
Megatron is a heathen

Mar 2nd, 2018
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  1. Covet: Kelsey was in the kitchen getting the plates dished up and looking pretty, because if you're going to do a nice dinner for family you might as well make it look nice too. She finished arranging the sliced tomatoes and mozzerella on the side of each plate then drizzled some basalmic vinegar over it. She looked over her shoulder and called out for Brad, "Can you help me bring the finished plates over, hun?" // Connor had helped get the table set with all the other things, and was now sitting on the couch talking to Kelsey's mom. // Sarah was smiling listening to Connor tell her all about school and his friends there.
  2. Covet: [lmao was already working]
  3. Alexithymiaa: "Oh. Uh. Sure." He said a little distracted because he'd been listening to Connor go on to Sarah about school. He turned from the couch and walked over into the kitchen area, his head bobbing from side to side as he examined the plates of food because he was hungry. "This looks good. We can eat now, right? It's time to eat?"-
  4. Covet: "As soon as we get it to the table yes." Kelsey told him grabbing one of the plates, and the plate that was all cut up for Connor already. "Grab the other two and I'll get drinks for everyone." She said heading to the table, "Kiddo, Mom, we're ready over here. // "Okay Momma, C'mon Grandma, it's going to be really good. Momma cooks almost as good as you." // Sara looked over and nodded her head. Getting up with Connor she laughed and smiled, " Should I be worried, that she'll be better than me someday?"
  5. Alexithymiaa: -Brad picked up the two plates still sitting on the counter, following Kelsey over to the table to set them down in front of each chair before looking to Sarah. "Only in honor of your fantastic cooking, of course."-
  6. Covet: Kelsey came back to the table with a fizzy fruit drink that had fruit in it. She poured out some for everyone and gave her mom a polite smile, "No You dedicated your whole life to being an awesome home cook, I don't get as much time these days." she said then helped Connor get up into his seat.// "Thank you Momma, what is this?" He said looking at his food questioningly.// Sarah gave a humble shrug to Kelsey's comment "This is true, I'll sit comfortably in my throne then. " She looked at Brad, "You're so sweet."
  7. Alexithymiaa: -Brad moved to take a seat at his place at the table, watching Kelsey with Connor. "It's delicious, Little Man. You'll like it." He tried to say reassuringly, but five year olds don't like much. His gaze swung around to look at Sarah, flashing her a smile. "I'm only being honest here."-
  8. Covet: "It's steak, and ketchup. Cooked asparagus, and then that is some tomatoes and cheese and basil with a sweet and sour kind of sauce on it." Kelsey explained to Connor. She'd left the blue cheese off of his because she knew how that'd go down. She picked up her fork and knife and cut herself a bite of the caprese salad, chewing awkwardly for a moment because she wasn't sure how to bring up the conversation she needed to have. // Connor took a bite of steak and covered it thoroughly in ketchup before sticking it in his mouth, "The steak is good. I don't know about that other stuff." // Sarah leaned over to give Brad a pat on the leg, since she was sitting across from Kelsey with the two boys across from eachother, "And this is why I like you." She smiled and looked down at her plate, "This is very nice, Thank you for having me over with you tonight. It looks and smells delicious. Fitting dinner for an important conversation."
  9. Alexithymiaa: -Brad kind of eyed Kelsey for a minute as he ate some of his cheese, also fumbling with the idea of bringing this up. "It is important. And we're actually really glad to have you here and willing to sit down and listen to what we have to say about it. It's something Kelsey and I both feel pretty strongly about, and both see eye to eye on."-
  10. Covet: Kelsey gave a nod, " We do. I know, you're not the happiest with me right now, and I don't expect you to agree with our lifestyle?" she said pausing to look at Brad, trying to keep the convo as PG as possible in front of Connor at least. "But I hope that listening to our explanation will help you accept it for what it is. For who we are." // Connor was poking at the rest of his food, trying to figure out if it was safe to eat or not. // Sarah listened to both Brad and Kelsey and nodded her head, "I see, And do you both agree that it's something he should be witness to?" She said tilting her head in Connor's direction.
  11. Alexithymiaa: -He watched Connor being picky with his food, wanting to scold him a bit, but not in the middle of their conversation. "I don't really consider it something he's witness to. It's like saying if the... arrangement... were different, that him seeing those types of things or being aware of them would be any better. His involvement has nothing to do with it."-
  12. Covet: "It's not like he knows what's going on, first of all, and secondly, he's not witness to anything more than Bradley and I hanging out with friends. He get's to have a sleep over with a friend, and the next thing he knows, We've got breakfast ready in the morning." Kelsey said with a slight roll of her eyes. // Connor took a leaf of basil, picking it up between two fingers and took a bite of it before spitting it back out on his plate, " This tastes like a tree leaf, not a salad leaf." // Sarah raised her eyebrows at Kelsey and took a drink of her glass, " I didn't assume it was anything that, vulgar... Kelsey. Honestly, I don't understand this current attitude from you. It was one thing when your father was upset before, we get it, you don't have to keep rebeling and going for the next shock value. This isn't you, Honey."
  13. Alexithymiaa: "You don't have to eat that leaf, Little Man. Try something else." He said kindly before looking to Sarah. "With all due respect, I think your understanding of who Kelsey is as a person is dating back to when she was a teenager, not who she is as an adult. The last few years have been crucial in rounding out her personality and who she is."-
  14. Covet: "Thank you..." She said to Brad as he spoke to Connor and stood up for her. " This has nothing to do with you, or Dad, or Connor for that matter. This is about me. As selfish as that sounds. I'm not a kid anymore, I haven't been for a long time. This is who I am now. I know it's not your perfect vision, but it's really no different than if I came out to you and said I was gay. Would you still be criticizing me like this?" // Connor looked relieved because those leaves were a whole bunch of nope. He went about eating the cheese and tomatoes, deciding that they were good, even in the wierd sauce.// Sarah looked at Brad then at Kelsey. She gave a sigh, "No, I wouldn't. This just seems so obscure to me, because that's not what I believe a relationship is. It's difficult for me to wrap my head around and understand. I know... growing up changes people, and you had to do it quicker than most, I just never imagined it would change you like this."
  15. Alexithymiaa: "Would you feel differently about Kelsey's actions and life choices if she weren't in a relationship?" He asked, furrowing his brows as he genuinely tried to understand her point here.-
  16. Covet: She pursed her lips and stabbed the piece of steak she was cutting, putting it into her mouth so she wouldn't say something she didn't intend to. // Sarah responded to Brad's question, " Of course I would, My concerns would lie with Connor and his view of Kelsey, but being in a relationship...there should be some loyalty to the person you're with. If not, someone's going to be hurt, as you have already had happen."
  17. Alexithymiaa: -He nodded his head slowly, taking a moment to push some food into his mouth and chew before addressing her again. "And what would you say about her loyalty if I told you everything that goes on, is discussed privately between the two of us beforehand to make sure everyone is happy and comfortable with the arrangements? There is room for hurt in an entirely monogomous relationship, and often times people are more inclined to go behind their significant other's back and hurt them more because they're confined to such strict rules of a relationship."-
  18. Covet: Kelsey sighed, "Mom, we have a relationship, and it's emotionally no different than any other relationship. It's going to have it's ups and downs, You and Dad are in a strict monogomous relationship, and you two still have your issues. Physically, yeah it's different. We chose to experience things outside of us, but it's something we're still doing together. Bradley and I have talked about my screw up, and worked it out. We know the expectations of each other, and regardless of who we're with or what we're doing, I don't love or care for Bradley any less. And I don't let Connor meet anyone I'm not comfortable with him being around." She said. // Sarah listened to them both, " But even wanting to do these things, Why? when you have each other? Why do you need these things when you should be enough for each other?"
  19. Alexithymiaa: -Brad pursed his lips and looked at Kelsey because he'd never addressed his sexuality with his parents before, but also didnt want to make it seem like his life choices had forced Kelsey into this. "It's not that we're not enough for each other. It's..." He paused, trying to think. "It's like, I love chocolate. I could eat chocolate any day, any time. But just because I love chocolate doesnt mean I would be happy eating only chocolate and nothing else for the rest of my life. Sure I love chocolate and I would enjoy that, but it leads for a pretty mundane life when you can only experience one thing."-
  20. Covet: Kelsey looked at Brad, then back at her mom, "Yeah, it's kind of like that. And we might not always be this way, and it's not like everytime we are physical this is what we go out and do. Sometimes we still prefer to be just him and I. But, if we're both happy, and neither of us are feeling cheated on or anything like that, why does it have to be such a big deal? We're not hurting anyone else, We're not forcing eachother into this. Did Bradley kind of introduce me into this sort of lifestyle, Yes, but obviously it was something I was interested in, otherwise I wouldn't still be involved with him. Jason, kind of ruined monogomy for me, and I don't think I could go back to being a one person kind of woman, because there's so much more that we both want to experience. Bradley's been open to this for a long time than I have, and we're still kind of learning the ropes, but it'd be no different than if we were monogomous. We'd still be figuring it out, together." // Conor heard Brad talking about chocolate, because he's a kid and they have bat ears for words like chocolate, candy, and dessert, "But Dad, you can't have real chocolate at all." // Sarah had been listening to Kelsey and Brad, then was taken back by Connor's statement, Not having heard Connor really adress Brad as Dad, then she laughed at his innocence over the conversation. "I'm pretty sure he means imaginary chocolate, Honey." She looked back at them and nodded her head, " I guess when you both put it like that, I don't have much of a choice, but to accept it. Does this mean that both of you are done with your faith, since your not following God's wishes?
  21. Covet: *longer time
  22. Alexithymiaa: -Brad cracked a smile at Connor's comment, shaking his head. "I know, buddy. I can wish though." He furrowed his brows when he heard Sarah's comment, turning quickly to look at her. "What does my faith and my belief in God have to do with what I choose to do with consenting, happy adults? There's no rule that says I cannot follow God if I'm not part of a monogomous relationship." He took a deep breath, because he'd always felt like being bisexual was shunned by a lot of people in religion and it bothered him. "We're not hurting anyone."-
  23. Covet: Kelsey furrowed her brow and looked at her mom, "No, we're not giving up on our faith. Nor are we turning Connor into some godless heathen either. We still believe, we still pray we still have that relationship with God. He made us who we are, so it's different than everyone else. But so were angels compared to man. We're happy now, and it's a consenting ordeal for all parties involved. We're not going to come home and start talking about what we do in private, or cause a scene. Nothing has changed, aside from you now knowing about our preferences. There's nothing to be disappointed about, except the fact that it's gotten out. But I'm in the process of getting that fixed. // "Oh, Then I'm going to wish for a gummy bear the size of a chair." he said, thinking that's what the conversation was about, then he turned to looke at Kelsey, 'What's a heathen?" // Sarah looked at Brad, picking up that he was feeling a little defensive. "I didn't mean to offend either of you by assuming you weren't. I know that God is forgiving, I just wanted to make sure that you would still be asking for it when the time comes." She said giving them both a soft smile.
  24. Covet: *- but * So were angels...etc.
  25. Alexithymiaa: "I have no intentions of ever doing anything to need to be forgiven for. But of course, things happen and when they do, we will ask for forgiveness the same way any other person does when they've sinned." He said, settling into silence to put more food into his mouth.-
  26. Covet: "A heathen is an old word that means someone who doesn't believe in God, but it can be used for someone who behaves wildly and against the rules." Kelsey explained to Connor then looked at Her mom, "Mom, we're going to be fine. Please don't worry about our Salvation like that. That's not your job." She said looking over at Brad as he got quiet. // Connor listened then scrunched his face up. "So megatron is a heathen?" // Sarah nodded her head, "Okay, okay... I think I understand where you are both coming from and you've reassured me that you're still the daughter I know and love. Even if I don't agree with how you are living, I understand that it's your choice, and I need to respect that. I just don't want you running away from the family." She said but she really meant she didn't want them never visiting or coming back, and leaving her for forever. Moms.
  27. Alexithymiaa: "Yes." Brad jumped at the chance to answer Connor before anyone else could because fuck Jason. He started to laugh, putting another piece of steak in his mouth. "Thank you Mrs. Morgan. For being at least a little open minded and caring enough to accept a lifestyle that isn't your own."-
  28. Covet: Kelsey gave a light laugh at Brad and Connor's conversation, "We're right here. The only running we're doing is when we have projects to do and events to be at." // Connor looked at Brad then narrowed his gaze, "I thought so." as if he even knew what a heathen was to begin with. This kid. // Sarah got up from her spot at the table and gave Bradley a hug, "You know better, It's Sarah." She said with a laugh, "Maybe Mom, but no pressure." Then she went to give Kelsey a hug, " Try to keep yourself from looking bad in the media, I know it's hard, but it's important people see that you're still the sweet genuine person I raised, even if you're grown up now."
  29. Alexithymiaa: -Brad stood to his feet so he could hug Sarah, leaning back. "I'll make sure of it." He said with a laugh even though you won't Brad. Looking at Connor, he walked around to the other side of the table. "Are you finished eating?"-
  30. Covet: "I'm trying. And I'm going to make it a point for anyone else who wants to try and drag me down too." Kelsey said giving her mom a hug back, " I take it you're headed back home? Please drive safe in the rain, I know the highway can get pretty bad. Text me when you get home too." Kelsey told her. // Connor looked at Sarah, "Grandma where's my hug?" He asked putting his arms out. After Sarah hugged him he looked at Brad, "Yeah, I need to wash my hands and face so I can go to bed, I have school tomorrow, that's important." // Sarah nodded and gave Connor his hug, then looked at Kelsey. "I will make sure to do all of that. You both take care, I expect to get my normal Sunday phone call." She said to Kelsey then grabbed her jacket and purse so she could get back to Deadwood.
  31. Alexithymiaa: "Goodnight Sarah." He said to her before giving Connor a little pat on the back. "Why don't you go get your toothbrush too and we'll get ready for bed."-
  32. Covet: Kelsey went to walk out with her mom, so they could have a more private mom/daughter moment. // Connor nodded his head, "Oh yeah, my teeth too!" He said sliding off his stool, running off towards Kelsey's dorm room so he could get his stuff to get ready for bed.
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