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Oct 21st, 2017
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  1. Once I made my parents mad, they drove me into the middle of the forest and said, "Tero, you must find your way back to the house 37 miles away." I look scornful as I remember the crazy, winding path that I took, and that was a loop along the long way around the mountain.
  2. "Also, Tero, since it is a long way, we laid out cartons of water. If you want to be back home before the weekend ends, you must visit each of these, but in a particular order. You must stamp each station before you get back, otherwise, we won't let you in."
  3. "But mother, father, how am I supposed to know where the water is? How am I supposed to know how to get there? How am I supposed to know where the cliffs are so I don't die in the middle of this large forest? There is no light that can shine through at night, and neither are there any lights. How can I do this?"
  4. "Since we are your parents, Tero," Mama responds, "and we look out the best for you, we want to make this a punishment so you will learn your lesson, not so you can perish."
  5. "Also," Papa adds, "Here is a map showing the location of the house, and the location of the water, and the general area of everything else. There are lines throughout the map, representing contours. Here is also a compass to show which cardinal direction is which. You use it to orient yourself as you get lost. This is based on a training game that I learned as a Svensk-Norsk soldier. Orienteering, they called it. Good luck Tero, and feel free to enjoy the nature."
  6. "I am disappointed in you for what you have done, Tero. But the drive and will to live, love and learn will surely overcome your ignorance. Now good luck and be safe." Mama sobbed as Papa led her back into the car.
  7. As they drove off, I took it as a challenge. All the other schoolchildren knew of my speed and my smarts. Orienteering, had a little ring to it. I took off as fast as I possibly could, full speed, no mistakes.
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