

Nov 25th, 2016
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  1. [[DISEASE]]
  2. >>Description
  3. ==Cure
  5. [[Swine Flu]]
  6. >>Makes the sinuses inflamed and overproduce mucus in the nasal passage and the lungs. Induces itchy skin and fever that some patients insist on curing with mudbaths. Afflicted also "snort and honk" regularly to try and instinctually assuage the nasal aches
  7. ==Keeping the afflicted clean and cool to start. Nasal irrigation to rid the passage of excess mucus, saline soultion to rehydrate passages, and a healthy dose of salt pork to disrupt the infection.
  9. [[Glue Worm]]
  10. >>Worm that latches onto the skin and picks up debris to shield itself while it embeds in the skin and attempts to propagate. Once the eggs are laid, it will detatch, leaving a thin layer of 'skin' on the afflicted. If the 'skin' breaks, the eggs hatch, and the target releases a new batch of worms.
  11. ==Heat the affected area up quickly and catch any escaping worms. Avoid cold, as it will cause the worms to burrow deeper.
  13. [[Druid's Kiss]]
  14. >>A small flower that embeds in the soft tissues and spreads its roots painfully before blooming and releasing spores that grow more. Can be symbiotic and grant the user some extra faculties.
  15. == Cut the bud and begin to chill the area consistently using a liquid nitrogen pad. disallow any sunlight to the roots for about a week, and the roots will fall out.
  17. [[Stache Infection]]
  18. >>Large tufts of black or brown fur grow all over the body, mainly the face. Largely harmless, but can be a discomfort or an annoyance
  19. ==Shave afflicted areas and cover with a cursed candle wax to draw the latent magical power out of the affected area. Also cures itself over time as the magical energy dissipates
  21. [[Chain Letter]]
  22. >>Ethereal chains visible only to those with truesight. these wrap around the afflicted and their organs, weighing them down over time.
  23. ==break the chains using a spell, or encourage the afflicted to exercise frequently to loosen the chains and manually dispel the energy. avoid staying still at all costs.
  25. [[D4]]
  26. >>a large magical mass gathers clouds and condenses them over the afflicted, causing a torrent of rain and intermittent lightning. caused frequently by base level mages making erroneous spells or curse plants.
  27. ==pegasus weather patrol guard to bust clouds as the magical energy field is examined by a magus to determine its source and how to best untangle it.
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