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- (* Content-type: application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica *)
- (*** Wolfram Notebook File ***)
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- Notebook[{
- Cell[BoxData[
- RowBox[{
- RowBox[{"a", "=", "3"}], ";"}]], "Input",
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- RowBox[{"Solve", "[",
- RowBox[{
- RowBox[{
- RowBox[{
- RowBox[{"x", "^", "2"}], "+",
- RowBox[{"a", " ", "x"}], "+", "1"}], "==", "0"}], ",", "x"}],
- "]"}]], "Input",
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- RowBox[{"{",
- RowBox[{"x", "\[Rule]",
- RowBox[{
- FractionBox["1", "2"], " ",
- RowBox[{"(",
- RowBox[{
- RowBox[{"-", "3"}], "-",
- SqrtBox["5"]}], ")"}]}]}], "}"}], ",",
- RowBox[{"{",
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- RowBox[{
- FractionBox["1", "2"], " ",
- RowBox[{"(",
- RowBox[{
- RowBox[{"-", "3"}], "+",
- SqrtBox["5"]}], ")"}]}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}]], "Output",
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- Cell[1010, 38, 544, 19, 46, "Output"]
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- *)
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