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Jul 23rd, 2017
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  1. ControlNextCamera = 0,
  2. ControlLookLeftRight = 1,
  3. ControlLookUpDown = 2,
  4. ControlLookUpOnly = 3,
  5. ControlLookDownOnly = 4,
  6. ControlLookLeftOnly = 5,
  7. ControlLookRightOnly = 6,
  8. ControlCinematicSlowMo = 7,
  9. ControlFlyUpDown = 8,
  10. ControlFlyLeftRight = 9,
  11. ControlScriptedFlyZUp = 10,
  12. ControlScriptedFlyZDown = 11,
  13. ControlWeaponWheelUpDown = 12,
  14. ControlWeaponWheelLeftRight = 13,
  15. ControlWeaponWheelNext = 14,
  16. ControlWeaponWheelPrev = 15,
  17. ControlSelectNextWeapon = 16,
  18. ControlSelectPrevWeapon = 17,
  19. ControlSkipCutscene = 18,
  20. ControlCharacterWheel = 19,
  21. ControlMultiplayerInfo = 20,
  22. ControlSprint = 21,
  23. ControlJump = 22,
  24. ControlEnter = 23,
  25. ControlAttack = 24,
  26. ControlAim = 25,
  27. ControlLookBehind = 26,
  28. ControlPhone = 27,
  29. ControlSpecialAbility = 28,
  30. ControlSpecialAbilitySecondary = 29,
  31. ControlMoveLeftRight = 30,
  32. ControlMoveUpDown = 31,
  33. ControlMoveUpOnly = 32,
  34. ControlMoveDownOnly = 33,
  35. ControlMoveLeftOnly = 34,
  36. ControlMoveRightOnly = 35,
  37. ControlDuck = 36,
  38. ControlSelectWeapon = 37,
  39. ControlPickup = 38,
  40. ControlSniperZoom = 39,
  41. ControlSniperZoomInOnly = 40,
  42. ControlSniperZoomOutOnly = 41,
  43. ControlSniperZoomInSecondary = 42,
  44. ControlSniperZoomOutSecondary = 43,
  45. ControlCover = 44,
  46. ControlReload = 45,
  47. ControlTalk = 46,
  48. ControlDetonate = 47,
  49. ControlHUDSpecial = 48,
  50. ControlArrest = 49,
  51. ControlAccurateAim = 50,
  52. ControlContext = 51,
  53. ControlContextSecondary = 52,
  54. ControlWeaponSpecial = 53,
  55. ControlWeaponSpecial2 = 54,
  56. ControlDive = 55,
  57. ControlDropWeapon = 56,
  58. ControlDropAmmo = 57,
  59. ControlThrowGrenade = 58,
  60. ControlVehicleMoveLeftRight = 59,
  61. ControlVehicleMoveUpDown = 60,
  62. ControlVehicleMoveUpOnly = 61,
  63. ControlVehicleMoveDownOnly = 62,
  64. ControlVehicleMoveLeftOnly = 63,
  65. ControlVehicleMoveRightOnly = 64,
  66. ControlVehicleSpecial = 65,
  67. ControlVehicleGunLeftRight = 66,
  68. ControlVehicleGunUpDown = 67,
  69. ControlVehicleAim = 68,
  70. ControlVehicleAttack = 69,
  71. ControlVehicleAttack2 = 70,
  72. ControlVehicleAccelerate = 71,
  73. ControlVehicleBrake = 72,
  74. ControlVehicleDuck = 73,
  75. ControlVehicleHeadlight = 74,
  76. ControlVehicleExit = 75,
  77. ControlVehicleHandbrake = 76,
  78. ControlVehicleHotwireLeft = 77,
  79. ControlVehicleHotwireRight = 78,
  80. ControlVehicleLookBehind = 79,
  81. ControlVehicleCinCam = 80,
  82. ControlVehicleNextRadio = 81,
  83. ControlVehiclePrevRadio = 82,
  84. ControlVehicleNextRadioTrack = 83,
  85. ControlVehiclePrevRadioTrack = 84,
  86. ControlVehicleRadioWheel = 85,
  87. ControlVehicleHorn = 86,
  88. ControlVehicleFlyThrottleUp = 87,
  89. ControlVehicleFlyThrottleDown = 88,
  90. ControlVehicleFlyYawLeft = 89,
  91. ControlVehicleFlyYawRight = 90,
  92. ControlVehiclePassengerAim = 91,
  93. ControlVehiclePassengerAttack = 92,
  94. ControlVehicleSpecialAbilityFranklin = 93,
  95. ControlVehicleStuntUpDown = 94,
  96. ControlVehicleCinematicUpDown = 95,
  97. ControlVehicleCinematicUpOnly = 96,
  98. ControlVehicleCinematicDownOnly = 97,
  99. ControlVehicleCinematicLeftRight = 98,
  100. ControlVehicleSelectNextWeapon = 99,
  101. ControlVehicleSelectPrevWeapon = 100,
  102. ControlVehicleRoof = 101,
  103. ControlVehicleJump = 102,
  104. ControlVehicleGrapplingHook = 103,
  105. ControlVehicleShuffle = 104,
  106. ControlVehicleDropProjectile = 105,
  107. ControlVehicleMouseControlOverride = 106,
  108. ControlVehicleFlyRollLeftRight = 107,
  109. ControlVehicleFlyRollLeftOnly = 108,
  110. ControlVehicleFlyRollRightOnly = 109,
  111. ControlVehicleFlyPitchUpDown = 110,
  112. ControlVehicleFlyPitchUpOnly = 111,
  113. ControlVehicleFlyPitchDownOnly = 112,
  114. ControlVehicleFlyUnderCarriage = 113,
  115. ControlVehicleFlyAttack = 114,
  116. ControlVehicleFlySelectNextWeapon = 115,
  117. ControlVehicleFlySelectPrevWeapon = 116,
  118. ControlVehicleFlySelectTargetLeft = 117,
  119. ControlVehicleFlySelectTargetRight = 118,
  120. ControlVehicleFlyVerticalFlightMode = 119,
  121. ControlVehicleFlyDuck = 120,
  122. ControlVehicleFlyAttackCamera = 121,
  123. ControlVehicleFlyMouseControlOverride = 122,
  124. ControlVehicleSubTurnLeftRight = 123,
  125. ControlVehicleSubTurnLeftOnly = 124,
  126. ControlVehicleSubTurnRightOnly = 125,
  127. ControlVehicleSubPitchUpDown = 126,
  128. ControlVehicleSubPitchUpOnly = 127,
  129. ControlVehicleSubPitchDownOnly = 128,
  130. ControlVehicleSubThrottleUp = 129,
  131. ControlVehicleSubThrottleDown = 130,
  132. ControlVehicleSubAscend = 131,
  133. ControlVehicleSubDescend = 132,
  134. ControlVehicleSubTurnHardLeft = 133,
  135. ControlVehicleSubTurnHardRight = 134,
  136. ControlVehicleSubMouseControlOverride = 135,
  137. ControlVehiclePushbikePedal = 136,
  138. ControlVehiclePushbikeSprint = 137,
  139. ControlVehiclePushbikeFrontBrake = 138,
  140. ControlVehiclePushbikeRearBrake = 139,
  141. ControlMeleeAttackLight = 140,
  142. ControlMeleeAttackHeavy = 141,
  143. ControlMeleeAttackAlternate = 142,
  144. ControlMeleeBlock = 143,
  145. ControlParachuteDeploy = 144,
  146. ControlParachuteDetach = 145,
  147. ControlParachuteTurnLeftRight = 146,
  148. ControlParachuteTurnLeftOnly = 147,
  149. ControlParachuteTurnRightOnly = 148,
  150. ControlParachutePitchUpDown = 149,
  151. ControlParachutePitchUpOnly = 150,
  152. ControlParachutePitchDownOnly = 151,
  153. ControlParachuteBrakeLeft = 152,
  154. ControlParachuteBrakeRight = 153,
  155. ControlParachuteSmoke = 154,
  156. ControlParachutePrecisionLanding = 155,
  157. ControlMap = 156,
  158. ControlSelectWeaponUnarmed = 157,
  159. ControlSelectWeaponMelee = 158,
  160. ControlSelectWeaponHandgun = 159,
  161. ControlSelectWeaponShotgun = 160,
  162. ControlSelectWeaponSmg = 161,
  163. ControlSelectWeaponAutoRifle = 162,
  164. ControlSelectWeaponSniper = 163,
  165. ControlSelectWeaponHeavy = 164,
  166. ControlSelectWeaponSpecial = 165,
  167. ControlSelectCharacterMichael = 166,
  168. ControlSelectCharacterFranklin = 167,
  169. ControlSelectCharacterTrevor = 168,
  170. ControlSelectCharacterMultiplayer = 169,
  171. ControlSaveReplayClip = 170,
  172. ControlSpecialAbilityPC = 171,
  173. ControlPhoneUp = 172,
  174. ControlPhoneDown = 173,
  175. ControlPhoneLeft = 174,
  176. ControlPhoneRight = 175,
  177. ControlPhoneSelect = 176,
  178. ControlPhoneCancel = 177,
  179. ControlPhoneOption = 178,
  180. ControlPhoneExtraOption = 179,
  181. ControlPhoneScrollForward = 180,
  182. ControlPhoneScrollBackward = 181,
  183. ControlPhoneCameraFocusLock = 182,
  184. ControlPhoneCameraGrid = 183,
  185. ControlPhoneCameraSelfie = 184,
  186. ControlPhoneCameraDOF = 185,
  187. ControlPhoneCameraExpression = 186,
  188. ControlFrontendDown = 187,
  189. ControlFrontendUp = 188,
  190. ControlFrontendLeft = 189,
  191. ControlFrontendRight = 190,
  192. ControlFrontendRdown = 191,
  193. ControlFrontendRup = 192,
  194. ControlFrontendRleft = 193,
  195. ControlFrontendRright = 194,
  196. ControlFrontendAxisX = 195,
  197. ControlFrontendAxisY = 196,
  198. ControlFrontendRightAxisX = 197,
  199. ControlFrontendRightAxisY = 198,
  200. ControlFrontendPause = 199,
  201. ControlFrontendPauseAlternate = 200,
  202. ControlFrontendAccept = 201,
  203. ControlFrontendCancel = 202,
  204. ControlFrontendX = 203,
  205. ControlFrontendY = 204,
  206. ControlFrontendLb = 205,
  207. ControlFrontendRb = 206,
  208. ControlFrontendLt = 207,
  209. ControlFrontendRt = 208,
  210. ControlFrontendLs = 209,
  211. ControlFrontendRs = 210,
  212. ControlFrontendLeaderboard = 211,
  213. ControlFrontendSocialClub = 212,
  214. ControlFrontendSocialClubSecondary = 213,
  215. ControlFrontendDelete = 214,
  216. ControlFrontendEndscreenAccept = 215,
  217. ControlFrontendEndscreenExpand = 216,
  218. ControlFrontendSelect = 217,
  219. ControlScriptLeftAxisX = 218,
  220. ControlScriptLeftAxisY = 219,
  221. ControlScriptRightAxisX = 220,
  222. ControlScriptRightAxisY = 221,
  223. ControlScriptRUp = 222,
  224. ControlScriptRDown = 223,
  225. ControlScriptRLeft = 224,
  226. ControlScriptRRight = 225,
  227. ControlScriptLB = 226,
  228. ControlScriptRB = 227,
  229. ControlScriptLT = 228,
  230. ControlScriptRT = 229,
  231. ControlScriptLS = 230,
  232. ControlScriptRS = 231,
  233. ControlScriptPadUp = 232,
  234. ControlScriptPadDown = 233,
  235. ControlScriptPadLeft = 234,
  236. ControlScriptPadRight = 235,
  237. ControlScriptSelect = 236,
  238. ControlCursorAccept = 237,
  239. ControlCursorCancel = 238,
  240. ControlCursorX = 239,
  241. ControlCursorY = 240,
  242. ControlCursorScrollUp = 241,
  243. ControlCursorScrollDown = 242,
  244. ControlEnterCheatCode = 243,
  245. ControlInteractionMenu = 244,
  246. ControlMpTextChatAll = 245,
  247. ControlMpTextChatTeam = 246,
  248. ControlMpTextChatFriends = 247,
  249. ControlMpTextChatCrew = 248,
  250. ControlPushToTalk = 249,
  251. ControlCreatorLS = 250,
  252. ControlCreatorRS = 251,
  253. ControlCreatorLT = 252,
  254. ControlCreatorRT = 253,
  255. ControlCreatorMenuToggle = 254,
  256. ControlCreatorAccept = 255,
  257. ControlCreatorDelete = 256,
  258. ControlAttack2 = 257,
  259. ControlRappelJump = 258,
  260. ControlRappelLongJump = 259,
  261. ControlRappelSmashWindow = 260,
  262. ControlPrevWeapon = 261,
  263. ControlNextWeapon = 262,
  264. ControlMeleeAttack1 = 263,
  265. ControlMeleeAttack2 = 264,
  266. ControlWhistle = 265,
  267. ControlMoveLeft = 266,
  268. ControlMoveRight = 267,
  269. ControlMoveUp = 268,
  270. ControlMoveDown = 269,
  271. ControlLookLeft = 270,
  272. ControlLookRight = 271,
  273. ControlLookUp = 272,
  274. ControlLookDown = 273,
  275. ControlSniperZoomIn = 274,
  276. ControlSniperZoomOut = 275,
  277. ControlSniperZoomInAlternate = 276,
  278. ControlSniperZoomOutAlternate = 277,
  279. ControlVehicleMoveLeft = 278,
  280. ControlVehicleMoveRight = 279,
  281. ControlVehicleMoveUp = 280,
  282. ControlVehicleMoveDown = 281,
  283. ControlVehicleGunLeft = 282,
  284. ControlVehicleGunRight = 283,
  285. ControlVehicleGunUp = 284,
  286. ControlVehicleGunDown = 285,
  287. ControlVehicleLookLeft = 286,
  288. ControlVehicleLookRight = 287,
  289. ControlReplayStartStopRecording = 288,
  290. ControlReplayStartStopRecordingSecondary = 289,
  291. ControlScaledLookLeftRight = 290,
  292. ControlScaledLookUpDown = 291,
  293. ControlScaledLookUpOnly = 292,
  294. ControlScaledLookDownOnly = 293,
  295. ControlScaledLookLeftOnly = 294,
  296. ControlScaledLookRightOnly = 295,
  297. ControlReplayMarkerDelete = 296,
  298. ControlReplayClipDelete = 297,
  299. ControlReplayPause = 298,
  300. ControlReplayRewind = 299,
  301. ControlReplayFfwd = 300,
  302. ControlReplayNewmarker = 301,
  303. ControlReplayRecord = 302,
  304. ControlReplayScreenshot = 303,
  305. ControlReplayHidehud = 304,
  306. ControlReplayStartpoint = 305,
  307. ControlReplayEndpoint = 306,
  308. ControlReplayAdvance = 307,
  309. ControlReplayBack = 308,
  310. ControlReplayTools = 309,
  311. ControlReplayRestart = 310,
  312. ControlReplayShowhotkey = 311,
  313. ControlReplayCycleMarkerLeft = 312,
  314. ControlReplayCycleMarkerRight = 313,
  315. ControlReplayFOVIncrease = 314,
  316. ControlReplayFOVDecrease = 315,
  317. ControlReplayCameraUp = 316,
  318. ControlReplayCameraDown = 317,
  319. ControlReplaySave = 318,
  320. ControlReplayToggletime = 319,
  321. ControlReplayToggletips = 320,
  322. ControlReplayPreview = 321,
  323. ControlReplayToggleTimeline = 322,
  324. ControlReplayTimelinePickupClip = 323,
  325. ControlReplayTimelineDuplicateClip = 324,
  326. ControlReplayTimelinePlaceClip = 325,
  327. ControlReplayCtrl = 326,
  328. ControlReplayTimelineSave = 327,
  329. ControlReplayPreviewAudio = 328,
  330. ControlVehicleDriveLook = 329,
  331. ControlVehicleDriveLook2 = 330,
  332. ControlVehicleFlyAttack2 = 331,
  333. ControlRadioWheelUpDown = 332,
  334. ControlRadioWheelLeftRight = 333,
  335. ControlVehicleSlowMoUpDown = 334,
  336. ControlVehicleSlowMoUpOnly = 335,
  337. ControlVehicleSlowMoDownOnly = 336,
  338. ControlMapPointOfInterest = 337,
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