
Magical Burst: Session 3: Catfight

Dec 22nd, 2013
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Sunday, December 22, 2013
  3. 9:47 PM - Fisting, AKA, Uppercunting entered chat.
  4. 9:51 PM - Frigglicious has been invited to chat.
  5. 9:52 PM - El Contracto Por Favor?: see, this is the part where Friggle joins
  6. 9:52 PM - Fisting, AKA, Uppercunting: If he doesn't show I'm getting high and playing Civ V all night
  7. 9:53 PM - Frigglicious entered chat.
  8. 9:53 PM - Frigglicious: sup nerds
  9. 9:54 PM - El Contracto Por Favor?: kay
  10. 9:54 PM - El Contracto Por Favor?: so get on rolz nerds
  11. 9:54 PM - El Contracto Por Favor?: room is basedmadoka as per the norm
  12. 9:54 PM - Fisting, AKA, Uppercunting: Fuck
  13. 9:54 PM - El Contracto Por Favor?: you have to go do something don't you
  14. 9:55 PM - Fisting, AKA, Uppercunting: Nope
  15. 9:55 PM - Fisting, AKA, Uppercunting: Was looking forward to my backup plans
  16. 9:55 PM - Frigglicious left chat.
  17. 9:55 PM - Frigglicious entered chat.
  18. 9:55 PM - MeltingData: goddamn
  19. 9:55 PM - MeltingData: designing this metroid pnp
  20. 9:55 PM - MeltingData: is a lot of fun
  21. 9:55 PM - Frigglicious: im back hello
  22. 9:56 PM - #HashtagsAreForFaggots: Declan
  23. 9:56 PM - #HashtagsAreForFaggots: Start a call in the skype group
  24. 9:56 PM - #HashtagsAreForFaggots: I cant on my ipad
  25. 9:56 PM - Frigglicious: wait is that you ryan
  26. 9:56 PM - Frigglicious: but im listening to musics
  27. 9:56 PM - MeltingData: no its the easter bunny c:
  28. 9:56 PM - #HashtagsAreForFaggots: Yes
  29. 9:56 PM - #HashtagsAreForFaggots: Also, shh
  30. 9:56 PM - #HashtagsAreForFaggots: Do it
  31. 9:57 PM - El Contracto Por Favor? has changed their name to Gib Contract Pls.
  32. 9:57 PM - Frigglicious: but theres like ten people in that group just have someone else do it :v
  33. 9:57 PM - Gib Contract Pls: kay so name change pls
  34. 9:57 PM - Frigglicious: oh ye
  35. 9:58 PM - Frigglicious has changed their name to Eve Ishi.
  36. 9:58 PM - Eve Ishi: noosh
  37. 9:58 PM - #HashtagsAreForFaggots has changed their name to Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too.
  38. 10:00 PM - Gib Contract Pls: beep beep mother fuckers we've got some shit to slay
  39. 10:00 PM - Gib Contract Pls: now that I know how combutt works
  40. 10:00 PM - Eve Ishi: yaaay
  41. 10:01 PM - Gib Contract Pls: LET'S START THEN
  42. 10:02 PM - Eve Ishi: yaay
  43. 10:02 PM - Gib Contract Pls: so last time we stopped in the middle of combat because everyone was high or about to keel over or some other shit doesn't matter point is Eri was going first
  44. 10:02 PM - Eve Ishi: ima p real quick actually brb))
  45. 10:03 PM - Gib Contract Pls: to avoid further complications, Eri already went cloak and made her way to it
  46. 10:03 PM - Gib Contract Pls: That means it's Ryan's turn
  47. 10:04 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: Woo
  48. 10:04 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: Hmm
  49. 10:04 PM - Eve Ishi: (( backity ))
  50. 10:04 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: I run away and put a boneshield up
  51. 10:04 PM - Gib Contract Pls: we're in combat and the thing is bound and gagged because of Friggle's BDSM finisher
  52. 10:04 PM - Gib Contract Pls: reminder, it can't attack while strapped down like this
  53. 10:04 PM - Gib Contract Pls: so it's like putting up a shield against a stunned enemy
  54. 10:05 PM - Gib Contract Pls: still your choice
  55. 10:05 PM - Eve Ishi: (( :v ))
  56. 10:05 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: Oh
  57. 10:05 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: Hmm
  58. 10:05 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: Ill stab that nig
  59. 10:06 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: Running towards it obviously
  60. 10:06 PM - Gib Contract Pls: roll ye dise den
  61. 10:07 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: 2d6+6 since Im attacking with magic, correct?
  62. 10:07 PM - Gib Contract Pls: da
  63. 10:07 PM - Gib Contract Pls: then assuming it passes 8, roll 3+1d6 for damage
  64. 10:09 PM - Gib Contract Pls: now roll damage
  65. 10:09 PM - Gib Contract Pls: (this is the part where you roll)
  66. 10:10 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: I did
  67. 10:10 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: 15
  68. 10:10 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: 1 6
  69. 10:10 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: Welp
  70. 10:10 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: OC?
  71. 10:10 PM - Gib Contract Pls: yes, that was for attack
  72. 10:10 PM - Gib Contract Pls: now roll damage
  73. 10:10 PM - Gib Contract Pls: because you passed the roll
  74. 10:10 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: 5 damage
  75. 10:11 PM - Gib Contract Pls: 5 damage, then
  76. 10:11 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Youma's currently tied down by Eve's kinky sex finisher, has to pass 15 to break it
  77. 10:11 PM - Gib Contract Pls: nope
  78. 10:12 PM - Eve Ishi: (( phew that was close ))
  79. 10:12 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Eve's go~
  80. 10:12 PM - Eve Ishi: Aight how far away is the youma from Ally?
  81. 10:13 PM - Gib Contract Pls: 3 between Ally and Youma
  82. 10:14 PM - Bruce Brynes: oh hey you guys started
  83. 10:14 PM - Bruce Brynes: I've just been watchign Kamen Rider with my sis
  84. 10:15 PM - Eve Ishi: alright can I run up to Ally and pick her up?
  85. 10:15 PM - Eve Ishi: well I know I can run up to her
  86. 10:15 PM - Gib Contract Pls: you can thank our lateness on Smas not being here Ryan manually deleting every virus ever and Friggle playing Starbound
  87. 10:15 PM - Eve Ishi: very true
  88. 10:16 PM - Gib Contract Pls: You'll have to pass a strength check to lift her, but sure
  89. 10:16 PM - Eve Ishi: alright, i'll run up to Ally and attempt to pick her the frig up
  90. 10:16 PM - Eve Ishi: how do roll for strenght
  91. 10:16 PM - Sarah Salem: physical :v
  92. 10:16 PM - Gib Contract Pls: physical
  93. 10:17 PM - Eve Ishi: yeah but 1d6 + or?
  94. 10:17 PM - Gib Contract Pls: 2d6+physical
  95. 10:17 PM - Eve Ishi: mmka
  96. 10:18 PM - Eve Ishi: 12
  97. 10:18 PM - Gib Contract Pls: gj u failed
  98. 10:18 PM - Eve Ishi: crys
  99. 10:18 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Eve runs over to Ally's prone form, sliding to a stop and attempting to lift her sobbing friend, getting only as far as struggling to lift her halfway off the floor.
  100. 10:19 PM - Eve Ishi: yey
  101. 10:19 PM - Eve Ishi: that counted as my normal action yes?
  102. 10:19 PM - Gib Contract Pls: You manage to get a grip under her arms, though. You can't attack like this and your movement is halved
  103. 10:19 PM - Gib Contract Pls: ye
  104. 10:19 PM - Eve Ishi: mmka
  105. 10:19 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Sarahhhhh~
  106. 10:20 PM - Sarah Salem: yyes~
  107. 10:20 PM - Gib Contract Pls: ur turn bb
  108. 10:20 PM - Sarah Salem: alright cool
  109. 10:20 PM - Gib Contract Pls: smack a nigga up
  110. 10:20 PM - Sarah Salem: im just gonna slice the monster up wit my weapon
  111. 10:20 PM - Gib Contract Pls: shoulda hyperspeeded
  112. 10:21 PM - Sarah Salem: wow a decent roll
  113. 10:21 PM - Sarah Salem: thats a surprise
  114. 10:21 PM - Gib Contract Pls: no hyperspeed 2/10
  115. 10:21 PM - Gib Contract Pls: now roll damage
  116. 10:21 PM - Sarah Salem: 1d6 right
  117. 10:21 PM - Gib Contract Pls: plus half your attack
  118. 10:22 PM - Sarah Salem: ok so
  119. 10:22 PM - Sarah Salem: 8 damage
  120. 10:23 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Sarah does a few skillful slices and jabs with her long as shit polearm, eliciting pained roars from the youma
  121. 10:23 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Eri's turn!
  122. 10:24 PM - Gib Contract Pls: In a blur, Eri's form materializes in mid air above the Youma, coming in for a strike
  123. 10:25 PM - Gib Contract Pls: dealing 4, +2 for the sneak attack
  124. 10:26 PM - Gib Contract Pls: The move neatly lops a leg off the Youma's leathery-skinned form
  126. 10:26 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Satoya, go
  127. 10:26 PM - Eve Ishi: (( perfect ))
  128. 10:27 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Reminder, Hakurobe the cat is H, Enomatia the bird is E, Ally is A and Eri is E.
  129. 10:28 PM - Gib Contract Pls: H: "You certainly pick feisty ones, Eno."
  130. 10:28 PM - Gib Contract Pls: E: "I select those who need an opportunity and nothing more."
  131. 10:29 PM - Eve Ishi: (( wait there's two E's though ))
  132. 10:29 PM - Gib Contract Pls: shit
  133. 10:29 PM - Gib Contract Pls: En and Er then
  134. 10:29 PM - Gib Contract Pls: sure why not
  135. 10:29 PM - Eve Ishi: (( ye that works ))
  136. 10:30 PM - Gib Contract Pls: H: "So high and mighty, as though you don't have your own goals at the end of this."
  137. 10:30 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: OH ITS ME
  138. 10:30 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: I STAB THAT NIG
  139. 10:30 PM - Eve Ishi: (( :v ))
  140. 10:30 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: AGAIN
  142. 10:31 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: 11
  143. 10:32 PM - Gib Contract Pls: woo pass gj u win now do damage
  144. 10:33 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Ryan.
  145. 10:33 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: 1
  146. 10:33 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: Can I OC that?
  147. 10:33 PM - Gib Contract Pls: You can not OC damage.
  148. 10:33 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: Err, its 4, but I rolled 1 I mean
  149. 10:33 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: Fuck
  150. 10:33 PM - Eve Ishi left chat.
  151. 10:33 PM - Eve Ishi entered chat.
  152. 10:34 PM - Eve Ishi: (( whoops ))
  153. 10:34 PM - Gib Contract Pls: but if you want to be an idiot you can OC your attack roll and gain 1 damage for each OC
  154. 10:34 PM - Gib Contract Pls: I'll take that as a no
  155. 10:35 PM - Gib Contract Pls: The Youma struggles again, the hollow sockets where its eyes should be flashing
  156. 10:35 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Everyone roll 2d6+fortitude
  157. 10:35 PM - Sarah Salem: 10
  158. 10:35 PM - Eve Ishi: 14
  159. 10:36 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: 19
  160. 10:36 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: Double 6s
  161. 10:36 PM - Gib Contract Pls: No that doesn't OC
  162. 10:37 PM - Gib Contract Pls: You don't even feel phased by the light
  163. 10:38 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Sarah seems visably distressed and Eve is quite uncomfortable (more so than the situation currently made her) but unable to place why
  164. 10:38 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Next, Eve goes
  165. 10:38 PM - Eve Ishi: I would like to attempt to throw Ally behind me as far away from the youma as possible
  166. 10:39 PM - Gib Contract Pls: nuther physical roll
  167. 10:39 PM - Eve Ishi: 12
  168. 10:39 PM - Gib Contract Pls: you manage to flop Ally about a meter away from you
  169. 10:39 PM - Eve Ishi: yey
  170. 10:39 PM - Gib Contract Pls: it wasn't a very neat toss either. She got banged up on the fall
  171. 10:40 PM - Eve Ishi: shit
  172. 10:40 PM - Gib Contract Pls: nothing bad, just a bump on the head or two
  173. 10:40 PM - Eve Ishi: I can still use a free ction yes?
  174. 10:40 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Depends on whatcha plannin
  175. 10:40 PM - Eve Ishi: I just wanna use Integrity Scan
  176. 10:40 PM - Gib Contract Pls: go 4 it
  177. 10:41 PM - Eve Ishi: alrighty I use it then
  178. 10:41 PM - Gib Contract Pls: done
  179. 10:41 PM - Eve Ishi: k
  180. 10:41 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Sarah, end this misreable wretch
  181. 10:43 PM - Sarah Salem: alright im just gonna do a standard charge at it
  182. 10:43 PM - Sarah Salem: woops
  183. 10:43 PM - Sarah Salem: meant +6
  184. 10:43 PM - Gib Contract Pls: still pass
  185. 10:43 PM - Sarah Salem: count that as a 14
  186. 10:43 PM - Gib Contract Pls: damage
  187. 10:43 PM - Sarah Salem: 8
  188. 10:44 PM - Sarah Salem: and that also puts me right next to the youma
  189. 10:44 PM - Sarah Salem: go me :v
  190. 10:45 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Sarah does a running charge, spearing the trapped Youma in its hollow socket. As it writhes in its death throes, it breaks the bonds, Sarah's billhook still stuck firmly in its eye as she backs away from the flailing monstrosity
  191. 10:45 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Out of the shadows jumps none other than Eri, performing a clean slice, bisecting the beast cleanly
  192. 10:46 PM - Gib Contract Pls: As the two halves leak the now trademark viscious black fluid, they begin to shrivel up and form together, creating a small, green, diamond-shaped gem.
  193. 10:46 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Sarah's billhook clatters to the floor while without a word, Eri grabs the seed and bolts out the door.
  194. 10:47 PM - Eve Ishi: (( goddamnit ))
  195. 10:47 PM - Gib Contract Pls: You lose sight of her before you even think to follow
  196. 10:48 PM - Eve Ishi: I'll un-meguca and run over to Ally
  197. 10:48 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: Can I go after Eri? I have unfinished buisness with that Cuntenwerfer
  198. 10:49 PM - Gib Contract Pls: She vanished into one of the hallway doors. If you feel like getting trapped in the funhouse again, go for it
  199. 10:49 PM - Sarah Salem: I evaporate my weapon and motion for the crow to head over to me.
  200. 10:49 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: Right
  201. 10:49 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: Im good
  202. 10:49 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: Instead
  203. 10:50 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: I have 3 fury to burn off!
  204. 10:50 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Ally's still curled in her ball, mumbling and crying
  205. 10:50 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Enomatia flaps over and lands on Sarah's shoulder again
  206. 10:50 PM - Eve Ishi: I'll hug the shit out of her
  207. 10:50 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: And 2 heart
  208. 10:50 PM - Eve Ishi: oh shit yeah I have some fury too
  209. 10:50 PM - Gib Contract Pls: "A commendable job for your first Youma."
  210. 10:50 PM - Gib Contract Pls: everyone's got issues! C:
  211. 10:50 PM - Eve Ishi: yey T.T
  212. 10:51 PM - Sarah Salem: "Tell me what I can do. I noticed on the way over here that I am able to run at incredible speeds, but other than that, I do not know."
  213. 10:51 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Ally clinches her arms around Eve and cries
  214. 10:52 PM - Gib Contract Pls: E: "Nor do I. Your powers are your own to uncover."
  215. 10:52 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: I run over to the two to see whats wrong. "Is evfurryone alright?"
  216. 10:52 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve holds Ally tight and turns towards Satoya* "Yeah, I think so. Why are we hear anyways?"
  217. 10:53 PM - Eve Ishi: here * ))
  218. 10:53 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Hakurobe struts over in that way that all cats do which seems like an "I own this, that and you" strut before sitting before the group and licking its par. "Yes yes, very good job. Ever so vague, are you, Eno?"
  219. 10:54 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: I pat Ally on the head and look the two ovfur. "You sure? Im sure I could do something or other. I mean, I can bring the dead back, I can purrobably heal you!"
  220. 10:56 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve stands up and pushes Satoya back* "It's your fault she's hurt in the first place!"
  221. 10:56 PM - Eve Ishi: (( burning off my OC by flipping out on ryan btw ))
  222. 10:58 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: In what might be my best decision of the night, I slap the green bitch.
  223. 10:59 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve is shocked at first but then attempts to punch Satoya in the face*
  224. 10:59 PM - Eve Ishi: (( shall I roll for this or ))
  225. 11:00 PM - Sarah Salem: ((Catfight))
  226. 11:00 PM - Gib Contract Pls: you wanna get into a roll fight? :v
  227. 11:00 PM - Gib Contract Pls: don't matter to me
  228. 11:01 PM - Eve Ishi: (( whats yo preference ryan? ))
  229. 11:02 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: Im still Megucaed
  230. 11:02 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: Why not
  231. 11:02 PM - Eve Ishi: (( oh shit right ))
  232. 11:02 PM - Gib Contract Pls: awye
  233. 11:02 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: RIGHT THEN
  234. 11:02 PM - Gib Contract Pls: well I guess for a normal punch we'd just roll physical
  235. 11:02 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: ROLLING TO SUMMON THE BONE TITAN
  236. 11:02 PM - Gib Contract Pls: oh that
  237. 11:03 PM - Eve Ishi: I'll meguca up then
  238. 11:03 PM - Eve Ishi: who's turn is first for this
  239. 11:04 PM - Gib Contract Pls: physical roll for initative
  240. 11:04 PM - Gib Contract Pls: 2d6+physical
  241. 11:04 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: 9
  242. 11:04 PM - Eve Ishi: fuck
  243. 11:04 PM - Sarah Salem: 17
  244. 11:04 PM - Eve Ishi: 7
  245. 11:04 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: I won that some how
  246. 11:04 PM - Gib Contract Pls: I guess Sarah goes first
  247. 11:04 PM - Gib Contract Pls: :v
  248. 11:04 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: Also sarah,shh, this is me and Eve
  249. 11:04 PM - Eve Ishi: no shh join me
  250. 11:04 PM - Gib Contract Pls: punch them both
  251. 11:05 PM - Gib Contract Pls: then kick the cat for good measure cause it'd be funny
  252. 11:05 PM - Sarah Salem: alright, so i'm going to step forward towards them
  253. 11:05 PM - Sarah Salem: and grab satoya
  254. 11:05 PM - Sarah Salem: and leave with her
  255. 11:05 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Sarah grabs Satoya by the hood of her robe and unceremoniously begins to drag her back the way they enterd
  256. 11:05 PM - Sarah Salem: what do i even roll
  257. 11:06 PM - Sarah Salem: oh, nothing
  258. 11:06 PM - Sarah Salem: c:
  259. 11:06 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: Can I flail out of this
  260. 11:06 PM - Eve Ishi: pfft
  261. 11:06 PM - Gib Contract Pls: well I guess you'd both roll Physical if Ryan wants to try and break free
  262. 11:06 PM - Sarah Salem: alright
  263. 11:06 PM - Sarah Salem: lets do it, then
  264. 11:06 PM - Gib Contract Pls: cum on stepitup sarah you're a big bad murrican who flipped a bookshelf
  265. 11:06 PM - Gib Contract Pls: don't let this pussy beat you
  266. 11:06 PM - Gib Contract Pls: c;
  267. 11:06 PM - Sarah Salem: i'll let him roll first c:
  268. 11:07 PM - Bruce Brynes: ?????
  269. 11:07 PM - Bruce Brynes: I really should pay more attention because I am very confused
  270. 11:07 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: 14
  271. 11:07 PM - Sarah Salem: aw, he just beat me
  272. 11:07 PM - Sarah Salem: what a shame
  273. 11:07 PM - Gib Contract Pls: they killed the thing and started fighting each other because of Ryan's involving a civvie in combat
  274. 11:07 PM - Sarah Salem: i was actually going to abduct ryan so they cant fight
  275. 11:08 PM - Sarah Salem: and just leave :v
  276. 11:08 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Satoya, with her catlike reflexes, slips free of Sarah's grasp
  277. 11:08 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: Right then
  278. 11:08 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: SUMMON THE BONE TITAN
  279. 11:08 PM - Sarah Salem: ((how much hp does that thing even have))
  280. 11:08 PM - Gib Contract Pls: half his
  281. 11:08 PM - Sarah Salem: ((current or max?))
  282. 11:08 PM - Gib Contract Pls: his current hp, which if I remember correctly was like, 9
  283. 11:08 PM - Gib Contract Pls: current
  284. 11:09 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: Aww what
  285. 11:09 PM - Sarah Salem: ((rounded down or up?))
  286. 11:09 PM - Eve Ishi: pfft
  287. 11:09 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: It says half base resolve
  288. 11:09 PM - Gib Contract Pls: up
  289. 11:09 PM - Gib Contract Pls: well I'm changing it
  290. 11:09 PM - Gib Contract Pls: because being weaker means your summons will be weaker
  291. 11:09 PM - Gib Contract Pls: simple magic logic
  292. 11:09 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: Fuk you nig
  293. 11:09 PM - Gib Contract Pls: ~logic~
  294. 11:09 PM - Sarah Salem: ((oh so 5 hp for it. I can obliterate it in one hit with any damage roll that isnt a 1))
  295. 11:09 PM - Gib Contract Pls: inb4 1
  296. 11:10 PM - Sarah Salem: ((its gonna be a 1, watch :V))
  297. 11:10 PM - Gib Contract Pls: even so it'd still only have 9 so 3 isn't a big difference
  298. 11:10 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Ryan, roll the summon already
  299. 11:11 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: Fucking shitting me
  300. 11:11 PM - Gib Contract Pls: failed the summon
  301. 11:11 PM - Gib Contract Pls: gj
  302. 11:11 PM - Sarah Salem: ((ahahah))
  303. 11:11 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: If I OC, I cant outburst it
  304. 11:11 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: If I dont shit gets bad
  305. 11:11 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: Fuck
  306. 11:12 PM - Gib Contract Pls: inb4 oc and roll a 1
  307. 11:12 PM - Gib Contract Pls: summon was 12 I think?
  308. 11:12 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: Ill take the failure
  309. 11:13 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Satoya tries and fails to raise her titan, leaving a misshapen pile of bone with bits of skin on them
  310. 11:13 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Eve's turn~
  311. 11:14 PM - Eve Ishi: Hmm, I'll use adaptability
  312. 11:14 PM - Eve Ishi: so I'll switch
  313. 11:15 PM - Eve Ishi: Attack = Hearth = 8
  314. 11:15 PM - Eve Ishi: Support = Fury =3
  315. 11:15 PM - Gib Contract Pls: that a free action?
  316. 11:15 PM - Eve Ishi: p sue its a normal action, i'll check real quick
  317. 11:15 PM - Eve Ishi: but Defense = Magic = 7
  318. 11:15 PM - Gib Contract Pls: awwwyeee shit's gettin REAL
  319. 11:16 PM - Eve Ishi: doesn't say it's a free action so I'll assume it isnt
  320. 11:16 PM - Gib Contract Pls: right then, Frig's turn is over
  321. 11:16 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Sarah's go
  322. 11:17 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Ally is crying on the floor, Hakurobe is watching with a stupid catface smile, and Enomatia is still on Sarah's shoulder not giving any fucks
  323. 11:18 PM - Sarah Salem: pff
  324. 11:18 PM - Sarah Salem: alright, i'm gonna grapple Satoya again
  325. 11:18 PM - Gib Contract Pls: you know the drill
  326. 11:18 PM - Gib Contract Pls: physical rolls, ladies
  327. 11:18 PM - Sarah Salem: 17
  328. 11:18 PM - Sarah Salem: you actually cant beat that
  329. 11:18 PM - Sarah Salem: even with boxcars :v
  330. 11:18 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: 16
  331. 11:18 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: Fuck
  332. 11:18 PM - Sarah Salem: ahaha you DID roll boxcars
  333. 11:18 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: That just happened
  334. 11:19 PM - Gib Contract Pls: HAHAHAHAHA
  335. 11:19 PM - Gib Contract Pls: YOU LITERALLY COULDN'T BEAT IT
  336. 11:19 PM - Eve Ishi: pfft
  337. 11:19 PM - Sarah Salem: alright
  338. 11:19 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: I TRIED MY HARDEST
  339. 11:19 PM - Sarah Salem: I grab her under the arms and start dragging her backwards out the door.
  340. 11:20 PM - Sarah Salem: "Stop. Ally is fine."
  341. 11:20 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Satoya struggles and makes catlike mews of protest
  342. 11:21 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: "LET ME RIP HER GREEN HEAD OFF" For some reason I cannot understand, I yell, but go limp, just getting dragged away
  343. 11:21 PM - Eve Ishi: "Fine, just...get her out of my sight."
  344. 11:21 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Enomatia turns its head to Sarah's face. "You are physically adept, even without magic."
  345. 11:21 PM - Eve Ishi: I'd like to go check on Ally again and ask her if she's okay.
  346. 11:22 PM - Gib Contract Pls: A: "W-w-w-what was t-t-that thing?"
  347. 11:23 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Her eyes are red from crying and her face is damp
  348. 11:23 PM - Sarah Salem: I nod at Enomatia and take my leave.
  349. 11:23 PM - Sarah Salem: ((woo being 2STRONK))
  350. 11:23 PM - Eve Ishi: "Just something I'll protect you from for now on, don't worry okay?" *Eve puts her hand on Ally's arm*
  351. 11:25 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve notices that a soft green light is glowing from her hand and that Ally's scratches and bruises are healing*
  352. 11:26 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Ally looks on, tears still in here eyes but wide with wonder nonetheless
  353. 11:26 PM - Eve Ishi: *Before she has time to process this she gets a sneezing fit, the nturns to Ally and suggests they go home*
  354. 11:26 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Sarah, meanwhile drags Satoya down the hall of doors. One opens on its own, and the outside is visible through it
  355. 11:26 PM - Gib Contract Pls: A
  356. 11:26 PM - Bruce Brynes disconnected.
  357. 11:26 PM - Gib Contract Pls: oops
  358. 11:27 PM - Gib Contract Pls: A: "Y-y-eah, E-eevee. Please... t-take me home."
  359. 11:27 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve helps Ally up and heads towads the exit*
  360. 11:28 PM - Gib Contract Pls: H: "Aww, how sweet. Really tugs at the heartstrings," comments the cat as it follows Ally and Eve out
  361. 11:28 PM - Gib Contract Pls: kitty's through playing nice now that there are no more contracts available for, uh, contracting
  362. 11:29 PM - Eve Ishi: (( I knew it was a dick ))
  363. 11:29 PM - Gib Contract Pls: burd still give no fucks
  364. 11:29 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve ignores the cat and continues helping Ally because fuck that cat*
  365. 11:30 PM - Gib Contract Pls: As the last person (or in this case, cat) leaves, you all emerge from the standing doorframe that marked your entrance.
  366. 11:30 PM - Gib Contract Pls: The door slams shut, and it turns to ash, leaving an empty spot where it stood
  367. 11:32 PM - Gib Contract Pls: You're all now standing in a crater of rubble in what used to be the retirement home
  368. 11:32 PM - Sarah Salem: I let Satoya go finally.
  369. 11:32 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Also all still megucad I think
  370. 11:32 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: I run off to god knows where to do god knows what
  371. 11:32 PM - Eve Ishi: I meguca down and start leading ally home
  372. 11:33 PM - Gib Contract Pls: H: "Well, this has been a delightful adventure, but I must be going."
  373. 11:33 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Hakurobe neatly jumps from several large chunks of rubble and disappears from sight
  374. 11:35 PM - Sarah Salem: I'll get rid of all my armor as well, and leave without a word.
  375. 11:35 PM - Bruce Brynes entered chat.
  376. 11:36 PM - Gib Contract Pls: It's only now that you realize that it's nearly dusk. You manage to slip through the droves of police and medical officials and make your way to your respective destinations
  377. 11:37 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Also, everyone gets an XP
  378. 11:37 PM - Eve Ishi: hoozah
  379. 11:39 PM - Gib Contract Pls: So Satoya's probably roaming the rooftops of the city, and Sarah returned home while Eve dragged Ally home too
  380. 11:39 PM - Gib Contract Pls: So does Eve live alone then?
  381. 11:39 PM - Gib Contract Pls: Since I recall a distinct lack of parents
  382. 11:39 PM - Eve Ishi: ye
  383. 11:40 PM - Gib Contract Pls: kay then, unless you've got something better to do, once you brought Ally home, you go home yourself
  384. 11:41 PM - Eve Ishi: Yeah, I'll just go home and go to bed
  385. 11:41 PM - Desu Desu~ A Satoya is fine too: ((Aaaah, can we call it a night, I have a thing to do with friends))
  386. 11:41 PM - Gib Contract Pls: least we got combat over with
  387. 11:42 PM - Eve Ishi: yee
  388. 11:42 PM - Eve Ishi: gg all
  389. 11:42 PM - Sarah Salem: yeah this was p fun
  390. 11:42 PM - Gib Contract Pls: we did thing
  391. 11:42 PM - Eve Ishi: We did indeed kill a thing
  392. 11:42 PM - Gib Contract Pls: what the hell could you possibly have to do at almost 11pm
  393. 11:43 PM - Gib Contract Pls: log saved
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