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a guest
Mar 26th, 2015
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  1. >The sun in shining over Vale's town square today as people rush back and forth across a wide courtyard lined with shops of every variety.
  2. >A fussy girl is being dragged through the crowd by her hand towards a shop in the corner of the courtyard.
  3. "No, Daddy! I don't want to go! I wanna go to the Velvet Boutique and talk to the people there! This isn't fair!"
  4. >The father stops and looks over his shoulder at the small child trying to pull away from his grasp and heaves a sigh.
  5. >He turns around and kneels down to her level. The massive bags under his eyes underlie a sense of immense exhaustion as he looks at his fidgety little girl.
  6. "Coco.. You need to do this just to humor me... You just got accepted to Signal! That's a pretty bid deal, Kiddo. And if you're going to go, then this is something you should think about. Just go in with me for a few minutes..?"
  7. >Coco purses her lips and looks away from her father.
  8. "I don't want to go to Signal! I only got in because of you. I don't want to be a hunter! Why can't I just wear nice clothes?"
  9. >The man shifts a little from one side to another.
  10. "I might have helped a little.. But the teachers told me that they saw a lot of potential when they talked to you. You managed to impress them quite a bit despite being so against wanting to go. And besides.. Being a huntress is a big important job, and some really cool people besides your dad trained to be one!"
  11. >Coco glares over her sunglasses at her father. Giving a confusing angry puppy dog look.
  12. "Okay, kiddo, I'll make a deal with you. Come in with me for five minutes. If you behave then i'll take you back to the shop. Sound fair?"
  13. >The little girl crosses her arms and looks away.
  14. "Fine..."
  15. >Coco and her father start walking towards the back corner of the square.
  16. "Here we are!"
  17. >Massive lettering in the window reads "Vale Arms and Ammunition: The diamond standard for protection."
  18. >A cheap tin bell over the door lets out a weak chime as Coco and her father enter the store front.
  19. >The second Coco enters the store, she can't help but grimace as she looks at the firearms mounted on the walls.
  20. >Her attention then moves to the glass display cases holding hundreds of handguns.
  21. >Drab and muted colors everywhere: dirty grays and dingy browns as far as the eye can see.
  22. >She can't help but sigh in disappointment.
  23. "Mr. Adel! Welcome back. It's been quite a while. What bring you around today?"
  24. >The shopkeeper appears from behind a rack of rifles and comes over to shake Mr. Adel's hand.
  25. "Afternoon, This one just got accepted into Signal. And we just stopped by so she would start thinking of ideas for weapon. Say hi, Coco."
  26. >He looks down to Coco and smiles.
  27. "Well congratulations. You must be very proud of yourself."
  28. >Coco crosses her arms and sneers, turning away from the shop keep.
  29. "Coco... Why don't we walk around a bit and see if there's anything that you'd like?"
  30. >Coco is pulls away from the shop keep and looks over the entire collection.
  31. >Shotguns, swords, rifles, a huge variety of pole arms, the shop appeared to have it all.
  32. >Except style.
  33. >The little girl heaves a disappointed sigh.
  34. >Was this the kind of stuff she'd have to use if she was a huntress?
  35. "See anything you like, Kiddo?"
  36. >Coco glares back at her father, disapproving of his forced upbeat tone.
  37. "Alright Coco.. Lets get out of here. Just let me buy something."
  38. >Mr. Adel grabs a few boxes of ammo from a shelf and approaches the shopkeeper again.
  39. "That's all, Mr. Adel? You couldn't find anything for Little Missy over here?"
  40. "Not today. We were just here in hopes that she gets a few ideas for weapons if she goes to Signal.
  41. "Is that so?"
  42. >The shop keep looks down to Coco and gives her a friendly look.
  43. "Why is everything you have in here so ugly!?"
  44. >That friendly look turns immediately to surprise.
  45. "Coco!!"
  46. >Mr. Adel forces his lips into a tight smile as he looks over to the shop keep who looks at him awkwardly.
  47. >The shop keep pauses for a second and looks down at the pouting Coco.
  48. "So.. You're looking for something more... Flashy and stylish?"
  49. >Coco blows out her cheeks and glares at the shop keeper and gives him a nod.
  50. "huh.. Wait here for a moment. I think I have something in mind.
  51. >The Shopkeep walks to the other end of the display case and picks up the phone.
  52. >Coco's father immediately turns to Coco and kneels back down to her level and angrily whispers to her.
  53. "Coco! What were you thinking? I don't care if you're less than thrilled to be here. That's no excuse to be so rude!"
  54. "I don't care! I never wanted to come here. And I can't help it if everything he sells looks so ugly.."
  55. >Mr. Adel tightens his jaw in frustration.
  56. "Well you can forget going to La-"
  57. >He hears the shop keep hangs up the phone and start back towards him. Stopping him mid-sentence as he straightens himself and faces the keep.
  58. "I'm so sorry.. She's still a little-"
  59. "Please. Don't worry about it."
  60. >He turns to Coco and smirks slightly.
  61. "You're looking for something more.. fashionable, right? Why don't you come back here with me?"
  62. >The shopkeeper opens the door to behind the counter and gestures for Coco and her father to come to the back.
  63. >Mr. Adel follow the shop keep to the back of the store.
  64. >Machining equipment, work benches, drawing boards, and a cork few cork boards line the walls.
  65. "When did you start doing custom orders? You never mentioned having a mod shop back here.
  66. >The three of them come to an immense stainless steel door. The Shopkeep pulls out his keys.
  67. "Oh. the vast majority of this stuff isn't mine."
  68. >He inserts the key in the slot, unlocks the door to what sounds like a tune of 9 locks with the single key, and pulls the door open.
  69. "It's my wife's. Now lets find out if this stuff is more your style."
  70. >Coco peers into the room and slowly enters.
  71. >Her eyes light up in glee as she enters the room and sees what's inside.
  72. >The walls are lined with intricate and beautifully colored weapons.
  73. >She rushes over to a white and sky blue pike. Hand-done engravings run up the pole and onto the blade.
  74. >She then turns her attention elsewhere.
  75. >A pair of dark green and brown gauntlets with runes carved around the wrist.
  76. >Suddenly all Coco can thing of is how each weapon can go with various clothes from her incredibly diverse wardrobe.
  77. >Coco peers upward and her mind goes completely blank.
  78. >Mounted to the wall above her is a full sized Machine gun.
  79. >Machine gun based on a MG42. The metal is a matte black with gold engraving alone the barrel shroud and the top of the receiver.
  80. >The Engraving on the side reads "From Lana with love," with a pair of lips next to it.
  81. "Yeah.. She made that one just for me. It's gorgeous isn't it?"
  82. >Coco turns around and loops at the man with amazement and nods.
  83. >Footsteps echo from the hallway leading to the door, and someone shouts something.
  84. "It's a damn shame it hasn't seen the light of day in months!!"
  85. >A feminine figure approaches the room and leans against the doorway.
  86. >Coco stares at the doorway in amazement.
  87. >A pair of red high heels with a gold broach in the front.
  88. >Hip-hugging black pencil skirt.
  89. >A supremely tailored low-cut double-breasted jacket with a red dress shirt underneath.
  90. "M-M-Miss Lana..?"
  91. "Hi Coco."
  92. She walks over to Coco with a friendly smile, looking down to her.
  93. "Did you.. Really make all of these?"
  94. >The beauty nods
  95. "But.. How..? I thought you only did clothing!"
  96. "I learned when I was training to be a Huntress.
  97. "YOU were a huntress?! But.. I thought.."
  98. >Lana cocks her brow and smiles a little wider.
  99. "That clothes was all I never did? Not at all."
  100. >Coco looks across the room, still unable to take in all the masterpieces surrounding her.
  101. "Listen Coco, I used to be a lot like you once. All I wanted was model and live life in the limelight. Go to boutiques and shop. Talk with the owners about the newest trends. And when I was forced to Signal, I was miserable.
  102. >The little girl looks up to her, awestruck.
  103. "How though? What'd you do to make it better?"
  104. >Lana glances over to the shopkeeper.
  105. "I became determined to make the best of it. When I met a certain boy who had a skill for invention and smithing things started turning around. I learned how to design weapons and fight grimm with elegance. After I graduated, we both opened shop to sell our wares."
  106. >Coco takes a moment to pick her jaw up from the ground and start looks down, nervous.
  107. "And.. Do you think.. I could ever be like you?"
  108. >Lana gives Coco a friendly smile and gives kneels down to her.
  109. "When you come into my shop, you radiate boundless confidence in yourself. If you bring that same unyielding confidence to being a huntress, I have no doubt that you can.
  110. >Coco's eyes are alight with happiness as the huntress rights herself.
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