. I need to talk to her soon."
  3. Covet: "Yeah, She wasn't to pleased. Said this was your second unexcused absense. If you miss again, She said three strikes..." Kelsey said trailing off. "Maybe next time if you aren't going to make it you should send her a message that way you don't get in trouble." She said then looked over at Connor, "Oh, you're not still sick are you?"
  4. Alexithymiaa: "This is why I don't join sports. Coaches are like nazis." Brad remarked with a bit of a smirk before taking another sip of his soda.-
  5. Smokeless: Dori nodded her head."I will do that thanks Kelsey." she shook her head no."oh no im not sick anymore. it wasnt like a cold or anything." she forced a smile on ehr face and looked down at the pie infront of her poking at it for a moment before taking a bite.-
  6. Covet: "It's not that bad." She said with a laugh at Brad."There's just a few expectations, that's all." Kelsey glanced at Dori, "Oh...well I hope you're feeling better now?"
  7. Tsaaq: Ozzie came into the cafe and smiled when he saw the group. "Hey y'all!" He greeted before dropped down to sit beside them. "I wasn't expecting to see all of these kind faces tonight." He chuckled, taking a seat beside Brad.
  8. Alexithymiaa: "Well yeah, colds don't go away that fast." Brad said with a laugh, adjusting his beanie and smiling when Ozzie came in. "Heyyy. Well it's the cafe so you should expect to see us here all the time."-
  9. Smokeless: "I'm fine. I apperciate your concern though Kelsey it means alot." she smiled and she turned her head to see Ozzie as she was shoving another piece of pie into her mouth. She just waved to him and went back to her pie.-
  10. Covet: Kelsey nodded her head, still questioning what was up, but if Dori wasn't going to indulge, she wasn't going to push on. She smiled when Ozzie came in and joined them. "Hey Ozzie, how's it going?" She asked.// Connor waved as well, "Hi Ozzie." he said then continued his coloring, rather focused on it.
  11. Tsaaq: "Hey little boy. How're you." went to give Connor a pat before looking to Brad. "That's a lie if I ever heard one. I never see y'all in here anymore. Not when I'm here anyways." He chuckled. "I'm here for my usual salad with egg." He declared. "I think the football team is actually gonna win our next game. Cheer for us real hard." He pointed to Kelsey.
  12. Alexithymiaa: "Football. Balls. Ass grabbing." Brad said in monotone becaus ehe doesnt know shit about sports at all. "Sounds like hard work. Get it." He said with a laugh.-
  13. Tsaaq: ((Stop that.))
  14. Smokeless: Dori smiled to Ozzie."I hope you guys win. That would be awesome." she finished off her pie and pushed her plate forward looking at the others."So what has everyone been up to lately?"
  15. Covet: "Of course we will. We're actually looking pretty good with our two man stunts. Coach is going to have a routine for us set up next week so that we'll be looking good on the field for the bowl game on the twentieth." She told Ozzie, then shook her head at Brad, "Child..." She said then looked at Connor, before hearing Dori, "The usual, currently trying to get an english essay done without falling asleep in the middle of it. // Connor gave Ozzie a thumbs up, "Good dude. You too?"
  16. Tsaaq: He started to smile. "The crowd loves pretty girls. So... Don't let me down." He laughed. "It is hard work you. All the training and conditioning, practice. Plus there's that one movie where the guy is like 'Oh football gives you brain damage' so that too!" Ozzie said. He shrugged. "I am good. Now that y'all are here. My closest buddies." Ozzie smiled at Connor. "Oh you know, same old." He finally answered Dori.
  17. Alexithymiaa: "I don't know which movie that is." He said with a laugh, giving a shrug. "I'm sure everyone will do fine though. You're good at your respective sports. I know they take hard work and practice, so good for you."-
  18. Smokeless: She nodded her head"WEll it is good everyone is doing good and I understand your struggle Kelsey. These essays take forever to do. IT is tiring on the brain too to be staring at the samething for hours."
  19. Covet: "Of course not." Kelsey said with a laugh, then looked a little taken back, "Wait, is that true? I thought they were still on the fence about it causing brain damage..." She said a little shocked. Turning her attention to Dori, "Not so much that, I'm just so busy throughout the day that when I finally get time to work on anything, I'm ready for bed."
  20. Covet: [Uh oh.. Her net/cable went out...]
  21. Smokeless: [i have to go to bed i gotta open up the store at 4am. so imma make an exit post if that is ok]
  22. Smokeless: Dori nodded her head to kelsey."Well if you ever need help and I can help just give me a ring." she smiled softly and looked at te time."oo I better head back to work before my boss blows a cap. IT was really nice seeing you all tonight." she grabbed her things and made her way out of the cafe.- [nini guys]
  23. Covet: [Alright Night!]
  25. Tsaaq: ((She's a shit.))
  26. Covet: [I'm so annoyed with her, I'm just gonna get into her 'OTHER' Rp and go fuck shit up, since she likes to do the same to ours. ]
  27. [1:13:18 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: Alexithymiaa: "I don't know which movie that is." He said with a laugh, giving a shrug. "I'm sure everyone will do fine though. You're good at your respective sports. I know they take hard work and practice, so good for you."-
  28. Smokeless: She nodded her head"WEll it is good everyone is doing good and I understand your struggle Kelsey. These essays take forever to do. IT is tiring on the brain too to be staring at the samething for hours."
  29. Covet: "Of course not." Kelsey said with a laugh, then looked a little taken back, "Wait, is that true? I thought they were still on the fence about it causing brain damage..." She said a little shocked. Turning her attention to Dori, "Not so much that, I'm just so busy throughout the day that when I finally get time to work on anything, I'm ready for bed."
  30. Alexithymiaa has left the chat
  31. Covet: [Uh oh.. Her net/cable went out...]
  32. Smokeless: [i have to go to bed i gotta open up the store at 4am. so imma make an exit post if that is ok]
  33. Smokeless: Dori nodded her head to kelsey."Well if you ever need help and I can help just give me a ring." she smiled softly and looked at te time."oo I better head back to work before my boss blows a cap. IT was really nice seeing you all tonight." she grabbed her things and made her way out of the cafe.- [nini guys]
  34. [1:14:20 AM] 【Amethyst】: ((Bitch.))
  35. [1:15:18 AM] 【Amethyst】: "No it definitely causes brain damage. And it's literally called Concussion BRAD." Ozzie's eyes widened at him. "Y'all wanna start a study group? I'd die for a study group right now." He asked.
  36. [1:16:16 AM] Stephh -: “Okay OZZIE.” He stressed in return, stretching back in his seat. “A study group? Like for studying? Ehhh.”-
  37. [1:16:29 AM] 【Amethyst】: ((WTF BRAD.))
  38. [1:17:45 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: [XD Brad just wants that ass, Ozzie]
  39. [1:18:17 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: [Also.. why the hell would Kelsey go to the bitch who can't even sing in English.. for help on an English paper?]
  40. [1:19:08 AM] Stephh -: (Hahahahahahahahahahaha)
  42. [1:21:47 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: "Study group for what?" Kelsey asked tilting her head to the side as she glanced at Ozzie. // Connor made his way over to Kelsey's lap and leaned against her as he yawned, done with his coloring and just wanted mom snuggles.
  43. [1:27:58 AM] 【Amethyst】: He darted his eyes a moment. "For... Studying?" Ozzie said with an awkward voice. "You never had study group in high school?" He asked. "You just study together and make sure everybody gets their school work done..." He looked down to Connor and smiled. "Awww."
  44. [1:30:06 AM] Stephh -: "I never studied in high school, dude." Brad said with a laugh, patting ozzie on the back because this loser had a study group. He looked down to Connor, tipping his head to the side. "Tired, little man?"-
  46. [1:32:08 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: "I figured that much." Kelsey said with a laugh, "For which subject." She added then rubbed Connors back.// Connor nodded his head at Brad as he let his mom rub his back.
  47. [1:33:21 AM] 【Amethyst】: Ozzie frowned at Brad and slowly shook his head. "How'd you finish?" He asked angrily because school was hard as fuck for him at the time. "Well... All of them really. Our study group would probably be like some type of free for all where you kind of just get your stuff done I think?"
  48. [1:34:27 AM] Stephh -: "I don't know, it was easy to skate by I guess?" He kind of spoke in question with a shrug. "Wait, if its a free for all, how are you going to get anything done? I don't understand this."-
  49. [1:36:23 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: "Why do I suddenly feel like Study group doesn't actually mean studying?" Kelsey said with a laugh. "I'd be cool with sitting down and bouncing good study vibes off of each other. The idea that if one of us is focusing, then all of us can focus."
  50. [2:26:00 AM] 【Amethyst】: ((OH GOD DAMN IT!))
  51. [2:26:17 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: [Pfft. 2/2 Bliss XD]
  52. [2:26:19 AM] 【Amethyst】: ((I must be getting old.))
  53. [2:26:58 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: [Nah just focused elsewhere on bigger things than Gay flirting and spaghettios]
  54. [2:27:28 AM] Stephh -: (Excuse you. Those sound like top priorities)
  55. [2:27:59 AM] 【Amethyst】: Ozzie shook his head slowly at Brad. Judging the shit out of him. "It does mean studying!" He said. "Yeah what Kels said!" He said. "And who says blondes aren't smart?" He grinned at her.
  56. [2:28:06 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: [Bliss and Eli are having a Romantic dinner with wine and spaghettios... It's a priority to them.]
  57. [2:28:10 AM] 【Amethyst】: ((I just said "I hate you Steph" outloud LMAO))
  58. [2:28:35 AM] Stephh -: (Honestly that sounds amazing)
  59. [2:29:29 AM] Stephh -: "I never said blondes aren't smart." He said very quickly and defensively, because he didn't want Kelsey to get the wrong idea. Pushing up to his feet, he twisted his back a bit. "Ready to get this little guy to bed?"-
  60. [2:29:46 AM] 【Amethyst】: ((NOBODY SAID IT IT WAS RHETORICAL))
  62. [2:30:14 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: [dead.]
  63. [2:30:51 AM] Stephh -: (HAHAHAHA. THE FUTURE OF OUR MEDICINE)
  64. [2:39:46 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: "Hey, I resemble that remark." She said looking between the two guys, and remember your baby mama is also a blonde." She told Ozzie, pointing a finger at him before she looked at Brad, "Yeah, He's already out, but I'm sure he'd be more comfortable in bed." She said holding on to him as she got up, "Can you get my laptop for me, I'll go get him into the car." She said then smiled at Ozzie, "By the way, We'll see you and Katie Thursday, for karaoke. And Holly will have the kiddos that night."
  65. [2:41:10 AM] 【Amethyst】: "I know I didn't mean, like I meant like blondes are smart so why would people say no or something!" He muttered, trying to find his words. "Oh, don't remind me." He laughed. "I'll be there with bells on." He said. "Ya'll have a good night."
  66. [2:43:06 AM] Stephh -: -Brad scooped Connor into his arms, letting him rest his head on his shoulder. "Night Ozzie. See you tomorrow." He said with a half wave cause kid in his arms. He turned and headed out the door, making his way outside to Kelsey's car so he could get him buckled in and ready to head home for the sleeps.-
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