

May 20th, 2011
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  1. Guest_ColdMurder: -shakes his head finally realizing that these to loved each other-
  2. SlaveSammy4: -blink blink- huh
  3. Guest_Soubikoi: ~Smiles looking to his love holding him close as he nuzzles into him softly before looking to cold and arched abrow was he not one to like love Deme didn't know for sure as he turned back to his Sammy kissing him.~ Sammy our wedding it stoday
  4. Guest_Soubikoi: is today*
  5. SlaveSammy4: today
  6. Guest_Soubikoi: Yes
  7. SlaveSammy4: hat time did you pick hun???
  8. SlaveSammy4: what*
  9. Guest_Soubikoi: Um we was getting Married with mom remember
  10. SlaveSammy4: and what time is that hun
  11. Guest_ColdMurder: -busts out laughhing and stands up instantly staring the two if the damn with hatred in his eyes as he pulls his sunglasses off-
  12. Guest_ColdMurder: damn = down
  13. SlaveSammy4: -whimpers and hides-
  14. Guest_Soubikoi: ~Looks to Sammy before with one jump he was before Cold glaring back~ You got something against love Sir?
  15. Guest_ColdMurder: as a matter of fact i dont -steps back slightly reaching his hand into his pocket as he continues "the only problem here is that their are gays who are putting them selves out way to much for my liking, i aint one to judge but if ur gonna get lovie dubby then get A GOD DAMN FUCKING ROOM TO YOURSELVES" screams in his face-
  16. SlaveSammy4: -winces and whimpers more-
  17. Guest_ColdMurder: if the both of you had normal conversations then i wouldnt have a problem Guest_ColdMurder: but when you are talking gay in fron of me then i dislike it so im asking u nicely right now to talk else where with that kinda talk
  18. SlaveSammy4: so its ok for a straight couple to be lovey dovey but not us just because we're gay...
  19. Guest_Soubikoi: ~Growls lowly hearing his love wincing as his weapon formed in its sheath once more~ We don't have to its a free room got an issue take it up with True oh wait he loves his pets Guest_ColdMurder: -looks at the creature up top and replies calmly " no actually it is not, its called privacy and you arent showing it here
  20. Guest_Soubikoi: Sammy go hide now
  21. SlaveSammy4: its not like we're fucking infront of you
  22. Guest_ColdMurder: i didnt say u were
  23. Guest_ColdMurder: but i sure as hell can hear it
  24. SlaveSammy4 has left the chat
  25. Guest_ColdMurder: ya leave
  26. Guest_Soubikoi: ~glares at the man once more growling.~ So saying i love you baby is wrong planing a wedding is wrong well you picked the wrong people to fuck with.
  27. Guest_ColdMurder: -looks back to the other creature-
  28. Guest_ColdMurder: -smirks- i wouldnt fuck with you at all
  29. Guest_Soubikoi: ~Growls~ really one your making it sound as if being gay was to call for silence
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