
We'll never be royaaaaaaals

Apr 12th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Adam knelt down in the grass outside next to the ramp, a hammer in one hand and a few thick pieces of wood already nailed together in the grass. A stack of remaining pieces of wood sat next to him, grabbing one that he'd already measured and cut and butting the joint against what he had already, picking up a nail and lining it up to begin hammering the wood together.-
  2. Tsaaq: Hayley scampered out the door and went to jog over to garage with a pack of cigarettes, febreeze and her phone in tow. She sighed as she leaned on the door and went to put one in her mouth and lit it. She looked around conscienciously so she wouldn't get caught and took a long drag. She jumped when she heard the sound of hammering. She hid behind Adam's car as she peeked around to the other side of the porch, not seeing Adam cause obvs he was knelt down. '
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Giving a little tug on what he had done by now, he grabbed another piece of wood and lined it up, hammering that together as well until he had a decent sized corner of wood going on.-
  4. Tsaaq: She tilted her head at the hammering and took another drag. Her eyebrows furrowed. "Hey!" She tried to call out in a deep voice to see if it was Adam. She choked on the smoke then tried to crouch down again as she waved her hand to fan the smoke away.
  5. Alexithymiaa: -Hearing the strange voice, he lifted his head from his work, pushing up to his feet with the hammer in his hand and glancing around him and not seeing anyone in the immediate vicinity. He crouched back down, grabbing another piece of wood.-
  6. Tsaaq: Hayley saw Adam lift up his head. She scrambled to hide the cigarettes and sprayed the air with the febreeze along with her body. She went to walk over to porch and walked along it's perimeter until she saw Adam. She leaned her eblows along the fence of the porch. "What are you doing?"
  7. Alexithymiaa: -He looked up when he heard her voice, sending her a smile. "Building a little dog house for Lady. Want to help me?"-
  8. Tsaaq: She walked down the ramp and looked down at her clothes. "Does it require a safer outfit or is this okay?" She asked. "She'll like a dog house. But what if she stops sleeping inside?"
  9. Alexithymiaa: "Well it's not for sleeping. It's for if we're all hanging out outside, or barbecuing or something like that. She's still going to sleep inside." He examined her outfit, giving her a shrug. "I don't see why that doesnt work. You can half the wood for me if you want."- (Ha. Ha. Ha. )
  10. Tsaaq: "Good, I don't want to go back inside and put on a shirt." Hayley replied as she came all the way down the ramp. "We should give her a cute little pillow too." She suggested. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked between the piles of wood and Adam. "Sure." Hayley said, even though she had no idea what that meant.
  11. Tsaaq: ((Child xD))
  12. Alexithymiaa: "Well we could paint it together if you want?" He asked her, picking up another piece of wood and handing her the section already put together. "Hold this tight, and steady."-
  13. Tsaaq: She shrugged. "What color were you thinking of?" She asked as she held the wood, looking to him to affirm that she was doing it right.
  14. Alexithymiaa: -He smiled, and pushed her hands a little closer together before positioning the extra piece of wood into place and began to hammer it in. "I'm not sure. I thought maybe you could pick the color. It would have to be something that looks good with the house."-
  15. Tsaaq: "Black?" Hayley suggested with a raise of her eyebrow. "I know that was a long shot... I don't know. Lady is royal, so maybe purple." She said as she stared down at the wood while he used the hammer.
  16. Alexithymiaa: "Purple might be nice. But would it look okay next to the house?" He asked her, giving a tug on the wood to make sure the piece he'd just added was secure on the section she was holding.-
  17. Tsaaq: She scrunched up her nose and began to frown. "I mean our house is like orange brown. It's okay." Hayley said. She tilted her head as she watched him. "Okay, now what?"
  18. Alexithymiaa: "Now..." He trailed off, taking the wood piece from her and turning it upside down to show her the nearly completed base of the house. "Just a few more pieces and then I can work on a roof. And once that's done, then we can paint it."-
  19. Tsaaq: "How do you make a dog roof?" Hayley asked as she went to get on her knees in the grass. She craned her head to look at the rest of the incomplete dog house then over to Adam.
  20. Alexithymiaa: "The same way you make a people roof." He said with a laugh, grabbing a few more pieces of wood and sliding them together. "You nail the wood down to the top like this. And then you use an industrial staple gun to apply the shingles."-
  21. Tsaaq: She began to giggle. "I don't know how to make that either." Hayley said. Her eyes went to the tools cause short attention span and she picked up the staple gun. "If I press the button will the staples fly like with a stapler only like, fast, like a gun?"
  22. Alexithymiaa: -He immediately picked up his hand to put it over the staple gun, forcing her to lower it from the air. "Yes. Be careful and dont shoot me with staples, please." he said with a laugh, hammering together the remainder of the base and setting it upright. "Think that's big enough for her?"-
  23. Tsaaq: "Could you really shoot a person with this?" Hayley continued to question. "I wouldn't shoot you. I like you." She said before glancing out the house. "She needs more space for her indoor pool." She answered jokingly.
  24. Alexithymiaa: "Not fatally, but it could hurt." He set the hammer down in the grass, sitting back on his butt. "Indoor pool, huh? And where exactly is that going?"-
  25. Tsaaq: She inspected the staple gun then gently put it down. She went to crawl beside him before taking her place beside him. "In the basement or in the back, like all other rich people do." She answered before sticking out her tongue.
  26. Alexithymiaa: "When did we join the ranks of the rich?" He asked with a laugh, his eyes jumping up to look at the house. "I could just break the washing machine and flood the basement..."-
  27. Tsaaq: "Lady's rich. We're like her servants. You're her butler. I'm her maid. And we have a forbidden love in her mansion." Hayley glanced to the house and shook her head. "Break the washington machine, again." She corrected with a giggle.
  28. Tsaaq: ((Washington MACHINE))
  29. Alexithymiaa: (I WANTED TO SAY IT)
  30. Alexithymiaa: "This sounds like a comic we should enlist Eli to draw out a few panels of." He said with a laugh, picking up the hammer again to line the top with wood. "Okay okay, it was one time."-
  31. Tsaaq: Hayley began to smirk. "He could probably pitch it and sell it or something." She said. Hayley shushed him. "It's okay. Everybody breaks stuff sometimes." She told him. "Are you going to work on this all night until you're done?"
  32. Alexithymiaa: "I seriously doubt anyone would pay for a comic based around a luxuriously rich dog." Setting his hammer down, he shook his head. "No, I'm done for the evening. It's getting late as it is. I'll finish the roof tomorrow and then we can paint it? And if you want to paint some designs on the side, you can do that too."-
  33. Tsaaq: "Sure they would. It'd be a better love story than Twilight." She said. "Pentagrams?" Hayley asked with her eyebrows raised. "I was going to say... The last thing you need is to stay up all night."
  34. Alexithymiaa: "That's not really saying much." He said with a smirk because everyone in history hates Twilight. "No pentagrams. Stick with the royal theme." He pushed up to his feet, picking up his hammer and the box of nails he'd been working with. "Why don't you head inside and I'll put this stuff away and meet you?"-
  35. Tsaaq: She nodded her head in agreement. She snapped her fingers and sucked her teeth. "Fuck." She whispered. "It was worth a shot." She shrugged. She glanced down at the tools then up at Adam. She went up the ramp and glanced back at Adam. "I'll meet you in your room and talk to Lady about decorations while we're waiting."
  36. Alexithymiaa: "I'm sure she'll appreciate your input on her new house." He said as he scooped up the rest of his things, walking up the ramp after her. Opening the kitchen door, he set his tools down on the booth table out of everyone's way since he'd only be back at it again tomorrow anyway. "Maybe a pretty crown over the doorway?"-
  37. Tsaaq: "That sounds adorable." Hayley said as she leaned on the seats of the booths while watching him. "I can pick up cute costume jewels and add them when I'm done with the painting. She'll love it."
  38. Alexithymiaa: "You can, I just dont know how well theyre going to weather outside. It can't hurt to try though." He turned to her, gesturing toward the staircase. "C'mon." Taking ahold of her hand, he walked with her to the stairs, letting her go up ahead of him.-
  39. Tsaaq: She shrugged. "I'll figure out a way to make it work." Hayley said. She exhaled and yawned a little as she took his hand and jogged up the stairs to the second story. She took off her slippers so she was just sock against the floor.
  40. Alexithymiaa: "Lady will be very appreciative to have you designing her house for her." He made his way up to the second floor with her, turning to head into his bedroom where the dog was lounging across his couch bed like actual royalty. "How suiting..." He said with a roll of his eyes, walking in to sit down next to her and pet the doggy.-
  41. Tsaaq: "She knows." Hayley whispered to him as she went pet Lady as well. "You want a pretty crown for your new house? And some nice robes? Yeah... Robes." Hayley nodded.
  42. Alexithymiaa: "I suddenly have a vision of her in an expensive smoking jacket with a bubble pipe in her mouth." He said with a laugh, laying back on the bed to make himself comfortable while he pet the puppy.-
  43. Tsaaq: Hayley began to coo loudly. "Oh my gosh, that's adorable. Oh my gosh. I can put a crown on Hera and take pictures!" She said. Hayley stood up and pouted. "Are you sleeping alone again or..." Hayley trailed off awkwardly, trying to squeeze her ass onto the couch bed.
  44. Alexithymiaa: "I thought we could stay in here tonight with Lady?" He asked, his eyes raising to Hayley's face without missing a beat of puppy petting. He shifted to lean his head back on his pillow, exhaling deeply because comfort and tired.-
  45. Tsaaq: "Sounds good." Hayley smiled a little and curled into a ball as she gave Lady pets too then leaned on Adam and closed her eyes., already falling asleep bro. Doing manual labor is lots of work.
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