
SimpleWarnings Fixwarn Update

Jul 18th, 2013
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  1. 18.07 19:21:10 [Server] INFO MySQL connection successful
  2. 18.07 19:21:08 [Server] INFO Database reconnect...
  3. 18.07 19:20:45 [Server] INFO 0 Warnings Successfully converted to SQL
  4. 18.07 19:20:45 [Server] INFO This may take a few minutes, please wait until the process is complete.
  5. 18.07 19:20:45 [Server] INFO Starting update of Warning Records in StorageConfig.yml
  6. 18.07 19:20:06 [Server] INFO Connection reset
  7. 18.07 19:19:35 [Server] INFO You only need to run this command once.
  8. 18.07 19:19:35 [Server] INFO set WarningExpiration in the config.yml to 0
  9. 18.07 19:19:35 [Server] INFO Expirations will be applied to these warnings, if you don't want these warnings to expire
  10. 18.07 19:19:35 [Server] INFO This may take a few minutes, please wait until the process is complete.
  11. 18.07 19:19:35 [Server] INFO To update your warning records from yml to sql storage: /FixWarn Update
  12. 18.07 19:19:35 [Server] INFO SimpleWarnings will use SQLite by default, or MySQL if speified in config
  13. 18.07 19:19:35 [Server] INFO Due to popular demand SimpleWarnings now uses SQL to store warning data
  14. 18.07 19:19:35 [Server] INFO [ Update Warning Records ]
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