Guest User

smaller netgraph ya_hud

a guest
Jun 28th, 2013
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  1. //Monochrome scheme for yA_HUD, based on doodles' / Counter Strike's scheme
  2. #base "SourceSchemeBase.res"
  3. Scheme
  4. {
  5. Colors
  6. {
  7. // HUD
  8. "White" "255 255 255 255"
  9. "OffWhite" "214 214 214 255"
  10. "DullWhite" "125 125 125 255"
  11. "TransparentBlack" "0 0 0 128"
  12. "Blank" "0 0 0 0"
  13. "Black" "46 43 42 255"
  14. "BlackTran" "0 0 0 214"
  15. "Gray" "177 177 177 214"
  16. "ButtonHover" "74 74 74 128"
  17. "WhiteBG" "225 225 225 255"
  18. "HudBG" "0 0 0 214"
  20. // TF2
  21. "TFDarkBrown" "60 56 53 255"
  22. "TFDarkBrownTransparent" "60 56 53 190"
  23. "TFTanBright" "236 227 203 150"
  24. "TFTanLight" "100 100 100 150"
  25. "TFTanMedium" "80 80 80 150"
  27. "TFTanLightBright" "229 223 211 90"
  28. "TFTanLightDark" "96 90 78 90"
  30. "TFOrangeBright" "156 82 33 255"
  32. "TFTextBright" "251 236 203 150"
  33. "TFTextLight" "201 188 162 255"
  34. "TFTextMedium" "131 121 104 255"
  35. "TFTextMediumDark" "104 96 83 255"
  36. "TFTextBlack" "42 39 37 255"
  37. "TFTextDull" "131 121 104 255"
  39. "TFMediumBrown" "69 64 58 255"
  41. "QuickListBGDeselected" "42 42 42 255"
  42. "QuickListBGSelected" "80 80 80 150"
  44. "Blank" "0 0 0 0"
  46. "ControlBG" "74 74 74 255" // background color of controls
  47. "ControlDarkBG" "104 104 104 255" // darker background color; used for background of scrollbars
  48. "WindowBG" "64 64 64 255" // background color of text edit panes (chat, text entries, etc.)
  49. "SelectionBG" "100 100 100 255" // background color of any selected text or menu item
  50. "SelectionBG2" "64 64 64 255" // selection background in window w/o focus
  51. "ListBG" "80 80 80 255" // background of server browser, buddy list, etc.
  52. }
  53. BaseSettings
  54. {
  55. // scheme-specific colors
  56. Border.Bright "200 200 200 196"
  57. Border.Dark "40 40 40 196"
  58. Border.Selection "0 0 0 196" //default/selected button
  60. Button.TextColor "196 196 196 255"
  61. Button.BgColor "120 120 120 128"
  62. Button.ArmedTextColor "White"
  63. Button.ArmedBgColor "ButtonHover"
  64. Button.DepressedTextColor "White"
  65. Button.DepressedBgColor "Blank"
  66. Button.FocusBorderColor "Blank"
  68. CheckButton.TextColor "OffWhite"
  69. CheckButton.SelectedTextColor "White"
  70. CheckButton.BgColor "HudBG"
  71. CheckButton.HighlightFgColor "WhiteBG"
  72. CheckButton.ArmedBgColor "Blank"
  73. CheckButton.DepressedBgColor "Blank"
  74. CheckButton.Border1 "Black"
  75. CheckButton.Border2 "Black"
  76. CheckButton.Check "White"
  77. CheckButton.DisabledBgColor "Blank"
  79. ToggleButton.SelectedTextColor "TFTextBright"
  81. ComboBoxButton.ArrowColor "DullWhite"
  82. ComboBoxButton.ArmedArrowColor "White"
  83. ComboBoxButton.BgColor "Blank"
  84. ComboBoxButton.DisabledBgColor "Blank"
  86. RadioButton.TextColor "DullWhite"
  87. RadioButton.SelectedTextColor "White"
  88. RadioButton.ArmedTextColor "TFTextMedium"
  90. Frame.BgColor "77 77 77 242"
  91. Frame.OutOfFocusBgColor "82 82 82 242"
  92. FrameGrip.Color1 "200 200 200 196"
  93. FrameGrip.Color2 "225 225 225 255"
  94. FrameTitleButton.FgColor "255 255 255 200"
  95. FrameTitleBar.Font "UiBold"
  96. FrameTitleBar.TextColor "White"
  97. FrameTitleBar.DisabledTextColor "255 255 255 192"
  99. Label.TextDullColor "DullWhite"
  100. Label.TextColor "OffWhite"
  101. Label.TextBrightColor "White"
  102. Label.SelectedTextColor "White"
  103. Label.BgColor "Blank"
  104. Label.DisabledFgColor1 "117 117 117 255"
  105. Label.DisabledFgColor2 "30 30 30 255"
  107. ListPanel.TextColor "OffWhite"
  108. ListPanel.BgColor "54 54 54 214"
  109. ListPanel.SelectedBgColor "WhiteBG"
  110. ListPanel.SelectedOutOfFocusBgColor "100 100 100 128"
  112. MainMenu.TextColor "White"
  113. MainMenu.ArmedTextColor "HudBG"
  114. MainMenu.Inset "32"
  116. Menu.TextInset "6"
  117. Menu.FgColor "White"
  118. Menu.BgColor "24 24 24 255"
  119. Menu.ArmedFgColor "WhiteBG"
  120. Menu.ArmedBgColor "WhiteBG"
  121. Menu.DividerColor "BorderDark"
  123. ScrollBarButton.FgColor "White"
  124. ScrollBarButton.BgColor "Blank"
  125. ScrollBarButton.ArmedFgColor "White"
  126. ScrollBarButton.ArmedBgColor "Blank"
  127. ScrollBarButton.DepressedFgColor "White"
  128. ScrollBarButton.DepressedBgColor "Blank"
  130. ScrollBarSlider.FgColor "100 100 100 150"
  131. ScrollBarSlider.BgColor "70 70 70 96"
  133. Slider.NobColor "108 108 108 255"
  134. Slider.TextColor "180 180 180 255"
  135. Slider.TrackColor "31 31 31 255"
  136. Slider.DisabledTextColor1 "117 117 117 255"
  137. Slider.DisabledTextColor2 "30 30 30 255"
  139. TextEntry.TextColor "OffWhite"
  140. TextEntry.DisabledTextColor "DullWhite"
  141. TextEntry.SelectedBgColor "WhiteBG"
  143. // Borrowed from CS:S SourceScheme
  144. Frame.TitleTextInsetX 14
  145. Frame.ClientInsetY 9
  146. Frame.ClientInsetX 8
  147. Frame.FocusTransitionEffectTime "0.3"
  148. Frame.TransitionEffectTime "0.3"
  149. Frame.AutoSnapRange "0"
  150. FrameTitleButton.BgColor "Blank"
  151. FrameTitleButton.DisabledFgColor "255 255 255 192"
  152. FrameTitleButton.DisabledBgColor "Blank"
  153. FrameSystemButton.FgColor "Blank"
  154. FrameSystemButton.BgColor "Blank"
  155. FrameSystemButton.Icon ""
  156. FrameSystemButton.DisabledIcon ""
  157. FrameTitleBar.BgColor "0 0 0 213" //Black Titel Bar
  158. FrameTitleBar.DisabledBgColor "0 0 0 157"
  159. GraphPanel.FgColor "White"
  160. GraphPanel.BgColor "TransparentBlack"
  161. ListPanel.TextBgColor "Blank"
  162. ListPanel.SelectedTextColor "Black"
  163. ListPanel.EmptyListInfoTextColor "OffWhite"
  164. Menu.TextColor "White"
  165. Menu.ArmedTextColor "Black"
  166. Panel.FgColor "DullWhite"
  167. Panel.BgColor "Blank"
  168. ProgressBar.FgColor "White"
  169. ProgressBar.BgColor "TransparentBlack"
  170. PropertySheet.TextColor "OffWhite"
  171. PropertySheet.SelectedTextColor "White"
  172. PropertySheet.TransitionEffectTime "0.25"
  173. RichText.TextColor "OffWhite"
  174. RichText.BgColor "TransparentBlack"
  175. RichText.SelectedTextColor "Black"
  176. RichText.SelectedBgColor "WhiteBG"
  177. ScrollBar.Wide 17
  178. SectionedListPanel.HeaderTextColor "White"
  179. SectionedListPanel.HeaderBgColor "Blank"
  180. SectionedListPanel.DividerColor "Black"
  181. SectionedListPanel.TextColor "DullWhite"
  182. SectionedListPanel.BrightTextColor "White"
  183. SectionedListPanel.BgColor "HudBG"
  184. SectionedListPanel.SelectedTextColor "Black"
  185. SectionedListPanel.SelectedBgColor "WhiteBG"
  186. SectionedListPanel.OutOfFocusSelectedTextColor "Black"
  187. SectionedListPanel.OutOfFocusSelectedBgColor "100 100 100 128"
  188. TextEntry.BgColor "64 64 64 242" //Enter field
  189. TextEntry.CursorColor "OffWhite"
  190. TextEntry.DisabledBgColor "Blank"
  191. TextEntry.SelectedTextColor "Black"
  192. TextEntry.OutOfFocusSelectedBgColor "100 100 100 128"
  193. TextEntry.FocusEdgeColor "0 0 0 196"
  194. ToggleButton.SelectedTextColor "White"
  195. Tooltip.TextColor "0 0 0 196"
  196. Tooltip.BgColor "WhiteBG"
  197. TreeView.BgColor "TransparentBlack"
  198. WizardSubPanel.BgColor "Blank"
  199. MainMenu.DepressedTextColor "150 150 150 128"
  200. MainMenu.MenuItemHeight "25"
  201. MainMenu.Backdrop "0 0 0 156"
  202. Console.TextColor "OffWhite"
  203. Console.DevTextColor "White"
  204. NewGame.TextColor "White"
  205. NewGame.FillColor "14 14 14 255"
  206. NewGame.SelectionColor "WhiteBG"
  207. NewGame.DisabledColor "128 128 128 196"
  208. }
  210. Fonts
  211. {
  212. "DefaultFixedOutline" //edited by INsane 2010 for small netgraph font on all screen sizes
  213. {
  214. "1" //For screen heights between 480 and 599 (eg 4:3 aspect Width 640x480 High, Width 720x576 High. 16:10 aspect Width 720x480 High)
  215. {
  216. "name" "Verdana" [$WINDOWS] // Standard is "Lucida Console" Options are "Microsoft Sans Serif" "Georgia" "Impact" "Arial MT" and the best for small = "Haettenschweiler" but is a MS office and Win7 font, can be downloaded, google "Haettenschweiler" and install in C:/Windows/Fonts
  217. "name" "Lucida Console" [$X360] //"Lucida Console"
  218. "name" "Georgia" [$POSIX] // Apple Mac OS "Verdana" (default) Best small font = "Georgia" Mac Installation location: /Library/Fonts and is default on Mac OS
  219. "tall" "11" [$POSIX] // "11"
  220. "tall" "10" //good positioning is ... "net_graphpos 183" and "net_graphheight 30" and ensure you select "antialias" "1" with all others off with "Georgia" font.
  221. "tall_lodef" "15" //"15"
  222. "tall_hidef" "20" //"20"
  223. "weight" "0" //"0" // This is the thickness, like a bold setting max is about 700. Small fonts will look better as "0".
  224. "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
  225. "yres" "480 599"
  226. "outline" "0" //"1" //Adds a black outline around the text, good for standing out... that is, if the font allows it, use with caution on smaller fonts.
  227. "additive" "0" //not default added //This adds white to font...sort of a glow effect on coloured fonts and gives a washed out pastel look
  228. "antialias" "1" //not default added //smoothing the edges.
  229. }
  230. "2" //For screen heights between 600 and 767 (eg 4:3 aspect Width 800X600 High, ... 16:9 aspect Width 1152x648 High.)
  231. {
  232. "name" "Verdana" [$WINDOWS] // Standard is "Lucida Console" Options are "Microsoft Sans Serif" "Georgia" "Impact" "Arial MT" and the best for small = "Haettenschweiler" but is a MS office and Win7 font, can be downloaded, google "Haettenschweiler" and install in C:/Windows/Fonts
  233. "name" "Lucida Console" [$X360] //"Lucida Console"
  234. "name" "Georgia" [$POSIX] // Apple Mac OS "Verdana" (default) Best small font = "Georgia" Mac Installation location: /Library/Fonts and is default on Mac OS
  235. "tall" "12" [$POSIX] // "11"
  236. "tall" "12" //good positioning is ... "net_graphpos 190" and "net_graphheight 45" and ensure you select "antialias" "1" with all others off with "Georgia" font.
  237. "tall_lodef" "15" //"15"
  238. "tall_hidef" "20" //"20"
  239. "weight" "0"
  240. "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
  241. "yres" "600 767"
  242. "outline" "0" //"1" //Adds a black outline around the text, good for standing out... that is, if the font allows it, use with caution on smaller fonts.
  243. "additive" "0" //not default added //This adds white to font...sort of a glow effect on coloured fonts and gives a washed out pastel look
  244. "antialias" "1" //not default added //smoothing the edges.
  245. }
  246. "3" //For screen heights between 768 and 1023 (eg 4:3 aspect Width 1024X768 High... 16:9 aspect Width 1360x768 High, 16:9 aspect Width 1776x1000 High... 16:10 aspect Width 1280x768 High, 16:10 aspect Width 1280x800 High, 16:10 aspect Width 1400x900 High.)
  247. {
  248. "name" "Verdana" [$WINDOWS] // Standard is "Lucida Console" Options are "Microsoft Sans Serif" "Georgia" "Impact" "Arial MT" and the best for small = "Haettenschweiler" but is a MS office and Win7 font, can be downloaded, google "Haettenschweiler" and install in C:/Windows/Fonts
  249. "name" "Lucida Console" [$X360] //"Lucida Console"
  250. "name" "Verdana" [$POSIX] // Apple Mac OS "Verdana" (default) Best small font = "Georgia" Mac Installation location: /Library/Fonts and is default on Mac OS
  251. "tall" "16" [$POSIX] // "11"
  252. "tall" "16" //good positioning is ... "net_graphpos 203" and "net_graphheight 85" and ensure you select "outline" "1" with all others off with "Microsoft Sans Serif" font.
  253. "tall_lodef" "15" //"15"
  254. "tall_hidef" "20" //"20"
  255. "weight" "0"
  256. "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
  257. "yres" "768 1023"
  258. "outline" "1" //"1" //Adds a black outline around the text, good for standing out... that is, if the font allows it, use with caution on smaller fonts.
  259. "additive" "0" //not default added //This adds white to font...sort of a glow effect on coloured fonts and gives a washed out pastel look
  260. "antialias" "0" //not default added //smoothing the edges.
  261. }
  262. "4" //For screen heights between 1024 and 1199 (eg 4:3 aspect Width 1280X1024 High, Width 1400X1050 High... 16:9 aspect Width 1920x1080 High... 16:10 aspect Width 1680x1050 High.)
  263. {
  264. "name" "Arial" [$WINDOWS] // Standard is "Lucida Console" Options are "Microsoft Sans Serif" "Georgia" "Impact" "Arial MT" and the best for small = "Haettenschweiler" but is a MS office and Win7 font, can be downloaded, google "Haettenschweiler" and install in C:/Windows/Fonts
  265. "name" "Lucida Console" [$X360] //"Lucida Console"
  266. "name" "Arial" [$POSIX] // Apple Mac OS "Verdana" (default) Best small font = "Georgia" Mac Installation location: /Library/Fonts and is default on Mac OS
  267. "tall" "19" [$POSIX] // "11"
  268. "tall" "19" // good positioning is ... net_graphheight 87 and net_graphpos 210 and ensure you select "outline" "1" with all others off with Ariel font.
  269. "tall_lodef" "15" //"15"
  270. "tall_hidef" "20" //"20"
  271. "weight" "0"
  272. "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
  273. "yres" "1024 1199"
  274. "outline" "1" //"1" //Adds a black outline around the text, good for standing out... that is, if the font allows it, use with caution on smaller fonts.
  275. "additive" "0" //not default added //This adds white to font...sort of a glow effect on coloured fonts and gives a washed out pastel look
  276. "antialias" "0" //not default added //smoothing the edges.
  277. }
  278. "5" //For screen heights between 1200 and 6000 ( that's freaking huge!) (eg 4:3 aspect Width 1600X1200 High... 16:10 aspect Width 1920x1200 High.... and beyond)
  279. {
  280. "name" "Arial" [$WINDOWS] // Standard is "Lucida Console" Options are "Microsoft Sans Serif" "Georgia" "Impact" "Arial MT" and the best for small = "Haettenschweiler" but is a MS office and Win7 font, can be downloaded, google "Haettenschweiler" and install in C:/Windows/Fonts
  281. "name" "Lucida Console" [$X360] //"Lucida Console"
  282. "name" "Arial" [$POSIX] // Apple Mac OS "Verdana" (default) Best small font = "Georgia" and "Arial" Mac Installation location: /Library/Fonts and is default on Mac OS
  283. "tall" "19" [$POSIX] // "11"
  284. "tall" "19" // good positioning is ... net_graphheight 95 and net_graphpos 225 and ensure you select "outline" "1" with all others off with Ariel font.
  285. "tall_lodef" "15" //"15"
  286. "tall_hidef" "20" //"20"
  287. "weight" "0"
  288. "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
  289. "yres" "1200 6000"
  290. "outline" "1" //"1" //Adds a black outline around the text, good for standing out... that is, if the font allows it, use with caution on smaller fonts.
  291. "additive" "0" //not default added //This adds white to font...sort of a glow effect on coloured fonts and gives a washed out pastel look
  292. "antialias" "0" //not default added //smoothing the edges.
  293. }
  294. }
  295. "MainMenuFont"
  296. {
  297. "1" [$WIN32]
  298. {
  299. "name" "TF2 Build"
  300. "tall" "18"
  301. "weight" "500"
  302. "additive" "0"
  303. "antialias" "1"
  304. }
  305. }
  306. "MenuLarge"
  307. {
  308. "1" [$X360]
  309. {
  310. "tall_hidef" "24"
  311. }
  312. }
  313. "ServerBrowserTitle"
  314. {
  315. "1"
  316. {
  317. "name" "TF2 Build"
  318. "tall" "35"
  319. "tall_lodef" "40"
  320. "weight" "500"
  321. "additive" "0"
  322. "antialias" "1"
  323. }
  324. }
  325. "Default" [$OSX]
  326. {
  327. "1"
  328. {
  329. "name" "Verdana"
  330. "tall" "14"
  331. "weight" "500"
  332. }
  333. }
  334. "ServerBrowserSmall"
  335. {
  336. "1"
  337. {
  338. "name" "Tahoma"
  339. "tall" "16"
  340. "weight" "0"
  341. "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
  342. "yres" "480 599"
  343. }
  344. "2"
  345. {
  346. "name" "Tahoma"
  347. "tall" "16"
  348. "weight" "0"
  349. "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
  350. "yres" "600 767"
  351. }
  352. "3"
  353. {
  354. "name" "Tahoma"
  355. "tall" "16"
  356. "weight" "0"
  357. "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
  358. "yres" "768 1023"
  359. "antialias" "1"
  360. }
  361. "4"
  362. {
  363. "name" "Tahoma"
  364. "tall" "19"
  365. "weight" "0"
  366. "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
  367. "yres" "1024 1199"
  368. "antialias" "1"
  369. }
  370. "5"
  371. {
  372. "name" "Tahoma"
  373. "tall" "19"
  374. "weight" "0"
  375. "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
  376. "yres" "1200 6000"
  377. "antialias" "1"
  378. }
  379. }
  380. AchievementItemTitle [$WIN32]
  381. {
  382. "1"
  383. {
  384. "name" "Arial" [!$OSX]
  385. "name" "Verdana Bold" [$OSX]
  386. "weight" "1500"
  387. "tall" "16" [!$OSX]
  388. "tall" "18" [$OSX]
  389. "antialias" "1"
  390. }
  391. }
  392. AchievementItemTitleLarge [$WIN32]
  393. {
  394. "1"
  395. {
  396. "name" "Arial" [!$OSX]
  397. "name" "Verdana Bold" [$OSX]
  398. "weight" "1500"
  399. "tall" "18" [!$OSX]
  400. "tall" "19" [$OSX]
  401. "antialias" "1"
  402. }
  403. }
  404. AchievementItemDescription [$WIN32]
  405. {
  406. "1"
  407. {
  408. "name" "Arial" [!$OSX]
  409. "name" "Verdana" [$OSX]
  410. "weight" "1000"
  411. "tall" "14" [!$OSX]
  412. "tall" "12" [$OSX]
  413. "antialias" "1" [!$OSX]
  414. }
  415. }
  417. }
  418. CustomFontFiles
  419. {
  420. "9"
  421. {
  422. "font" "resource/TF2Build.ttf"
  423. "name" "TF2 Build"
  424. "russian"
  425. {
  426. "range" "0x0000 0xFFFF"
  427. }
  428. "polish"
  429. {
  430. "range" "0x0000 0xFFFF"
  431. }
  432. }
  433. }
  434. }
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