

Dec 23rd, 2016
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  1. Today me and my team were happily enjoying the basewars server, until TimothyMcGee started raiding us with the help of Thaswift, during this raid TimothyMcGee failed to see a random player that was nevar of the teams, he joined their raid helping them kill us and spawn camping us until they finished raiding us, he also noclipped into our base to skip having to break any of the walls we made, there are going to be plenty of reports very similar to this as it happened to my entire team, this lost us lots of money and time that we spent on the base, I hope this behaviour is swiftly sorted out as this should not be applicable on a public server, I am sorry there is no picture evidence of this occurring this is due to it happening so quickly,
  3. Thank you for your time, I hope this problem is sorted quickly as it has ruined mine and serveral other peoples time on the server.
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