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Jun 25th, 2017
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  1. The dream begins in some sort of office setting, where i am racing to an office or place to beat some one else with the same goal, i win, the dream either ends or it is an entrance to another dream.
  3. I'm visiting what feels like my cousin's house, i am upstairs with the adults chatting it up and i offend them in any way possible, not on purpose, but my shirt (has ANARCHY on it, lol, or something like that), my demeanor, it is all unpleasing to them and finally they yell at me and i decide to go downstairs to the basement level (which is not a real "basement", it is quite lavish) to visit my cousin and his friends.
  5. This strange devilish ICP wannabe kid is down there playing starfox 64 (2 stations and somewhere around 6 people playing, although i only remember 2 faces, one from upstairs with the adults who is not named and the ICP kid), he is around 12 or 13 i should mention, i remember i have a gun, a wather PPK fully loaded magazine because i was nervous about something, i don't remember what. We decide to head out on the town, i put my gun away in a drawer so i don't have to illegally carry it around on the street and get busted, but before i can we see this other kid's room, he looks like a total hippie and his room screams hippie, so i motion to him if he has any weed, he says yeah and i hand him $10 and we go outside, there is a school across the street and we are going there. He produces a key and we enter inside, before i know what is happening there is a zerg rush of about 200 students of the school and these bouncing balls all over the place, the balls bounce like that ball in men in black, i have the urge to catch this ball with my hands and i do catch a few, they are multicolored and there is a contest occurring which involves catching as much of these bouncing balls as possible and you catch them in a similar manner to the video. They gravitate around your hand as you catch them, finally, around 4 people have balls left (lol), and a showdown occurs between them. Ultimately i did not win the contest but they all said i did pretty well and i feel accepted, finally, as a sub-prize we all receive some money depending upon how many balls we caught, as it turns out the $10 i gave him initially was used as my "entrance fee" into this insane contest.
  7. I ask him if i'll still be getting my weed and he chuckles and says yes, i won $93.13 if i recall, which i noted was not bad for my initial $10 investment.
  9. Then it dawns upon me that to make this entire thing work they had to bypass all forms of security to get into the school, that this massive club was also breaking massive rules albeit not for wrongful purposes.
  11. Police decide to raid the school the following night because of the apparent security risk, being that they had keys to the school and the computer network of the school, the school was "supposedly" completely vulnerable.
  13. They repair the security holes and we go on our way.
  15. From this point i remember being transported to a Back to the future 2-esque future (the bad kind, the Biff-ruled kind), houses are on fire and there is terrible things happening all around me.
  17. I ask to myself, what kind of future is this? And text on the "screen" appears as it would if this were a movie, it says "191A", which is no doubt either my affinity for hexadecimal numbers or just my mind fucking with me, from that point i say to myself "ok?... lol" and the dream ends as far as i know.
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