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Jul 3rd, 2019
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  1. [19:06] {NARRATION} Rumours had it a mysterious beast lurked the Volcano caves, coming out on occasion and even attacking travelers!
  3. One road was said to be the worst, once popular as a shortcut for impatient merchants. It is here the party finds themselves, a group of young and brave children!
  5. Rocky and uneven, the road seemed mostly unused, but with hints and signs of wheels running across it here and there. Exploring down the path, you find yourself getting deeper and deeper into the mountain path- But all seems peaceful so far.
  6. [19:10] Something ferocious must've lurked around these parts, and that much the group knew. It was important to ensure safety of the roads, so that less people would disappear or worse, but that would need some work done.
  8. Upon arrival, Keitaro already saw the tracks of wheels, no doubt those of the merchants that try to pass around here; but full on knowing that they came around here not to inspect the tracks of the merchants but rather track the beast, he mostly looks for a different kind of tracks.
  10. Unless, he could suddenly see some irregular wheel tracks, ones that lead off the road.
  12. "We should begin looking for any imprints of beasts... paws, hooves, anything."
  14. "Something that the roaming beast could leave behind himself."
  16. Not a bad thought for someone so young - he doesn't waste any time, and begins searching already.
  17. (Keitaro)
  18. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  20. [19:10] Now that she was finally unimpeded by injury, the girl found it very much necessary to march into the fray once more. Alongside of companions from school, she would adjust at the gloves that rode up along her arms as she looked toward the others.
  22. It was Thorin's game now, and she knew she was ready to be some form of muscle to help!
  24. Even if her arms were a bit limp and noodly to begin with.
  26. "...Tracks sound like a good thing to follow, mhm."
  28. Silently, she observes around as she brings a hand to her chin.
  29. (Thalia Elisheva)
  30. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32. [19:22]
  33. {LOAD GAME}
  35. [19:25] Thorin exclaims, "9Ok!"
  36. [19:31] Waltzing through the caves, alongside the others, Eshmun was taking note of the craggily surface of the area. Mud-coloured irises flickered all across the different area, checking out the wheel marks until he was dead set on the darkness that existed further in.
  38. "It'd be pretty good to find some tracks...But these wheel tracks look interesting, if they are fresh then we can probably just follow them." They had a simple though, that they'd either run into some 'merchants' and ask about the cave, or...They'd find the merchants being hunted by what they were here to hunt.
  40. Even while speaking however, they walked behind the others, mostly gazing around the cave for alchemical regeants of sorts, maybe a bit of Amber would appear in this volcano?
  41. (Eshmun Hirai)
  42. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  44. [19:34] As Thorin marches down the path groaning and perspiring quite a bit from the heat.
  46. "I didn't think it would be this hot from outside... to be honest. He didn't seem all to excited something has been bothering him for a while - he just didn't seem like the same child as before.
  49. "I want to thank you guys for coming with me again I really appreciate it a lot. He turned looking around and giving brief smiles to them all before turning his head and moving on down the path.
  52. There was the spark of adventure he was waiting to ignite, his heart started to beat with excitement after thinking about fighting the beast.
  54. There was a pep in his step..
  55. (Thorin)
  56. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  58. [19:42] {NARRATION} Plenty of tracks were found, some from small animals and critters, or others just signs of horses or the like- But none quite like what they were looking for! And as they kept looking, time slowly passed. An hour in, and no good result had been yielded-
  60. Then suddenly in the distance, off the road and into the forest, a voice could be heard.
  62. "Dr-" The voice echoed in the silence of night, soon vanquished before it could finish. And just like that, it all grew ever so silent again. Then smoke could be seen rising not too far away from over the top of the mountain, no doubt on the other side-- Nearby a cave entrance, possibly leading there. Would they dare to check it out?
  63. [19:45] Smoke over the mountain could be, for all intents and purposes, something far less immediate, and they could check it out later. The voice, however? Due to how it was cut off swiftly, he's led to believe that something quick just happened, and unless they move fast, they wouldn't be able to reach it.
  65. "I think we should go check out the voice first."
  67. "It cut off, so something happened most likely. We can check out the smoke later if we don't find anything there."
  68. (Keitaro)
  69. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  71. [19:47] Slowly their eyes turned to look towards Thorin, the leader of their little adventuring group. A small frown is given as they had heard the voice, which led to the possibility of an issue going on over there. Which...They weren't bad children, and Eshmun gave his own opinion, "I also vote we go to the voice, we need to make sure whoever that was is safe."
  73. As they finished speaking, the young teen would stay alongside the others, going whichever direction that was chosen.
  74. (Eshmun Hirai)
  75. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  77. [19:48] Smoke and trees.
  79. It was always something weird, wasn't it. Pulling at her gloves, she moved her gaze around before nodding her head. "Let's go toward the voice, then." It was better to try and pinpoint the sound, to have something to follow.
  81. Smoke meant fire or some form of it. They could always check it out later, no doubt.
  83. Either way, unless she was stopped, she'd twist around and head toward the trees, cautiously observing what might've been before them.
  84. (Thalia Elisheva)
  85. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  87. [19:49] At first instinct? It would seem that Thorin would rush towards the voice before stopping and looking back at the group.
  90. There was determination in his eyes yet fear as well. Thorin would part his lips as he looked at the group. "Come on someone could be hurt." Without a moment to lose Thorin would soon be dashing off into the distance of the voice.
  94. He wanted to keep a keen eye out for anything that could be related- tracks, scratches on the trail any oddities that he could spot before getting to his destination.
  95. (Thorin)
  96. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  98. [19:53] Eshmun Hirai exclaims, "They could be hurt, which is why we will help them!"
  99. [19:57] {NARRATION} Through the forest and bushes, the party rushes to the source of the voice! And the sight they would witness upon arriving was by no means appropriate for their age- True to the rumours, a merchant's caravan had been attacked.
  101. A bloody scene indeed, with four corpses burned to a crisp scattered around still smoking hot; it seemed they were all busy fleeing from something! Marks from a beast's claw could be seen running across the ground, easily sized the same as one of the children themselves. And perhaps even more terrifyingly, aboard the caravan still lingered three corpses! All clearly slain by the hands of humans, or perhaps more likely bandits.
  103. But no beast could be seen! Only a single masked figure wandering about the scattered loot- Wait, a person?
  104. [20:00] As they rush in, there's a halt as she blinks a few times. Then, her hands lift upwards as she gives a little whimper outwards.
  106. But... She couldn't stop here and just cry about it. No, not when she endured the horrors of Neo Invidia.
  108. "D-distract whatever did this!" She says in a hushed tone as she moves forward, aiming to try to find survivors among the carnage here. This was... horrendous, awful, but if there was a silver of hope and life to someone here, she'd attempt to find it.
  109. (Thalia Elisheva)
  110. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  112. [20:03] Keitaro had little regard for safety in this manner.
  114. The staff was immediately drawn, and the sparkle of lightning coursed through him, combined with the shining light of holy magic; he was a hero at heart, and seeing this sort of scenery gave him nothing but an assumption that the masked person may as well be responsible for this.
  116. Even if he hoped otherwise.
  118. "Stop where you are!"
  120. He shouted to the masked stranger, and began slow approach; he didn't wish to attack right away, but he had to confirm it at least... and depending on how he spoke, things would get clearer.
  122. "Who are you, and what are you doing here?"
  124. Good-willing to the end...
  125. (Keitaro)
  126. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  128. [20:05] Thorin stopped staring at the bodies and the blood on the ground. His eyes widen with fear as he looked to the masked figure.
  130. "Hey..wh...What the hell?.. What is this?
  132. The young child would start to tear up as his hands reach to the sides of his head running his fingers through his golden locks. "W-why would someone do something like this... why did this happen I don't understand.
  134. Thorin now dropped to his knees moving his sapphire gaze from the masked person to the bodies over and over again rapidly switching between the two.
  137. "Did..Did you do this,why would you do this.." After a few moment's of fully taking in what was in his view Thorin would finally stand up.
  140. He would look to the masked man waiting for him to answer Keitaros questions.
  141. (Thorin)
  142. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  144. [20:06] In a speedy fashion, the young man rushed forward to follow behind the others. Only after they reached the mangled carriage, alongside...A multitude of burned and mangled corpses, did the teen stop and fall into thought. Is this what adventure they came here for? To find corpses?
  146. It was a strange and unusual sight for them, one they didn't wish to even take in, but they had to, and they took in the sights of the entire situation. Looking for what had happened, what had caused such things to happen. Yet that was until their sights settled upon the only standing person, wandering about the scattered loot.
  148. Before they fully focused on them, they looked to the corpses, flickering by the burned ones until they landed upon the few corpses that looked to be killed in a less beast-like manner. It was in a more...Human way, and as Keitaro closed in on the masked man, he too began already letting winds ride along his body.
  150. "What caused this?" Their only words was a supplementary to Keitaros own.
  151. (Eshmun Hirai)
  152. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  154. [20:13] {NARRATION} As Thalia searched for survivors, the others confronted the figure standing amidst the loot; upon closer inspection it became apparent that whoever it was, they were busy trying to pry open one last box- Coming to an abrupt stop as they called out, ever so slowly turning to face them.
  156. Upon eyeing the staff drawn by Keitaro however, he swiftly switched gears- "Tsk, Magi children huh?" A man's voice, a bit rugged and strained.
  158. He makes a run for it, flying out of there as fast as he can! Wait, flying? He's a Magi too!
  159. [Roll D6 if you wish to try and intercept!]
  161. As Thalia takes a look around, the sad reality kicks in that there are no survivors- Whatever happened, it happened fast and without mercy.
  162. [20:14] The fire in Keitaro's heart didn't allow him to just let the man go.
  164. Either he was a scavenger, or he was actually responsible for all of this along with possible other figures; regardless of what it really was, he had to know the answer- as much as he wished to prompt him to speak, he didn't wish to resort to violence, but...
  166. Sometimes, it was necessary, even if you were a hero.
  168. "Wait! We need to know what happened here!"
  170. And so he breaks out in a chase, running after the masked male.
  171. (Keitaro)
  172. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  174. [20:15] The reality of knowing that there were no survivors here set in quickly as she turned, looking toward the group with a grit of her teeth. Fire spun around her arms as she gave a shaky breath outwards.
  176. This was...
  178. One foot forces against the ground, and she soon propels herself forward, making attempts to stop the bandit from escaping their clutches. Her hand would force forward, aiming to make a wall of wind to block him off.
  180. She had no words, but her gaze certainly burned. She wanted answers, but would a scavenger give such?
  182. She didn't know.
  183. (Thalia Elisheva)
  184. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  186. [20:18] Feeling a chill in their chest, Eshmun began taking steps towards the man. They heard the tsk', and then saw them suddenly begin flying away. A guilty conscience wouldn't run like this and with a frown they began running forth as quickly as they could.
  188. Staff out, the young teen was easily ready to resort to violence seeing the scene next to them, if anything just the fact he was here defiling their corpses after they had died, was bad enough. Not to mention it all seemed fresh.
  190. "Get back here you hooded creep!"
  191. (Eshmun Hirai)
  192. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  194. [20:20] "WAIT A MINUTE!" thorin shouted with tears coming out of his eyes throwing his shield at the man as he tried to escape.
  198. Unfortunately it would miss.
  202. He was lost in a mixed of emotions sadness,sarrow, anger and rage. "You bastard.. come back you have to explain, you have to tell me why.. I don't understand."
  203. (Thorin)
  204. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  206. [20:26] {NARRATION} The three focused on the figure were all too slow, he was about to make his grand escape-But just before he managed, he was cut off by a sudden gust of wind, soon enough to turn into a wall standing between him and freedom. With a grunt, he turns to face the party again.
  208. "You really shouldn't have done that..."
  210. He brushed off his shoulder, mana surging around him. By no means impressive, but still an adult Magi!
  212. "... Hooded creep?" He took charge towards Eshmun, "I will discipline you, brat!"
  214. It would seem a fight was unavoidable!
  215. [20:29] Running and running, and trying to catch up, it was all in vain; for a moment, he thought that the masked individual would escape after all, but the wall of wind cut him off. Peering briefly to Thalia, he shouted.
  217. "Well done!"
  219. Still, there was an actual interception to make; he turned towards the masked figure, and calling upon the ancestry of Shenlong, the lightning around him surged, along with the holy magics that were resting upon him in a subtle glow- in an odd mix, it was an empowerment that he was merely trying to discover at this point, but still somewhat potent.
  221. "Stop!"
  223. "You have to tell us what happened here! Or else we'll be forced to restrain you!"
  225. Maybe he was trying to be a force of reason, but he was prepared for combat nonetheless; with the staff drawn, he expected him to lunge anyway.
  226. (Keitaro)
  227. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  229. [20:30] Thalia's gaze would watch on as she found her heart drumming a bit harder in her chest. She wouldn't forget the dead men here, just like she couldn't forget the men scorched inside of Obsidia. The wind continues to spin around as she bites down against her lip, watching as she was actually successful at heading the bandit off.
  231. "...Says you." The voice comes out a bit dry, stressed by the fact that she couldn't wipe those images away.
  233. It was like those animals. She wished she could've saved them so badly, but... here they were. Deeper and more inward, she would attempt to focus on her magic as the fire and wind would be empowered by the likes of what she could pull from within her.
  235. If the fight was unavoidable, then she'd fight, trying to tap into the power that resided within her. To stop being so meek. After all, she was almost a teenager now, right?
  237. So, she aimed to do her best should Keitaro have failed his speech check.
  238. (Thalia Elisheva)
  239. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  241. [20:34] Thorin does a combat roll over to his shield and re-equips it. His foot would stomp on the ground and his body would be engulfed by flames. Thorin took one hand to reach behind his back and take out his sword pointing it towards the man.
  243. "At least one of us was fast enough to stop him... Thanks thalia." His eyes would move back towards the man.
  247. "You are going to give us answers." The boy looked to his friends. He was clearly ready to beat the man down.....
  250. "I came here to hunt a monster... are you it?" A man could be a monster if he wanted to be..
  252. All he needed to do were monstrous things, Thorin scowled at the masked man. Getting ready to dash at him with all his might.
  253. (Thorin)
  254. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  256. [20:36]
  257. {LOAD GAME}
  259. [20:38] Even with the others wishing for talking, the teen looked towards the bodies, feeling a surge of anger. They wanted to run after this, and then they wanted to talk!? It made no sense to him, and it made even less sense after the magi began charging towards him.
  261. Staff at the ready, they pointed it towards the being and gave a hrumph, "We will discipline you! Murdering thief!" Ice immediately burst from their body, icicles crashing against the ground all around them.
  263. "You want to fight!? This'll be good practice before the actual hunt!"
  264. (Eshmun Hirai)
  265. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  267. [20:46]
  268. {LOAD GAME}
  270. [21:00] {NARRATION} Had it been any of them in single combat, surely the masked man would have easily turned the tables on them-- But it wasn't. In powerful combinations, the children not only matched him in strength and magic, but eventually overpowered him!
  272. "Argh!" He grunted; his hood burnt off to reveal an old, bald man. A scar ran across his face, and it seemed like more than one of his teeth was yellow.
  274. "You meddling kids!" He exclaimed, a smoke bomb drawn and thrown to the ground! He would try fled into the nearby cave systems, blood dripping from him to leave a clear trial.
  276. But unlike before, he was hurt. His escape was slow, providing the group with an opportunity- They could apprehend him now for questioning, or follow his trail to see where he went?
  277. [21:03] "If we follow him - his actions can't lie- if we take him now he could lie to us and lead us further into danger... I want to find out why this happened but I don't want to put us all into danger."
  280. Thorin would look to the others. "We can follow him and make him think he lost us.. maybe he will lead us to a reason why yeah."
  283. He said placing his shield and sword back on his back. A hand reached up nd wiped his nose. Smudges of dirty were wiped off his face however the few scratches remained.
  284. (Thorin)
  285. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  287. [21:03] They were after a beast, not a group of bandits.
  289. And allowing him to retreat would only mean that he might as well come back to the group of other bandits - which means, they might end up ambushed. Unwilling to risk it, and especially considering that this wasn't even their goal to begin with, he hurries in to apprehend the bandit.
  291. The lightning surges, empowering the Drakanite as a whole; although he was still a child, there was clear display of talent to this, something that he's been only improving on. A leap forward, and he tackles him with the surge of electricity around.
  293. "Got you!"
  295. A restraining hold, after which he speaks up.
  297. "What were you doing there? What happened? We need to know that. Please, do not make it worse than it already is."
  299. They may have fought just now, but Keitaro acted humble enough to try and remain nice. Even then, he always knew his companions might be different... and while he remains a force of good, someone might run out of patience.
  301. "We also need to know if you had seen any odd beasts around those area."
  303. "We do not wish to harm or kill you. Just cooperate with us, and things will be fine."
  304. (Keitaro)
  305. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  307. [21:05] Fire and wind, that's what she needed to keep herself carried forward. Pressuring on her fire to allow burning tornadoes to twist around the field, she would keep her breath drawn in carefully as she continued to focus, attempting to draw all the power that she could've out of herself, out of her being.
  309. There's a pause as she moves forward, and there's a knock of that spicy wind of hers to allow Keitaro the ability to easier catch a hold of the man.
  311. Other than that, her intention in this fight hadn't been an aim to maim nor even kill.
  313. They needed information, and perhaps the man could've been reformed!
  314. (Thalia Elisheva)
  315. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  317. [21:06] It was with strict powers that they sent forth waves of Icy blasts, constant blows of energized balls. They were pushing forth, aiming to just incapacitate the masked figure, not even daring to go as far as injuring them. As that isn't what they wanted at all, they didn't wish to hurt the man, they wanted to just rough them up and apprehend him.
  319. Seeing the man throw down a smoke bomb, they felt apprehensive to even attempt to rush in, seeing as the adult magi was powerful. Instead a few steps back were taken and as the smoke dissipated, they noticed the trail of blood.
  321. "Let's chase after we bury the bodies!" They spoke loudly, giving their own thoughts on the situation. But with a mild curiosity, they tilted their head and looked towards the nearby ruined cart.
  323. They had been trying to open a box right? So with light movements, he'd turn around and make his way to the ruined cart, to just fire a strong blast of energy at the crates lid, to look inside.
  325. But wait, everybody was chasing? Maybe he could just bury them by himself...Or come back after this was all said and done.
  326. (Eshmun Hirai)
  327. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  329. [21:12] {NARRATION} Keitaro tackled the man to the ground, a restraining hold keeping the old Magi pinned to the ground with another grunt escaping him, a little whimper soon enough following.
  331. "Hey, hey! Be careful, my body isn't what it used to be!" A complaint escaped him, attention laid on the boy holding him, "Am just some old scavenger, is all!" He tried to wrestle free, but physical strength wasn't exactly what this old man had been spending his life training on.
  333. "I found them like that, I swear!" Another little whimper, "Saw a mighty beast fly by, and some bandits run away, so I went here to take what was left!" A forced, 'innocent' smile curved his lips, "Promise!"
  334. [21:16] Thorin whispers: what do you think thalia..
  335. [21:16] There's an odd suspicion in his mind that the man might be lying, just trying to weasel out of the situation. As such, his brows slightly furrow while he speaks, the lightning still surging through him occasionally.
  337. "Where was the beast headed, and where is the location of other bandits?"
  339. "We need to know this protect people's lives. I understand that you seek profit, but next time, this beast could be attacking you - so by telling us things right, you're making yourself a favour too."
  341. "And I'm sure the beast wouldn't be up for any talk whatsoever."
  343. A firmer grip; it should tell the bandit that Keitaro has a serious position on this one.
  345. "So tell me, where?"
  346. (Keitaro)
  347. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  349. [21:16] Thorin whispers: I don't know what to believe..
  350. [21:17] Thalia Elisheva asks, "...What'd the beast look like?"
  351. [21:17] Thalia watches the man intently for any change in demeanor.
  352. (Thalia Elisheva)
  353. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  355. [21:18] Eshmun is off doing his own thing, like working on digging a few holes to put the corpses in, since he didn't want them to be buried without even a grave.
  356. (Eshmun Hirai)
  357. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  359. [21:21] {NARRATION} "Aw, aw!" He complained, his hand slapping the ground if possible as an act of surrender, "The bandits have a camp nearby, you should have seen the smoke!"
  361. "And it is a dragon! A dragon, I tell you!" Another whimper, "I think the bandits use it to attack travellers, then ambushes and plunders whatever remains!" Quite the inside knowledge this supposed scavenger had, huh? But it would explain the sudden shout and then stop, was he the voice?
  363. Eshmun would find that the boxes were indeed all empty, only remnants of food and empty bags left behind.
  364. [21:23] A sigh.
  366. "That still doesn't answer the question for me as to where the beast is..."
  368. He kept him pinned, still; this was a test of patience, and Keitaro had much in him.
  370. "How do you know any of this, anyway? What's your affiliation with the bandits?"
  371. (Keitaro)
  372. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  374. [21:24] The girl blinks, and she touches her finger against her lip.
  376. "I know a dragon. His name is Folke." She states plainly as she looks to the man, a bit of a gleam to her eyes.
  378. "Did the dragon have green scales? And did it use poison magic? Do you think it could be Folke? He gets a little crazy sometimes...!"
  380. A farce, it seemed. Where Keitaro was making these questions, Thalia was trying to look like the girl who 'believed' it could've actually been a dragon.
  381. (Thalia Elisheva)
  382. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  384. [21:25] {NARRATION} "Only the boss knows! He keeps it in the caves! Please let me go!" Another tap, he really wanted to tap out, "I might have worked with them in the past, okay? But no more, so please just let me go!"
  385. [21:26] Thalia Elisheva says, "Huh."
  386. [21:27] Silently the young teen would just be slowly doing their work in the background of their conversation. Quietly digging holes speedily, he was a magi after all and magic was their friend. But as they were about to finish their third hole for the corpses, he head 'Dragon' from the back.
  388. Looking in their direction, Eshmun gave a long stare, "Did I just hear something about a dragon?" Loudly he spoke, trying to get the attention of anybody with the prisoner for a bit of an explanation.
  389. (Eshmun Hirai)
  390. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  392. [21:27] Bandit exclaims, "N-no clue what a Folke is! But this one is green too, yea'! Only fire though! Now pleeeasee!"
  393. [21:28] At this point it seemed they were wasting time on this man- the information seemed to be some what truthful, however he did say something he didn't before. "Boss huh?" Thorin said walking over to the old man.
  396. His boot steel in made slammed on his head in a attempt to knock him out. "Well.. Now we know that he isn't a scavenger but a bandit as well- on top of that I can't let him warn them that we are coming.. We need to tie him up and burry these bodies.. then we can head out to slay this ...dragon."
  398. Thorin said looking down at the man.
  399. (Thorin)
  400. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  402. [21:29] Thalia Elisheva asks, "Does it have to be killing...?"
  403. [21:29] Thalia frowns.
  404. (Thalia Elisheva)
  405. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  407. [21:30] Thorin says, "No But I do need it's tooth."
  408. [21:30] In timely manner, Keitaro intervenes from Thorin doing such a brutalizing act; he wasn't about to just let him stomp out the man, even if it was only to knock him out.
  410. "Wait!"
  412. He goes as far as to shield him - but if Thorin goes through, seems he'd hit Keitaro instead; still, he speaks up.
  414. "He can lead us to a safe route around the camp, and right to this supposed 'boss'. That way, we can try and avoid any and all security."
  416. This was certainly a useful thought, but... in reality, he also didn't wish to harm the man like that. It's not what heroes do.
  417. (Keitaro)
  418. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  420. [21:31] Thorin thorin stops his hit on the old man.
  421. (Thorin)
  422. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  424. [21:31] Thorin says, "Or into a trap.."
  425. [21:31] Thorin says, "If you want him to do that atleast gag him.."
  426. [21:31] Keitaro says, "He's already weakened. We can restrain his arms to make sure he can't do much."
  427. [21:31] Keitaro says, "He'd have to speak to lead us... just bind his arms."
  428. [21:32] Keitaro turns his gaze down to the bandit.
  429. (Keitaro)
  430. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  432. [21:32] Keitaro says, "If you promise to safely show us the route directly to the boss, we'll let you go right after."
  433. [21:32] Keitaro says, "But-"
  434. [21:32] Keitaro says, "If you try to deceive us..."
  435. [21:32] Keitaro points to Thorin.
  436. (Keitaro)
  437. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  439. [21:32] Keitaro says, "I won't protect you from him."
  440. [21:32] Keitaro asks, "Is that clear?"
  441. [21:32] Thalia Elisheva says, "We can uh, pick out a tooth, but we aren't killing it."
  442. [21:32] Thalia Elisheva says, "...Folke would be mad."
  443. [21:32] Thalia Elisheva says, "Mhm."
  444. [21:32] {NARRATION} The man watches with fear as the children discuss his fate, Thorin almost hitting him making him squirm a bit.
  446. "Ye-yeah, I can lead you there!"
  447. [21:35] "Okay, good."
  449. Finally rising up and dragging the bandit along, Keitaro made his way back to the caravan while holding onto his arms; seeking a way to bind his arms by anything he could find, whether it's a belt, rope or anything else that could fit, he winds up binding his arms together.
  451. Still...
  453. "Begin leading us there."
  455. "And remember, no tricks. If you call them upon us, or try to deceive us, Thorin here will deal with you, and I will not protect you - I won't help someone who tries to hurt my friends."
  457. "So choose, if you want to show us and then go home, or risk everything you have for nothing."
  458. (Keitaro)
  459. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  461. [21:36] Thorin looks up at the sky, His eyes close and as he chants a few words of prayer.
  462. (Thorin)
  463. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  465. [21:44] Quickly and efficiently the young teen with a cold expression on their face, and a slightly green complexion, start finishing off the hole digging and body burying antics they were up to. With no wish for the innocent traders to get devoured by other monsters, or to let them just rot without peace he would finish their work. From there they gave a small prayer to the emperor and turned to join the others alongside the bandit.
  467. "Whats the verdict?"
  468. (Eshmun Hirai)
  469. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  471. [21:46] {NARRATION} "I would much like being let go, so consider that a deal!"
  473. Whether or not the man was trustworthy, the children would soon enough find out- He most definitely did lead them somewhere, back to the road they had originated from and into the cave entrance leading to the smoke they had seen earlier, though by now it seemed like the smoke had long since passed.
  475. They wandered through the cave with his guidance, almost as though he could see through the darkness, and made their way towards their destination.
  476. [21:47] The entire time, Keitaro maintained his grip over the bandit at fairly close distance; even if he were to try and break out, at least he could efficiently catch him, not to mention his arms were bound too.
  478. Still, he occasionally spoke up.
  480. "Is this 'boss' constantly guarded? Or does he have a place of his own?"
  482. "If he does, we'd rather get there and avoid any security altogether."
  483. (Keitaro)
  484. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  486. [21:51] Thalia follows along, trying to light the way with fire!
  487. (Thalia Elisheva)
  488. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  490. [21:53] Walking down the path way Thorin would cross his arms. "I still think we are being led into a trap." He muttered. But keitaro did have a point- no type of boss would go around without his goons following him.
  493. At least that's as far as the stories go...
  496. Maybe probing him for information wasn't a bad idea after all. "How big is this dragon and why does it follow him?. Your boss." He added in a question something that probably wouldn't be answer. For they were drawing near to their destination.
  497. (Thorin)
  498. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  500. [21:54] With what seemed to be no care given to what they ever said, or what actions the fourteen year old did, they began to just silently walk behind the group. Though they were the oldest, and could technically be called the chaperone, in the end he was only here because it was a friends hunt.
  502. No words were spoken, but they were looking a bit done with things, but also still kinda green.
  503. (Eshmun Hirai)
  504. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  506. [21:57] {NARRATION} "The boss isn't exactly guarded… He's pretty confident, ya'know? But the camp is usually pretty well guarded… But after a success like this? Everyone should be out cold from partying."
  508. And true to his word, as they neared the cave's exit, a bandit's camp came into view. Just a good fifty meters shy of the cave they came from. A few tents and burnt-out campfires, alongside a wooden fence spanning around it. One could estimate around twelve people lived there.
  510. But all lights were out, two figures standing near their camp's entrance with spears. But not much could be said about their security however, for the fence around it was nothing more than a meter tall and it seemed not another soul was awake in there.
  512. "See? Told you I could lead you here… And the boss, he's in the big tent. Don't worry, you can't miss it once inside! He should probably be asleep… But there should be a bell somewhere in there, yea'? Is an enchanted one, he got it from a witch! It angers the dragon and makes it rush to him, then he goes invisible and lets it attack the travellers" He spoke in a whispered tone to the children, "I suggest sneaking in, they don't much like guests… Especially kids. There should be a blind spot for the guards if you just walk around, then you can just jump the fence."
  514. "Now let me go?" A hopeful smile.
  515. [22:00] Perhaps they could actually even steal the bell, instead...
  517. At least, that's the idea Keitaro had gotten; but he also knew that this would anger the dragon, and thus they would need to prepare for a fight. It didn't mean slaying the dragon, but it would certainly mean restraining one from doing further harm.
  519. "Okay. You kept your word, and I will keep mine."
  521. Slowly, Keitaro removes the binds over his arms. He casts yet another glance to the camp, and then switches his gaze back to the man that led them here.
  523. "We have no further trouble with you. Please go silently, and do not turn back. We will not kill or maim anyone here - we're here to stop the attacks of the beast."
  525. And yet, he carefully watched him, a hint of distrust in his gaze still. He knew that the man could just turn around and still try to give a signal to the camp... but inevitably, that would result in the group jumping him.
  527. Would he riskthat? Who knows.
  528. (Keitaro)
  529. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  531. [22:07] Thorin looks away as the bindings were being released from the man- it was clear thorin was a little sour but a deal was a deal, he moved to the back with esh as he watches the prisoner now going away.
  534. "We should have knocked him out and tied him up still even here.." He said in a mumbled voice and lower toned.
  537. "But now will be to much of a risk to even touch him .. we are to close."
  540. (Thorin)
  541. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  543. [22:10] Having stood in the back, they looked off towards the camps entrance, ears were peeled and their eyes glared on towards whatever may lay in the depths of the bandit encampment. They found the sight to be fairly interesting, but as the younger child was letting the bandit go, did Eshmuns gaze harden even further.
  545. They were letting him go? A man that claimed to have been a bandit, and was found pillaging the dead?
  547. It was unthinkable for them, the eldest twin knew the importance of life, but they also knew there was a price to it. Which there was a price to be given by the fact he had seen multiple bodies, mangled not by beast, but by man.
  549. Which even if he had found no 'evidence' towards the man having killed one of that group, they would merely watch the prisoner, waiting until they turned the opposite way of them. Then with one hard decision in their life, a thick icicle was launched in a sneak attack to the once 'detained' magi, to end their life swiftly.
  550. (Eshmun Hirai)
  551. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  553. [22:16] {NARRATION} "Ah, thank ya' lad, maybe you aren't so bad after all..."
  555. The old man seems to turn back into the cave they came from once able, trying to vanish into the shadows. But just as he turns his back, a thick icicle pierces him from behind- "Argh!"
  557. He falters swiftly, falling to the ground and with his previous injuries. It would seem his life faded with some noise, but not enough to alert the bandits nearby.
  558. [22:16] Thorin says, "E-"
  559. [22:16] Thorin asks, "Esh?"
  560. [22:16] Thalia Elisheva says, "..."
  561. [22:16] There's a twist, and a turn--…
  563. And she looks toward the Hirai, then toward the man on the ground.
  565. "I won't go any further with a murderer."
  567. The statement is clear, concise, and definitive.
  568. (Thalia Elisheva)
  569. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  571. [22:22] Just as he was expecting the man to simply leave and live on with his life, an icicle pierces him, which promptly ends his life- Keitaro's expression swiftly turns from that of neutrality, to that of surprise, and that of anger.
  573. And he's rarely seen angered at all.
  575. "What in the world is your problem?!" He turns towards Hirai.
  577. "He didn't have to die! He was just a scavenger - even if he associated with bandits, he wasn't someone who could not be put on the right path, damn it!"
  579. "Who do you think you are to decide who lives and dies?"
  581. Just as he began to raise his tone, just as his fist balled up, he realized the camp was still nearby; he gave Hirai a frown, and walked up closer to now dead man - he had no time to bury him, but he carefully adjusted him on the ground, and then closed his eyes.
  583. To at least dignify his death somehow.
  585. "Get out ofmy sight. I'm not going with you."
  587. And he turns, intending to head towards camp; although he intended to deal with this later, he also remembered - they had a task to accomplish here.
  589. Leaving empty-handed would not only be a failure, but it would also mean this man's death was in vain.
  590. (Keitaro)
  591. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  593. [22:33] Thorin's eyes widen he didn't think anyone would actually go that far but- He was almost sure that esh just wanted to harm him... maybe not go this far as to kill him..?
  596. "I.." Thorin looks to Thalia then back at Esh, there was a clear tension rising- but there was no time not now not while they were so close.
  599. "Thalia I cannot justify what was done, and esh I thought you would go that far.. but right now we are in a very dangerous place we have no room for mistakes you... We will just have to handle the situation once we make it out here safely, need I remind you both that none of you can probably make it out here alive I am not sending Eshmun out of this place alone."
  602. He wouldn't do it.. he was still their friend- even if a mistake was made, he could see the anger in Ehs's eyes it was a danger, but was it not justified by what the man has committed- how many times has the man killed a person.
  605. Thorin looks over to Thalia… An Elishiva.. Sure her words were true but was this any difference from the way Isaac handle things.
  608. This branded her in Thorins eyes...
  610. Hypocrite..
  613. "Let's finish this.. then get home safely.. then we can depart from there.." His eyes moved to his group looking at each one with a certain scowl. "I haven't forgotten we still need eachother here.. have you?"
  617. (Thorin)
  618. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  620. [22:34] Thalia Elisheva says, "I was in a dangerous place in Obsidia and I didn't let my uncle burn the guard's leader alive."
  621. [22:34] Thalia Elisheva says, "I won't stand for it."
  622. [22:35] Thorin says, "Fine.. Depart I don't care anymore this is buisness between you three."
  623. [22:36] Thorin says, "I am going to go possibly try to save this dragon and stop these people from raiding people."
  624. [22:36] As their hand released the magic, in slow-motion they watched the life of the old man slowly leaving their body. A strange feeling struck Eshmun and very quickly they were frowning, this was not a good feeling, in the least. It was the feeling of stealing another beings life.
  626. But they knew in their heart and mind, this was necessary. A sound magi who was a bandit alongside the nearby outpost? A sound magi! It was practically asking for him to just yell when he was far enough away, in order to get all their attention, hell for all he knew it was a watchdog of the camp just foraging for scraps.
  628. "I am not a murderer, that was justice taking place." It was their answer towards Thalia, "He had obviously killed before, he even attacked us." Their voice had grown slightly cold as it seemed both Keitaro and Thalia turned against him.
  630. As soon as Keitaro turned to walk towards the camp, he was also spoken to, "Who are you to decide who lives? I saw multiple bodies there, killed by bandits, which this man might have said he was a 'scavenger', but when you caught him he was running to this very cave system." Even as they spoke however, he quietly moved to go beside Thorin.
  631. (Eshmun Hirai)
  632. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  634. [22:37] Eshmun Hirai whispers something.
  635. [22:37] Eshmun Hirai whispers something.
  636. [22:42] A furrow was only spared.
  638. "Because clearly you're capable of looking into past of the people and make an assessment out of first few minutes."
  640. "Clearly, the only way to resort to justice is also to kill the offender. Go on, lecture me more about your 'justice' - which is nothing else but an excuse to murder. Give me more excuses to justify yourself, you'll need it."
  642. A frustrated sigh.
  644. "And then they wonder why Agartha is in endless bloodshed."
  646. But this would be a matter to deal with later; still, there's a certain degree of disdain that Keitaro experiences about this all, and he only goes to look around the camp for a safe way in.
  648. Disregarding the conflict for now, he gets on with the task.
  649. (Keitaro)
  650. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  652. [22:42] "Who are you that gets to decide who dies?"
  654. The question is, in short order, turned around on him as she twists around. Departing was, for lack of a better way to put it, the better stance to take here. "You were just looking to kill something when everyone's backs were turned." It was as simple as that. It wasn't 'justice' to her, it was being opportunistic.
  656. "You saw multiple bodies and rummaged through their stuff." She felt sick. Someone just died because a person wanted to.
  658. "You'll probably kill again, too, when someone shouldn't die. I won't be a part of it."
  660. She'd say she was sorry, but she wasn't. It was compromising herself, her integrity, and more. So, so much more.
  662. "Maybe next time you'll think and talk about it with a group before acting like you know what 'justice' means."
  664. And with that, she'd move tomake her way out of the cavern. It was as simple as that.
  665. (Thalia Elisheva)
  666. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  668. [22:43] Eshmun Hirai says, "Just like he talked about it with the group to release the man from his shackles and send him off."
  669. [22:44] Keitaro says, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that upholding an agreement is as bad as murdering someone with a backstab."
  670. [22:44] Keitaro says, "I'll be more considerate next time."
  671. [22:44] Eshmun Hirai says, "That'd be good."
  672. [22:45] Eshmun Hirai whispers something.
  673. [22:45] Eshmun Hirai asks, "Onwards with the hunt?"
  674. [22:45] Eshmun Hirai says, "I don't plan to explain all reasonings with people who won't listen, or care."
  675. [22:45] Keitaro is busy searching for the routes to the tent of the apparent boss.
  676. (Keitaro)
  677. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  679. [22:45] Thalia is still leaving.
  680. (Thalia Elisheva)
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