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Sep 25th, 2017
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  1. -Repository: The main location inside of which all of your code is stored
  2. -Repo: abbreviation for the above word
  3. -Commit: A change/additions made to the code
  4. -Branch: A way to develop multiple objectives at once
  5. Especially useful when working in teams
  6. For example let's say we're working on a game,
  7. the "main branch" would be the one we release usually
  8. Let's say I'm working on adding crafting
  9. You're working on adding enemies
  10. We obviously can't both edit the same code simultaneously, (Say I'm halfway typing something, but you're ready to compile and test out your work, it'd just fail to compile because of me).
  11. So we'd each work on a different "branch", (Anything I edit won't show up for you, and vice-versa)
  12. Then once we're done, we'd "merge" both into the main branch, so they're all in the final release.
  13. Can also be useful even if you're working alone, to organize your code, or if you want to work on multiple things at once (For example let's say I want to add multiplayer support, which will take multiple days/weeks to do potentially, but at the same time I want to be able to keep adding other features and releasing updates. I'd start a different branch for multiplayer, and only merge it onto main once I'm done)
  14. -Merge: [See answer above]
  15. -Fork: A sort of duplication. Basiaclly if you call a fork function from within an object, it'll create an exact duplicate of itself (referred to as a child object), both objects can then proceed to operate independently
  16. -Debug: The process of trying to locate -and hopefully fix- a bug in your program
  17. -Debugger: A process used to make debugging easier in general (For example allowing you to move your program one tick, or even step at a time, to easily find the issue)
  18. -Variable: a alphanumeric word which can hold either a digit (bit, real, integar, floating, double, etc..) or a string (any sort of text) which can then possibly be modified (With basic mathmatical operations for example)
  19. For example:
  20. int player_health = 100;
  21. string player_name = "Jack";
  22. int raider_damage = 5;
  23. string raider_name = "Raider";
  25. if instance_collision(ob_raider)
  26. {
  27. player_health -= raider_damage;
  28. if player_health <= 0
  29. {
  30. printin(player_name ... "Was killed by" ... raider_name);
  31. reset();
  32. };
  33. };
  36. -Array: a list for variables which can be indexed, useful for organization, and more importantly, to be able to loop through it.
  37. For example:
  38. int raider = 325;
  39. int skeleton = 432;
  40. int witch = 542;
  41. enemy[0] = raider;
  42. enemy[1] = skeleton;
  43. enemy[2] = witch;
  45. for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
  46. {
  47. if instance_exits(enemy[i])
  48. {
  49. score += 1;
  50. }
  51. else
  52. {
  53. spawn_enemy(enemy[i])
  54. }
  55. }
  57. -Syntax: the 'grammar' of a programing language
  58. -Version Control: programs/sites used to help quickly manage having multiple branches, and online sync for working with teams
  59. -Source Code: all the code for a project.
  60. -Open Source: If a project is "open source", it means it's source code is available for free to the public
  61. -Plugin: Dynamically loadable code that utilizes a framework to modify a program, albeit more limiting than mods, can often be deployed/dropped from memory.
  62. -API: Application Programming Interface: A set of a functions which allow a higher layer application to interact with the layer below it. Can be used to limit an application's privileges, or on the opposite, enable it to interact with the lower layers. All programs you've probably ever used thus far have many layers of APIs beneath them, since you require APIs to even be able to interact with the hardware you're program is running on
  63. -GUI: Graphical User Display: A graphical interface that allows you to interact with the program, often with graphical feedback to allow for easy recognition (Great examples are in-game menus, inventories, etc...)
  64. -UI: A more modern abbreviation of the above word
  65. -HUD: Check
  66. -Algorithms: A procedure which can take various input(s), upon which it basis it's operation to produce a particular output(s)
  67. In other words: a set of steps which are used to solve a particular problem, or accomplish a task (if given valid inputs)
  68. -Data Structures: Check
  69. -File Types: Check
  70. -A*: A pathfinding algorithm used to find the shortest path between 2 given points
  71. -Compile: The process of turning a particular programming language's code into machine code, done by a compiling progrem. (Machine code is the "bare bone" version of code, which is then directly injected into the processor)
  72. -Decompile: The act of attempting to turn machine-code, back into a particular programming language, done by a compiler. Is often inaccurate and incomplete, as many things are reordered to optimize CPU cycles (such as register assignments), and all readability additions, such as variable names, comments, and spacing are entirely lost.
  73. Furthermore, some compiler's intentionally obscure some code to ensure it's -even more- irreversible
  75. -Runtime: the period of time during which a program is being executed
  76. -Framework: Somewhat similar to APIs in core principle, however usually larger and more case-specific.
  77. The major difference however is: While you call functions from an API to execute them, a framework calls your code to execute it, i.e. it dictates the general flow of your code.
  79. The Framework calls you.
  81. -Engine: Check
  82. -Cache: Check
  83. -Compile Time: The length of time which your code takes to compile
  84. -Tick: a mostly game-development specific term, used as a unit of time. Mainly used to refer to a single iteration of the game's main game-logic loop.
  85. Can also be used to refer to other -indented, or independent- loops, such as the loop of crafting mechanic, or an AI's loop.
  86. -Delta Time: the time that has passed since the last frame. Used to base game logic (such as a character's movement code) on, to enable it to remain of consistent speed regardless of framerate (For slower machine's/lag spikes)
  87. -VSync: Vertical Sync: limits your framrate to your screen's refresh rate (Used to prevent Screen-Tearing)
  88. -Graphics mesh: Also called a Poylgon mesh, or 3D mesh, is a collection of Vertices (3-dimensional points) Edges (2-dimensional lines, drawin in 3D space, with the use of Vertices), and polygons (2-dimensional surfaces drawn in 3D space, with the use of Vertices and Edges)
  89. -Polygon: See the answer above
  90. Poly-Count: The number of polygons of a particular asset. The more the slower it is to draw and process, obviously
  91. jar file: Java Archive File: the file type in which executable java code is stored
  92. jdk: Java Development Kit: the developer version of java, also commonly required by server executables.
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