

Jun 25th, 2014
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  13. "title": "[MAP] Updates potted plants and assistant spawn locations + more stuff!!",
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  33. "body": "- Added DEEP LORE descriptions to almost all the unique potted plants.\r\n- Made the engineering potted plants and solars potted plants glow a tiny bit for when engineering's lights get blown out **AGAIN**\r\n- Moved some potted plants around, added some more. It's still not plantstation13, tho.\r\n- Fixed cargo plants not being on the right layer, you can hide behind them now.\r\n- Moved assistant spawn locations all over the map, so now they can spawn all over instead of tool storage where they kill each other or mass suicide.\r\n\r\nThe 'spawning all over' change was one suggested and discussed on the forums, but if it's one nobody likes I will revert it. It seems like a good change from 'everyone spawn in tool storage and blow each other up', though. Yes, there are spawns in the bar!!",
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