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a guest
Jun 21st, 2018
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  1. 10:17 PM - unidentified: cant sorry, I got a 4:30am start tomorrow
  2. 10:17 PM - A Porcupine: Doing?
  3. 10:17 PM - unidentified: work
  4. 10:17 PM - A Porcupine: What do you do?
  5. 10:17 PM - unidentified: Baker
  6. 10:18 PM - A Porcupine: Ahhh, bringing home the dough.
  7. 10:18 PM - unidentified: not much but yea
  8. 10:18 PM - A Porcupine: But I thought the early starts would be the yeast of your problems?
  9. 10:18 PM - unidentified: oh my
  10. 10:18 PM - A Porcupine: I think you can't do much loafing around at work.
  11. 10:19 PM - A Porcupine: Sorry for my puns. I am on a roll.
  12. 10:19 PM - unidentified: ...
  13. 10:20 PM - A Porcupine: I would expect you to be slicing up the competition.
  14. 10:21 PM - A Porcupine: I beat it's TOASTY warm next to the oven all day in Winter.
  15. 10:22 PM - A Porcupine: Sorry. =)
  16. 10:22 PM - A Porcupine: You gave me an opening and I went for it. =)
  17. 10:23 PM - unidentified: oh my god
  18. 10:23 PM - unidentified: I hurt from those
  19. 10:23 PM - unidentified: but I get it
  20. 10:24 PM - A Porcupine: Do you rise to the taks that are needed at work?
  21. 10:24 PM - unidentified: no..
  22. 10:26 PM - A Porcupine: If you ever make doggie buiscuts. Make sure you use Collie flour. =)
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