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a guest
Apr 3rd, 2015
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  1. changelog:
  2. 03/04/15: Alpha 10
  3. New Additions:
  4. - New overworld song
  6. Changes:
  7. - Ballista interaction is toggleable
  8. - Can fire ballista in zoom mode with the E key
  9. - Default guild name now includes players name
  11. Bug Fixes:
  12. - Minor GUI performance improvements.
  13. - Whitelist now gets the current name of each known player on reload.
  14. - Whitelist notes are now properly updated when a player is re-assigned to the list.
  15. - The Ancient Crown can no longer be duplicated by dropping it from its armor slot.
  16. - Chat flooding now silences a player for a few seconds.
  17. - Improved the applying of character data to remove color flashing when you update your character, loadyour character, respawn, or equip armor.
  18. - Fixed Torches breaking when extinguished by water
  19. - Several sound tweaks and fixes
  20. - Character voice should load more reliably
  21. - Guild Banner should update more reliably
  22. - Animation Gestures while holding a bow should work properly
  23. - All songs have a more normalized volume level
  24. - Kings Chests arent floating anymore
  25. - Can more easily hit resource nodes
  26. - Can't build directly around resource nodes
  27. - Crests should recover properly from server restarts
  28. - Made third person on bows shoot closer to the crosshair
  29. - Weapons will collide with a wall when you swing while pressed up against one, rather than harmlessly passing through it
  31. Design Changes:
  32. - Sod blocks now take 5 dirt to craft (was 10).
  33. - Thatch blocks now take 5 sticks to craft (was 10).
  34. - Clay blocks now take 10 clay to craft (was 20), and have 1500 HP (was 2000 HP).
  35. - Stick blocks now take 10 sticks to craft (was 20), and have 1500 HP (was 2000 HP).
  36. - Wood blocks not take 30 wood to craft (was 40).
  37. - Log blocks now take 70 wood to craft (was 80).
  38. - Cobble stone blocks now take 30 stone to craft (was 35).
  39. - Stone slab now requires 2 charcoal (was 1), 4 water and 60 stone (was 50) to craft.
  40. - Ballista now requires 25 flax (was 30) 10 iron ingots (was 500) and 500 wood to craft (was 5).
  41. - Batch of ten ballista bolts now requires 25 flax (was 80), 200 wood and 2 iron ingots (was steel ingots) to craft.
  42. - Trebuchet now requires 50 flax (was 100), 2000 wood (was 1200) and 25 iron ingots to craft.
  43. - Trebuchet stone now requires 50 stone (was 150) to craft.
  44. - Iron bar windows now cost 2 iron ingots (was 4) to craft.
  45. - Stone slit window not cost 1 clay and 1 stone slab to craft (was 20 stone).
  46. - Wood shutters now cost 30 wood (was 10) to craft.
  47. - Nourishment update, the amount that hydration drops when moving has been reduced significantly.
  48. - Bent Horn now requires 10 bone and 5 iron (was 1) to craft.
  49. - Guillotine now requires 250 wood and 4 steel ingots (was 8) to craft.
  50. - Large iron hanging cage now requires 90 iron ingots (was 100) to craft.
  51. - Steel cage now requires 95 steel ingots (was 120 iron ingots) to craft.
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