
The Last Human: Chapter VIII

May 7th, 2015
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  1. ~The Last Human~
  2. [Chapter VIII]
  3. |What Burrows Through the Rock|
  4. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  6. >A terrible quake courses through the cavern as the four of you make your way down the halls of the Manarat. Many scattered back and forth in a panic, trying to gain their senses in the chaos.
  7. >Ro'Jetty was leading you to the great hall to meet with the elders in full counsel. Once there, you'll devise a plan to fend off the aggressors.
  8. >Ro'Jetty saw what they were. But could hardly describe their terrible form. Though he tried, saying they looked like giant black sandworms. It didn't sound familiar to you, but you knew once you saw them you'd know what they were.
  9. >"Many have already escaped, others have died. Are these the angels you spoke of?" Ro'Jetty asks.
  10. "It must be. None else could have found Tzipuur."
  11. >You continued onward. Often the building shook, the stone rattling like a dangling cage. It was starting to fall apart. Some of the pillars and masonry had already given way and barred some of the way, forcing you to go around. It seemed to get worse by the minute. You could only imagine what it was like outside.
  12. >It was a long while before you arrived in front of the massive doors that lead into the great hall. When you entered, the fire was doused and many ancient gray centaurs stood in a huddle, arguing.
  13. >With the sound of the stone doors signalling your arrival, they all look up and turned to you. Immediately they rushed to you for answers.
  14. >"Thealantro! What are these beings!? Why have they come to our town!?"
  15. >"What do they want with us!?"
  16. >"Are they the angels!?"
  17. >They surrounded you in a circle, looking down on you. It took all your effort not to shy away at the sudden bombardment.
  18. "I am sorry. I brought this upon you by coming here."
  19. >You looked up to meet each of their gazes. They were tired, scared, and desperate.
  20. "But they are angels. And they have come for me most likely."
  21. >"Then you must help us! Help us fend them off!"
  22. >The younger of the bunch begged you. His hands quivered and he nearly got to his knees.
  24. "Where is Master Talmon? He said that you would discuss the matter of lending us weapons to fight them."
  25. >You look around, but among the many faces that circled you, Talmon was nowhere. You feared the worse.
  26. >"I'm afraid....that during the first signs of the attack, Master Talmon was killed on his way here."
  27. >The news hit you like a stone wall. It tugged at your heart and you felt a sharp sense of grief for the old man.
  28. "I see.. Then will you allow me to use your arms in defense of Tzipuur?"
  29. >They all nod in unison. The oldest now spoke, his mane and beard disheveled and scraggly.
  30. >"Of course we will. But you'll have to talk to Grand-Master Jehuty. He is our wise man and he alone knows how to enter the vault. Ro'Jetty!"
  31. >"Yes, Master Eedrus?" Ro'Jetty stepped forward.
  32. >"Escort the human to the Reading Room. Jehuty should already be inside trying to make sense of all this."
  33. >Ro'Jetty bowed and you turned to thank him.
  34. >You turn to Celestia and Spike who are ready to follow you wherever you were to go.
  35. "Spike, I want you to stay here. Help them with anything they may need. Is that alright?"
  36. >Spike puffed out his chest, his green belly looking flat. "You can count on me!" He said.
  37. >But Celestia looked at you with worry. Her bottom lip poked out slightly and her brows turned upward. It was cute.
  38. >"Anon, I don't think it'd be wise to journey off when the Manarat is practically falling apart."
  39. "Someone has to. And right now I'll need you to gather the stallions here. I'll come back once Ro'Jetty and I have opened the vault."
  40. >She moved to protest but you had already started off.
  41. >"Anon!" You stopped to look at her. She smiled, the same warm smile you had grown accustomed to. "Be careful."
  42. >You nod. The others wished the same and you assured them that you'd return. And with Ro'Jetty as your guide, there wasn't a doubt in your mind.
  43. "Take care of things while I'm gone."
  44. >And with that you left. Into the shadowed, crumbling halls.
  46. >The halls were a panic as you and Ro'Jetty made your way across the corridors.
  47. >The tremors had gotten more violent as time went on and you found it hard to keep up with Ro'Jetty as he swiftly made his way around the debris that littered the floor.
  48. >It didn't help that you were somewhat distracted. Even if you did somehow make it to the Reading Room, who's to say that Grand-Master Jehuty would allow you to enter the vault?
  49. >Master Talmon had already died because of your being here. What if he held some resentment towards you?
  50. >But perhaps you should worry about that once you got there. You still had a ways to go before you reached the Reading Room according to Ro'Jetty.
  51. >Now you made your way through one of the upper floors of the Manarat. A spacious hall with the left wall carved away and lined with pillars that framed the town. Now aflame and chaotic.
  52. >You peered out as you hurried across. You thought you could see shifting black lines make their way across the streets before disappearing.
  53. >They looked huge. Much larger than the Principalities and Archangels. What were they?
  54. >"It isn't far now; just up these steps!" Ro'Jetty said as he turned and lead you up a very steep flight of stairs.
  55. >They lead into a darkness that seemed ominous and menacing. A door met you atop the long stair way. A great stone-grey slab on hinges. Black lines curved about it in a star shaped pattern with smaller dots surrounding it.
  56. >Ro'Jetty placed his giant hand in the center and the black markings shined a dim light. At first there was nothing. Then came the sound of the door slowly yielding to his touch.
  57. >You peered over his flank in the narrow stairway to catch a glimpse of the strange chamber known as the Reading Room.
  58. >Then Ro'Jetty stepped inside and you followed. What you saw was a strange apparatus in it's center. A strange console that stretched up into a very high ceiling with various prongs hugging along the ceiling.
  60. >It was strange, very alien-like. What it did was a mystery to you. But you'd very much like to find out.
  61. >The only light in the room was a single candle among others that had been knocked to the floor. Signs that they had been freshly lit.
  62. >"Master Jehuty!" Ro'Jetty called out. But there was no answer. Only the panic outside and chaos of Tzipuur.
  63. >It was apparent that he was not here. And it didn't sit right with you that the room held signs of a struggle. Loose papers and other artifacts were scattered across the floor and a few tables and chairs were flipped on their sides.
  64. "Where do you think he might have gone?"
  65. >Ro'Jetty was silent as he made his way around the large room. He was cautious and moved slowly among the equipment. He feared the worse. What if he too had fallen? Then all hope of defense would be lost.
  66. >"Master Jehuty never leaves the Antenna on while he is absent..."
  67. >Ro'Jetty's face fell solemnly. A frown descending on his mouth as he shut down the machine.
  68. "Then something must have happened.." You say to yourself. Looking around for more signs you, see a tiny puddle of blood at the base of the Antenna.
  69. >"So there was a struggle.." Ro'Jetty said as he joined you. The blood hugged the base of the machine before trailing away towards the door.
  70. >Where could he have gone? Was he abducted? Or did he leave on his own accord? Whatever his reason, he was hurt.
  71. "Ro'Jetty, show me where the vault is. He may have gone there."
  72. >The centaur considered it for a moment, then nodded and took the lead. Guiding you out of the Reading Room and into the hall once more. The great stone door slowly closing behind you.
  73. >As you made your way across the hall again, you could see that the town had gotten worse. The fires were even higher and more buildings were toppled over. And on the roof of the cavern, a great terrible gash made it's way from one end of the cavern to the other.
  75. >And from what you could see, more of the same black lines you saw earlier made their in from the schism.
  76. >Ro'Jetty saw them too and his stomach churned. You barely noticed it aside from his obvious worry. But he was doing his best to stay whole and not fall apart. He was frightened out of his wits. It made you hope that you really could come out of this in the best way possible.
  77. >"I pray that Master Jehuty is within the vault. I can't imagine what we'll do without him."
  78. "I'm sure he's fine. But now we must try and get there as soon as possible. He could be badly injured."
  79. >Now you both slowly made your way to the deepest floor of the Manarat. But your way was barred by debris and toppled masonry. You were only base level with the rest of the town when a sudden tremor sent you both stumbling forward.
  80. >It was more powerful than ever before. It felt like something was coming towards you. Then you remember what it was you heard the other night. When Master Talmon told you to listen. Listen to the earth and the tremors that came from it.
  81. >He was right. These quakes were something to be feared. And now, that fear had been realized.
  82. >You attempted to stand but then the quake came again. This time producing something that would send you into a spiral of terror.
  83. >Out from the wall to your left and great black worm exploded out into the hall just a few feet in front of you. It's body being less than physical and made of pure darkness. Tiny jagged white crystals protruded outward from it's body and scraped the walls and floors.
  84. >The worm quickly made it's way across. Burrowing it's way through the opposite all that lead to the town.
  85. >The sight nearly stopped your heart and you found it was incredibly hard to breath. You couldn't stand, even if you wanted to. Same with Ro'Jetty as he laid on his side, staring in horror of the black beast that made its way across.
  86. "Power."
  88. >You say the name out loud and it's like putting a knife in your throat.
  89. >"What?" Ro'Jetty snaps his attention to you. "What did you say?!"
  90. >For a long moment you were silent. Then you ignored him and stood on your feet.
  91. "We must find Master Jehuty. These angels... They are the largest I've ever seen. They must be repelled!"
  92. >You're off before Ro'Jetty can even stand. You could feel a sense of dread creep into you as you ran through those crumbling halls. A dread that threatened to take you and pull you under into the depths of despair.
  93. >What if you weren't able to fend them off? Then what? Tzipuur would be completely destroyed. Everyone in it erased without a trace. All because of you.
  94. >You couldn't let that happen. There -had- to be a solution. All you needed to do was find Master Jehuty.
  95. >Ro'Jetty was once again by your side, the both of you running desperately to find the vault.
  96. >It was the deepest chamber in the Manarat and required you to descend several long flights of stairs. You would have been exhausted had the matter not been urgent.
  97. >Finally you level with the vault chambers. A single wide hall way lead into the darkness where single source of light glowed within it.
  98. >"The vault is open! Master Jehuty must be inside!" Ro'Jetty immediately started towards the light and you followed.
  99. >Relief overwhelmed you as you silently jumped for joy that you now stood a chance.
  100. >The closer you got the easier you could hear things being moved about in the great vault. And the the closer you drew near, the brighter the light became.
  101. >It illuminated the walls. Displayed the intricate carvings of the halls and expertly crafted pillars that lined them. This place was still intact.
  102. >"Hurry! We haven't much time!" You hear a voice call out from the vault. It was a familiar voice. One you've heard recently.
  103. >As you approached you saw clearly. Ro'Jetty stopped in his tracks and you slowed to a grinding halt.
  105. >There lay Grand-Master Jehuty, a great wound upon his head, dark red spilling from the gash.
  106. >Inside the vault, was Captain Howl and his men. Rambling through the countless relics and riches.
  107. >"What...What is the meaning of this!" Ro'Jetty called out. Now galloping up to Jehuty's limp body.
  108. >Howl stopped what he was doing and turned to look at the both of you. His face void of any emotion but apathy.
  109. >"Master! Master Jehuty! Can you hear me!?" Ro'Jetty tried his best to jar the ancient centaur awake. But it appeared to do no good. He may have already been long dead.
  110. >Just like with Talmon's death, you felt this hit you sharp in the heart like a dagger. You visibly recoiled and clenched your chest, unable to speak for a moment.
  111. >You couldn't believe this. Jehuty was dead and now Howl stared at you uncaring. Standing as if he did nothing wrong.
  112. >Before you arrived, Howl and his men forced Jehuty to open the vault. And once they were done with him, they tossed him aside. They didn't even try and save him.
  113. "Howl, how dare you!" You start towards the vault, your anger pulling you forward like a locomotive.
  114. >But before you can even enter, Ro'Jetty stands in your way. His trunk of an arm blocking you. His eyes were puffy and red. Tears falling from them and streaming down the sides of his cheeks.
  115. >"I do not know what fate has befallen Tzipuur. But I do know that you killed my master and for that I'll pummel you into the ground!"
  116. >Now the other stallions had stopped what they were doing and now looked at the furious centaur that towered above them.
  117. >Howl was unmoved by his rage. He merely stood there, his eyes empty and barren of any sort of guilt.
  118. >"Your world is falling down around you and there's nothing we can do about it. It is my job to see that my soldiers come home safely. I have no time for sentimentality. Either help us or begone."
  119. >And with that Howl turned towards the vault and started off.
  121. >With a stomp of Ro'Jetty's mighty hooves, he charged. The echoes of his hooves meeting stone sounding off against the walls.
  122. >You stood there, content with what Ro'Jetty had planned. But had you realized, you would have called out to him. Stopped him from making such a reckless error.
  123. >For as Howl turned away another stallion went to take his place right as Ro'Jetty began to charge. He wore a strange harness across his back. Two slim cylinders hanging off the sides.
  124. >They turned automatically toward Ro'Jetty. Had you had known, you could have prevented what followed.
  125. >Inside the dark barrels was a dim light that grew brighter and brighter until it shot outward. Propelled through the air by an unseen force. It seemed to be pure sunlight as it arched through the air. Ripping through the space between it and the centaur with a loud whistle. If only you had known.
  126. >The light pierced Ro'Jetty's chest and left shoulder. He slowly fell from his charged, not even having enough energy to try and catch himself from hitting the ground.
  127. >There was no blood, only steam rising from his burned, pierced flesh. The sound that came from his mouth was agonizing and filled you with dread. You silently cursed yourself. If only you had known!
  128. >"I have no time for 'heroes'" Howl said as he continued into the vault. "Anon, I can't kill you if that's what you're thinking. You are important to the princess, I wouldn't dream of laying a hoof on you. But if you decide to take the same course as your friend, you'll be bound and gagged."
  129. >You stared at Ro'Jetty's nearly lifeless body. He was shivering, as if he had been plunged into a space. He clammed up, trying to regulate his breathing.
  130. >"But if you do wish to help, we have found weapons for you and we'll need help carrying them out."
  131. >Now he disappeared behind the many relics and stallions returned to their tasks.
  132. >You immediately rush to Ro'Jetty. His eyes were tightly shut and his hands tried to cover his wounds.
  134. "Ro'Jetty! How do you feel!?" You ask, trying to roll him over to face you.
  135. >There is nothing. You doubt he can even hear you through the pain. The wound on his chest didn't seem to be lethal. But then again, you were no doctor. For all you knew, he could have a hole through his right lung.
  136. "The bastard..."
  137. >A terrible rumble reverberates through the hall, reminding you that Tzipuur was still in grave danger. You could sit there mourning over you near-death friend. Or try your best to ensure that many do not end up like him.
  138. >It was a grotesque decision to make and it made your stomach knot thrice.
  139. >You laid a hand on his shoulder and then stood. Right now Tzipuur came first. Like Captain Howl had said. You couldn't afford sentimentality.
  140. >Approaching the vault the stallions look to you. Stopping from organizing and gathering to see what you might do.
  141. ".....Get me something to fight with."
  143. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  145. >"Have you found Captain Howl yet?"
  146. >"Nay Princess. We've looked everywhere! At this point, one must assume...."
  147. >Celestia now waited for you in the great hall. Many of her soldiers were gathered and awaited orders. But without the captain or yourself, all she could do for now was sit and wait.
  148. >Awhile ago, an angel had burrowed through the walls and tried to devour all in the room. She had seen it in full and it sent everyone into a panic.
  149. >Had it not been for Spike, they would have all been in worse shape then now. Many of the soldiers, along with Howl, were missing.
  150. >They had almost no method of defense. They were sitting ducks, waiting to be captured.
  151. >The feeling of such powerlessness was enough to overwhelm any lesser pony. But Celestia had been in many difficult situations. Some worse then this. Some where not even a sliver of hope survived. But there was still hope in you and Ro'Jetty.
  152. >"Princess! Anon's back!" Spike pulled on her wing and pointed towards the massive double doors.
  154. >You emerged with Howl, carrying many strange looking devices. Some long and narrow, others wide and short. They were the same devices that struck Ro'Jetty down and you now carried them. It sickened you.
  155. >As you made your way across, many of the centaur elders gasped. Never before had they seen the legendary weapons. They stared on, parting to make your passage easier to the princess. With hallowed eyes you greeted her.
  156. >"Welcome back Anon. And I see you've found the captain!" She then looked about you. Fourteen ponies and one human. No centaurs.
  157. >"Did you find Master Jehuty? And where has Ro'Jetty gone?"
  158. >You were silent. Doing nothing but shifting your gaze away from her eyes. The air was heavy now and none dared to speak what happened.
  159. >"They went off to search for other survivors and bring them here." Howl said. Causing bile to rise up in your stomach.
  160. >You yourself dared not to tell Celestia what happened. From fear of causing a schism within the ranks you all didn't need at the moment. Tzipuur came first.
  161. "We have to hurry and arm everyone. We need to make our way into the town to fight them off. Who knows how many are already dead." You say.
  162. >You retrieve a scabbard from your side and hand it to Celestia. It was a sword, to which you understood, made of pure light.
  163. >It was beautifully crafted. Jewels were encrusted on the length of the sheath and a large diamond lay embedded in the bottom of the hilt.
  164. >Celestia drew the blade with her mouth, it's light exploding into the room. It withdrew with a ringing sound similar to a thousand hammers hitting steel nails.
  165. >It's blade was a pillar of sunlight. It fitted her perfectly and she stared at it in amazement. The light illuminating her magenta eyes.
  166. >Many awed at the sight as she took it in her wing and gave the air a few strikes. The light appeared to be more fluid than solid. It lagging behind with each swing she gave it.
  168. >Satisfied, she slid it back in the scabbard and took it from you. Attaching it next to her own sword.
  169. >"Amazing, I've never seen it's like." She said.
  170. "Nor have I. But we must hurry if we are to save as many as we can."
  171. >Celestia stared at you now. She stared deep into your empty eyes and you could help but look away. You could tell that she was about to question you but you wouldn't allow it.
  172. >You took initiative and began to hand out the weapons to anyone willing to fight. You yourself took a long rifle. Lined with many apparatuses and scopes along the barrel.
  173. >"Anon, I get something too, right?" Spike tugged at your pants.
  174. >Though it was true he had his dragon fire, it didn't have much range. Regardless on how you felt about giving such a dangerous weapon to a child, it was necessary.
  175. >You handed Spike a weapon befitting his size. A small gun that wouldn't overpower him too much. A handgun that would fit perfectly strapped to his side.
  176. >Everyone made ready in silence. They now prepared to defend the city with these ancient weapons known only to their ancestors.
  177. >The loud roars outside of the Manarat could still be heard. Even through the hole the angel that broke into the great hall produced, you could hear low rumbles. Signs that they still burrowed along the rock.
  178. >This will be the first time you've actually fought without running for your life. Now you stood a chance and that was enough to give you all the drive you needed. Besides, you stood with your friends.
  179. >And the fact you left Ro'Jetty deep under the Manarat, most likely dying, reinforced the fact that you -had- to. . This wasn't just about survival. It was about protecting these people who took you in and showed you great kindness. These people that now faced disaster thanks to you. It was your duty.
  180. >With the final preparations complete, you all ready yourselves. You stood beside Celestia, her presence providing a lot of comfort. You've noticed that lately. She seemed to radiate calmness, even in the most dire situations.
  182. >Another roar rippled through the rock and stone. Many quivered at the magnitude, the source sounding much more closer.
  183. >"Ro'Jetty still hasn't returned..." Celestia said to herself. Her eyes stayed locked on the doors that lead out into the halls.
  184. >You frowned. Not wanting to tell her exactly what happened. Though in that moment you hated Howl, his military experience would be needed if you had any chance of saving Tzipuur.
  185. >His punishment would have to come at a later date. And if you could help it, it'd be by your hands.
  186. "We can't wait here for him. If he is still alive he'll find us..."
  187. >"Then let us hope he is." She said solemnly.
  188. >At Celestia's command everyone moved towards the great stone doors and spilled out of the great hall like a flood.
  189. >There was no charge. Only a cautious advancement as you made your way through the split halls.
  190. >You gripped your rifle tightly in your hands. It'd be your first time actually doing battle with the angels. And for your first fight to be with beings so large as the Powers both excited and terrified you.
  191. >All of you came to the great steps that lead down into the burning town. You could see that many were still alive. Galloping through the streets, making their way for the exit in the distance. But that was where the angels gathered. Waiting for anyone who dare approach.
  192. >That would be your target.
  193. >"We must drive them back at all cost. Once the path is clear we must escape as soon as possible. If all goes well, they will follow us. Sorry Anon, but we'll have to use you as bait." Celestia said, drawing her newly acquired sword.
  194. "That's fine with me. After all, that's what our journeys been so far."
  195. >You chuckle at that. It help to think of this like any other situation you've been in with angels. They were solely after you. Just as they had been in the Everfree or on the Radiant Dawn.
  196. >In the streets, the giant black worms moved about with such sloppy movements. Their rows of teeth crushing anything they came in contact with.
  198. >They seemed to be devouring the town rather than searching it.
  199. >And then you noticed how odd it was that they moved so sloppy. How the moved almost blindly through the streets and along the walls. Had they been unable to see? It'd explain why you've gone so long without any real pursuit.
  200. "I think they may be blind." You say to Celestia.
  201. >She focuses her gaze to one that moved across the courtyard in front of you. Her eyes honed in on it as she studied, not saying a word.
  202. >Then she raised a hoof and a soldier approached.
  203. >"Yes, Princess?"
  204. >She merely pointed, her sword blocking her ability to speak. He seemed to understand what it is she was referring to and drew his own weapon. A slender barrel with a silver handle.
  205. >Celestia nodded and he pointed it towards the Power that now stopped, arching its head into the air. Almost as if it were trying to catch a scent.
  206. >The stallion shot and the light that you saw pierce Ro'Jetty flew down the stairs at an alarming speed and struct the Power in its place.
  207. >The beast's shadowy figure seemed to try and envelop the light, but to no avail. It ripped a hole straight through the blackness and it reeled up, screeching.
  208. >It desperately searched around. Squirming in whichever direction to try and find the assailant.
  209. >Everyone held their breaths as it inched it's way up the steps. It was unsure of itself and slowed. Then feeling that its attacker had not been where it thought, turned away.
  210. >You let your breath escape you. A fatal mistake. For as soon as the air left your lungs, it fell on its ears and it turned and charged up the stairs in a terrifying roar.
  211. >You all scattered immediately. Shots started firing left and right. The Power had charged into the gauntlet and was now bombarded with light on both sides. Its entire body was racked with unimaginable pain as your weapons pierced it's body with light almost as bright as the sun.
  213. >Soon enough, it fell onto the steps with a loud boom. It's body shimmered in the darkness of itself and began to meld with the surrounding shadows.
  214. >It worked. These weapons actually worked. If anyone had any doubts in these ancient relics, they were completely gone.
  215. >Everyone stood around silent. Unsure of what exactly had happened. But when it became apparent that you were victorious, a whoop of excitement erupted from the crowd as everyone began to gain a high sense of morale. Including you.
  217. [ ]
  219. >Without any sort of order, many charged down the steps, guns held high and pointed towards their dark enemy.
  220. "Spike, stay close to me! I'm going to need you to watch my rear!"
  221. >"Will do. I'm right behind you!" He replies, his pistol clasped tightly in his claws.
  222. >Whatever came over you was unknown to yourself and it possessed you to charge along with everyone else.
  223. >Celestia galloped along side you and you felt her wing beat blow sand up from behind her and propel her forward. As if she couldn't resist, she took to the air. Her multicolored tail trailing behind her.
  224. >As she lead from above, you would lead from below as you and Spike made your way to the front of the charge, being a spear head for the centaurs and stallions behind you.
  225. >Ahead of you, the group of Powers guarding the exit must have heard your battle cries for they now moved to meet you halfway.
  226. >You raised your rifle. The constant bobbing of your arms while running making it somewhat difficult to aim. But you knew if you aimed in the general direction, you'd hit something.
  227. >It occurred to you that you had the advantage of range and that the angels wouldn't be able to lay a finger on you until you came face to face.
  228. >And so you fired. The kickback being almost non-existent. The light sped across to the other side, hitting a Power square in its face. Assuming it had a face.
  229. >As soon as your shot was fired, many other shots rang out from behind.
  231. >They soared over you like a meteor shower on a deep dark night. A volley of shots bombarding the worm-like angels.
  232. >But not all the angels were stopped by the volley. Many still charged at you. Their snake-like movements tearing grooves into the stone streets and smashing buildings.
  233. >From the front, you could see their many rows of white crystal teeth. Anything that stepped a foot in their would be torn apart. You had to make it your motivation not to get close enough for it to be possible.
  234. >The distance was closing now and you knew you'd have to break either left or right. These angels weren't about to break their charge. Where you had the advantage of range, they had the advantage of sheer size and muscle. They'd burr right through you all.
  235. >Many realized this and no broke off to the side to allow the angels to pass through.
  236. "Spike, follow me!" You call behind you, but Spike had already been by your side and knew what you were thinking.
  237. >Both of you turned left and moved away from the main street and into the alley ways of Tzipuur.
  238. "We'll circle around them. If we can move them all away from the exit, we can clear a path for everyone else."
  239. >"What will we do after they follow us? We might not get them all before escaping." Spike said running behind you.
  240. "That's the plan, Spike. These angels are our problem, not their's. We have to draw them away as soon as possible."
  241. >A rumble threw you both off balance and sent you stumbling forward. And angel had broken through the buildings that formed the alley.
  242. >It reeled up as high as it could and let you view the inside of it's void-like mouth.
  243. >You and Spike open fire. You're rounds shooting straight into its mouth and exiting out the roof. It howled and lunged at you.
  244. >But as you tried to make a run for it, a spiral of white came flying towards you at mach speed.
  245. >It was Celestia. With her sword secured in her mouth she spun herself into the Power. Burrowing through like a great drill of light.
  247. >The impact sent the Power falling on its back. Celestia's white whirlwind of light now slowed as her wings halted her spin.
  248. >"Anon!" She called down to you, removing her sword from her mouth. In the middle of the dark cavern was the princess, her wings beating with the intensity of battle. "There are three of them over by the exit! Most others are concerned in looking for survivors right now so I want you to meet with Captain Howl and charge!"
  249. >You smoldered with quiet anger at the thought of someone like Howl helping you in such a matter. Being on the same side fine and all. But having to work side by side sickened you. Regardless, you relented and nodded.
  250. "And what will you do Celestia!?" You called up to her.
  251. >"I will provide you with eyes from above! I'll guide you! The captain is on the main road fighting! You should be able to find him if you make a right turn up ahead!"
  252. >She pointed her hoof ahead. Through the rubble you could see where the alleyway branched off into multiple directions. The closest branch to you lead to the main roar where Howl fought with the others.
  253. "Aye!" You called to her then turned to Spike, who had surprisingly been doing well under all the pressure. "I hope you're ready to run."
  254. >"Of course. You lead the way, partner." He held out his fist and you nudged it with your own.
  255. >The both of you headed down the alley, guns at the ready for any sort of surprise. In the air Celestia did her best to guide others to wherever they would be most effective.
  256. >In the streets, centaurs and stallions did battle with the monstrous beings that slithered through the rock.
  257. >The heavy echos of your boots on the hard rock streets bounce off the walls of the alley as your legs take you closer to the main road.
  258. >Once out in the open, you did your best to find Howl. He was nowhere in sight and when you looked to the air, Celestia was busy elsewhere.
  259. "Spike, do you see Howl?"
  261. >"Uhhh.." Spike looked around hastily. Like a periscope he turned three-hundred and sixty degrees. Looking for the brown stallion. Eventually he found him, up ahead, already moving towards the exit with a handful of soldiers.
  262. >"There he is!" Spike said tugging at your pants. He pointed in the right direction and you turned to look.
  263. >It was good that he had already started making headway. But he was also marching passed civilians who did their best to hide from the threat of the angels.
  264. >You immediately start after him. Spike trying his best to match your speed while also carrying his large rucksack.
  265. >The sound of battle cries and guns being fired still filled the air. It could almost be defining.
  266. >Captain Howl lead seven stallions along the main road, slowly pushing past each angel as it tried to halt their advancement.
  267. >Among the squad you could see the heavyset stallion with two guns hanging off his sides. The same stallion that shot Ro'Jetty.
  268. >You grip your rifle tightly, the thought never leaving you.
  269. "Captain Howl!" You called out to him.
  270. >He stopped to look over his shoulder, his eyes tired and a frown on his face.
  271. >"What is it?" He asked, raising his voice over the clamor.
  272. "The princess wishes us to clear a path to the exit. We are going to bait them out of Tzipuur."
  273. >"Bait them out? Won't we stand a better chance if we remained here with the centaur?" He asked, his revolver firing off in his hoof towards a group of angels.
  274. "Maybe so, but she doesn't want to put anymore at risk than need be." You say, now slowing to a walk.
  275. >"That would put my soldiers at risk. If we're going to stick our necks out for these people, they should fight along side us." He remarked, gritting his teeth.
  276. "It isn't my decision to make. Now, we should get moving."
  277. >You didn't give him time to agree as you brushed past him rudely. You took the lead as you stood firm, lining up your shot with a Power that moved towards you a few meters away.
  279. >The scopes various on your rifle aligned perfectly. You had a clear shot to the Power's mouth.
  280. >With a slight tug of the trigger, the light erupted from the slender barrel and burned a hole through the angel's shadowy hide.
  281. >Now the squad of stallions pressed forward. Barreling past you with their weapons in tow. They had all moved ahead of you, it did well for you. You'd rather be behind the front line providing support. And with your long shot rifle it was very possible.
  282. >There were many scopes that clung to the rifle's barrel, allowing you to see far distances clearly. But it also enabled you to get a closer look at the angels from a safe distance. You didn't like to stare for too long, but you did wonder how it was that they functioned as organic beings, if they could be called organic.
  283. >You were drawing closer to the exit now. Celestia did her best to guide to guide you all, but many others were in need of her help so she left you frequently.
  284. >The angel's defense of the exit was now shifting. Now they opted for an offense, seeing it fit to dispose of you rather than keep you at bay.
  285. >As you all made your way down the road two Powers sprang out from the left and right. Buildings toppling over and debris being thrown about like paper in a storm.
  286. >In an instant the reeled up on their backside, their mouths pointed downwards at you all. Before you could stop their attack, jagged crystal-like teeth seemed to break from their positions in the jaw and point outwards towards you.
  287. >With a shriek from the colossal worms, they shot downwards, a hailstorm of crystals as rough as a mountainside.
  288. >You had no way of defense. They came at insane speeds. Almost as fast as your guns.
  289. >"Anon! Watch out!" Spike called out to you.
  291. >Before you could even form a thought you felt his small body give you a powerful ram and it sent you flying.
  292. "Spike!" You called to him. but he seemed to not hear you.
  293. >"Everyone get down and stay down!"
  294. >You watched him as his chest inflated like a balloon. His nostrils flaring and his eyes shut tightly. He was betting everything on this. You saw it by the look on his face.
  295. >As if one had pulled the heavy chains to open up the gates to the fiery depths of Hell's inferno, brilliant emerald fire came rushing excitedly out of Spike's throat.
  296. >It held the crystal shower at bay as if a great sheet had been laid over top of you all.
  297. >The heat was so intense it instantly evaporated the sweat on your brow. It made your mouth dry and stole the moisture from your eyes, forcing them shut.
  298. >It felt like sitting under a lava flow. The sound could rival a volcanic eruption.
  299. >Captain Howl, who had took cover along side you now forced himself to look up into the luminescent green fire. The light dancing in his eyes as he stared in wonder.
  300. >"Such power.." He muttered under his breath.
  301. >He watched longer, but was then forced to shut his eyes, considering he may go blind if he stared to long.
  302. >In the air, Celestia had stopped to watch as Spike's fire not only protected you, but slowly crawled up, creeping along the body of the angels. They squirmed and shrieked as loud as nails on a chalkboard as they tried to shake the flames away.
  303. >But it was no use. The flames already had them and slowly encased their terrible forms.
  304. >Then, as quickly as the flames had been ignited, they were distinguished as easily as one might snuff a candle.
  305. >You opened your eyes, feeling the heat let up off your back and saw Spike with his arms pulled backwards and his mouth still agape, smoke rising from within.
  306. >Then he collapsed.
  308. "Spike!"
  309. >You scramble to your feet, dropping your rifle and catching him before he hit the hard ground.
  310. >"Wow, that really took a lot out of me..." He said through a sharp cough. You thanked the heavens he was still alright.
  311. "You've saved my life twice now. If this keeps up I'll never be able to pay you back."
  312. >"You payed me back the moment you let me come along." Spike smiled and opted to stand on his own two feet. His rucksack looked heavier than usual for it caused him to hunch over like an elder with a bad back.
  313. >"Now let's get out of here."
  314. >You nod and retrieve your rifle from where you threw it down. Captain Howl and the others waited for the two of you to recover yourselves before pressing on.
  315. >But before you could move on, you heard to terrible crashing sounds of a building collapsing in on itself. It was the building ahead of you, a two story.
  316. >"There are centaurs in that building!" A stallion cried out. And he was right. In the gaps in of the debris you could make up three or four centaurs trapped under the rubble.
  317. "Howl, we have to-"
  318. >"No."
  319. >You nearly broke your neck trying to look at him from over your shoulder.
  320. "The hell do you mean no?"
  321. >"Right now my priority is my stallions. I won't endanger them for the sake of these folk. As I said before, we don't have time for sentimentality."
  322. >His words felt like a syringe, prodding and digging into your veins. Filling them with a fire that spread throughout your entire being.
  323. >The idea of shooting him was only a few thoughts away from your mind.
  324. "Fine, you go and secure the exit with your men. Spike and I will help those trapped in the rubble.."
  325. >Howl said nothing. He didn't even turn to look. As time went on you found yourself hating him more and more. You felt that you could never be the military type. If this was what it meant to be a commander then you would have no part of it.
  326. "...Come Spike, we have to help them." You motion for the young dragon to follow you and he does so, cautiously trying to regain his barrings.
  328. >Howl hardly looked your direction before he lead his soldiers in another charge for the exit.
  329. >"How did a guy like him ever make it to a boss position....?" Spike asked.
  330. >You wondered the same thing. But you said nothing. Now your only focus was to help those trapped in the building.
  331. >As you drew closer you heard cries for help. The were trapped under the wood and stone of the building's now collapsed ceiling.
  332. "How many of there are you?" You asked, carefully making your way inside.
  333. >"Three!" You hear voice call back to you. "My family and I!"
  334. "Alright, we'll do what we can to help!" You call back to him.
  335. >The dust in the air was enough to make hold your breath. The air was thick with it. As though small chunks of stone seemed to float in the air.
  336. "Where are you? Give us a sign!" You call out.
  337. >"We're near the back! Look for two wooden beams!"
  338. >Two wooden beams. You saw plenty of wood, but no beams. You expected the building to be built straight from stone anyway.
  339. >You and Spike rummage around for awhile before you come to a pile with two wooden beams protruding from the debris.
  340. >Through the gaps you could see the family of three, huddled together in the dim light.
  341. "Alright, stay where you are!" You speak through one of the gaps, now able to see their frightened faces. It saddened you. It was because of you that they had to suffer through this.
  342. "Spike, give me a hand."
  343. >"Alright, what do you need?" He asked, putting down his backpack to join you over by the pile of stone and wood.
  344. >You take hold of the lowest beam sticking out of the stone and get under it, the beam resting on your shoulder.
  345. "We're going to prop this beam up and create an opening for them to escape."
  346. >"Gotcha."
  347. >Spike was now behind you. His two claws clasped tightly on the beam.
  348. "Alright, on three."
  349. >You count out loud. And on three, you both lift your damndest. The wood creaks as you it's forced upwards by the both of you.
  351. >The great stone slabs in front of you slowly lift, the outside light flooding into the entrapment. Your knees are already starting to quiver, who knows what can be said for Spike. But he was toughing it out.
  352. "Alright...this should be big enough! Try to crawl through!"
  353. >The three of them now made for the exit you and Spike had provided. They let their child through first. A filly...or girl that looked to be about twelve years of age.
  354. "Quickly, I don't think we can hold it much longer!"
  355. >She sped through, not caring if she scrapped her legs on the jagged rock around her. She had to be fast enough so that her parents had time to make it out.
  356. >Once she was out she immediately turned to beckon her parents over. Next was the mare. Because she was larger, you had to lift the beam higher so that she could fit.
  357. >You weren't built for this type of heavy lifting. Your body could break at any moment. But Spike seemed to only struggle lightly. Maybe a dragon's bones were made of obsidian.
  358. >Safely, the woman got through and rushed to her child. Now all that was left was the father.
  359. "I beg you hurry! I'm not sure how much longer I can hold!"
  360. >"Right! Please hold on a bit longer!" He said as he rushed through. Like a groundhog burrowing through a tunnel, he climbed out with great ease, which was amazing. You'd expect a people with the abdomen of a horse to be very poor at crawling.
  361. >Regardless, he made it through just in time. As soon as he was clear your arms and back gave out and the stone felled with a loud bang, sending you on your backside.
  362. >"Thank you! Thank you for all your help!"
  363. >"Aw, don't mention it. We did what we had to." Spike said, panting and trying to recover his breath. You'd agree with him if you weren't momentarily paralyzed.
  364. >"Even so, I must thank you..." He stepped away to rummage through the wreckage that was his house. He retrieved a small box that was caked in dust.
  366. >"This has been in my family for generations. It is supposedly one of the relics locked away in the vault."
  367. >You open the ancient box, and inside glows in the dim lighting of Tzipuur day.
  368. >It was a gauntlet of sorts. Seemingly made out of pure gold and fine leather. It had small holes in the fingertips and different buttons and such around the wrist.
  369. "What is this?" You ask, taking it from its box. It was cold to the touch. Almost as if it didn't belong to this world or time. Which was common with ancient artifacts. It gave off the same air as your rifle did.
  370. >"It is an aegis. An item used for protection. And human, where you're going I'd say you'll need it."
  371. >The centaur said, closing the box. He helped you stand and pushed you to try on the glove.
  372. >You slipped your left hand into it and it fit, well, like a glove.
  373. >It seemed to adjust to your hand, hugging it tightly. It felt ancient, but good as new. It was hardly heavy, but still had enough weight to it that you could feel it resting on your arm.
  374. "How does it work?" You ask. Looking it over for any sort of clue.
  375. >"Hold your hand out and think. Think about what you want to protect."
  376. >"Is it really that easy? It sounds sort of like magic." Spike said, raising an eyebrow.
  377. >"That's exactly what it is. Magic."
  378. "Magic...?" You say to yourself.
  379. >Celestia had said magic was nonexistent in the Badlands. Perhaps the centaur did have their own sort of magic.
  380. >You held out your left hand, stretching out your fingertips. You thought about what you wanted to protect. Rather, who you wanted to protect.
  381. >You thought to yourself. You'd like to be able to protect Spike, Celestia, and any others that needed it. You wanted to be someone others could rely on. You wanted this power to protect. With it, you would be able to stop tragedies. You would have been able to protect Ro'Jetty.
  382. >With the thought in your mind you feel something pull at your fingertips and a soft blue light emits from the gauntlet.
  384. >A magical shield surrounds the five of you in the collapsed building. But as quickly as it appeared, it dissipated. Magic was a feeling you couldn't say you liked very much.
  385. >"Aha, you've figured it out!" The father said. His wife and daughter smiling brightly.
  386. "It seems I have.."
  387. >You pull down your hand to your side and thank him. No doubt it will save you many times in the long run.
  388. >"Don't mention it. You were the talk of the town yesterday. Journeying to the tower..." He said, almost worryingly. "Something tells me you'll need it more than anything.."
  389. >Your eyes connect with his in a brief moment. He seemed to understand something you did not. As if he could see the future. It was unnerving but you didn't let it show. But soon the silenced in with a heavy rumble in the earth. It jolted you from this moment and you realized what exactly was going on.
  390. "We must be going. You three should find someplace safe until this is over."
  391. >"Will do human. And thank you. Once your journey is over, come back here. We're going to need help rebuilding." He said jokingly.
  392. >You smiled and waved a goodbye as you turned to leave. Spike joined you after he retrieved his rucksack from the ground and both of you made your way out of the building and onto the main road again.
  393. >"This'll come in handy." Spike said, tapping the gauntlet on your wrist.
  394. "That it will. Now where is Howl..."
  395. >Just saying the bastard's name was enough to provoke you. It wasn't in your nature to hold a grudge, but you seemed to make an exception for him.
  396. >You looked ahead and found him by the exit. He and his men were doing well to protect it. It seemed that everyone else had already started to gather, ready to depart.
  397. >The only ones that weren't there were yourself, Spike, and Celestia.
  398. "Let's go Spike."
  399. >Making your way down the road you were joined by others who made for the exit. It became a mad dash to the goal.
  401. >But it wasn't that easy. As your luck would have it, most of the angels now homed in on your location and the all dashed their way towards you.
  402. >As you and Spike grew closer you lock eyes with Howl and he orders everyone to move forward up the stairs leading to the surface.
  403. >You didn't have enough endurance and you began to lag behind. Lifting that beam really took it out of you.
  404. >Ahead of you, the light of the surface broke through as the sand parted, allowing everyone to erupt out of the ground like someone had tapped oil.
  405. >You look behind you and see the swarm of Powers that hunted you down. They were now more aggressive. Roaring and slithering their way towards you as fast as they could.
  407. [ ]
  409. >Now it became a race to the top. Either make it to open air or be swallowed by the gaping maw behind you.
  410. >"Anon! Are you alright!?" Spike called to you. He had already ran past you and was now a few feet away.
  411. "Don't worry about me Spike! Just concentrate on getting to the exit!"
  412. >But he had good reason to worry. Your lungs were on fire and your legs felt like someone had taken a hammer to them.
  413. >You now made your way up the stairs along with everyone brushing past you. At this rate you'll be left behind.
  414. >In front of you the light shined brightly and nearly burned your eyes. The heat was enough to stop you dead in your tracks. The sudden change from the cool air of Tzipuur to the blazing heat of the desert almost being too much.
  415. >But you had to press on. They were gaining on you. You had to buy yourself some time. Maybe you could slow them down and also gain your breath.
  416. >Turning round, you aim your rifle at the pack of Powers. Their unseeing eyes lusting after you.
  417. >The scopes align themselves and create a window to your target.
  419. >You fire off a few shots, hitting some of them but missing most. And it did little to slow their advancement. They just kept coming. It was befitting of their name. The name Power implied a heavy persistence and raw strength. They were tanking damage like it was none's business. They were like locomotives that could only be stopped by a giant.
  420. >It seemed to be hopeless, you'd never make it to the surface in time. They were already too close for comfort. You were desperate now and you kept firing. Not hoping for much.
  421. >Now they were upon you like a pride of lions on a boar. They lunged at you, their jagged teeth waiting to tear you to shreds.
  422. >Just then, when you were ready to give up and accept your fate, a streak of white made its way towards you.
  423. >You should have known better. You were far too lucky to to perish here.
  424. >A smile crept up on your face as you saw Celestia stream towards you. Her hooves outstretched and wings beating at a thousand miles an hour.
  425. >You exhale as you throw your rifle over your should and hold your hands upward; meeting her hooves.
  426. >She wisps you away in a heart beat. The angels smacking their faces on the stone steps leading to the surface.
  427. >"You're so reckless! If I hadn't been here you would be dead!" Celestia chews you out on your way up. And she was right, you'd be dead this very instant.
  428. "You must forgive me, I'm very tired at the moment!" You laugh to yourself.
  429. >Everyone was now out of the cavern, leaving only you two. The sands now began to seal the passage and Celestia flew as fast as she could. It would be bothersome if you were trapped even for a moment.
  430. >It would be a close call. Suddenly, Celestia held you close to her underside and told you to hold on as if your life depended on it. And it pretty much did at this point.
  431. >You held on to her and she tucked her legs in. Her wings began to beat ferociously and she spun herself clock-wise. Faster and faster she went round, the world blending into one color.
  433. >The churning of your stomach was enough to make you vomit everything in your stomach.
  434. >The sand was now beginning to completely seal the exit. It now formed a thin wall between you and the surface. But her spinning gave her enough momentum to drill through the heavy, hot sand and blast through to the surface.
  435. >The two of you shot out of the sand like a rocket heading skywards. She stopped spinning, the sudden stop making you sick to your core.
  436. >You went limp, not wanting to even try to balance yourself. You didn't have the energy.
  437. >You were so tired you could fall asleep right at that moment, but you didn't dare. The battle still wasn't over.
  438. >Like you had done, the Powers broke through the surface like skyscrapers growing from the sands. You were right, they had followed you.
  439. >Everyone immediately opened fire. Gaining a preemptive strike against the enemy.
  440. "Celestia, help me to your back."
  441. >"My back? What for?" She asked, looking down at you. You were still clung tightly to her underside and you were losing your grip.
  442. "I'm about to fall, and I'd rather not fall from this height.."
  443. >"Ah. My mistake." She said with a giggle.
  444. >Without warning she shook you off of her, letting you fall to your doom. If you weren't so surprised you would have screamed.
  445. >Even if you did scream it would be cut short for Celestia flew under you, catching you on her back.
  446. "You're insane!" You yelled into her ear.
  447. >But she ignored you as she flew closer towards the ground.
  448. >"Anon, get your rifle ready!"
  449. >You blinked. So absorbed in your trauma that you forgot the angels were a problem.
  450. "Right.."
  451. >Taking your rifle off of your back, you balance yourself on top of Celestia. She flew surprisingly steady, allowing you to line up your shots with accuracy.
  452. >From the air you helped those on the ground, your long shot rifle stunning the few Powers that remain and setting them up to be destroyed by the stallion's own guns.
  454. >The continuation of the battle was short lived as you all were able to maneuver easily in the open sand.
  455. >Angels starting dropping left and right. Their shadowy figures shimmering before being absorbed in the sand.
  457. [ ]
  459. >Now there were none left. Only stallions on the surface. On the ground everyone cheered. Their hooves raised in the air and waving their helmets around.
  460. >With Celestia, you glided to the ground. Relieved to have won. As soon as her hooves make contact with the sand, you fall off of her. Face planting into the hot quartz.
  461. >It felt awful but you hardly minded. That and you had almost no energy left to lift yourself up.
  462. >"Anon? Are you alright?" Celestia whispered in your ear.
  463. >You groaned. She interpreted it as a 'yes' and backed away smiling. Spike had made his way towards you and lifted your face out the sand.
  464. >"We did it! We saved Tzipuur!" He shouted, boggling your brain around in your skull.
  465. "Aye. We did.."
  466. >You sit up, everyone now crowding around you and the princess. They were all so glad to have survived.
  467. >This was a wonderful day for everyone. Not only did you make it out of Tzipuur in one piece. But you now had weapons to defend yourselves. And they were quite reliable as well.
  468. >Many thanked you. They knew it was your reason for coming to Tzipuur. To find weapons that would help you on your journey.
  469. >Everyone saw it as you thinking of them as a wise leader should. It was a bizarre feeling, one you don't think you could ever get accustomed to.
  470. >But that was fine. You made it back to the surface and saved Tzipuur. You were all back on track and that's all that mattered.
  471. >You may not sleep well tonight, but at least you can rest knowing that you were able to help a people who had been very kind to you. In spite of what happened.
  472. >"We still have some wine Anon. Would you like some?" Celestia asked, extending her hoof to you.
  473. >Just then you remembered. You did all this with hangover.
  474. "No."
  476. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  478. [ ]
  480. >The wind blew through the desert like a wave of winter. You forgot how pleasant it was.
  481. >It was now setting up to be night and everyone made camp. They celebrated, even though they had attended such a grand party the other night. Ponies were a race of party animals.
  482. >You sat atop a large dune that was taller than most. You could see most of the desert from up there.
  483. >The Tower of Babel reminded you fully of your task here. In Tzipuur, you had somewhat forgot. The reason why you were here in the first place.
  484. >You were on a pilgrimage of sorts. A journey to the past. Many have helped you thus far. Spike, the Voice, Ro'Jetty, Master Talmon, Djinns, and most of all Celestia.
  485. >The pillar of your morale. You look over your shoulder to see her merrymaking with the soldiers. She put a smile on everyone's faces. And inadvertently, your face.
  486. >The gauntlet on your left hand evoked a feeling of duty. If there was anyone you wanted to protect. It was her. Maybe it's because she was the first one you met who showed you any kindness. Maybe it was her gentle nature. Or the way she appeared without her airs and graces. The immortal ruler was very mortal at heart, and she wanted those around her to know it.
  487. >Yes, she was the first you could actually call friend, and you knew that pleased her greatly. You'd have to do something for her, once this was all over.
  488. >"It's been a great day Anon, why don't you join us?"
  489. >You look over to see Howl plant himself beside you atop the dune. What gave him a right to be so casual with you now?
  490. "I'll join when I feel I'm ready."
  491. >Howl smiled and raised an eyebrow at that.
  492. >"Ready? Come now Anon. We're friends, you should always celebrate with your friends!" He said laughing, patting you on the back.
  493. "Let me make this clear Captain."
  494. >His laughter stopped and was replaced by a serious gaze.
  496. >You stood, your peaceful thinking disrupted by his presence.
  497. "We are not friends. I don't like you in the slightest. What you did back there is unforgivable. You killed two centaur. One who was a defenseless elder and another who was my friend. And you left a family to perish underneath the rock of their own home. You disgust me."
  498. >A twinge of anger contorted the captain's face. He stood, insulted and puffing out his chest.
  499. >"I did what I did to protect my soldiers! You couldn't understand the responsibility a leader has! You're too sentimental! You can't protect everyone Anon. That's just how it is!"
  500. >You can't protect everyone? You look down to your left hand. The magic that it calls from you is something stirred in your very being. Your will to protect anyone who needed it.
  501. >You can't protect everyone he says..
  502. "Watch me.."
  503. >You head down the dune, making towards the camp.
  504. "I wonder if your conscience is clear with that reasoning. Heaven knows mine wouldn't."
  505. >You wave him goodbye as you disappear into the celebration. Leaving Howl atop the lonely sand dune that reached into the night sky.
  506. >The wind was still blowing, jostling the campfire, causing the shadows to dance with the spirits of the sand.
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