

Jul 17th, 2018
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  1. Shadowblade4888: hey
  2. QnDebShadow: .what you need Shadow. She wont be coming in
  3. Shadowblade4888: hah, so you guys really think that little of me
  4. QnDebShadow: you are no longer welcome here, I have decided so Marlina can be stress free
  5. Shadowblade4888: im not here to plead or beg or to guilt trip or any bullshit you guys think ill do
  6. Shadowblade4888: im here because i wanted to to talk to one of you. I wanted to apologise
  7. QnDebShadow: you have apologised, she is done. And because of that, she stays, you go
  8. Shadowblade4888: you seem to think i have some type of malicous intent
  9. QnDebShadow: its to keep the peace, she doesnt want to be around you
  10. Shadowblade4888: nobody does
  11. Shadowblade4888: im not here to ask to come back
  12. Shadowblade4888: im just here to apologise to you
  13. Shadowblade4888: and to apologise to marlina
  14. Shadowblade4888: but seeing as marlina does not want to even think of me, i would like to ask you to tell her im sorry. as little as it means
  15. Shadowblade4888: its all i have to offer
  16. QnDebShadow: i just did
  17. Shadowblade4888: thank you
  18. Shadowblade4888: i hope one day you guys can forgive me
  19. QnDebShadow: shes still pretty angry at you
  20. Shadowblade4888: i dont blame her
  21. Shadowblade4888: i was hoping to talk to her a bit. but if she does not wish to see me i understand
  22. Shadowblade4888: ah. am i using you as a way to talk to her? my apologies if i am
  23. Shadowblade4888: would you like me to leave?
  24. QnDebShadow: yes
  25. Shadowblade4888: i understand
  26. Shadowblade4888: thank you for listening to me
  27. Shadowblade4888: and once again i hope you guys can forgive me one day
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