
Dark Heresy Tarot Reading

Mar 14th, 2017
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  1. (5)Past: This card is behind the query’s subject. It is the current from which he or she is passing away, and it may be the past of the matter.
  3. Three of Swords:Three swords piercing a heart; cloud and rain behind.
  5. Removal, absence, delay, division, rupture, dispersion, and all that the design signifies naturally, being too simple and obvious to call for specific enumeration.
  8. (3)Ideal/Goal: This card crowns the query’s subject. It represents (i) the best that he or she can arrive at; or (ii) his or her ideal in the matter; (iii) what he or she wants to make their own; (iv) but it is not his or hers at present.
  10. King of Wands: The physical and emotional nature to which this card is attributed is dark, ardent, lithe, animated, impassioned, noble. The King uplifts a flowering wand, and wears, like his three correspondences in the remaining suits, what is called a cap of maintenance beneath his crown. He connects with the symbol of the lion, which is emblazoned on the back of his throne.
  12. Dark man, friendly, countryman, generally married, honest and conscientious. The card always signifies honesty, and may mean news concerning an unexpected heritage to fall in before very long. Generally favourable; may signify a good marriage.
  14. (1)The Present/Question: This card covers the query’s subject. This is the person or thing’s general environment at the time, the influence with which he or she is actuated all through.
  16. Queen of Pentacles - reversed: The face suggests that of a dark woman, whose qualities might be summed up in the idea of greatness of soul; she has also the serious cast of intelligence; she contemplates her symbol and may see worlds therein.
  18. Evil, suspicion, suspense, fear, mistrust. An illness.
  21. (2) Obstacles: This card is the obstacles of the query’s subject. If it is a favorable card, it will be something good in itself, but not productive of good in the particular connection.
  22. Temperance - reversed
  24. Things connected with churches, religions, sects, the priesthood, sometimes even the priest who will marry the Querent; also disunion, unfortunate combinations, competing interests.
  27. (4)What the Character Has to Make Use Of: This card is beneath the query’s subject. It is his or her own – that which he or she have to work with and can use.
  29. Five of Wands: A posse of youths, who are brandishing staves, as if in sport or strife. It is mimic warfare, and hereto correspond the divinatory meanings.
  31. Imitation, as, for example, sham fight, but also the strenuous competition and struggle of the search after riches and fortune. In this sense it connects with the battle of life. Hence some attributions say that it is a card of gold, gain, opulence.
  33. (6)Current Situation: This card is before the query’s subject. It is the current that is coming into action and will operate in the specific matter.
  35. The World:
  37. Assured success, recompense, voyage, route, emigration, flight, change of place.
  40. (10)What Will Come: This card represents what will come. It is on this card that you should concentrate your intuitive powers and your experience, in light of what you have divined from the other cards on the table.
  42. Two of Swords - reversed: A hoodwinked female figure balances two swords upon her shoulders.
  44. Imposture, falsehood, duplicity, disloyalty. Dealings with Rogues.
  46. (9)Your Hopes And Fears: This card signifies the querent’s hopes and fears.
  47. Knight of Swords: He is riding in full course, as if scattering his enemies. In the design he is really a prototypical hero of romantic chivalry. He might almost be Galahad, whose sword is swift and sure because he is clean of heart.
  49. Skill, bravery, capacity, defence, address, enmity, wrath, war, destruction, opposition, resistance, ruin. There is therefore a sense in which the card signifies death, but it carries this meaning only in its proximity to other cards of fatality. A soldier, man of arms, satellite, stipendiary; heroic action predicted for soldier.
  51. (8)Your House/Environment: This card signifies the querent’s house, his or her environment in the affair; the influence, people and events around the querent.
  53. Ace of Swords - reversed: A hand issues from a cloud, grasping a sword, the point of which is encircled by a crown.
  55. Reverse of triumph, the excessive degree in everything, conquest, triumph of force. It is a card of great force, in love as well as in hatred. The crown may carry a much higher significance than comes usually within the sphere of fortune-telling. The results are disastrous; another account says--conception, childbirth, augmentation, multiplicity. Marriage broken off, for a woman, through her own imprudence.
  57. (7)The Character: This card signifies the querent, his or her attitude and relation to the matter.
  59. The Emperor - reversed
  61. Benevolence, compassion, credit; also confusion to enemies, obstruction, immaturity.
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