
Undertale - Coda Part 7

Dec 18th, 2015
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  1. “So, Frisk.” Toriel folded her reading glasses into their case and snapped it shut, placing it on the table neatly. “What have you been up to, lately?”
  3. Sleeping with your son. It took me less than 24 hours to get off the plane and into his pants. My desire for him is strong enough that we had to interrupt it in order to come to this meal. I’m terrified that you can tell, and the longer I stare at you like a deer caught in headlights, the more incriminating it looks. I would give almost literally anything to be back up in our hotel room with Asriel right now. But instead, I’m stuck here, and now I have to make small talk and pretend that everything is fine and all I can think about is the fact that I’ve been sleeping with your son.
  5. “Oh. You know. Busy… with work.”
  7. “Yeah!” Asriel interjected. “Frisk has been… Very busy with work. And… I’ve been on tour! So, the both of us, getting busy.”
  9. “With work.”
  11. “Yes. Work.”
  13. Toriel exchanged a glance with Asgore. He shrugged and went back to trying to read the menu, muttering under his breath as he struggled with the french pronounciation.
  15. “I see. I read recently that you met with several officials in Russia, looking to resettle some of the more cold inclined monsters. How was it?”
  17. “It was… cold.” Frisk shrugged, struggling to find appropriate words. “You couldn’t really tell who was a monster and who was a human, everyone was so bundled up. They served a lot of stews.”
  19. “Ooh, stew. Wonder if they have any of that here.”
  21. “I don’t think that stew features heavily in cuisine française, dear.”
  23. “T-the what?”
  25. “French cooking.”
  27. “Ooooh. That’s a shame. Maybe they do burgers, then.”
  29. Asriel sighed in frustration. “Just order the snails, dad.”
  31. “We always get snails when we go out, though! Also, I don’t know which one of these is french for snails.” Toriel reached over and pointed on the menu. “Eees car got? Huh. You learn something new every day.”
  33. “Perhaps you should order using the menu number, dear. A small mercy for the waiter.”
  35. “You’re right, as per usual.” Asgore put the menu down and leaned forward, looking at Asriel and Frisk. “Anyway. I saw the photos of your last concert, Asriel. It was full! I’m very proud of you, being able to draw such a crowd.”
  36. “Oh, thanks! I uh, I guess I’m getting pretty popular.”
  38. “It’s no wonder you met someone, with so many new people around.” Asgore said with a smile. Toriel glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. Asriel went bright red. Frisk tried not to panic and failed.
  40. “Um. Uh. I, I d-don’t know what you’re talking about.” Asriel’s voice wavered.
  42. “Oh, you can’t hide it from me, son. I was a kid once as well, you know! You’ve got that little spring in your step, that sparkle in your eye.”
  44. “That mortified, guilty expression.” Toriel murmured to herself, shaking her head at her husband’s lack of tact.
  46. Asriel looked like he was going to pass out, or even worse, confess. Frisk considered the options and realised there was only one way to avoid total disaster. It was risky, but they were up against the wall.
  48. “Come on Az, you might as well come clean.”
  50. “R-really?” He looked at Frisk with a mix of horror and confusion.
  52. “Yeah. Tell them about…” Crystal. Eugiene. Mary. Sarah. Florida. Muffet? “Tasha. She seems nice, so you might as well.”
  54. Asriel blinked once. “Tasha.”
  56. Toriel raised an eyebrow. “Tasha?”
  58. Asgore sat up straight. “Oooh, I know a Tasha. Is she nice, Asriel?”
  60. “She’s… A fan? We met… At the show… Three weeks ago?”
  62. “Yeah. Az was worried you two wouldn’t like her, so I came to town to check her out on your behalf.”
  64. “I thought you came to visit because of Asriel’s night terrors.” Toriel looked suspicious.
  66. “There were multiple reasons to come visit.”
  68. “So, where is she? Is she here? Oh, I can’t wait to say howdy!” Asgore looked so pleased, he’d been a human fanatic ever since he no longer needed to kill them on sight.
  70. Asriel rallied. “Oh, she had to leave town. For some conservation work that she needed to do. In Africa. Um, Antarctica, I mean. Gonna be out there for the next six months, at least.”
  72. “Yes! Which is a shame because she was very nice.” Frisk beamed with false confidence.
  74. “And so you came in to vet her on our behalf, Frisk?”
  76. “...Yes!”
  78. “Yesterday.”
  80. “...Yes?”
  82. “On the day she was leaving for the south pole for a six month conservationist project.”
  84. Frisk and Asriel looked at each other.
  86. “And she had no problems with Frisk sleeping in your bed to help soothe your nightmares.”
  88. Asgore rubbed his chin. “Huh. That was awfully bad timing. Nice that she’s so tolerant of your needs though, son. She seems like a catch!” Toriel gave Asgore a withering look. He shrunk back a little. “I know that look. It means I’ve missed something important.” He looked pensive for a moment. “Hmmm. Waaait. Maybe… Oh. Oh! It’s not pronounced Eees car got! Thaaat’s why you want me to order with the menu number.”
  90. Everyone stared at Asgore in various states of disbelief. He cleared his throat. “Oooor. It could be something else.”
  92. “Our son is lying to us about having a girlfriend, dear.”
  94. “Oh ok. Then who has he been sleeping with?”
  96. Toriel turned to look at Asriel, who squirmed on the spot, making faint straining noises.
  98. “Me. Sorry, I wasn’t sure how you would react.”
  100. After a moment, Frisk realised that it was Frisk who had said that. Huh.
  102. Toriel leaned forward and held a hand up to her mouth. “You have a hickey on your neck, dear.”
  104. Frisk slumped a little in their seat. Played like an idiot by a potentially centuries old goat monster.
  106. “Well, I am disappointed in the both of you.”
  108. Here it came. While Frisk had never been officially adopted by the Dreemurrs, they had considered Frisk to be part of the family for many years. Such a relationship was inappropriate, not to mention a gigantic conflict of interests. Frisk’s days as ambassador were done, and worse, they’d never see Asriel again. Everything was terrible and Asriel was about to open his mouth and start an argument with his own parents and everything was spiraling out of control and-
  110. “You should have told us right away. How are we supposed to celebrate properly without prior warning?”
  112. Frisk’s internal panic monologue, which had been spinning up to a hurricane, petered out into disbelieving shock. “W-wait, what?”
  114. Asgore clapped his hands together. “Right! About bloody time, then. Anyone seen the waiter? Let’s get us some champagne.”
  116. “They did buy us wine, dear.”
  118. “Ehh, it’s middle shelf at best. Let’s crack open something nice! We’ve both been waiting a looooong time for this.”
  120. “Y-you have?” Asriel was lightly gripping the table to steady himself. “Why?”
  122. Asgore reached across the table and patted Asriel on the hand gently. “Son. Frisk here moved heaven and earth for you, for longer than most people live. They did the impossible and brought you back to us, but we knew from the outset that it wasn’t just for our sakes. You don’t go that far out of your way for someone just because you feel a little guilty.”
  124. “Honestly, we were worried you were going to wait too long, Frisk. You two have always been good together, you’ve always needed one another, one way or another.”
  126. “Huh. Well, I suppose that’s a relief.” Frisk felt light headed. Relief? Shock? Three glasses of wine on an empty stomach? It was probably all of them.
  128. For one very beautiful moment, Frisk’s world was entirely without problems.
  130. “So, when are you two getting married?”
  132. “Gorey! Give them a little bit of time to breathe before you start angling for grandkids!” Toriel chuckled as she said it.
  134. “MUM, DAD, GOD!”
  136. ***
  138. It was several hours later. The hallway was tilting underneath Frisk, and Asriel was next to them. They were leaning against one another, trying to make it back to the hotel room. Champagne, wine, and then some high shelf whiskey to top it off. A celebration fit for a king, with roughly six times Frisk’s body mass.
  140. Frisk grabbed for the wall and tried to fight off the sensation that the ground was trying to slip out from underneath them. Asriel was saying something, patting his pockets. Key for the room, probably a good plan. Frisk produced it from a pocket and Asriel went to grab it. He missed the first two times and then managed to snatch it, fumbling to put it into the lock. Oh, they were in front of the hotel room. When did that happen?
  142. It was a good thing the door was self closing because neither of them were in a state to clean up after themselves or close things. The two of them left a small trail of destruction through the hotel room, discarded clothing ending up strewn nearly everywhere. After a short trip to the bathroom and a large glass of water each, they crawled into bed together, too tired and drunk to do anything but snuggle and sleep.
  144. Darkness came. It thought that the two of them were a cute couple as it smiled down on them.
  146. This would be fun.
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