
The actual Hinawa interview (RP Kazmina & Hinawa)

Oct 5th, 2019
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  1. This was too long coming for Kazmina. Now that it was here, she had papers and pens at the ready, everything thought out, and had let the current crew know that she wished to speak to each of them in private. She sat at the head of the long conference table furthest from the door, a few items placed underneath her almost comically so she could see across.
  2. The mouse was first. Kazmina intentionally did not give much information on what she wished to speak about, but as soon as Hinawa would come through the door she would gesture to the empty table with a blank expression. "Have a seat, Lady Hinawa."
  4. Shurian27.09.2019
  5. as the mouse walks in she looks around, seeing a rather dim lit room, a boring looking captain and an empty table in front of both of them... looking at the gesture and hearing those words, the mouse giggles
  6. "Pfff, "lady" what earned me that title?"
  7. she just continued her snarky remark while she sat down on the chair right at the other side of the table, leaning back with her fists forming a ball on the table with a... weirdly smug expression?
  9. RaiRyo27.09.2019
  10. "Formalities."
  12. It was probably one of the first times she had elected to be so formal in a while. As far as she could remember, at least. Already Kazmina was scribbling things on a piece of paper, keeping notes short amd concise. "Right then. Brought you here to gauge your aptitude and keep notes on how best you will be able to help the crew. Are you ready?"
  14. Shurian27.09.2019
  15. she... raises an eyebrow, not really liking this talk, but ain't the first time she's getting this shit, she's been a mercenary! People wanted to hear her track record all the time..... leaning back and looking at her captain with a bit of a more serious
  16. "What 'cha wanna hear?"
  18. RaiRyo27.09.2019
  19. What did Kazmina want to hear? She could already imagine a few of the answers that Hinawa could give, but it had been a wonder for some time how deep the rabbit hole went when it came to her. "Let us start... Simple. Nautical experience, terminology, practices. Can you tie a knot, do you know the difference between port and starboard, have you commandeered or assisted in commandeering previous vessels?"
  21. Shurian27.09.2019
  22. the mouse scratches the back of her head for a moment and looks towards mina..... realizing already that how she asks that she won't really manage to give a pleasing answer.... but still answering either way
  23. "Something I didn't mention yet I've been a mercenary and I needed to leave the eastern continent somehow, so yes but not specialized, next one, no, third one, don't betray each other, it's a diplomacy, anything else not particularly, knots, multiple, left and right but don't really use the terms, commandeered only in combat situations."
  24. she is actually talking absolutly serious.... hopefully not to the surprise of the captain and crosses her arms for the next questions
  26. RaiRyo27.09.2019
  27. Each answer was recorded in a swift fashion as Hinawa spoke. Most of the initial questions were simply to peek into how much she had done previously. Experience could be earned, after all, and at the very least she knew her lefts and rights. But with those out the way, she felt the need to ask one of the bigger questions.
  28. "And what do you propose you bring to this crew, Lady Hinawa? Why sail with this ship?"
  30. Shurian27.09.2019
  31. she sighs very loudly.... "Gosh drop the lady act.....
  32. but yeah"
  33. she gets her serious face back on and looks towards the captain
  34. "Obvious answer, brawns.
  35. And not just in physical combat, I know a lot about weapons, different creatures and how to slay them rather efficiently as well.
  36. And then there's also the very obvious thing for "brawns" she actually makes the exclamation marks with her fingers while saying that "carry more than any of you guys in fast succession"
  37. now she gets the hand back to her chin thinking for a moment
  38. "There's also the simple fact of.... I am loud and convincing, either through fear or people just think I am adorable...... mostly the former and guess if you need a smith I also work?" shrugging with the very last statement
  39. "And why I sail this ship? Travel, meeting new enemies, getting stronger, living my freedom of me doing whatever the fuck I want."
  41. RaiRyo27.09.2019
  42. "Mm... Hmm." Kazmina gave no real expression during her explanation. A blank face, a few more bits of writing, and finally clasping her hands together as her eyes narrowed to Hinawa. "Anyone can be loud, anyone can be convincing. Just listen to the bard for a few moments.
  43. "Being able to lift a hammer and swing it at steel is commendable, however I believe we have someone to do so already.
  44. "And if you simply wished to travel to see new things and feel free, you can go onto any other ship you see."
  45. Perhaps her words were sounding a little more mean than she had intended, but Kaz did not change her tone with each response she had given. She wanted to make sure Hinawa was up to the task, to see just how convincing she truly was. "The way to word yourself, you bring risk to the future crew of this ship. By what right have you taken upon yourself to do something as... Selfish, as that?"
  47. Shurian27.09.2019
  48. hinawa actually.... laughs at the thought of the bard being.... convincing...... and then slams a fist on the table to give a response
  49. "Is the person who stole the eye of a fake messiah truly judging me for being selfish and endangering the crew? I don't mean that I SEARCH trouble to get into, I mean when I am around you guys the trouble finds me!
  50. It's perfect for someone as.... "crazy" as me"
  52. RaiRyo27.09.2019
  53. Her lips tightened at the response. The question itself was not the issue. It was the fact that she could not answer herself. She had no idea what happened, or why. She somewhat expected the question, but had never quite had a way to answer it.
  54. "And you see what happened, apparently," she stated grimly. There really was no better answer. "Don't remember what happened, but I paid the price for it. As well as everyone else."
  56. Shurian27.09.2019
  57. the mouse leans back, a bit surprised at the calm response, despite seeing that, that hurt the captain a bit..... continuing her talk
  58. "And now you go back on course to kill said guy, so if you make everyone pay that price again it's fine but if I just want to fight random creatures that attack us especially because of miss troublemaker down there and I am the bad guy?
  59. .....Or do you plan to throw her off the ship?
  60. Then you could suddenly need a new smith when she's gone."
  62. RaiRyo27.09.2019
  63. It was a good response. Something she felt comfortable in hearing from Hinawa, even. "I don't," was her simple answer at first. The pen had been placed down, the draconic shorthand notes shown plainly from the pages now as she rested her chin upon her clasped hands. "I do not expect you, nor anyone else, to fight my fight. If I'm to kill him, I will do so without risk to this family, and if I shall die then so be it."
  65. Shurian27.09.2019
  66. she actually stays silent for a second.... seeing a.... happier kaz, something she never really saw before...... making her cross her arms in determination responding with a voice perfectly representing that
  67. "Now you'll expect me to, in my path of ridding the world of the inquisition pipmat is just another fly. In my way to getting stronger."
  69. calming down.... looking back at the table and realizes.... there's nothing to drink!
  70. Not even water!
  71. What piece of shit interview is this?!
  72. "And yeah besides that, if you do get rid of troublemaker, smithing is useful, carpeting can be easily learned and is mandatory on a ship, especially if the strong one knows that.
  73. Maybe I know even more about sea creatures than you even if it was just learned from a stupid battle fantasy and don't act as if a muscle who could lift this entire table with one hand wouldn't be useful...... and we have a katapult and a balista that I know already how they work." the mouse just throws that last little remark in there as if that's not that impressive
  75. RaiRyo27.09.2019
  76. "I don't," she repeated once more sternness rising in her tone. "I expect you to be able to watch everyone's back and support them when you can.
  77. "I expect you to be able to make smart enough decisions that minimize risk to those around you.
  78. "And I expect you to sure as hells understand when you yourself may need to call upon others around you for help."
  80. With a huff she picked an ink pen back up and began furiously writing upon the pages once again. For the first time in this entire interview she looked away from Hinawa as she spoke. "Lady Vanilla, or 'troublemaker' as you put it, will be staying on this ship. I've already spoken with her during the night." Her pen stopped, now hanging a small distance over the pages as it seemed she was pondering what to write, and what words to choose for her next sentence. "... Understand, Lady Hinawa, that I am not looking for reasons to simply throw you or anyone else off this ship. I'm searching for reasons to put my faith in you all, in someone else, for the first time in years. This is not something I will take lightly."
  82. Shurian27.09.2019
  83. she nods to every sentence said in the first half just listening to everything, to her surprise hearing about the mechanic staying.... but not really caring about that too much
  84. "Never planned to start trouble myself and naturally I'd call upon others and I don't give a shit about if you don't I WANT to fight that crazy idiot! I will not betray you, I will not stir trouble if not needed and you soften up and find yourself people that want to steer under a crazy dwarf like yourself!"
  86. RaiRyo27.09.2019
  87. That was more like it! She leaned in with the corner of her lips curling into a smirk as she kept pressing. "And if I am to endanger all of you?" she asked, just as calm as before, "To put the entire crew and yourself at risk? Will you betray me then? Who would you put first: Myself, or everyone else?"
  89. Shurian27.09.2019
  90. she shouts just continuing from the entire chant from before immediatly following up the sentence, not even looking at the smirk
  92. with that ludicrous declaration the mouse leans back even further..... now standing on two seat legs looking up
  94. RaiRyo27.09.2019
  95. Most of what Kazmina had wanted was already written down. With a few final lines, she slid the sheet of paper away from the other sheets, readying herself for another person. "You're just a little late for that, Lady Hinawa. I'm already dead. But I have no more questions as of right now. My end of this conversation is finished."
  97. She would lean back herself, arms folding across her chest as she gave a nod to Hinawa. "What questions do you have for myself, then? This is to be a long partnership in close quarters, I would expect some concerns to arise."
  99. Shurian27.09.2019
  100. she drops herself forward making some noise with that chair and her arms landing on that table, looking back at the small one
  101. "You know what I mean, I don't really expect you to stand up from the dead a second time.".... the mouse yawns for a moment and then again looks forward
  102. "My concerns with you..... hm..... I know why you steer the ship you definitly have the most experience..... Only things I'd address would be..... don't try to be the tough guy and always talk to people alone aaaaaand..... alcoholism maybe."
  103. she says both of those things rather non chalantly and not even giving a real time to respond before she mentions something else "If any actual concerns arise I'd address them or they already have been adressed."
  105. RaiRyo27.09.2019
  106. She was not sure what to expect, but Kazmina was not going to make much of a fuss for a lack of questions directed to her. "Right. Then as one of the owners of this ship, I must ask you one more question:
  108. "What sort of ship will this be? A passenger ship? Cargo ship? What did you have in mind?"
  110. Shurian27.09.2019
  111. the mouse just moves on from the previous topic giving a near immediate answer
  112. "Passenger, sounds like the one that gets the most around".
  114. RaiRyo27.09.2019
  115. "And are there any issues with me crewing the ship myself? Anyone in particular I should be aware of that you wish to exclude from the ship?"
  117. Shurian27.09.2019
  118. she thinks for a moment looking into the sky
  119. "Hmmm...... not really, adelina hates me but it's not like we'd kill each other.
  120. The troublemaker, she's useful enough that she can gladly have my axe as a protection.....
  121. Loxley we just won't get rid of and he keeps trouble away from the sounds of it, not the best thing for me but the majority would probably disagree.....
  122. and I owe Sol one.
  123. .......Just have an eye on him, he makes me feel like he'd somehow make a hole into the ship and make us sink!.......
  124. suddenly thinking of something the mouse directs her full attention to the captain again!
  125. THAT DOES remind me, I've met quite some people in my mercenary days, some might even help us if I ask them, you mind me if I recruit people I think are suitable for this or at least ain't a nuisance?"
  127. RaiRyo27.09.2019
  128. Kaz had figured a few of these words would come up already, so at the very least none came as a surprise. At the very least, she would be giving the others the same conversation later on.
  129. "Don't promise them jobs," she answered, giving a moment to consider Hinawa's mercenary help. "You may send them my way, and I will speak with them. But I do not need another repeat of Kendra, someone waltzing on deck thinking they are already part of the list of crew."
  131. Shurian27.09.2019
  132. she laughs for a moment not thinking too much into it
  133. "Won't make promises not everyone might be absolutly sane.
  134. But I'll apologize for anyone that reaches her level of stupid!
  135. But I'll try to make them dang clear that it's just a job OFFER."
  137. RaiRyo27.09.2019
  138. "Good."
  139. With one final look at the notes she had taken, Kaz shuffled the page she had written on to the bottom of her paper stack and let it sit neatly next to her arm. "Well, if you've no questions for me then I believe that concludes this small meeting. You'll have to excuse me, the next few days will be... Very busy..."
  141. Shurian27.09.2019
  142. as hinawa stands up she just continues talking while stretching
  143. "No worries you ain't the only one, I need to check out a magic shop, need to help the troublemaker working on our gear and if you have heavy lifting duty for now I am still the only one around for now"
  144. finished with her stretching she looks down at the small cute captain
  145. "And please
  146. Drop that lady act."
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