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Feb 21st, 2018
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  1. [22:37:57] <Instigator> Actually, a question.
  2. [22:40:01] <Instigator> What might... Akert be doing on this quest of his, prior to meeting the party? Just a small passing fluff snippet, but I don't actually have ideas. Whereas I could mention the heretek's lab coming under assault and the Slaaneshi trying to be the center of attention at, say, some manner of party or similar, I don't know what task he might be caught in the middle of. Best I could do was some manner of isolation in, say, a forest or perhaps decrepit city.
  3. [22:47:10] <Dolores> Likely the latter.
  4. [22:47:48] <Dolores> Though the former is possible, if he was seeking out possible sources of dark knowledge.
  5. [22:48:23] <Instigator> Ah, so still sorcerery things.
  6. [22:48:36] <Dolores> he is still trying to get back on Tzeentch's good side.
  7. [22:49:25] <Instigator> Yes.
  8. [22:50:36] <Dolores> Though the guilt he continues to experience is rather crippling on its own. Where did you get a forest and decrepit city?
  9. [22:50:50] <Instigator> Well.
  10. [22:51:08] <Instigator> The idea was just something along the lines of the desire to strip away his humanity.
  11. [22:51:36] <Instigator> ...Perhaps he might accomplish this through some manner of forced isolation away from people.
  12. [22:52:26] <Instigator> Though he might always wish to be the social butterfly that his new slaaneshi companion will likely be! Perhaps with the intent to inur himself people.
  13. [22:54:09] <Dolores> So he ended up some sort of forest hermit that ventures into town only to investigate rumors and gather supplies?
  14. [22:54:31] <Instigator> It was supposed to be again, only a passing mention.
  15. [22:55:51] <Dolores> This works well enough as a transitory position for him, if he happened to find a large temple or library in ruins or forest connected or adjacent to a larger city and had isolated himself to study its contents before leaving.
  16. [22:56:28] <Instigator> And then amboosh and stasis grenade. Excellent.
  17. [22:56:54] <Instigator> Just a small snippet of how they may've found themselves in their current position, really.
  18. [23:01:17] <Instigator> So that I may commit one of the cardinal sins of GMing.
  19. [23:01:27] <Dolores> Hm?
  20. [23:01:33] <Instigator> Waking up in a prison.
  21. [23:01:52] <Dolores> Ah, robbing us of our starting gear.
  22. [23:01:58] <Instigator> To a degree, yes.
  23. [23:02:32] <Instigator> I'm uncertain how to approach the issue of your armor.
  24. [23:02:55] <Instigator> In the sample adventure, you are not as under as much pressure as you might be in what I have planned.
  25. [23:03:44] <Instigator> As I understand, it takes quite a while for an astartes to strap theirs on.
  26. [23:04:32] <Dolores> Considering the uncertain nature of the contents of this sorcerer's armor, you could just as easily freeze him whole in a block of ice and let the other two come upon him later on in their escape.
  27. [23:05:01] <Instigator> The idea being that you would be awakening from stasis pods in an Imperial vessel.
  28. [23:05:29] <Instigator> They might wish to pry you from it. Then again they might lack the proper tools, whatever those are. Though a flimsy answer all the same... eh.
  29. [23:05:36] <Dolores> I rather like the block of ice idea better, but why would we be in stasis pods?
  30. [23:05:58] <Dolores> if we were in imperial custody, wouldn't it be easier for them to simply kill us?
  31. [23:06:35] <Instigator> Transportation to an Inquisitorial outpost for interrogation before execution.
  32. [23:08:03] <Dolores> Really now.
  33. [23:09:18] <Dolores> "A tzeentch sorcerer, a slaaneshi hermaphrodite, and a heretek. We should capture them alive, surely these specific servants of chaos have useful information"
  34. [23:09:32] <Instigator> inorite.
  35. [23:10:10] <Instigator> The sorcerer could be intended for a radical, the Slaaneshi for a green interrogator to test the proper tools upon, and the heretek a favor to the Mechanicus.
  36. [23:10:24] <Dolores> I would think that this is precisely the combination of people any sane imperial servant would try to avoid listening to at all costs.
  37. [23:11:26] <Instigator> The characters themselves might not particularly be interested in their would-be fates, or even truly never learn of what was intended for them.
  38. [23:12:24] <Instigator> There are psychic methods to determine of a character is telling a lie, though he has fallen from favor surely one could glean quite a bit from Akert.
  39. [23:12:32] <Instigator> Er, not a character. A person.
  40. [23:16:58] <Dolores> And here I had thought we had been captured by other forces of chaos.
  41. [23:17:00] <Instigator> Would you prefer that they have no actual motivations for their actions other than pure spite? Perhaps they might very well fit him with a culexus assassin handler to prevent him from taking any psychic actions as he is shuffled from one heart-rending social event to another.
  42. [23:19:21] <Instigator> If you are to be captured by other forces of chaos, who would want to cross the... warlord or whomever strong enough to capture a pair of astartes and a heretek?
  43. [23:19:44] <Dolores> Other warlords?
  44. [23:19:53] <Dolores> aspiring champions?
  45. [23:20:01] <Dolores> "Whoops I unleashed a bloodthirster" ?
  46. [23:20:20] <Dolores> It is chaos, unlike the Imperium of man, it doesn't maintain a pretense of sanity
  47. [23:20:29] <Instigator> No, but it does have rules.
  48. [23:20:42] <Dolores> Chaos? Rules?
  49. [23:20:43] <Instigator> Often ones along the lines of "I'm strong. Fuck off if you want to challenge me."
  50. [23:21:07] <Dolores> Well we had been ambushed, yes?
  51. [23:21:29] <Instigator> Yes.
  52. [23:21:57] <Dolores> There is no need for whoever responsible to be pa- The more I think of this, the less I care, do whatever you please.
  53. [23:22:55] <Instigator> You don't care?
  54. [23:23:15] <Dolores> Not enough to change the GM's mind on the issue.
  55. [23:23:27] <Instigator> Well, I am interested in hearing what you have to say.
  56. [23:26:33] <Dolores> Do whatever you wish.
  57. [23:26:39] <Instigator> ...Okay.
  58. [23:40:11] <Dolores> It is your game, I am simply a player. If you were receptive to the idea of changing details that you had already determined, you would have approached someone sooner.
  59. [23:40:31] <Instigator> Yes because you can tell me what to do!
  60. [23:41:22] <Instigator> Just wished to hear and test your suggestion to see if it is more feasible or perhaps might put the group in a better position to have more fun or similar.
  61. [23:41:35] <Dolores> Do whatever you wish.
  62. [23:41:53] <Dolores> It is likely healthier if I accumulate my opinions of your game in private.
  63. [23:42:24] <Instigator> Except if there were any such flaws I would be unable to act upon them if nobody were to say anything about them?
  64. [23:43:38] <Dolores> I seem to be the only one who has an issue with the specifics.
  65. [23:51:54] <Instigator> If you insist.
  66. [23:57:30] <Dolores> It is better if I do not provide input.
  67. [23:58:15] <Instigator> No?
  68. [23:58:53] <Instigator> You are quite glad to provide input when it leads to the disrobing and deflowering of a character, yet not when it might involve your sorcerer?
  69. [23:59:07] <Dolores> No, I highly doubt you are inclined to change your mind. In any case, I am going to resume making notes.
  70. [23:59:35] <Dolores> The difference is that I have neither control or choice in this situation.
  71. [00:00:21] <Instigator> That does not stop you from forming opinions about what you perceive to be stupid.
  72. [00:04:04] <Dolores> I take issue with what I feel are logical inconsistencies.
  73. [00:04:45] <Instigator> Yes?
  74. [00:04:52] <Dolores> Yes.
  75. [00:09:14] <Dolores> I am skirting around the issue because I while they trouble me, I feel that being direct about the matter will result in a bloodthirster stuffing my head into a volcano.
  76. [00:09:27] <Instigator> No, no, what is the issue?
  77. [00:10:04] <Dolores> The issue is that if I speak up I will end up murdered by a greater daemon of khorne.
  78. [00:10:35] <Instigator> Not necessarily.
  79. [00:11:02] <Dolores> So you say now.
  80. [00:11:57] <Instigator> You've my word that that outcome nor any other on it's magnitude shall come to pass. Besides, if it were to, why would you have any further reason to continue speaking with me? Or, I suppose I could just ask, yes, so I say, can't you trust me?
  81. [00:18:45] <Dolores> The safest gamble in such a situation is to express discomfort with an idea without being specific on the matter so as to avoid repercussions. If I have any luck as a player you will simply assume that my discomfort is transitory and will subside as the game progresses.
  82. [00:19:31] <Instigator> So then no you don't trust me, alrighty then.
  83. [00:19:58] <Instigator> I am sorry that I've not proven myself to boomdeblah loop de doo.
  84. [00:20:00] <Dolores> I trust you to react poorly to contrary opinions.
  85. [00:20:40] <Dolores> I would think that my interest of self preservation in your game would be indicative of a desire to play.
  86. [00:21:01] <Instigator> "I have a low opinion of you."
  87. [00:21:06] <Instigator> "I'd still like to play, however."
  88. [00:22:05] <Dolores> Rather than this strange idea you have that players wishing to play in your game should feel free to detail opinions that essentially results in suicide.
  89. [00:22:41] <Instigator> Now you're just lying.
  90. [00:24:54] <Dolores> Am I? I have never played in one of your games, I can operate only on assumptions based on previous interactions, in which you have expressed absolute vehemence when facing ideas or people you disagree with.
  91. [00:25:54] <Dolores> And when put into a position of power you have the ability to act upon your impulses without restraint.
  92. [00:26:07] <Dolores> Which, I believe, is why Bennie no longer frequents any of your channels.
  93. [00:27:25] <Dolores> Any attempts I have personally observed on your part to reach compromise were usually sarcastic in nature, and verbal abuse was swift in coming when anyone made the mistake of assuming you possessed any sincerity.
  94. [00:28:32] <Dolores> I fully believe that if I was to actually put voice to any concerns I had about this game you are wanting to run, rather than talking them out with me you would instead take offense to someone not willing to try out your ideas before complaining about them, and would simply retaliate in some suitably crude and violent manner.
  95. [00:31:35] <Dolores> This is, after all, your game, I am merely a player. From your position I have no right to 'bitch and moan' about something I have not yet experienced. I have not actually experienced your GMing, and this same basis upon which I claim to maintain caution can as easily be turned around for you to claim I have no idea whether your execution of these same troubling ideas will still be as...
  96. [00:31:36] <Dolores> ...concerning to me once I actually experience them.
  97. [00:33:09] <Dolores> Having run this exact conversation through my mind, I have decided to simply act on what I am sure the end result of the discussion would be.
  98. [00:33:23] <Dolores> "Just shut up and play, it probably won't be that bad."
  99. [00:33:53] <Dolores> So I will shrug, play in your game, and likely forget about the issue once it has passed.
  100. [00:33:55] <Instigator> Bennie wore on all of us. ALT specifically.
  101. [00:35:07] <Instigator> FQ did not like that he could not remember important details about the game he was taking part in ("What are we doing again?" repeatedly), I did not like that he did not cater to my fetishes as you do, and ALT did not like either his roleplaying style nor how he did not listen to in character orders.
  102. [00:35:39] <Instigator> ("I don't want an army." "Boss, I've found some tanks, and maybe we should get a barracks, and and and" "But what about that part where I said no army?" "Yeah fuck that, hey let's get some banewolves!")
  103. [00:40:53] <Dolores> If possible, I would like to avoid stirring up the same controversy.
  104. [00:42:42] <Instigator> <Dolores> I fully believe that if I was to actually put voice to any concerns I had about this game you are wanting to run, rather than talking them out with me you would instead take offense to someone not willing to try out your ideas before complaining about them, and would simply retaliate in some suitably crude and violent manner. <- See I don't know why you'd wish to put up with me if you truly thought this a possible outcome.
  105. [00:45:34] <Dolores> You invited me into the game.
  106. [00:45:40] <Instigator> <Dolores> Having run this exact conversation through my mind, I have decided to simply act on what I am sure the end result of the discussion would be. <- If this, or anything prior that you have stated, had any basis in reality, it would have already happened. Doubly so with regards to your insinuation of my love of verbal abuse. I have joked harshly but- goddamnit man, fuck. Now I'm doubting myself.
  107. [00:47:14] <Dolores> I was acting in an attempt to avoid that conversation, by perceiving its inevitable result and simply agreeing to it beforehand.
  108. [00:48:15] <Instigator> <Dolores> You invited me into the game. <- Then why not decline?
  109. [00:49:25] <Dolores> It would have caused further discomfort as you spent further opportunities to question why I did not accept your invitation.
  110. [00:49:37] <Dolores> Leading to something akin to the same conversation I am attempting to avoid.
  111. [00:50:26] <Instigator> By why continually avoid it if I truly wear on you so?
  112. [00:50:41] <Dolores> Because by avoiding it you will wear on me less.
  113. [00:51:13] <Instigator> But it is still not a value of zero. Just less.
  114. [00:52:36] <Dolores> That is better than most.
  115. [01:04:47] <Instigator> so you state in no uncertain terms you have faults with what I have laid before you, yet you've not offered any altneratives nor any ways that I might improve on it, yet not even hinted at what I should fix by stating what you have problems with.
  116. [01:04:50] <Instigator> Utterly fantastic.
  117. [01:05:30] <Dolores> I am not ruling out the possibility that I am the only one who takes issue.
  118. [01:05:47] <Instigator> I've not talked to this length with anyone else.
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