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May 6th, 2016
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  1. local Territory = Territories:New("grif_dr", TERRITORY_TYPE_PUBLIC, "rp_rockford_v2b")
  2. Territory.coords = {
  3. [1] = Vector(-61.9264793396, 1023.96875, 537.06518554688),
  4. [2] = Vector(2217.2526855469, 1022.2803344727, 536.03125),
  5. [3] = Vector(2224.8447265625, 4238.78125, 544.03125),
  6. [4] = Vector(2622.8178710938, 4239.5854492188, 544.03125),
  7. [5] = Vector(2832.9897460938, 4519.2055664063, 544.03125),
  8. [6] = Vector(2812.373046875, 6333.1044921875, 536.03125),
  9. [7] = Vector(2207.5954589844, 6943.96875, 537.71063232422),
  10. [8] = Vector(-2223.8474121094, 6943.4370117188, 536.03125),
  11. [9] = Vector(-2239.7175292969, 7552.2475585938, 544.00006103516),
  12. [10] = Vector(1344.03125, 7553.83984375, 538.78332519531),
  13. [11] = Vector(1345.6719970703, 7425.0708007813, 536),
  14. [12] = Vector(2175.96875, 7424.7475585938, 537.18878173828),
  15. [13] = Vector(2192.2658691406, 7440.3100585938, 544),
  16. [14] = Vector(2206.0905761719, 7441.0380859375, 544),
  17. [15] = Vector(2422.6010742188, 7419.0385742188, 544.03125),
  18. [16] = Vector(2629.0500488281, 7357.4833984375, 544.03125),
  19. [17] = Vector(2822.5678710938, 7254.806640625, 544.03125),
  20. [18] = Vector(2988.4421386719, 7116.2055664063, 544.03125),
  21. [19] = Vector(3127.2475585938, 6948.4072265625, 544.03125),
  22. [20] = Vector(3229.0405273438, 6757.1240234375, 544.03125),
  23. [21] = Vector(3290.7185058594, 6550.943359375, 544.03125),
  24. [22] = Vector(3312.6877441406, 6334.455078125, 543.98815917969),
  25. [23] = Vector(3313.7761230469, 5265.4350585938, 543.96936035156),
  26. [24] = Vector(3312.2563476563, 4717.8916015625, 543.99560546875),
  27. [25] = Vector(3313.4985351563, 1663.9976806641, 543.97424316406),
  28. [26] = Vector(3292.1208496094, 1450.6311035156, 544.03125),
  29. [27] = Vector(3229.6618652344, 1243.1088867188, 544.03125),
  30. [28] = Vector(3128.13671875, 1047.7434082031, 544.03125),
  31. [29] = Vector(2990.1062011719, 881.84460449219, 544.03125),
  32. [30] = Vector(2822.6533203125, 743.18682861328, 544.03125),
  33. [31] = Vector(2631.5004882813, 642.240234375, 544.03125),
  34. [32] = Vector(2424.0358886719, 580.93939208984, 544.03125),
  35. [33] = Vector(2209.9663085938, 557.17980957031, 544.57879638672),
  36. [34] = Vector(-61.947601318359, 554.3798828125, 536.03125)
  37. }
  38. Territory.printName = "GRIF DR"
  39. Territory.height = 500
  41. Territory.lockDoors = TERRITORY_DOOR_ACTION_DEFAULT
  42. Territory.peace = false
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