
bullshitter 0

Nov 30th, 2016
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  1. It went wrong so fucking fast. All I did was stay focused on my own screen and she flipped the fuck out, like I'm supposed to pay attention to her at all times. I fucking hate that fact, I'm so fucking donewith her, I swear to fucking god I'm done with her. I don't give a shit anymore. I knew it was going to be a hard fucking thing to accomplish with this brain damaged idiot woman child with a whiny self centered asshattery that irritates the shite out of me. SERIOUSLY! We were fine and dandy in the kitchen, I get home, take care of a few fucking things, and all of a sudden, she calls me up and was like "i'm crying because you don't think I'm important!" And I'm thinking to myself, 'I'f I didn't think you were important, I wouldn't have spent all fucking week going to your house while I'm sick. If I didn't think you were important, I wouldn't have bothered inviting you over to my house for thanksgiving. If I didn't think you were important, I wouldn't have given you my last fucking glass diamond, you ungrateful, unthankful, self centered shit brained pile of hair clippings and disappointment.'
  2. But no, I have to be the fucking nice guy, always taking one for the team, always enduring one annoying thing after another, always having to settle for just chipping away at whatever fucking goal instead of blowing passed it like I MOTHERFUCKING SHOULD HAVE! But no, I get the whiny, 'Worship me' type of immature idiocy, who's being a complete fucking brat and acting like someone just shit on her myspace page!
  3. the fuck do I keep putting up with her!? Seriously! Whay the FUCK do I keep landing these ridiculously stupid women, who seem great at first glance, but rapidly become someone I instantly regret even talking to!?
  4. God I fucking wasted the last two weeks I fucking hate myself for allowing my dick to take control and be like, 'Hey, this woman might fuck you! Keyword, MIGHT!'
  6. God damn it.
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